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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1957, p. 13

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- -~ ...................--..4*..~... - ?flRMAY. NOV. 7th, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTrARIO Port Hope Opens Nw Sewag In epresence cf represen. tativelf the Ontario Govera. ment, the town council, local business men and the various contractors involved, an $830,- 0)00 sewage treatment plant was off icallY opened at Port Houe, Ontagjp, on October 22 by Dr. 'ery general manager t eItr o Water Resources 4The irst event of the da.y was a luncheon gLven by the Town- of Port Hope, at whicl Were present Ontario Govern- mentý and municipal officiais, inembers of the town council, and repre3entatives of the firms which buiît the plant. Chairman of the opening ceremony at the plant waà Councilior R. C. Everson. C. J. Smith, representing Bradford- Hoshai Associates Ltd., general contractors, officially turnec over the plant to J. W. Argo, of Gore and Storrie Ltd., Toronto, congulting engineers, who plan- ned and designed the system. Mr. Argo in turn handed ovex the plant formaliy to Mayor W, N. Moore. .Major J. W. Fobte, V.C., m. L.A., int-oduced Dr. Berry, who dit a ribbon, syrnbolizing the opening of the Plant, usîng a pair o0f sterling silver scissor:ý presented to hlm for the occa- sion by United Steel Corpora- tiçn Limitcd, Toronto. United Steel suPplied the major items~ Of mechanical equipment for the If You'Ëe TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gels a bit run-down now and then, tired-out, heavy-beaded, and maybe bothered by backacbez. Perhaps nothing 3eriously Wrong, lust a lemporary louec condition caused by exces acids and 'waatea. That's the ime te take Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Dodd's stimulae the kidneya, and se help restore their normal action of renioving excesa acids and wastes. Then you feel better, aleep better, work belter. Gel Dodd'a Kidney Pilla now. Look for the blue box witb the red band at al druggists, Yeu cas depend on Dodd'a. .52 SPECIAL LWRAIL FARES TO THE ROYAL ACICULTURAL ITER FAIR TORONTO, NOV. 15-23 0 -HALF #OR THEI ROUND TRIP CGý*d golng-Nov. 14th-23rd inich Roturn-Leave Toronto not later tb.n ridnight, Novemnber 24th. Fullinfâtowe Irom any agent. I T-7 '.55 ?UfS & SOFTENER&I LIMITUD ?Fa LONDO0N .CANADJ JACK DHGUGH IPLU3MG and BEATING Division SPueut outh MEA 3-5615 DOWMANVILLE ye Plant1 1: Plant. The cererny was con-:i 1 cluded with a prayer o! dedica-1 atior. by Rev. Canon C. H. Boul-! is den. After the ceremony, United kS Steel Corporation Limited, ra- presented by A. G. House, pre- sîdent, E. Smith, vice-president, -and Howard Pnice, engineer in >s charge of the cornpany's sanita- 1 tion division, wene bosts at an 'y informai reception. ýh Port Hope's new sewage dis- 1posai plant is near Lake On- -tario, on the east side of the town. It bas been planned to take cane for many years of. the, requirernents of the town, Iwhich has a population o! about 9 7,000. More than a score of ou'-1 Là lets, thnough which raw sew- age xvas durnped into the lake, have now been closed. The clear.sed effluent no'l goesý through one pipe, which ex - dtends 700 feet out into the lakçe.~ ir YELVERTON On Oct. 29, 16 Yeivertonian' Hog Producens (senior and junior) enjoyed the bus trip cu'- *sponscred by Durham County *Hog Producers and Master *Feeds. Leaving Bowmanville via a Garton Special at 8.30 a sight-seeing tnip started it da tour o! Master Feed elevatorsî Gin Toronto and we were guests¶ eat thein cafetenia for luncheon. Then a jaunt up to tbe Hogi Producers' office oni Dundas Street wvbe-e everyone was most cordial in showi' u around, answering our ques- tions and expiaining how b ci systen works. Then off agai i to and through Master Feedsl experimentai farms-somethin.l for eveny farmer. Concluding the agenda was a trip 10 Mas- sey-Harris farms including a view o! their bazard road for testing thein implements. Or. Thursday a good- Iy crowd o! spooks, ghosts, gob- lins and hobgoblins even a pre- season visit by twin Santa Clauses intermingled at Churchi Hall at a masquenade party sponsoned by Yelverton W.A. In the parade o! the Stars, Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm o! Nestieton made the difficuit de- cision in picking ont the best costume. To the children under 6 Master Ian Page as Robin Hood ar.d Mitzi Marie Malcolmn as Mitzi the Gypsy went the bonors. In the pre-teen-age and up, Miss Linda Gray clairned recognition-neal cute. Mrs. Re)> Fair ar.d Bobby Sisson also won awards for their costumes, and not to fonget Lloyd Wilson and Oram Moore. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bristow ahetted by Clarence Page on violin supplied iively music for dancing that followed. Ralph Malcolm xvas callen for the "isquares". Nurnerous visitons fromn adjacent communities were particulanly welcorne. A neat sum was cached by the W. A. girls. Lunch fir.ished the nigbt's performance. As we took French leave 10 attend the nrtbly meeting o! tbe* Fedenation of Agriculture at the Dick Bowles the sanie evening we are pleased to re- late that initial steps are being taken to promote a Beef Pro- ducers Organization .1 this county if sufficient inteYest car. be aroused. Shouldn't be diffi- cult wber. the price o! beef bas slipped to a point o! "no ne- tunns" (financially that is.) Sympathy is extended 10 a former Yelvertonian, Mrs. Rav I MeGilI, now cf Blackstock. in the death of ber father, Mr. Armstrong. Mn. and Mrs. David Wilson, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Stinson, accompanied the Bert Gibsons ta the funenal service held fnorn a Fenelon Falls funeral home. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Annott of Peterborough, wene welcomne visitons with the Hugh MeGilis on Thursday. A limited numben fnorn Yel- \'erton were in attendance at Mn. and Mns. Geo. Page bave rnoved mbt the John Ke-r home east of Yelverton for the win- ter rnonths. Mn. Page altbough progressing favourably is un- able to stand any extra exention such as clirnbing steps. Due to exceptionally mild weathen two unwelcome guests put in. an appearance hene at Malconia or. Nov. lst. One pui a bite on the wife-suicide: the )then on me-ptornaine poison- ing. Mosquitoes o! course' Other guests not unwelcome-the Ray Werrys and Debbie o! Picton. Two onganizations stant their !all and wirter activities in k'elverton this week. On Thurs- day evening Badminton Club opens. On Fnlday evening thE Family Club with a wiener roast. On Monday, Nov. 4, Messrs. Floyd Stinsor. and Howard MIalcolm are sclieduled to at- end a conference in Toronto ta help represent Durham Hog Producens.j On behalf o! aIl Yeoverton- ia we should lîke to publicl express to Mns. Summers deep- est sympathy in the sudden passing of ber husband, the genial Ed Summers, Agricuitur- ai Representative for Durhamn County for over 25 years. Here as well as in any other corner of Durham County the loss is f elt to be a personal one-as though of a close relative. Tra-1 dition has been shattered-his passing has left a void. Life is1 centred around certain positive things, as the earth rotates around its imaginary axis, so do our ]ives revolve around cer- tain securities - our hxe~ families, routine (h1 ee duli) and tradition; part and parcel of one or our favounite Durham traditions was that of Ed Summers as Agricuitural Representative. A central and prominent figure at any gather- ing in the interest of good farrn- ing as far back as memory serves us, a figure seeming.v tirneless, suddenly snatched from our midst. The most fitting mernorial to his memory will not be a slab of marbie or granite on a lone- iy grave, but row after row of successfui farmers scattered throughout ail Canada, fuif ili- ing their destiny as leaders in their communities and country, due to the confidence and gen- l prorddirig of a coach who ex- pected only the best (and u3- ually got it) frorn each of his bioys.i A ioyalty in bis lads in wvhieL a poor showing frequently wasi expressed flot as a loss of peu- sonal face but as ietting down their coach and a deep regrc-t at not having bis confidence in themn fulfiiled. That Ed Su- mers wili bave bis Position as Agricultu"ai Representative f il!- ed-certainly; to be replaced as a man? Neyer! The word Eskimo cornes fromi the language of the Algonquin Indian tribe and means "eaters of raw fiesh." Plymouth's just out.*-. and Plymouth's just outdone itself, with new stay-ahead style that's sure to be the envy of the low-prioe field. It's new inl 80 many new ways-exciting brand-new dual headiamps, new parking lights, new high-fashion glamour grille, new massive protect- around bumpers and new eye-catching colou~r sweep! Slip into this sparkling, spirited new '58 Plymouth today. Notice the new luxury of its glistening Chrysler-crafted fittings ... the new sniart- ness of its fabrics, weaves and colours . .. the new comfort, new legrooxn you enjoy thanks to Plymouth's new seat design. Try the luxury of Plymouth's '58 push-button automatic drve ... the deft, easy steering . . . comfobrt-cradled '58 Torsion-AIRE Ride . . . and the advanced safety-sure braking you get with Plymouth alone at Plymouth's low price. One thrilling experience with Plyniouth's special brand of newness, and you'Ll be saying, "Simply terrific!", too. Enjoy that experienoe right away! Chrysier Cbrporation of Canada, Limited. Sick Childreins Adds Maximum Number Beds In 1949, the Hospital for Sick quately deait with during the Children was pianned to accom- next few years. modate 750 patients eventyally The Board of Trustees is and when f uiiy completed. Mr. hopef ni that the 100-bed addi- I. Grant Glassco, chairman of tion to the Hospital car. be 1- th oard o! Trustees, afnounc- nanced wîthout a public appeal. ed today that 100 beds will be It is boped that sorne of the added as soon as possible to the Hospîtal's friends wifl make the preserit 650, bringing the total new addition possible, aithougli numben of beds Up to the plan- the extent of this support is stili, ned maximum. The preserit to be determined. building is capable o! this ex -__________ pansion. Utilization of the Hos- pital's facilities has been much , more rapid than originally anti- ZIi.ON (Hope Township) cipated, with the resuit that this expansion is necessarY. (Intended for last 'veek) .Miss Audrey Tufford and, During the past few years John Meneilley bad dinner unr. there has been a rapid increase Suday with M.adMs il in the demand for the Hospital's WSu .n ewnl. adMs i specialized surgical and treat- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ftaLy nient services. "Particulariy is setSna nFnikwt this so in connection with tb, Mset uaby inarensicM. \vi difficuit cases which corne to Mrs. Rabry'spavrns. r n the Hospital from al over the Mr. EHa Rry Trve ttnd Proinc o Onari ad, ndeded the ploughing match, Sim- from ail over Canada. The Hos- coe, last Friday. pital's research staff also is con- Mr. and Mrs. Meneiiley spent stantly engaged in many impor- Sunday li Oshawa with Mr tant projects with the objec- adMns. Arthur Gerrnond. tive o! continuing to find solu -aM.annd. rdTuf tions to various ilînesses o! chul- Mr. nd Mrs. Frh eddTufford dren. Success in the field o! rc- tned ry t 25th veding an starch has meant and will con- Mn. and Mrs. Bert Broadbent, tinue to rnean iasting benefit te>potHoe ail Canadians. Pr oe Mrs. W .J. 'l\cCulloug"h was Wihthe 1Hospital for Siclz dinner guest of Mrs. Merwin Ciden reaching its patient Dickinson, Osbawa, on Satur- maximum and with the man., day. calls on~ it to deal with out-of- A bappy gatbering of friendsi the-ordinary cases, the problera and neighbours sunprised Mr'. of pnovidincg care and treatrnent and Mrs. MeNall Irwin at their facilities for the growing child borne, Roseberry Hill, last Sat- population in Toronto and In urdav cvening, the occasion be- tbe province is one that will re- ing their 35th wedding anni- quire consideration by vaniouas versary. hospital authorities. These bo- Tbe address read by Mn. B. dies have been inforrned o! thex Fourt was followed by the pre- situation that wiil arise in due sentation of a lovely 400 day cou-se so ihat the necessary dlock and smoker's stand, ov steps to create future Mr. F. Brown and Mr. S. Gif- facilities for children can be fond. Mn. and Mrs. Inwin the'n carefully considered and ado- expressed thein tbanks and ap. wet it he. lesatFriends Honour time of games and television followed and hinch bnoucht the I isJ a r c Miss RelIer. Toronto, is a 'jj;ith heLr guest of Mn. and Mns. Harold! ~iVV r Caswell. vII Mn. and Mrs. Joe Seager anqU Prior to ber marriage to Mr. son have left for thei- home ini 4lerman Haars on Oct. 12, Miss Quebec. Before dc'gartig they Joan Brock was entertained ati visited Mr. Seagers Parents 'i' a n:-isceîîancaus Flbower on Moni- Hamnilton. dax-, Sept. 30, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley,,( Mrs. Grenville Byarn, Scugog Hilda Raby and Mr. and 'x.\;s t. Bowmar.ville. After the Fred Tufford and Audre,: %wc-re bride-to-be thanked everyone some of the Zion friends wvho for the lovcly gifts a deliclous attended the annivcnsary ser-,lu hwas served by the host- vices at Weslevville xvhere tiie! ess. sermon allo special mnusic xa. On Frida.,. Oct. 4, about 40 enjoyed. jfriends and, Pneighi-bours cf Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Mackey, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. hand Mrs. E. Ruthven.I W.A. Meeting o lcThe ~ k Zion W.A. wvas held Thunsday evening the i9tb, aI the homet of Mrs. George McCullough. r Thene wene eight present. Ihi- ness and disagreeable weather kept many away. Minutes were read by Mns. Roy Best, assistant secretany. Mrs. Ruthven gave the treasur- er's report. Ail unfinished busi- ness wvas attended to. The ship- ment of blankets etc., arnived and are. being distributed. Thene will be several for sale a', tho bazaar on Nov. 22. The committees were appointed for the bazaar. A motion that the I arnount asked for by commit- e r tee be paid. Mns. Meneilley and ' Mrs. Ruthven volunteened tg care for the church for Novemi- The November meeting wvill be hoeld Thursday, November the 14th instead of the 21st.S i an article for the wishing well.Il e er Pnogram camrnittee, Mrs. C. Raby, Miss H. Raby. Lunch, BowmE cornmittee, W. Meneilley, H Ra- AUTHORIZED by. At the present the place of meeting bas not been decided. - ) Si- Cola, Troide Mark Iegistered ages Limited anviIIe D DISTRIBUTOR M .Plymnouth staym levai around curves . .. stays level over bumps... stays level when you brake, stops witbout a trace of "nose-dive.> Reason: advanced 1958 Plymouth Torsion-AIRE Ride, a iuxury feature on every model at no extra cost! Whaf could be newer in automatie transmission design than ultramodern ~ush-button Torque- ltfor '58? It's a marvel of convenience, smooth operation, and reliability. Plymouth's the lowest pricedcarwith this fé vik PALMER 20 King Street E. MOTOR Bowmanville SALES Phone MA 3 -5487 r'a~.s~. ~ ni - A * ~V RTUN1 JUSTARRMVEDI1 pot k ~FdLe~~IU ~0J~À5 flew. - -041 VOU'RE ALWAYS A STEP AHEAO IN CARS 0F THE FOR WAD LOO Shaw's community gathered at the home of Mrs. Garnet Rick- ard and presented the bride-to. be with many lovely and use- fui gifts. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. The 'friends and neighbours of Taunton cornmunity held a mi.sce11aneous shower for, the bride and groom at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haas. Taunton., Many lovely gifts were received. Air. Rail or Steamshlp Il ICR t ' TO EVERVWHERC I Consult .1IlR V& LONVELL 15 King St. IV NA 3-5178 -~ Bowmanvilie Bfresliment 1 0 A m ab qnrft

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