an~bx~rn XT< Deeing__Frïday Nighàt --. --- - 1Mos Members Io Run A gain For Various Municipal Seat s The aninual nomination meet- r1rao their intentions 10 set-k ir ing of the Bowmanville rate- re-eJection for the coming ycar.1 pay ers will take place tomor- i Running again will be Max--r1 i'ow (Fridax.> evenrng but no Nelson Osborne, Reeve Sid L;t- Snar]ing issues are exipccted to Uce. Dcputy-Rceve Wrilf Carru-- dcvelop. thers. and counicillors Davei The rmeeting b as been called Higgon, Jack Brouugb, Jim Pres-j for î:30 in the Towý,n Hall to son and Wcs Fice. reý.cive nominations lor thcew- rHo-evoir, Coun. Keitb Il'a-1 fiCeS Of mavor. rec-x-e. ,<~ti- thangue is 'flot sure vet' and re-cand six uricîrr as w -ej Court. Lloyd Preston. is s1iii 'thelbr- --;-e on th on the fcnce,.' No ol her c it ,-r .T ('mavii e pr r j' c llç)-îi<îîî have piibli cix - e d intentions B3oard and iloc(- ' ranx < to run f'or council posis. th tofbi tii theCM)570, 1 .r School Board osofhe97Coirut-il hax e, The tbre'(e oulgoing momt-buris of the six-man Public sclbool boar-d arc ail]ekn re-elec- tion. These xiii ho Clarke Wil- son. south xard: Art -opr nortb ward; and BiHll aies. -e s t rrd. Norm ORf?£uî1r kc, Blob Kent anod Ranci'Diilin are -erving Ilie sec- md icar o; tbeir two- 'vcar termn. The Bowoîanx il le Pr hii c ULhl- iies Comissioni is also a 1w o- N'car- terni xitlî'\I. j. Eiiott sI iii ýa (-o 10 orv _It is not knoxvi \ -hr osý- St riku' xvil scck-cl-tjl "Durham County's Great Family Journal" %-l Àl MAX£-2L £ LIN11RLtkJà-.'R£-IL IN" V FLle t'bu u1r Legion to Présent Fiag At High School Opening Ronad!( Ka\-anap-l, John Stra- A motion that the Legion chain and Edwa'-d J. Flicler present a fieg to the high were inducied int the ranks school for the new building of BnwmaniHle Branch 178- was approved. A vote of thanks Canadian Legron bx- the inita- lwas given Alec Mairs and Don tron team at their regular Marsden for the fine work mneeting Thursda.v of last week. they did in building an ilium- In Fn irnpre-:;ve cercmonx-, inated fraîne for the picture of Preýîdent Jiim Firthl, assistcd the Queen. b.- I st Vice- president Ed Run- William Mitchell. chairman die and Sg,,t-ai -Armis Jack of the Orono Cenolaph Coin- Knî; ii conducted the initial- mittee thanked the local branch tion. TheY- welconied tlieir new for their assistance and the r onrades mbl the branch aloiý,gj large attendance at the unveil- with ihe rest of the mcm bers. ing ceremony. tck rihchimno1tr a Rev. A. C. Herbert; Lcg ion Fopp\- Day .rcportt-d commended the members on i Ilhî anl es;timated S850 had becto their large attendance and per- A' ci-.Aeque:t bv -Spourts Ol- formance at the Bowmanviile- -iccr Ted Shiee:iaii Io pîrcha e and Orono services. A vote cf -VcUS aild socks foi' the Lu-- thanks was tendered Jim Fair, -oun snonsored iuvenile hockcv% chairman of the Armistice Dir-- tcn OilIlIxas apo--ovod. i flr. Nearly 50 Vets Leave. Eyes ta Others BER 47 Thermometer Haif Way Up To Objective -- - --- ~ NThe tbermnomecors rziî Constable Bernard R. Kitnex- the ice-ridden water-s of th1 w- inter.l-loxve-e n acwli has been appointed Chief of t.Lw-ene îct.op lb -ifiit r aew the Bowmnanx-iJl<- Polic.e For-ce irletpi iiila e succeeding Chiot Eiric 1'. Smith Ifw-asaso in 1938 thiat lier public libraî-v for Bxurî'-l< ,married the former Miss Dot-- Wdcdyi -sa h al as f Dcemcj~1.rcen Dennenv of Cornwall. Wa mr nlscrb 1bC Chief Smithb who recent1v 1Jo 1941 Mr. Kitnev left the r"8' 0rquie 0p~vd b tendered his resignatuon ha- Cornwall Police and .ioinod the new building. Accepted the position of Chier O.P.P. being stationcd in Sun - Ves, '.oi gtiicsscd it. The Constable for the tow-n 0cooe and Bowman\,illre In 1943.1 liermncet- ivo are-! la k mg ]Prescott, Ontario. Ho wlIles- be eni isted wvitb tho R.C.A.F.about is fi(,,onc locilerlilaI iic tablish Pescoti's first police ; er-viiig with distinction as a ndps fiebiiig i foc.wireless air eunner. He rose one whicb indicates ilbc amiunit !-or the past \e'ac and One- to hue rank of Flving Officer.1 raised bo date to aid Bowian- haIt Const. Kitnex- bas served For a short limne following 'llRoa-Cub it ei as part lime Constable for- the war Mr. Kitnev worked; velesRtacommluh williproie, Buowmanville but bas had con- with J. P. Porter Company Ltd. new public library for Bowx- sidersble other police exper- and in 1946 he jined the Bom- manville. - ..manville Police Force. Four- Renovat ion afIiber iidmg, years later be left Bowmanviýlcr is progressjng rpdvadb~ (Continued on'page sexen) iw-ork may possibly be ln c abead cf sehiedule, it VOS ce- ported Wednesdav. Most oft 1re carpentry work is inisbr-d atid Ann Piper sandin-g the floors and n)aintiir-o are ail t] New President pý d The ch- pleted a onithbc n Legia n Aux. oain -~ Atrenovatir Ata meeting of the Ladies womking Auxiliarv of the Canadian Le- r ody gion held in the Legion Hall. A cord -,Monday evening, Nov. 18, it exbencied was decided to have a pot luck the buill supper for the Christmas par- and see I -ty this year. This will be Dec. gressing. - Thcee new members. Com- -. rades Westovem, Hughes and -~~ Damont were iniliated durirîg r N4om the evening. Zone Commander Rose Bale fwas irn charge of the election Fôr 1 of officers which esulted as Bernard Kitney follows: President, Ann Piper: lst Vice, Helen Wallace; 21id Fmn. ience at both provincial and Vice. Dol Fair: Secetary, -- muni cipal levels. drey Bale; Treas., Mrs. G. Pal- Darliî He was born in Niagara mer; Sergeant at Amms, Editb i%ill me Falls in 1916 the son of Mr. Rundle; Standard Bearer, Jean Hall al and Mms. R. Kitney who oig- Firth. Novemi inally came fmomn Sittingbourne, Chaplain, Mrs. T. Hayes; Pi- nominal Engiand. After receiving bhis anist, S. Graham, Exeoutive, townshi elementary and secondamy edu- Mrs. J. Humphrey. J. Firth, R. sehool1 cation in Niagara Falls he Batheate. M. Perm'is, E. Rîîndlc, Noniii worked for J. P. Porter and M. Lawmie, R. Bate, M. Bates, rd for1 Companv Limited. a structural R. Pamkin; Audiîoî-s. A. Dad- deputy-i steel firm, for thmec vears. This son and D. Richards: Sick Con- rouncilli wkas followed by two years' \'enor, A. Dadson; Social Con- three v- employmnent with Canadian venors, R. Pamkin. R. Haves, G. on tlie Bridge Company Limited. Murdocb; Press Correspondent, Area t Mr. Kitncy's first police ex- Bemyl Hughes. 3:30 thq perience came un 1938 when lie President Anri Piper pre- turned joined the Cornwall Police sidcd, opcn'ng the meeting with 'Sehool1 Force. While in Corniwall lie txwo micutes' silence. At tbe ports. received mexitous commenda- conclusion, lunch was served An el tion for rpsciuing a feliow pol- by Com. J.Firth, social con- i l hbe ic ofu-rand an Indian from \ enor. rember 1958 Officers of E bat reniain to be cor îildmcn's sec-lion is cuuî nd wou-k is bcgýinirn nain part. As tl ýs. who are doing th ng lbernselves, ai, at bbe buildinz evou. and Fridav ex-cnîng. fal invitation lias boe 1 toevem.vouîe 10 vk" Iding on these niight how the w-ork is pr-o 71 ?lystery le it §0 Iveci Tber best laid plans of ilice and men - . You know w-bat happons bt chm sometinies. They gel crossed up. it is tben thiat quick tbinkiuîg pays off. This wvas prox-en at the Armistice Service here oni Smndax' , INv. 10. The Last Post and Reveille are usually pla.%Cd o'. r Wes Fice's sound ruck fromn a recording. Tbe parade was ail formced up whien il was found thal Mr. Fice*s P.A. svslemi was dcfinilelv on the b]ink. Whal bo do? Padre Rex-. A. C. Ih-rbert came up \vilh the answer in a flash, and everyone attendiiig the service at the Cenolaph wondered w-b (.re the beatîtifuil music- camne from at the appropriate second wlvcn t was rTtîrd.I floated angelically on the arr anîd coiild liave beeiî attribîited to a heavcnly source, since no eartbly one was in evidence. Wbiat happened was tbat at tbe point in the service w-bore The Last Post was bo sound, Mr. Herbert gave a sign which w-as reoeived by Drum Major Jack Knight of the Pipe Band: tbe Drumn Major raised bis baton, whieh was a signal to Couîncii]or Keilb Lathangue posted oulside St. John's Anglican Cburcli dowvn tbe -tre(,I; Keilli then passed the sign on tn Dav-id Herbcrt. who quick as a rabbit ran up Io the low or or tbe churcb wbcire bis brother Paul was poised ready to mun tbe recording wbich had been brought from the Legion Hall. The music then came over the sound system of tbe chimies there. The efficient sigoal corps, master minded by Mr. H\\or, xa,;msponsibie lor Ibie strains of The Last Post and Reveilie floating so angetically over the air at the proper moments in the service. Mr. Lathangue as chairman of the Civic Committee of Town Cotincil wax in charge nf thp service. Trophies and Cresis l-resented td Minor 1 ii Tanya Goddard iinations ai graduation exercises f the Lakesore ail eam S Royal Conscrvatcmv of Music-, Lakes ore ail eams University cf Toronto, last D arlington Newcastle - Trophies and, Intermediate League. stating it Godrdadcoeed o.1.Ms Goddrdy peei d. the Miss roests wece presentcd te the - was a pleasure for the older for this diplomna last January. ~ tternoon winning tans of hIe Lake-; league te assist the Minors in hoghu e sucre Minoir Baseball Associa-1 ever 'v way possible because had an excellent ýrecord. in r atehlyes tion at the annuai banquet held they knew the members of the Grades 3, 7 and 10 rccciviîîg the ington ratepyr on Satuîmdav evening a h Minor League will constitute Oshawa District pize for obtain- cet in the Towniship Eluibursl Holel io Newu-astle. tbe play'ers of the Intemmied- ing highesl marks aI these ex- ýt Hampton Frida.y, Foiiowing a delicious dinner, ate League in the yeams te aminations. ber 22 at 12 noon to the lcop President, A. W. Wade corne. Bowmanviîîe lîad the honour te candidates for the of Ncxtonviile intmoduuced ther The Banbam trophy was pre- te have lhmec graduates in piano p -ouncil and area guicsts, Reeve J. H. Jlose cf rscnted to Tom Turner epre- eceive their degmees at ibis hoard. Newc-astle. Mr. Albert Walkerr scnting the league winmnng Convocation: Miss Janet mc.- inations illi bceaul- cf Oshawa, Vc-Pî-esident cf Bowmanville Bantam club by Gregor. Miss Bertha Coixille the offices of recve, ilie O.B.A.-- O.P.P. Constable Ille League Vîce-President. AI and Miss Goddard. -reeve and three Franîcis ,Dryden, wbo desigzncd White. stating this is the lhird Diplomas weepre e toi lors. There are also Illen crosis fou- tue Associatioc. onecutive year the Bowman- guaduates from as fam east, as 'acanejes to be filled and Lavton Dodge cf Cobour-g ville club had won this tîophy. Nova Scotia and as farc west asq SSouth Darlingtoiu aîîd Gordon Agnew, Newcastle, Mr. C. R. Carveth, secrelamy- ' British Columnbia. A touching Sehool Board. At represenling the pess treasumer of the league pre- part of thbcrceemonies was the le meeting Nsil Ille A new tmopbv foc the Juven- sented the Pee Wee 1rohy1 presentation of hem A.R.C.T. in over to the Au-ca lie section cf the league donat- the Cobourg Boys Tann ign in iiwh .a Boad orther c d Lakeshom-e Intcrmed- School club through its epre- 1 led uip t receive it fmom Di-. lectionif neîaîe Leagiimo'%-as presented 10 sentative Mr. John Rvan. 1 Bovd Nec], C.BE., B.A. Mci . letuuifn cssary T ".tuuu Dodgc of the Cobourgr Association pesident, Arn-1 Ermoe Rolliiiscn. .R.C.O. gave pin held Mlonday, 1)e_ .iui*elrClub hi- Mr. Waikcm foid Wade, made the presenta- eniovable organ ecibal prior 1n 2.STucs. on bebaîf cf ti (Conlinut-a on paze seven) introdutctor.- mcmamks made by Dr. Arnold Walter-. An iutemesi.- ing address was gix-en b)' Dr. A. W. Tmuman, director cf the astern Sta r Are Installed Canada Coîîncil. The University cf Toronto Chorus sang several nuimbers aller the pr'csentatioîî - - of diplomas Jîad takemi plac-e. - An inforînal eceptionws < held atter Ibis prograni ai thc Hall of bue Royal Con- < servatou-v cf Music. Miss God- - dard's par-ents, Mm. anci *Mcs. Laucenc-P Goddrd, KinîgStE. a-ind hem auinl. Mms. J. MI. Hcrold, Tor-onto. attended granluiatioui First World War VetLetan Alex M\,airs wxas ',he fir-st of Iihe 50-odd memibeî-s of the Bowmanville Legion t0 present his Eye Banik Pledge Card to Le,!gen President Tji-n Firth. Legion members were asked 10 consider the possibility of Iovigtleir eyes as a iegacy to help a person with defective si'ght. Thesc pledge cards xeetur-ncd in at the annual Armistice Dininer. -Photo bb Roi der Music Degree IMany Sick Teachers Record During Ocfober S o n e lbing f a r ouo îd w ':is , a i i ic îu g ]ou w î i île i-liop e s ta b lis be d i in ( u- h '- x îî r r o m b s a r e -î - T lî -s l i (l -i r the arg fs l r irnlbei, of P uIb îjo i-a me I r the o xV nj sib uul: S Schoo i Icachers b in isiorune~w-, mler îîarPs t-~owil pnrp - absent through sickness. Tbehbcchbu t bir as esaU i qi Bowianivjlle Public Schooi flot b 1gb i nu;gi to warrant board leau-ncd Ibis at their Iheir attciîraîîcs. meceting Tbuu-sdav- îigb b ai If ,vas point crI oui toluNi r. V in c e n t Ma s s e x - m b oIn M - T h or c î C u c 1 0 t b r t h s b a c l ' o was an a-el-age of fouru tracli- i bave lu pas-,2(Pic or cii p(1u~r ers away w îth 'fii u ring cachi1scbooh day. froni Arit star t of school day of tlie month. Illie rchol\ar. The Clairk-e In order ta staf the scoos 1 oard is avng a icole th b uM during the crisis it was ne-e- Week when a riuio)lnv\ill he sary to hire additonal suppix- rcau-ed as to> wheUlec- 1m e teachers which cost cycu-$650) eldreni wih coninuîe lua as for tbe month. The 'flrî also liii tend ficlo 1Cal schtuol1s. the attendance wvitb a Meak nof Princijial Mou-le SUrIe r' 20 percent of the pupils away pcrtcd that 37 porsons arc <i- at one Uie.tcîîding 1the c2itiensbîp Wca-m~ Chaimm an ncf hie C lrke and iat Ailfees a d been cu- Area School B oard E. F. Rus- le t . The c-eque for '.si 1Il )o se l O so rn e. m et xi ii th e wO Il bhc îe a n ed by C bîrrii. b o a r îd r eg a r d i n .c f i xe c - b i d r r sgi< u t 1 1 5 I r i o î i t < 1 I ('r - ci- \r, feci -un . Fi c v- il Coufle w'as arîpointer iprîii)lr- F]i Sc o ai-v carebaker of bhe Onlaruu(p .A xcxiexv cf tue uuiisutraurll hehd b *-Nbte boau-nl w-il be îiiuuýE! and a repot w-l ibo gix-co as rho nîuxt mi ui. itizens of Boîvmaniille a Id surrounding district will have the opportiit of touringthe -onnw c, f the addition t-ao o r a ~ il i!h Sclonil athe officiai opning o 1w Ield on Nov. 28. Dr. C. F. Camnoîî tief, Tirctor of Education for th e Province of entario. -vili hie guest spakýer f the evening, with rret- ings eiîg hought 1)y lMa- or Nelson Oshorne, a nd 1,Warden cf the Iiibu-rI (ouuiies L'. î..Ifooton. Il. rîuceeTink, <hairmail f Dlurhxam ('ounity Diîstrict Hih Shool Board.,iili preside. Thc key of the building Nii li e presuted to Principal L. 1V. J)ippell. l'lie progam is o l1e held ini the ncxv gyniuias- ium, foliow~ed b.v the tour of inspection. lIlich -hwlî bc scrved inthie cafeteriac. Ali interestcd aic ordially invited o attend thesce p- eding ceremlnies ît 98 .n., Hold Public Meeting 'Newcastle RatepayrS: 4 t New Village Hig hc ~Iexxoasis thehhuf r heofil- XX ir Icr ,chooI axea in Claruke Tex silp RRRl - I 'm ibe c bns comnittIe d -ad a poinlcd shouhd do exerybhiîg n le a sui-ni' ici I I possible tb show tie Durh1dm populatin i -- ru -t;fId r - ~Hîgh Sehoci Amea Boatd that -a rmcpcmt of liir f Io - -- c Newcastle lis the logicat place Io H il S bý-oul fici j Iui c - i 7sbuild the proposed ncw High À t Tucx.d, x s uî iC Cu -'i 1School". This w-as tbc gist of a xiii, w ho N i il- - -rslto asdb o l0cmmte up hIiiCrrrcc 4 . 4j p s u t i o n p a s s e d b y ,- s i Lo n s 1 2 0 '> -- i t- - r -mi- Hns all od n thcdye L-on-!'Bad ur i mc- c- rra oui ~- Room cf the Newcast le Co-n-îed unir ;c irI - ' -jr îc -~~~~~ ~~n g Io lî a r th ' rle p)o t f th e ,-th e B o a t d-cl. p d i - m r u î committee which is making a - 'he Atu a Board x - nug' ci .x c uilu u-u- t dc survey o Hie I igh St-co- setiup tlic-me w-ire si N Ili-rn'rm l ,<m ~uîtlcîcar -- ~~~~~ - - ~~~~~population in Iis area. schools i h o ui. Suc. c cx ---l.rt-- Reexe .1. H. Jose ias cair- these- -ee toc mn-îiIl Io' b- I .i tr ui~o -- nilr o- f a -rou i) cf public officiais sc-bouuhat Port ilo1w cu- ri o n 1ý,oi lir- i-c -'. - r ---~ anîd in!ercýnbed cIhîen heli! asýt I - (Ibe o e iiuîl lio c rt-< - tr- trî <! nccc Ixee o di-arîs iit' malter-w-iliiccnn nrl-ail cf bu nrl- î - --r rirhiltlc cccc -x b At impressive cereronies on Ttîesdav- ex-cin4. Xcio-. 12, uf fmioou-S \um-th117- li' ron. Second uoxv: Lola Frccman. Treasurer; Berniece Scott. Iii o-hîenc-c h orIco ugItc rj c dN-'.- b-n .iruur-Idu iS'- of Durham Chapter, Oudeu- of the Easern Stai-. '-exe instaled. \Ir. rhapain; Mxabcl (Jrecnham, :Mai-shal; Meta Moffat, Conductress; Leola -%m. vrin Cclxviii b learo0f r-asle Schionul a!.( alo cgte--1c u---tn i-lr'iiouh- Edna Anderson, Past Grand MUatron of Ontario,. was the installincg officem- Thu-asheî-. Associate Conductress; Isobel Reynolds, Warder; Audrey the Boamd*s plans to acld a nexv iBiackstock and Millbuook Secioui Ieht~ eu:huî e- front, lefI 10 uight. ;are: Ilau-u- Freeman, Assît-haie Patrion; Ex-a Warri-ei. Via Ali in. M artlia: Bethi Teepfle. Secrear\,; Minnie Deeley, Adah; hingrevane HJoeToaselecled pouticri h-uurbtfub icratlfunî.lli-î- i r Associate Matron; Mis. Edna Shaw, Worthy Matron; Charles Uî'eenham, i Floremîce TilisoÀi, Ruth; Harrv Su,01lo1i, Sentinel. 1carma and H. J. iTteom sec-i oitx-. thf1wi uiiat-i u 2 îuur la Ho PiespTon For Thieves fruond of lîrciiIlipie po loruînh I. i uft 111 tircr pirs lie x r- I; ,f r i i-uni fiho Cuuullouî I 1 ,11 ( .r c chrix e rfillg wivi-t t bo-r alc-bssecond xiFil of fbl(- v Eailieu bta l--inou o cire Imrodilermd tI1t- ri'r- ()fm ut andc tr k'i ixv ro;rr I ch i-I: - r . Tu-iw 1)l o. i cl(li)IIIru'ý1k-ru pî -s tiboni l -us total l î-cuîn iciplît diuxs. Oui W0Iadnx. Nox rri l,ii i rrir:u-hi iIiudo--ru-uu 'l'ilu -u xx-ur-c- fou- r rrîiir u r tc-n <un i n o- r or -c;r ui lc B. Kitney Appointed New Chie f of Police S farts Dulies Der-. 1 lyiri ive BOWMANVILLE. lilé, pvp Hnf q 9 ONTARIO. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21st. 1957 XI T T'N 'Ili-] 1 r-à -jë, il-£ 0 10pen ihursda'y