TES CANAD!AN USTATESIU. BOW&Mvr NTÂVO __ PAGE SEVENTEM! SPORTu NOTES *w lad asBy Doug Glynn ew bondhasalways added a spark ta any hockey club and bwmanville-Orono Combines are no exception. The Added trength of B.O.C.'s this year was easily noted as they hustled to a 6-4 win aver Oakville Meteors Saturday night. An occasional rough spot ln their play was noticeable. But 8mIy club is faced with simlar problems in their early season and We don't think it anything to worry about. Trying ta get new , nd Ad players accustomed to each other's style is a diflicuit job, Sbutff we feel Tieker Crombie can handie. ueÎat year's veterans proved themnselves ta be the experièneed rgroup they were then, and the newer lads with their speed have ~added the, polish to the club where it was lacking. Defenslvely, Combines made a commendable showing and although a ew WYlflkles exist they should be ironed out before toa long. To sum it ail up - it appears we have an exce1ptionally strong Intermediate A Club to do our bidding this year. Wîhfew injuries and enough public support and interest B.O.C.'s should go a long wray in their division. We have our doubts about how well Oak- Ville will do in Senior B campany. Combines will have the opportunity in the not ton distant future ta match their talents against those of the United States Olympic team. They are slated ta meet the Yanks in an exhibition gaine at Rochester, New York, on January 29. Prior ta this they will travel ta Rochester to play ant Amnerican College team. The date scheduled for this game is 1 December 22. Word has been received that B.O.C.'s might passiblylr i-be. hasts ta the American Olympie entry sometime in~ January. However we wvere unable ta confirm the report. More on this E next week.i The Lakeshore Intermediate Hockey League officially gets *under way tomorrow (Friday> evening. B.O.C.'s head east ta Cobourg for the opener. On Saturday, the locals are hast ta Cobourg as they open their home season. Game time is 8:30, and we suggest that you be there early as a goodcrowd is expected. ayAnyone watching the junior football game at B.H.S. Thurs-a 1.dylast, would have been wondering if it was true. There theye were, B.H.S. Redmen, 1957 version, as they trounced Port HopeC 52-0 n sparkling fashion. t Only a year ago the same crew were wondering if theys would ever have a victory at al1l that season. They did, winningp one game in 12. To date this year the lads rernain unbeaten, having a four-game win record. Undoubtedly this radical change was no miracle or feat of magie. It has been brought about by the skilled caaching afi their new coach, Mary Johnson. Now B.H.S. has the cqgching and the material ta work with let's hope we can look forward ta maybe a senior team nexti season. If it is only haif as successful as the juniors have been this year, then we can cxpect some thrilling football from the Ifigh School in 1958, aur Centennial year. A1IOUND THE TOWN ..Don't forget the Town League hockey action at Memorial Arena this evening. The first gaine is between Courtice and Front St., while Miller's and Murdach & Weish meet in the second. Game times are 7 and 9 p.m. respect- ivey ... . Bowmanville Revolver Club hehd a meeting last even- ing ta discuss the possibility of locating a shooting range in tawn Goodyear Rod and Gun Club are stili showing interesting films every Saturday night in the plant cafeteria and everyone is welcome ta drop by and see thei . . .. Bowmanville Badminton Club wiil be hasts for the Central Ontario Badminton Association tournament in 1958. They are busily making plans for the buge event which is ta be held sometiîne in February.... Manager Ab Mavin ai the Bowmanvîlle Legionnaires inforins us that the teain should begin their season early in December. He will bave more information aiter the O.M.H.A. meeting being held November 16i.i la_ the meantime the lads are holding twa-hour practice * csi' at the arena an Saturdays between 4 and 6 p.m. Rabson Junior Pontiacs will practice Saturday from 6 ta 7 p.m. andi this should give us saine indication of the club's patentiai this year g.. Happy ta note that there have been gaod crowds atnng t.he Saturday morning Bantam and Pee-Wee gaines. IlAltbougb this is an early hour, we are glati that many parents are showing their enthusiasin andi interest by going dawn ta se their lads on the ice. . Murray Tighe's Major League Bowling tcamn are still ieading the league since they took over the top spoton.apeingnigt ... Hcke fas wt ine an their bands ~ 2.noo mig t d ap y te arena t a watch the Goo i- tbroMrcantle Lgueh b a tin Thes lads always provide fans1 ~lt a 1oule0i xcig gie vry we ...Bawmanville- Orano Combines received the long awaited releeonrhtwgr Syti Arnold' froin Switzerland on Tuesday evening .... What was the delay with the P.A. systein at the arena Saturday cvening?1 It was bhe end af the first period before the announcer was able1 ta give the goal scorers andi other information. Aiso, there was a1 light bulb aver the ice surface which was eut and wasn't replaced1 until intermission. Regarcling their record ai Goti Save The Queen1 -in any comment needed?.1 I MEMORIAL ARENA li I I Bowmanville PUBLIC SKATI NC 8 Io 10 p.m. Friday, November 8th, 8:30 Io 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, November l2th ADMISSION Adulis - 40C Children - 25c Intermediate "A&" HOCKEY Saturday, November 9th ai 8:30 p.m. Cobourg Lumbermen Bowmavs.l BowmaViS, ~Orono Combines ADMISSION - Adults- --------75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Cbildre n-------------O c ~&1LDRN'S SKATING Wednesday, November l3th Wednesday EN -25e Evening I Combines Beat Qakville in Exhibition Tilt Here Bowmanville-Orono Combines handed Oakville Metears a 6-4 upset in a return exhibition hockey gaine at Memorial Arena Saturday night, before a crawd of nmare than 350 rabid fans. Newcomer Bill Cherry paced Combines as he counted three goals ta earn himself a haz trick. Orono's Dean West net- ted a pair and defenceman Ev. Edwards starred by finding the mark for the sixth one. Outshat, but.nat outpiayed by any means the B.O.C.'s leapt into an earîy 2-0 lead in the opening period. Dean West started for thein at 4.53 when he sucked goalie Doug Hardy frgm the nets and planted the rubber between his pads. Scores Three Goals Bill Cherry scored his first goal just seven minutes later after Keith West handed hini a pass across in front ai the cage. His second came aiter Oakville had tied the score in the second., It was played the same as his third by taking a pass in front at the leit corner and hitting an open net. Gord Boniface starred, for Meteors as he came through with the tying goals in the early minutes af the second frarne. Bath shats were backbanders from about 10 feet in front. Xen 'Sinclair tieci the score again aiter Bill Cherry had put B.O.C.'s back Into the lead. Sinclair flipped a backhand syreen shot Into the air and it caught the top corner. Tie Score Ev. Edwards took a pass froin Keith West while in front af the nets and regained the lead for B.O.C.'s early in the final frame. Rus. Brankston tallied the eq ualizer for Oakville at the midiwày mark when he con- nected with a 15 foot screen shot from in front af the cage. Dean West counted bis sec- ond ai the night and the win- ning goal less than two minutes hater. He fired a hard Êlap shot high int the corner over Hardy's shoulder. Goalie Rass Hawe stopped 35 shots as he proved ta be as stable in the nets as lat sea- son. Combines blasted 29 shots at Hardy. During tbe intermission be- tween the second and titird per- iods B.O.C. captain Junior West made a presentation ta defence- man Mickey Walker. Mick, had been marrled'the previaus night and he and his wife were on band forý the game. Audrey Bickell Rolîs 715 For Ladies' High Triple Ladies Average Names Gaines Bernice Budai 24 Hilda Brock 24 Lydia Bates 19 Onie Etcher 24 Ena Etcher 24 Peggy Haines 24 'Myra Cooper 21 Ev Sweetman-..-.. 24 Vi Coole ----- --18 June Baker ----- 24 Larraine Martyn 24 Lola Wright ---- 21 Shirley Bickell 24 Norma Gay -- 24 Olhie Patiield --24 Joyce Major -___18 Joyce Tennent --24 Salhy Bissonette- 21 Viv Cowan ---- 24 Mcl McNulty --18 Lil Phillips 21 Louise Lyle --24 Dot Crombie 24 Helen Corden 21 Kay Beauprie 15 Alice Hodgson --- 20 Eiieen H 'olroyd 24 Emma Bromeli 24 Eleanor Larmer 24 Mary Harrison --18 Betty Westhake 15 Lucille Moffatt 24 Audrey Bickell 24 Helen Gilhooiy 24 Wilma Bates --- 18 Sadie Buckneîl 24 Donna Preston 21 Jean Luxton -___24 RuthBarcay 1 Del Vnson24 Helen Dunn 23 Ave. 233 209 208 204 199 194 194 190 189 189 18 187 187 186 186 183 182 181 13i 180 179 178 175 174 173 I173 172 1",1 170 170 160 169 1Ma 1#38 163 lori 16 -AI 164 163 162 161 161 Games Over 200 L1 Bates, 294 --H.Brock, 2'67, 219; A Biekehi, 249, 241, 225; D. Preston, 245; S. Bissonette, 239, 208: E. Marlowe, 238; B. Budai, 238, 224, 205; P. Haines, 233, 227; T. Farrester, 233; E. Etcher, 231, 206; E. Holroyd, 228, 212; J. Baker, 227; L. Mar- tyn, 222, 217; J. Lux'ton, 218; E. Dei Jardines, 217: V. Rogers, 217; M. Cooper, 217, 215; S. Bickell, 216; 0. Patfield, 213, S. Bucknelh, 212, E. Sweetman, f211, L. Phillips, 209, G. Luxton. 207; H. Corden, 206, O. Etcher, 206; H. Dunn, 203, A. Osmond. 201: E. Bromeli, 201;, J. Ten- rient, 200. Teams Standing Names Pins Points B. Budai 22209 20 L. Bates 20868 0 15 0. Etcher___- 20745 12 D. Mutton 20997 12 D. Crombie 20192 12 Retailers Offer Special Prizes For Combines Four Bowmanville merchants have again this season offered special prizes ta members of the Bowmanville-Orono Com- bines hockey team for eut- standing performance during games. Ken's Men's Wear are offer- ing a shirt ta B.O.C.'s goalie for every shutout he has this sea- son. Chartran's Gents' Furnish- inga ill give $10 worth af mnerchandise ta any forward having four assists in a game, while Rickaby's "Big 20" arv ,iving Il ta defencemen who have three assists. Al af these prizes wilI be given for ali schedule and play- off games, bath at homne and fawa.. Bruce Minns Clothing' are offering a hat ta the forward or defenceman who scores three goals at any home game. Doing good is the only certain- ly happy action af a man's life. -Sir Philip Sydnev. Provincial motta af Prince Edward Island is "Parva sub ingenti," which rneans -The smaIl under t.he protection of the great. O. Patficld ___ 21251 il N. Gay - -___ 20572 il V. Coole 20038 1h K. Beauprie 19926 il S. Bucknell -__ 20286 10 H. Dunn - - 20268 10 H. Brock 20378 'q High Triple-Audrey Bickell, 715; High Single-Lydia Bates, 294; High Average -Bernice Budai, 233. Goalie Slip Rowe Hurt1 ln Town League Hockeyl Miller's Taximen registered a 9-5 win over Courtice Rackets as the Town League Hockey League got underway at Ment- armilArena Thursday evening af last week. In the second gaine of the evening Front St. downed Murdoch & Welsh Blockbusters 5-1, ta stay in a first place tie with the Cabbies. Courtice jumped into a 2-1 lead in the opening frame but were snowed under as the Taximen came back ta score six goals in the middle period. Miller's ensured the win as they outscored Rackets two goals ta one in the final periad. Hat Trick Don Masters paced the Cab- bies with his hat trick. Mary Brooks came through with a pair and Don Childs, Bud Per- fect, Bob Gu'thrie ;gd Hank Lape added .9ingles. Sain thompson, John Os- borne, Blake, Jin Richards and Ken Pipher counted singletons for the llockets. Clint Ferguson led Front St. ta victory as he apened the scoring in the first period and camne tbrough witb a second tally in the middle frame. Jerry Marjerrison, Bill Lyle and Chucèk Kilpatrick added their others. Scores OnIy Goal Veteran Jack Whiteman was the lone Bîockbuster scorer. The game was called at the ten- minute mark ai the final periadi when goalie Slip Rawe ai Front St. was hit with a bigh puck. He was taken ta hospital and six stitches were req~uired ta Cartwright Grid Team Loses Tough Game To Bowman ville 13 to 7 Blackstock: The Cartwright High Schooî Hornets and the Bowmanville Football Teami tangled in an interesting anci hard-fought gaine hast Satur- day. The score was 13-7 for Bowmanville. The Bowmanville club is shawing continuaus improve- ment in deception and abilitv but the Cartwright boys, with a sum total ai three gaines' ex- perience in their whoie career, have improved phenomenally. The first hali was a see-saw battle which saw the Hornets rack up twice as many first downs as Bowmanville. On the first play ai the gai-ne Larry Ashton, with the help of saine great blocking by Clii- fard Jackson and the right side af the line, went 25 yards through the Bowmanville teain. Twice the Cartwright boys engineered a touchdown drive anlY ta stall on about the Bow- manville 25 yard line. Flnaliy Lan-y Ashton kicked a point ta make the score 1-0 in favour af Blackstock at the balf. A revitalized Bowmanville teain came out in the third quarter and struck for two touchdowns, one in the thira and one in the fourth quarter. HAROLD M. BURLEY, Owner With the clok runnlng out mna, left end; Peter Vander Heul, Charlie Trim, whom the Black- swap-, Fred Clarke, right guard; stock teamn had borrowed from- John Feddema, left guard; Ted Bawmanville because af in- Shwartz, let tackle: Ciford sufflcient reserves, intercepted Jackson, right tackle; Maurice a Bawmanville pass and ran it Redmond, Gerald Aqýelàtinc, ta thé 25 yard line. Bill Bruce <dternate). Two plays later, Jerry Bow- ers, who played an excellen* game aided by same great blociçing by Clem Wilson and' kn y e , o e for the Hornets only major. The two Bowmanville touch -gan5 10 15 Is downs were bth scored from 1 pass plays and their quarter Cet New Pep, Vim, Vigor back did an excellent job in %Vhat a thoilll Botày limbs MI out; Ugly bol. that department. Ios fil]up; neeck o longer scrawnyi body osahalf-starved, sic&Iv -ean-polc look. The lineup was as follows:- Thous.rnds ssha never could gain hefore ire ArdisMcArhur uarteback nommproud of saey elh- oki f Ardis McAthur quarerback; ures. Ihcy thank Ostrex Tonicbe . ep Jerr Bowrsfulibac; Laîv uild up hodly skinny beeguse 0fpoor appe. Ashton, f-ul 1 back-, Geraldi tite due to Iack of iron. Improves digestion. Brown, full back (alternate'l: nourishinent; iluts flesh on bars bones. Ir, ,creasos pep. "Cet-aicruainted" size on]y 800. Clem Wilson, half back; Barrv Trv famious Ostrex for nev pounds, pep, vm1s Fisher, wing back; Ahian Assel- vigor, this very day. At ail druggists. stîne, right end; Harry Wiers- 1 New 1958 > Rogers Majestic Television1 s ~ - ~ ~ ~~5~a%~5S e:.e.:.2s..e.~.............. .I .:..e~. .*-. NEWTO NYILLE NE WTON VILLE DOOD[EDESOTO 8- GARAGE TEL. CLARKE 9-R-20 We are pleased to announce the appoiniment of Newtonville Garage as your new headquarters for Dodge-DeSoto- the passenger cars and trucks of The Forward Look. Mr. Hlarold Burley, owner, 15 the type of friend and business associate who gains the highest respect of ail who know him. We, at Chrysier of Canada, know him ta be fully qualified to supply your automobile and truck needs. Make Newtonville Garage your one-stop centre-whether you are buying a new car or truck or coming in for service. You may be sure that Harold Burley, Paul Appleman and the staff of service station attendants and Iicenscd mcchanics will offer you courteous and dependable attention at ail times. You are cordially invited ta visit Newtonville Garage now. They will be delighted ta have you test-drive the Big, Bold and Beautiful '58 Dodge-or thec exciting new De Soto for 1958. 4DODGE-DE SOTO DIVISION CHRYSLER CORPORATION 0F CANADA, LIMITHO i wlth Vu-matin Picture Compensation Control BIgh Fldellty Sound Ahl channel UHF and VHF reception Superbly craftcd cabinet vvith deep lustrons wood finish Big 21-inch wvide angle aluminizcd picture tube See this and many other models from $259 AT Hardware Limited 1 A350 omnvlq 3 ig. mu. MA 3-5408 Bowmanvillq 36 King- St. F, ee/t Il