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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1957, p. 16

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PAGE STXTMEN - ?M CAIiADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!TJLE. ONTARIO- E r," o--1m 'W w Births Cards of Thanks HUTTON-Mm. and Mrs. Charles I would like to thank ail my9 Hutton are happy to announce friends who sent flowers and the arrival of a son, Michael sympathy cards in the recent Herbert, on Wednesday, Novemn- loss of my beloved father David ber 2th at Memorial Hospital, Nugent. Bowmanville. Mother and son Mrs. I. McCuilough. 48-1 doing fine.48-1 For the m any kindnesses MILLSON - Mr. and Mrs. H. shown my daughter the late i Edward Milison, Orono, are Jean Blunt, by neighbors, fiends 1 happy to announce the birth of and relatives, I wish to say a daughtem, Catherine Leigh, on "Tbank you". Saturday, November 23rd, 1957,. Edith M. Hogarth. at Oshawa General Hospital. AIJ 48.1* sister for Ellen Elizabeth. 48-11 I would like to thank Drs. K. NORRISH-Stan and Vi are Slemon, Mikios and Rundle,3 happy to announce the bitb of nurses and staff of Memorialc a son Steven Douglas, on Nlovem-! Hospital and ail those who sent ber 17. 1957, at Memoriai Hos-1 flowers and cards. pital, Bowmanviile. 48-11J Mrs. R. Thomas. 1 48-1* TINK-Waltem and Marjorie1 (nee Wallace) are happy to an-! We wish. to thank ail our nounce the arrivai of their son friends and neighbours for the Brian Wallace at Memoial Hos- many acts of kindness and sym- pital, Bowmanville, on Novem- pathy ut the time of our recen ber 2lst, 1957. 48-1 sad bereavement in the loss of our damling son. Engagements Roko and Angela Mickolic. Mm. and Mms. Simon Bierstek- er, Newcastle, announce the I would like to express my engagement of their daughter, appreciation to the nurses of Annie to Mm. Bert deBruin, son Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville, of Mr. and Mms. H. deBruin of for the came tbey gave me dur- Holland. The marriage wil take ing my stay in the hospital and place in the Reboboth Christ- to those who visited me and ian Refommed Cbumcb, Bowman- sent camds. My deepest appmec- 'ille on Satumday, December1 iation. 7tb, at 2:30 p.. 48-1] Deaths ALLIN, Dr. Norman Geore- On Saturday, Novembeiýr 23r 1957, Dr. Norman George Allin, beioved husband of Elsie Thomp- son and dear father of Elsie <Mrs. Oscar Jamieson), Peter- borough; Vera (Mrs. Craig Lan- gille), Ankara, Turkey; Dr. George Allun, London, England; Glenn and Norman at home.1 Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., where service was held on Tues- day, November 26th at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 48-1 ]BAKER, Greta 'May-Suddenly i nt Bowmanville on MondaY,1 .November 25th, 1957, Greta May' Baker, beloved wife of Arthur Stanley Baker. Rested at North- cutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., where service was held Wednesday. November 27th ut 3:30 p.m. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. 48-11 *CALE, W. Robert-At Ta-Taj *Creek, B.C., Nov. 25th, 1957, W.1 Robert Cale, beioved husband of Maud E. Colville and younger j brother of the late Rowland M. 1 *Cale. 48-1*11 CAMPBELL, Thomas A-On Friduy, November 22nd, 1957, at Peterborough Civic Hospital, Thomas A. Campbell, husband of Belvie Martin, Millbrook; brother of Arthur Campbell, Bowmanville. Rested ut bis late esidence, King St., Millbrook. Service was held in St. Thornas Anglican Cburch, Millbmook, Monday afternoon ut 2 o'clock. Interment St. Paul's Cemetery, Cavan Township. 48-11 FALLIS, Meredith E. - At Cad- mus, Ont., on Saturday, Nov. 23,f 1957, Meredith E. Fallis, husband of the late Jennie Devitt, and dear futher of Chrystal, Muriel (Mrs. Donald Thompson), An- nie (Mrs. Joe Bradburn) and James, in bis 75th year. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott - Panabaker, Port Perry, for ser- vice on Monday ut 2 p.m. Interment Cadmus Union Cerne-1 tery. ____ 48-1* i MICKOLIC, John-Suddeniy on Sunday. November 24th, 1957, John Mickolic, heloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Roko Mickolic, Kingston Rd. East, Bowmanville, age two years, six months and Il days. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St,, where prayers were recited by Rev. F. K. Malane on Tues- day at 8 p.m. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery, Wednesday et 10 arn. 48-1 WALTER, Mabel F.-At Osha- wa General Hospital on Sunday, November 24th, Mabel F. Walt- er, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Walter and dear sister of William and Frank, in hem 7th year. Rested at Northcutt & Smnith Funemal Home, 53 Division St., where service was held Wednesday, November 27th et 2:30 p.m. Interment Ebenez- er Cemetery. 48-1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F LAURA ISOBEL ALDWORTH, late of the Town of Bowrnunville, in the County of Durham, Widow, Deceased. wbo died ut Bowman- ville. on or about the 29th day of December, 1955, Intestute. The Trustee Act, R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others baving dlaims against the above estate are equimed to send particulars and full proof themeof to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of December, 1957, after whicb date the assets of tbe estate will be distributed hav- ing regard to the dlaims that have then been received. DATED at Bowvmanv'ille, On-,' tario, this l6th day of Novem- ber, 1957. Lawýrcncc C. Muson, 30 King St. West, Bowmunville, Ont., Solicitor for the Administrator. 47-3 Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Rest Home, New- castle, Ont. Phone 24». Ac- commodation for bed or Up patients at reasonable rates.j Ronald Fowlem. 48-1 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbours, re- organizations for flowers, cards, gifts and transportation for my wife. Special thanks to Doctors Gill, Ferguson, Austin, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital. Trewîn Scott. 48-1 I wish to thank ail my fam- ily, my dear neighbours, friends for the beautiful fiowers and cards I eceived while in hos- *tal.. A special thanks. to Dr. McKay, Dr. Sylvester and nurs- es. Ail have given me a new outlook on life. Mrs. Stan Hodgson. 48-11 Mere words are inadequate to express our gratitude. To each and everyone who bas helped us through these days of sor- row with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy and deeds of kindness, we can only say: "Thank You se mucb". Mrs. Wm. Milligan and family. 48.1* I would like to thank the nurs- es of Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvilie, and a special thanks to Dr. Hubbard for bis wondem- ful came and to my blood donors and to my two special nurses and tbank you toerny neighbours and friends for their kîndness when it was most needed. Mrs. Isabel Tomlinson. 48-1* I wish to thank the neighbours of Burketon for the rnuny acta of kindness shown during the sick- ness and passing of my husband, also Long Sault neighbours, Burketon Community, Bowman- ville Bridge Club, Board of Edu- cation, Toronto, for flowers and to the rnany friends wbo sent carda. Mrs. Raymnond DaveY and family, Burketon. 48-1 We wish to thunk our rela- tives, friends and neighbours for their muny acta of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown us during the ilîness and death of a beloved husband and fatj- er, alsn for the beautiful floralI tributes and cards. A special thanks to Drs. Baldwin, Granti and Stocks and the Lend-A-I Hand Grot4p. The family of the late Arthur J. Cook. 48-1 Meme words are inadequate to express our gratitude. To eucb and everynne wbo bas beiped us through these days of sormow, with beautiful flowers, words of sympatby und deeds of infinite kindness we can oniy suy tbank fYou so mnuch. We especially wish to thank the Rev. H. Turn- er for bis consoling words, also Dr. Ferguson, the nurses ut bas- pital and our neighbors for al their belp. Frank and Jimnmy Blunt. 48.1* Mortgages_ Morigage Funds AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY on three residential properties, $1,000, $2000 and $3,000 LEROY HAMILTOIN Orono 1 R 16 Articles for Sale CHEST of drawers. Phone MA 3-3581. 48-1 BABY'S rail sleigh. Phone MA 3-3131. 48-1 PIANO. Phone Oshawa RA 3-9926. 48-1 MIXED dry wood, $10 per cord. MA 3-2724. 48-1 'DRY stove woocl. Apply Nelson Robbins, Hampton. 46-3* 55 TONS dry field corn, $23 ton. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 48-2* 3-PIECE bedroom suite, in good condition. Phone MA 3-2843. DRY wood, one foot in length, $10 a load. Phone MA 3-2849. 48-2 CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, in good condition. Phone MA 3-3480. 48-1: FRESHLY kilied turkeys. Spec- iai quantity discounts. Phdhe MA 3-5616. 48-31 VArticles for Sale MAHOGANY dining room table six chairs. Phone MA 3-2083. 48-1 DOLL carrnage, very good con. dition. Phone MA 3-3400. QUANTITY of good quality baled hay and straw. Phone MA 3-2313. 48-: FRESH killed turkeys, order now for Christmas. Allan Mack. lin, MA 3-2202. 48-2 COLEMAN space heater, ches- terfield suite, very reasonable, Newcastle 3856. 48-1* WAXED table turnlps, $1.00 per bushel; also car trailer, ýPhone David Craig, MA 3-2086. 48-1 FUR coat, size eighteen, worr one season, hockey game, gooc condition, reasonable. Phone~ MA 3-3282. 48-1 ROTOR -TILLER with brand new motor. Apply Russell IMAN'S wintem overcoat, size 40, manville. -MA -589 4 in good condition. Just worna few times. Phone MA3-13 INTRODUCTORY OFFER - 48-1 Sealey mattresses, smooth top, extra firm, egular $69 for $49, SAVE on lumber, direct from iowem than Toronto prices. Two-i 'miii to you. Phillips Lumber piece chestemfields, $119. Tbmee- Co., Kinnuount. Ontario. Phone piece bedroom suite, $89. Pic- 17 r 11. l3tf tumes,. lamps. rugs, smokers, KEYScut utomticaly, hilmagazine racks, etc., catalogue KEY ct atoatcaiywble prices. Two years to pay. you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard-IMurphy Co., King St. W. 48.1* ware. 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf BARGAINS HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. fl rT RT MA Ph-one MvUrket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf CHRISTMAS gifts for evemy member of the family - Use our lay-away plan. Lander Hardware. 47-2 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and smaîl. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf FIGURE skates and tap shoes, botb size 3, also man's grey flan- nel smoking jacket, size 38, neyer worn. Phone MA 3-5275. 48-if 1 DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher fromn Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanvîlle. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing method, wîth rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Fr ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone ClarkeJ 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service, 'testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Litnited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf SAVE $10 for Christmas - Automatic pop-up toasters, iist price $24.95, whiie they last only $14.95. Use our lay-away plan now at Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. 48-1, ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e g i s t e r s, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office fumniture. New and used. Repairs to ail makes. Frank Office Equipment, 1 77 Cburch St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. 44-tf CHRISTMAS trees for sale, Scotch pine, assomted sizes, about 4,000. Sacrifice sale at 50e - $1.50 ýfor choice quality. AIl well sbaped and prîced below market. Corne early for best selection. Leroy Hamilton, gmower, Orono, 1 r 1q, 47-3 AFRICAN violets, to clear, 50c.! Ail varieties of prize-winning huouse plants: rose begonias, palmns, ferns, etc. Buy now for Christmas. Mrs. Abrams, 150 King St. East, Apt. 11, Don- caster Apartments. Phone MA 3-2843. 48-1 D ecorafing " For the Fiest Paints * For the Latest Papers " For the Best Workmanship S. G. Presfon & son Phones MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-tf YOUNG TURKEYS CHOICE MEATY BIRDS DRESSE» AND DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY MAPLE GROVE MA 3-5058 Booking orders for Christmas noNq. 47-tf TURKEYS - 48-1 FRESH KILLED j Noiceto Cediors Broad Breasted Bronze AN»ce oTHrES rs DRESSED AND DELIVERED jIN THE ESTATrE 0F LDIA Lymer's Turkey Farm MAUDECORY. late of the Town of Bowrnunville, in the ORDER NOW County of Durham, Widow. De- MAPLE GROVE MA 3-5049 ceased, who died at the Town 4- Tfhe TrsteleA, r.about 1950 3th day of August, 1957. ESS Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others buving1 lT dlaims against the ubove Estatel U LII are requured to send particulars and full proof thereof to the CT'IYr' IT undersîgned on or before the I ITOVL UJ.L 23md day of December, 19,57. 1 after wvhich date the assets ofi Automatjc Metéred the Estate will be distributecid -Hu Deliveryr Service having regard to the Will and the dlaims that bave then been H received. A. H. TTTDDOPt DATED ut Bowmanville, On- SN 1957., the 14th day of November, AND S N Lawrence C. Mason, IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER 30 King Street West, Bowmunville, Ont.. Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. Solicitor for the Executors.j BOWMANVILLE &_ - 47-31 guà-- 45-tf, A %J AL %Jà à L 6J J.1..1 b Corne ln and Look Around at MJLADY'S SHOPPE 71 KING ST. E. 48-1* TURKEYS Young, freshly kllled turkeys for Christmnas and New Year Cleaned and dclivere From 12 to 30 Ibs. URSAY, OV.2Oh,115 Work Wvarntea Auction- Sales Ra Estate for Sale Real Estate for. Sale work. Phone Oshawa RA 5-4065. JilVasdi by public auction the J sTI fi PîR 48-1 household ëffects of Percy Byers,18Kig PoetsSod - ______________69 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville,I 1 in t E. Bowrnanvllle Managed and Appraisel I SINGLE man wants farm work on Saturday, December 7th. A Phone MA 3-3230 f or any job. Phone MA 3-5749. list of articles in next week's When buying or seiing, giveL.M fi oq * ~~48-1* paper. No reserve as Mr. Byers us a cali wvith confidence. Ra saeBoe is giving up housekeeping. Sale, 48-11 Phone 2566 - Newcastle, ()nt. yBABY sitting, 5-day week, cap- atc 1:30 p.m. Cliff Pethick,- Two blocks north of traffie signal 4 bewm PoeM -81 Auctioneer. 48-1 McQuay and Kidd j Newcastle 5-tf -~ ~ ~~ ~4- RE1IHN untr n have been favoumed with REALTORS er uem REFINSHIN fuýitur andinstruction from the executors* Members Oshawa and District e rFdem 2 walltex spraying. Cail Georgelof the estate of the late Isabella1 Real Estate Board REAL ESTATE BROKER Vandemeent. MA 3-3075. 8-1 Oan to selI by public auction 9-room brick incorne home inl 35 acres with ( large brick -Jat licr late residence in the vil- Bowmanville S$12,000 with reas- ýhue an3 inhue PLUMBING. heating, eaves- lage of Bethany, Saturday, Dec. onabie down payment. housge.bamn 30 x 60, ehengue troughing: free estimates. Harvey 7, 1957, at 1 o'clock, household 1 We have other apartment jf or a bouse. 0Pamfner. Tyrone. MA 3-2240. furniture. Ternis cash. Real houses to choose from. A large. 10 acres with good brick 12-tf Estate on ternis. R. J. Payne,, selection of farms, homes, bus- bouse, good 'barn, garden soil. NEW piasterig and repaîs. _48-2___esses, acreages. etc. Wîlling to exchange for a bouse. NE______ inn rpafs WALTER FRANK Small bungalow for ol Stucco and cernent plastering. Auction sale of church build- 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 $2,100.00. Easy ternis. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke ing and shed, known as Bethe] Bowmanville For rent-12 acre farmn with 23 r 04. 144tf Church, Lot 1, Con. 3, Cart- 48-11I7 moom frame bouse, pressure CLEAN up and take away, wright Township. Church build-sytmoufnceba. *i whther it be backyard, garageîn aprxmty 30 24. H C Pew l 189 Seugog St. Bowmanvllle ior basement. Phone MArket Church sbed 30' x 20'. Build- .C Pd lCal! MA 3-3644 3-2849. 48-2 ings to be sold separately. Also REAL ESTATE BROKER 48-1 square piano, tables, pews, chair 160 acres Christmas tree land *ICONCRETE and mason work, and stove. Purchasers may have a11 cleamed ready for planting,Pe new or repair. Cbimneys, 90 days to remnove buildings only $32.00 per acre. This is a Peer Kowal 1 foundations, floors, walks, etc. fmom propemty. Terms cash. Salelfrare opporturnty. RA SAEBOE L. Turner. Telephone MAmket at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 7th.j 30 acres at clovemicaf on No. GENAL INSU RANCER 3-23. 1-f ot tmeofsae,10:00 a.m. 2 Higbway, aiso facing 401 High. 99 ing St. L. Bowrnanville - - Ted Jackson, auctioneer. For1 way. Good barn, new bouse, Telephone MA 3-5868 .POSITION as companion-light further particuiars contact Rev.,sorne orchard. $ 16,000 with Box 817 housekeeper, to elderly person. Geo. C. McQuade, Mr. Ivan Law, 1$3,00() down. Easy ternis on Write Advertiser 749, c/o Canad- Whi*tby; or Mr. R. J. Harper, balance. Salesman - J1. A. Barton ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Port Perry, Oshawa Presbyteryi New 5 room bouse with furn-MA309 Bowmanville. 4- of the United Church. 48-2 ace and bath, east of Newcastle. $,0.0dw iimv o WILLmak dois'cloteslades'$1,000 down or would consider rigbt in to a 3 bedroom bunga- apLmos if orderced nowdifor Auction Sale of fumniture on a good car as down payment. ilow. Large living-room, nce Christmas. Also hassocks, any Satumday, November 3th, ait We have a number of good bright kitchen. Laundry tubs. colour, $4.95 up. Kitchien chairs Petbick's Auction Shed, Enni- farms, small acmeages and bous- jOul heating. Tuie floors. Ful re-coered Phoe MA3-32909.J skillen. *200 gallon oil tank, 45 es with iow down payments. asking price only $9,500.00. re-covallon.oPhone MAl, elgailoewash- Mnytola.Here is distinction at a mod- 7-2 oubarrl, lectic oneyto an.erate cost. Beautiful 3 bedroom ing machine, studio couch and Phone Newcastle 3856 new bungalow built on a large chair, 3 sewing machines, 3 4- 'Plastering nepairs beds, five-piece bedroom suite, 4- design. Large living-room, din- dinette suit, like new; kitchen i L ng-room, modemn kitchen with QUICK SERVICE chis xeso tbe ok eask neal Estaie servîng counter. Forced air STCC NDN WWOK caretnintb,2rok heating with gas. Only $3,500.00 STUCCOAND NE 1 ORK ing chairs, kitchen cabinet, 6ro ý'soe oso ilmv o nfrCrsms quantity dishes, 2 Findlay Oval 6coreo t orey bros, n will mve o in re Crit R. L. TAFT cook stoves, Quaker oilbe u ll corerl 7,500bedroo 2,00e0 Four ra~onere InNewtonvilles 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 with fan, folding cot. These are cash. No. 1-5 rooms, insul brick cot. 6-ff only a few of the articles for 6 room brick bouse, full base- tage with attached garage. that piece of fumnitume that you ment, 4 bedrooms, low taxes. $ 5,500-00 - $1,000.00 down. Roomn and Board rrant! Come to Pethick's Auc- Ternis. Central.1 No. 2-4 rooms, attached gae ____________________ Shed this weekend. Temms 5 room new brick bungalow, rage. $5,500.00 - $1,000.00 down. [WUDsae oeo o cash. Sale at 1:30. Clifford 13 bedom,4peebt, newi No. 3-3 rooms, imitation brick WOL hr oeo ard, Pethick, Auctioneer. 48-1 droos,4-pec b i auoe arge. immeaîate pos- 'session. $11,000. Terms. 8 room corner bouse. May be bought witb extra lot. 4 bed- rooms, iow taxes. Immediate' possession. Owner leaving town and must selI. We bave two good business locations on King St. If inter- ested coma, in and talk it over. List witb Leask M. E. LEASK. BROKER 65 Ontario St. Bowrnanville MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 48-1 a reiretcopetbn o10r-il C. Borek Turkey Rancuhjhome. Phonfi.e Btalu 0--i MA 3-2936 HAMPTON1 48- (1/ Mile East of New Sehool) Wanted to Buy 48-4 ______________ - PORTABLE circular saw. Phori p 1L MA 3-2091. 48- re-dIlsias WANTED - Good used car,$1 S PEIALScash. Platt, c/o Carlius Dick PART' DRESSES YEARLING Jersey heifers, oper Aeglo $3.0( at $2.00 Witadten , c/ox 19a Reglar $35.0 at $2.00 i tedeser 5, c/ oxCana CRINOLINES <Hooped) Bowmanville. 48-1 $12-95 at $10.0 HIGHEST prices paid for liv $10.95 at $8.75 'Poultry, goose feathers, feathe tcsscrap iron, rags, metai 20% Diiscount anra w fuma. Phone RA 3-204 on fnllnwinz Oshawa, collect. 48-t LADIES' HALF-SIZE CREPE DRESSES MISSES' "After 5" DRESSES SKIRTS AND BLOUSES TARTAN SLACKS ;Free Nylons 'WITH EVERY HAT PURCHASED AT MILADY'S SHOPPE 71 KING ST. E. 48-1 CLEARANCE 0F USED HEATING EQUIPMENT Gas and 011 Sipace Heaters Soft Coal Stokers i-24" Anthes Coal Furnace 1velY large Coal Furnace wlth Stoker Equiprnent -20"' ail steel Furnace with Oil Burner, Controls, 011 Tank 1 - Oil-flred Floor Furnace five rooni size Furnace Fans 200 Gallon 011 Tanks I ( ILivestock for Sale 16 GOOD piga. Phone Clarke 4130. 48-1 EIGHT Muscovy ducks. Phone fMA 3-2350. 48-1 PUREBRED Yorkshire boums, service age. James T. Brown, INewcastle. 48-1 PUREBRED Holstein Friesian Second Caîf Heifer with two yeam record not yet official of 10,248 rnilk, average test 4.26. Due first week of December to Almerson Sovereign Suprerne. Darn Record 16,1185 milk, 626 fat, test 3.87; Sire's Dam Record -10,041 milk, 874 fat, 4.36 test. H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville, Ont. 48.1* Pets f or Sale ONE hound, seven months aId, running. Phone MA 3-5478. 48-1' YOUNG female beagle, gond for rabbits. Reasonable. Apply 1871 King St. E., Bowmanville. 48-11 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel 1 pups, megistered. Good hunting dogs and pets. Reasonable for quick sale. MA 3-2410. 48-1 ALL kinds of live poultry wanl ed. Top Toronto prices paid a your door for large or smal quatites.We have our 0Wi market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.IR 1. Phone collect to Bethan, 7 r 13. 29-4 For Rent. TWO rooms at 112 Ontario St 48-11 SMALL bouse on paved road Phone MA 3-2904. 48-1 DOUBLE brick house on high way east of Newtonville. Phone Clarke 3124. 48-I. HOUSE with two rooms, $35.0( per month, immediate possession, Phone Oshawa RAndoiph 5-1594. 48-J APARTMENT - in Newcastle, electric range, garage, garden, private entrance. Phone New- castle 3231. 48-1 THREZ rooms and bath, modern heated apartment; aduits only. Jan. 1. $65. Dial MA 3-3810 or Oshawa RA 3-3972. 48-tf THREE-roomn downstair apart- ment with laundry room, two- piece bath and hot water tank, 78 King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone Oshawa RA 3-3559 or 41 Athol St. E., Oshawa. 481* DOWNSTAIRS heated 3-roomed apartment with kitchenette and bath, buiît-in cupboards, hot and cold water, heavy wiring, centraiiy located. Rent $70.00. Available immediately. Phone 3-5277. 47-tf SMALL house suitable for couple on]y, centrally 1octed, ail conveniences with heavy wir- ing. Immediate possession. Write Advertiser 752 c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box EIGHT room brick country home in the Town of Bowman- ville bas ail city conveniences plus hardwood floors, natural fireplace, built-in cupboards, two-cam garage and oul heat. 1Will ent for $75 a month to me- sponsible family. Phone Whitby MO 8-3920. 48-1 Lost WILL the person who borrowed my pipe cutters and dies please return them. H. J. Brooks. 48-1*! ONE black Holstein heifer year and haif old. Anyone who bhas seen hem all Melville Taylr. Orono 1 r B. 48-1 Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and dellvery. Lorne Doreen. 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gZon Electric Limited, 42 King St.J E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-U fle 2. ne 0 k- I0, 'r chalânge bis nuame to Robert Sam' Daimy farm witb 95 acres of Is Diamond and the application of choice land, aIl workable, sit- 3 Êdith Mae Bibby to change hem uated 5 miles frorn Oshawa, tf nume to Edith Mae Diamond large 100' x 48' bank humn with - will be made on Wednesday theI water bowls, implement sbed, - 8th day of Januury A.D. 1958, liben bouse, 2 silos; 8 roomed t at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon bouse in excellent repair. Price Ibefore Hîs Honour Judge Miller and terms armanged. nin Chambers at the Court House, 107 acre farrn, sandy loam ~Cobourg. Onýtario. with 65 acres wvorkable, 25 acres YV DATED ut Oshawa this 2tb ,in valuable wood, 55' x 35' bank tf day of November A.D. 1957. barn with attachînent, imple- -GREER AND KELLY, 71îz Sim- ment shed, hen bouse: 10 room- coe St. S., Oshawu, Ontario, ed brick bouse with running Solicitor for the 'applicants. water, bydro. Asking $10,000 47-3 witb ternis arrunged. * ______17 acre property on bigbway in Newcastle with 8 acres of Or young orchard, creek, barn, double garage; 6 roorned brick 1. borne with 4-piece bath, modemn e kitchen with built-in cupboards,, oul fumnuce, hardwood and tile f floors, electric water heater. 0 Price and terms arranged. THE NOVEMBER MEETING 200 acre general furm with 75 I acres workabie clay-loam land, OF THE 110 acres wood, creek, 10 years - Id barn, implement shed, hben Darlingfon Towns hip hue i es j g bose, ig pnsgarage; 8 room- ed brick bouse witb bardwood Planning Board floors, beavy duty wired. Price1 $11,000 with ternms arrunged. liAS BEEN POSTPONED TO 50 acre farrn, 45 acres work- Th urday, ec. 5 ble,~ creek, large bank barn Sat 8 p.m. ed stone bouse with fumnace, f.E UDE heuvy duty wired. Including1 W. eeretaryE new tractor, plow. manume 484etry spreader and cultivator. Price1 481$',0 witb terms arranged. 6roomed brick bungalow on Help W anted good size lot witb oil fumnace, 4-5 puece bath, modemn kitchen witb LABORERS and carpenters for built-in cupboards, and running fomm work. Appiy Looby Con- b ot and cold watem, pucture struction, Newcustle. 48.1* wi.ndow, full basement. Asking tyigprice $11,500 with easy terms. OFFICE clerk, female, tpn 6 roomed brick bungalow witb essential, five-day week. Apply with 4-piece bath, bardwood Bowrnanviiie Foundry. 48-1* and tile floors, modemn kitchen1J CLARKE Township School ArealIwith built-in cupoards, oill requmes Seretay. Aplyfumnace, running bot and cold i giving qualifictnasîary Apl aterfull basement. Price giin qaifcain ndsar $0B0 with terms arranged. expected to Mrs. Alma I. Bowen, 6 ore nuae rm j Orno. 8.1home in Newcastle on 1 acre lo ELDERLY lady or couple to witb oil fumnace, 4-picce bathi,1. came for invalid man for free running bot and colcî water, furnisbed borne in village. Tele- bardwood and tile floors, s torms1 phone MA 3-2123, Bowmanville. and screens. Asking price $9,5001 48.1* with $2,000 clown. - 5 roomed frame bungalow in HERE is your opportunîty. Good Bowmanville witb running wat- .1. jRawegh business now available er, toilet, beavy duty wired '*: iDuhum Co. and Bowman- Good size lot. Asking pruce ville. Write for information. $4.500 with terms arranged. 1 Rawieigh's Dept. L-140-922, 4005 5 roomed, nearly new. solid Richelieu, Montreul, Que. 48-1 built brick bungalow, ncarly in centre of Bowmanville witb NEED EXTRA MONEY? hurdwood and tile floors, 4-picce y $50 weekly possible. We need bath, oil furnace, modemn kitch-j4, women to sew ready-cut bAb en with built-in cupbo)amds and . shoes spure tîme at borne! As running bot and cold water, 4> men or women to address en- laundry tubs, storins and screens. velopes and prepare letters for Brick garage. Price $13,0 mauiling. Simple, easy, profit- iwuih easy terms arranged. able homework. For informia- Bsce bvemnîndw tion send a stamped, addressed have approximnatel.y 200 more -> envelope to: Sheppard Agencies, properties to hoosce from. - 693X Cordova St., Winnipeg 9, Contact Man.46-4 John F. De Wilh Notices Dr. L. S. Mikios, Newcastle, will be absent from bis office from December 2nd to 6th in- clusive. 48-1 There is no finer present for Christmnas than a spoken letter for your relatives overseas. For ail your recordings Phone T. Arends, MA 3-3058. 48.3*1 CHANGE 0F NAME ACT, 1950 TAKE NOTICE that the appli- Cars for Sale L USED Car-s-1956 Meteor 4-door, radio, low mileuge. $1,79-; 19-4 Ford 2-door, windshield wuashem, signal lights, new tires, new paint job, $1,325; 1950 Pontiac 4- door $595, 1949 Pontiac 4-door witb radio, $17,5 at Cowan Equiprnent Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmunville. Phone MA 3-5689.j 48-1 iteaitor and L.eneralIinsurance Newcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen:ýf Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanville!4 31A 3-3950 Mrs. Jean WVoolner, Hampton de '.NA 3-2175 Daniel Boehm - Canton :4o Phone Welcome 2328 >, ,i: 48-119 on concrete foundation. $3,500.00 -$1,000 down. No. 4-3 rooms, full basemenit, $3,1011*00 - $11,000.00 down. 4- In Mem48ia IALMOND-In loving memory o0f our darling son Tomrýwphc, was taken away Novemibr 27. 1956. eThe depth of sorrow we o0*0t tell, 0 f the loss of one we loved so well And while he leeps a peaefu, sleep l His memry keep. oyw -Forever loved and reme mbti ed by Mummy and Daddy. GREER-In mernory of Robert Greer who passed awuy Novem. ber 30, 1952. We often think of bygone days Wben we were ail together, Thé fumily chain is broken now, But memomies will live forever. To us, they have not gone away, Nor have they travelled far, Just entered God's etemnal home And left the gate ajar. -Lovingly memernbered by Sist- er Emma and Farnuly. 48.1' HARRIS-In loving mernory et our dear son, Russell Harris, wbo passed away Nov. 25th, 1955: A sulent' thought, a secret tear Keeps bis memory ever dear; Tirne takes away the edge of grief But rnemory turns back every leaf. -Sadly mîssed by mother, father and brother. 48-1' MOFFATT-In Ioving memory of my husband Andrew Moffatt who passed away Nov. 26, 1952, at Mimico. May the thougbts I give to youI As the long days go by, Thinking of the things we used to do, and say, Just you and I! Sometimes tbey make me smile or cry, But tbey are precious to me ulone, Mem ories of you and If -Lovingly remembered by wife Vera. 48-10 >The Canadian Statesman 4 wCLASSIFIED SADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE 4 LIVESTOCE FOR BALES SFOR RENT ' HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE 4 LOST .roux» - ETC. ' ~ ash Rate * 4o pet wotd 4 wth a minimum ofI Oc 4 Muet ba paid by date, of insertion. 4 SIl chargod. an additional 25C wîIlib. added. A char?,: af 25e wiil b. made oi A.- 11rep a ies rected ta thlmoffice. * NOTICES .- J,<J3< £VENTS * AND CARDS OF TItANES 4cetc word with a minimum ci C. 31.00 ter 2,5 vards or lesa. ERTES ENGAGEMENTS * MARRIAGES - DEATES $ 1.00 par Insertion IN MEMORJANS $1.00 plus lOc a lino toi verta Diaplay Ciassified at 1.50 , inch with a minimum of oua Addulknai insertions authatâte *Ait lassda.dAds muni in/a i fica net later hc 12 o'ciack naon. Weduuesday. Sand cash, stamps or money ordax anid save monsy. * C lp this out for handy rtaranc OFFICE HOUES Mlonday lhzougb Frlday > 8:30 au. le 5 P.m. Saturdcay S:30 a.m. to" 12 Noon Dial MAxket 3.3303 foi Classiied Ad Srvica A. E. COLE PLUMBING and HEATING 55 King St. W.. MA 1-3348 Bowmanvllle 48-1 mom- Il 1 9

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