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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1957, p. 19

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_______________ ~ A~1~ A1 AA.8O I~A~ !~T1WPAMI Ç-MP' Ckuss.fied Coming Evente atI W.A. bazaar in the Ch Pia evening, Nov. 8th 45-1' Dance,.Ii Kendal Hall, Satur- »day, Ne. 9. Music by Henry ]KOUar id his Homesteadens. 45-1* Tefinal contest for Public« (%.ÇSpgking will ha held in Onono . UK' IJt~Church basement on Fni- da9'-Jov. th at 8 p.m. 45-1* St. Andrew's Church bazaar ln-the Church Schoal Room, Fni- day, November l5th. Homebak- Ing.. Afternoon tea served from 3 -6. 44-2 Bazaar ln new hall, Burketon eJmted Church, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2 p.m. Program and dedica- tion of new hall piar ta bazaar. Tea served. 45-1 Danice to be held November Mt unden the auspices af the Ladies' L.O.B.A. at Tyrone Hall. Laaies 50c, gents 75c. Holrayd's orchestra. 45-1 St. Andrew's Church bazaar, Friday, Nov. 15 in the church basement. Home bakung, fancy and plaint sewing, afternoon tea from 3 ta 6. 45-2 Came ta Newtanville Woman's Association annual church ba- zaar and tea, n the Sunday Sehool hall. Wed., Nov. l3th at 2:30 p.m. Tea, 25 cents. 45-1 O.N.O. Annivensary Dance, Nov. 8th in Blackstock Racrea- tional C en trne. Montgomery Orchestra. Lunch and spaciai prizes. Admission $ 1.00 par per- son. 45-1* Those wishing raservad seats for the hockey game batweeuî Whitby Dunlops and the Russian 'Olymic Team ini Toronto on Nwov. ý2nd, 1957, Phone MAnket 3-3811. 45-2 Bowmanvilla Lions Club bingo In Lions Cammunity Centre, 261j Baech Ave. an Monday, Nov. 18t tT 8 R .. JqekT,..1.,. nn 9 Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison. Telepi MArket 3-3900.3 Wanted to Buy POTATOES for cattie. Ar Z. J. Benschop or Phone MAr 3-2926. NOW buying red claver timothy. Give me a chai E. Swain, Blackstock 89 r 11, 4Ir HOLSTEIN cows or hei:, fresh or sprungung, accredited area tested. Phone Blackst 66 r4. 45 GOOD cow hay. Write Adv tiser 744, c/o Canadian Stal man, P.O. Box 190, Bowni ville. .45 SMALL house, 4 or 5 -o with conveniences, in Bowmi ville or Newcastle. R. Bottr Newcastle. 4 HIGHEST prices paid for1 poultry, goose feathers, feali ticks. scrap iran, rags, met and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2( Oshawa, callect. 4E ALL kinds of live paultry w& ed. Top Torçnto prices paic vour door for large or sm quantities. We have aur oi market. M. Flatt, Bethany R 1. Phone collect ta Betha 7 r13. 28 E.A. Sumnmers (Continued fnom pvage ana, the tee keepung business Winchester. In 1926 ha m marnied ta Ena D. Weagan Chesterville. In 1929 ha v appounted as assistant agniei tura representative in Oxfe County and moved ta Woc stock. games for $10.00. 'Two special Came Here in 1930 -âgrmes. Admission $1.00 at the Mn. Summens came ta Dui door. 45-2 ham on Saptembar 1, 1930,o - agicutural neprasentative r( Wodview Community Centre placing J. Y. Kellough. H -Monster bingo. Twenty games worked from the office at Pc, "m twenty dollars; fiva games - Hope and began night classe thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and for farmars, gîvung instructio two jackpots at $250. Door in modemn farmung pohicy. pnrizes. Monday, Nov. 11, 8 p.m.,Ha began training the judgin, Bcd Barn, Oshawa. 45-1lo teamns ini junior farmer organi - ~zations. which were ta avent Regular weekly bingo held ually bnung him distunctiar Ji 'Thursdlays except third week in 1936 the Ontario Departmant o the nionth which will ha held Agriculture dacidad ta moi on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. the office ta Bowmanviile anq 20 ragular games and twa $25 that summer ha movad hare,ý jackpot gamas. No game under Honoured by Citizens ,$3.00. Admission 50c. 44-tf Before leaving Port Hope hi cn ice - was honoured at a spacial part3 C>jceCircuit Bnotherbood at his home attended by 74. -R~ve Thunsday, Nov. l4th, pramunent Part Hope men. W S- p.a t Caurtice Church. Our E. Lewis, than chairman o! th( specua?. speaker for opanung Port Hope Fair Board, paid hirr u g lI be Mr. David P. Sav- higb tribute Ior bis contribu. cg ok shawa. Ail men wel- tion ta agriculture. Çorne. Each ane bring ana or Af tan comung ta Bowmanr pnore. 45-2 ville ha became untenested ir bis hobby aI raising gladiolt COrne to St. Paul's Evening Ha produced several new typaç Sannual tea and bazaar in the and was winnen af many prizeE r~ Vo n1 Siturday,No for bis mnany vanietias. Mue! Àber9t at 2:30, Iaaturing n of bis time was sperxt with the le~u ~tval", hame-baking hobby as ha enjoyed working rn eandY, Christmas gifts, ini the gardien anLietSre. *ountÈy store, good used clotb- His other interests încluded ing. Tee, 35e. 44-2 fisbing, gold fish and ha was a keen Iollower .of spectatar Hampton Womnen's Instituta sparts. On Decemnbar 1, 1949, eholding their annual bazaar ha was honourad on the occas- Sthe Sunday Sehool raom on ion af bis judgung 'feams 1hav« dayNovebarlSthat 230 ng won their l9th consacutive . M. There wilî ha many various victory at the Central Ontario Cooths including home baking, Srn hw also some new booths. Alten- Spnng h ow.cui i imoon tea will ha servad. 45-2 On May 5, 1955, he was hon- S Newcastle United Chumeh oured again by bis teams a' Woman'a ' Association invites ai banquet ta celebrate thair éveYon t anAftrnon . -a25th straight wunning af the dveBone a a n teninoan Tea Warden's Trophy. Fittung tri. Iiday, November Sth, at 3 p.m. btswr ie i ymn rHome Baklng, Aprons, Naval- pramunant pensons attending tlie tics, Touch and Take Packages, dunner. tJsed Ciothlng. Tea 25 cents. Ha is survived by bis wiîe, 44-2'the former Ena D. Weegan; two brothers, Osborne, a membar ai the R.C.M.P. at Ottawa, and OKLAHOMA 1 Ceeul, Fort Jackson, New York; iOpens at the Royal Theatre and four sisters, Mrs. Hubert WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20th Black (Clara) af Brampton, Advance sale of tickets for ev- Mns. Bryson Carswell (Ada) af .nlng Performances begins Nov. Ottawa, Mrs. Irwin Watts Il (Monday). Aduit prica 75e. (Ethel> ai Kemptviile, and Mrs. Ferther information telephone William Kinch (Josie) of North MA 3-5589 Augusta. 45-1 Funeral Front Trlnlty Churcli -- Funarai services ware heid DON'T FORGET THE Monday aftennoon ini Trinity United Chunch. The pastor, HARD TIME DANCE Rav. T. Arthur Morgan, assist- BATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 16, cd by Rev. W. A. Young, Chap- IN SOLINA HALL lau aif the Ontario Agicultural ýs Collage, Guelph, oificiatad. In- Montgomery's Orchestra terment was at Bawmanville More money if not dressedl up Cemeteny. A tibuta ta Mn. 45-21i Summers hv Mn. Yoong appears 1 on page one. * Honourary Palibearers Honourary palibeanens in- rhe Canaduan Statesman N. cluded: tha Hon. W. A. Good- * ' fellow, Ontario Ministen of CLASSIFIED ~ Agriculture;, Dr. J. D. Mc. ADVE TISIG ?Laughlin, president ai the On- ADV RTII- t aria Agriculturai Collage, at RAT S% Gueiph, Dr. C. D. Graham, De- X *Puty Ministar ai Agricuture; ARTICLES FOR SALE Professor George Raithhy, head LIVESToQx FO SALE ofi the animai husbandry branci FOS RElIT HELI> WANTED , at O.,-A.C., T. R. Hilliard, Direc- 1.081 F AIE tom ai Agicuitu rai Extension Cash Au. 4c ETCor ' for the Province ai Ontario; wat a inium s s *. Hon. Major John Foota, V.C., 0ls.b paid by date ci inseton. . M.L.A.: E. W. Bradley, vatar- Il charqed. an additional 25c * an's land office for Durham. W'11 ho added. w oorr aieesun A cha% eoa 25c wil he mode toi, Tw houarpahaasun al!rep Lesdirocted ta this oUficez. aie ta be in attendance ivere: NOTICES - OMING EVENTS : Clarence Allin, president oi AND CARDS 0F THANICS : the Durham Federation ai Agri- lc a word with a minimum ai ~ culture. and Dr. Gea. W. James, 81.00 for 25 words or logs. ~ editor ai The Canadian States- TES ENGAGEMENTS >man. NARIAGES DEATHS * The active palîbearers were $1.00 pet insertion Russell Osborne, representatuve m MWORIZ o h nte huc esin 0pus li a lino tar Ver»e~ Ross Stevens, rapresenting the Diaia Cosited t 1.0 er'>Bawmanvilhe Lions Club, Wal- ih with a minimum o o»einch. tan Reynolds, a iellow alumnui a'ddltiuald insertions et th. marne o f O.A.C., who had warkad rotes. Vchosaly with Mn. Summans .siid Ad, muet bu m 4. whcn he first came ta thîs offc c lo ed nesdistrict, George Neals, Bethany, ,dcikitepoon eaesdyi. who vas a mamber af Mr. ýZ gave m noy. Summers' !irst iivestock judg-j C*p this out for handy reference îng taam: James Brown, Reeve OFTIWZ HOUES ai Clarke Township, and Gar- NMondax' thxouqh FridSy net Riekard, Daputv Reeve ai 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. * Dariingtan Township. SatrI More than 150 members of &WUas..te 18 Nome 4the Junior Farmners Association DM MAihet -3503 l and 4-H Clubs attended the' fun- ----- t.anal service and actad as flower 1bearers. Clarke -Schools Choose Top Public Speakersý liane 35-tf ýpply nket 45-1 and nce. 15-2* f ers, ýd or ýtock [ver-j tes- nan- loms nan- 5-1 * live her !tais 043 18-tf ant- 1 at nal c>wn R.R. anv B-tf at was af Mas STARK VILLE Mn. and Mns. Percy Farrow with Mn. and Mns. Wýillis Far- row, Newtonviiie. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls wene guasts at Mn. Gardon Pawar's, Clarke Union. 1 It is unlikaly that Council wil grant a 99-year lease ta th( Bowmanvillc Memanial Park As. sociation for the Memonial Pari propcrty on Liberty St. S. The Association requestad sudl a lease and Council turned th( matter aven ta the town salie. itors, Stnike & Stnike, for thaij ul cvc.1clause subjeet ta reservation as r.adMsRosPgad )r Mr. and Mrs. Logan, Manvers In a letter read at Council ta the maintenance of the ro-Jamily visited with Mr. and Mrs. d. Station. visited Mr. and Mrs. Monday, Strike & Strike point- erty as a park and the Associa- Archie Brown, Newcastle. John Stark. cd out that the 99-year lease tion conformung ta negulations MradMs.Jh Okan TheCub mt a M. Ln wul nasecerainprbles. as may be required by either the family, Oshawa, were wîth Mr. Blyti Falls' last month and had a The Memorial Park Associa- Corporation or the Municipal anKr.WatrOe r-5 Going-up" ceremony at which tien, they said, has no legal Board and a reversion clause Mrs. M. Hunt is still in Mem- astime Andy Murphy became a status such as a properly con sti- may be necessary. aa optl Bwavle m e- Scout. fewr hyale-t dcmayor croain oilHsialomnil, ien Aftrwrdthe al n- utd ompny coportin. A copy of the letter will be provung very sîowîy. Hn El joyed a wiener roast. Fudaem 're legal lîabiiity for sent ta the Memonial Park As- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ehk ;.5 Mrs. Llew Haiiaweil. Maurice agwolprbbyalonscai. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fleming, on and Jim, spent Saturday withj Unionville. jMr. and Mrs. Harold Little, I Mr. Norman Moore, Malton R Mr. C a neld M . La e-'J E EN W V Hospital, visited with Mr. and t- 1 Mr. Don Stapletan's, Newton- Mrs. F. Caughiil, Burketon, n ville. 0 v~, ;isited with Mrs. E. Strutt. ~a ~ aL c lvMrs. J. L. wteGtsMl, of Mrs. James Lowery, Kirby, a5J7 y L calL ionI Ohio, visited with her parents, ve and Mrs. Piltz, Pickering, vis-Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and id îted their parents, Mn. and Mr,. wli er daughter Miss Nancy Wood. The Cubs and their leaders H oNancy ood neuBnequith hr Victr Frrow on urea aT an q eî N.and Mrs. ethik ned issh le had a Hailowe'en party last a ften spending a few days at y week. Members af the Bowmanviile was on the career of Barbara Gates ,Mills, Ohio. '~Mrs. Jim Stark was hostess Legion sponsored bantam base- Ann Scott, Canadian Figure Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn. Sfor the October meeting af Shi- bail and juvenile hockey teamns Skating Champion. The sec- Cambray, spent the weekend le loh W.A. Wednesdav evening and their coaches were guests and one showed man's progress with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Orm- n last week. Mrs. Orme Faiîs, pre- at a dunner ini their honour on in flight over the lest hall iston. L ident, was in charge with the Saturday evening at the Legion century. Mr'. and Mrs. Tamblyn and Scriptune lesson beung read by Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ormiston were tea '-Mrs. Jim Stark foiiowed by the "We are bappv to bave Yeu g uests witli Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd !cammentany by the presidexît. yaung people nepresentung the M PLDf7I Ashton, Haydon. SMrs. John Stark gave an article Legion in sports activîties," EChaUVI rsle s htoed n Lies an 'S an the Sabbath day. Mrs. Bren- Legion President Jim Firth told Mr. and Mrs. A. F. SpencerCalsatne nie'ay ýf ton Farrow gave the treasurer's the players and their guests i have returned home. after va- services at Trinity Church, Bow- h repart and a neview of the tur- a welcomung address. "The cationung the past four weeks mnanville, and wene dunner guests Le key supper- by the ladies who Legion aisa wishes ta express wîth thein daughters, Mns. H. C. of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon. 19were pleased with the unterest 1 thanks ta the coaches, parents Hunîbent, Toronto, and Mr. and . Miss Clara Page, Mrs. H. ElI- shown. It was decided ta have and those people who used Mrs. N. G. Gnose and grand-. sn ootwr ihMs . id the W.A. hazaar the et'enungj their cars for transportation daughter Deborah Gnose, Bruns- Page. i 'oI Nov. 29th with defunite an- dunung the season.")he said. wick Hotel, Wingham. rnounicements ta he made afis ei tsDnerSre Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mildredfo A l 2coming event soon. The meet- eici asDiereved ndBbatedd h ag ing was closed with the Mizpa LeiohPdParety. . ndBofatord heJile - enditin.Pnorta]tn~ IHerbert, said Grace, after Mark wedding in Toronto on e ns ais etingaPred te luch which a deliciaus turkey diii- Saturday evening. rii allsteetnggcotestladies ner. prepared by the Ladies' Mns. Sam Dewell, Hampton, QO n HalIowyeefl preciation was expressed ta Ap- Legian Auxiliary, was enjoyed visited on Sunday with lier Stak or hefin eenig* by all. sister Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Long Sauit: The annual Hal- Mtrk. for theoinsoevn. on Cmmndr pek Mrs. W. H. Brown has returnn- l Mrs.Ewar Robnson Zoe Comandr Spaks ed home from attending the îîrst 1i we'en party was held in the r Guest speaker for the even- National Convention of the Fed- school Friday evening, Nov. 1, ing was Frank "Dude" Hilîs. erated Women's Institute, held with a good attendance. Whenî Ju i r F r e s sparts columnist for the Port week. McLaggan called everyone ta Hope Guide. He was untro- The Womnen's Institute will order and with Mrs. Kathleen duced ta the audience by Sporte meet in the church basement on 1 Davey at the piano t he grand Pay Tribute Officer dTed Sheehan, chairman Monday, Nov. 11, when thepade omnc. To Ed Sunrer1mmander is brotight an will be their guests. With Misses Moreland and «' o E Su mer inpirng essge n firplay. The Couples Club will hold R obinson as judges the Ioliow- The Durham County Junior sportsmanship and honesty ta their regular meeting at Maple Ingpiewreared tFarmers' Annual Banquet. held the young athietes. Occasionally Grave Church on Thursday (ta- Pre-school - Heather McLag- ( u n Onono United Chunch on Nov. ha touched humorous higlu- night) evening. Mr. Bill Mar- gan, Bruce McLaggan, Ann C f2nd was saddened by the sudden lights af bis umpirung career. chand. Chief Engineer of Radio! Baker and Bruce McLaggan. death of aur Agicuitural Repre- He divided bis talk into three Station CKLB will be guest Schol ace Jrs. - Norma Da- sentative, Mr. E. A. Summens. parts. H1e briefiy outlined the speaker. vey. Roy Youngman, Roy tThe dance which was ta be heid Legion's work, pnaised the men Youngman and Janet McLag- alter the banquet was postponed who give freeiy of their time T~I gan. until a later date. ta coach, manage and transport LONG S AULT School age Srs.-Linda Day- 1 Foilowing a deliciaus turkey the players and urged the play- ey, Cari Banrett, Jim and Allyn dinner served by the Orono 'W. ers ta appreciate their improved Your first regular Home aid 1 Youngman. A. ladies, Jim Coambes led a opportunities compared with School Club is Friday nigh%..1 Aduts-Leslie Gable,., Mrs. sing-song, with Margaret Aiken earlier days. Nov. 8, when a good prognani Jane Woodiey. Mrs. Norman s' assistung at the piano. Sports Officer Ted Sheehar, is beung planned bv the comn- Woodley and Mrs. Jean Young- Our President Glenn Larmer pnesented the 1956 bantarn mittee. Plan t)a attend and rman. in a few well chosen words ex- basebaîl team members with help make '57-259 better than Comnic-cîîild, Lyle Milisan, pressed the feelings of Junior their crests. 11e also pnesented ever. aduit, Jaqueline Rosevear. Fareran 4--IClb mmbrsthe crests ta the 1957 team, wha Mrs. Edith Mutrphy spent M tOrgnl-cidBruce when ha spake af the great ioss wnteEsenOtroBn eea aswt isGae Ms rgnl-cid aur caunty and province havewnteEatnOtaiBa-svaldswthMsGrc suffered with the passing of Mn. tam Basebail Titie. Ha read Smith. Summrs.Follwin hisre-the1 list of names of hast sea- Sorry ta report a former Smers. oling fbisence-sons Jvenile hockey team and achool teacher at New Park, was observed. asked them ta stand. No. 20. Miss Laîura Shea. was Ed Kowal intraduced the Eastern Ontario Champions seriousiy hurt and is ini Peter- borough Hospital. Her manv members ai the winning teains District Sports Officer Bill fnien ds hope for a gaod ne- and proposed a toast ta them. Bates pnesented the Major John caver.v. This year Harold Moffat, Ken Foote Tnophy ta teamn captain Club 50 ladies vvill meet nt Bragg and Robent Allun won the Jim Mooncrit af the bantam the home af Mrs. Fred Partner seedrJudgung competition at basebail club. He made the T'ueday evening, Nov. 12. Centra Ontario Spring Show in presentation in the absence if Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Babich and Peterborough whiie Genaid As- Major Foote. The trophv i a- fami lv, Oshawa. were Sunday seîstine and Carmen Ponter won wanded annualiv ta the winner guesls of the Kovac'. the potato competition at the af the Lakeshore Bantama Several of the 4-H Club boys Provincial Inter-Club Campe- Basebali League.atedd hefnîl ia- tition in Guelph. Harold Moffat SceavRnRcad e-agtniulthelReprnativf.otIr repiied ta the toast. ertr oRihrstn pitltrlersnaiv-te Ruth and Jean Hore fnom' dered a vote af thanks ta the ]ale V. A. Siimmerq, ini Bow- Little Bitain sang several duets ladies for the excellent dunner. manville on Mondav.M which everyone enjoyed. Conade Bill Bates presented Mn. and Mrs. Charles Ross We wene priviieged ta see the leather suit rases ta each of and famiiy. Dunhanton. wert- slides wvhich Dave Barrie, Presi- the tram's coaches and mnari- ;aturdav aftennoon guests onf dent ai the Provincial Associa- agers as a token ai the Legion's Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Fletcher. tion took while attending the appreciation. Mrs. Orme Mý,iIIvr v1kýitrd hem Rural Section. World Assembly Express Gratitude parents. Mn. and Mrs. Bab M,- 1 / e oo c t u of Youth, held in Beinut, Leban- Tom Turner, manager of the Clelland. Tara- gladta t report on. bantam basebahl team thanked ber father is slug-htlv impnaved Our banquet this year was the Legion on behalf of th.- aith ough stili very weak. Poe od adod-yu i well atended and the Junior groîup for the gifts. Thev in« Mr. and Mrq. Criffen and Foe od adod-yu i Farmers wish ta thank aIl who cluded: George Piper, basebail familv, Oshawa, were Suindav saw tackles every type oI timbe helped ta make it a success. coach; Don Masters, hockey rupuier ge5tq of Mr. and Mrs. of year! Exclusive ."zero-weather coach; Morley Oke. basebahi E. Plenwarden. coach and AI Clarke, hockey Miss Sandra Gibson wae a winten starting, greater lugging club manager, who was absent. Satuirdav giest of Mr. and Mrs. add up to bigger winter cutting pi Turi OId Furnilure Head table guests included: A. CrowaSu b fr aIrc dWnostatiuî mbi Cash hart. Bihl Bate!,, Vern Huffman, niM.a MrTBo Port Hope Legion BrRnch PreF- 1lCameman Mr adMr. o with ident: Ted Shechan. Thev wenrp Mamrnd . fv isna-C introduced after dinner bv tnéled thie veddine of théirs. W STATESMAN Preqident Jim Firth. J s essPas eihonMAcx CLASSIFIEDS Atter t he conclusion of the1 and Mr. .James Gnod.Su-Qr nm v% îI F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hanmpton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Bunketon th's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Orona Wm. Turansky, Kendal iderson's Book Store, Oshawa Ifouse That Jack But R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Loveli Dilling's General Stor,@ 106 Duke St. The Statesman Office- Free!1 BLACK DI STAA WAt e' purchase at Vigor SERVICE S CORNER 0F MAS AND FIFTHJ CC Phone MA Vigor a Standard Gasoline' (igor SuperA Iigh Test Coniplete Lubrication at >OVE OIL AVAILABLE AT TIIE ST. OPEN EVENINGS J t The elimunation contest for Clarke Township Rural Schools in Public Speaking was held in the Crooked Creek School on Tuasday evenung, October 29 when eight schools were re- presentad by contestants. David Gibson af Lackhart's sehool and Mary Raid ai the Cawanviile school were chasen as the rural school winnerr. Sandra Bowuns ai the Antioch school was selected as the alter- nate contestant. The twa winnung contestants wiil now compete at tha semi- final sanies in the Campbelicroft Hall. The wunners of this cont- petition will then compate mi the County Final Contest which- will be hehd in the Orono Unit- ed Church, Fniday, Novamben 8th. Judges at the contest In Crooked Crack wcra Mrs. J. Arnott, Mrs. C. Allun and Mn J. Ford. Mrs. F. Bowen, an behal! ai the Ontario Education Associa- tion, presented books ta Ri! contestants. The followung girls provided musical entertainment throughout the evaning: Mari- lyn Falls, Elva Ann Robinson, Donna Souch, Mary Raid and Canal Hicks, Nancy Martin ai the Lockhart school gava a bu- morous taik an the warnies aof prapanung a speech. This xva-; given durung the tabulation by' the judges.j Trrinity. Anr Services Wc Anniversary services of Trir ity United Church on Nov. were largely attended and mai memorable by the beautifu music of praise and inspiration al messages of the guest min jister. Rev. A. Lloy« d Shorten, B.A ,B. D., S.T.M., of St. James U] ithe annveerorouspeaker thed Chuceeroroughkerw bath monning and evening ser vices. Trinity's minister, Rev. ' A. Morgan, cozpducted service for Mr. Shorten in Peterbor Mrg.Shreagdut reagaut Queen's University and Union N.Y., served as a secretary wîtl the United Church Board o Christian Education before go ing ta Peterborough in 1953. It the morning his timely an. challen.ging message was ai "The Witness of the Church" Ini the evening he spoke on thé question "What Price Chrisiar. ity?" TIn bath sermons the mir. ister urged church members t( examine themselves, their wil. ness, and their contribution tc the church. The music by the chairs un- der the direction of arganist and chair leader Mr. Arthur Col son, Mus. B., L.R.S.M., was an inspiration on this anniversary Lawyer Advi Granting 9Ç supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 McLaggan; aduit, Mrs. Gwan iversaryColin Taylor. Bowmanville. and'Murphy. iive scrySatunday evenîng guests of Mr. Alter ail had received their I A .. i * and Mns. Murray Tabb. Bow-' prizesan nise gms el mu tr enaea manville. ere enjoyad bx' bath your.g Student teachens are at the and aid each receiving a treat ýn- f occasion. At the xnorning ser- 1 schooi this week. 'of peanuts and kîssas. Lunch 3 vice th~e Junior Choir sang "Al - v as served and a social time de Pralse ta The:" by Tallis; the tL Tc'TT'T was enjayed by ail. 0i God" by Mendelssohn, and ýn- the combined chairs, "Cnimond" Service Club met at Mrs. T. x lr r r ýn- ta a Scottish psalm tune. Solo- Robson's, Oct. 23, in the forma E poo esfr ust in the marnng was Mrs. S. a Haliowe'en party when mem Blc wh sang "Caunt Yaur bers annived ini costume. it -wa-sSpa nsors of n- lesins"by O'Hara. decided ta hold a card paîty' as Two anthems were sung by dance and draw and committeesk at the Senior Chair at the vn for same were appointed. Mnsi a qu r d ýr- iig service. "Lard, I HE Ly A. J. Werry took charge of the vas u r d T. e theHabitation ai Thy Houzc'* i social hour, consisting of Hal-! Enniskien-The annual Hal-' es bv Torrance, and "O Worship jloweýen contasts, etc. Prizes, lowe'en Masquerade sponsored r- the King" by Nichai. Miss Mar -wene given and lunch was serv- b h xlrr n iso garat Allun was soloist in the! cd by Mns. W. Griffun, Ms. A.î Band wvas held in the church of latter. J. Wenry and hostess. Next. basement Thursday evening. a, Mrs. A. Merkiey was the solo- meeting Nov. 6 at Mrs. A. Lead-'Pie wne ytejde h ist ini the evenungsingiu-g beater's. Mrs. M. Hobbs, Mrs. H-. Grubb: of "Abide With Me" by Liddie. iMr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- andci Mrs. R. Virtîîe, wore: 0- Thosa attending wera remind- ley, Bawnanville, were Satur- tlHallowe'eni -- Pat Turnb uli, n ed af the church's roots in bis- day evaning guests with Mn. and Betty Jane Werry, George Lead- ;d tory. The Iirst Methodist Churcb Mns. Ross Page and Mn. L. Brad- beater. m was built in Bowmanvila in ley. Nursery Rhyma - Sandra 0. 1839 on the west hili af the Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore and Werry, Mantha Boydi, Mary X'eo. .e town where settiemant began. Keith, Enniskillen, wene Sonda Y Representation - H a a t h e r1 i- The prasent site of Trinity was guests of Mn. and Mrs. A. Lead- Griffin, Richard Pickering, Gar- - donated two years later and a beater. don Boyd, Glanyth Green, Ruth ao churcn which was built was en- Mn. and Mrs. John Gniffin Pethick, Clara Ashton. t- harged twice in the next 2,5 and Iamily,, Mrs. E. Bennatt Comic-June Turnbull, Kath- Lo years. The present building was wene visitons at Mrs. George ryn Sienion, Neil Yeo. enected anound 1890 aiter tua Squibbs' af Churchill. Couple-Laura Griffun and i-Methadist Union which saw the Mn. and Mns. Allan Wemny, Daphna Greenî: Ronald. Canal ti Bible Christians joîn with tileSandra and Sharon, were dinner and Malcolm Harvcy; Maureen i-Wasleyans. The cangragation1 guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. McNair and Patty Page. ýn became a part ai the United 1Siemon, Bawmanviile, and et Aduit Caupie-Mrs. H. Ashton -Y Church in 1925. îtandad Trinity United Chunch anîd Mrs. Turnbuli, lMrs. Pickcr- Annivensary. ing and Mrs. Harve. Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett,1 Comic-Mrs. G. Yeo anîd Mrs. A... j, Wayne and Manie, wcre visitons S Sellick; Mrs. O. Ashton. ises A g amnst tMn. and Mrs. Jack Hold- I Representation-Mrs. osn N ~~~We are veny pieased ta report ___________ P-YeurLecise Mn. W. H. Moore i mrvn ~~-Yea r L~~L.~e from resulis of the flii. adTeSaemnS Il the Town Corporation and i M. Aan MranBa nvle h tts a S l eaddition the solicitors doubted Ruth, Mn. and Mrs. Raiph Lamb, At Fo Ilowing Stores -the power ai Council ta grant a Mn. anîd Mrs. Stewart Lamb lease fan 99 yeans and certainiy were Sunday guests at Mr. and Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany k ta an unincarporated organîza- Ms oal abs Johuison's Drug Store, Newcastle tian. ~~~~Miss Marie Bottrell, Mn. and 1 .Ewiht ecsi hi ,"We suggast", the letter stated, Mrs. Earl Bottraîl and Master' S. Bronii, Newtonviiie ýe "hat bath parties will ha better Raymond Bottrell Nawcastle, Ponter's Gen. Store, Newtonville - served by the gnantung ai a new w ihM.adMs al CPetik nikle ýr 10-year leasa with a renewaî were wih . aî ns al TM. Sehic, Enniskilen 3 King* W. MA 3-5463 Free! AMOND APS ývery ofgas Oul 'TATION NVERS ROAD DNCESSION 3-29)9 9GAL. 19l OC ncluding tas iOc ineluding tmx a Reasonable Price IN ANY QUANTITY 'ATION AND SUNDAYS FlOihîlPIONEER RA ineer RA c.hpin cmr, avery timne r" ehain, easy g power - ai profit, for YOUI e >RTON &SON Ontario M - WR vW other diamond con match a ci1 ghi diamond y le It ail odds up to o dîom*d without paonl Compare any other diamond with o Circle of Light qjiamond. You'iI see how its exclusive, compieteiy polished edge gives you a diomond thot is visibly langer, perceptibriy more brilliont - ond cl this wiMoièt adding 4 your iiqv..tunt. MARR'S J EWELLERY lu 01 0( NO 1 - , .-i à ', -.. . A value

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