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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 15

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?XRMDAN, NOV. 2lot, 1957 BOC's on Scoring Spree Nab Five in 10 Minutes ?o Drop Cobourg 6 to 5 Scoring five goals in the fi- Ted Boyer paced Cobourg nIal ten minutes Bowmanvilie- with a pair, while Jon Fisher, Orono Combines made up for Munroe and Woods scored a rather duli start as they eked their other goals. * 6-5 win from Lumber Kings Priday o! hast week at Cobourg. ,.LWju.sBerwick sparked the ' ut after the ten minute ilîTt . Art Rennick came through c~ re / with an unassisted effort less than two minutes later as B.O. (~ C.'s sprang to life. ( w Raye West scored on aL pass By Verna Feran and Charlie from brother Dean and Ber- Tibt rmro wick, while Lloyd Hamilton Tibt rm ro tallied the equaiizer with Raye IZA of B.H.S. and Dean getting the assist cre- The first meeting o! the com- dits. pîcte Screech Owl staff was Dean West banged in the heid hast Monday. It was de- Winning goal with just nine, cided that this year, one huge Seconds remaining in the game.' edition would be released since It was bis second of the tilt. Hoe this is Bowmanville's Centen- scored B.O.C.'s oniy other goal niai. This wîll be an extra o! the game during the second speciai school book. Period while the locals weîrc1*: trailing 4-0. Last Friday the Literary Society heid a meeting and ielected the officers for this school vear. They are: Presi- dent-Verna Foran, 12A; Vice- DANCING President - Gregory Cooper. DANCING IlC; Secretary - Carol Cale, 12C. Incidentaliy. being eleet- cd President Ve-na will be the SATURDAYVice-President o! the Students Council. On Friday evening 'a ver.- successf ul "Sadie Hawkins" dlance was held due to the ar- rangers, the Boys' Athletic Society, under the capable supervision of its President, Charlie Trim. This was a hardtime dance with square and round dancing. Mr. Stacey picked the winning squar'e dance set and each one in the square received a small prize. The winners o! the spot dances. %vere Wyllene Wilson and Roy Atkinson and also E. Bennett and R. Turner. We wouid ike to thank Mil- Young Canada s j Bsook %uWlvee k Give a child a gif t to grow on . .. You wiIî be 4,elighted with the selection of books for children 'ýaiIable in our book corner. Corne in and choose books to delight every child on your list this Christmas. New shipment of fine Christmnas goods just -'d frorn overseas. Make your choice early. Personalized Christmnas Cards should be ordered1 now to ensure delivery in time.j SHOP EARLY BUY IN BOWMANVILLE LIMITED "BIG 20" Free! Free!1 BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS. with every purc hase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION CORNER OF MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-29Y9 Vigor9 A Standard 1OC eldnta Gasoline u39 Xigor Super 9GA igh Test 43 1OC Ineludlng tas Comploe Lubrication at a Reasonable Fric. STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUAýTT AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDATS TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FIF'IIEN Front St. Takes Lead A IRut IRqrI~In Town League Hockey Top Scores Mixed Bowling Team Standings Team Won Lost Pins Pts. IEtcher 25 5 28235 59 Spicer ----- 20 10 27152 43 Brock ------- 15 15 25029 35 Bond --------- 12 18 24967 27 Bromeli -----l1 19 24590 25 Mutton ---- 7 23 22927 16 High Single-E. Brock, 325. High Triple-E. Brock, 734.1 High Average-E. Brock, 231. Averages Gaines Pins Ave. E. Brock ------30 6936 231~ A. Spicer ------30 6362 212 H. Brock---------3"0 6304 210 J. Bond-------- 30 6054 202 M. Etcher-- 30 6033 201 O. Etcher --- - 30 6003 200 J. Richards-- 30 5938 198 H. Bromeli -- 30 5759 192 A. Hickling 21 3969 189 L. Eldridge - 27 4965 184 G. Stringer 27 4940 183. B. Mitchell 27 4919 182 D. Reynolds---- 30 5375 179 C. Mutton 30 5230 174 J. Cox------------ 27 4649 172 R. Mutton ---- 30 4949 165 C. Evans--------- 29 4685 162 E. Bromelli------27 4367 162 E. Cox -- ----- 30 4824 161 E. Stringer ---- 27 4274 158 P. Gould 30 4701 157 D. Bond ------ 29 4410 152 A. Winacott-- 27 4101 152 C. Reynolds --- 27 3980 148 J. McKnight 24 3552 148 D. Mutton 30 4389 146 B. Charles - 24 3323 138 C. Oke ---- 30 4149 135 D. Charles -- 27 3607 134 J. Evans -------- 30 3943 131 R. Mitchell --- 27 3547 131 P. Barteis-------- 27 3242 120 E. Winacott ---- 27 3177 118 J. Eldridge-- 30 3369 112 M. Hickling -- 18 1998 111 R. Spicer--------- 30 2269 7ý6, mNE y AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGE S Ealph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Shncoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 CARRUTHERS SCOUR TABLETS 'P d Dose for Scoui..: Give cal! six tabiets every six hours for three doses. Preventative Dose: Give three tablets dally forfirst seven to 10 days. TABLETS ___$2.25 TAJ3LETS ___$4.00 Avallable at Cowling's mcGregor's DRUG STORE DRUG STORE Jury& Loveli STOR Bowmanvllle Carruthers Drugs Limlted Lindsay, Ontario lcr's Record Bar for giving us two free records as prizes for our dance. Last Thursday night the sen ior girls' volleybail teamn was to play in Port Hope but a transport blocked the highway and forced the bus and girls to 'turn around and corne home without getting a chance to play. Better luck next tin:e, girls. Ail three groups in the boys' basketball inter-school tea-rs have begun to practice. This year the Bantams are being coached by Mr. Sheridan wvhiie Mr. Bail, a former baskethali star, will coach the Jûniors. Mr. Johnson wiil run the Sen- ior team and the way the teams have begun it looks very goocl. for the future of basketball at the school. On Saturdav, Nov. 23, 1\r. Johnson who holds niany Can- adian records at gym workz and swimrning wiil take a gym team o! three to Toronto to a gymn meet. The three boys reo- senting B.H.S. are: Joe Bathl- well, Don Brown and Terry Black. Good luck, boys! House League volieyball is still being played and thne noon division is nearlyv finish- ed but the after school eague has just begun. E. Brock Takes 'Mats Retain Top Position Goodyear Lge. Mats retaîned their hoid on !irst place as they edged Office 3-2, while Fali Beits gained sole possession o! second spot with a 4-3 verdict over Office in Goodyear Mercantile Hoc- key League action Sunday at Memorial Arena. Don Childs paccd Mats with a pair and Lloyd Hamilton counted their third goal.- Don Masters and Bob Sheridan were the Office marksrnen. Office pulled their goalie in a hast minute bid ta tic the score, but the move proyed futile. Bob Marjerrison counted a hat trick as he led Fan Belts to their vîctory. Clint Fergu- son tallied their other marker. Don Bishop, Gary Cooper and Jim Murphy' counted singles for Hose as they su!fered their !ifth straight boss o! the sea- so.League Standings W L TPts Mats ...... 4 1 0 8 Fan Beits ---- _ 3 1 1 7ý Office-------------- 2 2 1 I51 RHose 0_____O5 O0Q0 {Jýecreatî0j By Doui MTNOR HOCKEY In the first Pee Wee game of the morning the Canadians scored twice in the final period to defeat the Hawks 2-1. David Stainton and David Williams (Brian Bradley) accounted for the Canadîan's goals. Bill Bu- dai (Gord Finney) scored ear- ivy in the first pe-iod for the Hawks. No penalties were is- sued in the game. In the second gamne of the Pec Wce Leacgue the BrLiins came frorn behind to defoat the Ban- ,cers by a 2-1 score. David Alii- son (Bob Sleep) and Bob Slecp (Jim Vinson) scored for tnie Bruins. Bob McManus (Bryce Adamis) coilected the Ranger's lone tally. In the third and final Pee XVee game of the morning the Leafs and Red Wings played to a -1-4 tCe. Doug. Lane (3) and Mickey Dickens wvere the goal scorers for the Leafs. Bobby Bryant and Mickey Dickens as- sisted on two of Lane's goals. Paul Peterson, Raiph Cole, Gene Balson and Bob Whalen were the goal getters for ti-e Red Wings. Gene Balson (2, and George Kennedy picked Up assi5ýts'on the Red Winc'S goa!N. Cravdon Colvilie of the Leafs pickied up the oniy pen- alt ' , f the game for holding, the puick. Bantam League Three new players have been added to the Bantam League. They are as follows: Vern Rowe. Tigers; Mur-a 'v Martin. Braves, and Gary Barchard. Cubs. The addition o! these three players completes the number o! players we can handie in the Bantam League this year. There is a total o! 84 boys playing Bantam hockey this season. In the first Bantam gaine played last Saturday morning the Lions defeatcd the Tigers 1-0. John Bruce accounted for the Lion's goal. Jim Scott (in- terference) and Ray Crombie (elbowing) o! the Tigers col- lected the only penalties of the game. In the second Bantam game of the morning the Pirates and Braves played to a 2-2 tie. Ken Coverly and Alex Wiseman scored for the Pirates. Grant Flintof! and Don Kerr (Ross Turner, Grant Flintof!) ac- counted for the Braves 'two goals. Bill Bickle (kneeing) of the Pirates and Tom Wilson (siashing) o! the Braves pick- ed up the only penalties o! the game. In the third and final Ban.- tami game the Huskies scored in the last minute of play to de- feat the Cubs by a 3-2 score. Doug. James ( 2) and John Twist we'-e the scorers for the Huskies. Brenton Hughes (Wen- deil Fisher) and Jim McKnight (Joe Bothwell) accounted for the Cubs' two goals. John Dyk- stra and Larry Piper each pick- ed up an assist on the Huskies' goal. Donald Smith (kneeing). Paul Mclntyre (slashing) and John Dykstra (holding the puck) aIl of the Huskies ac- counted for the only penalties of the game. Atom League Starting on Saturday, Nov- émber 3Oth the Atoms will play one game each morning. This is being done so that each teani will have a chance to play every week. In the first Atomn game play- ed last Monday afternoon the Hornets defeated the Bisons 4-1. Ricky Gay (2) and Steven Burns (2) were the goal scor- ers for the Hornets. Garfield Webb picked up an assist on one of Gay's goals. Don McMur- ter (Dennis Secord) scored the Bisons' lone goal midway through the final period. In the second Atom gamne the -nias AdBros4ayd - Front St. upset Miler'. Taxi- men 8-7, while Murdoch and Welsh's Blockbusters downed Courtice Rockets 11-4, in Town League Hockey garnes at Mcmi- orial Arena Thursday of last week. The win gave Front St. possession o!f first place. Clint Ferguson paced the Mainstreeters with a hat triek, Bob Marjerrison counted a pair Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and boys visited their parents in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Blake Cox, Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Lamnb visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gleni Hodgson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland visited with Mrs. Murray Mus- tard, Sandford. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dernara, Scugog Island, werc Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. A.' Sharp. Symipathy is cxtended ta Mr. Norman Wright and relatives on the death o! his brother, Mr. Wright, St. Catherines, ii, his 9Oth year. and Ron Burgess, Chuck Kil- patrick and Bob Sheridan add& ed singles. For the Taximen it was D,).l Childs with three, Don Masters with a pair and Danny Glra:c:i and Archie Crossey taliied singletons. Bun Welsh led Biockbusters with five goals and Bob Shear- er counted a pair. Bill CQle, Lloyd Stainton, Phil Gilmer, Jack Whiteman each added singles. Bud Piper. Coverly, -John Osborne and Archie Coùrtii.e scored one each for Rockets. League Standing W L TPts Front Street __3 0 0 a Miller's Taxi ---- - 2 1 0 4 Murdoch & Welsh 1 2 0 2 Courtice --------------0 3 0() HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR. La Vogue fJacqueiqre. Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa £k"(evewsl glas Rigg George Moore (Bill Depew, Larry Perris) and Bill Depew (George Moore, Larry Perds) accounied for the Barons' two goals. Midget League The Lion's Midget League got underway last Saturday af- ternoon with ail four teams holding practice sessions. Any aduit interested in coaching a midget teamn is asked to get in touch with the Recreation Of- fice bv phoning MA 3-5761. The teams wiIl hold another practice session this comii'g Saturday. Games scheduied for this coming Saturday, November 23rd are as follows: BANTAM 7:00 a.m.-Huskies vs. Tigers 7:45 a.m.-Braves vs. Cubs (dlean Ice) 8:40 a.m.-Lions vs. Pirates. PEE WEE 9:20 a.m.-Red Wings vs. Rangers Rangers (Clean Ice) 10:20 a.m.-B. Hawks vs. Leafs 11:05 a.m.-Brujns vs. Cana- dians MIDGET 3:00 p.m.-Raiders & Orphans 4:00 p.m.-Comets & Dodgers ATOAI Monday, November 25th. 4:30 Pm.-Rams vs. Indians 5:10 p.m.-Bears vs. Bisons Saturday, November 30th. 11:45 arn.-Barons vs. Bears Reading and Discussion Group The first meeting of th e Re- creation Department's Reading and Discussion Group will bý held tonight (Thursday) in the Lions Community Centre at 8:00 p.m. Anyone interested in joining this group is invited to attend the registration meeting. ENNJSKILLEN Enniskillen W.M.S. Mrs. F. McLaughlin was host- ess for the autumn Thank-of- fering of the W.M.S. on Nov. 12 with a good attendance. Mrs. L. Wearn, Presîdent, opened the meeting, followed by wor- ship led by Mrs. R. Ormiston. Scripture reading was given by Mrs. R. Virtue and devo- tonal reading by Mrs. L. Ash- ton. Mrs. Siemon reported on United Nations. A reading, "Miss Josie" was given by Mrs. J. McLaughlin. Mrs. R. Ormis- ton read a letter from Mrs. Pegg stating our supply ailocEz- tion. Mrs. F. Tomrs expressed appreciation to Mrs. L, Wean for her untiring efforts as Pre- sident during her ter:n of of- fice. Group threé served a dainty lunch. Rev. R. B. Green was pre- sent to conduct the clection of officers for 1958 as follows: President -Mrs. L. Ashton, lst Vice-Pres.-Mrs. F. Toms, 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. R. Virtue, 3rd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. R. Green, Rec. Sec.-Mrs. M. Hobbs, As- s istant Rec. Sec.-Mrs. H. Mc- Gi, Cor. Sec.-Mrs. L. Wearn, Literature Sec.-Mrs. J. Sieni- on, Supply Sec.-Mrs. R. Orm- iston and Mrs. A. Brunt, Trea- S urer--M\rs. T. Slemon. Community Friendship Sec.- IMrs. F. Toms, Missionary Monthly Sec.-Mis. E. Wright, Christian Citizenship Sec. - Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Christian Stewardship Sec.- Mrs. M Stainton, Pianists Mrs. L. Lamb, Mrs. M. Stainton, Baby Band-Mrs. R. Sharp, Assist- ant Baby Band-Mrs. R. Vir- tue, Mission Band Supt.-Mrs. E. Trewin, Assistants Mission Band Supt.-Mrs. A. Boyd, Mis. E. A. Werry, Mrs. K. McGill. United Nations Literature - ,Mrs. R. Stenqer, Mrs. R. Sharp, Mrs. W. Howells; Associate Members - Mrs. R. Ormiston, Mrs. L. Wearn; (.G.I.T. Leader -Mrs. O. C. Ashton; Assistant C.G.I.T. Leaders-Mrs. R. B Green, Mrs. I. Sharp. IVIr. and Mrs. Geo. Re'ed and childrcn, Toronto, visited with Mrs. A. Leadbeater on Mov- day. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Irwir, Roy and Caroline, Carleton Place; Mr. and Mrs. Gérald Sharpe and girls, Oshawa, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm, Saint! ield; Miss Helen Rahm, Oshawa, visited xith Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and Mr. L. Bradley. A number o! our C.G.I.T. girls attended World Friend- ship Raliy at Courtice United Church last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red- knapp, Newcastle, were recent visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick.. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stainton, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Soble, Zion; Mr. Brian Lee, Guelph; Mr. J. A. Werry were Sunday guests o! Mr. anîd Mrs. Alian Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin, Donna Gail and Rodney were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott, Kedron. ""itii' iwith Cy McLean AND HIS ORCHESTRA at VAà%RCOEIS PAVILION IVE CATER a Sec them now end beat the crowds ... do your important Christmas Shopping while our selection is stili com- plete. Take advantage of our liberal Iayaway plan. JEWELLERY Kin,. St. W. Bowmanville

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