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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 9

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?TW rCAMATTAM q cA9 .qmA? J- D~.,WV V singing and Mrs. G. Thompson Nesfleon w.I Givestalked on the motta, "Though n r Nestiton W 1. Gies %e didn't corne over on theNew C u same ship, we are aUini the same boat".- Prize in MemoryMrs. Adelbert Beacock'si petd a Prize in Memory group served the usual dainty j(~ endc cilhour of visiting with the Buetn TeWA.hl t 0f Henry Thompson haryvoeof thanks brought I Church Hql on ov. 13. anoherfrindl an iner It-nnCuac llzaron the 1 e. Nestleton Station: The Novem- bers feit privileged to carry on ing meeting to a close. A large crowd was in attend- ber meeting of Nestleton Worn- his work. ance, and a short pragram took i place before the bazaar was erus Institute was held with The rail cal], "Sing. Say or' pened. Two solos were rend- caPacity attendance at the Pay", was well answered by ee by Mrs. Huowll, and o bye 1*e of Mrs. H. Vine with most members. Mrs. W. Camp- Christmrnas ee by Mrs. H lil, acdctompaie L.Fte ohsesand bell sang "The More We the Miss Sadier, accompanied by in 'the chair, wha welcamed oldest member, sang "In the Seais He j'% wee rs.ial af BamanvThe everyone and especially the vis- Garden" and Mrs. J. WatsonF , salas were separated by a hum- itors. her sister, recited for us "A Fig t TI B orous reading by Mrs. Bone, en- Seerl usnes tes er'Miracle", the same poemn with * I titled "Managing It Right". deal usin tesmatters of e which she answered the same Rev. R. B. Green held a short deat wththemater f WI.rail cali thirty-two years ago Canada's 50th Christmas Seal dedication service ta officially statianery was pastponed untilat the home of Mrs. Sam Me- Sale opened on Monday, Nov- a later date. A repart wvas given Laughlin, now Mrs. Joseph ember l8th. The first Seals _ Of the Port Perry Hospital Aux- Forà'er. To the next meeting sol d in Canada ta get money tended, the delegate, Mrs. Vine ttehm fMs o NHo- f or the fight against tubercu- R eg. Edrnunds ,1emembers are asked ta bring losis were held in Toronto and wa pida small amount ta- a stamped Christmas card ù i Hamilton..- Others started theL Wvard ber expenses ta the Shrî i lieu of the usual Christmas ex- campaign against tuberculosis. Loses Barn n Convention and the Shr change of gifts. Mrs.Sus Our generatian should be able ' n Couse at laksock "Fodgroup will be in charge o f th~e finish the job, in this coun- Maesa ifernc" asagînlunch and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, try,aIîst eChims G arage by Fi re brought ta aur attention. Thej citizenship and education con Seal Sale offers each and ail patch apron was on display vener, of the program an opportunity ta help. Betlxany: Fire razed a com- and is stili making the rounds. Mrs. M. Emerson intraduced Canada now bas 13,000 bined garage and barn on the P> rdes 7il an beforwrded the District President, Mrs. W. beds for treatment of TB with property of Reg. R. Edmunds and after some discussian . H. ~B rown, of Bowmanville, 9,000 new cases being reported about noori on Tuesday. n;ýembers unanimnously agreed w hgv the members a pat annually it will be some years The fire was f irst seen by ai 10 continue the Grade-Il Profi- onte back for their friendli- before these 13,000 beds willj neighbor, Mrs. Hilliard Bris- c ?ncv prize at the High School ness at aIl meetings and pre- be empty of TB patients. Treat- tow. The alarm xvas raised by Cf)menceentas amemoialsented a splendid repart of the ment is meeting with more anci telephone and a bueket brigade o Mm.enmethoasmoria Dominion Convention in Otta- more success. Since 1947 the was quickly formed ta supple- ta r.Hery hopsn. wa ta wh'jh she was a dele- death rate bas dropped from ment the work of Bethany Fire Mr. Thompson had always, gate. Mrs. 'H. Vine gave a full 42,2 ta 7.8 per 1000. The drugs, Brigade's portable pumper. given this prize and since his report of the Area Convention modern surgery, and the fact Th fams t on tin moterwasNeîlton W.'sin Toronto and Mrs. M. Emer- that a high proportion of tlht' threatencd the nearby esidence filrst president and his sistcr, i son fillc2d in the interestingI cases a¶ýe discovered in the of Ross Johnston, but the windt Yv,;s E. Thompson, the only liv- 1 events not aleady given. Mrs. early'stages have all contribut- changed direction and the dan- ir g charter member, the memn-1 L. Malcolm led i'n Community ed ta the success of treatment. gem was averted. There is still a job of TE pre- Mm. Edmunds was at work in vention ta be done. It's only his grocer.v store at the time w'a fraction of the size itoe an hrwsnonethm. EVERDE 1-we wasbut hatis a aded ra- itte of value xvas in the ga- Fo e son for piling ight into il. Any-! rage; the car %vas out anda N RfI one who Wvants ta take a ha;ici garden tractor. tools and bicy- you Wthiil o 1% êW WO DERrfl'~>" , lias a ready way of doing il. jcIe wcre saved. youBus- Christmas Seals from tile No stîmate \vas immediate- 1Northumberland - Durham Tu- l v aaîable of the damage, berulois ssoiaton.which %vas partially covered by Mr.BETHANY Business Directory II~>II .~~J '~ /U Jbs. Clara Armstrong who 1hsbeen in Women's College Ac o n a c 1Hospital, Toronto, was trans-1______________________y iii IVI ~NM Elb ferre d ta Civic Hospital lape- ~ M .H OG O~OR ESS RLI'~ ~ te-brouh onSunay.Chartemed Accountant Mrs. Mansel Wright return- Second Floor Wý,nt to add new color ed from Tara on Friday, wbere New Library Building ba:t Ïyour living roýom, dining roomn or she had spent the past wveek. Co r. King and Tempemance Sts. bedroo«? You'il enjoy doing it -enjoy the Friends will be pleased ta know Phoîîe MArket 3-3612 resuit as never bel ore -' ith CILTONE. Ever. that ber father, Mr. T. McClel- -- sa-ea!sy b I apply. Dries the: samne day and is land, who, had been a patient MO ETH-ONEH ~ -~ odorless, too! Mrd wearing, scrubbable, so in Owen Sound Hospital for MONTIEHL - O.TI L T easy to: keep cleon. Ask for CILTONE odorless several weeks, isnw mc hrteed AcCOna. alkcyd Enamiel in a wide varlety of tempting impraved and was able ta re-1 135 Sinîcoe St. N. Oshawa colorst-flot, Semi-Glost or Gloss. turn ta his home in Tara on RA 5-3527 Monday. jPartners: Mrs. Ina Palmer spent the J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. weekend in Peterborough vis- A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. LANDER IHARDWARE iting xith ber daughtem an:d G. W. Riehl, C.A. son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. (Licensed Trustee) S.E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5774 McGlynn and with Mr. and G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Mrs. H. MeMahon. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. " AD A D D LJ IBruce Ryley, wha has been H . . A R O Ndeer bunting at Hall's Lake, YALE, FRIEDLANDER, returned home on Sunday. j HUNTER & CO. IRampton Phone MA 3-2420 Miss Joan Bristow, Oshawa, 6 Accountants and Audtitors andMis hylisBrsto, (-64King St. E. RA 5-1621 terbarougb, were home for the O.s.hawea . weekend with their mather, F..FL.edYan erB.'Cm C. .P. Mrs. Hilliard Bistow.F.FedaerB.Cm , PA Mnd. and Mrs. Lloyd CapstickJ.HneCPA adfamily of Uxbridge, werc h r < Sunday guess with Mr. anîd Chiropracfic Mrs. Milton Weatherilt. ________________ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals, G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. s Markdale, visited with Mr. and Chiropractor Mrs. Ross Camr during the Office: weked.15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsev St. On Sunday aftemnoon, mm-Pbone MA 3-5509 bers of the Millbrook Banch Office Hours: By Appointment of the Canadian Legion parad- -s____ ed ta divine service at St. Pau's De Anglican Churcb where the rec- f ta tor, Rev. George Meades con-Denfa ducted the service. The parade DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. j fromn the Orange Hall ta the Ofc:Jr JbieBd. C church was led by the Beth- 40 King St. W. BoïWmanvile any COmmunity Band. r Mm. and Mrs. Arnott Neals Office Hours: c and family of Toronto, were C 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailyC with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence oe audyadSna Office Phone MA 3-5790 Neals for the weekend. House Phone - Newcastle 3551 c; BillY Palmer, who is a Pa-IV tient in St. Joscph's HospitlDREw.SSNLD.,DD.c HeterborouR.,EisW.ep;'%IdqqsNOffice innhis-home J 1~ * YV VLZ1N VULaLL, ý L ALU!> -PAGE ,h Hall Is eB urke ton open the hall. He asked two of the members af the Church Board, Mr. Frank Dorland and Mr. Harold Larmer to came b I the platform and called on Mr'. Dorland who is at present the treasurer aI the Building Fund, ta give a financial repart on the i Building Fund. This repart showed a very sinali balance ow- ing on the building ta date. 1 Mr. Larmer was asked ta open, the door froin the church int the hall. This act officially apened the hall and thon Mm. Green declared the bazaar open, also. The results of the bazaar were quite gatifying and Ite aim. af the W.A. will be ta equip the kitchen and furnish the material for curtains for the hall. The W.A. wishes ta extend grateful thanks toalal who made the bazaar such a grand success. Prize winners aI the Farm- er's Union card pamty held in the Community Hall Wedncs- day nîght were: Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Mrs. Balfour Moore, Mr. F. Hodgson, Part Permy; Mr-. Bort Gigson, Low lady, Mrs. Arthur Leightan, 10w gent, Mm. Balfour Moore. Prize winners at the euchre j in the Parish Hall Thursday night were: Mrs. Frank Stani- land, Mrs. T. Langfld, Mr. Carl Wright, Mr. T. Langfeld; door prize, Mrs. Thos. Smith. Il being Youlh Sunday in connection v.ith National 'Yauig' People's Week, the service in the ULnited Church was con- ducted by Glenn Larmer. Scrip- lui-e passages were mead by Alan Dayes and the prayers by Miss Joyce Grahîam. Miss Mar- gai-et Pellow of Oshawa, presi- dent oI Presbytery Y. P., who wvas introduced by Glenn Lar- mer, gave a very fine address on the theme oi the week- "Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Givo" stmessing the ladt that we have been given the privilege aI being servants of Jesus, and the vast number aof opportunities we have of serv- ing. The megular choir led the singing and rendered a special number. Rev. and Mms. P. Romemil and Dennis, spent a couple aI days last week with relativesI in Hamilton. Mm. Fred Waldon. Mr. andj Mms. Jack Waldon, Debby and Moi-mev, Toronto, spent Nov. il wilh Mm. Jack and Mrs. Smith. Mms. Osmond Wright is in Toronto with the Goldwjn Faints while Mrs. Faint is as- sisting at the Royal. Mrs. Gea. Fowler visiled Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGill, Lind- say. Mm. and Mms. Gea. Staniland altended the Golden Wedding of Mm. and Mrs. Horace Taom- linson in Toronto Saturday, Nov. 9. Mrs. J. R. Buckham and son Paul, New Liskeamd, are spend- ing three weeks wilh hem moth- or, Mrs. R. H. Banks. Sorry ta report Master Tommy Collins bas a broken collar bone as the result of a colli- ion with anather lad while playing fo6tbaîî at schoal. Mrs. Richard Van Camp spent acouple of days last week with .ier parents at Hilton. Miss Dianne Blair, Oshawa, spent the weekend with hem erandmother, Mrs. Gea. Fow - Mm. and Mrs. Russel Mount- oy spent Friday with Mrs. Ce- cil Ferguson, Newcastle. Mrs. W. Archer spent Wed- nesedav with the Elmer Ar- chors, Whitby. Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- 0oW and Mrs. N. H. Marlow, called Sundav afternoan an tirs. R. G. Carruthers, who is onvalcscing aI the home aI hem ister, Mrs. Fish in Aurora. Mm. and Mrs. Lawrence tiountjoy, Jack and Jill oI Vamkwomth, visited the Harold Swains Sunda.y. Mm. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer) ýpnt a couple af days early ist week in St. Marys aîîd lYrs. McDougald camne bach vith them for a few days' visît. Misses Margaret Pellow and [elen Van Camp, Oshawa, ;pnt the weekend with Mrs. X. W. Van Camp. Miss Sandra Ferguson spent :e weekond witb hem sister,l Ir. and Mrs. Gea. Dunbar and Denise, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Henr-Y Arm- rang, Burnt River, spent [ondav with Mr. and Mrs. Ray ricil. Mms. H. Hawkins, Port Perry pent the weekend with the van Mountjovs. Mrs. F. A. 'Bailey, Mms. Jas. arder, Nestleton: Mm. and Irs. A. L. Bailey, Mrs. HowardJ id Miss Catherine, Mr. and Irs. Noil Bailey and the Nas- ith Henry lamily, Janetville, tended the wedding af Mr. ' derick Bumnie and M is s ,athorine Dawson in Windsor atumday, thon spent the week- id wvitb friends and relatives ere. Mrs. F. Bailey memained ith Mrs. Dawson for a cou- le aI weeks. Mm. and Mms. Fred Bmadbumn, anetville. visited Mm. and Mrs. arl Bmadbumn and boys, Sun- ay. Messrs. Jack Green and 'uce Ashton are attonding ounty Counicil in Cobourg this ,ek. Fmiday, Nov. 22 is nomination y in the village. Mi-. and Mrs. Stewart Rad- ian, Scugog. were Sunday lests aI the Bruce Ashtons. Mesdames N. Green, G. own and Austin Beacock sited their sister. Mr. and r.~ Jack Gibson near Cobourg iM',onday. Visitors with Mm. and Mms. rr Vonning Monday weme, Mm. id Mrs. Sain Tompkinson and )s, Weston: on Tueesday, Mr. Id Mrs. Wiifmed Mai-tin, Osh- a; Sunday, Mm. .Joe Thomp- n and son William, Mm. and s. Alfred Thanipson. aillof hawa. A, great rnany frorn around [s enjoying gaod health. RED & WHITE ,und SWIFT'S SALUTE CANADA'S NATIONAL SPORTS E VENT. . . ~e'* . :NINE M here are attending the Royal Winter Fair this year and of course saine of aur fellaws are exhibitîng stock, and boys judging. Messrs. Roy and Harold Mc- Laughlin of Blackstock and Dean McLaughlin and Walt Pascoe, Oshawa, formed' a teamn which won third place in the horse-shoe pitching at the Roy- al on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin and family, visited her mo- ther, Mrs. Edith Murphy, y rone, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahin and family visîted bis parents,'Mm. and Mrs. Art Rahin, Tyrone, Sunday and helped célebrate Mrs. Rahm's birthday. Mrs. John McKee and Mns. Herman Wilson, Port Permy, celebrated their birthdays to- gether at the latter's home on Friday. Mms. McKee remained for a few day. The nieces and nephews of Mr. Frank Wright, a former Cartwright resident, have re- ceived word of his passîng in St. Catharines Hospital in his 90h yeam. On Monday night, Nov. il the Fi-st Blackstock Guide Company met in the Recrea- tional Centre. An election of patrol leaders was held by the Guides. Patrol leaders weme as follows: Donna McLaughlin, Swal]ow Patrol, Vemna Har- ris. Bluebird Patrol: Janice Sadlem, Scarlet Tanager Patrol. PONTYPOOL A large congregatin waF present on Sunday evening -forj the Anniversary service. Mt. Horeb Young People's Choir' did a vemy fine job in the ser - vice of sang. Mr. Fritz, student minister, gav'e a very inspiring sermon. The services will be concluded with a tumkey sup- per on Friday, Nov. 22nd. Mm. and Mrs. Cîjîff Olivcr, Toronto, wome Sunday visitars with Mr. Robt. Halboran. Some of the local veterans attended the Remembrance Day service in Bethany an Sun- day. We are glad ta report that practically aIl f lu vicîlins are able ta be amaund agaîn. Mm. L. A. Williamson left 1 Saturday to spend a holiday with Mm. and Mrs. Al. Mit- chell, Ajax. Several more of our yaung mnen bave secured wamk at the Ebeneral Molors, Oshawa. We miss aur old friends, N. 1 D. Chambers who bas ganej back ta Toronto. We trust he $3.50 plus parts VISION LINER For Alignnient Latest in Wheel Balanciiig Equipment SIMONIZE SPECIAL $4.50 plus parts $10.00 We are equipped in our shop for any job on any make of vehicle at any time. ROBSON MOTrORS LIMITED BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 SWIFT'S PREM 12-oz. tin LUNCHEON NEAT 37c CHASE & SANBORN - 25o off 6-oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE 1.19 TONATO KETCHUP 29C1 FIVE ROSES -, FLOUR - - e 36c FRANKS - - - - All Purpoe -5-b. bag BURSTING WITII JUICE - Jumbo Size Florida Oranges ba .41 c LUSCIOUS, STIMULAT11VG - Extra Lge. 120 size B.C. Anjou Peuarid4 for2.5 c FOR SALADS - FOR COOKING Green Cabbage ea.13c TASTY. LOUISIANA - Large bunches Green Oni*ons 2 for 23c Swif t's Fresh - Picnic Portion Full Cut ROAST lb.' Swif t's Fresh Pork Butt ROAST lb.' Fresh Cut - Lean, Meaty PORK BUTT CHOPS Swift's Eversweet 1-lb. ]RINDLESS BACON - Swift's Premium 1-1b. SiMONIZ BONUS -Sllverware Pack - Gt. pkg. DETERGENT 79C FEATURES Swilt's IRISH STEW 15-oz. tin _____ 2 fer 53e Swift's BEEF STEW 15-oz. tin ------- . 2 for 53e Swift's CHOPPED BEEF, 12-oz, tin 37c Swift's CHOPPED HAM, 12-oz. tin 47e Heinz COOKED SPAGHETTI 15-oz. tin ~ 2 for Sic Rose Brand TROPICAL CONSERVE 16-oz. Jar - - _ _ _37e SARAN WRAP, 25 ft. roll .39c Pard DOG FOOD, 15-oz. tin 9 for 1.00 Jewel SHORTENING - 3-lb. tin plus 45C m Lb. pkg. . 4c 49C -b.ti 1-lb 79i ?HURSlDAYT, NOV. 21st. 195'7 in hih helie nsracecopanesinCaad ae'heýig o eer also tbld how Lmb'r,- II£ig st. mI- JBowmanville crna we ah etht' te snuanie fle aorpanes in an ad re hl.n o fam ilies w li e m e s I P hones: O ffice M A 3-56,88 i cre te he ith er, hap ier li7 fo C a adi ns.it3y are O strac zed fro m fam ili s R esid en ce M A 3-5553K and frîends. Following the clos-,APAL IDI Sa THE LIFE INSURAINCE COMPANIES IN CANADA ing hymn and benediction, the BUSAmmistLr. Saiitor en L457D hostess semved refreshments oai-y PubSlico h anda scil hurwasenove!.Temperance St. - Bowmanville p S E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, Ja . A., LLB. Box 9. Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 d Consultation by appaintment Morîgages K da, LEROY HAILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 m First Mortgage funds gu( Residences - Farmin1 Business Properties Bm( Op o m e ry on KEITU A. BILLETT Ori Optometrist arn Fre! are rasers 141 KtnR St. E. Bowmanvflle bo:ý Office Hours: By appointment and 0WVPRMR r A^jnew Butter recipes. Telephone MArket 3-3252 awi AIR FRMPS F CNAA.Write todayNlondav ta Saturdav son a Wednesdays: 9 to i. Osh Thu.rsday evenipgs A 'I I lb. pofgSolree Ail for.965 Fillet ofruselSoe, 1-oz. pkg. --____31C BirdsEye raweSrots, l-oz. pkg. 39C Frozen Foods Libby's Fresh Water3c Pickerel - Bass - Perch, 12-oz. p4.------49c THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE- Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK- Blyth's Market 1 c j Engine Tune-up " Test Compression " Clean and Adjust Spark Plu,", " Chec Points and Condensor * Set Timing " Adjust Carburetor HEINZ 'Tresh Pack" 15-oz. bot. E: NM

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