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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1957, p. 9

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!HU~S~AT, WOV. !Sth, 195? - TII CANADIAN STATMAN. EOWMMIVff Lu. oe~?AmO -. Y ~AflI! WYfl -.------ - Ma nvers Twp. Council Grant s Franchise to Ç:onsumers' X mevor Municipal Council WuS held wlth Reeve in the ebafr; Deputy Reeve McGill Mid Councilloru Brown, Jake- MmS and Malcolm In attend- f ollowing communica- re read:-Dept. of Pub- îelfare re a welfare case ta leceive Mother's Allowance; R. IR. Waddell ne tax arrears on a Prprty being sold; Peterbor- @uhCivlc Hospital r e an indi- vos atient; United Counties Clerk re a number cf overdue bespital accaunts; Dept. o! HeaIth re changes in recent leiuiation, pertaining ta the rulea re slaughter houses; N. & ID. Health Unit, monthly report; .V. L. Weldon re an error in the 1957 debenture levy for Mani- Vers Township; Villag e of New- Metle re a relief matter; T. G. Shield, County Assessor, re the dates for the Court of Revision; Cierk of the Peace re comple- tien cf duties of the local Off i- ciels re the selecting o! the Jur- ers for 1958; Dept. of Munic!- Sai Affairs re balance of the unconditional Grant, amountiiig ta $2,973.00; Annual report frorn the Attendance Officer, A. H. Monk, and 3 sheep dlaims were received. Two representatives of Con- aumers' Gas Co. waited on Tura Old Furnilure i o Cash STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Gas Co. Coundil ne matter of granting Company a franchise for Mari- vers. By-iaw was given first and second neading, granting Con- sumcrs' Gas Co. a franchise ta operate within Manvens. Ontario Fuel Board was pe- titioned ta dispense with the vote o! the electors of Manvers inr eference to the by-law au- thorizing franchise agreement between Marivers and Consum- ons' Gaz Company. By-law was passed -designat- lng the polling locations and attendants in charge, in the event o! an election. These accounts wene cndered paid:-Twp. Treas. for transfer ta Road Acc., $3,997.38; Hanry Ryley, replacing St. light bulbs. $19.25; Health Unit, plurnbing fees, $20.50, Charles Chapman, wood, relief, $12.00; R. David- son, Treas. Bond, $25.00; A. H. Monik, Attendance Officen, $75.- 0O; Ryley & Son, bulbs for St. lights, $23.77; Ryley & Son, dis- infectant and supplies, $50.90; John Buri, relie!, $73.98; Cli!! Fallis, relief and fuel, $83.93: Garnet Porter, nent, relief, $25.- 00; Earl Argue, selectirig jurons, $4.00; Ralph Malcolm, selecting jurors, $4.00, R. Davidson, se- ]ecting jurors. $4.00; R. David- son, salary, $150.00. Meeting adjourned ta Decem- ber lOth, at 1.30 p.m. KEDRON A fine film on the life ofE vid was shown in the Sund School houn, and was narrat by Alan Francis. Miss Gail H chens was pianist, and Mr. P thur Stainton taught the Adi Class. The annual Sund SPECAL M SSA E T * aR F H Between you and me... and my ban/c James Bell, Manager Bowmoenville B ranch Bank of Mot&ecd Even for a hanker, figures enu be pr.ety eold things by thernselves. 1 always find ~~ y7M ha" e t look beyond theni before you get a true picture of what they iceally represent ...of what tii.y mean ln termes of people like you anid me - and our endeavours. Tae. my henk's annual repart for 1957, for instance The. two-and-a-haif billion dollars shown on deposit 1.8 quit. an iznpreuuiye figure. But what's behind it . . i what do.. h represent?, TIM.e aswer emounts to this s h represents ithe mouey you have saved tlurough your own industry and thrift - money which we use to finance enter- prises of every size end description . . . f help fermer., fishermen, businessmenj, store-keepers, ehoolo, churches and industries f0, prosper and grow. In short, It la yaur money that's heiping build a àtronger, mare prosperous Canada. Every dollar yau save at my bank play@ an important raie in the story cf our country's - and our ccmmunity's - growth. It'a a noie ail of us can he proud of - ycu and I 0 .. and my bank. The B of M's l4Oth Anniversary Report covers the. wideapread operations of Canada's senior finan. ciel institution for the' year ended October 3 lit, 1957. Froni its wealtb of facts and figures I've picked ouf three of the most significant features of the Bank"s annual story. They are the life-blo od of Canada's economy. "MYuI/o , j, rd"'n. àd&# ~&444i.4 &ck Hlghligbts cf the B cf M's 140th Annual Report DIPOSITS @Mount to $2,632,251,291, well over baif off whicb le the personal livings off Canadians ini ail walks off life. The r.- mainder is money deposited by business firmns, institutions and governaientà. The bulk off this money is bard et work in the forai off bans ta people and businesses off ail types. LOANS, nt $1,437,636,447, establisb a new record. The B off M'a loainl Canada - the higbest in its history - are helping every Ibranch of the Canadien economny to prosper. Large and small. th.y have heen made to business and industriel enterprises off ail kinds - Io farinera, fiaherinen, oihnen, minera, lumbermea uad ranch.,, - to citiseas of every ealllng, to provincial and mualelpal goveuamcnts and sehool district@. SINVITMUNTS in bigh.grade government bonds amotinied t. $M51,133,040. This aioney helped to finance many important S.veramemt projeeta, designed for everyone's benefit. Other aseunitieo heid by the Bank - whicb include a diversified list of bhigjfrqua.Iity short.ternn industriel imsse - brought total invest. t 1 i te 872,675,309. BAN]Ký,O 1,,MONTREAIL MORE THAN 700 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA tmu.ring ss'tIsCanadiens ins etery u'olk of life sinca 181? Da- day Lted qit- Ar- It t s e v t si T r r f th A second baptismal service ithin the month will be held n Dec. 8 at Kedron wben sev- 'ai children will receive rites fChristian baptism. With ne- tests for 31 cbnistenings, it ras felt advisable ta conduct is sacrament on two succes- ýe Sundays, Dec. 1 and 8. Ars. M. Harding sHonoured by .rinity W.M.S. The Evening Auxiliany of Trinity W.M.S. met Tuesday, Nov. lth ini the Suriday School Hall. Thene was a good attend- ance anid a deliciaus suppen was served by Mns. LoIs Cox and Miss Margaret Allin's group. The tables were besutifully de- consted with trailing cedar and polished red apples. One o! the highlights o! the evcning was the presentatiori a! a gift to Mrs. Muriel Harding, the former Mrs. Muriel Sy- maris. Mns. Vers Allun gave the address in which she told Mur- iel how much she had been ap- preciated for al ber bclp, anid expressed best wishes for the future on behaif of the group. Miss Marion Belîman pinried a lovely corsage on the bride and prescnted ber with two long playig records. Mrs. Hard- ing thariked the group in ber chanming mariner. Business session was con- ducted by Mrs. Jean MeMurter. The program was in charge o! Mrs. Grace Reynolds' and Mrs. Helen Burgess' group anid the ladies o! the congregation were irivited ta attend at 8 .o'clock wbcn the film "Young- er Brother" was sbown. This i3 the key film for this year*s mission study on Japan. Mrs. Helen Burgess pneside for the Wonship Service, Miss Vjviari Buriner read the Scrip- itire. Miss Ethel McKague the Inpic and praver. The theme, Unto Him Eveny Kriee Shahi Bo W. . - WlI. President Speaks At Kendal on Convention Schcol meeting will be held Dec. 10, Tuesday, and the Sun- day Schcol Christmas concert i3 planned for Thursday even- ing, Dec. 19. Rev. N. T. Holmea cf Har- mony was the guest preacher for the afternoon service with a special message on Missions in aur church. Services next Sunday, Dec. 1, will be at the 1usual afternoan hours. As a follow-up fnom Visitation gleanings, a baptismal service 1wiil be held at this service for .some whose requcsts were made iknown duning the cburch visit- ation. On Dec. 15, a further follow-up will take, place, whein folk wha expressed a desire ta transfer membership will be receîved. t The congregation at Kedron expressed deep appreciation to the General Committee of the Secton Plan, on Sunday, and approved a motion to pay ail expenses connected with the Plan. It was notcd that much time and effort had been in- volved, but it was feit that re- sults were gratityixig beyond ail expectatians. Commemoration of the 250th Annivensary o! the binthday of Chas. Wesley will be observed on Dec. 1 The Doubles Club bas plan- ned a family night with Pot. luck dinner for Satunday everi- ing, Dec. 7, in the Lower Hall, when ail chi]dnen will be espe- cially welcomed. The Woman's Association will hold the Christmas meet- ing and election o! officers on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock on Dec. 4, at the homne of Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. Instead of the pot-luck supper usually held at this meeting, the Nov- emben hostess group will serve the refreshments. Rcv. and Mrs. R. H. Rickand wcre at home to several mein- bers o! the Columbus - Kedror. churches on Sunday evening at the Manse. Honoured guests wenc Dr. Herbert Ashfond, Genenal Secretary o! M. & M. for the United Chunch, and Mrs. Ashfond. Guests from Xe- dron at the reception included membens o! the M. and M. Committec, and members o! the Genenal Committee for the Sec-i tor Plan with their wvives or husbands. A veny pleasant even- ing xvas cnjoyed, and Dr. A sh- ford nelated a fcw points in bis work to the gatbering. TI-e 1 gnacious hospitality extended~ by Mn. and Mrs. Rickand was sincenely appneciated. Misses Gail Hitchen, Eleanor Mountjoy and Jeanine Wcnry, Mns. Lamne Tnegunna, Mn. and Mns. Murray Mountjoy, Alan Francis, Grant and Robent Spencer, and Ron Werry wcre among the Ontario County choir membens who wenc ten- dencd a banquet in the Round Room at Eaton's College St. Toronto, mark ing National 4-H Club wcek in Canada. The choir later presetited a musical pnogram in Eaton Auditorium. The mixcd quartette, with Jeanette Dobson, Jeanne Pear- son, Hugh Baird and Ron Wer- ry, were also featuned on the pnogram. In the audience werc 4-H representatives from all provinces at least 10 from eacb fnom Newfoundland ta British Columbia, along with agnicul- Lural nepresentatives and other attendants and officiais from the Royal Wintcr Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe enjoyed a weekend holiday in Buffalo and Cleveland, returri- .ng by plane from Cleveland on Sunday evening. The holiday manked a wcdding anniversary for wbich Kedron friends ex-, tend congratulations and good, Aishes for the future. Mr. and Mns. Harold Wenry Are weckend guests o! Mn. and Mrs. T. C. Smillie, Toron- o, at Rio Vista. A few Kedron iolk were per- soacl seToon tthonhociea oal specTorsottoe hockey evening betwcen the Russian anld the Dunnies, and alang vith those watching the game~ on TV rcjoiced at the Canadian j victory. Morrish: The regular month- ly meeting of the W.A. was held on Wednesday, Nov. 2th at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Frank Byers. Founteen mcm- bers were prescrit also the Rcv. A. W. Harding who conducted the annual election of officers for 1958. The president, Mrs. Hanry Beckett occupied the chair. The roll was called bv Secretary, Mrs. Harold Osborne. She also read the minutes of the last meeting which wenc adoptcd as read. The seccetary in the absence o! the treasuner ncad the report of the necent turkey supper and aftcn ail bis in, connection o! this wcrc paid there remaincd $116.69 ta be paid into the treasuny. Al agrced the planning, work and worny o! the supper bad beertI worth whiie. The next business ta b. dis- cusscd was what ta do with the articles made for the usual bazaar, finally it was dicicedf to have an a!ternoon tea and sale on Dec. llth at 3 p.m. in addition to a table of sewing, knitting and fancy articles th ere will be anc o! home bak- ing and vegetables and a fisb pond for childrcn. It was rcponted the churcb notice board was now ready. the uprights wene re-enforced with steel plates and should give long service. The Board will be enccted within a few days. At this point thc retiring pre- sident a!ter a few words of thanks ta the members fon Blue Grass Puff-Puff Dustrng Powder in glittering "music b~ox" ... $1.25 and $2.00 jKendal W. I. met Wednesday fevening, Nov. 13 at the home o! Mrs. McMackin on the Sixtb Line with the president, Mrs. Eddie Couroux in charge. We wene pleased to have Mrs. W. H. Brown, oun District presi- dent and Mns. Milîs, as our guests. The rail cail, "Wby I am prcud ta be a Canadian" brougbt a varicty o! answers, one being, "She was proud to live i the country where the W. I. started". Following the adoption of the minutes and reading o! correspandence, Mns. Garland Catbcant reponted for the Good Cheer committce. A penny col- lection of $1.30 was taken up. A shipmcnt o! old woollens, cattons and coupons for 30 blankets is rcady for sbipping. Current events wene then given by the ladies in turri. Mrs. L. Greenwood spoke an ber motta, "To be a good citi- zen is the duty of cvcryone". Eacb day at sch ool hclps broad- en the vision o! aur young folks and makes them betten citizens. She closed with that stîrring poemn "Canadian Born" by Pauline Jobriston. Mrs. W. H. Brown, aur Dis- trict President, gave us a very intenesting talk on the first Na- tional W. I. Convention xvhicti was held a fcw wccks ago ix' Bible Class Elects Officers Kedron: Kedron Aduit Bible Class met at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Albert Wood on Tues- day evening, with an attend- ance o! 34. President Alvin Spencer welcomcd ail present, and led in worship with a Re- membrance theme. Readirigs were given by Mrs. Denek Bar- nett, Scripturc was read by Al- bert Wood, and Mrs. G. Glover led iprayer. During the business session, $40 was vated to M. and M.; and. some other donations werc made. Mrs. H. Crossman and Mrs. H. Werry were named as a Committee ta arrange for the Adult Class contribution ta the Sunday School Christmas con- cert. It was decided to hold the next meeting an the third Monday in January, 1958, at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Ross Lee, the commlttee in change ta be Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Mn. and Mrs. Bishop, Mn. anid Mrs. P. Mountjoy.of- I1958, Alvin Spencer; vice-pres- ident, Grant Gioven; Secretary, Mrs. H. Farridale; Treasuren, Mn. E. Mouritjoy. Seven tables o! lost hein were played prognessîvely, with top scores held by Mns. Harvey Crossman and Mn. Arthur Stainton. Mn. and Mrs. D. Bar- nett, Mn. and Mrs. Grant Gbo- ver, with the hast and hostess canvened the evening's pro- gramme, and served refnesh- ments. PONTYPOOL The turkey supper bcld on Fnîday evening was a huge success. Visitons were prescrit from fan and near. Door re- ceipts were about $4.00 with the Thank-offcnrig nettirig close ta $200. Some lady lost. a fan shapcd earing in the basement wbich may be held by contact- ing this correspondent. Pride o! Pontypool L.O.B.A. 1314 held their election o! of- ficers on Wednesday evenîng. This election anid installation took place with R.W. Sister Cana Johnstori, Grand Mistress o! Ontario East. A similar event took place Moriday even- ing for L.O.L. 82 with County Master W. Bro. Offa Staples in the chair. Contests for the Reevesbip and Deputy Reeveslîip o! Mari- vers will take place Monday, Dec. 2nd. Earl Argue present Reeve, will be opposed by John Payne anid Lewis McGiil, De- puty Reeve and Fenton Fallis will battle it out for the Deputy Reeveship. Vote as you like but vote. ELIZABETH VILLE On Wedricsday the ladies hcld their arinual bazaar withi tables o! sewing, cookirig, cari- dy and vegetables. etc., after- noon tea was scrved and a fish pond kzept the youngen ones busy. About $85 was nais- cd. Everyone was quite busy anid enjoyed a profitable a!ter- noon. Wedncsday evening the Young Peoffle's Union met w. Gand-'ni Hill has-erent. Cantu;- bad the v.or5ýçi:p period. Gar den Hill the lunch anid Recr.ea- tien was play practise. Priday evenirig the 4-H club held their third meeting at Mrs. McAllister's. Sanitation, First Aid and our wvater suo- ply was taken up as the study period. Glena and Manie Mer- cer ]put ou ILShort skLt. Next1 meeting to be the 13th of Dec. at Thickson's. Miss Donna Mercer and Alan Mercer. Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee and daughters, Viola and Phyllis, and ber two chiidren, Peterbor- ough, spent Sunday with Mr. Ottawa and which she attend- ed as our delegate. Mrs. Brown 1leit many worthwhile thoughts with us. The new National pro- sident is Mrs. Keith Rand fromn Nova Scotia. She ciosed with the Optimist Creed, which is a good attitude for our W. I. to 1fdllow. Mrs. H. Foster divided the group into two and conducted a geopraphy match which end- ed in a draw with Misa C. Stewart and Mrs. W. Mercer on opposing teams. Mrs. Man- 1ders conducted an auction of 1articles brought for the travel- 1ling basket when nearly $4.0 was received. Miss C. Stewart moved a vote of appreciation ta Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Mills and also ta Mn. McMackin for her hospitaiitv. Mrs. Elliott and Miss Stew- art, assisted by our hosteas served a tasty lunch during which a social tirne was en- joyed. The Christmas meeting is to be held in Kendal in charge of Mrs. Manders, and Mrs. Mc- Mackin. Instead of exchanging gifts this year we are ta bring a gift, candy and magazines or a book, for the folks in the Home For the Ajged in Cobourg. The WlI. would weicome ad ditional gifts from anyone in I the community. Mrs. H. Quantrill visited àu Oshawa, on Fniday with bei sister, Mrs. Elliott. Mn. and Mrs. H. Sheppard and family at Campbelleroft ai Mn. and Mrs. Henry Sheppard'& Sunday. Mn. Bob Vanatta, Torontq with Mn. and Mrs. Vernon Pea. their splendid co-operation during the past year declared ail offices vacant and turned the meeting over ta the Rev. A. W. Harding. After the usual preininary discussion a motion was riade by Mrs. M. J. Os- borne that all offîcers be ne- taincd for another year. This motion was seconded and Mrs. Beckett netunned ta continue the meeting as president for another year ta the satisfaction of ail present. Mr. Harding congratulated the W.A. for the splendid wonk accomplished during the past year and wisbed the members another year cf success in unity cf spirit and loyalty ta church and community. The officens for 1958 stand as follows: President, Mns. Han- ry Beckett; vice President, Mns. Norbert McHolm; Secnetary, Mrs. Harold Osborne, Assist- ant, Mns. Lloyd Marvin;, Trea- surer, Mrs. George Harness; Pianist, Mns. May Marvin: As- sistant, Mns. Norbert McHolm; Devotional Committee, Mrs. Morton Henderson, Mns. Frank Anderson; Missîonany Conven- en, Mrs. J. Brimacomb; Sick Committee, Mrs. H. Lee and Mrs. F. Bycrs; Parsonage Comn- mittee, Mrs. M. Henderson, Mrs. F. McConnell. The next meeting will b. held on Dec. l8th at 8 p.rn. in the home of Mrs. Dawson Bec- be. There will be the usual ex- change of Christmas gifts. The Christmas donations will be sent carlier this year and are: M. & M. Fund, $30 (haîf yearly); Sick Chiidnen's Hospi- tal. Toronto, $10; Save The Children Fund, $10; Fred Vic- ton Mission, $10; Salvation Ar- my, $10; Port Hope Children's Aid, $10; United Nations, $10. The Scripture verses were read by Mns. M. Henderson; Lesson Thoughts and Prayer by Mrs. F . McC onnell. Rev. A. W. Harding corxcluded the program by giving a very instructive and interesting talk of the first woman in the Bible baving a career, Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron. The meeting closed with hymn and prayer by Mr. Harding. A social hour was then cen- joyed during which the hostess and lunch committcc, Mns. F. Connish and Mns. Harry Beck- ett served dainty refresbments. A vote o! tbanks ta these la- dies was pneparcd by Mns. Dawson Beebe and carried un- animnously. FOR SAFER WINTER DRI VING LET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES De-Skidding gives you 25% more traction, lacreoses tire life 15%. Drive sofely in snow ond slush - your tire need flot be new. FOR HEAVY SNOW DRI VING LET US CUT SNOW CLEATS Do oway with choins - we con cut mud end snow cleats on your present tires thot, will pull you through in sofety. Hap's B-A Service Station CORNER KING AND WAVERLEY ROAD Hand Lotion wl»' mnagic di. penser. Blue Grass, Jung Gerbnîum .............$225 Blut Grass luffy Milk Bat>' tes moke hma, fel!l pamppee end p,.tty .............5 Six-in.One Bath Cubes for beath-tlmne luxury. Blue Grass, June Gerarijum....$1.25 esue Grass Luxury Bath Sait$. Highly concentraed ...$3.50 ffu@ Grass SOMl Cologne. It1 .30 Jury and Love!! PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE glue Grass Perfume Mist (ca hoavier concentrate than flower Must>.........$3.50 Blue Grass Fluffy MiIk Bath and Bath Mit ............$2.25 VEL VET TOUCII w .1 .. e OUosv4o booe, coeau s .êsd MARR'S JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville @nom.@: and Mrs. Vernon Peacock. ccck, Sunday. GO.00 regcurdleSS Of SNOW Morrish W.A. Returns Ail 0f fîcers for 19581 ' IRUMAT, NM. "th, le" - TM CANAVUR STATZBUM. BCWUANVff.= ONTAPM -, ,/ PACM VM 3-3136 PHONE MA

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