t c-. PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTAR!O T'~'1TW~t1A V O ~~~~~~ing is. "Is Record Book U Use Survey made during the Briggs was cailed on as master hs rgs rsne h Dae" h nx meir" -,A no n e i ht N wsumxner in the Kendall, Osaca of ceremonies and vcry cap-. ap ope ihasto Pick Four P aintings at e" Th next meeng L Aor-n e igt1e area. The report recomimends abiy acted the part. Mr. ai' bekfs raine Rosevear reported the water basins for irrigation ini Mrs. Cecil Slemon wcre givcngit. he ech esodda minutes. The next meeting is at ! Lt mUI ixlcainswic vol bn- etso hnura ter Ûh oxYaprcatv rp B y Lo a l A ti ts crMilonsNo.19 SnraGi-fit the tobacco farmers W110 wedding anniversary was vcry :ermidro h vnn By Lo al A r ists r ison'sn ovJean Baer ire inon s or N xt Ye rare chiefly interested. The do- na.Atepoer timie Mr, a pn nara charge of lunch. The Honourable William! rence River the community partn-ent. is willing to advi.-e, i-er ttepo HamitonPostm-aster-General, wvhich bas become the modern supervise and assist in the l'av llng A r S how e 1earned Nthe benefit of has announced that the Post cty of Quebec. The three hun-1 building of farmn basins but the' 1 out about accidents in the home, eight new postage stamps dur- of this event will be commen- otist ebonbrhegov Seventy-eight pieces of art 1 garten pieces w-ere from Cen- first laid, and ruies for minor ing the caiendar year 1958. i orated by a special postageer work donc hy members of the tral: Grades 1 and 2 from the wounds. Home Assignments Tefrtpsaesapwl tm ob sudi uy Mr. Kirk said the surx-cs Adult Art Group of Bowma o- three schools: Grades 3 and 4 were given out and lunch was pay tribute to the contribution indicates that in not placLs ville in the past year madea from Vincent Massey; Grades 5 servedi. of the Press to the nation's de-- Another stamp in the Explor- smaii farni ponds. in 'sorte ca- good and intercsting exhibition and 6 from Central; Grades 7 velopment. iere coemoat t h wk' f in A rmss sardbvth r t rcnv et the Lions Centre lasi week an d8 from Ontario Street. Thes'e jIn March, there will be * gus om raing te work camrs. ae te niost Oni The four pieces select;od bv wcrc un interesting representa- .-s-11 of La Verendrye. The ccnteii- cal wax- to insure a lar,ýe theidge t b encrd ~ te ionofx~ atth ifeont age K v ..~ nD e sued a special postage stamp niai of the discovery of oul will enough supply of water for ir- 19h8 JdEas toCentcr in ti Tra- of cari tedo. iferl n t e v.Ca pb ll featuring the Internationai Geo« b e marked by the issue of a rigation. velling Art Display were: Gales sehool year. the numbler ofi pysclmYa.Cnd s ly otg sapi epe Be- ocause of the distance be- at the Evergreens (oul) by Alice paintin gs was not as izreat as G ues S ea e search for knowiedge. this tacofrnsan h Paterson: Overiooking Sturgeon wouid have been available later i In15BithCouba iî phasize the great significance varyving elevations, a single Lake (oul) by Jean Darch: Ion. A u' be celebrating the centenniaif- . idsr namdm large reservoir would not ce Evening Assignment (poricil.>1 DMembers of the Adult Art Ar L dis' A i'"w o h rvne.Asellps-ciety rcia, .Kr ad by Donald Staples; Oild Steani Cas acted as hostesses each af- ýo h rvne pca ot h ia tm lne o rciaM.Kr ad Enin (atrolur b etytron Th cis adter Neestieton Station: Mrs. Har- age stamp will be issued in May h ialsapplne o One Large Pond Knox. teacher are to be congratulated ry McLaughlin was hostess to iay oe to commemorate thes annsvet the vear ili be issed iiitOc The iudges were: Mr.Chre on the qualty of work exhibited, the members of Nestîcton Pres- ,sô n 98rhy. ain etoer taofmemt the bnn ni Auty Elisthv ei hroe the Wakefield, artist and teacher of Iand the show afforded a great jbyterian Ladies' Aid on Tues- AsHn158teCnd a l etifal .of the fconv egin oun, - lrpo d i obe imprn on- Highland 'Creek; Mr. A. A. 1doal of pleasure tb many people day evening. Mrs. George Wolfe Nurses' Association wiîî cele- H aslfa S.of eteir ýh st c ect on a large od bitin one- G-R Drummond, Orono, whose paint- i i;15veii as encouraging the ar- presided and Mrs. Ronald rTi smp i îte ane toal now Canada, ment work, wouild be feasibi'.' ings re wii kown ere nd tsts.tional period.- attention to increasing role be- Canadian artists are design- and would ihelp retain waerTRUST of anada;rs n and M rs.ovi e-Rv.R ambljbgnaing piayed by womanhood in ing the stamps to be issrîed in during the dry months. Mr. Kirk Tt of Cnada an Mrs Ô. . Hrtz-Rev R. ampbll egana ýpublic and industrial affaîrs. 1958. Further details of these! said. Twcnty farn pond sites berg, Bown-anville artist. AU / L study of Hebrews 10, as the, In 1608, Samuel de Chatr stamps will be announcedi are recmeddi P eot Hed atrdyand Sunidav af yr ne 4Hi Clui.>b asdsredteelio b- plain founded on the St. Law- throughout the ,,ear. The authority decidod that C R I good vnitv, alo UxBrwaidgen l'Itween the Old and New Testa- iduoal dimsussou th n aet th Dcemwlber meetin o e iulfr saotterpr and pimenttvhicho wili be cadntinued ke Ushould precede general action. *sottr- et othr cntes.Su P t hedecme atig Gb sottrm 5yo ot ees.aSubj uildo pint-U ed tthe home of Miss Ruth LIL AI I 3J. Hartweli Lowry, repres- hng in clu K a l bMila d ingtheA D Proutt. Letters of appreciation ent ing Clarke Tovishîn., sat e pay 5 %Yo interest, p ya e haf e ry luch ase the McKay Miii n t heiri si ifor I\ mesweîî cards were read R ith the uthorit -v for the finit rnake way for the new post of- Tyrone: The finst meeting ofr, and plans made for a churcb ro aimA eid as Celare rtepraee . eUcnd-oaly fiee, flower studies, auturnn Tyrone 4-H Club was heid at1 supper on the evening of th,'e foprincipal and AiRidnstCarkerestcni,ý scenes in the Rocky 1ouintai1js, This unit is '"The Club Girl!tIo attend St. Andrew's Church Options on two propertieq, watched grow for a lifetinme the United States and Scotland, 1 Stands On Guard'. dcaling with W.M.S. Auxiliary meeting in, one in Hope townshiip and on and wants thern to be îpreserv- a . authorized investmenq o rs ud - n subjects which had been First Aid. The leader is Mrs. Bowmanvile was received and in Clarke township were ap- d. ~I i taken in class, such as a pot of Jean Youngman and bier as- some members plan to be pres- CoduyGaaasa Rielensy adA rreae bu chrysanthemums and a dress sistant is Mrs. Pennl Woodley. ent. Conservation Authority. ten acres to be reforested. I E R iftresng o bservhir t wasinii o ll eopee vh4Hedgbete eciofo o- r the ciosing hymn the Good Value The otber property is situat- Ired trwtng ov berv c ha i w ost Weoeed ith 4- Pe dge f 1.following program wasgvn lo ind ,zn o est d on Lot 1 Con 9 of Clarke FiofloUred onl*0.0ACMLTST 600 dualitv of the artist. Arnol-l ficens: Pre .s., Betty PPillips; "Make the Most of Life", Mrs st eerbd h 5ar ro onsipondbW.E r }Ilodgkins, A.O.C.A., teacher of Vice Pres., Jean Baker: Sec. K. Gilbank; "Ycsterday and To- eper ribed L th0,65-cesop8ro- g the Adult Art Glass. said that Lorraine Rosecear: Press Re- day", Mrs. G. Wolfe; "The Man o pe o north o Concesin Th t THEes ii o b nnv r this individual interpretation is porter, Cecile Park. Mr-!' With the Conseerated C 1 belleroft Corners, as good vallue. taken to make the purchases. NsteonSai:Aviv encouraged. Yunma c*aiieMwat s. H.McLaughlin anda -Basaneo-wic i1 M.Hdinhiiifhda rcc.uired of us to the three new ngPaiet" by Misn good condition a cla Elmore Scott piesided at the pleasant vngwaejod beui ula group e of ti e g on[ l b m mb r. M d hli A l] enjoyed the usual, e et- d oak and soft m aple. Gov- m eeting and asked for wo r nl v t t e h m f clisple a d honwehiitomn fi ln e sornndMri iii- uc adaioe f'ap e nment stumpage rates weeminuites silence in memory of'a d Mrs. LorenzoMountijoy s Caa omToonorcetl- nrfe o te lb s tilcitinwas extended 10 the used as a basis for valuation of two inembers who have passed' r adI K rnBigg fC 0 R R APT0. l wbere he sold several. uniic.Ormto~"' hostess and bier assistants -for thc timber. on since the îast general mccit- icherMrChrsBigs._ ûne Gm R "eI tOuroodnmeeting He quoted the owner, W. W. ing, E. A. Summers of Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Briggs of To- I n c e c o n w e r e a I i c a t P c C a n a i a n . O u n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I L o r d . a s s a y in g th e p r o p e r v r a n v ille , a n d T . A . R e id , O r - r o n to , M r . a n d M rs , C e c il S i-H d O f i :B m h O fl . rumber of paintines Si-onBow- Home Assignm-ents wcre givenI would bring more than th'e ono. mn. Hmisstonse outjoyarru,-37"yS.Tont Inanville ublie schoo]s. Kinder- ouIt and moll e al for next meet- SO IN price offered, but he would ra_- Mac Kirk and Arthur Lator- and a 6Mi or a o tu rkey SOLINA ~~ther seli to the Ganaraska than nel] of the Department ofPln da6p. frahtuke Ito sce the trees slauglitcred by ning and Development, rov- inner. (Intendcd for last week) a wood butcher. He bas a warm micc cf Ontario, prcsented a Aflen âl1 had dune justicre t'o FOR SALE - 'FIRST A ID Ladies of the Women's In- feeling for the trcs he has1 lengthy report on the W ater it and table clcaned away Toi' 77 stitute chartcned a bus for their A id yo knw haithe- re .- ins o Fist sday. Severai attended the W.Um 1. onentonat tPe Royal Yom k Htlwhile others spent the day shopping. The chUrch service on Sun- day morning was in observ- ance of Remembrance Day. The choir sang the hymn "God of Our Fathers, lest we forget." Mrs. Charles Langmaid had charge of the missionary pro- gram in Sunday Sehool. A girls' trio, Dianne Tink, E v elyn Hockaday and Mamie Flett sang a number and Gladys Yellow- lees read a story for the chlld- ren, closing with a poem "If Jesuo Came te Your House." Solina Good Neighboums Club (formerly Home and Sehool Club) has planned an evening of cards in the hall on Nov. 20. Evervone welcome. The first meeting, of the 4-H- Girls' Club project "The Club girl stands on guard" was held on Saturday afternoon at the bhome of Mrs. B. Hooey the lea- Jder. The election of off icers me- sulted as follows, President, Shirley Quantrill, Vice-Presi- dent, Anne Werry, Secretary, Helen Knox. The leader ouln-. ed the Club program which makes us apýreciate bow great it is to be a Canadian. Safety in the home and first aid wiil be taught and a nurse will be present at one meeting to show bow to apply bandages. At this meeting the girls learned how to kcep fit physically and ment- ally. Canada's food rules were also given. On Nov. 23 the girls wîll meet at the borne of the assistant leader Mrs. Rae Pas- coe, wben it is hoped ail mcm- bers will attend. The Explorers met on Sat- urday aftemnoon. The newly et- ected officers are Chief Explor- er- Phyliss Ann Westlakc; jKeeper of the log- Domeen Hamer: Keeper of the Treas- Pire- Ancrne Westlake. The program included a meading by jDoreen Hamner; story by Shar- on Spires, mecitation' "In Fland- er's Fields" by Ancrne West- lake. Wendy Nesbitt led in ganes. tMm. and Mrs. D. Flett ani .famiv attended a presentation frM.and Mrs. Ronald Flet at Columbus Saturday evening. Mr. an d Mrs. H. Frîetag and sons. Oshawa, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe's. tMr' and Mrs. Wes Werry and famiy were Sundav guests of Mrs. Audrey Metealfe, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pasece and childmen, visitcd on Sunday at Mn. J. Dyer's, Oshawa, and Glen Glaspell's, Taunton. tMr. and Mms. Frank Moore, Bowmanville, visitcd at Mr. Mr. Frank Westlake's Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank WestIake Jr. and family visited at Mm. L. Johnston's Raeboro. Mns. J. Yellowlecs spent sev- eral days last week in Toronto witb ber sisters. Miss Ida Rey- nolds and Mrs. Mahel Westlev. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink ar'd famnily were Sundav visitons at 1 Mr. and Mms. Clarence Tink's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Wood and family, Millbrook: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisher and family, 1 South Monag-han, were Sundap dinner gzuests of Mm. and Mrs. jWes His and famil.y. jMm. and Mrs. Howard Broonie and family, Concord, wcre Sun- day visitors at Lloyd Broome'!r. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and family visited at Mr. N. Leach's jTaunton. Mr. and Mns. Ralpb Davis and Pat were Sunday boa guest3 of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKenzle and family, Columbus. tMr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and familv 'vere Sunday visitors 1 aI Mr. Dick Winters at Aude. Mrs. J. Baker spent theweek - end xvith Miss Helen Baker, Toronte. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Wetten visited Miss Mabel Powell. Oshiawa. -- "u 11-liae wenyuiu are sick or disabiecil -1. MEDICAL AID - which wilI cover your X-rays, doctors' bis, and hospital came. 2. INCOME AID - which wiIl assure you of a nionthly inconie covering your food, cloth- ing, shelter and other bis once you have Jost your own income through permanent or temporary illness. Any person who depends upon n regular pay cheque for a living is hii danger of Iosing it through illness or accident - andI so CIA offers you excellent incoine protection andI hefr IN;th your niedicai bis through its ACCIDENT ,.ud i S -KNESS insurance plan. See your CIA representative Jor deta ils: HOWARD FOLEY JMSBRE King St. W., Bowmanville NAewstARe Phone MA 3-3277Nectl Co-operators Insurance Association 'e~ SEND YOUR GARMENTS TO US FOR A FRESH-UP Cali us now for prompt pick-up of M your dry cleaning. Let us showN you how our advanced methods PHONE MA 3-5520 and extra care can rev'ive winter- FOR FREE PROMPT weary garments with new beauty. PICK-UP ANý%D DELIVERY Bowman ville Cleaners &Dye-s Ltd. 84 King St. W. ILET OUR EXPERTS GET EM CLEAN! ;OUTHMEAD SERVICE CENTRE NEWTON VILLE GARAGE Hampton NewtonvilIle 1 -:W -Y-f THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO limri TiKI.e% il A y -, M". xist, lui