sAGE TONous By Doug Glynn The remnants of Iast year's Lakefield Lumbermen apparently haven't forgotten that their stick. can serve a dual wu-pose. This was overly apparent when one of the crew used hs to produce a gash in the skull of Raye West in a third period brawl during Saturday's game. It was a deplorabie sight to watch a hockey game turn Into an Australian tag team match, but flot unusuai. With sports brawis in four other cities over the weekend, ours was flot out of the ordinary, just disgusting. Stiffer Penalties Needed Incidents such as these are certainly detrimentai to al sports, and now is the time to curb them. Officiais are aware of kfl this tact and with the weekend fresh in their memnory they should Ro sofl S D e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLLZ ONTARIO iuMNO.2s191 Lil Hooper RoUis High Scores in Ladies Group reaNew d ifr penalties to the offenders ln these cases rs un c these necessary rules are made. - Give the referees the authority1 with which to stop thse otitbreaks, and be certain it is applied. Robson Pontiacs scored a ai The work being done by the Ontario Little N.H.L. towering 7-1 win over Whitby a Association and O.M.H.A. is useiess, unless the men they look toe Hillcrest in a Junior "C" exhi- La for an example of keen sports competition and sportsmanlike bition hockey game Wednes- s. qualities set a good standard. day of last week at Memorial a * * * *Arena.1 Offensn, Good Defence George Lawrence paced Pen o ; Somnething that had many a fan wondering and in doubt tiacs with two goals and as- a at the first of the hockey season was clarified Saturday evening. sisted on two others. Mort Rich- ar1 Bowmanville-Orono Combines, shorthanded in the defence départ- ards, Bob Fairey, John Fowler, aTI ment came up with a towexing win over the visiting Port Hope i Patton, and Paul Wakely each oth Club. This leaves little doubt as to how strong the B.O.C.'s are! counted singles to boost the as a whole this scason. score. edi Combines certainly possess the top scorers in the ioop 1e and will prove a threat te every net minder bereabouts before 1 Goalie Vince Vanstone gave 1i the end of the season. Their large scores in every game to date' a brilliant performance in the sai are indication enough of their potential. cage being robbed of his shut- for YanksNereln Jauaryout in the third period, wheri1 j Coanks Il Crmbereino.Janusary i .swil eHugh Perry of Whitby b]asted Iwî Coah Tckr Comhe nfomedustha B..C's iilbea hard shot fromn just inside the i hosts to the United States Olympic Hockey Team here on January blue-line that deflected in off h 28, 1958. On the following day B.O.C.'s travel to Rochester for the goalie's a return bout. This will be the Yanks only Canadian appearance, Wakely opened the scoring e and is quite a privilege for us in our Centennial year.E Ticker also says he is "not happy" with the short scbeduie at 2.27 of the middle frame wa of the Lakeshore League this. year. '"I would like the team to during a scramble around the en have more hockey", be says. Crombie said hie would be glad to nets. Mort Richards found the enr arrange some exhibition games (one possibly witb the Allin Cup mark. seven minutes later with iod. Dunnies) if the fans showed the necessary interest. a 10 footer that caught an operiio * * * *corner. end chei Juniors Looking Sharp Patton put Pontiacs ahead 3- the Robson Junior C Pontiacs got off to a rolling start with0 when hie grabbed a rebound For a 6-2 win over Whitby in their opener there last Saturday. Pontiacs in front of the nets and scored on]ý appéar to have a well rounded club and are a speedy lot. Tbey ùpened their home season Wednesday (yesterday) as hosts to Wthîtby and have a game slated for next Wednesday evening wth' BOC's WVin 15-2 Alliston. Anyone holding a ticket on the Robson Pontiacs car draw is reminded to hustie down to the arena box office and exchange itfo sasn icet.For those people who haven't as yet bouglitS e s nF BillSteenthe club's sponsor, informs us that the drawj wili be held on or before December 28. Deadlîne for the sale of ail tickets on the draw is the samne date. Don't forget to buy your ticket now, to help support junior, hockey. You will see some CominesIV thriling games and who knows, you might win that new Pontiac. AROUND THE TOWN. .. ..Bowmanville Badminton Bowmanville-Orono Ctmbines helc Club is holding a round robin and social evening at the Badminton scored a split decision in a third secor hïall, Tuesday, November 26. This event is in connection with1 period brawl and a one-ie ud Z;ational Badminton Week being held from November 25 toil15-2 victory over Port Hope tallie Tiecember 1 . . . . Bowmanville Juvenile Legionnaires expect to Ontarios in a Lakeshore Inter- Tm get their season under way shortly. The lads are playing an!mediate "A" hockey game ait squaE exhibition game bere Saturday at 5 p.m. as host-, to Whitby. Ati1Memorial Arena, Saturday even- beini en O.M.H.A. meeting in Toronto recently it was reported that jing. in tl ]Bowmanville, Whitby and Lindsay will be playing in the Lake-1 It was B3.O.C.'s fourth straight durir sore loop. Applications are also expected to be forthcoming 1 Win of the season and gave them will fromn Port Hope and Cobourg ... . Gord Hawes, District O.M.H.A.1 undisputed possession of f irst Bruc Juvenile. Hockey Convener was elected to the O.M.H.A. executive 1 place. Surprisingly enough they three a', a meeting in Toronto recently . . . . Ahl the local deer hunters posted the wiré whule shorthand- gets hiave returned home and there is venison on the tables of imary ed in the defence department. Chari homes these nights. . . . Norrn Cowle came up with a 344 high Junior West, Mick Walker and- single in the Mens Major Bowling League last Wednesday. Nice Ted DeGray were absentees g~xg X..r. . ..Anyone wbo bagged a pheasant this season andj fromn their lineup and were re- util has the band and their survey card is asked te return same placed with forwards. to Conservation Officer Ken Tolmie in Orono. This is important1 Brawl Occurs ,t the Dept. of Lands and Forests as lit helps themn in replenishing1 The fracas broke out ai 5:17 of 1:ýe stock for next season. Your co-operation is appreciated. . . . the final frame wben Syd "Arn- ,Anèt-,again we remind you, don't forget to get down te the arena old scored B.O.C.'s 101h goal. to heèlp support those youngsters playing Minor Hockey. They The goal apparently dishearten- can be seen in action Saturday mornings, Saturday aflernoons, e oleRdWso n h end Moniday afternoons . . .. Coaches are required for the Midget veran's emerag Wassonth hockey team§ which play Saturday afternoons. Anyone interested camne out of the cage and swung contact iRec. Director Doug. Rigg, at MA 3-5761 .... The Recrea- bis stick ai Raye West and this tien Department bas also scheduled some Atom League games sparked the fight. for Saturday mornings beginning November 30 . . . . The three1 minute changes in the Minor set-up have been met with good I eoeRy ol eaith approval by the players and coaches and they provide each was knocked to the. ice in front ;roungster with an equal amount of playing time, wbich is a good l of the nets and a group of Port îdea. ...We hear that Ex-Combines' defenceman Lowell Dykstra Hopers bad pounced on him. Inow playing with Penticton V's, of the Western Senior A Tbis brief episode of flying Diviion.sticks and bared fists was tend- ered a cheering welcome by nizny of the 650 fans, who were losing interest in the game itself because of the lop-sided score. a1e Uses. Stick For Club PREwAST ONCR TE ne player, using his stick, bxd is way into the mob and St' ankslaced Raye West across the skull Sepfic Tak before the fracas was broken up. c"au. e'itThen Gerry Robinson teed off in - Siewalk .Siabs - the corner with- bared knuckles teJ hash out a problemwt -Coloured Patio Slabs - f Port Hope's Bill Twist.- JNo sooner had officiais gol - orhe, Sep themn untangled and were bus- ily issuing sentences to tbc -offenders than Raye West and CurbingHalford began again in the penalty box. They each mani- B roo linaged a couple of connecting bosbefore being parted. OfficiaIs issued a total of nine ( - sentences to the participants; Concete Prod cts two game misconducts, five PHONE BROOKLIN 155 majors and two minor penalties for a total of 39 minutes. Port Collect Calis Accepted 'Hope h au 22 minutes, while ________________________________________________ B.O.C.'s were given 17 for. their part in the brawl. Rennick Nets RIat Trick In the scoring department Art' r' Reinnîck paced the locals with three, Rave West, Keîth West, Nîq 'Wally Samanski and Syd Arnold counited two each. Singles were tallied by Bill Cherry, Gerry t7% àiRobinson Dean West and Don AI MecrChuck Armstrong also mor rubber in the game than he likely bas ail season, also j gave a somewhat' outstanding H a p ' 13 jA performance, except for the ifl.O..'s oalhs Cmbes ose a S~an t k Lk, wo-goaiis eidl e and Di eut Whitby xr BattUe t14.10. John Fowler tallied igain at 16.35 with Patton and, ,awrence getting credit on the! ;sists. Lawrence seor ed his first oal aI the midway mark of he final stanza when he caught n open corner after grabbing loose puck. Later Bob Fairev aàgged the rebound from an- ther of Lawrence's shots and umped il over the outstretch- dnetminder for his first goal, awrence fired a high shot that ilIed mbt the top of the cage )r his second of the fray. Whitby bad seven penalties, hile Pontiacs were tabbed ith six. Tempers flared during Le final period as both clubsi ýgan playing better hockey. Bowmanville's Ted Fairey as carted off the ice and ba.- ito hospibal after he was in- red early in the final per- l. He was going mbt Whitby's id with bbc puck when he 'a;- ecked and sent sailing mbt eair landing on the boards.1 rtunabely, bis in.iury was: «irsf Donnybrook Meet Port HOPE Norm Cowie RoUis High Single in Major League 1Nornm Cowle had hi nighb of the season ani j the high single p-izei score.of 344. Bil Westlal next with 331, Elton Bro 328, George Piper 321, E lie 312, Ai Osborne 307 an "Shady" Lane 303. Elton Brock was the bowler Ibis week to hît t mark. Brocky bad score 197, 295 for 820. Pete iD bad 788, George Piper Norm Cowlc 785, Ed LesI: Bill Westîake 769, Mel Da' Tom Cowan 731, Carl 729, Ted Miller 723, Ai Oý 715, Murray- Tighe 711, Hearle 710. AI Osborne's tcam wc the team honors with hig gle 1345 and high triple Jack Lander's teamn haè game 910 and Norm O'Ro team Ilow triple 2948. Byron Vanstone Iook Oliver and Ken Luxton o: hook when he bowleda 424 triple. Oliver and L had beld this title with 42' Shotter wvon low single is best id won with a ýke was )ck had M Les- d Russ the 800 s 328, 'obbins . 787, lie 770, ile 750, Leslie sborne ý,Reg on al sh sin- 3698. d low )urke's Bill )ff the a iow ,uxton ý7. Bill score d a 7-i edge aI the end of the for his five assisîs. ond. Tbey snowed Wasson Port Hope-Goal, R. Wasson; ler in the final period as bhey defence. Douglas, McAuchlan; cd cight goals. forwards, Coyie, Twist, Jones; wo miembers of the B.O.C. aiternates, Halford, Martin, Me- ad cashed in on the prizes Keen, Weiss, Quart er ma i n .g offered by local merchants -Floyd, N. Wasson. their scoring performances Bowmanviile - Goal, Hawe; ng the game. Art Rennick defence, Cowle, Mercer, Robin. [receive a new bat from son, Berwick, Copeland; for- ee Minn's Cîothing for his wards, Samanski, A r n old, ýe goals. Chuck Armstrong Cherry, Rennîck, Ham ilt o n, ;$10 in merchandise from Keith West, Raye West, Dean ttran's Men's Furnishings West, Armstrong. MvEMORIAL ARENA . Bowmanville PUBLIC SKATINC 8 Io 10 p.m. Friday, November 22nd ADMISSION àdulis INTERMEDIATE %"A" HOCKEY Saturday, November 23rd ai 8:30 p.m. Lindsay vs. Bowma nvil le O!ono Combines LDMISSION - Aduits- --- -----75e for Rcserved Seats and General Admission tudents and Children-----------50e :HILDREN'S SKATING Vednesday, November JUNIOR%"C"l HOCKEY 3:30 Io 5:30 pa. Iednesday, NovemLýer ai 8:30 p.m. Alliston 27 27 Robson Pontiacs 'MISSION...............ADULTS -50e :ket series No. 2 is valid for this game. F s, I b) E2e0 Jrins25:P.Hie AIley Chatter 20 Dobbins did it again. Pete Names Points bowled 788 and raised bis aver B. Budai -____25 age 10 253 for 24 games. Thr- L. Bates 19 hD.Mutton ____17 other bowlers have already con- ____ ceded him the campionship. O.Ptfeid 14 Dobbins bas been the big fac- D. Crombie ___14 tor in keeping Tighe's team on1 K. eure 1 the top o! the ladder ail season. IV. Coole 13 Or. Howard Rundle reall 'Gy1 muffed a chance 10 win hig N. Brock13 single game o! the season. Run- H Dunn 12 die started off with six straight S. Buckneli il sîrikes and finished up with a 270 score. The Doctor must Averages have been tbinking of the bwo Names Games deer he shot. i Bernice Budai ---- 30 Wild Bill Okc's îeam cannot Hilda Brock 30 win bhe first schedule but with Lydia Bates 25 Garfield Clarke on the team Onie BIcher 30 bhey are in running for the Lil Hooper ---------30 cbampionship for the loudest team ini the league. Men's Major Bowling League .SadigEn f 0h ek V IG O R ream W rigbe - 22 Brock - --191/2 Osborne 19 3agnell 161/ )'Rourke -15 L.ander = 14 Williams - 14 B. Oke 12 3 a t e s . - - - - 1 0 R. Oke ---10 I I i i Name Games Pete Dobbins 24 AI. Osborne 30 Dr. H. Rundle --30 Bill Westlake 30 Jack Lander 30 Russ Hailman 30 Dick Little 27 Ted Bagnell 30 Elton Brock 30 Matt. Harrison 27 Mel. Dale ---- - 27 Morley Vanstone- 30 Norm O'Rourke 27 George Piper 30 Bd. Leslie 30 Jim Callan -___27 Jack Parker 3l Jim Levet ---- 27 Dr. K. Shemon --30 Reg. Hearle ____30 Carl Leslie ____-24 Don Bishop 30 Frank Williams -3o Ab. Piper ___30 Doug Taylor 30 Bill Polley 30 Bill Bates 27 Hank Janzen 3o Bruce Milne --- 30 Harold Bennett 30 Pat Yeo ---- 3 Ross McKnight ---27 Walt DeGeer 30 Frank Hooper ----3o Jack Gay ------ 30 Murray Larmer --30 Glen Lander 27 Fred Cole 27 Norm Cowle 30 Ed. Rundle 27 Frank Samis 24 Hap. Palmer 27 Gord. Sellers 27 George Poulos -----I Bill Oke ---- ----27 Kari Bickell - --- 3 0 Ross Wright Il~ 3 Dave McKnight 30 Murray Tighe -------30 Russ Oke -------30 Jim Murphy --- --30) Frank Lewins 29 Bert Engley ---- 3o Dr. C. Austin ---30 George Stephens Il3 Phil Candilla Il Doi Gilhooley 30 Ralph Kellyj---------- 27 L 8 13 131/2 15 16 16 18 19 20 Pl 22 19ý 19 17 161 15 14 14 12 il 10 10 25 24 23 23 22 22 ý2 22 22 21 22 21 21 2L 2L 2 1 2t 2t 21' 21, 21ý 211 2E 21. 21, 211 211 211 211 2M~ 209 207 207 206 206 206 205 205 205 2051 2053 204 204 203 203 23 23 202 202 201 01 201 00 00 200 Juniors Take In Whitby 21 21 21 21 The Robson Pontiacs downe.i Whitby Hilîcrest 6-2 in a Lake- shore Junior "C" hockey open- er in the County Town Satur- day evening. Paul Wakely paced Pontiacs with a pair, while brother Gary, Bob Fairey, Patton and Mort Richards counted singles. May and Tran of Whitby bail- ied Iheir goals during the sec - ond frame to lie the score. Pontiacs sbowed a bard hit- bing. fast open style of hockey in capturing tbe opener. Tbey showed a similar type of ini- provement as the game pro- gressed, as they had in the ex- hibition game here Wednesday. Lineup Bowmanville: goal, Vanstone; defence, Cowling, Stevenso, Patton, Lane, forwards, B.' Fairey, McBride, Richards, Cole, P. Wakely, G. Wakely, Payne, Lawrencc,' McCullough, Clark.!1 Whitby: goal, Fielder; de.! fence, Simpson, Westfall, Price,j E. Luke, Platt; forwards, Maw,! G. Luke, Brown, P. Tran, H. Tran, Wilson, McDonald, Perry, McLean. Referee, Saddier; linesman: Bradley. Dead, Oid and Crippied FARM STOCK Picked Up Free o Charge 24 Heur Service Phone Coileet Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborouth RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI PeU~rborough - Ont. ýsPins 27692 25885 26370 26093 26564 25219 250CiO 25408 25401 25794 25183 25098 Ave. 230 208 204 202 Essie Cox 10 199 Ruth Barclay 24 161 160 ~IL CO. LTD. lu their bowling this week jwas LÜi Hooper with high sin- gle of 289, and bigh triple o! 680. Games over 200-L. Hooper 289, 216; O. Patfield 269, 209, L. Wright 267, H. Brock 264, 241; S. Bissonette 263; U. Ha- german 263; V. Cowan 248; J. Tennent 230; E. Cox 229;' K Beauprie 229; M. Leddy 227; L. Moffatt 226; J. Major 223, 220; S. Brock 220; S. Bickell 215; E. Larmer 215; L. Phillips 214; D Crombie 212; V. Coole 210;,'E. Whitehead 209; H. Corden 209; H. Simnick 208; B. Budai 207;. PREMIUM QUALITY STOVE CIL IOc FUEL QIL FOR DELIVERY PAnMOhwaRI510 TOP VALUES UN 'ts. '5 4 32 10 29- 27I 26 21 21 19 19 18 8 a 17 7 4 13 12 12 12 il )9 w )7 I7 16 I5 B 5f 1953 Ford Si ake Four new tires on rear, completely reconditioned 951 Fhord '/2-on Many more top quality Used Cars and Trucks from which to choose. Corne in and look over our Used Car Lot R013SON MoTroit LIMITED IUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 66 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 0 m m $695 -$975 a a 0 $395 Ena BIcher -____30 Peggy Haines - 30 Lorraine Martyn - 30 Ollie Patfield 30 Vi Coole ____24 June Baker ____30 Norma Gay 30 Joyce Major 24 Shirley Bickeil - 30 Joyce Tennent - 30 Lola Wright 27 Ev Sweetman 30 Myra Cooper 27 Sally Bissonebte - 27. Mel McNulty 21 Viv. Cowan __-30 Lil. Phillips -____27 Dot Crombie 30 Kay Beauprie --21 Audrey Bickell - 30 Helen Gilhooly - 30 Louise Lyle ---27 Emma Bromeil 30 Lucille Moffatt - 30 Helen Corden ___27 Eleanor Larmer . 27 Bileen Holroyd- 30 Donna Preston --27 AlyçgbHodgson 26 Mary Harrison- 24 Betty Westlake- 21 Wilma Bates 24 Jean Luxton 30 Sadie Bucknell 30 Ella'Des Jardines- 23 Del Vinson 30 Em Stringer 30 s per gal. Mý WANTED 21 Mo 1954 Dodge 4-door Sedan Good clean car with four new tires -__ 1953 Pontiac' 4-door Sedan Custom radio, a Iocally $1 9 owned car -------- 1 9 # 1953 Chevrolet Bel Aire Sedan 195 ad~io~ - ------ $1 9 193Ford 4-door Sedan In A-1 condition,$1 7 custom radio---------- This Week's Specialis 1948 Pontiac 4-door Sedan No down payment $275 1948 Ford Sedan No down payment $225 U sed Trucks 5-1109 40C 25c 6-2- DULTS $350 198 187 187 185 185 184 183 183 180 178 177 174 173 171 171 171 170 170 170 169 168 166 166 166 165 164 163 162 162 161 161 >kf i 1-7c Children Opener 1953 Chevrolet Panel -$975 1951 Ford %-ton