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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 8

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~'~*~*-t ** ~-*-'.~*~*~ -- - - ~ t -- - ______ £ ~d~.NiWLfl~ ULAF1MAN~, UiJWMA1!VUaZN, O~TA81O __ Z - A4~A *~ % _____a-- by ELSIECABEUTEERS LUNNEY TUEE NATTER 0F TRAINED many extras have been added are schools o! driving for that, INTELLIGENCE ta the curriculum that teachers outside the educational institu- It was cause for amazement lhave not enough time le!t ta tions, in many cities and towns. "Befre putik" hatreaonsemphasize the basic and impor- cBore Suninu atre ason- tant subjects, aiso thc method incîuding our own. Wby should cinde driving lessens in' or approach recommended on the taxpayer provide yet an- high schooi curriculum. T find theze subjects is mainly oeo other thing and the school cur- the idea still being promoted mnaking it. a game, or something ricuîum be funther ciuttered, b.v an organizatien concemning supposedh, from reai life. we 4 epniiiyle itFe1f vith safetx' on our roads. Whether "'e like it or nat, wthn ë paresntsibisity hole a:¶er the iaunching of two sa- ""d mwe çloidn't if we have any fwith tubepren hrtsa i s tcflhtes bv another nation 1. spark of interest or pride, it for a neoper of aterpc the lias bcec knovvn for vears that hc eol o epc h f5aý,tgering. These courses are uie f.Erpa col otah enae &nlrc adv taking up school tin;e aof " brofErpenshol a ec1?Atenae in :'.5 schools in Ontario, along \%c're two ta tbree who bias money ta buy a car, %,qt V Vrs ahecad of paipils of the and many have, can certainIy wh a number of other courses --, VM nich have lit-,ie or nothmng tc s4iieare on this side of the pay for bis awn driving lessans CIO with education. '~t' responsible fnom an organization outsidel For yeas o prosv'nt ideas an educa- If coo.1 he cannot, bts Fo eassome oetith0 li ton i aaaaîdteu.iparents can. rniînds in the United State iii Canadanoîotigdtbtide o!.Siv Candahae ee tlin ïza1 w e ralier iink tlîat the joît ing hessons in the schoohs, this tho e wo culd raire. nu VldSatsbsjust e- statement was made, that the thee wocontr.efl<i :xet wllbring about some average aduit driver is nat Prirnarv 'and secoiida-r', .-c» iire quite rapidly,j competent ta teach bis son or lion a a,.~dgmt .ýu hoti Canaida lias no mis- dlatghter and that any accident forwrd.te cr' inrt, p n:ograir that w -e know ef, a teen-age driver bas is proof<chos ý:t csac .wa follows er of this. This is indeed tortuaus týe V leadis in certaini mat- reasoning. If so many aduits lers. V e:îiaps wve can look for are not competent ta impant i nire sane approach here be- the rules and pnincipies o! good foro ng, dariving ta young people, ane T ue future of aiiv nation de- wouid expect that the accident ends on thie education its stu- rate o! these aduits Wouid be 1 ents receive. "In the cond- hi*gh, but the fact is that it is eatn ~ ~ ~ lios ofte.ote race whch de s rates for rivehr over25arce érabos e.thoemraehife h mul aesis ohat rs hvr 25sure eot value trained intelligence just about bai! wbat they are 1 istdeT/etd." That statement was I or drivers under 25. Mostac made bx' Alfred North White- cidents which teen-age drivers ead. an internationall- known have are for the reasons wec î eiiaoSePho tauht i England car, not enough caution and and the UntdSaeadde uget eieta show off, ce satement was made, not in his car xiii do. There is aiso the ter vears -when science had matter of dinking.s aravconceived such thingsi But, if an adult feeis he Isc as the possibiiitv of space mis- nat a very good teacher though siles, u n hker 96 He xven on tasav anthese divoyogr ta a esho& - He wnt n tosavin he sad go o driver, thenaheshou i sane paragraph. 'Tomorrow cof driving after looking into ts sence %vili have nîoved for- ehdanrputi. \ard one mere step, and there jehd n euain judgment which wiii then be NOTES BY THE WAY pronouneonaPthe un:ducat elSince this is written several z! "dy n dac.w hv-nt1 v Swczttenercorn.. every golden kernel packed with sunshinc freshness! V 57-4 AS FOR DRIVING To return te the matter o! safetx- as cennected with teen- age drivers, there are a nurn ber of pertinent facts that oc- cur ta us, and surely mos't thinking aduits agree. First, the modern car is tao pawem!l machine, bath for adults and v eungr drivers, but especiailyý fer the latter. Second, knowang tis, the age limit at which a persen can receive a permit ta drive shouici be aised. Thera is a tendency ta show-af! in tcen-age drivers, a iack of itdgniet because o! insuffici- erît carottai experience, and ap- parentiy an incenîprehension of the total disaster in wbich a car accident can resuit. Wh 'v shotid the -schois. al- neady overbumdened with things which shouid be taught at bomne or eisewhore. be responsible for trying te avercome the resuits o! the above. which show clear- lyv in car insurance figures and accident statisties? A good grounding in the principhes o! good driving and safety ules1 is an excellent idea. But there « yet visited the Royal Winter Fair, but expect ta do so Thurs- day. The big agnicuitunal show is always a thnili and the horse show is a bighiigbt for us since we bave always firmiy believ- ed that the hanse is the most beautifuh and noble animal the Lord made. We see that there are ta be tbree piays at Stratford this year: Much Ado About Noth- ing, The Wintem's Tale and IHenry IV, Part h. OBITUARY CAROL BOYCE SANFORD Funeral services for Caroil Boyce Sanford, aged six, werei beid in Baly duf! Pmesbvterian Chumcb on Friday, November 15th, 1 '957. Interment was in Bailyduf! Cemeterv. Carol is survived by hem parents, Mr. and Mms. Fred Sanford. and two brothers, Darreli and Michael. Carol was instantly killed last Tuesdav when she came in collision with a car on Highwa .35 at Ballyduf!. Even at .3 a-ma your telephone is on, the job Lights have just gone on at the Johnson House. It may orily mean that youiig Bill is restless. Or it may mean something more serious . perhaps a hurried cal for the doctor. At such moments the instant help of the telephone can be beyond price. Nights, Sundays and holidays, in 663 Central Offices, Bell people are always orn the job to make life more pleasant, more secure for ail of us. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA (Intended for hast weck) 'Ebe-nezer Evening Auxiliary was a supper meeting at the church. After everyone had done justice to the delicious mnea1, the president Miss Ann Hoît, called on Mrs. F. Owens, who gave a fine devotional, basîng e remarks from a text in the 90th Psalm. During the business period an invitation was received from the Afternoon Auxiliary to at- tend the Family Party to be held at Ebenezer Churcli on No- vember the l5th. A paeni was read by Mrs, Wilfred Brown after which Mrs. Alex Muir very ably pre- sented the chapter from the Study Book on Japan. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Ann Hoit on December 4th. Wili each member please bring a toy? Somne of the hunters are back from tbeir holiday. S o m e brouglit back the deer, others lef t tbemn to grow tili next year. Some of those enjoying the hunt were Mr. Robert Johnson, Mr. Sim Penfound and Mr. Clarence Penfound. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott on the arrival of a baby boy in Oshawa Hos- pital last week. Congratulations alsa to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fulton on the birth of a baby boy. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Morrison on the arrivai of a baby boy in Oshawa Hosp- ital. Glad to know that Mrs. Tal- bert Gearing is at home to con- valesce after a stay in Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. Erie Lilley is convalese- ng et ber son's home' on the town line after an Operation in Oshawa Hospital. Sorry to hear that Mr. Eric Lilley ià a Patient in Memorial HIospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Penfound roni and Jerry were Sunday visitors with ber sister and fam- ly, Mr. and Mrs. Don Coch- ane, Pontypool. Mrs. Clarence Penfound had Sunday dinner with Mr. and 4Ms. Robert Evans, Bowman- ville and spent a pleasant day witb ber sister and familv the Rufus Clarke's from Brantford. C.G.I.T. met at the cburch n Wednesday night. Tbe pro- act for the evening was 'Mak- ig Hand Bis for the Wo- îian's Association Bazaam." Several ladies from here at- 'nded the Womnan's meeting ield on Wednesdav afternoon it Northminster Un'ited Church td enjayed the address by Dr. ioper on Japan, which is the ;ecial study for tbis year. Many People from this cam- Lunity availed themselves of he oppartunity to hear Dr. aper in Oshawa this past week id were greatly impressed and .spired wîth b is forceful mes- iges and the stmaight forward îswers ta the questions pea- e weme asking. We were very pmoud ta sec ur Sunday School Supemin- ndant, Eddie Warbumton lis- g his knawledge of broad- asting and aIl it involves to rther the cause of Evangelismn tthe Soper Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pen- und attended Harmony Tur- ey Dinner on Saturdav even- 'g and enjoyed the -friendly tmasphere as well as the food. Sunday Sehool was fairly rel attended an Sunday in ite o! the amnount o! illness ithe community. The attend- ce was 152 with most of tie ichers in their places. On Sunday evening the lurch service was in charge oi Le pastor, Rev. Harold Stain- in and the choir sang "Master te Tempest is Raging." The irch will seat many more, so igbbours. corne and bring jr friends next Sunday. 4M. and Mrs. Mike Gay, and nily, Detroit, Michigan were ckend guests of Mr. and Mns. don Essery. Glad ta r epart Blanche Ta.v- home from Memorial Hosp- muct i mproved.- rening W.A. -St. Poul's El Hcas Success St. Paul's Evening W.A. hclc anc ai their most successful an. nual bazaars in the lecturi roam of the churcli on Satur. day afternaon, Nov. 9. Although the wcather wa! capriciaus a large crowd wai on hand previaus ta the open- ing hour and people cantinued ta corne aIl aftemnoon. Several journeyed downstairs ta see what progreass ad been mide on the rcmodclling ai the class- rooms an the basement, with its new outside entrance and new ceinent floor. The minister, the Rev. Harold Turner, and Mrs. Turner, and the W.A. president. Mrs. Jack Welsh, were an hand ta welcome the visitors. AIl the boatha did a brisk business but perhaps the busi- est was the semi-circular anc adorned with a canapy of gav rcd streamners, linted as a "Doîl Festival". Mms. Bert Sycr whose idea it was, was its general convenor, and by ber original womk and outstancling leader- ship, made it a wonderful suc- cesm. The bootb was stacked with dolîs and doîl clothing, basinettes, stufied toys, and tiny tat aprons. Small plastic dolîs were dmesscd in hand- knitted or cmocheted outfits. These were even papular with teen-agers. Langer dahîs were in pyjam- as, dresses, or cordumoy snow- suits. Thie doîl dresses, con- vened by Mrs. Thornton An- derson, weme "aut of th is world." The same could be said o! the large assartment of at- tractive stuf!ed animais, con- vened by Mrs. Victor Miller. Mrs. Donald Mauntjoy conven- ed the knitted wean, and ber mldget daîl mitts were a fast seller. Mrs. Ron Hetheringtan convened the childmen's aprans. Mms. Chas. Stuart, Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Miller made most of the stuffcd animais. Mrs. Park- (Intcnded for last week) W.M.S. meeting for November was beld at the home o! Mrs. Frank Werry. President Mrs. R. GlaspelI apened the meeting, wath a Remembrance Day poem "In Flander's Fields". Rail cal] was fruit for hospital. Wold Friends, envelopes and Missionamy Monthiies were ta be omdemed. The Mission Band cleared $15.00 on their littie sale. Cards are still available. Six members attended W.M.S. Pres- byteniai at Newcastle. Grace Smith gave her repart o! the hornbeck. a AMfilion Ways It scarted with the use of more alurninumn than ever befare ... and went on from there. Aincrat principfles that culminatcd in new Fiight Pitch Dynaflow*-the moat advanced automatic transmission of ail time. Mfaybe yau've feit smoolt transmissions before. But toke if front us-you have never in al vour barn days known anything 11ke this Duick's FlIght Pitch Dynaflowl This one switchcs the pitch a million ways-automatically, smoathly, thrillingly. .. and bringg you a new nimbleness-- and the solid satisfaction ofa new standard ofRBuici quality. Guest-drive the glamorous B-58 Buick today. OFltghî Pitch Dynafiow srtandard on i/mîted and Roadma.ster 75, okiional ai extra colt on ot/uer Senue. ,AirPoùe Suitono Ptional ai extra coui on ali Seriei. .~rntrrffrrr~. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Mi.755C Por '166 King St. E. Bowmanvïlle MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 1. FLIH pTCDYNAFLOW- Ï -iast word in travel wlth yout wheels ontegrud jrew Face of ashion-From the new Dynastar Grille to the exclting rear tail towers, this Is the look of fiight on wheels. New Air-Cooled AlumlInumn Front Brakes -With 45 radial fins, these powerful aiumlnum brakes give more positive etapplng. (Standard on most modeis.) New B-12000 Engine-As advanced as today's fuels wlll [et auto engineers ga-wlth new briiiiantiy responsIve power. New Miracle Rldg P/us Baick A/r-Pois. Suspens/on0- Here'. the new marvel of a ride on 4 coumns o air. Leveiest, smootheat, moat luxuriaus ride you 'vo ever known. SEE THE PAToqjv RIC MN.fSWiyÀyferaeÀi(yNgî,CBCT THOREMAI ORS BOLRN «ý459 W C -- - = _ == = - v Bormn fmore Aifrcra ft Principles than any other car yet Àbufit - and now yjou canSitch theI>tch When Botter Automobiles Are Bulit Bulck Wil Buld Thom Robson Motors Limite&i -tiac - Buick - Vauxhal Cars - GMC Truck"S 1 in alza helped in the boath. The attractive and papular ehome baking table was conven- cd by Mrs. James Colville, as- sisted by Mrs. A. Cuthbcrtson sand Mrs. R. Hetherington. La- sdies' aprons booth was conven- c d by Mrs. N. Wilcox, assistedi 1by Mrs. F. Smith. The general 1bazaar table was convencd by !Mrs. L. Welsh, assisted by Mms. !G. Lee and Mms. C, Purdy. .Perhaps the cbildren's mitts iand socks werc the most popu- lar item heme. The plants and table decoma- tions were in charge af Mrs. G. Graham assisted by bier daugh- ter Barbara. This table featur- cd African violets and home- made deconated Christmas can- dles. The large variety a! Christmas cards, gift wrapping, and decorations formed a pop- ular table, supervised by Mis. Ron White. C.G.I.T. girls, opemating the fish pond were Lola Pring, Ro- berta Hetbeington, Jeannette Bac and Linda Hateiy. Mrs. Nomm Mitchell convened the used clothing, assisted by Mms. Don Williams. The tea table was suitably decorated witb candies and a basket o! mums. Ontario St. graup were in charge of the tea, convened by Mrs. N. L. El- dridge and Mrs. Victor Je!femy. Those serving tea at the table werc: Mrs. George Pumdy, Mms. Harold DeMille, Miss Catherine Lynch, Miss Barbara Graham. Mrs. Wilbert Teepie, presi- dent a! the afternoon W.A., poured tea and money was ta- I ken by Mrs. Mansehl Stacey. and Mrs. Ken Hull. The tea' was wehl attendeçi. The evening W.A. plan a bot turkey supper, with Scugog St. gmoup serving, for tbe everîing o! Dcc. 2, followed by the elec- tion of officers and a Christ- mas pogram. The W.A. stil have a large variety o! býazaarj items for sale. Those interested shouhd contact the convenors.a -l 1 Training School she attcndcd at Whitby. Mrs. S. Hoar is to send cards at Christmas ta the aged and shut-ins. Mrs. Glaspeli spoke briefly an the Presby- terlal. Theme af meeting "Thine is the Glary" and told of thec humble Christ and "Exalted Christ". Mrs. F. Jackson rend- ered a beautiful piano solo. Mms. R. Glaspeil gave the chapter o! Study Book, "The Japan o! Yes- terday". Group Leader Grace Smith thanked all and lunch was served. Police were again called ta E. A. Virtue's Garage on Sunday morning when Archie found out thieves had again robbed bim for the, second time this Faîl. They made entry by the same window, this time using an old skate ta take off the fresh putty, then laid the pane aside ta makq their robbemy. A small sum af money from the cash megister ,also chocolate bars and cigarettes were stolen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Welsh and children, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Alldmead. Mm. and Mrs. K. Colbary, Mr. Horace Hall, spent a week at Eau Claire and visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Trahan. Mr. M. Dubyk returned home from the Western Hospital, Toronto, and is getting along nicely. Mrs. E. A. Virtue attended thé reception af the O.E.S. Lodge in Bowmanville after the instal- lation of ber sister Mrs. Edna Shaw as Womthy Matron. Mr. and Mms. John Huis spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Dawson, Sarnia. Mr. Ron Maynard, Miss Mild- red Hastings, Toronto; Bobbie Wood, Oshawa, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy ýMaynard. Sunday visitors were 'Misses Phyllis Maynard and Jean Stainton, Mrs. S. Walkem, Mm. and Mrs. Raymond Walker and Danny, Bowmanville. Ann MeNiven and Vivian Chamberlain spent the weekend' at Oshawa. Mrs. W. Rahm accampanied VIrs. Roy Graham and Miss Rutb Wilson ta Hamilton and visited hem sister Mrs. Gordon Whittaker and daughters Mrs. A. Perger and Mrs. M. Smiley. The Sunday School teachers held a meeting at the home of Mfr. and Mrs. S. E. White. Kenneth and Roy Rahm re- turned home after hoiidaying vith Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm. also Mr. and Mms. M. Smiley and hildren, Mt. Hope, spent a few lays with ber parents. Mm. Ross Hall and friend, Zion, visited at Horace Hall's. Miss Arvilla Beckett wate uest Sunday evening of Mr. and Nirs. Ross Sharp, Enniskillen. Mr. 0. Beckett visited Mr. and Wrs. F. Beckett, Enniskillen. John Thornbeck Jr., Agin- ut, spent the weekend wtb is parents, Mr. and Mms. Jbhn PAM MAPLE GROVE gBrocbirttinin'g4Catth G osha Hotel wit8 staff of .1ev. (Intended for last week) en. It moved Centre Street Maple Grove; The Couples in 1948 and no has a staff ot Club met at Maple Grove Sun- 48. But presnaccomodations day Sehool room on ThursdaY are too small a plans are un. Nov. 7. President F-oward Bra- derway for a frnew building. dley opened the meeting and In June of 9,% strange new Keith Crago was acting Secre- Voice was ntroýed to C.ICL. tary in the absence of the H. B. called F.M. !r. Marchand Cryderm an's. A short business x li e an d r o st t d period followed. An evening f this new hi-fi Ve. We were bowling is planned for Nov. 30 at the Motor City Bowling Al. al] doubly pleasi ta hear Mr. -Marchand, as hend his wife leys with Lloyd and Eileen are members oithe Couples Down and Madeline and Nor- Club. The speakae'as thanked man Hannan in charge. The program committee then by Ruth Pierce.7'he meeting too chrge Mag Dwn eadclosed and a dcious lune> 4 too chrge Mag Dwn eadwas scrved by thLunch Camr~ the Scripture followed by a mittee. îi reading, "None of Us Liveth to The couples we all pleasd Himself." Ruth Pierce led in t aeRv itna h prayer. A duet by Eileen Dowvenv Sao a h and Jan Oborne "Ju n meeting and bopthat he and and ean sbore, ýjuanta"bis wife will be)Ie to corne and "Stars f the Summers to the meetings d sclals in Night" was beautifully sung. the future. Howard Bradley introduced _________ Mr. Bil Marchand. Mr. March- and, who is connected with C. No great deedis dane by K.L.B. told us the bistory o! falterers who askor certaintW. radio activities in Oshawva. -George Eliot. ---. --- --l . -.!L- --, qý kwÀILWAVWAW ýjkýjPàý COURTICE TYRONE Bowmanville MA 3-3321 & 3-33221

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