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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 7

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. - -1 L£xi 2Lb.lL'. J PAGE SEVNEMNU Phone N J Mr. and MrPlalter Ormlston and family, Oawa, were Sun- day night supr guests at Wal- lace Munday'i Mr. and Mj Samn McAllister spent a few da in Montreal last week when ey attended the ~¶neral of hiinothen. PjMn. and MrBob Stevens, Dr. and Mns. Ala$ylvester.and Mr. and Mns. De Morris wene in Buffalo for t weekend. Band Sgt. Jnald Wright and Mrs. Wnighamp Petawaira, haebeen viing her mother, t Mrs. CharlottFonder, and oth- en relatives ire. Mn. and M~. Lonne Munday, Jean and Ji of Coutwright, hOnt., visitedit Wallace Mn tday's and oir relatives dur- ing the weel-id. Ra]ph Larr saved Bowman- Ville firemen trip on Tuesday afternoon wh he brought a chimney fine t his Enniskillen home under -trol befone fine. men left on t cali. Mrs. F. W3owen, Libranian of Bowmanvil Public Library; Mn. Glenhoîn Hughes, Secre- tary-Treasureiof the Libnary Board, and M. Hughes attend- ed Open Hou: at Ajax Public Libnary last aunday. Out-of-town.guests at the Burr-Naylor edding in St. George's Meoial Anglican Chapel, Oshat, included Mn. and Mns. Jackeurr ot Windsor; Mn. and Mn C. R. Elliott, 'Toronto; Mn. lie Naylon, Belle- 'Ville. In the wtt-up of the ser- vice at Bowanville Cenotaph appeannig iz4ast week's States- man, Mn. lames Woodward placed a xveath on behaif of Local 189 Ffiber Workers, and not for the Woodward famiiy as stîted. Mn. RayDudley is playing in Lendon,,Ont., on Nov. 24, and cn Mo5ay night, Nov. 25, in Fetenbcough at P.C.V.S. audit.nium. He will also Lie hearè ovenCBC radio on Dec. 2 wth th CBC Symphony Orchtstra.' Mr. Mav)n Lambourne, Ste Rose de Lval, Que., sister-in- ]aw of 10s. William White- head Bovmanvilie, and Mns. L. Licas, )istrict Commission- en, vere b9eted together whiie j atteifing rie Girl Guide Con- ferejze advlontreal the week- end ,jf Not. 10. Mi A. V. Pickand spent a verypleas#it 82nd birthday on Nov 15 wth a family gathen- Ing i the ývening at the home of Ir. and Mrs. Jack Dunn, 13eea Ave, Mn. Jim Pickand of ')nonto and two of his chîld- 4.ren4 Paul and Julia, sunprised J~Jthe amily by dropping in for a pfewhours. Y. Gordon Badgen and Mn. JoeTnudeau, Bcwrianville, ac- corpanied by friends from Mid- lan and Barrie have been hunt- ingjn the Pariy Sound district. mn, Badger aid Mr. Trudeau ý-frtnt in getting a deen. T, Ir and "S. Bert Syen are J ýattoiding a refrigeration con- ,enion ini Cicago, III. ir. Erdnn>n Fniesen, bannis- ten o! PortRtope, was appoint- e'1 ed solicito; for the United Coainties of urham and North- ýniberlandý Counties Council thei* e. in in Cobourg on onday. {e nepiaced Stuart an, Q.C who nesigned last ptember ,o accept a position * he st9f of Queen's Uni- rsity. i T. LJOHN'S CIURCH (Anglican) Sanday Nexi Belore Advent lk.m. - HOLY COMMUNION ltand Il ar.- CHURCH SCHOOL îlk.m.- MORNING FRAYER EVENING FRAYER 1Wed in Trinity United Church f Newcastle U-'eronaiSchool M,6 3-3303 (Continued from page one) is making separate trips to each I school) )n Sgt. James Varo, his wife the Mr. Rickard said the largest -j former Mary Humphrey, and school population is aiso in the small son Dirk arrived in Bow- I Newcastle area. He said three- manvilie on Tuesday after f ifths of ail the school popula- t Germany. They are staying 'of the 4th Concession and that ie with Mary's parents, Mr. and at the present time more than Mrs. John Humphrey. In Jan- one-haif of the High Sehool'stu- r.uary Sgt. Varo wili be stationed dnsfo lreTwsi rat the Ordnance Depot, Cobourg.. pass through Newcastle enroute to school. Thus, geographically, .n* Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White- as the centre of the iargest head, Susan and Linda have re- population and in the matter of Iturned to Bowmanviile after good roads, Newcastle is the spending four days in MontrealI logical location for any high rand Ste. Rose de Lavai, Que., school buit in this area. 1- visiting relatives and friends. Foliowing a short question This was the first time in over ~ and answer period in order to ten years that Mrs. Whitehead acquaint the citizens present t, and her famiiy were ail to- with the details of the plans the Igether, when a party was held resolution quoted above xvas for her father. Mr. L. H. Lam- passed without a dissenting vote. bourne, prior to bis leaving for I Among the 51 officers of the Canadian Anmy selected te at- tend the Canadian Army Staff College at Kingston, Ont., in 1958 for a course there is Capt. J. E. Knox. Capt. Knox who is stationed at London and prior totht FanEatour te on f uMn. toe thatrhaassthof ur.i and Mrs. Wm. J. Knox, Con- cession St. East. Mn. Knox is an engineer on the staff of the Ontario Training School for1 ]Boys. The 51 officens selected represent ail sections of Cao- ada and aimost eveny corps i the Anmy. The course corn'- mences in January and con- tinues tbroughout the year, Mrs. Jean Malcolm Cook, assistant supenvîson of music; in the Oshawa schools, and daughten of Mr. Stanley Mal-i colm, fonmerly of Cartw ight and Bowmanville, was one ofI those to neceive her A.R.C.T. diploma from the Royal Con- servator.y of Music in Toronto last week. Mns. Cook won finst ciass honours in obtaining her degnee in singing. She is or- ganist and choir director at Westmount United Church, Oshawa. At a necent musicI students' necital she neceived a gold medal given by the Osh- awa Lyceum Club and Women's Arts Association. She is a pupil of Mn. R. G. Geen. Pay Tribute To Memory 0f Mem bers St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. D. S. McGregor, Nov. 19. The president, Mns. FI. G. Shaw opened the meeting by repeating the 23rd Psalm in unison. Mrs. Shaw also portrayed a timely message from the scenc of the multitude turning awayl fnom the Man they called Jesus Teacher and King, and going their own way. She also clos- ed this portion with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. J. Bowman conducted the devotional; Mrs. H. A. Tur- ner and Mns. H. Galbraith ne- peated hymns; Mrs. Robert Hetherington read the Scrip- ture lesson and Mrs. S. McAII-1 ister " Thoughts on Person -1 ai prayer." Mrs. J. Bowman closed the devotional with pra- yer. Mrs. Kenneth Werry explained the study book chapter "Worn- en in the new Japan." The story of a Christian widow faced 'with the nesponsibiiity of raising her children formed a sewing and knitting centre, and a market was foiànd in order to provide necessary fun- ds for education. Mrs. Werry was assisted by severai merol- bers in describing the way of life in Japan. Mrs. J. Cox paid fîtting tri-. bute to the memorv of Mrs. Eddie Dilling and Mrs. Frarnk' Blunt. two valued inembers of the W.M.S. At the conclusion sulent prayer was offered. rrinity United Church Minster - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. "Positive and Negalive" IrPJL.- * The Young People will conduci the Evening Service ~'~nM-Mr. Arthur Collilson, Mus. Bach., LR~M Cutting the wedding cake at the reception following their marliage in Trinity United Church on Saturday, Oct. 19, are i\'Ir. and Mrs. John Robert Marshall. The bride is the former Florence Marilyn Leask, daughtcr of 1Mrs. Williamn James Leask of Bowmanville and the late Mr. Leask. The g1room is the sonl of Mrs. James Marshall of Oshawa. October Wedding Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Fowler are pictured with Rev. A. F. Cowan who performed the ceremony uniti ng them in marriage in Centre Street United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, Oct. 12. The bride, the former Iris Latura Sanders, is the daughter of Mir. and Mis. Frederiehton Roy Sanders of Lake St. Peter, Ontario. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robent Fowlen of Oshawa. -Photo by Hernsby Studio, Oshawa October Bridal in Citadel .~ ~5Tt~* M\r. and Mrs. Arthur Jacob Farrow were married in the Salvation Army Citadel, Bowmanville, on Oct. 12. The bride hefore her marriage was Hannah Sophia Albin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson Aibin and the groom is the sonl of M-r. and Mrs. Harvey Farrow, ail of R.R. 1, Newtonvi lie. -Photo by Rehider Combines Stili Undefeated Down Lindsay Bowmnanville - Orono Coml- bines rontinued their present winning strpsk Tuiesdiay night downing *:henr lhost- 9-1, in a Lakeshone intermnediate 'A" hockey gamne at Lindsay. Chuck Arnistronc, Rave the 1ota.: xx ili w<> gui apiece. Syd Arnold, Art Ren.. nick and Genry Robinson en- sured the victony with single- tons. B.O.C.'s went ahead 2-0 in the first period and counted t\wo more ini the second. Mc- Douigal I sLoed the lbue ýLiid- sav goal nii the middle fi o ne. Lakeshore League Standings (as of Wednesday, Nov. 2(1- GP W L T Pts 5 5 0 n 101 Pont Hope 3 2 1 O 4 Cobourg 4 0 3 *1 1 Lindsay 4 ô 3 1 1 Standings do not bnc'-ndt-e Port Jlope- and Colut1i piayed Wtýednesday eveiiing. - Present, 80il Teams (Continued fnom page one) tiens of the new league crests to the teamis finishing in first place in the schiedule with Layton Dodge accepting theni on1 behaîf cf the Cobourn Juveniles, Gleorge Piper for the Bownanvilie Bantams and to Ed. Graham for the Orono Pee' Wees. Mr. Walker, speaking on be- haîf of the O.B.A., congratu- lated the Lakeshere Miner As- sociation on the fine showing it made in the O.BA. play- clowns, and though no champ- ionships were wvon this year, a numben of teams fnom this league went through te the finals and semi-finals, and let it be knoxvn there were base- hall players in the eastern part as weli as in the west. In answer to a question asked by Murray McKnight of Bownianx'ille, Mr. Walker said the reason there are flot more O.B.A. Executive memnbers in Eastern Ontario is because the east is not properly represent- ed at the O.B.A. Conventions stating that even when the convention was held in Co- bourg recently, the western part of the province had much langer nepresentation at the convention than the eastern section. He said the only way for the east to have a langer representation on the execu- tive would be to organize more leagues such as this one. He said thene had been some i-- provement in the numben of leagues in the east but that there was stili lots of roomn for improvement. There was some discussion on finding delegates to represent the Lakeshore Minors at the convention to be held in Lon- don: Ont., on March 2O0th and ?lst. It was decided the sec- retany should write to sports authonities in eachi municipal- ity nepresented by the Assoc- iation in January, seeking pen- sons intenested in attending the convention on behaif of the Lakeshore Minon Ass'n. This Ass'n. is entitled to four voting delegates and as yet, has had no more than two at *any con- vention. Team nepresentatives present included: Bert Snowden, Maple Grove; Murray McKnight, Geo. Piper, Tom Turner and Mur- ray Bates Bowmanville; Mes- ns Graham and Gamsby, Onono;, Bert Fleming, Ray Lingard and Ned Town, Port Hope; Douq Walton, Newcastle: John Ryan and Lavten Dodge, Cobourg, and Dick Haskill of Welcomc. Memorial Hospital Report Admissions ------------- -. 42 Births, 7 male, 6 female 13 Dischanges --------- 38 Major openations 9 Miner operations .------.- 7 Emergency treatments 81 Visiting houns 2.30 to 4.301 p.m. and 7.00 te 8.30 p.m. New Police Chief (Continued from Page one) to take the position of Chief of Police of Crystal Beac>i where he senved for 8 months. Mn. Kitney retunned to Bow- manville and took up employ- ment with R. M. Hollingshead of Canada Lîmited where he has worked up te the present. The new police chief has taken an active interest in civic affairs being a couccil candidate on three occasions. He is a memben of the Chain- ber of Commerce and is chair- man of the Bowmanviile Cen- tennial Committee. He is also a member of the Bowmanville Legion and a past president of the Ontario-Dur- haro - Northumberland Police Association. The Kitneys live at 160 Lib- erty North and have four childnen Jimmy, Thenesa, Ber- nard and Hillary. ,LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMille and boys, Bowmanviile, wene Sunday suppen guests of Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwan- den and Ann, Mrs. Chas. Pen- wvarden and Wade; Mrs. Wm. Penwarden, wene Sunday i.- itors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cam- eron. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton B3rown and Linda, were Satur- day visitons at the Cameron home. Mn. and Mrs. Penwarden and Ann were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Gnif- fen. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harmen, Judy and Ted, Mr. S. G. Han- mer, Enindale; Mr. and Mns. F. O. Smith, Gloria and Bob, Bowmanvilie, were Sunday supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace. Little Patricia Jane WVood- ley, daughter of Mr. and Mns. J. A. Woodiey was christened on Sunday at St. John's Angli- can church, Bowmanvifle, by Rev. A. C. Herbert assisted by, Captain Raymond Taylor. GoeI. parents were Mrs. W. H. Bridgeman. Toronto: Mrs. Har- old Murphy, Tyrone, and Mr. Wm. Chapmaii, Hampton. Af- ter the christening a buffet lunch was served Io relatives* and friends at the Woodley home. Miss Shirley Johnston, Hea- ther and Penny Lince were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborne, Courtice Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron and Raymond, 'vere Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb, Drum. Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwarden and family, were Tuesday even- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. IMurphy.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, lArundel, Que., were Friday lvi sitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLaggan. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy and famiiy were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rogers and family. Bowmanville, were Fni- day supper gucsts of the Bob Camerons. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Danielson were Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon and Bob- by, Mr. W. O'Keefe. Mrys. D. Danielson, Sr., and Miss Estelle Rose, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk yiE- ited Mr. and Mrs. John Hoo- yer, Nestieton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy were Saturday evening guesis of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Van eyk were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwarden. Turn OId Furnilure inioCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I IJU IlIjTOR[ES SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK NEW, MODERN WAMPOLE PHOSPHO-PLEX WAMPOLE PHOSPHO-PLEX PH OSPHO.PIEx .D.A. SACCHARIN TABLETS Ii Grain 100's reg. 20c 14o 500's reg. 55e 390 1000's reg. 79c 59C V Grain 100's reg. 23e 17c 500's reg. 65c 49a 1000's reg. 98C 79a Dr. West's TOOTH BRUSH SPECIAL Two 69e Germ Fightcr Brushes plus 25e COLGATE '-,CREAM WVHITE RAIN LOTION SHAMPOO ______FAS RELIEF with - -163value 75129 e s.iz__ __e~ 650 N GIN ]PILLS THE "EVERY DAY" WAY 10 COUC anridCOLU O HEINY REM moins Economy 1.09 RuT__RE E IE -- I.DA. Heavy Grade WAXI --%eW Regular 3le roi! IU it. x 12 inch roi! 28c - 2 For 55c RINDS Honey & Almoad CREAM Two 65e sizes 980 I.D.A. STOMACH POWDER 4-oz. Reg. 75o 59C 16-oz. Reg. 1.95 1.49 I.D.A. MILK Or MAGNESIA TABLETS 100's reg. 39e 290 300's reg. 89c 590 Save 52o SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO Two 75e sizes 98e *SOFT JHSN *ABSORBENT JONSON.S S T ER 1LIZE D S~îEGAUZE STER ILE GAUZE PADS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. 2"x 2-12'5 45c-3"x 3" 12'S 60c flRED NERVES HECTIC PACE GETTING YOU DOWN? IT'S 50 EASY TO RELAX JUST TAKE PHOSPHO-PLEX RELIEVE THAT JUMPY, 'TIRED ALL, THE TIME' FEELING. ENJOY 11FE PHOSPHO-PLEX IS THE EVERYDAY WAY TO RELIEVE NERVOUS TENSION. Wampole PHOSPHODPLEX is a modern nerve food and tonic, rich in B compound Vitamins and other important restorative ingredients. Ask your Druggist for PHOSPHO-PLEX in either easy-to-toke tablets or conven- ient iquid form. A FULL THREE WEEK TREATMENT 50 TABLETS 16 OUNCES 2.50 I2.50_ t----.- e~~..-' -e-- r' Brome-Quinine Tablets-- 49c, 79e Buckley's Mixture ___59c,85c Dr. Chase Brand Tablets- 59c, 1.49 Listerine Antiseptic ----- 33c, 65c, 98c Vicks Inhaler -- 49e Medi-Mist Nasal Spray 98c BRONCHIDA COLD CAPSULES Quick relief from sneezing, runny nose, and other cold symptoms. Capsules --------------------1.25 rolls 25c MNSIZE Gives you quick, effective relief from coughs, chest colds and throat tickle. Pleasant tasting 8-ounce bottie --- VICKS 15e COUGH DROPS FREE wlth purchase of 1.09 size VICKS VAPORUB 75c JACK & JILL 980 COUGH SYRUP and 1/2 ounlce CHEST RUB Both for --- 98e 'O'MELOSONO0ED FOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-ORWET 35C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone M 4 3-~792 Drugs 21t 15 -s- r 1 THE CANAIDIAN ST-ATESMAlq. nwmAlplrri 9 COUGH SYRUP Store lý i

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