...... ...................................................................................................-'e - - - - .. ~ - ~.e...w __________________________ T~U1WUAY, NOV. ZSUI - TEE CAIIADL'ai UTATESMMt EOW~L&NVW.tU flW~AWR Durham Club President Suggests School Name "E. A. Summers School" 12 Pine Ridge Dr., Taronto 13 Dear Dr. James: It gave me a lot ai pleasure, and I amn sure others too, ta see that there was a rivalry between Orono and Newcastle aver which gets the new high school. It shows a lot ai local pride and an appreciatian for the value ai the school ta the community. One thing did warry me a bit, hawever, and that is the passi- bility af a deadlock and the ]Board taking the easy way out by tacking mare rooms on the Bawmanviîîe and Part Hope schools. Bath these, of course, are ex- cellent schaols daing a fine job. 1 can say this with some assur- ance because I went ta Bawman- Ville ta get my Senior Matric. But they are schools in large and rapidly growing industrial iowns, and Durham needs a high school ini a small community close ta the land and with an emphasis an agriculture and me- lated subjects. With ail the talk going an just at present about farm support plans, marketing schemes and so on, there is just a danger that we might forget that the best help you can give anyone is taoi help them ta help themselves. And by building a schaol with the emphasis on the needs ai the farming part ai Durham County, the Board wauld make a long- temm contribution ta Durham's prosperity. With these ideas in mmnd, I would Iike ta make two sug- gestions ta the Board: first, that whatevem the difficulties may be in settling an a site, the Board undertakes not ta compramise by tacking rooms on the Bow- manvile or Port Hope schools, and secandly, ta emphasize the Ri fo 34 King St. E. o rural character af the new school and in appreciation for services ta Durham County, that the Board consider calling the new school "The E. A. Sununers School". Sincerely yaurs, James P. Lovekin, President, The Durham Club of Toronto. KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Rough- ley, David and Dan, spent Sun- day with Mrs. Alva Swarbrick. Mms. Stan Gray visited Mon- day with Mrs. Mary Luxan. Miss Margaret Jackson, R.N., and Miss Ruth Jackson, R.N. ai the Civic Hospital, Ottawa, spent a couple ai days at their home here last week. Miss Phyllis Jackson attend- ed graduation exercises at Markham High Schoal Friday evening. She received the tro-, phy cup for general proficien- cy from grade 9 ta 12 which was donated by the Lions Club and also a dictionary for Aca- demie standing in Grade XII. Same ai thase attending the Wintem Fair from here werej Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster, Mr. M and Mms. John Thompson, Ar- thur Thampson and Garland Cathcart, and Mr. and Mrs. fMiller and family. Conducts Baptismal Our pastor, Rev. R. C. Whyte, conducted a baptismal service fin cannection with the Chris- tion Youth service Sunday, Nov. 24. Aiter singing "When Moth- ers ai Salem Their Children Brought ta Jesus" the follow- ing were prescnted for baptism: Dianne Linda, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little; Allen Ray, son, and Connie Joan, infant daughter ai Mr. and Mms. Ray jMartincîl; William Clarence, son, and Mary Fac, daughtcr ai Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gil- Jmer. IRev. Whyte then callcd on Imembers ai the Young People's IUnion ta take part in the ser- vice. Miss Margaret Haydcn led in prayer and gave the scripture reading; Ross Gay led in meditation. The youthful chair with Miss Jean Carscad- den at the organ sang, "When Jesus Came Into My Heart". Miss Patsy Foster spoke an the Young People's Union which is sponsored by the Un- ~ited Church ai Canada. I"'s purpose is ta lead members into factive church membership thmough Bible study, fcllow- ship, commitment, stewardshipi; wlth witness, and service. She, finished with the fine paem, "Youth af the World Arise". Miss Phyllis Jackson, the se- cond speaker, said a Christian is anc who does the will of 'God every day not just anc day a week and also told of the Young People's Conierence at Lindsay which she and Patsy attended. These yaung folks arc ta be congratulated an thcir vcry Firestone Deluxe 30-inch Range With automatic aven control and c dock, push-buttc aperated surface elements, rotary super speed switc and auto chef contrai burner. Only - >2 Used Moffaf Range Four burners. Only $95 Washers and Dr yers Keivinafor Washers Large 8 lb. capacity tub, Loveil wringer, two-year warranty on parts and labour, complete with automatic timer. Only $2 "d your old washer Firestone Deluxe Electric Ciothes Dryer Timer selector control, safety thermostat, rust resistant drum, oiless motor, bearings need no lubrication. Regular $249 Now only --$199 o Bowmanville Phone eMA 3-5689 n h Klelvinator il cu. fi. Refrigeralor 60 IL frozen food compartment, with 15 lb. chili tray, aluminum shelves and dairy bar door. Regular $389 for only- OY International 8.2 cu. fi. Refrigerafor Freezer across the top, push-buttan defraster, stainless steel shelves. ..M Only Fi resione 20 cu. fi. Freezer $239 Holds 675 lbs. with 50 IL super quick freeze compart- ment, aluminum interior, automatic signal light. OnIy - ---------- 0- W'estinghouse 21-inch Television onsole model with 8-inch speaker and powver tuner. tegiilar $329 or only -$ 8 Vestinghonse Naniel Radios klarge selection rom _____________ ;ymphonic Poritable Record Players rîtii 4-speed automnatic$ ecord changer. - Only - 59 C ream Producers Askc Pricing of Butter Fat À formula method for estab- lishing the price ai butter fat ta creamn praducers in Ontario was presented and appraved at the annual meeting ai the Ontario Cmeam Producers Marketing Board held in Toronto, Nov. 19. The formula, taking into accaunt producer casts and consumer ability ta pay, is somewhat sim- ilar ta the formula method cur- rently employed ta establish the price ai whole milk in Ontario. Some 25 delegates and guests attended the annual meeting. Butter ail currently being im- parted inta Canada and bypass- ing the Export-Import Permits Act is a seriaus threat ta the daimy industry, Tom Byrns, President ai the Ontario Cream Producers Marketing Board, told the annual meeting. S. J. Chagnon, Assistant Dep- uty Minister ai Agriculture for Canada, told the annual meet- ing that Canada will have ta in- crease its production ai milk in 1958 in arder ta meet domestic demand for milk and milk pro- ducts. The expected butter pro- duction in Canada in 1957, Mr. Chagnon said, will be 296 mil- DytiluL itauu snp<iInru~,~inn f cmrcxihazard lii. m uilie n-, w aA People's work and their man- I'm going to do about it. Thé ner of doing so. name of the club is "Tyrone Safety First Club". The next meeting is at Mrs. Jean Youngman's, Dec. 3. with HAYDONJoan Davey and Cecile Park respansible for lunch. Bowmanville, spent the week- notes ta the graup and a guest edwith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur speaker, Mrs. Betty HamilIton, M.and Mrs. Glen Martyn, Aid". est, Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin given out, lunch was served. 'and Judith, Bowmanville, vis- ited Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. g MAPLE GROVE The McLaughlin families a thered at the home of Mr. and Mr. Jack Lord, Shirley and Mrs. Ross Ashton on Wednes- Dianne, Miss Mary Thompson, day evening. Those present Michael and Margo, Toronto, were, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- were Sunday visitors with Mr. Laughlin, Dawn and Denis, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman. Iand Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Ms ide nwe pn IBobbie, Linda and Janis, Black- Ms ide nwe pn stock; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- a few days with her sister, Mrs. Lauhli, Ptsy Ji an Jon;and Mr. Otis Pritchard, Mano: MsEaMLaughlin, Burke-m ndJon tick. tonr . and Mrs. Ha, Brold Miss Viola Noland, Camp- trion,MOshandwa. arldbelliord; Mrs. David Mowat, rg.tArtharwad ndMr.Margaret and Ellen, Whitby, Mrs.Artur ead nd rs.visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Bernard Houseman spent Tues- thur Barnes. day at Toronto and were sup- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skip- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. per, Tillbury; Mr. and Mrs. Mer. MihtonSeo vstdFergusan, Fletcher, spent the Mr.Milon leon isiedweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Elmer Slemon, Toronto, Stephen Jeffery. an~d Dr. and Mrs. Gardon Sie- Caroline and Leon Carr spent mon and family, Don Mils, the weekend with their grand- and attended the Royal Winter mother, Mrs. A. Beech. Far. adMs ilu lc- On Saturday evening, Nov. bur.n f and Mrs. ibrBak.- 30, the Couples Club wfll hald Cownlndcamlledand Mr. an. abowling Party aitthe Motor Mawlnclm Elfond, Prt.Perd City bowling alleys. Bowling Mrs. Maclilod otPr will start ait 8:00 o'clock. Ladies ry, Sunday. of Maple Grove are asked to Mr. and Mrs. C. Rankine bring tarts and the ladies of visited Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Cor- Courtice and Ebenezer please rigan, Toronto, on Sunday. bring sandwiches. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham Quite a number fromn here were Friday evening visitors attended the Royal Winter Fair at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham's, in Toronto. Bowmanville, and watched the Mrs. Harold Muls and Bruce, hockey game between the Enniskillen, Mr. Bill Begley, Whitby Dunlops and the Rus- Bawmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. tamnd Mr. Aci celLaurence Wearn, Enniskillen, Mr. nd rs. rche Mceilwere Sunday evening visitors visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Mac- with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mils. Kenzie and family, Toronto, on Mrs. Howard Bradley, Mrs. Sunday. Mrs. A. McNeil return- 1W. H. Brown, Mrs. Jack Hur- ed home with them. I rie,à Mrs. Cecil Milîs, Barbara jMr. and Mrs. Arthur. Read, an Joyce, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, 1 Ina, Beryl and Lynn were sup- Mrs. H. Evans and Miss Ada per guests ait Mr. and Mrs. Knister attended the bazaar Clayton Read, Bowmanville, held at the C.R.A. Hall, Osh- Sunday. awa, in aid of the Retarded Sheryl Ashton returned home Chidren Association on Mon- from Memorial Hospital, ow day night. Imanville, on Monday, olw -_________ fing an appendix oéain Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith and girls, Burketon, were Sunday C U TC visitors at Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Miss Annie White, Hamp- The sympathy of this cam- fton, spent the weekend with munitv goes to Mr. William Miss Lynda Potts. and Mr. Frank Walter in the jMr. George Bertrim and son, death of their sister, Miss Ma- .Taunton, visited Mr. and Mrs. belle Walter, who passed away M. Bertrim and family. on Sunday morning in Oshawa A big surprise party was held Genéral Hospital. Mabel]e had for Mr. and Mrs. John Liptay1 been a patient suiferer for mnany on the occasion of their 25th years. Her cheery smile and wedding anniversary ait the Slo- witty remarks will be missed vak National Hall in Oshawa bv a host of friends. Many peo- on Saturday, Nov. 23. The hall 1 ple were handed out mail' bv was beautifullv decorated and '%abelle until her health made a magnificent dinner was serv- this impossible. ed and enjoyed by the 90 The C.G.I.T. had supper ait guests. They were presented the church on Wednesday night with a beautiful kitchen chromne and sorted and wrapped gufis set. a chest of silver, a set of for the fish pond at the bazaa,. dishes and manv other lovely Annjouncement of the Annual gifts and after dinner many Chrîstmas Vesper Service was enjayed the dancing, ____ Imacle and Janet Barber was lion paunds, which will fail short ai expected consumption by 34 million pounds. This,34 million paund deficit will be reflected in a likely drap in butter stocks held in storage by the Canadian Government from 88 million pounds at the end of 1956, ta 54 million paunds at the end of this year. Farmers are nat willing. ta re- main the "poar relatives" in the Canadian econamy until 1980, when, as predicted by the Gar- don Commission, farmers will finally enjay a standard af liv- ing equivalent ta other segments ai aur econamy, Gardon Greer, President of the Ontaria Federa- tion ai Agriculture, told the annual meeting. Charles Mclnnis, President of the Ontario Hog Producers As- sociation, urged th.ose attending the annual meeting ta support aIl marketing graups who have ta hold a vote in the coming year. Vating delegates from Dur- hamn County attending the meet- ing were Robt. Morton, Kendal; Albert Arnold, Bawmanville. TYRONE chosen to, represent the group as an usher at King St. United Church aon Sunday evening. At the monthly meeting af the teachers and officers af the Sunday School on Wednesday evening, plans were made for the Christmas program in the Sunday School. The school Christmas pro- gram will again be held in the church. The Session met with Rev. Harold Stainton in the church on Wednesday evening. Several from Courtice at- tendedl the Quarterly Officiai Board meeting at Maple Grove an Tuesday evening. Plans were made for a survey and 'Visitation ai the whole charge. Mrs. K. Ellis entertaîned Mrs. M. Gray, Mrs. A. Nichols and Mrs. C. Perifound on Wednesday night at a sand- wich-making bee for the baz- aar. On Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peniound atten- ded the Christian Education Clinic which is being held three nights this week in King St. United Church, Oshawa. The accent was on Sunday School problems and Boys' Work groups spensored by the United Church. Rev. George Connolly, Field Secretary for Bay of Quinte and Ottawa and Mantreal Conferences, used modern techniques in helping salve problems common ta nearly ail Sunday Schools. Mr. Clarence Penfound and Mr. Chris Tooley attended church service in Binbrook on Sunday morning. On the way home, they called ta see Mr. Ralph Tooley who is a patient in Sunnybrook Hospital. Sunday School was well at- tended on Sunday whcn, Sup- erintendent Eddie Warburton was in charge af the service. Sunday evening a larger cangregatian was present at church ta hear Rev. Harold Stainton deliver another in- spiring, and challenging ser- mon. Mrs. De Coe played the argan and accompanied the chair in the absence ai the organist, Mr. Frank Walter. Unexpectcd callers rappe.d on the door ai Mr. and Mrs., Lamne Pcnfound an Saturday evening. Before the evening was over, the Carman Foster family and Aunt Edna had arrived ta give Lamne and Jean a real house warming. A happy evening was spent together and a giit ai money ta buy something for their new home was presented. A deliciaus lunch brought an en- joyable evening ta a close. Hudson Bay, a body ai sait water with an area ai a quar- ter million square miles, has long been called "Canada 's in- land sea." hl- 1951 HAPPINESS FOR SALE. . m. The happiness thit cornes from a weIi-ordercd lhfe, wxth wf e and children provided for, and the prospect of eventuial retire- ment on income sufficient for the enjayrnent of your leisure, can bc yoiirs throughi the assur- ance policirs of the Sun Life Assurance Comnpany' of Canada. Let mie sel yau a share in hap- piness today. Banner Passant Representative MtA 3-3258 53 Brawn St. Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and children were Sunday visitors ai Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vivian, Bowmanville. Mrs. S. T. Hoar was dinner guest ai Mr. and Mrs. D. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colbary, Long Branch, visited Mm. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Mrs. Howard Couch, Misses Marjoric and ' Eileen Couch, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mms. A. Hilîs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Grif- fin, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Acheson ai Oshawa, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Hilîs on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Daw, Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stainton and iamily, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors af Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Coamnbes and Wayne, visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant, Bowman- ville. Mrs. R. Wright visited Mrs W. J. Miller, Oshawa, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. K. Burnside, Montreal, spent a iew days with Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Coombes. Mrs. M. Harris, Whitby, ac- companied Mr. L. Stainton and Mrs. H. Stainton ta vîsit her brother, Mr. Orville Bond at Sunnybrook Hospital. 4-H Club Meeting The third meeting o! Tymone 4-H- Club was held at the home ai new member. Marie Mill- son on Nov. 19 at 7.30. Meeting opened with the 4- H Plcdge followed by minutes by Secretary Lorraine Rose- vear. Roll caîl: One accident TRAVEL CLOCKS $8.95 FIIELD GLASSES The Very Best Complete Set t varlaus prices COSTUME JEWELLERY $1.00 up RECORD PLAYERS AND RADIOS MAN'S DIAMOND RING $100 TOASTER $19.95 HOOPER'5 Jewellery cund Gif t Shop 28 King St. W. Bowmanville Elec fric Ranges Keivinalor Deluxe 30-inch Range With automatic aven timer and dlock, minute minder, push-button pre-heat aven thermostat. Regular $329 $ 4 for only ---$ 4 Ref rigeraf ors and Freezers Used Refrigerators Three from which to choase TV -Radios Record Players Co WÀRAN Equipment Co. MA 3-5747 H o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ........ .... .......... Christmas .---4 -il DI 1 . TM CANADME BTATZ431&ffl. BOWJANVU= ONTAAM »q-PVý»MV% à" ýý- -.., MA 3-5747 P'Am