____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ ~ w n~ v JftÂ~ ±V ft.L. ~ONTA RO T t R D Y q y ~ , 1 am1 w cf w Nothlng will bother >rou when you'rb wear- lng worm,4 weather-proof foot- wear! Shop here for amart styles for the entire family. Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King st. w. Phone MA 3-5941 Photo of heirt opera ion by courteay of Th Hospit&l lW Sk Childrn,,Torot New hope for prevention of Heurt Diseuse In spite of accurate diagnosis, advanced niedical science and surgery, heart disease is stili the greatest killer today. What causes it? Can it be prevented? The National Heart Foundation of Canada, recently formed, will intensify the search for the answers to these questions. 'Me Life Insurance Companies ini Canada are supporting this Foundation because it is so important to the future healtli of Cana-4 diens. They have made substantial grants bo cover the cost of Iaunching the organization. The Foundation wii encourage intensive research into the causes of beart disease by every possible means. It will seek to stinulate professionai and lay education and help family doctors to keep abreast of tbb newest developments in diagnosis and treatment. support of Wk National Heart Foundation is just one of many ways in uieh the fle insurance companhes in Canada art hclping te creew a heokhiw, happur flicéfor Canadiana. THE [ME INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA L-457 Student Council at Cartwright High School viete L)obbins Holds High Average Score Major League Bowlers, Pete Dobbins, better known Lander Il 13 il. às "Old Reliable", just keeps Williams Il 13 il pounding the old pins week ai- Bates 9 15 9 ter week and to date bas an Dale 9 15 9 average of 249 for 15 games. B. Oke - 7 17 7 Pete came through again with R. Oke 7 17 7 high Triple, 810, made Up of Averages 274, 305, 231. If Pete can just Name Games Ave. get one more good night he will Pete Dobbins 18 249 be hitting the 250 mark which AI Osborne -___ 24 236 is pretty nice bowling in any Dr. H. Rundie 24 235 league. Jack Lander 24 2311 Other good triples were as fol- Ted Bagneli 24 230 lows: Jack Gay 778, Hank Jan- Russ Halîman 24 227 zen 775, Mel Dale 769, Carl Les- Matt Harrison 21 2251 lie 768, President Jack Lafnder Norm O'Rourke 21 224 and AI Osborne bath with 756, Jim Levett -- -__ 21 223 Hlarold Bennett 730, Dick Little Bill Westlake 24 223 729, Bill Westlake 728, Ross Mc- Dr. K. Siemon 24 221 Knight 728, Reg Hearle 720, Dick Little- - 21 221 Matt Harrison 711. Elton Brock 24 220 Nine 300 games were record- Morley Vanstone 24 220 ed and Alderman Jack Brough Jack Parker 24 219 won at the polIs with 310. Reg Jimn Callan 24 218 }{carle had 307, Mel Dale 306. Reg Hearle 24 217 Four bowlers had 305 namely Bill Polley 24 216 Jack Lander, Harold Bennett, Carl Leslie 18 2151 Pete Dobbins and Reg Hearle, Frank Williams 24 215 Dr. Howard Rundle 304 and Dr. Mel Dale ___ _- 21 213 Reith Siemon 300. Don Bishop- - 24 213 Mel Dale's team won ail hon- George Piper 24 213 ors for teams witbhîgh single Ed Leslie ~___ 24 212 1364 and triple 3674. The Oke Hank Janzen 24 211 boys won low score with Wig- Ah Piper----- 24 210 ger Oke having a single team Dave McKnight - 24 210 score of 872 and Wild Bill Oke Doug Taylor 24 209 îow triple 2861. Pat Yeo ----- _ 24 208C Ted Miller had low single Bruce Milne 24 208 game 115 and Jack Parker low Harold Bennett 24 208 triple 451. Bert Engley 24 207 Ailey Chatter George Poulas - 24 207 57 bowlers have now miade Murray Larmer 24 207 the 200 average mark and a few Bill Bates_ _ 21 207 more bowlers could make it Walt DeGeer ~ 24 206 unext week with a few pins over Ed Rundie ____ 21 206 the 600 mark. Fred Cole 21 2035 This week twa teams tied Don Gilhaoley - 24 205 for pins with Ted Bagnell's Jack Gay 24 205 teamn and Elton Brock's team, Frank Hooper 24 205 totalling up with 1306 pins George Stephens 24 205 each. This is the first time there Frank Samis 21 204 has been a tie game. Each teani Ross McKnight 21 204 recorded a %/ point. Glen Lander 21 203 In the battie for the cham- Russ Oke ____ 24 202 pionship of the hardware divi- Hap Palmer - 24 202 sion, Mason & Dale took 2 points Dr. C. Austin 24 2 02 from Lander and Lander. Ralph Kelly - 21 202 Teani Standings Frank Lewins 23 200 Team W L Points Bill Oke 21 200 Tighe 17 7 17 Jim Murphy 24 200 Brock 151/2 8%, 151/ Phil Cancilla - 24 2001 Osborne 15 9 15 Normn Cowle____ 24 2001i Rundle 15 9 15 Karl Bickeli ___ 24 200 O'Rourke 14 10 14 Ross Wright 24 200,I Bagneli 13 1/z lO1/z 13 1 Ted Phillips 15 200' oiM ( R! For the second year, Cartwright High Schaal has ielded a football team that has given a good showing in he severai games played. Practically every boy in the chool is on the team, with sizes varying considerably. lain opponents have been Bowmanville and, to date, ;tempts to arrange additional encounters with area high chools have met with little success. "Must be afraid of s.was the comment from one of the Iteam. Front row, IOpens Her< Wl! PIay ;e At a Lakeshore Intermediate Hockey League meeting in Co-1 bourg last week it was decided by the four clubs in tbe îoop to have a 24 game sebedule this season. The four teams, Bowmanville- Orono, Cobourg, Port Hope and Lindsay, will each play 12 games at home and 12 away. The scbe- Brock Sweeps League - RoIls High EverythingI Teani Standings Team W L Etcher 20 4 Spicer - 15 9 Bond --- il 13 Bromell-- il 13 Brock ------ 10 14 Mutton -- 5 19 JGames Pins Ave. JE. Brock --- 24 5363 224 H. Brock 24 4999 208 A. Spicer 24 4990 203 M. Etcher - 24 4990 203 J. Bond--- 24 4814 201, J. Richards - 24 4799 200 O, Etcher - - 24 4751 198 A. Hickling - 15 2794 198 H. Bromeli - 24 . 4411 184 G. Stringer - 24 4363 182ý B. Mitchell 21 3812 1821 D. Reynolds - 24 4325 1801 J. Cox--- 24 4246 17" L. Eldridge 21 3706 177l C. Mutton - 24 4169 174 E. Bromell 2]1 3513 1671 E. Cox- - 24 3976 166 R. Mutton 24 3942 164 C. Evans 23 3637 158 P. Gould' 24 3774 157 E. Stringer 24 3755 156 D. Bond ---___ 23 3493 152 D. Mutton___ 24 3589 150 A. Winacott - 21 3092 147 C. Reynolds 21 3042 145 J. McKnight - 18 2545 141 C. Oke --- 24 3283 137 B. Charles 18 2416 134 R. Mitchell - 21 2790 133 D. Charles --21 2679 128 J. Evans ____ 24 2965 12.1 P. Bartels - 21 2485 118 E. Winacott - 24 2754 1151 J. Eldridgýe 24 2659 111f M. Hicking 18 1998 il11 R. Spicer --- 24 1805 75' High Single-E. Brock 287. High Triple-E. Brock 731. "iih Average -E. Broclc 224. eSaturday 24 Games dule begins Frlday (tomorrom with Part Hope at Lindsay ar BOC's visiting Cobourg. Bowmanvilîe - Orono ope their home season Saturda evening as hasts ta Cobourg. A games will begin sharply at 8.3 p.m. O.H.A. convenors, Ma Leydon and Mel Cunningbai were urged ta attempt ta brin a fifth team inta the league.1 this occurs there will likely b a change in this scbedule. Following is the Lakeshai Intermediate schedule for tih 1957-58 season. Note-Ail BOý borne games are played on Sal urday evenings. November.. 8-Port Hope at Lindsay BOC's at Cobourg 9-Cobourg at BOC's 12-Cobourg at Lindsay 15-Lindsay at Port Hope BOC's at Cobourg, 16-Port Hope at BOC's 19-B3OC's at Lindsay 20-Cobourg at Port Hope 22-Port Hope at Cobourg 29-C..ooourg at Port Hope BOC's at Lindsay 4 30-Port Hope at BOC's 3December-. 3 3-Port Hope at Lindsay 1 6-Lndsay at Cobourg 0 BOC's at Port Hope 7-Cobourg at BOC's 8 9-Port Hope at Cobourg 4 l3-Cobourg at Lindsay 2 BOC's at Port Hope 14-Lindsay at ROCIs 18--Lindsay at Port Hope 20-Port Hope at Cobourg r 21-Cobourg at Lindsay Jan;art Hope at Cobourg BOC's at Lindsay 4-Coourgat BOC's 8-BOC's at Port Hope 10--Lindsay at Cobourg il-Port Hope at BOC's 15-Lindsay at Port Hope 17-BOC's at Cobourg Port Hope at Lindsay 18-Cobourg at BOC's 22-Lindsay at Port Hope 24-Lindsay at Cobourg 25--Port Hope at BOC's 29-Cobourg et Port Hope 31-Port Hope at Lindsay BOC's at Cobourg February.- 1-Lindsay at Boc's 3-Lindsay at Cobourg 7-Cobourg et Port Hope BOC's et Lindsay 14-Cobourg at Lindsay BOC's et Port Hope 15--Lndsay a& 0Cms r) nd 11 30 itt i if be Le )C LI?~B ecreasn ,kevew By Douglas Rigg MINOR HOCKEY This coming Saturday, Nov. 9th, will mark the opening of the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Leagues regular schedule. A full morning of Bantamn and BANTAM 7.00 a.m.- Braves vs. Lions 7:45 a.m.- Cubs vs. Tigers (dlean !ce) 8:40 a.m.- Huskies vs. Pirates PEE WEE 9:20 a.m.- Bruins vs. Hawks (dlean ice) 10:20 a.m.- R. Wings vs. Canadians 11:05 a.m.- Rangers vs. Leafs There *will be no Atorn Lea- gue games scheduled for this Saturday. The Atoms will open their regular league schedule on Monday, November llth, at 4:30 p.m. Novemnber llth, 1957. 4:30 p.m.- Rams vs. Bears 5:15 p.m.- Hornets vs. Barons ance for this meeting. A fur- ther report of this meeting wihl November lSth, 1957. appear in next week's column,, 4:30 p.m.- Bisons vs. Hornets 5:15 p.m.- Indians vs. Barons November 25th, 1957. 4:30 p.m.- Rams vs. Indiana 5:15 p.m.- Bears vs. Bisons ' The balance* of the Atorm East Central Ontario Travelling Art DIsplay The future of the Travelling Art Display came under discus. sion at the Annual Meeting of the E.C.O.T.A.D. held in Bellp. ville on Wednesday, November 6th. Also under cansideration wau what forms future dispînys should take and the apPointing of a responsible- permanent committee. Most People agree that these displays have been of interest and that they per. form a distinct service to art in this part of Ontario. Myself and three members of the Recreation Department's Adult Art Class were in attend- BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS Corne in and see the new books for old and young. Winston Churchill's "The Age of Revolution"l Thomas Costain's "Below the Sait" Van Wyck Mason's "The Gracious Lily Affair" Catherine Marshall has written her personal story "To Live Again"'. Also many other choice selections. And a large selection of lovely books for children and teen-age groups. Give a magazine subscription - no maille, or lvrapping. A gif t card is sent to announce youegift See and play the new word game "JOTTOF. Fun for the whole family. left to right: Maurice Redmond, Capt. Jerry Bowers, Line Capt. Cliff Jackson, Ardis McArthur, Fred Clark, John Feddema; back row: Bill Bruce, Barry Fisher, Harry Wiersma, Peter Vanderheul, Theodore Schwartz, Alvin Haines, Clern Wilson, Gerald Browr, Coach and Tramner Mr. R. P. Bowles. Absent, Larry Ashton and Alan Asselstine. By One Point Over Mats t: r 1 ti Mats downed Fan BeIts 3-1 to take over Possession of sec- ond place in the Goodyear Mercantile Hockey League Sun- day afternoon at Memlorial Arena. In the second game Office edged Hose 3-2 to miove into top spot in tbe standings. Don Masters paced Office with a pair, wbile Bob Fairey picked Up their other tally. Gary Cooper was Hose's rnarksman counting both of their goals. Bill Lyle led Mats with two goals and Terry Masters count- ed their tbird. Jiggs Cowling League Standings GP W L1 Office ____ 3 2 0O Mats -------3 2 1 Fan Belts 3 i11 Hose------ ------3 o 3 BAI.b'Juniors Take Fourth Straight Game B. H. S. Redmen, undefeated this season, boosted their win record to four games Thursday of last week as thcy blanked Port Hope 52-0, in a Lakeshore COSSA junior football fray, bc- fore a crowd of more than 200 at the B.H.S. field. An averaîl improvement in the squad this year was proin- inent as they took the field for their home opener. They play- ed a hard hitting, fast style o! football and their faking piays were almost flawless. Their shutout over the visitors is in- dication enough of their defer,- sive ability this scason. B.H.S.'s new look is appar- ently due to the vast expert- ence of their new coach, Mary Johnson. He bas had them prac- ticing at every opportunity and1 some of bis knowledge bas ap- parently worn off on the play- ers. Despite a noseguard which provect bothersome during the j game, fullback Dan CattranJ paced the lads as he ncttedi three TD's. Brothers Paul anf Gary AlcCullough also starr..xl as they helped compile the onc- sîded score. Quarterback Jerry Hasiuk contributed with some fine con- verts and Bob Archer caine tlirougil with a TD. Dave "Le£« T Pt 1 f O i 1 à 1 r- mo s. s 4 9 o ty" Reynolds both tossed and ran brilliantly for the Redmnen. le scre Snet afer the game.~ OSHAWA WOOD, PRODUCTS NJEED A GARAGE? NOW TOI! CAN HAVE A HOME FOR THAT NEW CAR 0F TOURS! S "IG 20" FOR AS LOW $17 MONTHfLY NO DOWN AVAILAB NOW Erectinir this vre-cut garage is eas.y as pie . *. aflycie eau put LE ::e this Package Wlthout any prevlous experlence . .. Just follow theffans that corne wlth every unit .. or if You prefer we'Il ereet It On Your property at a slight extra charge. Sizes Available: 12' x 22' - 14' x 22' - 16' X 22' Erect Il Toursel and! Save! Stddnga 1" enrseuLOOK ATthESE FEA wtUREs! idnasotn&I *Option of cove sding, Plywood sdng, extra. I clapboard or Canadian .ohns-Manville * Sd e tac dor nd w dow extra. Asbestos siding. Option of gable or cottage roofs. *Berry ALL-STEEL Ovrhead Doors wth NOTE-The standard 121 x IV' nodel may be purchased for as low as $17.00-, or Il spring hardware and lock set. erected by us, only $22.00 rnontb.y.1 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTI ' LIMITED Yard and Main Office COURTICE 84 SJMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE MA 3-2130 PHONE RA 5-4443 Uptown Office .- 4.--. - - - I. * - Although smyaii in nurnbers,Cartwright Hiqh School Grade 12 representative Gloria Sadier, Assistant Editor is large in enthusiasm and activities. Many of the non- Winnifred Schwartz; back row, Asst. Editor Lawrence academic affairs, including a sehool magazine, corne under Butt, lst Form rep. Gcrald Brown, President Jerry Bowers, control and organization of the Student Councîl who Editor Lloyd Wilson and Social Director Ardis McArthur. include, front row, left ta right: Treasurer Joyce Hooey, Cartwright High School's Football Squad v C C "J ci 'b fi Sc] Mz atl s' BO C's Hockey Schedule, I Pins 22841 21447 20304 19185 19605 17858 1 -e - ý ",44eirwý z4 e* - - , ---t . - ; . a -.4 PAM SEKVM l---ý qwp ÉUAIUAIMAle IMAWMM#lle LIMITED ý "UAIW LTA£X 13.0iMiL 1 ONLY a Zk ýýecreation e . views ýOffice Leads