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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 13

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~V!~8DAY, NOV. 2lst, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTABIO PA~ TITYRTEEN Locally Made Organ in Use in Lapland A letter addressed ta Town Clerk A. J. Lyle from it stili existed. The organ, pictured above, is in the famous Robert F. Legget, Director of the Division of Building 150-year-old Lapp Church in Karasjok, capital of Nor-1 Research, National Recarch Council, Ottawa, printed in a wegian Laplanci. The lady on the lef t ig the old Lapp recent issue of The Statesman told of Mr. Legget's surprise guide at the church. Mrs. Legget is on the rig-ht. Mr. on discovering in far off Lapland an organ made by the Legget took the photograph in July, 1957 during aeist ta Doiminion Or-gan Company, Bowmanville, Ontario. Mr. Lapland in order ta study permafrost conditions and build- Legget had not heard of this firm and wrate ta eriquire if ing methods in northern Scandinavia. ELIZABETH VILLE Home and School i iiiu DI~HUdV On Tuesday evening the Home ,i nir Dirin iay jand Sehool met in Perytown Courtice: The egular meet- school. A good number at- ing f te 1th rou, Souttended. The minutes weme nead and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary was ad tahe drntillatequstio held Nov. 13 with Mms. A. Stev- Dm. C. Hod nnen utr Mdia ens presiding. Minutes weme *D.C, onrou eia read by Mms. H. La Chapelle.1 Health Dactor spoke ta us. Hem Mrs. L. Melntyne gave the fin- Iaddress was vemy helpful and ancial report. The officers for 1 nteresting. She spoke of the the coming year were installed work done by the unit and what by Mr. Robent Cook. help was needed by parents to The slate cf officers will be: co 'operate with the unit. Aise President-Mms. Charles Arch. how well educated the help had er; ice-Prsidet-Ms. ylete ho te carry on the work. A er; icePreidet-Ms. ylequestion and answer period was Mclntyre and Mrs. Charles Car- held followed with lunch. The penter: Treas.-Mrs. George next meeting ta be held Dec. 3 .Reynolds; See'y-Mrs. Harold at Elizabethville. We expeet to LaChapelle; Social Convenor- have Rev. Bryson speak as well Mrs. Carman Thompson; Sew- a hr hita rgan jng-Mns. James Willis; Sun- ah -Mrs. John Baker;: Tele- The W.A. held their meeting h-Mrs iW. Horbin; Ex- on Wednesday at the home cf e emer-rs TomsMm. and Mms. H. Muldrew. Mrs. Gla7man and Mrs. Walten Ellis. Ken Trew occupied the chair Meetings are held on the and opened the meeting with second Wednesday of the month the theme "Endurance." Scrip- and aur next meeting will be ture xvas read by Mrs. H. held with a Christmas Party Thickson. Mns. Howamd Quan- and exehange cf gîfts at the Irili had pC;pared chaptens 19 home cf Mms. Giadman. and 20 cf Samuel. The minutes ,Mîs Alleni Stevens %vas pro- cf the last meeting weme read I-ývith a gîft fmom hem and appmoved. Plans for tbel Iinson heresignation fmom bazaar weme -nade. It was de- th è roup. sbe also rcceived the cided te give $50 te M. & M. Past President pin for ber two Fund. Il was decided te send yeams of loyal work as Presiclent. $5 ta the Orden cf Deaconesses. The mothens cf the 181h Aux- Lunch was semved. The rext fliary extend best -wisbcs te Mms. meeting is the eleetion cf odue- Allen Stevens and Mns. Ron ers also the mnissionamy one un- Pingle for their future success dor the leadership cf Mrs. H. with anothen gnoup. The meet- White. ing closed ivitb the Scout Pray- Syrnpathy is extended te the1 er, then the hostess, Mrs. P ingle 'relatives and fiends cf Mm. EmolI served tea and birthdayv cake te Trew,. Osbawa, who passedr celebrale Ibe goup's third yean. away this xveek.r ________________Mr. and Mms. R. Plunket, Mrs. Plunket, Mr. Geo. Thompson,c From 1950 ta 19,56 fedemal Tenante, and a cousin frcm theE tgovernment revenue from d'- West visited with Mr. and Mms.a rect taxation onlv increased H. Quantrill Sunday. Othen from S$1.3 billion teS2.5billion, visitons wone Mr. and Mms. E.a SENSATIGNAL YEAR-END SALE on NEW andi USED Farm Equlpmentr IlIÇ I~/5Iff/p P'RANVD NEW CAUE EQUIPMENTr Look ahead and save big money! To make rourn for 1958 shipments and get set for 1958 businessç we are slashing prices on tractais and machines, both new and used. \N,'e are boosting trade-in allowances higher than evler befare. Beat higher 1958 prices -get bath a big trade-in and a bargain price -take up ta four crop years for the later payments. No interest or cari-ing charge before ncxt wark seasan. Dont dela> - cerne in before these bargains are snapped up - ge the deal Case "D" Tractor A REAL BUY AT $695 TRADE TODAY AND SAVEI W. He BROWN Telephone MArket 3-5497 91 King St. W. Bowmanville Ellott and family. Oshawa. Mm. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, Oshawa, in tbe village Sunday. Mrs. H. Thickson attended the Home and Sebool Conference at Oshawa on Wednesday. Mm. and Mms. V. Peacock spent Thursday with hem mother, Mrs. Jackson and Mn. and Mrs. Hon- ey, Mamkham. Mn. H. Thickson, Darlene and Suzanne spent Thumsday in To- onta. Mms. Thickson spent Fi- day with Mrs. Dandenhoffer (Mrs. Mitchell> in Oillia. STARK VILLEi cJeen 070 w Mrs. Orme Falls and Mrs. Jimn Stark enjoyed a turkey dinner in Bowmanville last week. Little Doris Mamie RobinsonI was a tonsiîectomy patient in1 By DÏonna Akey Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, The vlhoaSdeH - Saturday. kîns een Town a Sdnco Has Mn. and Mrs. Brian Caswell1 isTe Ton dcets with Mr. and Mns. Alec Martin Fridav night. Mn. and Mrs. Saai- attededtheWiner ait, Tr-ie Hawkins will bce chosen fer ato.endedae ite. aiTo-the niost appropriately dress- Mrs. I. Plim, Toronto, with cdi boy and girl, se wear veum Mr. Athur McKay. oldest clothes and make il real- Mrs. G. Etwell, Tomante, vis- ,ybr-ie h dance wUil ited Mm. and Mns. Bert Tmin. begin at 8.3() and membemship Mm. and Mms. Lawrence Fan- will again lie availalile. mow, Port Hope, with Mn. and Teen Town Badminton will Mms. Victor Farrow. bogin tbis yean on Dec. 4 and Miss Flossie Graham, New-1 will continue each iohloxving castle; Mr. E. Grahami and Miss- Wednesday at the Badminton Lucy Graham, Third Lino, xveme Club. Momliersbips for bad- Sunday visitons aI Mm. Clifodmînton xviii soon ho en sale, Reid's and also Mr. anc Mr.pmeliably the next dance. Hemb. Reid, Evelyn and Allan The Tecn Town Club would weme suppen guests. lk etal n akMle Mm. and Ms. Llew allw for denating four 45 speed re- in Toronto, Fmiday, accomny-crdIeTnnTont bi ing Jirn ta the Sick Chil dnen on away as Hospital. Having the cast me- eawyspr7. movod Jim will nest his foot a Thene are only two dances manth before using. j leit before the Christmas dan- Shiloh W.A. met at the homei ce and after Januany you %vill of Mms. Orme Falls, Wednosday net be able te gel mombenshîps evening last week wilb a fine so elt's bave a big cmowd eut attendance. Mrs. Brenton Far- this Friday night. Renmembeni row gave tea reud ers report i s a Sadie Hawkins dance and the business wass sliould bring the boys. stmaighlened away. The final -_________ delails for the fotheoming i, bazaar on Nov. 29 weme discuss- ed and the cammittees named. E DN Samples af Christmas cards BRR-NYO weme shewn with ordens being BR ALP received by Mrs. John Stank. St. Gýeorge's Yemonial Ang- Ladies of the committee sony- lican Chapel, Oshawa, was the od lunch. The Christmas mecet- Setting for a wedding nocentiy îng will be announced lalci-. when' Mrs. Kathileen Naylom, Mn. and Mrs. Dave Laphamn fornlrv of Bowmanville, -Ont- and daugbter, Bowmanville, vis- amie, as îinited inm rie ited at Mr. Howard Farrow . hM. Jh urni Osaa. Sunday aflernoon service at Rex Clinton D. Cross perfor- Shilob was well attended and cd the corcmeny, and the cou- the following children wenephxceatddliMs.Jk pmesenled bv their parents, for P12 dced ecf Obwa and Mn baotism: Elizabeth Mac, daugbt- .îgkBunof Ohw nd MOn. er cf Mr. and Mr~s. Clifferd 6111.J aduit membens cf the imy- Reid; John Russell, son cf Mm'. i mediate anle,-repsnt and Mrs. Ewamt Robinson; Susan Ifmle oepeot Elaine, Tennance Paul, Johni Following the service, Mr. - - 1 - - - 1. - , , ,Ir Vi n.. . - ---i KEDRON A recent bride and groom, Mn. and Mrs. Robent Farndale, were honoured by Kedron neighbouns and frigrids at a Tuesday even- ing party in Kedron Lowen Hall. Rev. R. H. Riekard xvas M.C. for the pnogram which began with unison singing. A reading "How to Cook a Husband" was given by Mrs. B. Hitchen, and *Mrs. R. E. Lee led in contests. Mrs. H. Rose read fmom Funfare 1 "The Woman's Way." Mn. and Mrs. Farndale were escorted te the front and were addressed by Mn. Rickard viho expresscd the purpose c f the gathering and warm good wishes to the hon- aured couple. Presentation wvas made cf a eard table and chair set, a table lamp, and a cushion. Af ter speeches te express sincere thanks from Bob and Margaret, Mrs. Wm. Wemry read "An Irish Blessing". Mms. H. Cossman conducted contests until refresh- ments wvere served. Services next Sunday,,, Nov. 24, will be at the usual aiter- noan hours, 1.30 and 2.30. Rc-v. N. T. Holmes, minister of Han- mony United Chumch, will bc the guest preacher at the chunch service. Congratulations te Andy Bo- haker who was awamded a spe- cial art pnize at thc recent Jun- ior Commencement exercises at O.C.v.I. Miss Eleanor Mounijoy ,was guest cf honour at a surprise Party held for hei b liv a group of friends on Saturday- evening.1 Bnian Lee, student at GuelphA Agricuiltural Collegýe, spent the weekend at home with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee. Mms. J. ElliotItvwas a visiter witb hem daugbter, Mrs. Brian Bastin and family of Cobourg. Several Kedmon folk have been attending the Royal Agni- cultural Fair lni Toronto; Rob- .ert Flett is a Holstein exhibi- 1cr, and Foster Snowvden is campeting in the wool, or fLeece classes. Mns. H. A. Werry and Miss Femne Ledgette of Oshava, were weekend guests of Mrs. Milford Shepherd, Preston. Beautiful pictures taken by Mrs. Shepherd during the past summer on a tour of the Unit- ed Kingdom, the Scandinavian countries, and several other countries of Europe, were en- joyed. Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover, with their son John and Mms. Glov- er, returned on Friday from a, motor trip ta Florida. A stop- aven was enjoyed with Mm. Frank Sobil, at Clearwatem. Mr. Sobil is well-known heeabouts. Deep-sea fishing in the Atlan- tic provided exciting diversion, when Mr. Glover landed a 20-1 lb fish. John hooked an 8-foot sail-fish but was unable ta take it. Howevem the men had the fun of seeing another fish- erman in the pamty bring a sail-fish aboard. Sharks an1d porpoises were sighted. With the exception of a single rainy day, fine weather prevailed for the trip, with temperatures in the eight'ies. Two weeks of intensive study under coach, Associate Agni- cultural Representative Sidney MFacDonald, with practice judx- îîîg in several neighbouring counties, paid off for the On- tario County Junior Farmer judging team at the Royal Win- ter Fair. In keen competition, with teams fmom 28 counties and three colleges, the Ontario County Trio wvon the Dairy Cattie Judging Trophy. On the team were two local boys, Bob Holiday and Ron Wermv, with Lloyd Wilson of Uxbridge. Each of the boys received a silver cup, following the steak banquet tendered to ahl team members. Lloyd Wilson aIso won the ind;vidual Champion- ship Troph «v in the Dairy Cat- tie judging. OBITUARY T. FRANKLIN WRIGHT A memben of well kno-wn Durham County family. Thom- as Franklin Wright, widely known resident of St. Cather- mnes and former proprietor of St. Catharines Business College, who resided at 2 Gardener PI., died SaturdaY morning. Nov. l6th at St. Catharines General Hospital following an iilness cf several weeks. In his 901h year, he %vas bomo in Hampton, Ont., and for a nunibcr of vears wvas a teacher, havinx taught in publie schools in the Bowmanville amea for several yeams. In 1900 he found- ed the St. Catharines Business College which he sueeessfuliy carried on for 40 yeams and la- ter operated a business sehool in New Toronto for four yeairs. Since 1944 he had led a retired if e. Active in chureh work he was a member of Memorial Un- ited Church where he was a former treasurer and member af the board of management for many years, and xvas also s~u- perintendent of the' Sundax' Sehool foir 25 vears. He was a nienber of Union Lodge No. 16, I.00OF., and a former member of the St. Catharines Rotarv Club and Board of Tradie, and Memonial Chureh Bowling Club. He is survived by a son, Elon F. Wright, cf St. Catharines, and two daughters, Mrs. Mar- tin (Thirza) Scott of Cedarville, and Mrs. Clifford (Annetta> Densmore of St. Catharines. Two sisters and two brothers, Miss Annie Wright, Miss Ef fa Wright, Arthur Wright, of Osh- awa and Norman Wright of Enniskillen and seven grand- children also survive. The funera service was held Monday with interment in Vic- toria Lawn Cemetery. [Air, Rail or Steamahlp T TICK ETS8 j TO EVERYWHERE Consuit 3 1UR Y & LO0V EL L I15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 1 Bowmanville j New '158 Rambler DOMINION At DOMINION, the Christmas Food Store. th~e ahelves ar6 alzeady groaning with ail kinds of delightf ul Christmas delicacies everything good ta eat imaginable fram crinison eranb.rries to imported nuts. Stock up at DOMINION now and! save preclous tine ot month. Time you'll need to scamper about al ter presenta ... to wrap packages . . . visit f riends . . . look alter the umpteen details that always crop up just belore Christmas. iDo it now! Make this the week to start stocking up on Christmas foodis at DOMINION. The Christmas Food Store I 'Christmas Baking Supplies 1Australian - Seedless 15-oz. cello bag 32-oz. cello bag Suit anas lic 43C 1 Australian - Recleaned 15-oz. pkg. 1Curraânts 23c Jolly Good Ptted Da'tes 16-oz. pkg. 23c magie 8-oz. tin 16-oz. tin Baking Powder 23c 37c Saxonia Red and Green 4-oz. pkg. 8-oz. pkg. Glace Cherries ifor39c 35c Saxonia Cut IMixed Peel 4-oz. pkg. 8-oz. pkg. ifori5c lic Saxonia - Red 4-oz. pkg. 8-oz. pkg. Wayne, children of MVr. and Mrs. anci U LIs. .Jack Bridglana and John Stark. Rev. R. C. WhitelMr. an d Mrs. C. R. Elliott of gave a message ta the Sundav Tooto eeieJth ust tGlc herries i for 39c 3,5c School chiîdren hefore thoir the formers home, 478 Fernhilliaoi classes, il being a speciil thoucýht B hv 0d shav. a. and in the 8-oz. pkg. in the word.s cf a poct. The late alternoon entertained a À AI pastor foliowed with a meia dne pry a h Genoshaiv Xe on nthe Twentvý-third Psalm. otl shawa. rMxe ruit i for 17c 13< Mr. and 'Mrs. Burr left later for a tl'il to Windsor and Dcl:- MANVER~~ STATION roit, and on their return will ie p l D o f r 7 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGill arnd Pn a peD o fr familv, Barrie. the Robt. Ba- Gold Bell (Bleached) 15-oz. pkg. ker family and 'Miss G. McGili.SA E with Mrs. W. Bradley. Salem W.A. will hold theirPn c n Oshw: sen te eee , Novembher meeting at the home G oden R aisinsE 29 c M.andl.CW.borne, spendalof Mrs. S. Buttery on Nov. 21 %,e* oiaRoll call xvas a jar of fruit for'Durham or Benson 16-oz. pkg. ~veksholdas with Mr. and the hsdl Memnbers ar'-ý also1 Mrs. Frank Derusha. Mraskfd tIo brin-zinb their coppers...5 Rev. and ;,Mrs. Murray, Mr Young Peopl"'s- held thoir i orn S tILII 18 lynandHeaher Peerbrouhregular meeting in the church.I were Wednesdav dinner gîi1ests The president, Glen Blackburn,_______ with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Gai- operwd the meetin.,g and con- braith. ducterf the business. Bible read- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Porter, ing v:as bv Gerda Craitg: d<lo Brian, Brenda, Dougie and Ca- iionl iv 13ea Craig:'Greta Craw--______ thv, Peterborough., were Sun- ford gave a reading; Glen Black- Gre"A -21 t3lbaeae day dinner gursts with Mr. ar.d humn liad charge of the topic on Grd"A 21 o3Mavag Mrs. W. N. Porter. Citizenship.I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kinsman, A tinbQr fmomn the commu- Millbrook, Mr. Walter Rupert, itv have been attending unya Pre-dressed Chickens ib. 3 Sc Bancroft, '%m. and Mrs. ,ack1 Winter Faim. 1 Rupert and Peter, Bo\wrnan- Mm and MIrs. Ross Allin and Clwl' ville. \veme Sundav visiQrs ýfamil%, Newcastle, ,vere ecent W ;th Mr. and Mrs. W. Ho-ne-. 1visiters witb M,%r. and Mrs. 3 Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Stephleni- iTw<st. WE.VV 39 son, Bumketon, Mr. and Mrs Mr and Mrs. L. Wc,'lsh and; Bruce Armstrong, Bethanv, 1farnîlv were Satumday evening Devon Brand pkg. witb Mr. and 'Mrs. Bruce Ste- j isito rs witb Mr. and Mrs. L.ç iI phenson on Sundav.1 Savery. Oshawa. i nffIC 9 MissMauren Bdlevspen I Te Home anîd School Club the w.%eekend in Campbellford.1 executîve held a meeting at the ------- wjith lier grandpaments, Mr. and home of Mýr. and Mrs. Bob Cmaig'i Mrs. Wise. ýlast Thursdav nigbt. Al merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is Mir. Dincan Galbraith is in . f Mrs. F. Cator i.: nursing a unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. Torcn'lo ter a few davs attend- vemv ýorc ari. Hope u wîlI j in£ the Royal W±nter Fair. _-I soon fel better. c Ontario Grown No.1 Potatoes Florida Juice Oranges 1 Sniall - Size 13/41, bag 5-lb. bag, approx. Florida No. 1 Marsh Seedless Sweet and Full of Juice - Size 96's Grapefruit 10 f Finm, Golden Yellow Ripe Bananas 2lb Red, Crisp - Eating - Faney - 3-lb. po Mclntosh Apples Arizona Head Lettuce Just hatMan serve!e In Tomato Sauce - Cooked Heinz Spaghetti Serve Cold or Stewerl * Picnic Brand Standard Tom atoes s*Give your meals pickle perk up! Dyson's Plain or Ganlic :Baby Dilis Delicious in sandwviches, saladi platei Clovenleaf Fancy Ried Cohoe Salmon Serve a delicious Colo Slaiv Salad Kraft Salad Dressing Miracle Whip Biscuit Feature Weston's Table Finigers Cookies eac 31f 2& 2f 16- 10-oz to 2Y4" 89C 17 oranges t 39C or 49C oIy bag 33C Zh 19 Speclal for 47c< 4 -oz. tin for 35<%i 3-oz. jar ~~S Special 35c Special ;oz. jar .45< Special t. pkn'. 39c4 Values effective at y-nur Dominion Store, Bowmanville, until 6, Saturday, Noveniber 23, 1937 DOMINION STORES LIMITED Auxilîary Has TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMUNVffJaZ ONTAIUO içov. 21st, 1957 , 1 PAGE TWRTEEN mm-

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