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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 5

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T H E C A N A D I A M S T A T E S M A N . E O W M A N V l L Lý . O N T rA R I O G E V The Woman's Associationc Trinity United Church hav been busy since last May, malk ing plans for their annual Fa] Pair being held bomorrow, Fr: ('ar Nov. 22. The W.A. spor ;this project but ail the la Otofthe cangregatiofi sup aing the i and a on h 1957 Fair is being convened b3 Mrs. R. Ames, Mrs. J. Brough Mrs. N. Osborne and Mrs. 'K Sumersford. The downstairs Sunday Schoc will feature a stage setting (,. Santa's Workshop ta attract bh( cbildren ta the Fish Pond con. 'Vened by Mrs. E. Banting, Mrs G. Whibe and Mrs. R. Oke. Th( Tea-room canvenors, Mrs. C Wight, Mrs. I. Bragg, Mrs. K Marris and Mrs. D. Wight anE of planning to serve a salad plate 'e and are anticipating a large kcrowd. An outstanding display Il is the Christmas centre so cap- 'i. aply handled by Mrs. J. Van Nest, and ber talented commit-! Ltee. At two o'clock, twelve well- ie stocked bootbs will open for i,. business on the second floor. à,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn have worked long hours on the Used Toys that will be for sale.' SThere will be dolîs, boxing j gloves, higb-chairs, to namne a ifew. Mrs. G. Thrasher will op- 1- erate the Cbildren's Theatre to Skeep the young folks entertain- ed during the Fair. Mrs. P. Greenfield is convening the Candy Booth ahd Mrs. C. Ma- ýe son, Mrs. C. Trewin and Mrs. L. Dewell are preparing for a busy afternoon in the Honmc Baking Booth. Good children and aduit books Iwill stock the shelves of the Book Shop, convened by Mrs. M. Wiseman, Mrs. D. Park and MsC.Welsh. Busy mending and pressing used children's clathes are Mrs. J. Elston as- sisted by Mrs. S. James and Mrs. V. Matbewson. The apron1 boatb will featiire bath party and practical aprans and is be- ing arranged by Mrs. R. Rich- ards, Mrs. H. Cryderman and Mrs. C. Johns. The cbildren's new clotbing is always a drawing cardà at the Fair. Convened by Mrs. C. Barrett, Mrs. H. Watson and Mrs. L. Ayre, is a large display of band-made articles and knitwear sa popular for Christmas gifts. On sale at the Fair will also be down pillows made by Mrs. W. Reynalds and Mrs. S. James. The produce, plants and preserve shoppe. convenors are busy collecting for their booth. They are Mrs. 1. Munday, Mrs. B. Cryderman, Miss L. Jackson and Mrs. O. Osborne. A jewellery and gif t o shoppe will draw many custom- r ers and iq; being looked after a by Mrs. W. Woolley and ber E cammittee. The palc el post of- C fice expeets parcels from far a 1 and near and is being handled f( by Mrs. R. Bate, Mrs. E. Laird and Mrs. R. Cramp. 0. At three-thirty a booth will S( open catering specially tai the ti school-age children. Scbool col- tt ours and plastic bags in thbcocl- ir ours of the three public schools h, will be on sale, S( Rev. T. A. Morgan will offi- cially open the fair at two t]. o'clock and everytbing possible w is being done ta assure that this tr year'z fair wil be a real sué- ai cess. s]ý Rebekahs Celebrate 45th Birthday of Lodc A special celebration on Monday evening marked Mrs. T. E. Prout who are also charter members, Mrs. Thos. the 45th birthday of Beehive Rebekah Lodge, Bowmanville. Wright. Back: Mrs. Clifford Samis, Mrs. Elva Beckett, A banquet was enjoyed by members and visiting di.gni- Mrs. H. Powell, Mrs. Walter Hackney. Absent when the taries in St. John's Parish Hall, and a birthday cake, made photo was taken were Mrs. M."Tamblyn, Lindsay; Mrs, and iced by two local members, featured the beehive Myrtie Willis, Toronto; Mrs. Ada Dumas, Brighton; Mrs. symbol. Pictured are Past Grands of the Lodge, front row, Carnie Curtis, Mr. Sid Morris, Bowmanville. left to right: Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Mabel Bagneli and, -Photo by Rehder U.S. Company Completes Christmas Tree Loading Burketon: The G. R. Kirk Co. in the U.S.A.: Mr. Ken Roblin, of Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A., tallyman; Messrs. Sinclair Ro- represented by Mr. Ai. Reid, bas bertson, Robert Duff, Ran Hub- acomplished bis mission here. bard, Jim Burnett, John Steph- Hle will have finisbed loading enson, Peter Gatcheli and Jim Christmas trees by Thursday, Caxvker. and expects ta be able ta leave Mn. Reid bas discovered a for home by Saturday, Nov. 23. much faster method of loading Mr. Reid bas had a gaod gang the trees this year. He bas a of men warking with bimi and canveyor whîch is operated by he is grateful ta themn for being tractar and by this means he ao faithful and steady, samne- wag able ta load trees faster and times working a full day in -vith much less han dling than by teeming rain without camplain- the slower way of doing it by ing. Withaut their ca-openation hand. .e could nat have finished on __________ 3obedule. Following are the names of tose who bave been suchi a OBITUARY wonderful belp in getting these rees eut, drawn ta the station, MRS. PERCY L. BYERS ind loaded in box cars ready for ;ipment ta variaus destinations _There- passed ta rest In CHILDREN'S Winter Wear Air D RESLIN' S .............BOWMANVILLE GIRLS' ALL WOOL 4 3 PIECE OUTFITS Coat, Leggings and Hat to match. Sizes 4 to 6X. Regular to $19.95 CLEARING$18 CHILDREN'S 3 PIECE NYLON SNOWSUITS Coat, Leggings and Hat to match. Sizes 4 to 6X yrs. Regular $10.95 $s788 BRESLIN'S iBOWMAN VILLE r Memorial -Hospital,- Bowman- ville, on Friday, Nov. 8, Ethe] Mary Bratley, beloved 'wife of Percy L. Byers, Liberty St North, in her 66th year. She was barn in Whitby, a daughter of the late Frank and Margaret Bratley. Mr. and Mrs. Byers moved to Bowmanvillc about seven years aga from the Courtice area where Mr. Byers farmed. Mrs. Byers was a member of Trinity United Church. She took pleasure in* her home and enjayed gardening. Shie leaves to mourn her pass- ing her husband, and three bro- thers, Walter of Halifax, Her- bert, Whitby, and George, Scu- gog Island. Funeral service was held from the Nortbcutt and Smith Funeral Home on Monday, Nov, 1l, and was conducted by Rev. Harold Stainton of Courtice. Palibearers were her six ne- phews, Nelles, Leon, Rowani and Don Byers, Bert Harding and Frank Cashmore, Toronto. Relatives were present from Toronto, Unionville, Thornhili, Wbitby, Tyrone and Scugog Is- land. Interment was i Bethesda Cemetery. "Marryin' Sam !Off iciates at School Dance Blackstoek: The Daisy- Macs and L'il Abners of Cartwright gatbered at the Recreatianal Centre in Blackstock Friday evenîng, Nov. 15, for the an- nual Sadie Hawkins' Dance spansored by the High School. A "Dogpatch" atmospbere was created by several murals de- picting the variaus comie strip chanacters. The bighlight of the evening was the Sadie Hawkins' Race. Diane Blair was the first ta netunn with ber catch -. Alan Dayes, and as a result these two- victims were united in mar- niage in an unique ceremony perfarmed by Mrs. Ralph "Mar- ryin' Sam" Malcolm. The corsages, made by bhe girls and worn by the boys were judged during the inter- mission. The prize winners jwere: Bernice Larmer for Lan- rv Asbton's corsage and Joan Ross for Gerry Bruce's corsage. The prize for the best 'Daisy Mae" costume was won by June Werry. The prize for the spot' dance wvas won by Mn. and Mrs. Dave Wilson. Nestieton Stationl Mn. and Mrs. C. Harvey and 'Mrs. Harvey Sr., Toronto, were Sunday visitons witb Mrs. Har- vey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wood. Mrs. J. McCalden is spendingl a few days in Toronto visiting friends. Mrs. Z. Adains, Bowmanville, visited at the home of beir dau- ,ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bea- cock. Mrs. Harnden, Toronto, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. L. Hy-i land, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice SamelIs and Sharon, Peterbor- ough, wene Saturday visitars. The Grant Thampsons spent the weekend in Beavertan with bis mather, Mrs. Jas. Thomp- son. Douglas Davison was haone from Waterloo for the week- end. Mrs. Joseph Farder went ta Windsor for the wedding of ber grand-niece, Miss Kather- !ne Dawson on Saturday, re- tarning home on Sunday. Miss May McKee and Mn. Archie Hay of Toronto, called on Mrs. John Dickey at Miss Ruth Proutt's, takîng ber for a drive and ouIta lunch. -This was a real treat for Mrs. Dick- ey Who suffered a broken hip eanly in the summer, and friends are pleased indeed to learn of ber improvement. Friends are boping ta bear that Mr. Wilford Jackson is soon much improved following bis recent illness. STARK VILLE (Intended for last week) Mn. and Mns. Harold Little and family, Campbellford, and Mr. Wes Falls, Orona, were guests at Mn. Llew Hallowellis. Mr. E. Forreester, Westport, bas came ta spend a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. G. Shemilt, Oshawa, were guests at Mr. Bert Trim's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, To- ronto, spent the weekend at Mr. Lloyd Hallowll's. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Paeden and Jean in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mns. Alec Martin, Lakeshone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid. Miss Alice Hallowell visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Luke, Malton, Tuesday. A fine Swiss watch of high quality craftsmanship$55 by Rolex -__$52.50 BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodge and Mrs. Ira Argue on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor attended the Royal Wxnter Fair on Saturday. Howard Abbott is on the sick list. We bope he will soon be feeling better. Mr. H. E. Van der Meulen bas obtained a position with General Motors. Mr. Van der Meulen bas only recently arrived in Canada fromn Holland. Mrs. R. Bone spent the week- end in Markham at the home of ber daugbter, Mrs. George Lawson. While there, Mrs. Bone called on ber other daugbter, Mrs. George Wallen. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and cbildren, Gayle and Pattie, accompanîed her mother home. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott and Cathy are moving to Bow- manville this week. Mrs. Jack Smitb, Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith were in Toronto on Monday. They accompanied Mrs. O. Smitb's sister ta the Hospital for Sick Cbildren wbere sbe will undergo surgery on ber eye. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Steele, Purple, Hill, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Wotton on Sunday. Durham Liberal Association Annual MEETING and Election of 0f ficers ODD FELLOWS HALL 0Ga0NO0 Lotus, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stan McCullough. IMr. and Mrs. Bruce Mander- son, Brooklin, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith on Sunday. Mrs. Maude Brown and Irene, Scugog Island, visited with rela- tives and friends in the village on Sunday. Little Raymond Lane, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lane, was quite badly burned when some bot coffea vas spill- ed- on bim. He was taken to Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Raymond Davey passed away early Sunday morning at The Open Gate Rest Home, Highland Creek, West Hill. Mr. Davey bas been in failing health for quite some lime. He was in bis 79th year. The funeral service was held on Tuesday from Northcutt & Smith Fun- eral Home, Bowmanville. There xvill be another social evening held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone an Thursday, Nov. 21. Came and enjoy an evening of cards and games and help a warthy cause. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland visited with Mrs. M. Mustard and family, Uxbrîdge, on Sun- day. In 1939 Canadians paid $48,- 937,205 in individual income taxes; in 1949, $762,563,516; ini 8:15 p.m. An important part of the business to will be the selection of delegates te Convetioni taw paken Jauattend For the love of your life give ber the famous Columbia diamond with the tru-fit feature. Priced £rom $ 100.00 G ift Suggestions FOR HlM *FINE BILLFOLDS -BLACK ONYX RINGS *TRAVEL CLOCKS *FIELD GLASSES *TIE BAR AND CUFF LINKS *ELECTRIC SHAVERS Ail makes te choose from The finest in silverware Is ma by Oneida Community and Inte. national Silver Co. We have the Iatest in stock. An ideai Christmas glft. For gifîs of lasting beauty and the finest of quality HOOPERS 28 King St. W. Bowmanville b e discussed the Liberal i Special speakers will attend, Trhe latest in style and the finest In watchmnaking. Give her a fine Longines-Wittnauer watch. From -_____$43.75 Gift Suggestions FOR HER *COSTUME JEWELLERY *STERLING & GOLD JEWELLERY *BIRTHSTONE RINGS *LOCKETS AND COMPACTS *CULTURED PEARL NECKLACE S *ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES SUCH AS IRONS, TOASTERS, RADIOS, RECORD PLAYERS, ETC. *.see your jeweller today JEWELLERY & Phone MA 3-5747 From Nov. l8th fb 23rd is Canada's National Jewellery Week. We are proud fo be a part of this wonderful industry that brings happiness ta sa many people in the manu- facturing and craftsmanship of this treasured and fine quality merchandise. CHILDREN'S ALL WOOL Warmly lined. Sizes 4 to 8 yru. EReg. $7.95 and $9.95 $5'88 -4

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