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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1957, p. 18

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* ~ ~ - - - ~ -a.-- PAGE EIGETEEN &- TEE CA2NADIAN STATEMAU1, EOWMANV=LL. ONTARIO ?NU~SDAY, NOV. ?tI~, 19e? Cards of T] 1 wish ta thank Dr. nurses for their kir relatives and friend cards and fruit duri in the hospitai. Mrs. Lizzie1 Would like ta thank the friends and neighbouns, Doctor Hubbard, Reverend Herbent for thein kindness in the recent loss of mny dean father. Mrs. J. Bannister and family. 45-1 1 wish ta thank Dr. Ferguson, nurses antd staff of Memorial Hospital, aiso fricnds and neigh- boums for the many kindnesscs, gifts and cards wx'ich I receivedi during mny illness.I Jack Gibbs. Births IPOWLER-At Saint John Gen- -eral Hospital, Nov. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Fowler, Ca- *bridge, Drum Co., N.B., a son, Brian Dow, weight 9 lbs., 2 oz. A brother for David. grandsoni of Mrs. Bert Curtis, formerly of Bowmanville. 45-1* HOOPER-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hooper (nee Norma Piper) arel happy ta announce the birth of a baby girl, a sister for Julie, at Memarial Hospital, Bowman- ville on November 5th, 1957. 45-1 KEANE-Sam and Eileen (neel Wray) are happy to announcel the arrivai of their son Douglas Wray, at Oshawa General Hos- *pital, Oct. 3th, 1957. 45-1* LYLE-John and Barbara wish to announce the birth of a daughter, October 28, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A sister for John, Dar- lene, Gerry and Jacqueline. 45 -1 McLAUGHLIN - Harold and Eileen McLaughlin of Blackstock announce the arrivai of their daughter Janis Eileeçi an Wed- nesday. October 30, 1957, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmnan- ville. A sister for Bobby and Linda. 45-l* RAHM-Kenneth and Bernicel Rahm announce the birth of a daughter, Vicki Bernice, an, October 3lst, 1957, a sister for Kenneth and Roy, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 45-if SHANE-Wilmot and Marjorie are happy to announce the birth of their baby daughter. Pamelai Anne, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, Nov. 3, 1957. 45-1* Engagements The engagement is announcedl of Katrina, daughter of Mr. Fred Hawrylenko and the late Mrs.1 Mary Hawrylenko of Spirit Riv-i er, Alberta, to Gerald Aitken Piper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albcrt N. Piper of *Bow,manville, Ont. The wedding* will take place in Bowmanville on Saturday, Nov. 30th, 1957, in St. John's Anglican Church. D ats 44-1* DILLING-At Memorial Hos- p ita, Bowmanville, an Tuesday, ovember th, 1957, Ella Maud Otton, beloved xif e of Edward Dilling, 61 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thurs- day at 2:30 p.m. Interment Boýwmanville Cemetery. 45-1 SUMMERS, Edward Alvin - Suddenly in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville an Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 1957, Edward Alvin Surn- mers, beloved husband of Ena D. Wcegar. Rested at Northcutt &ý Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Service was held Monday, Nov. 4th in Trin- ity United Church at 2:30_p.mJ Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS .nterment iiowmanvileie - 1n î~the Estate of BLAKE GRAY tery. 45- STEVENS, deceased. 'bOD, Jane Hume (Jennie)-At Ail pensons baving dlaims 'boronto an Tuesday, Octoben 29, against the estate of Blake Gray 1957 Jae Hue Td of6 Pne-Stevens, late of the Township of %wood Ave., in ber 98th ycar, be- 'Du ligtoi h o yo loved daugbten of the late, JDrham, deceased, xvho died on Charles and Jane Muin Ted of' or about the 25tb day of August. Bowmanviile and dean sister cf 1957, are hereby notified ta send Marlon and William of Tomante. in to Strike & Strike, Solictos Service was held in the St. Clair' for the Executor, Bowmanville, Chapl o Mcougai &Bron 1Ontario, on or befone the 20th on Friday. Interment Bowman- dyo oebr 97 ulpr ville Cemeteny. 45.1* ticulars cf their dlaim. _________________________1 Immcdiately aften the said In Me oriam 2th day of November, 1957, the I n .viem rîam assets of the testater will be' BROWN In lving emor of distibuted ameongst the parties BuROWN-Irn lovingamemsamyofn, cnt itled thereto, baving regard cur eargmanad.Jame Brwnoniy to dlaims of xvich the said who passcd away Nov. 2, 1955.f solicitons for the executons shall We littie krtcw when we awoke' then have notice. that morn'j Dated at Bowmanvillc, this The semnew the day would 29th day cf October, 1957. bring;j Rosslyn C. Stevens. For the eall %as suddcn, the ExItr. 4- shack seveme, 1 xcto. 4- 'To part witb anc we loved so O dean.i -Sadiy missed by' gnandchildren 6 j Betty and Stef, Jann and Val.2 45-1l' DUBEAU-In lox'irg memory cf _ my son Joey Dubeau, Nx-bo pass- 1'OTERS' LIST PoSTED ed away Novembet' Il. 1953. Sadly missedi by bis mothen, Mrs.I Clerk's Notice cf First Postlng Beverley Dubeau. of Voters' List ]He was a flowen too swxeet for Voters' List 1957 earth Municipalîty cf Darlington Sent here for but awhile County cf Durham Godmaredhim vw'hen be gave Notice is hereby given that I Godmnked bhave complied with Section 9 of An lm b h irth asmilr. iTbhe Votens' Lists Art and ihat I And ookhlmxvth a 4511 bave posted up at mny office at Hampton on the 7tb day cf MALCOLM-In lovîng memomv Novemben, 1957, the list of ail of aur dean niother and grand-Ipensons cntitled ta vote in thel niather, Mary Bertha MalcolmJ said Municipality at municipal wbo passed away Nov. 11, 1955.1 elections and that such iist ne- We often think of bygone davs mains theme for inspection. When we wct'e ail together: IAntd I bcneby al pn'I The family chain is broken flow voters ta take immediate pro- But memoî'ies iill live for- cecdings ta bhave any errons or us s asne gnea omissions corrccted according ta Te u, se hs no goe aaY, law. the iast day for appealq be - or ha v raelc a, Iing'te2lst day of Novemben, Not ntbaee o traerle hofan, 95- And lcft the gate ajan. Dte - i thdYofNv - -Lovingly remcmbcred hy Neil, ber, 19597. Nameen. Gordie and Mary Lau. W. E. RUNDLE, 45-1* Clcmk cf the 45-1" Township cf Darlington. MALCOLM-In loving memary 45-1 of Bertha Malcolmi wha passed away Nov'. 11, 1955. Thougeh hem smile is gone foever \Vanted to Fient And litem hand wc cannet FOUR or five noomed bungalow' ltuch.. or downstauns apartment %vith Still w'e hav'e -o mary nicînrtones Of the anc wc le oved so much. mo aid c r n conveniences. Two Hem mer-no-.-v is oiîlkeepsake i aduits. W'ite Advertisen 729,, With which %\e'll nex'em part 1c1 Canadiani Statesman,' PO.0 God ha7, hem in His keeping Bo 190. Bowmanville. 45-1 We have ber un our heants. -.-Husband and daugbtcr Jean. Personal 4.1 * ________1_______ ~ YGENIC supplies - (Rubber Boarders \Vanted zHoods) mailed oostpaid in plain sealed enx'lope %vith pnice list. GO('D loîd hnm(' for t,%a Six samPles 2,5c. 24 samples cr three bidren bi, tho w'ck. ISl.00. Mail Order Dcpt. T-211 jor Wnormation, MA 3-3209ý. Nov.-Rubber Co,. Box 91, Ham.: hanks Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Work W( .Austin and MILD Spanish onions, $4 bushel. CHILD'S large pedal car, good W5 METEOR sedan. $100 and GENERAL truckiri ndness, also Phone MA 3-3527. 45.1 * condition. Phone MA 3-3987. take aven balance $42 monthly. delivenies. Phone Is who sent 45-1* Apply 31 Liberty St. North, Bow- ing my stay GOOD car trailer with box, $25. mnil.M -76 51 Phone MA 3-2277. 45-1* MAHOGANY dining-room suite, manvile.gAirl796. 45.1 IVrnreu -- --- . -newmmndition. Phone MArket TTSF.flcars and tr,îrks-1954 ,. i.... n 4112 GAUGE boît action shotgun. . IPhone MA 3-2011.' 45-1* BOY'S bicycle, fair condition, i cheap. Phone MA 3-3962. 45-1 120 TONS dry corn, $32 ton on field. Inquire Clarke 23 r 04. 45-2* RENFREW coal and wood range. Phone MA 3-2487.« 45-l* BABY carrnage, grey, in good condition, $17.00. Apply 6 Silver Street. 45-1* STEEL crib and plastic covered mattress, in excellent condition. Phone MA 3-5594. 45-1 * FRkSHLY killed turkeys. Spec-' il quantity discounts. Phone Oshawa RA 8-5392. 43-8* ONE pair boy's skates, size 10, nearly new. Mrs. Clare Allun, R.R. 4, Bowmianville. 45-1* MIXED dry wood, cord wood, $8 per' cord; stove wood, $10 per cord. Phone MA 3-2724. 45-l'e VEGETABLES - Beets, carrots, turnips at $1.00 per bushel. M. Werry, Blackstock il r 13. 45-1* MIXED dry slabwood, $14 per cord; cedar, $11 cord, sawed and delivered. Phone Newcastle 3776. 45-1 SAVE on lumber. direct from mill to you. Phillips Lumberl Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait. at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA, 3-5805. 48-tf LLOYD deluxe Fconvertible car- niage and parcel carrier, silver! grey, goad condition. Phone MA 3-3081. 45-1 CHILD'S crib and mattress, 27" x 51", excellent condition; occasional chair, wine covering. Phone MA 3-5637. 45-1* POTATOES No. 1 large, graded, 75 lb. bag, $1.25 at farm. M. Mantel. R.R. 3, Burketon. Phone laickstock 82r12. 41-2 NEW and used skates for sale, will exchange old skates for nev.. Lloyd Ellis Shoes, 49 King St.1 West, Bowmanville. 43-31 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt1 service to eleetrîcal appliances,ý large and small. Lander Hard-! ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floar polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 KingStE, Bowmanville. Phone MA 2-74 3-tf DRY elm furnace blocks, $32.001 a load, 2 cords, resawed, dcliv- ered: aise kindling. J. A. Car- scadden, Orono. Phone 35 r9.ý FOR the best price in combina- tiQp aluminuni storm windows eall R. Pelletier. Phone Onono, 13 r 11, agent for Weatben Seal. 45-2* INSULATION, blawing methed, with rock woal. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf ALUMINUM deans and windows. Sec ours first before you buy. Free estimates at Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St. E, Bow- 3-2083.45-11j SPACE heater with 45-gallon oil tank. Phone MArket 3-3411 or 3-3141. 45-1 STORM doons with glass, stand- ard size. Ivan Mountjoy. Phone! Blackstock 87 r 4. 45-1 *1 ALSCO aluminum doons an d windows, Canada's finest. Lamnej Aluin. Phone MA 3-3871. 45 -1* USED building. matenials, 2x4s,! 2 x l0's, sheathing, bricks. Tele- phone MA 3-3411 or 3-3141. LEE oul burner, 150 gaI. édrumi and fixtures; ail new. Sel] chea pi for cash. Apply 10 Washington-i Place. 45-1 SANTA Claus is coming soon, sa be sure ta see the four floors of Christmas Sp2cials at Morris Furniture Co. A small deposit xiii hold your selection for Christmas delivery. 45-i LAY-AWAY Plans for Christ- mas: Small magazine racks, pictures, lamps, hassocks, reclin- cr and hostess chairs. riîgs, bcd- room and chesterfield suites. Terms, two yeans to pay. Murphy Co., King St. W. MAI 3-3781. 45-1 " SNOW tines-Firestone ne-cap Town and Country tires, $14.25 and a recappable tire; two only, 15-inch Suburbanites, siightly used. each like new for only $12.50 each at Cowan Equipment Co.. 134 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 45-1 BE pnepared for cald weather with International Hanvester top quality ethylene glycol base anti- freeze -Will do evenything if not more than any other anti- freeze of this type on the market and wili meet the most rigid tests of Canadian winters. Rust prevention - prateets cooling system - will net cause corrosion ta any part of the cooling sys- tem, only $2.69 in gallons. $10 a case and 69c in quarts at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 45-1 APPLIANCE Specials-Kelvin- ater Il cu. ft. refnigerator, reg- ular $389. special S289; Inter- national Harvester 8.2 cu. ft. refnigemator, regular $339 for $239: Firestone 20 cu. ft. freezer, 70<) lb. capacity, only $385; three used refrigerators froni S75.00; RKelvinaton 30 inch deluxe elec- trie range, regular $329 for $259: Finestone 30 inch push button deluxe electrie range, regular $319 for S239; Kelvinator wasb- ing machine, negular $189 for $118 and youn aId washer: used Easy Spindmy washer, a real bar- gain at $49; Firestone deluxe electnie clothes dryer, regulan $249 for only $199: Philips artd Westinghouse television froni $199 at Cowan Equipment Ce., 134 Ring St. E., Boxvmanx'ille. Phone MA 3-5689. 45- 1 ESSO FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Automatic Metcred 24-Hour Delivery Service A. H. STURROCK AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER 'à avile.P h o ne MA 3 .-68.9. Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock st. 45-1 BOWMANVILLE 5t, INFANT'S pram suit. blue with 4t white fur trim, also boy's blue gabardine suit, size 12; navy Livestock for Sale blazer, size 12. Ail in excellent condition. Phone MA 3-5260. 90 ROCK pullets. Bruce Ash- 45-1 ton, Blackstock, 76 - 1l. 45-1* HEARING aid service, testing 250 LEGHORN and Black Min-I service and complete stock of orca X puilets. Phone Orono 1 batteries and cords at Higgon 13 r 3. 45-i1 Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA TOLOUSE and Embden geesel 3-5438. 20-tf and hîte Muscovy ducks. Tele- STOKER-Burns soft coal, willphnMA328.51 fit arty bot air furnace now PUREBRED Yorkshire boan,1 burning coal or wood. Complete sev-en months aid. Gamnet Rick- witb thermostat and electnical ard, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. i'equirements. Reasonably prie- 45-1* ed. Phone Bowmanvilie MADAR cw, uha n 3-2871. 45-1* DIY f Dra n ýJersey, due ta freshen soon. IADDING machines, typewriters. Extra good milker. L. J. Wood, cash m e g i s te rns, calculators,j MA 3-2001. 45-1* cheque xviters, filing cabinets, 'office fumniture. i n sd DUCKS, full grown. good jRepairs toa ah makes. Frank ,,,eght. Harold Hepburn, fin stj Office Equipment, 177 ýCburch! farm west of Lynbnook Park. R. St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. R. 2, Whitby. 45-2*1 44-tf jWanted j YOUNG TURKEYS"IDEAD and crippled farm stock, CHOICE MEATY BIRDS picked up promptly. Phone MA DRESSED AND DELIVERED 3-2679. Margwill Fur Fanm, PHTTTT FTKTN t'V Tvrone. 26-tf A LOVELY 8-room bouse -witb MAPLE GROVE MA 3-.50591 a full basement, on Iwo or marc 26-tf acres. Enclose snap. Write J Advertisen 74, c/o Cana diani DELICIOUSI Statesman, P.U. Box 190, Bow- 1 Christmas Cake and i anville. 45-11J Plum Pudding Lost Old English Recipes WHITE kitten, female, Sundry., Order noiv for Christmnas 107 Scugog. Phone MA 3-3293.' Mrs. Dorothy Jewell, MA 3-2987.145 44jMAN'S 100F. Lodge ring, red 1 stone with gold embleni, in BoWv- Decoraing nanville. Finder please leave at 1 :Frtecortig :n Statesman Office. Reward. 1 For the Latest Papers1 "For the Best Workmanahlp ONE small beagle, female, most- j l whte:queer marking an left S. G Prsto & on hip, cbildren's pet. Ansxvers ta SQîîeenie. One black beagle pup, MA 3-5912 MA 3-3T011 ton. Rev'erse charges. Cai 1 44 RAndolph 5-2307. 45- 1 Fard 2-door, repainted, new tires, signal lights and wind- shieid xvashens; 1951 Monarch 4-door, radio and new tires; 19501 Ponttiac 4-door, repainted; 1949' Pontiac 4-door, $135: 1941 Plymouth 4-dean, gond con- dition; 1953 Chex'nolct sedan di- livery, 1956 International 3-ton with van body at Cawan Equlp- ment Ca., 134 Ring St. E.. Boxv- manvîlle. Phone MA 3-56ô9. 45-11 BETT ER USED CARS WE PRICE 'EM LOIV AND EL'MFS *Ccrtified Condition *Thirty-day Guarantee *Easy Terr.~s * Wintcrized Il HI1LLMAN ------$----1145 E:asy on the bank mol. 50 CHEV.-------------54 Deluxe Clean Car 3-5218. BABY-sitting, day Would care for chul home. Phone MA 1 PLUMBING, heai troughing; free estin Partner, Tyrone.1 NEW plastering Stucco and cemen A. C. Woods. Pl 2.3 r 0 4. FOR reliable eleci reasonable rates ca Licensed Electrical MIA 3-2891. MVARRIED woman, crixt@ry and recep cs, full time pos MA 90-5365. CONCRETE andi 1 PVJ or rpnzlr. 50 FORD ----------$9 foundations, floors, A sound, reliable car L. Turner. Telepf 3-3231. 51 PONTIAC ---- - - ------ S495 1 Deluxe . Torpedo RELIABLE higli 51 CHIEV. - ------------ 1875 baby-sitting Deluxe - Signals, etc. 1 evenngs and weh 53 FORD - - -----r- 795 -3 d. Tlp i Outstanding Value 56 METEOR ------------- $1,5951 Rideau - Equipped STEW'S SPECIALS 53 Chevrolct - ------------- $995 Dc luxe - Radio roxverglide - Two Tarte 57 illman ---- - -------- -. 1,Z95 jNew Guarintee Save $600 And Many More at WELLMAN'S RAMBLER - HILLMAN MF.TROPO1.ITAN anted 1Real Estate for Sale Ref sat ori ng and light TO BE REMOVED IEIGHT-roomned bouse witl4i, MA 3-5165. Tbree five-room cottages. ne-I also garage, in Hamptonene 1 -cently built, bydro, sanitary fa- MA 3-580_orMA_3___1 _5_ ,d like bouse- ýcilities, modern kitchens, puy- I ,5 ACRE farm. Al-o bouse, Caîl -Ake wood finish. Can be easily 1 arage and bamn. Located 401 45-ke1 wintenized. On the bighway at !and Park Road, Bowmanville. 451Pontypool. Asking $1,500 eachi Ivan Zwanun. 45-1 or eenigs.or best offer. Contact d daiiy in my SAM MANETTA, PONTYPOOL FVE-room cottage, West Beach, 3-5077. 45.1* Phone Bethany 20 r 111% excellent condition, screened 45-2 verandah. Joe Cooper. Phone ting, caves- MA 3-5815. 42-tf mates. Harvey i y.1g IGT-room framed bouse, run- MA 3-2240. McQuay and rKidd ning hot and cold waten. Double 12-tf ELTR lot on the corner cf Nelson and RETRSOtroSres PoeMr and repairs. Members Oshawa and District 3-3895. 45-1 nt plastering. Real Estate Board baonc Clarke Lucrative car agency. service REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 14-tf station and garage business; Properties Sold, Rented nical work a 90,000 gallons gas sold last year. Managed and Appraised at 1 A reai oppontunity at only tîl Jim Collis, 1 $30.800 with excellent ternis. L 4 lio d Contractor; lModemn six-rooni bungalowL.M lio 45-11 1 with ail canveniences. fireplace, Real Estate Broker niccly landscaped, fully winter- Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. iexperienced I ized, on Lake Stungeon, near Two blocks north of traffic signal ptionist, desîir- i Lindsay. Only $5.500 with Newcastle 5-tf sition. Phone1 $1,000 down. Vn ~ D1P** 45-1 100 acres near Orono with J LU fgoad trout streani, 20 acres! .V nN s elEtt mason work, j valuable bush. Asking $6,000 118 Kfne St. E. Bowmanville Chirnneys, J xith excellent terras. j rhone MA 3-3230 SI xvaiks, etc. We have a large selection cf 5 rooni brick bungalowv off bone MAnket farnms, homes, businesses and iLiberty N. Ail conveniences, 41-tf acreages ta choose froni. I finishcd basement, sewer, ail - WIALTER FRANK heat, garage, and centrally lo- school girl 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 cated. g after schooi, Bowmanville 4 large roomed frame bunga. ~k~ndsEx:45- 1. lowA, ail conveniences. 45-1 * REFINISH the modern way with Roxatone. O]d furniture made like nexv, kitchen cupboards, bedroom suites, etc.- For free estimate; Phone MA 3-5387 or MA 3-5d~5. 43-41 BOY, 17, wishes work for twao or thrce nighits a week and Sat- urday morning and late after- noon. Write Advertiser 747,1 c/o The Canadian Statesmnan. P.O. Box 190. 45-if PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING H.- C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 37 acres on Base Line, 401 at near, haîf workable, no build- ings, $4.000. 30 acres facing cloverleaf and! 401 Highway,, good barn. nexw' j ouFe b-cing built, some orchard. $16.000 with $3.000 doxvn. Easy ternis on balance. 10 acres on No. 2 Highway East of Newcastle, 5 rooni bouse.1 'garage, barn 20' x 30', chieken' f ouse 12' x 71Y,81 acres workable. Ternis. 5 rooni new bouse onNo2 1., i, i.,, rcnadv for. occu, nanr.'vi n ing with this office. 45-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Farms. homes, businesses for sale. We need listings. First and second mortgages bought and sold. Mortgages ar- ranged, cornpany and private funds. We have a considerable supply of prI'ate funds available for good proporties. 52 Kinx St. W. Bowmianville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762- 45-1 1 would like ta express my heartfelt thanks to the many friends and relatives who have expressed sympathy in my bereavement by their words and acts of kindness, floxvers andi cards, and especiaily to my neighbaurs. and to Rex'. T . A. Morgan and Rev. W. A. Young for their words of comfort. Mrs. E. A. Summers. 45-1 1 woitld like ta express my thanks ta Dr. H. Bundie. Rex'. H. Turner. nurses and staff of the Memorial Hospital for their many kindnesses shown, also the St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary, the Bowmanville Foundry Union 2375 and ta many friends and neighbours who sent flowers, fruit. gifts and get well wishes during my stay in the hospital. Mrs. Jane Niddery. 45-1* 1 wvould like ta thank friends, neighbours and relatives for flowers, fruit and cards I ne- ceived while 1 was in Oshawa General Hospital, also those who helped since 1 came home. A special thanks ta Ross McKnight,i Bernie Read, John Osborne and i Ernie Perfect who donated i blood: also Doctors Ross, Dillin, 1 Guselle and Bain.i Pearl Brown. 1 45.1*ý Marriage SWALLOW - ASHTON-A quiet wedding took place, Oct. 26, be- tween Merle, daughter of Mns. Ashton and the late Mr. F. J. Ashton, Toronto, ta Clifford Phipps, only son of Mrs. Swal- law and the late Mr. Frank Swallow of Maple Grave. 45-1* Noices _______________ After this date I will no langer be responsible for any debts in- curred in my name by Gladys Evelyn Alldread, having left bed and board. John Alldread. DilFor A Trial Tony 3Basa$1,0 drvsas Leasi< ueal .tsaie N QONRAD-441 A 6KingSt. W. MIA 3-5172 8 room brick bouse, ail con- 4. roomn bungalow, attached Open Until 9 P.M. BOIVMANVILLE veniences. $8.000 with $500 garage, large lot, ail funnace. 45-1* 39-8, down. Don't miss this bargain. hardwood filoor. Owner will ac- ____________________150 acres, good brick, 8 cept a reasonable ofj'èr. For Rentroams, barn 40' x 100', silo. im- Ideal business location with ForFintPlatein Reais , plement shed, hien house. garage. brick front building on g St. PlateingReair Cosetohighway. $15,000. Go Cernent floor, 2-piece bagehree FOUR unfurnished rooms, cen- QUC EVC em.rometa.Trs trally located. Phonc eate Phone NewcaCtSERICE5terms.oom extrsToemhs. ,4 2896. 45-11 STUCCO AND NEWV WORK Uhn ecsl gq6rom 12soe os,4 _______________________45-1 piece bath up, 2-piece k base LOCK-UP garage at rear Simp- R. L AFT I t. Ou fa n a ce . UderaN. West. eans. Apartment 7, 63 King 1Y l n een.U1~N wsnte .4 69 King Si. E. MA.-5A. 7 om interest rate. Terms. I ~ ~ ~ ~ 51 D_____________ -f e VYit Real .bstate 1 ombrick bouse, now five HEAIrED two-roomn apartment 100 acre farmn on No. 2 High- apartments. two suniporchest with conveniences. Apply 101 g nexv gas fumnace,4new garage. Scugog St. 45-l' Helo \Vanted wa..fote2,4 fet it Excellentloatoi JQ _______________________ _______________________good brick house. al conven- pet.Tns FOUR-room modern apantment, YOUTH as clerk-messenger. Ap- iornce, retacabns.Exeetpot 8 roomed bouse. central, j heated. Mrs. B. Annis, 105 Ring puy in persan ta Personnel Man- fordmtersaranec. Pne furnace, large lot, extras. Terms. E., Boxvmanvillc. 45-1* ager, Goodyear, Bowvmanville. 17 acre pnoperty with 10 acres We have houses, bungalows, FOU romd fat Est eah,45-1 in young orchard. creek, barn, acreage, lots, farms. inside toilet and running water, GIRL an woman for housekeep- double garage; 6 roomed brick List with Leask lights. Rent $40 a month. Phone ing position. Reply stating wag- veneer bungalow with ail city M. E. LEASK, BROKER MA .1-287.9. 38-tf es, etc. ta Advertisen 743, c/oj conveniences. Located at New- 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle in anaianStaesmn, .O ox castie on paved road. Price and MA 3-5119 or 3-5522 IEIGHT roomed brick bouse i 190. Bowmanville, 45-2 terms arranged. 45-1 Bowmanville. bot and cold run- 300 acre farm an No. 2 High- nigwaten, oul heat: two-car ga- PLUMBER or tinsmith helper. way with 150 acres under culti- Ptrt~ rage. No sub-letting. Phone Apply stating age. expenience, vation, 40 acres in wood, ne- Pee euuema jWhi'iby MOhaxvk 8-3920. 45-Y' wage expected. Write Adver- mainder in pasture, 3 creeks, REAL ESTATE BROKER WIDOWwoul shan accmmo-tiser 745, c/o Canadian States- 90' x 46' bank barn, implement ~ars ambikbue eigh-rom mdem hom1 aPO Bo 190, Boxvman- shed, hen house, silo; 10 roomed full basement, hydro, large barn, dion, usigt o on.Roeas oabe i ille. 45-1 frame bouse with ail fumnace,4- double garage, hen bouse. Pnîce rcInt. Write AdverAbser 738, c/o YOUNG lady for do mes tic pic h and rnigwodflors,4 bot$ 12,600.00. Very low down pay. Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box work in modern Oshawa home. and cold runningaen. 4,000ent 19,Bowmanville. 45-1 Electric appliances, lix-e in, good $35,0hig0 waTerni ag.s.îe 200 acres, 8 room brick house, wages, time off, pnivate raom. 35 acre farmn east Newcastle' ydro, large barn, 2 lien bouses, DOWNSTAIRS heated 3-noomed Write Advertiser 742 c/o Canad- xith 2 barns, with running ,Aat- garage. Price $9,000.00. Low apartment with kitchenette and ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, er, hen bouse, garage; 9 roomeddwnpyet bath, huilt-in cuphoards, bot Bowmanville. 45-21I stone bouse with running waten, 25 acres in small town, 7 room and cold water, heavy xvtnîng,1 heavy duty wired. Price $12,600. f rame bouse, basement, garage, 'centnally located. Rent $70.00. AVON gift sets and every-day Terms arranged.1 beautiful creek, ideal summer Available Nov. lst. Phone MA items are in big demand. Good 1071 crefarmn with 65 acres resort. Price $6,500.00. Easy 3-5277. 43-tf ternitanies available a r a u n 'dj workable, sandy loam, 25 acres1 tenms. WOUD sarehom wih -Nestîci art' also near Boxvman- wood, large pond, L-shaped 22 acres with good streamn, enULD rlae cope i hed ville. Good money for your spare bank barn, implement. shed. hen I mce view. Pnice only $2,200.00. erl rlialecouleincomfomt- boums. Write Mrs. G. Tate, 3041 bouse; 10 roomed brick bouse Sevenal more prope.rties, in- abe om wthail conveniences. FredenickAv. Peterborough. wt running watem, h"dra. cluding bouses with low down Close ta bîghway nonth of New- 44-.2* Prce $10.000. " f rrngd.pamns castle. Peiisioners welcome. 6_____________brick_____ ni er mrnge.ayment S09. omnil Write Advertisen 746, c/o Canad- GET the facts. Let us show you 6romdbikverbua-89SgoSt Bwanll ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190. bow we have helped others ta loxv on Simpson Ave. in Bow- Caîl MA 3-3644 Bowmanville. 45-1* become financially independent manville with ail furnace, 4- 45-1 selling Rawleigh Products. Goad1 piece bath, handwood and tule Auction Sales localitvnow available in Durham1 floors, modennkitchen with hotPe rKo a Farm sold, auction sale of1 Ra,,wleigh's Dept. K-140-911, 40051f stoapede en. ice ly50a.nd-m REAL ESTATE BROKER live stock, tracton, implements Richelieu. M'vontreal, Que. 45-1, cpd nce$150 em GENERAL INSURANCE hay. grain. funiture, the psp I 6raoed, rceerbna 99 King St. E. Bowmanvillo 6IrTelephonec MAne3-bun6a erty of W. B. Browvn, Lot 5, Co0,n. W N E low on Third Street with 4-piece Bepox 8A17586 3, Cartwr'ight, at Purple Hill. W NT D ath il furnace, tule floors,Bo81 8 miles south-east of Part Penny modern kitchen with built-in Salesman - J. A. Barton sockmils on Sturdayov. 9th. T e irnne Oprators cuphoards and running hot and MA 3-3098 istck o Sauray No. th cold water. Picture windows, New 3-bedroomn brick bunga- Ternis cash. Sale at 1:00 pro. for the full basement. Price S10,500 alow.» Large living-room, dining. Teci Jaickson, auctboneer. 45 - 1 i ternis arranged. room, kitchen, 4-piecebah Mir. E. J. Brawn, Lot 25, C-n Orono Telephone Co. .5 r oom-ed, nearly new brick Hardwood and tile floors. D[vid- 6ClreTwnhip n mile veneer bungalow i centre nf; ed basemnent, forced air oil heat- nort ofOno1lis sl Phne roo 30 owmanville wt ulbasernent,;i.Ti home is absolutely fanm and %wilI sel h3 pbli o r nter3iew ood urad tupee f boors. and yokngoly$3.00 on.vFue. auction on Saturlay', Nov. 23rd ftubsrviwiodeand iten xvs.lith bujt- j ne only $250000. Fl at 1 p.m., al bis farm stock: After 5 p.m. Phone Orono 169 tn ubods dr unith n ing bt 500.0 own mo$1sy500.igh iSuffolk beeding cives, Fergusonincporsadrnight1S0.0ow veyurgt tracton and tractor machinery,i Good Hours Good Wagesiand cold waten. Nicel y land- in ta a 3-roomn home. 2-piece bath, ocadsryrand equipmenît. for the right girls scaped. Pnice $13,500 withlh ot and coid water, on sewer, onch a sofayer ran nd44-2 $,0 on ev ut iegrg t some fumnitume. Further par- i 5 roomed. new, white clan- tached. Can be used for stor- tîcuansscebuis Tems ashboarmd bt4ngalow, east Newcastle age. Only $4,500.00. Payments No rsere. awrnceHaris, ealEstte or ale full basement, tile floors, mod- We require homes for waiting clemk; Jack Reid,,.auctioneen. 4-3er kitchen witb built-in cun- clients, some with ail cash. __________________Orm Gerry boards andt running hot and cold Please contact us for prompt 260 Head Feeders REALTOR - ORONO ing S9.500 witb $2.500 down. One oniy! Investment prop- Box 71 Phonie191 . roomed frame home in Biow- erty in gaod location. V ry and Stoker i dî n Acres ;manville xvitb running waterireasonable in price and ter&*'l AdjoningOrono. with beauti- Rnd heav.v duty wiîred. Pnice i Came ta office for panticule,'-. Durham Farmers' Fif th Annual 1f ul setting and large creek, good $4.500. Ternis. . FEEDER SALE ivili be held on building lot ovelooking valley. 8 roomed furnished cottage at Excellent location for summer the lake shore of Bowmanvilie ThurdayNov.l4thresont or wliat h ave you? $2,700. with electnie stove. Frigidaire,, Business Opportunity ai the Durham County Sale1 140 Acres . etc. Price $2.500 with terms. MjrOlCmayl o Arena, ORONO. Sale to cen-, Clay loaro, bas two barns andi Besides above mentioned w~e Mjr01Cmayl o mence promptly at 2 p.rn. Ail 1 10 om house wifh fîîmnace and 1 have approximately 200 more acceptlng applicatons fr cattie sold in suitable lots by the newv bathmroom. Excellent xvaten properties ta choose from.RETL0 ' - Pound. Terms cash. No reserve. 1supply on pressure ail buildings. Contact ET O 44-2 Mile off pavement and 10 D NEW SERVICE SAW _______________________minutes ta Bowmanville. 0f-1 John F.DeWith Ecletlcto Repairs fering at value cf land alone, 1Ecletlcto $'fS14,500. Realtor and General Insurance ln Bowmanville. 1RADIO and television repairs. 5 Acres 'Newcastle Phone 334 If yen afe a resident of fBIw Prompt service. Pick up anc Light rolling land has two em :mavl wtadsi oopre deliverv. Lamne Doreen, 85 King barns, implement shed, etc., alse: avil19t- esr e prt E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf room ouse, dandy hardwoodj Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvllle 6your own business we willI train' ______________________bush, mail and baker at cloon. MA 3-3950 you if necessary. For full par- REPAIRS toalal makes cf refrig- School x'emy close ta prapemty. Mr%. Jean Illoolner. Hampton lieulars write erator,ý. domestie 'and corn- jHydro pa-Fs'ýs doot-, Estate MA 3-2175 BOX 68, PORT HOPg_ mercial: mtlking coolens. Hig- anxious tn ls out at only ~ailBem - lo oe saigae dcto n eon Electnie Limited. 42 Kiîng St. 58i00anoneouBotehmsFoUt5-Hope j aial eaia nde E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf 800o yu ers 45-1 T -" 45-1 caitlav-8be FFI - dý hlorrey, 45-l'ilton. Ont

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