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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 6

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Mrs. H. R. Pearce upent last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce and tam- ily in Brighton. Mrs. Chas. Gilkes and son Bobby visited with Mrs. Verna Forsythe and son Honnie in To- ronto on Saturday and took in the Santa Claus parade. Mrs. Ronaid Pingle of Cour- tice visited with Mr. and Mns. Couples' Club Elects Officers For Next Year Newcastle: The members of the Merry Married Couples' Club of Newcastle Urited Church held their November mTeeting in the form of a cos- tume and hard times party in the Lions Room of the Com- rnunity Hall. After a number of varied ames had been plax - ccl the President, Alf. Graham conducted the business portiQn -f the meeting. yi The election of officers for the club for 19.58 was held with the following being elected as the Club executive for the year 1958; President, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin: Vice President, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson; Se- cretary treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Munro; and Press sec- retary, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Eni- bley. 'the meeting was brought ta a close wth the serving of a deliciaus lunch bY the commit- tee in charge and appreciatian Was expressed by ail present for the most enjoyable evening. s N Tm CANADIAN STATrsAN. EOWZANv1LLImONTAM' Insurance lncreased By Village Coun cil Broker Is Appoinfed. G. H. Hodgson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chris- tie o! Toronto were weekend guests with Mr, and Mns. Wm. Storks and tamily. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins visit2d with Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Witzel ini Toronto on the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolf and son Jack o! Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew of Port Coîborne were Sunday visitons with Mrs. R. B. Bris- cae and Mr. and Mns. Gardon Agnew. Mr. and Mns. H. C. Dennis spent the weekend in Lindsay visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gauld and familv spent the weekend in Newmanket visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. Weekend visitons with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carveth and family were Mr. and Mrs. J. Astles and Mn. and Mrs. Stan Rylott and familv of Peterboi- ough andi Mr. and Mrs. Thas. Willoughby of Oshawa. L.& 0. Correction In reporting the regular meeting o! the village council in last week's paper, it has been drawn ta aur attention an error was made in the amount of car milage paid by the vil- lage la their cantract with the Provincial Police. The amnount should have read Seven cents per mile. not Il cents as repart- ed. An increase in the universai old age pension ta $55 a month will put the pension's total an- nual cost up ta $515 million, about $127 million more than. wiIl be realized in the curreîît year tram those taxes earmanl<- ed ta support the pension fund. Beception Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cotter will be at home ta their friends on' the occasion o! their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversany, Saturday, Nov. 3th, tram 3 ta 5 p.m. and 7 ta 9 p.m. 47-2* C. G. GOULD Warm Air Hieaiing a Specialty 1EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 4331 by the village, before and altern the acceptance o! the sunvey report: Old New Coin. Hall ---$69,000 $150.000 Mem. Arena- 22,000 30,000 Fire Hall ---- 2,000 4,000 Dressing rooms (in park)- -- 600 1,000 Refresh. baoth (in Park> nil 500 Comfort Station (in park)------- nil 500 The former average rate on these properties was $2.494 per $1,000 coverage ton a thnee yean period. Under the revbsed plan with mare reasonable coverage the average rate is neduced ta $1.725 per $1,000 coverage fer a thnee year period. Improvements were also made on the Liability insurance an the fine truck with the addition o! collision insurance, passen- ger hazard and camprcheasive coverage at replacement cost. loi Ag4,Ie,, ojjPhono 3621 Mn. and Mn.. Arfhur Bishap and daughten Jacquilene, Nia- gara Falls, Ont., spent several days last week with Mn. and Mn.. M. J. Tamblyn. Mn.. Cecil Powers spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers. Scarborough. Mn. and Mrs. C. Taylor, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mr3. Wm. Mitchell, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kittmer and sons, St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gllbank, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nelson, Woodbridge, Mr. and Mns. Perc. Cooper, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brown and daughter are moving tram their tarm inta their house- on Church St. South. Mn. A. A. Martin, Part Cre- dit, Sebool Inspector ton Peel County was the guest speaker at the Clarke Township Teach- ers' Banquet at Leskard on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Thornton Wilson is vis- iting hen daughter in Simcoe. Mr. aad'Mns. J. W. Bowman and family, Enfield, and Mn. A. J. Tamblyn, visited Mr~. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn on Sunday. Mr. and Mn.. Roy McGill anid Arnold, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mns. Chas. Taylor. Mrs. K. Gamsby visited Mn. The Orono News Telephone 127 Newcastle: The Newcastle Village Council, at a recent special meeting. studied and accepted an insurance report presented and explained by Mr. R. E. McLellan of the Frank Cowan Ca. Ltd. of Woodstock, Insurance advisers ta munici- palities through local agents. As village broker, the company will select policies trom Insur- ance companies best able to provide loss service as well as coverages best suited to the village and locality. Commis- sions are paid ta local agents as designatedf by the munici- pality. In his report, the Broker sta- ted, in part, "Our chief con- cern in vaur village is your Community Hall. It is the fin- est structure o!ilis kind thal we have had the pleasure ol inspecting and probably the most outstanding example ai civic edifice achieved by ary municiiiality in Canada. Such a building cannot fail to stimu- late the citizens of your com- munit v." "Thi1s property was present- ed ta the village by Mr. Massey in 1923 and its destruction would be a seriaus blow ta the prestige of the village if there was insufficient Insîîrance car- ried ta effect replacement". The insurance carried-up until now has been less than hall the estimated depreciated value of the building. Insurance Coverage Below is a table listing in- surance on Buildings, carried Ca/i for N< For Municij ln Commuri Newcastle: With naminations called for tomorrow evening, Friday, ta fi the vaniaus mun- icipal offices of the village, the political pot seems ta be boiling very slowly with nothing but the odd rnumour being hearc ta indicate any interest on the part of the electorate, with no aspiring candidates having publicly declared their inten- tions of seeking election. The general feeling of mem- bers of council, expnessed ai the last regular meeting seern- ed ta indlicate that members ai the present counicil including s t IS G L A IV. IV v h 'V N E liî, v a a si a c IN, ç Rolit Deodorant ---___98e BlIs, Home Permanent 2.00 Ban Deodorant- - 1.25 Bath Perles__-__79c, 1,50 Woodbury Dreani Gl 49e ?HU!SDAY, NOV. 218t, 1037 THE SENSATIONAL NEW IRRF.VE-ILOYIZP' 6-WAY CARRIAG spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. C. V. Wilson. Mrs. Nellie G. (Larniman) Stickells, widow o! Ernest G. Stickells, passed away at the Odd Fellows' Home, Barrie. Funenal was on Friday. Inter- ment in Park Lawn Cemeteny, Toronto. Mn. and Mn,. Jack Brysonl and daughtens, Bowmanville.1 visited Mns, M. Sherwin and Laurence. Mn. J .C. Gamey has neturn- ed ta bis duties as Postmaster after his recent illness. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Armn- strong, Mrs. Earl Grady and Mrs. John Anmstrong, spent th~e weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Armstrong, Morris- bung. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Beatty, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Cleniý Webb, Victonia' Harboun, visit- ed thein aunt, Mrs. Howard Walsh. Rev. Amy E. Schautfler, who is home on funlough from An- gola, Africa, was the guest preacher at Onono United Church on Sunday. Rev. &Scbauffler is the daughter of Mr. and Mns. E. W. Scbaufficn of Orono. COURTICE Vitamins FOR CHILDREN Tri-Visai -- 1.55, 2.80, 4.80 Poly-Visol 1.95, 3.45, 4.90 Mulcin ---- - 1.75, 3.00, 5.50 Osto A. D, C 1.00. 1.65, 4.5 Now On Display Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets New Shades - New Designs - In Beautiful Gif t Boxes 3 - 5 - 7 pieces 4.98 - 6.95 - 10.95- 11.95 - 19.95 Men's Waterman Bail Point MilltarY 11l1f olds 1penaf Pens Brushes 98e to 10.00 1.95 to 15.00 35e to 2.98 1.59 to 6.00O Christmas Cards in boxes 79c - 98c - 1.50 i1 scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 lVampole's Extract 1.50, 2.75 Phosphopiex - --2.50 Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 One A Day MultPl.v L A Iphaniettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Creophos - Stops stubborn coughs -- 1.50 bottie COWLING'S PHONE DRUG STORE WE FIT~ MA 3-5695 TRUSSES The village is also covered aow and Mns. H-. Boyct and sons, Mn. and Mn.. Keeton, Niagara with protection against legal Onillia. Falls, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs.1 liability for the openation of Congratulations ta Mn. and 'Shoemaken, Lancaster, N.Y., 1 non-owned vehicles on its be- Mns. E. H. "Ted4' Samuel on were Satunday evening visitonse bal!. The village liabilitv pro- the bintb of their second dau- with Mn. and Mns. Eddie War- tection bas also been gneatly ghter, Nov. l4th at the New burton. iimproved and a Councillors' Mount 5mnai Hospital, Toronto. Mn. and Mn.. D. Smeatbers, I accident section has been add- Mn. J. KivelI, Miss Pearl Kingston, visited on Saturdayl ed. Leach, Sauina, Miss Peanl o,- with ber brother, Mn. Eddie Members o! counicil feel that Neil, Toronto, and Mn. Wm anuto ndfmi1 -thîs new insurance plan bas Secymour, vîsîted Mn. and Mn.. Mn. and Mrs. Russell De Coe, been a most important step iin Luther Bannabaîl. John and Jane wene weekend f prtecingtheproprtyof he r. nd Ms. owad Tmsvisitons with Mrs. Clayton Bneck- g rtcigtepaet !th n n n.Hwr os enidge, Campbellfond. village against fine and ts citi- Newcastle ,Mr. and Mns. A. E Mn. and Mrs. Jack Morton and zens against expenses caused Morton visited Mn.. John Mon- family, Maple Grave, spent Sat- by accidents wth a veny small ris on Sunday. unday evening with Mn. and inceas intheannal ostto Mn. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper Mns. Lonne Penfound and a- i. tbe taxpayers. attended the funeral o! Mn, ily.1 Raymond Davey an Tuesday. Mn. and Mn,. Sim Pen!ound! 1eIMn.. Chas. Awde has return- visited with Mrn. r. o rrinar ons eed home after spending five McMu llen in Bowmanville on C.P. May, Windsor and Mn. Sonny ta bear last Wednesday L L Iand Mn.. Harold Awde, Toron- o! the death o! Mn.. MacLean, pai S at to. mother o! Mn. Harry and Mn. Lloyd MacLean o! this corm- Congratulations ta Miss Pa- munity. Sympathy is extended tnicia Duaine Steckley, Oshawa, ta tbem. wba received ber diploma in Thene passed away in Windsor iity H all Physical and Occupational The- a pioneer nihoradfin rapy rornthe nivesity o!o thi. communbty, Mrs. Robin- sReeve J. H. Jase, and cu i-Torno. Miss Stecklev is the son, mother of Mrs. Fred Bal- lons Fred Coucb, Frank Hoan daugbter o! Dunwin E. Steck- son. Always iatenested in and and Breaton Rbckand wene will- ley, D.C., and Mns. Steckley, present at the Countice Woman's ing ta stand again if the elec- nee McCutcheon o! Orono. Association bazaan tan many tors so desired. Councillor Rass. Ms. Chas. Bebee passed years, she had a cheery word Dickinson xvas not preseat at away at Memonial Hospital, and pleasant smile tor ail. Our tthis meeting so we bave noth- Bowmanville on Nov. l8th. sympatby is extended ta Mrs. jiag officiai on bis intentions. Funeral was an Wednesday. In- Balson and other membens o! 3 Rumours around the village teheti nnoCmtr. te tamily who are well knawn during the past Week bave Mn. Al!. Astridge, Campbell- in this community. -named four passible candidates tord, bas returned ta Onono. Mn. and Mn.. Sirn Penfound, fan neeve including thnee caun- Mn.. Francis Jase, Newcas- Mark, Todd. Lee and Clane, Mn., cillons, Couch, Dickinson and tle, will show ber pictures o! and Mrs. Lamne Penfound, Joni' Rickard in addition ta, Ex- Englaad and othen parts o! Eu- and Jerry, aad Mn. and Mns. tReeve D. J. Cunningham,, but[(rope, at the regular montbly Clarence Penfouad wene Satur-1 flno!o these rumouns bave mneeting of the Evening Auxil- day visitons with Mn. and Mns. -been confbrmed. We bave nat ibany in S. S. Auditorium this John Penfound, Toronto, and heard of any passible candi- evenîng (Tbunsday). attended the Santa Claus Panade. dates fon councillons but taman- Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Hodgson, Man-y favorable comments now night wll tell. Hampton, Mr. and Mn.. Ray- bave been beard about the Thetem o tneemeber rond Clapp, Tynone, Mr. and speaker at Bnotberhood, Mn. o!The PublicfSchool meBor s iMn.. Dean Hodgson, Bowmnar Savage. who spoke on Courage. piresthisublean and itBoard e ville. visited Mn. and Mn,. D. Bnothenhood met on Tbursday peces syeaa nit aad etG. Hooper. .evening at Courtice United three m embers to these offices M.Jc Wilson, Downsvlew, Church with Mn. Donald Tbomp- for twayearter. Reinia-so in charge. New President members xill be John Rick- the next montb wilI ho Mns.. sMn. Hilto Tink. llat ard, I. J. McCullough and D. G. Grace Brown and Mrs. Dickin- ed Sunday.lwaPel ap t-e Walton who will probably be son. Following the adjourn- tde onsunday.Pas the ne standing for re-e4ection. Stan- ent o! the meeting, tea wasAd ClasM. Gast heBner, ley Graham's twa vear tenm as 1 served and a social time enjoy- te Clas. M. rantdHer.nonned Hydro Commissioner also ex- ed by tbe membens. the ttsapn Te anovMn.fWalte pires this year. _______________ ho t an The SLov e ! ad" As bn the case o! councillors, ing congregatian was incneased we have flot beard of any as- ENN 41SILLEtN but there i. still noom for more. pirants ta these vacancies ail The choir in gaod numbers and the School Board on Hydro Mn. and Mns. Howand Stev- good voice sang "A Hymn o! Commission, but very often, eswt n n nLm Peace" under the direction of!, *js eem t r.adMs.Lrethe organist and choir leader, as when acclamations er Lamb. Mn. Frank Walter. acertaintv, a lai-ge slate of can- Mn. and Mn.. W. Hicks. Osb- RvHnl titngv oneidateretnoinatced, S .any-awa, were Sunday visitons o! venv inspining and challenging oneintresed n sein muîîi- Mn. and Mns. A. Leadbeaten. sermnon on the theme "The City cipal offices filled \vith the Miss Lamna Weann spent tliç'jFounsquare". best passible candidates should weedwt isEraM- TeCGI ho on band for the nominat«in weedwt isEnaM- TeCGIT. have been de- meeting tomornow evening. KMr.e, antr. Howvard Brad- the nnu an baris annuncm Nominations open at 7.30 P-Iii.ley and Bnian. Maple Grave, visited with Mn.. Etta Page. Mn. and Mn.. H. Gibson, To- \A/ Hodsronto, with Mn. and Mn.. Clif- TYRONE W .A. ioldsfond Pethick. Mn. and Mn.. Fred Maybee Tyrone: The Woman's Asso- and family, Toronto: Mn. and ciation was held at the hoe Successful Mrq. Ear Cross and farnilv. o! Mrs. A. Hills %ith a go visitors ofMr. and Mn,. Wm. Broome pnesided. Mn.. Gandyni A n a a a rHowells. 1 Brent îeported the suppen fund Newcastle: The negulan No- Mn. and Mn.. Carl Fenguson1 canvass wbich was $642. A vember meeting a! the Womaa's and familv enjoyed a turkey special thank yau toallah wo Association o h ecsl dinnpr with Mn. and Mns. Ray- helped ta make it such a suc- Unte oCufh ahe ewcdstl mord Bottrell, Newcastle. cess. Next cambined meeting Thursdav afternoon. The Wor- Mr.. and Mn.. John Oke andi will be in Janiîary. Mrs. ship service was prcsented by familv,,. Oshawa, with Mn. andi Broome bnought back a fe\v mebrso Ms Clil' gopMn.. Walter Oke. thoughts o! the W~.A. Presyterv. anm eerwo!Mrs tohesgrgofp Mn. and Mn.. L. Weann and Group leader Mn,. G. White a n o Teed ih theesi-ndn o family visited Rcv. and Mn.. J. read the Scriptune, Mns. C.H. ance' was introduced by Miss Berv, Toronto. McQuinn gave the devational Ruth Haacock, folloved by the Mn. and Mn.. N. E. Wright, Ioan ~Endurance". Mn.. BroomneI Scripture lesson, reati bv M\rs. Mn. J. A. Wer«, Mn. and Mn.. iatroduced the guest speaker, Farrow and prayer by Mrs. G. L. E. Wright attended the fun- Mrs. Ewart Cornish of Oshawa, Godfrey. Mrs. Chas. Cowan vral af the former'. brother, wha spoke on "Love', starting gave two pîeasing piano seîec- the late T. F. Wright, o! St. tram the tinv infant. 1k tians with descriptive com- Catharines on Monday. The Young People wvould lie menis.Mn. A. Leadbeater spent the ta sce everYone present at the mons.weekend at Bean Lake, bunt- Young Peoples Union church Mn,. M. C. Fisher gave. a veny ing. i service Sundav evening at 7:30. fine talk on the subject of Mn.. E. Stnutt, Mn. and Mn.. Miss Ethel McKague of Bow-1j Christian Ctizenship" explain- Clifford Petbick and Ruth witli manville, will ho guiest speaker. ing its ideals and responsibîli- Mn.. Rov Dickie, Rita and AI- The east group o! W.A. sony- ties. 1Ion. Hampton. cd a verv dclicious tunkev dlio- The business portion of the Mn.. E. C. Asbton. MapIP ner to Club 49 last Fridav meeting was conductet bx' the Grave, accompanied Mn. O. C. evening. Mn.. Anchie Virtue Presîdent, Mrs. George Walton, Ashton an a visit with Mr. and \OiceCd hon appreciation to thc who expressed hem appreciatian rs S. May, Sîîndridge. whene ladies. Mrs. F. Jackson show- ta ail the members who hiad nr. Ashton and Mn. Mas' on- cd a few pictures which were been working so bard ta make joyed a ,'eck o! deen buntin«. vers' înteresting. the annual bazaar the success Mn. and Mrs. Fnank Dovle M'- and Mi-.. Murnav Adans1 it xvas with the sum of S180.85 andi Kathv. St. John's. Que .: and fiamilv, Bowmanville* v is - being raiseti. Reports \veno giv- 'Mns. Narman Moore. Trenta; iteti at. Mr. and Mns.. Harvev en by the secrelar.v and treas- Mn. Moone. Rebabilitation Ho,- Partner s. urer anti the Members voted a npianIMaltn. visitei tMn. anti Svmp)athv i. extended ta the Last comploteshow 9:20 - NOV. 25 -26 Feature starts 7 p.m. MON. AND TUES. "Man On Fire" Bing Crosby in a noie that wviI1 amaze you... co-starring Inger Stevens. It is a stnry of divorce and the impact on a young boy, played by Malcolm Brodrick to perfection. World News and Cartoon Feature at 7:25 and 9:30. Last complete 9:05 WED. AND THURS. - NOV. 27 - 28 - BOWMANVILLE RYL MA 3-5589 SHOWING UNTIL SAT., NOV. 23 Matinee Saturday 2 p.m. '.O klahoma!" Provide easy, economical, protective warinth for your farnily with B-A Solar Heat. Cail us now and take care of ail your heatinz needs the modern way. G. w. Phone 3221 SOLAR HEAT Newcastle DISTRIBUTOR 0F B-A 50 LA R H EAT AND B-A STOVE OIL for NewcastlJe and District Prompt, Modern Deliveries T our Consideration Much Appreciated PAIIU MX Social and Personal M!r. and Mn.. B. Covert and childnen, Peterborough, werel Stunday visitons at the home of M!r. an~d Mrs. H. Philp. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin, Donna and Dennis, Nestie- ton, visited Mrs. E. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. GlaspelI. Grant and Gwen, visited on Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis, Toronto. Mr. and Mn.. Don Real and Louis, Greenbank, Mr. and Mns. Allya Taylor, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. L. Phillips and Mr!s. R. Burgess, with Mr. and VIrs. W. H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gable and Bruce. visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfe, Bowmianville. Mns. M. Fiadlay, Mn. and MArs. Dean Findlay and Curtis. Unionville: Mr. Jack Richards, Roy Richards and Donald Rich- ards and friend, Oshawa; Mrs. Nellie Westlake, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mns. C. Bige- .0W and Mrs. A. Hawkey. Mfrs. Marv Kass and girls, Wbitby, visited Mr. and Mns. M1. Dubyk. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gable and Bruce spent the xveekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Heal Embra. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rabm and family, Blackstock, Mr. Oliver H-ubband, Miss Marie Hartnett, Mn. Ross McCann, Oshawa, Ronald Hudson, Camp Borden, were Suada ' visitors o! Mn. and Mrs. A. Rabm. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crago and family, Bowrnvîllo, spent Sunday eveniag with Mn. and Mns. S. Gable. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and Clem were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson, Selwyn. Mr. and Mns. James Park and sons, Peterborough, visit- ed Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park. You use it 6 Wuys 1. A. a by emtr b a h Nu yd fechires of qualifyl 2. As a two-woey auto b4d 3. As 0 ?wo-way slofflr-gtt@l 4. As e ofi se0 50 5. As a bossimetfe 6. As a high chair CHOICE 0F 8 MODELS 16 COLOU R COMBI NATIONS[ VULL DISPLAY 0F BABY FURNITURE F. F. Morris Co. MArket 3-5480 37 King St. E. Boivmanvllle ..~ - ~ s. - t.'. t -' j ~ -t- 'j t ' I O> ,t. 1'. 4 THE'MODERN HEATING OIL t-i - 4 t - .5 ~ y'..- ' ~' N - t .~ - '.5-'. GRAHAM

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