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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 19

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' TRSDAT, NOV. 14th, 19311 THE CANAD!An STATESM.NA.N. BOWNIANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN Clusi IRo Eming Events taattend Shiloh W.A. bauaar Frlday evening, Nov. 29th 8atnat 8 p.m., followed by entetanent and lunch. 46-111 Reserve December 13 and 141 ~OrWIdIq CncrtofBowman- ~vin-"'i Socety.Guest ar- Ç~L~4rickGeogegan, or- 5Bfl~46-1 St. Andrew's Church bazaar, % rday, Nov. 15 in the church nbasement. Home baking, fancy ~and plain sewing, afternoon teaý ,fromn 3 to 6. 45-2 Dance and Card Party at En- ,~iniikillen Hall, Friday, Novem- ber 22. Novelty dance prizes, also draw for four large prizes. Sponsored by Enniskiilen Service Cub. 46-2 Bowmanville Lions Club bingo In Lions Community Centre, 26 Beech Ave. on Monday, Nov. lBth at 8 p.m. Jackpot $100. 20 gamnes for $10.00. Twa special ames. Admission $tl.OO at the or. 45-2 Woodview Community Centre -MonterBingo. Twenty games .-twenty dollars; five games- Q.thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door R rizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m.. I ed Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Regular weekly bingo held Trhursdays except third week in -the month which will be held en Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under $.00. Admission 50c. 44-tf Courtice Circuit Brotherhood -Reserve Thursday. Nov. l4th, 8 p.m., at Courtice Church. Our 1 pca speaker for opening rilhtwill be Mr. David P. Sav- age of Oshawa. Ail men wel- corne. Each one bring one or more. 45-2 The Newtonville Girl Guides Dance advertised for November -I lth has been postponed for one 2week. Make a date for Novem- ber 23rd at Newtonville Com- rnunity Hall. Round and square -dancing. Admission 50 and 25 cents. 46-1 Hampton Women's Institute 'are holding their annual bazaar in the Sunday Schooi roomn on Friday, November lSth at 2:30 p.rn. There will be many various : ooths including home baking, also some new booths. After- mion tea will be served. 45-2 OKLAHOMA ! Openrs at the Royal Theatre WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2th Advance sale of tickets for o vening performances now at box office or Phone MA 3-5589. ~dult price - 75c 4- ff FORGET THE HARD TIME DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 16 IN SOLINA HALL ?d omer 's Orchestra ime f uldressed ni, erIl 45-21 The Bowmanville Art Group '~Annual Show in Lions Commun- *ity Centre Saturday and Sun- day, Nov. 16 and 17, 2-5 p.m. This wiil include a group of paintings by Arnold Hodgkins, A.O.C.A., and from Bowmanville ]Public Schools. There will bc an Auction Sale booth. Silver col- lection. 46-1* NOW OPEN THE ACRES RESTAURANT HAPPY VALLEY Hilliard McClure, Owner Corne and try our SUNDAY DINNERS Served trom 2 P.m.m SHORT ORDERS servedl any time after 12 Open Week Days 9 a.m. 46-1 ANNUÂL MEETING DURHAM COUNTY FEDERATION 0F AGRICULTURE Hot Turkey Dinner ai the -- RECREATION CENTRE Blacksiock Saiurday, Nov. 30 Time - 7:00 P.m. Gueut: MRS. EDITH STORR Ontario Radio Farm Forum Other Feature Entertainment provided DINNER - $1.50 Apply secretary Mis. Richard Bowles Phone Blackstock 15 r 22 46-21 Piano Tuning1 ARTHUR Collisan. Telephionel MArket 3-3900. 35-tf Wanted to Rent FPIVE or six roamned house, mod- ern conveiences or four or five- roomed downstairs apartment. SPhonie MA 3-5733. 46-2* -ABOUT December Ist, a furn- ished roorn, grill privileges or full board; convenient ta bus- insu section;, pensioner, abstain- er. Apply Harry Spencer. 23, Mazyrd Ave., Toronto 3. LEn- %1i~Z'21. 46-1 Business Opportunity Major OUl Comupany lu flow "J'pg applications for V~TAL 0F 7Nw &IPVICE STATION Excellent location la Bowmanvllle. I f you are a resident of Bow- I mwavilie with a desire to operate1 y~ u wn business we will train y«~ Il neccssary. For full par- Uolars write ÉOX £8, PORT HOPE *tatlng aie. education and capital avaliabe.. 44-3 Frh'for Branch 178, Canadian' . games to be enjoyed, including the luckv door prize wvinner. IJae I~~J Legion; President Mrs. AnneS no iie s ccrcrknl n rba~. The' mceting came ta a close ;iidSe s a di gniraîn ied ___________oe nd ribag ~E jy , Piper, for the uLeýîon Ladies:, heGen om edhgxilîi Ihe siniging off "Auld Lang Auxiiary; Deputy- teeve W il-1I teGeeIoo eaiesvne Nwith the uustomarv me d f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rid Carruthers, o an fo hir-u a e yMs encapn fhns ii Çm fin CMayor ai Bowmanville, Dr *ctan d by 1V-rrv. xvith manx-impramipiu _____________ O f F n P ainti g H r eîihSiemon, for the Ratary a'î-cciotes heing gix-en bv Sn BuiesO pru iyCim.b; President Fred Cale, for (irig~ or Citizen mernbers Miss Es-! _________________thé Lions Club; Pres;denit IrvinyC u 5 Gr u el Blackliu-n. Mrs. Lucas; DIlRBUO n Centre Nov. 15 -16 1 Brown, for the Kinsmen Club:' A Nicholls, r.EiAdro, DANCING DISTRBUTO 1 1Cleiî, Alîck Lyle, on bebaîf of! Avcrv successfJ l reeting ai and Mr. Williami Berry. IAn event of autstandîng iii- ,irom the sale ai paintîngs will the Province ai Ontario. Jerri Senior C tizens taal place at. An annauncenxt ai the kinci REQURED eret wil betheArt xhîb- g ta he atîs Ross. President of the Students'. the Lions, CammurntN Centre,îitin extcnded bx' the Rao - tion at the Lions Communitv From the wx rk off the local Council, on behaîf a! Bowman- on Tuesday nîght. NovemberaThtefotemebrst Ti sa "Once in aLifetbne"i Centre this Saturday adSn ls on exhibition xvî]I b-ý ille High School; Terrance 12hwih 0 members a- attend the matinee performance day o n Wedneb held- ayatenon.No.15ad 61 hsedatrvitre .-il Noly fxth-ewavil. ebac.cnrensd Nvmbr20hhIH In aainCmay 1fromn 2 ta 5 p.m. xiii be entered in the 1958 Eastj Public Schools.1 During the reg-istra tian of of "Oklahoma"' received a xxarmi mi ~ ~ i InTrvlln iiotewgrets wrelaid by' members, Mrs. James Crombie rsar.adtecmlmn field. paintings which are the ok Display which xiii have Corde Knedenetindattepin, ' tary tickets xvere gix'en out. ai members o! the adult art 1 apenin in Bowm-anville on! famiiy; ord James Wood-1 tinuing throughout the short This kind gesture off Mr. anî yM La Become a distributor of wtidel*ycas o! 93-3 ad sn Mrc2. ward. iamiiy; Don Wright, fam-1 sing sang-xvhich v.-as conductcd'Ms oetGI rp'eosyM La usedbran naie BAL PONT frmerniemer,.ily: AMrs. A. Fewster. famiiy; by mnistress ai ce:.emniiies. Mrs. of the Rox-al Theatre. is great-1 AND IItS ORCHESTRA - usd band ameBALLPOIT fomermembrs.there xii be! Of further interest ta the ex-lJack McNulty, family; George' George Vinish. vapeitd sitn nr~ L PENS ta aur established ac- ci exhibition a collection ef hibition this Saturdax- and Suira ham. an behalf of the Pool-' Mr. Reg Harding xvas calied cVùpeixig tedgessiat the thear e counts. ir radHd-dyxiibaipa r ton family, Mrs. Tomn Carter, on upan next by Mrs. Vinish ta 1wl be two Club 15 represerît-VAR ES No Ovrhead Mr. Hodgkins' pitnshave schols.d ndm1b i l ite Tercls fam- beinc "Corme T Britain". IMs.GoreW i ne. b l'CLî AVL t CaaLoma, Toronto, undei i o! the aduit art class xiii Mul ts i n and Cflubmenieralie- Lunch xvas served ýCliAVLO the auspices ai the 'Wimadatusî", preserit ta xelame those at-zensand Cuba ms raitc1.5 imembers ably assisted bv P ositively No Sellingi lb ubro hs iltnigadase usi .lwr ae nams elsi ersnaie rmteS Clb.A umeraithsexvlltedig ndanxvr!uetineO icnants i ourîîey whicîi sîow'ed înanv rpeettie rmte e' 1E CATER b e for sale. An aflernoon of unusual intei-, at a nees abefud iar Citîzens group, and Mr. J. orCnasigSmeo h p tns oei s sasue n atnin' 1H. Ro:Zers xxas announccd ta be ortelcl r ls n rv emes wo wll hav- Wales, îreîand. Scotîand an______d___ _________ iosyer wl as e o- or ndisplav are: Alice Pu- e rMrad Frhsscn im tou var wllalo e oi eron Gac CrrthrsMR. Harding presented pictures NoW rhuig sale. These xiii be in a separ-! roGae artes uthj ate olletionDuing teva isn en Drh et (C antinued fram page one) o! his oxyn trip takep durinr1 [ several ai the members have Knox, Jessie Siemlon, Dorýa! realize its strengths and defic-ti.atsmerars a-f N csaysold paintings xvhich have gonA Purdan. Alta Bentham. Farni- 1ijencies and Lgo on ta improve ada ta the west caast. l i t TronoOtawa Cevlan,!ermemer ehibtig re: bth*' r.Harissad.Meinbers xere asked ta;Il The University Women's Club yil s e c pi n l C S a T r n o ta xa l xea d i e b r x i ii g a e a h" M- a rs s i. titrouble-free business hia h , Lindsay and Orano. No w Fx'"'i G-ant. Agnes 'ar ut jt Parking is a prim e requisite. !or mn groups for the m any in o e residexts ai Boxvmranxille an d r uil S m n Harding, 1 "You rust give m otars month after month, wvith tre- cammunity xiii have an oripol'- Marion ,leffeî'y and Iýlargar, facilities they expect,"' he addi- gave their lives in World War , of Peterborough mendous possîbilities for expan-1 tunity o buyinga original As1hton. d. wl One and also the campaigns theyT painting for their xxalls. Thr Only thiese artists are eligibe; Alsa important is a wl fought. The other pillar j', de- i iin sale wil be in the form ci1 ta dispiax- work, but it is iue" balanced retail communty' as ivated ta Worid War Txvo. Qualified persans w-i receivel written bId', placed on the pic- eting ta note that several nev people like ta shop around first 1 Lieut. Col. J. C. Gamey, M.M.. 1 tur or pcý,ues ofthe uycr'-' ý,er.ners hve j;ncd he cl ý!E bD., readng.the.,nainese n aies thethdeadd complete training in aur proven. u: o iue itebyr. rbr hxcjie h i~bfr uig ieassort- Iiled on the Cenotapli. , pee metodofdistributions, and ývechoieg', xith the pîctur on l erE-ln Anniis. There mus be ioud e n tre ansInci 1 keep a contînuing supervisary. ta hoihs bidder.Te Samuel, o Staples.B"nmtaigdsxhcshudb Tey-heNmsIsrbdil intret n ou oertin. price wil be for the canvam Bridges, Les Thompson andi 1 openly displayed. Furtbermoî'e First Worid War casualties oltbog h rm a a et customers should be alioxved were Arthur Barniard, Lioniel' interoet pi ou o meti. al o ughasthe ra ue yPtheBcs oamsinca e h reo fte tr,"hyBwn lthrCiSme a minimum of $1,200.00 available o! the f-ame ta bc set bv thne A silver collection will bc e - xill bux' better things then- 1Glanville. Leland Hoapex', Walt-lA-oe plcnsms ae lab ucaetevle Teei aamiso hre h reo itesoe Te oeFece an aul3 immediately for inventory. No artist. Part o! the procced ceived. selves than you will ever Lownic, George Noden, E-RYU DE 1 rnhs e eurd hm"he commented. est Roi'e, Frank Shi:pxvay, and, ~ N. frnhs1c eurd -te, Prices Deceiving Raxwland White. 8 FREE advertising material - al 0LU 1 . .. The campaigns ini the First f staionry nd ffce uppies~ ~~uv ~e e~a s R u~ Price competîtion mav aP-i Worid Waî' xere Ypres, Somnie,!u CONCERT PI NIST statoney ad oficesupliesUee ive Rebe a'h H o d 1peai' strang fromn the large de-IJVimy,, Paschendale and Amiens.1 are provided. ' partment stores arîd mail order Those xvho p erisned in the!I If you can devote 4-6 hours hit aa ouses but this is deceiving Mr.1 Second W'orid War xvere John ivhcl wHiaît cnfie wth45th B r h y D inner !Harris pointed out. Bbeiedeci BrutoeCamn, NMnan- nPCVS uioru ,Ptroog %veekiy to tbis lucrative project,1F-es ADP, Iretail product can b iv1Brun, CeoreuBron, i Norinanitrim Ptebrog dhciwl o ont ii The 451h birthdav Eeof t Beehive Si.ReviFceDDPe- inta txxo classes the n îard Clough, GilbertDet presenit employment, o' miss! Rebekah Lodgic vas ceiebrated proposed a toast oBei R speaker explained. Iin soniC e phGlsik onGay this~~~ ~ onei alftmeopr Mond ay, Nov. il by attend- beahLadge, and Sis. FlarenCe. cases a persan wiil shop for Herbert Hall, Sidney - Morgan, tunity. Full investigation wel-. ing a turkey banquet at the More, PD.D.P.. responded. price alone but in the majioritv George Rolph. Alfred Waddell comed atour epnsC1 h H ai f t.John'j SlaisoffA. ahottn's Gu i oforinsorncalaur. hap for and George Forbes.i~ A FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW aih Halladiesof A. Jnaothn uid ftr aintanorcsloe xviii cainpaigns %xvere Dîepp" ti /\4 N DAIP\\IrkÀoRn 25 The members and gtlest itedelicious banquet xxhicli, Thcî'efarreLîeaili merchants ltal-,-. asns eu n \r- WRITE US AT ONCE - GIVING, \ve-e xxelcomed bx' Sis. Am.i,' was cnjoyed 1w- ail, then eey should price these certain price mandy. YOUR ACKGRUND, Vinacott, Noble Grand and S a ne xvent ta the lodge room for cansciaus items as low as the Wreathis were laid by the fol- 1 YOR ACGRUN, Jean Rice, Vice Grand, wil the reguiar meeting.1 laî'ge departiment stores soa a- lowing: Province off Ontario, tr.q ADDRESS, AND PHONE No . Toi presented the 25 year members Sis. Mabel Bagneil and Sis. not ta lose customers. The Branch 178 ai the Canadian ali:2 p.m. jwith a rase. Jessie Prout, the ochre merchant wl lose money o Legian, Brench 178 off the Ladies H O SE F RAN S Sete atthehed tbl xvremembers, presented a birthdzay sucb items but vilniake uP Auxiliary, Loyal Orange --Ladge, HOUSE OF BRANDS1 the 23 year members, Sis,. Ma- guifta h lodge, as gifts wer'e 1 the difference on other itemis Masanie Lodge. Rebekah Lodge (Cnaa)LnadeaB)nli S',Lesedroitprl ntddrogPrtHr whPeprc-i nt heto on ad .OO.. Oon HghSeola(carermmbr', is Roi-loaere'- ery odean idraio. rnoPoic TusesOrnou easar nt esr$1.Tc25s~12 Smith, Sis,. Annie Wright, Sis. j Ci-na lodg-e.t Strictly speaking a retail Public Sehool, Gilbert Dent ai-d 1l 77 ork tre 5rleWl1s Sis. ae ams i.Aima oxvell, the nexv- merchant owes a debt ta the femily, and the Toxwnship offI Sis. Myrtle illis, Sis. Alas est 2.7 year member, was pic- community Mr. Harris said. A Clarke. Pow rell Cu.Brts, Sis. Aimasentcdxih a gcitfrom ta. -merchant lie thought shouhd Toronto, ntario Pol Sis. v BetaHaSk.nCla lodge by Sis. Elva Beekiett and cl b illing ta pay the larges* c6î is xa Beketv, als is. Cia- j Sis. Annie \Vright. pei'centage af taxes because it i-a Bdeat.otheannngln, ah st' Âîer the meeting, the mcmn- xiii be mare profitable foiV Found PembidentSos.thelyReb eka s- bers and guests enjoyed a piro. iim.i Found, Disric xe-pty Prsi gramme by' Sis Rubie Hutchin- "The miercliant sbauid ceatýý o u C 4I\I h o u e 'B ettrr CHESAPEAKE Retreiver, maie. Jdent ai Oshawa District Na. 8, \od anghe RopMr epubli'.th ox-n and th at f the wt Owner may dlaim samne by pay- Sis. Amy Winacott, Noble GranciWodsn "TeRpbia w ndtti heonoi ing for ad. Phone MA 3-2673. and Sis,. Jean Rice, Vice Grand. Sis. Lai-ena Highfield gave tvo business section." 46-1! Sis. Winacatt proposed the rcadings in kzeeping xith Ar- Commends Bownianvile T e et o ni toast to he Queen.mistice Day, and Sis. Etta Ho(!- AspeintothOtao toas tatheQuen.1 gert sang "The Vacant Chair". sprsdeta eOto Sis. Grace Murdoch, P.N.G.. 1Ta add a bit ai fun ta the evep- Chamber Mr. Harris soe Jrpsdatatt h 5yn n nc edn a rs higbly ai the recent retail sur- New Books members, and Sis,. Jessie Prout ented b some ai the meînb"rs.1evmad b th Bwneyried D eep F rin g e A rea s P.DD.., esondd.She then1 Everyone then bad acpo hme." aenvrra Are Ordered j~~proposed a toast ta heofficers tea an d a delicious wPece o a mori e cl rlvh ommbetted- ' - - - -"" -- .-. - - ..- lAre O rdered of Beehive Rebekah og.isge uvy S cmen-.,...... Sis. Berthe Hackney, P.D.D. by Sis,. Ida Nichais and iced '~ 0 o uvyb'a P., proposed a toast ta the Re- and prettilv decorated xxith i An'e0 rica fi-m whibyant bekah Assembly and Sis. Clara beehive on the top by Si',. Lii ours. For L braryBeatty,- P.P., responded. King. as goodHasyus be added ta Bowmanvilie Pub- bi- Ken Marris adthtedb lic Library shelves wiii be plue- LI"j" I '*iElDVlFi'm:19 noer spcian g uea ii ed Ibis month. Orders have also , 5 '55n5ot m etin ws Jck il uson, ax:- been placed for the renewai ai a R c v mng a eOar ilsoCabe.- periodical', nax carried at theàaeofteOaroC mb. library, and Holiday and Ctr Mr. Wilson complimented theI rentHisaxywil be dde fo J~JII 5 ~CI~~ JBoxvmanviile Chamber on it.; rentHisorywillbc dde forIl ift fro S o iet 1autstanding progress during the T1e5 Lira1v1 past heyars 19e58. ar Board beid its A danc e was held an Satur- 1 thev re',îded here. Mr. Wilson "I fe the hes.nvll regular meeting on TuesdaydaeenninteLosC - dayevnin i th LonsCoi-is 'a ast presîdent ai the la-CI:amber bas had greater evening, Nov. 12, xith Chair- munîîv Centre unider the aus- Naie Societx', and Mrs. Xii- growth than any other Cbamn- Ohmman b.Deil pre',dnt e pices ai the Holy Namie Societyj son was treasurer ai the Cath- ber mn Ontario if not al af R.thr y A memers psrit G x r te members ai St. Joseph's olie Womens League. On be-iC anada. Hawever you have i R. amynA.ThmpsnG.Parish, Bawmnanville, and St. 1 bai! off the txvo arganizat ions just begun ta scratch the sur- Vies GEnney aughec. John's Parisb, Newcastle. Dan- the Rev. F. K. Malane pre'-m Ï ace' Look ahead ta the future An nviatin as eceved cng as njoedta he use d i-. and Mrs'. Wilson xith and create an Objective," he !rmAa ulcLbary for af Doug Rackham's beautiful picture hand-xvoven -nrid. î ,.. . . BamnAav bi Libra 1', 0 heewr ls ube iIOnsilk. fUc alsa presentedMr R. P. "Rickz" Rickaby, presi- Boa nvl the Bar aatnd ers. F1chre pl e soa n grer ofm n aeM- isna bn; e nrdcdteha al o ih cst peron Ken' hir~ is right and proper thatsuch agn Soble's television show in Ham- i Ne I~II monument should be erected ilton on Nov. 3. q A eîî attended meeting of S " c here." able As first prize winner, Rod It oyNm oit R (otne rmo~ n' It will serve to tell future a ppeared on the Sable program jhleld in the Union Hall on M=eeainso-h retpieb last Sunday when he wvas pre- day evening. The president, the Lament and the service con-land sacrifice that was paid for sented with the cash awvard. Rod Norman Hannan, presided. The cluded with the beniediction by peace and security. he said. an hs umy Jery bthRev. F. K. Malane, rectroRv.GrgLe.pator of th World Peace Possible OVEI thanked Mr. Soble. Rod is flow S.Jsp' or ahlcPcntecostal Churcai. "I believe we will have peace in the running for the Si,500 1S., oehs or Ctoi Following the public service if we keep aur defences up," the grand prize for the best of thei Chuirchi. xas prescrnt. 't wa3 the members of the Legion again General told the audience. 'II-h~re series which will be runiling. deciclad ta hiold a meeting of formed in tlieir respective we had done the samle in the bedo throuehout the wiriter. The the men of the parish an Su~n- parade ord.%r and inarched ta St. early thirties as we are daing edo1 winner ai ehch show xii coan-, day afternoon, September 17th. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, now, there xvauld neyer have j conditioe pete in the spring for the grand nt 1.0 o'clock in the Town Hall wlîere special services werc con- been a Second World War. -ust. Yoi prize.e ta e1ect an advisory board t) ductcd by the Rev. A. G. Scott. "We must keep ourselves1 feerc Ro, sn ! r.assist Father Malane xitli mat- "Today is a day that caîls us strong bath militarily and spir-1 fe ce J. C. Taylor, Duke Street, was tersRotesno:M.adMs n connection with th- ta came îorward and pay trib- itually," Gen. Graham- pointied Master1 auditioned last week in Peter- building of the new church. ute ta aur feîlow men who sacri- out. borough for television work and There will be a report of the ficed their ail sa that xve might Gen. Graham xval introduced iPI bas been promised appearances steps already taken regardin g enjay the freedom w-e have ta-; by Brig. L. N. Carr, O.C. o f the Pee on a regular eilîdren's show the new churcb which is ta be day", R ev. Scott said in bis: l3th Militia Group. rvn after Christmas over CHEX-TV, erected on Liberty Street sautn. sermon.1 Also taking part in the dedi- from twi Channel 12. Plans for the Christmas tree "Wýýe have a Book aof Remem- cation service were Rev. A. C. heavy wi For bis appearance on the i party for the children weie brance that mnust be cberished,1 Herbert, Padre of the Bowman- Hamilton show Ron has receiv- dlscussed. It will be held on 1flot tarnished by forgetfulness",1 ville Legion, xvho gave the TWIN-81 ed very higli praise. Bath Ron Sundav afternoon. - Decemb '-.r hc coia4iued. "They did nat aski prayer of dedication. Rev. D. R.1 DoubIc-b, Poulton, TV columnist for the 8th, or on Sunday,. Deccmber ta die ;ur us,. but they paid the, Dewdney, Newcastle. offereci a 1 skrugs of Toranto Telegram. and Gardon lSth. The exact date will bc de- suprc'rne sacrifice by their -xv.iii-!prav-er for Qucen and Country: t[ Sinclair of the Toronto Star cided in the near future. A r;, - * t1eveohr .Tee-Rx.Bsi ogiOoovav h eighls5 chose Ron as the best of acts 1 part on the successful social fore we have a debt ta pay. We Beniediction and Captain Nor- cad competing on the Sable show evening held last Saturdav at Imrust remember them with grati- man Cales, Salvation Army, said' and praised bis wark. The an- i the Lions Community Centre tude." a ver for world peace. nouncer off the radia program for members ai St. Joseph' Cl L. T. NleLauglcliiii C.NI.G., A w-iueSlneva, "*Caîl For Help" an the Os* %va Church. Boxvmanville, and S t. D.S.O V.D., E.D., i'ece\ed the. ATwvd orMint ence -ead n station CKLB on Tuesday de-_ John's Chu"7ch Newcastle. %v'asI colours upon the parade's arriva] Last Post and Reveille xvere scribed Rod's performancea given by Bert Pavne. Hamn- at the Church. Rcv. Scott wvei- sounded by W. A. White and "fantastic". His ability ta owtan, chai-man of the enjoylabi.- comed them ta the service. O0g- Cariaos Tamblyn. Bowmanville bis voice wîithout noticeable' event. It was decide abl n ui a rvided by MissLeinPp Badpadth movement af his lips is quite; pre-Christmas Draw. There will Leta Bragg. Saloists were Mrs. Lament. outstanding. 'be 10 prizes. two turkeys, two Marjorie Ferguson. Mel McCoy The Orono Cenataph consistsjfl Rod is in great demand for ap-1 geese. and six chickens. Nor- and Rex'. Leonard Wilson. lof a large flat stone with two Ibone pearances arotind the commun-J iman Hannan wili be the Draw Wreaths were placed at the piliers on Pach side. One pillar i ity, as can bc îmiiginecL chairnian. Cenotapri by. Prrc'zîdent Jim lists the Orono soldiers wbo neci to ring in tiose far away tîons that you have flot been ý to, get. It's aillnmade possible the T-W's revolutionary R1 5 TIMES STRONGER eIly rugged T-W antenna won't break -even in the worst weather ons. Ai l auminum, too-can neyer ou'Il enjay long ycars of trouble- ýption when you use the Channel T-W antenna. CLAMPS ils T-WV i.sting in ,inds. -ooms braccd- iff heavy such es snow. TOWNE BILL LEASK MA 3-5522 interference ... to bring ini stations beyond the range of ordinary antennas. INo Other IAntenna4 I(an Match The Performance ofI IThe Channel Master T-W Antenna I e Reinforces picture signaIs -on ai channelsI a Eliminates 'snow' and I 'ghosts' a R.jects inîcerereI Laists years longerI TV Bowmanville j

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