-. ~ * .-.----.--fl. - ~ THE C~ 'Ar4AUJAN 5TATESMAN. BD'WMAKVUYZ NTeAM lý Ma pie Grove lnst ifut e Hears About Inside Working of a Hospital Homne Economics and Heaith j the Auxîhiary in the wa.v of ne- Committee under the conx'enen- Placements of bed, operating ship of Mrs. Hugh Allison wasj and other linens, nursery re- in charge of the Nov. 1 lthý quirements, small comfonîs ar.d meeting of Maple Grove Wom-1 necessities for needy patients, en's Institute. Mrs. W. H. BrownI kitchen and dining eciuipment was in the chair and conducted arnd bane comforts as well as the opening exercises. necessities for the nurses' resi- On the mollo - "No sense dence. Plastic <unbreakab.:e) and nonsense cause most acci-î dishes had been tried but were dents," Miss S. Laird said that 1iound unpopular with patients. more People die of accidentsl Due to the nature of the use than of diseases. She reminded and the constant use with daily that safety is a social concern laundering, linens are an ex-_ Among other factors contribut- pensix'e Item. Everv care with j ing tu accidents are fooish' research on bleaches, soap- chances, emotional problems and detergents to give the best and lack of ce-ordinated protection wîth the type of thought and action. 1 water used has been employed We cal) be more alert in help- by Mr. D. Pickacd who is in Jng children by giving them charge of the laundry. the Positive approach whereby Mrs. Dippeil reminded that tbey become self-reliant in re- the hospîtal rates may seem ex- cognizing dangers and tbink1 cessive but Ibere is possibly aind act on their oxvn initiativ'e more value received for monny than by making tbem fearful. spent than in most other ex-I Diï,piaving the attractiv'e Red penditures. Staffs must be enm- Cross . chart Miss Laird read ployed bo gix'e 24-bouc, 7-da.v fron) il the Safety Rules. Week spccialîzed service, W 1 e- Mrs. L. W. Dippeli. Boxvman- Iber beds are occupied or not. ville. President of the Ladies Aside from the annuai 10w-n Auxiliary ýf Memnorial Hospi- and counryside canvass an. tai,, was intr'oduced hy Mcs. amazîng amount cf bard wock Browvn. Býy request she gave an, and ingenuity goes into making enlîghtening st ry of the vear- j p the balance ncedcd by this ]y requirements providcd bv Iauxiiiary group cf women. ___________________Mrs. Dippeil announced the open meeting of tbe Hospita!, IliAuxiliany on Dec. 6tb w,ýhen j new members will be welconi- iHospital administrator Mr. Stanlex' Wilkins. introduced rx' 1 Mrs. Dippeil, gave an însighît inlto mnan.v lbings nccessarv tol keep the wbeels nunning smootbl.- for the xvell bcing ofi ail conccrned in and arouînd a hsopitai. jMcs. Dippeil and Mc. Wilkins1 1wcre tbanked by Mrs. Brownt and furtber appreciation was N ______ jexpressed bN' the audience. 1 Business was conducted bv The Super-Efficient President Mrs. Chas. Grcenbam wb,,,en $10.00 was voted to the GILO- MAGIC Unitarian Service Coînn)iittee cfi Canada. Severai "tbank Nxcii"1I Oil Heating o hego nihbrscommit- Roll cali-"a famous discov- jýKES TOUR PRESENT erv in medicine"', was well an-C 19EATING EQUIPMENT swered. li TWICE AS GOOD Briefs from part cf a reportS _______of the Centrai Ontario w.I. e area convention given by Mrs. Saves Ton Money onl K. Hopkins were: Tour Fuel, Costa From Mrs. J. E. Houck . Brampton, wbo is an cutstand- F I Phone or consuit ing W.1. xvcman and oniy Can- E IBI&OUCIR adin womnan representalive atIV JAC BB UGH the United Nations for threc aý JACK mcnlhs iasl year. There shouid r, be more discussions for, and t PLUMBING - HEATING against in our local crgarnza- D Division Street South tiens and Mrs. Houck is deci d- 1 flouse Phone MA 3-3964 edly cpposed to raffles. 1 ýPhon - Office MA 3-5615 From Mrs. Elton ArmstrongM 80%'MANVILj of Armitage area chairlad.v: 1H ANV~LLE JThere are those wo makelS( ________________thingshappen_those who watch S( S( .REXAIL ANNOUNCES M PE a New Medical Discovery to Relieve fo th Muscular Aches and Pains lc ha ha P_ gr Pe Br i lis, I 'j .Os] c' - ~toi bui vis I spe Sta Muc toi eros akin. l3ings quick, positive reief right where it hurts via the circulatory system. THRU is a cool, sootl-ing liquid, pleasantly scented. Will flot burn, redden or irritate normal ekin. Try this advanced new discovery today. Backed by Rexall's famous money-back guarantme An Exclusive ReraN Produet Jury and Loveil IPHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLk, ian Education': reacling by Mrs. 'red Dart. "His Idea". Mrs. Charles Naylor gave the high- ights of the W.M.S. Raliy. Speciai committee was appoint- d for the December meeting. Mrs. Charles Naylor, Mrs. Hans kissberger, Mrs. Wes Cameron, \rs. R. C. Stainton, Mrs. F. J. îeed. Mrs. Sayeau, Mcs. Harold 3ennett, Mrs. Alex McMaster, Wrs. Gerry GIaspeil, to look fter the Devotionai. Delicious -efreshn-ents were served by he Nox'ember group: Mrs. Fred )art, Mrs. Frank Pascoe andi vrs. Robert Killen. The Explorers held their îeeting at the home of Mrs, fenry Dart on Nov. 4. Sandra ;cott read Psalm 121. Mrs. Tom ;obil, Marilyn Giaspeli, Sandra ;cott, Nina Kapustin read "Ex- ioring Mountains". The Christ- as concert for Dec. 18 was dis- ussed then ail joined in a Ing-song. Everyone did justice )a delicious supper. Mr. and rs. Wes Cameron visited at 'rcy Fiintoff's, Maple Grove. Master Brian Hircock, Osha- a, visited at Fred Cameron's )r the weekend. Mrs. Fred Cameron went on ie bus trip with the Solina dies to Toronto on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Terry ve moved into their new me, south of the school. Master Larry Down, Ebenezer. ýent the weekend with hîs andparents, Mr. and Mrs. rcy Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stephen, 'uce and Diane, Peterborough: r. and Mrs. Harry Polz and ýephen, Mr. and Mrs. Jim ambly, Mn. and Mrs. Ted Col- ýMr. and Mrs. H. F. Stephen, ;hawa, visited at R. C. Stain- nS. George Gordon, William Thor- Lrn and Beth Moore, Oshawa, ited at Keith Stainton's. Diane Stephen, Peterborough, nt the weekend wilh Launie ainton. MIr- and Mrs. Victor Kresî- cher and daughters. Beaver- 1visited at Hans Geissberg- Ir. and Mrs. George Sonley, .and Mrs. Percy Bryce, -onto, visited at Fred Cam- n s. Vr. and Mrs. Chuck Tenny re dinner guests at Charles ry's, Oshawa. &rS. Delbert Flinlofi and oi Harv'ey, Kedron; Mr. and s. Deimer Killen and Donnie, îawa, at Robert Killen-s. W. and Mrs. Lawvrence Henry, 'things happen and those who do net know that thlngs hap- pen. Fromn Miss Helen McKercher, director of Home Econemie Service, Ontario Department of Agriculture: We cannot afford medtiocre homes, we should welcomne constructive criticism. Homes are here to stay and so -is the W. I. Luncheon speaker at the con- vention was Dr. Margaret Nix, assistant professer of the facul- ty, of medicine, McGil Univer- sity, who said,-live, love and work together, that is what matters; Fear will erush us, love will make us free. In speaking of children she cau- tioned, Don't ask your chiid to be a rose if he is a petunia. The greatest thing in life is to de- veiop the potentiais we are given.- Mrs. Hopkins spoke in no uncertain terms of "stupid'" wording of some of the resolu- tiens which had been subrnit- ted te the convention commit- tee froni outl.ving branches. Greelings were brought fronu Southi Saskatchewan by Mis Freeborn. Refneshmerts wene served bv Mrs. Allison and her group for a social haîf heur. Decemnber meeting wiil be otîr Christmas pacîx-. Roll cal, will be a gift fer the Salxvation Army. * Pre entng - the m ificent new- c3 I-]I RZYT ID E~ IZ{e .~.ooo.beutywi-Lh a fier-y D)IAmATcALLY iwuw Chrysler's inicri.. Slip easiIl' behind the wheel and you'l bly sleek, beautffl '58 design . .. wîth its find Chryslen's new performance as ex- long, graceful lines . . . glistening new citing and flawicss as its '58 styling and glamour-wrap bumpers . . . distinctive quality engineering. Chrx'sIer's great ri-xx'grille .. . smnart dual headlamps. . ,. whisper-quict V-8 is a wonder of sniooth, zicw parking lights... swanik new interiors responsive power. Its ultramodern push- YeU'r. atlw&Y* & tP ahe&d in Caro e01TThe Forward Look PALMER 20 King Street E M-OTOR Bowm~nviI1 luiiw A spirit, case and convenience. And its smooth Torsion-AIRE Ride rivais velvet. X'ou are cordially invitcd te examine ànd drive the ncxv '58 Chcv.slcr tnday. ,yz.~sler Corporatîcon oj Canada, Lmiled SALES . ... . . .. .L'~nulx, £NoJv. 51fr, 195 Earns Ail! Cub Proficiency Badges 'Welcome Wagon Catis On Three New Familles. A, Vveicome Wagon visits were, School. His wife Elsie is em- ~recentv paid on sex ciii fan-il-ploed as the bookkeeper for ýsby mem-bers of the Bjsi- Walkcr Stores. They have one ness and Professional W omen's son Oliver with H. M.C. S. Ci b IShcarwatrDartsmouth, Nov a '~ Mr. and Mis. Normian Trxx n. Scotia. formerix of Taunton and û' Their daughter An 5ini p lox ,ed in the food business,! th office of Downham Nurser- c. ~. .. .. moved into thcîr ncw hon-e on les. Thev are members of Trin- Frederick Ave. thîs falli The t ý United Church. Irw~in's havec t wx o ciildcren, Wane 19 and Grant 14. IT\r hxil is rnoxx mplo.,l ed ~ with Amet ican Agi ico Chet-i- ................,-!cals in Port Hope. Diand Mrs. 1. J. Wole and f îmilv m-ovcd from Kin s - sey succecdcd Dr. R. G. Coxxîc it the' Heaif h of Animais Bran ch xxithl office in the Fecit rai Building. TeWoolscvsý are havin- a fc home but on~i t FrcýdoriekAxeo..Cnta The thrrr \Vo7olsech de Nancy age )1, Coron c Maybe your Pctei 10. Thev a"c inhbers c the, Anglican ('h cîirchi. c m neIrance Mr. ai-dlMis. E. Iodfc 14 'ing St. E. arîîx1cdin Boý raxicIhis spring froin Sa ecis ato ll". M r. H oldsto k is tho h c -u ,t o ccarctac atBw!av 1ý i chek-u too iIf -011- i'rc arefuil driver,. f ixcd.Recomiccc o cJ xo~chcknpo Ycail. i ii ce co dton the The first memrber of a Bowmanville Cub Pack to menit badge fromn Cubmaster Bob Evans. Looking on, frorn MovCd 1 l) t. P 0cGr'-u xouaialcndtono Dorn ka rd o n of baMr. and Mrs. sGaret Rieka r, er eft to right, are Pat Vetzel, Assistant Cub mnaster Leslie 1 e. vcolin i. Ti l'i 11i t1la i 1rcar reguliuii . lIVtle DonRicard so ofMr.andMrs GanetRicard WR. 4 'Luffman, Mr. and Mrs. Riekard, and Monty Emminenson. Clerk ecalu for np)ih îîr1 'S., r s-!ç" to i, vu ho' Boxvmanvil]e. Don is shown above receiving his finali ca-et.ikn- , cptltelle r( ~u n yi rcrinur rink< for vear i b;î , a'-I ~ noce -... to inake sure tait- Anplications ho.i ercc ýixcîl you're crvn the right zONHamilton, spent the weekend at ci] meeting with the reeve in titi 12 noon on Nov. 2). 19157. h i nd, and etiii gh of i t.i IlNRa aerns.techair, ranceCoi.Tewl. % Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hum-1u inues eadandadotedon 'l' 1 rclthal c i j .m1- P'-jli(',11iii h us. W e'le (Intended for ]ast weck) MnuesriesadaopeOsha0111.aiPvisited(dc atn Chls.uckllbc \V.A, meetingwaas opened by Terry's motion of Coun. Wright and fi'se for appiicili on-leJw di d t rcx'ew !hem for v v anetngreapne Y erys 1T eOn perator rand R'- id the president with the poem Hanse Gerssberger has bergeen "Neigibouir." There wcre 21 Mr. Turner was prescrit ail, enda-in c e an o '-îl expcil oi.Wti h f oursa eo memibers, Iwo visitors and one deer hunting at Bancroft. euse odo rvlb- child present. Mrs. Fred Dart i'Mr. arnd Mrs. T. Thomnas, Mr.iCa rtN rig ht put at his corner. bY lWonh nbe re1)i\' cci tî Mrs. Frank Pascoc and Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, Scar- i Sur ori euse bil 001) ov. 29. 19,î12 Robert Kilien took the devo- 1 oog.wr upe ussafBiackstock counicil met Nov. ec bottom addthra lionai period. Answer to roll eall Russell Stainton's. fec n îc oi Clcrk Io wxriîc V orillmc ýT ArT B.M E was "a helpful hint." Mrs. Alex Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron4 t73 ..frCutO e. ato al'sGagbcleCinpl t onSDpdrgr- MelMaster was acting treasurer and family, Hamilton, wecc vision. Ail members present. At aned up. Moved by Dep. Reex\,e ing (cr.ge for iirc 'i-ai n IS .NE RA S and Coun. Wright that bis rc- fire- dii'.' rt sc(Ie o of x n iNSR E RELESAF n the absence of Mrs. Nelson weekend viistors at Wes Cam- 8 p.m. Court of Revision adjour- quest to be referred to next vear ]\lMoxcd 1,),, . E rce . Il Ofc Ficc duc to iliness wilh finl t n. ned on motion of Dep. Reexve counicil. T. Samelisakd coLýi.- n c. 1w Cotn.wî)oýî vas annouiiced that C.G.I.T. and1 Congratulations to Mr. and Green and Coun. Fred Trewin. ci] for some gravel at bis gale- x radio NIi u ~ 1 58 A 3-5493 Explorers are baving their Mrs. Tonm Currie (Peggv Killen> ale nte a i ebr wav,. Request granted on 1- .2 il,hj;nji : î- i King Street c. B~mnil Christm)as Concert oîn Dec. o n the ar-rival of their chosen 1 ion of Couin, Wright and Hvlan,1 ixi i fhn U e ld ciL c, - 3,19Ï Program was as foiloxvs: Tai*k by son. Thomas John. xvere present for regular colin- aiso that Mi-. Goffs fence b'-' af 2 p.m. VrsAiex MeMaster on "Christ-1 PAGE TWZLVE !",It 4, lk 1 button automatic drive is a marvel of