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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1957, p. 6

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~AG!~ six ¶~ CANADIAK BTATESMAN. BOWMAKVTLL~. ONTAB!O THURSDAY. NOV. 7th. 195? Rotary Members Report On District Convention Concise reports of the Rotai-yj District Conference held at the King Edward Hotel, Toron-o. were given by four Bowrnan- 'Ville Rotarians at the regular club luncheon Friday. Host club for the two day1 conference was Mirnico - Ne~v Toronto headed by District Gov- ernor I. P. ",Brett" Brettell. Al 41 clubs in District 707 were re- presented with Dr. Keith Sle-' mon, president, and Georgel 'Vice, secretary, being Bowman- ville's official delegates. i1 Waller DeGeer told of the1 Friday rnorning program which inclucled the opening cerernon- les and first plenarv session. The official representative for the President of Rotar-y Inter- national xvas a Rotai-y Interna- tional Director, Webb Follin fi-om Tennessee. Mr. Follin was guest speake- I at the Conference luncheon andl to Rotaiian Walter gave one I of the most stirring addressiEs1I on Rotary. Mr. Follin's speech was titled 'Buiilding B9etter' Bridges to Friendship." i He related that other power-1 fui civi]iza'tions have faflenl I and the Western Civilization i in suVh a position that it could! easil.-,corne to grief. The bi--; gest threat to world peace Mr. Follin thoîight was intena-1 t:onaî boundaries and the soon-! er these corne down, the bette rj it will be. Rotary he explained 15 oreeimeans of rcrnoving boun-1 darics.( Re'~xalters reported on the - Friday afternoon program t1 which featured. a session on,1 "What is Rota-w ail About." It1 covered community service, club ser-vice, vocational service. international service, and the' International Institute. Walt DeGeer, Bowmanville, spoke on the "Club Service" aspect. Reslutions and enactrnents Wcre also considered during tile Low Prices lVoodbury Shampoo - 69e Vacuurn Botties -___79e 300 A.S.A. Tabs. 49e 2.00 Egg Cremýe Shampoo ---- __- 1.25 Geritol 1.35 3.29 - 5.49 Bayer Aspirin .190 29c,-49c-79c Alka Seltzer 34e - 68o afternoon by the Rotarians while their wives enjoyed a fashion show and tea. Continuing the Conference reports Ken Morris told o! the traditional Early Birds' Break- fast &t 8 arn. Saturday withn the Don ïMilîs Club as bosts for this mernorable occasion. Ker. Moi-ris and Keith Slemon mnci- dentally won prizes during the course o! the breakfast. Saturiday morning plenary ses- sion consisted of a panel discus- sien of the four avenues o! Ro- tai-y service. District Governor Ed Ruggles, Cobourg, aise spoke during the rnorning an-d made a famiurable impression with the delegates. Moriey Vanstone spoke on the Saturda.v luncheon where Hon. Michael Star-, Federal Minister of Labour and a mem- ber o! the Oshawa Rotai-y Club was gL'est speaker. Another panel discussion was beld in the afternoon at whieh time the employer- employee re- lationship was discussed. President Keith Slemon wound up the Conference re- ports by giving some of hý:s comments on the event. li-e mentiened the Country Ho- down dance on Friday evenitg, the Governors Bail Saturday evening and the special pi-eser.- tation made te Past District Governor Walter DeGeer. Muchi of this year's confer- ence lie pointed out was a t'e- plica cf last Year's conferenc of which the Bownianville Ro- tai-y club -wei-e hosts. "Imita- tien," he said, -is the sincerestl foi-m of flattery but it is net asi good &s the real thing." Only member celebrating a birthday was George James, a i charte-r member of the club and president in 1931-32, The hockey draw was won by Georgte Charlton, Oshawa, and L.W. Dippel. To mark the occasion of an Home Permanents Tonette for Childrca 1.75 New Toni «___ 2.00- 2.29 Creaffiy ProM - 2.00 SHudnut's Bfuss _____2.00 Wildroot Cream 011 43c-73c-98b Coldene Liquid 1.10 Cigarette Lighters 49a - 79o Nyal Creophos Cough Remedies. Stops Couglis - Kills Colds Uuekley's Mixture 59c, 85e It's an Ideal Tonie Pinex -____-60c, 1.00 Large hottle - 1.50 Pertussin -____ 69c, 1.19 Ladies' Hair Brushes -- - -___59c, 98c to 4.95 COWLING'S PHONE NIA 3-5695 WE FIT TRUSSES Royal Theatre BowmanvilkE FRI. AND SAT. - NOV. 8 -9 'Wciyword Bus" Johni Steinbeck's daring best-selling novel, dealing with a group of bus passengers whose lives become entangled during a dangerous journey. Stars JOAN COLLINS, DAN DAILY also "Hon eychile" (Color) Comcedy starring Judy Canova Last compIetie show 8:30 Sat. Mlatinee - Judy Show- and Cartoon MON. - WED. - NOV. 11 . 13 =Oh Clontury-Pox pt.Soet CARY v.GRANT* DEBRAIIKER iL.o McC&rey.& AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER Owrg.CINUMASCOPE- COLOR by OF. LUXE wm Rkh&4 N NtPattrm - Cah. tnNiib.tI - RMrt Q Le,.s -Oarit, Watts- owiSe, Feature 7:15 and 9:30. Last complete 9:15 Last time to-day, 8 p.nx., "Giant" Opening Wed.. Nov. 20 - "Oklahoma" ai-rival of a new son Rae Run- f ~ . dle was presented with- a baby I onaiin rEUe blanket and many smaller gifts fi-rn fellow Rotarians. Offerinc sage advice for the occasin a. Top Red Crc Visitors at the meeting were A Canadian delegate te the tKen Markle, Jirn Flett, Stan International Red Cross Con- LovelI, Jack Claus, Tom Dob- ference, now being held in New bie, George Charlton, Robert Delhi, India, has been highly Schoenau, ahi o! Oshawa, Jack, honoured. by the supreme gev- Hughes, Willowdale, and Bruce ernrng body o! the Red Cross. tiWalters, Ottawa. John A. MacAulay, Q.C., of Winnipeg, was chosen today te serve as chairman o! the Inter- B URKETON national Humanitarian Law Commission. He was elected by Mi-. Dave Hawker and Mr. repi-esentatives o! over 70 Red Carl Johnston, Agincourt, vis Cross, Red Crescent and Red ited xith Mi-. and Mrs. R. Bone Lion and Sun Societies, the In- on Thursday evening o! last ternational Committee o! the tweek. Mi-. Hawker is associated Red Cross and representatives with the Mounted Police and i'o! governments throughout thc a t present stationed at Char- world. lottetown, P.E.I. and expeets to The Commission of Interna- be transferred te the Arcticj tional Humanitarian Law is next spring. Mi-. Johnston is i considered the mest important 1partnership witb bis father Commission o! the Internation- and brother in the hardware ai Red Cross Conference and business in Agincourt. Iwill deal wîth the Draft Rules for.the Limitation o! the Dan- Thieves atternpted ~robbry gers Incurred by the Civilian at Davey's store on Wýednesday inighit o! last Wyeek, but were frightened off by the farnily fun wvthout destruction o! pro- dog and w.ere foiled in t.ei perty? iattempts te rob the place.Ho- Symipathv is ektended Mrs. ever the 'v managed te eut tele.- Ray MeGill in the passing of phone wires and Mrs. Dave, b er father, Mi-. Jas. Armstronga, wbo is there alone except forý at Burnt River, Tuesday. Also ber invalid husband, was uii- te Mr. Earl Doeil in the pass- able to summon the police. ing of bis eldest brother, Mr-. Mr-. E. H. Van dem Meulen Bei-t Don-ehl at Midland, Tue- was ;n Toronto on Monday. day. Mr-. and Mrs. George Wallen, This comrnunity was sbockea Markbarn, were Sundav visitons and saddened Saturday te hear o! bier parents Mn. and Mrs. R. of the very sudden passing of Bone. Mr. E. A. Summ-ers, Bowman- ville. On Fiiday Mr. Summers Hallowe'en passed into bis-hdbstokucincas,! tory once more last Thui-sday,ý Durham, visiting some o! the e vening. Altbough spooks, gob- farms o! this towvnship in pi--- lins, elves and fairies we;ce paration for their competition roaming about neoi-cal harm at the Royal. was done. A white goat wvas Saturda.N evening a good I ied up at the Ribey"s front number from bei-e attendcd door and a few outhouses tilt- the Junior Farmers' Banquet at cd a bit. and a few car windows, Orono. The supper was ail pi-e- soaped up a ittie, but n ei-al pared before knowing o! Mr. destruction was noticeable. Summers' passing and business AI Reid is already duawig i was carried but programi and truck loads o! Christmas trees dance werc cancelled. and piling tbem beside the i-ail- Once again David took on moad tacks, in rcadiness for Goliath wben the Cartwmigbt shipment te the United States Homnets took on Bowmanvi!a_ semetirne about the middle o! High School last Saturday in November. Seeing the trees makes us realize that Christ- mas ;s net far off. Business. Direcfory M.and Mrs. A. E. RibeV __ ________ visiting fricnds. A c coun ta ncvy Congratulations te Mr-. and Mrs. Harold McLaughin on the WM. 3. H. COGGINS bitb o! a daugbter on Oct. 29', CbArtered Accounitant in'Mernorial Hospital, Bowman- 64 Kirig St. E. Bowmanville ville. (Above Garton's Bus Station) The new church hall will be 64 King Street E. dedieatcd on Nov. 13, prier te the W.A. bazaar. Sec Cominug MONTEITH - MONTEITU Events. RIEHL & CO. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cam- Chartered Accounitants mac and farnily spent Sunday 135 Sirncoe St. N. Oshawa witb friends and relatives in RA 5-3527 Whitby. Partners: Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymour, J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. Kingston, callcd bricfly on Mr, A. B. Monteith, B.Cornm., C.A. and Mrs. A. E. Ribcy on Satur- G. W. Riehl, C.A. day, enroute to Fiorida. a (Lieensed Trustee) Mrs. Greta Bailey, Oshawa, 4~ G. E., Trctbewey, C.A. is spendmng a few days at ber R. F. Lightfoot. C.A. home bei-e. Mrs. Win. McLaughlin is YALE, FRIEDLANDER, spending a few days at the . HUNTERL & CO. home of hem son, Harold, Black- Accountants andi AudItors stock. ,64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 A cordial invitation is ex-I Oshawa tcnded te everyonc te attendI B. L. Yale, C.A. the Dr. Saper Mission, te be P. Friedlander, B. Comm., .P.A bcld in the U.A.W.A. Hall, Oslh- J. Hunter, C.P.A. awa, ahi this week, from Nov. 3 te 10. C îo r c î Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue, Chiroprac c and familv, spent Friday- even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mus. G. EDWIN MANN. D.C. Dave Gatchehi, Oshawa. Chirepractor Mrs. Gatchel bas been spcnd- Office:., ing a few days in Toi-ente. 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Horsey St. Mrs. R. Davey was in Osh- Phone MA 3-5509 àwa on Monday. Office Ueurs: By Appointment Mr.W.Preraddau g h- - ter, Lindsay, are visitors at thD borne o! Mi-. and Mrs. P. Gat-i cheli. Mr-. R. Oliver and Miss M. DR. W. TML RUDELL, D.D.S. Oliver, Sheibumne, spent Stit- Office: Jury Jubiiee Bldg. day with Mr-. and Mrs. Earl 40 King St. W. Buwrnanville Oliver. Office Heurs: Mr-. and Mi-s. Norman Mitch- 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daiiy ell, Toi-ento, Mi-. Wm. Mitchell Closcd Saturday and Sunday and Maurice, Pontypool, wero Office Phone MA 3-5790* Sunday visitai-s o! Mi-. and Mrs. House Phone - Newcastle 3551 e ga 1 ected to Hoid oss Position Population in Time of War sub- mitted by the International rCommittee of the Red Cross r(Geneva), proposed amend- ments to the humanîtarian Gen- eva Conventions and such con- Etroversiai subjects as the inter- national control o! nuclear wea- ports. It will also deal with rpractical methods te reunite farnilies separated by war, re- voit and political barriers. 1 Mr. MacAulay is a prominent Canadian barrister and a for- mer chairman of Central Coun- cil of the Canadian Red Cross Society. He is highly respected in the Red Cross world for h;s outstanding work as chairman of the 18th International Red tCross Conference heid in To- Sronto in 1952 and bis choice as 1chairrnan of the Commission on International Hurnanitarian Lavi was a popular one with the de- ilegates. a game of rugby. Bowmanville won 12-7 but Cartwright boys put up a terrific bttle, when you consider that Bbwmanville lias been massaci-ing the oppo- sition in the Lake Shore Leaguîe by scores o! 54-O and 34-0 etc, It is to be hoped that if the boys take on Port Hope next we'k in Blackstock, the local citizenry corne eut and support the team. The Explorers' meeting was held Wednesday after schocl and took the foi-m of a Hallow- e en party. Ahl members and each with a guest came in cos- turne and a good time wîth garnes and refreshrnents was had. A baptismal service was held in the United Church Sunday morning when the following baby girls were baptized: Joan Marie. daughter o! Mi-. and Mrs. Jim Coates; Cynthia Lou. 'daughter o! Mi-. and Mrs. Keith Van Camp; Elaine Audrey, daughter o! Mi-. and Mrs. Wal- ter Wright: Cheryl Renetta, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright. Rev. P. Romeril deliv- ered a fine sermon, from the text, "Whosoever shallflot i-e- ceive the Kingdom of God, as a littie child shaîll ot enter there- in.', Congratulations te Mi-. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin on the birth o! a daughter in Bowmani- ville Wednesday. Aise te Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewin on the birth of a son in Oshawa hespi- tal Wednesday. Mrs. R. Ford went te Port Credit Tuesday te spend àserMe tirne with her daughter Mris. Art Rustin who bas a newý baby boy. Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Mýrs. David Hill went te Richmnond, Hill Thursday where they 1 spend the winters. Mi-. Wilbert Archer is spend- ing a week with friends at Min- den, Mi-. and Mrs. Bei-t Smith, To- a'ento; Mr-. and Mrs. Elmer Ar- cher and family, Whitby, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Archer and Mr-. Alex Dever. Mr-. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Sohina; Miss Evelyn Taylor, Pe- terborough; Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mi-. and Mrs. Ernest Lai-mer and Mr-. and Mrs. Glenn Lai-mer. Mi-. and Mrs. Tom Walby. Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heffron, Toronto, were Sunday gcuests o! Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Wheel- er, Hastings, visited the Ernest Swains and Bob Wheelers. Mr.and Mrs. Alex Clements, Norwood, were weekend guests o! Mr-. and Mi-s. Russell Mount- joy. Mr-. and Mrs. Russell Mount- joy were Sunday supper uets of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mouýnt- jov, Hampton, and attende h anniversary. Mi-. and Mrs. Edgar Horne, Oshawa; q-Mi-.qndi Mrs. Roy Tre-1 Elevn cupls me atthe STRIKE and STRIKE Mi-s. Brown (Mrs. Saundev's Parsonagre Wcdnesday nigbt fir Barristers, Solicitors J, mother) who is recupei-atincg their monthly meeting. Games Notaries Public from a recent faîl had ten 1 wcre played followcd bN' a dis- W. R. Strike, Q.C. grandehildi-en, 12 great grand- 1 cussion on "Comi.îtnity lIm- A. A. H. Strike. B.A. children as weil as other mcm- provements". An invitation 40 King St. W. - Bewmanville bei-s o! tbe !amily caîl on ber I r om Sauina Club te visit tbcmj Telephone MA 3-5791 Sunday at the home o! Mr. and fon Nov. 29 wvas rcad. Lunch Mns. Gco. Saunders. iwas partaken of. Rev. P. Rom-_ LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A.. Mi-. and Mns. Leslie Graham, j ciil conducted the devetional Barrister, Solicitor 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Grahamn, Val- 1 perîod. Notai-y Public cric, Donna, Leslie and Marie The Osawa Prsbye. King St. W - Bowmanville o! Millbi-ook and Mr-. and Mis Young People's Association hcld Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Don Pargeter, Donna and Bilvy, their annual Hard Time Hal-1 Residence MA 3-5553 Port Perry, were Sunday guests lowc'en party in the Rec'rea- o! Mr-. and Mi-s. Menvyn Gi-a- tien Centrc ei-c e n Thursda1.y àISS APHA L. HODGINS ham and Roy, nigbt. Seme 65 pensons attend- Barrister. Solicitor O ensa feno r ed and spent an enjoyable Notai-y Public ClOnrednresdat a!of on evening. The pi-agi-arn was car-1 Temperance St. - Bowvmanville Eduication and Mi-. Muni-o, Ins- Curie onvte eeneaovn-ci E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, pector o! Auxiliarv Education Cutuje omnvienr nd-Moa ei U.E., B.A., LLB. fi-om the departrncnt o! Educa- Bell, Bosavil. and Jeonn Box 9, Newcastle tien met with the teachers o! Bell, o tha. M i-v e for, Phone Newcastle 2246 1North Darlington. Manvers and gueOsbawath wnum1w pi-ize fres Consultation bx' appointment jCartwýrýglt at Cartwright Ceni- guong cbofconmbeerao! kerlsonlv. tral Public School and gave Pa on acobo! oi-. Secna ot(~rtalk on Auîxiliary education in prizes %vcnc awanded on dîffer- oui- schools. cnt gamnes and contcsts and Mo.Lr gag~e s Since then Mrs. J. Vcnning, I luch ws seved.principal of Cartwr-ight school Sevcn tables of cuchre were LEROY HAMILTON - ORiO 1 bas received a letter from Mr. plavced at the partv' in the c~ofl1- Phone 1 r 16 Munno telling how proud the miunitx' hall spcnscred Uwt thej First Mortace funds citizenq of Cartwright shouid W\ometVis institffle Frtdav v- Residences - Fai-ms be wtith th-ir scbool and the i og1. \inltcrs were: Mrs. Le< c e usiness Properties aîriiwihitscaic MoL1ntjcv, Ms ec 'tn______on.____ Camu!. Mr'. Carl W%'riglit. Mri.F___________ Hodgsen. Port Pci-ry. 0 OP tom e Ir y -____ f Hallowe'eni is over. A great! iO! Canada's 15 leading mn many spooks. ghosts, goblins KEYTU A. BILLETT u!facturing industries, four arc and mrost cvervthing imaginable. i Optomrncist bascd on agricultui-al pi-oduc- had a good lime calling *"Tiick :141 K rng St.E. Bowmanville tien- mrat packing, butter and or Treat"' on the homes in the Office Heurs: Sv appeintment; cheese, bread and bakery pro- i village and bath the cailers and Telephone MAnket 3-31,52 ducls; misccellaneous foods. De- fthose who handed out the treatsi Mondav te Saturdav fpcnding primaiu on domestie reall.\ enjo.vtd the evcnin.BuJ q a.m. te 5 or.. demrand, thei-r post-war growth ]q ~ it that as some gi-ow cd. ednesdavs' 9 te 12 'ni-s hien at a sl1ower rate than er they /can noL aem :e have& Thursday evenings lirnost other manufacturing.' SOLINA Hallowe'en parties were heldi at Baker's and Bradley's Schools last week when everyone en- oYed the usual pleasant even- Tngprovided by the teachers and pupils. Next Sunday, November 10,1 church service will be at 10 o'clock and Sunday School at 11:15 a.m., owing to Zion special service in the afternoon. It was with deep regret the Junior Farmers and ex-Junior Farmers of Solina community received the news of the sudden passing of their highly respected Agricultural Representative, Mr. E. A. Summers of Bowmanville. Many friends frorn here at- tended the funeral service in Trinity United Church on Mon- day afternoon. Sincere sy-, pathy is extended to his wife at this time. On Tuesday evening, Nov. 12, the Three M's group will have a conducted tour o! the Bowman- ville Goodyear plant, at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Addie Tink visited Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence Tink's, Hamp- ton. *Mrs. Bruce Tink and Herbie visited Mrs. W. A. Ormiston at Brooklin. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- borough; Miss Lena Taylor, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and son were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Haryr Knox and Birds Eye Frozen ORANGE JUICE 12-oz. tin 3 for 89o Birds Eye Frozen GREEN PEAS 12-oz. pkg. "~5 for 1.00 w *101 z sons visited at Mr-. Ken Pascoe's, Brougham. Mi-. and Mrs. E. Spires visited Mrs. W. J. Spires, Millbrook. Mrs. G. Glaspell and sens, Taunton; Mrs. A. Beever and son, Mr-. and Mrs. J. Dyer and Elizabeth, Oshawa, visited at Mr-. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe's. Mr. afld Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery were Sunday guests at Mi-. Ian Montgomery's, Oshawa. Mrs. 'Chas. Smith, Mi-. and Mrs. H. Freiteg and sens, Mr-. and Mrs. Ken McMinn and childi-en, Miss Jean Cryderman and Mr-. George Bittner, Osha- wa, were at Mi-. E. Cryderman's. Mr-. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- man and childi-en were Sunday tea guests of Mi-s. S. Rundle and Jean, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pascoe were Sunday visiters at Mr-. Clîfford Naylor's, Columbus. The Shorthorn sale held at the home of Mr. Jack Baker, manager, on Saturday, preved quite successfui. Messrs. Russell and John Earle o! Ida-, Mr. and Mrs. L. Glaspeli, Lindsay; Mi-. and Mrs. George Wilson, Mi-. W. GlaspeIl a nd Mr.1 Oliver Glaspell, Peterborough, visited at Mi-. Isaac Hardy's. Mr-. and Mrs. Wes Werry visited Mi-. and Mrs. N. Metcalf, Oshawa. Mi-. and Mrs. Wes His and family visited at Mi-. M. Mc- Carrell's, Omemee. The, Womnen's Institute bas planned a cemmunity family night te bc held on Friday, Nov. 15 in the hall. From the va-:ied costumes at UDUMAO& ROAST Miîd, Sweet - Large sire Spanish Onions Bradley's Hallowe'en party the judges chose the followitig win- ners: Pre-sehool child-Ellen Cryderman; school girl-Lois Ashton; school boy- an Knox; most original-Jeain n- cock; comic-Rose Marie S Xk- ling; adult-Mrs. W. Bowl>liCn; càuple-Mrs. M. Hancock and tBob Flett. Games and lunch concluded the evening's pro- gi-arn. The next meeting of the Comrnunity Club will be on~ 1Nov. 22 with the G. and EL Leasks as program cormi*tte. At Baker's School prizes w awarded to: pre-school (hiý.ýh -Carol and Anne His; best school boy's home-made costume -Murray Yellowlees, and best comic costume-Keith Moore. Beautiful slides of xvild life xvere shown by Mrs. Wallis. mother of the teacher, and lunch was served. AVAMBLEFOR NORTGAGES RýaIph S. Jones 6 Barrister and Solicitor 65 Slmeoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 t - Iav Birds Eye Frozen 8-or. sire TURKEYI CHICKENI BEEF PIES - 2F Birds Eye 12-or. pkg. FIRENCH FRIES -----2F Birds Eye 12-or. pkg. POTATO PATTIES 2 F- Rirds Eye 8-or. pkg. FISH STICKS ----- For 65C For 39c Fr 4 i I m lb. 37c Zfor 23c For a Delicious Treat Tender, Deliciously Flavourcd No. 1 MUSHROOMS b 69c DRUSSEL SPROUTSL. 19C B U UC k JNTSM WINNER 99 Welland St. N. Grand Prize Thorold, Ont. à l ARED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMAINVILLE- Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE- Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO- Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market THERE'S 'i FIGHT COLDS WITH Extra Vifamins One A Day Multiple Vitamins 1.40, 2.50, 3.95, 7.95 Beminal Tabs-- 1.50, 3.75 Aiphamettes 1.00. 1.85, 3.50 Wampole's Extract 1.50, 2.75 Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Paramettes* 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 DRUG STORE *"Birds Eye GREEN BEANS, 10-oz. pkg. ALL FOR Combination KERNEL CORN, 12-oz. pkg. Chopped BROCCOLI, lO0-oz. pkg. E "Best Buy" «"Best Buy" '<Best Buy" BROMO Lipton's Clark's Robin Hood WISK CHICKEN BEANS INSTANT LIQUID SELTZER NOL WITH PORK OATS DETERGENT NOL 20-oz. tin 44-oz. pkg. 15e off giant tUn Small - 29a SOUP MIX 2 for 35c 37c 65e Regular - 55o 2 for 21o York 16-oz. jar Bread 'n' Butter pPickles m m m 27c York 24-oz. jar Whole Diii Pickles -M-- M-29c Aunt Mary's - Daily Fresh 24-oz. loaf .Siiced Bread M - - 17c York 16-or. ice box jar Homo Peanut Butter m -43c Golden Hour pkg. After Dinner Mints ----2.9c NATIONAL KLEENEX WEEK Kleenex Tissues 400', pg. ---35c BRANDED BEEF LEAN, TENDER - Blade Bone Removed JJJLUJJ. 1J.LULjIA Tasty - Lean Swift's Premium - Rindless - Sliced MINCED DEEF - 3 Lbm. 85c SIDE BACON - lbl. Pkg. 79c Swift Premium - Snioked Cryovac Swift's Premium - By the piece COTTAGE ROLL - /21la, 59c BOLOGNA - - Lih.29c Florida's Finest, Sweet, Juicy 96 sire Grapefruit iO for 47c ----------- !lm %. l" "M CANAVIAN STATESMAN., ONTAMO TRURSDAY, NOV. 7th, 195T PAGE sur

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