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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1957, p. 18

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m VGHTEZN ______ ~ANAfl!AW RA9'F~eIRAW UfW~lA~ 1rn ~ A ~ N V 4éd,&é~I ~J~1 .LjLKLL~J LatesflIformation on Aicho ho I and Narcotics Discussed at W.C.T.U. Newcastle: The egulan meet- .by the members to withdravi iniz of the Womans Christian, the Decemben meeting and Temperance Union was held in Mrs. E. Hoar and Mrs. C. Car- the Board Room of the New- veth %vere appointed as pro- castle United Church on Thurs- gramn commitîce for the Jan- day afternoon with President uarv meeting.- Mrs. T. G. Sowden presiding. Reporting for "The Listeninc The opening hymn. "Let the ipost,- Miss Ferguson stated hcaut.v of Jesîîs be seen in me." tht Mafleest, a huer stibsti- ,as iuiuJwed bv xthe L.ord'S Praver and the Pledge repeat- rcd in unison. It was clecidf-d Belore you put those policies in "Cold storage" bAesur your property's fully protected It pays to knoîv that the insurance yoti carry on 3'our car and home gives you the protection you need. Read your policies carefully before you put them away. If there's any- thing you don't under- stand, bing them to us for expert reviexv and cocinsel. We'll be glad to answer ail, 13our questions. STUART R. JAMES INS URANCE Office MA 3-5681 Ring Street E. REAI, ESTATE1 Residence1 MA 3-54931 Bowmanville Free! N ove mber Wedding in Trinity tute ssidtvona aprx bride was guest of honour at a itei one haif of one per number of events. A shower cent alconol content. She said \vas held at the Cnooked Creek the~ manuîfacturers- have con- school on Sept. 27 when fniends ferred vith Mr. Collings. cl:cf gathered and presented the commissioner of the . LiquoIr bride-to-be with many beauti- Control Board and have areed flit to wýithdrav%,the sale ofE ther , fu , GeogeFnsy n Ms produet until the Legislature Alb eorere stessesd at lias bcd an opportunitY ov CaresAlin ee otsss ruisider d amcndnient, a imiscellaneous shower at the Ioth Lîor ontr ctaiormer s home iw'hlen a number to 1w iqor ontolActat ~of friends w.ere pýýesent. Foil- owinq the nehearsal on Fridav Sh.e stated the Ontario Tcrn-~' evcning, Oct. 1l, the bridaI par- percce F craton hdad Son Iv was ententained at the home Boothd anAleohonteducioal of Mi'. and Mrs. Charles Aibin, Bouh a th Iteratinal' ~31 Libertyv St., Bowmanville. P 1o % Pwn PMatch ai Sinicu ________________ Ont.. tb s vear and t bat soirî 5,2001 people lhad wîvtncssed the filin Alcohiol is Dynarnite" u, tiii exhbitEvening 0f Duri ng the xvorship service i t e r e Mrs. Harrv Pearce rvad the tt r hs Chlias. Cowan favoured lte Mr. and Mrs. Don;ald McG.,,-rc-gor cut the weddî'in 5 ;gruup with a piano solo. -B, cake at the reception which followed their marriagye in'1 lite tro Minnetonk a. aid Trinity United,Çhurch, Bowmanville, on Satunday, Nov. q. New~castle: A vcry pleasant a vocal solo, "The Churcb is1i The bride svas formcrly Miss Phyllis Robina Craig, daught- gaine of 'Military Whist" was of Eng-land". ci' of M\r. and Mrs. John Craig of Perth, Newv Brunswick. enioyed bv those present in St. as aThesclionheewfour ofnthe The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGregor. George's Parish Hall on the, miembers on -Nar cotics' brio- -Photo by Rehder eeigo oene 9h ing out the following faci's, There were nine tables of Narcoties addiction is a d1- ggg players participating with the sesnta habit. There arec ar .,>A. i h r- table of Mns. We. H. inad .5.000 known addiets in Canada, M II IYO1Jd 'in a l rve II'JIcII er playens winning the great- 1,000 of which are in O ntario. est number of flags. Other The embrs ere nfoin-j Iplayers aI the winning table ed, a Drug Addict Clinie bias ~ being Mrs. Watker, Mrs. C. R. been opened adjacent to the t~Canveth and Mrs. Codfney, A. C. Brown, Memonial Clinie each of whom reeeived pnizes. for Alcoliolies at Mimico with Consolation prizes wene also present accommodation for 25 presented to the four pla 'versi patients. It was explained tbat at the losing table, Mr. and, when a person is discharged Mrs. Wilson, Miss Dalton andi from Ibhis chie he is assisted Ms Melntosh'. The Master of in finding a job and is request-j Ceremonies, who ably direeted ed to make voluntany reports the moves from table to table, to the clinic.j I was Mrs. Marshall Pickering.' During the meeting the la- A draw wvas made foth dies were favouned with piano linen tea cloth donated bv Freds GrahanetGraham and - Mrs. Thomas Spencer with1 0. r J T P (,,,,,,irgahn,,, e'n the lucky winner. At the conlusion of th game refneshmnents o! sand- jwiches, doughnuts and coffee wene senved by the commiîtee in charge. Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-29)9 Vigor Standard 1 Giasoline 31 GAL. Including tax Vigor SuperA 9 GAL. High Test 43lU OlOcleuding tax Coinplete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Pictured following their wedding which took place in Maple Grove United Churchi on Saturday, Oct. 12, are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stanley Woolner. The bride is the daughter of Mr. H. Armstrong of Maple Grove and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolner, Bow- manville. The couple will reside in Bowmanville. -Photo by Ireland Studio BARRETT LEIGHTON PARROW - ALBIN The nai'ria'e took place in1 Standards o! white and yel- London, Ontario, of Miss Bar- low chrysanthemuins fonmed 1 bara Joarine Leighton, daugh- the setting for the marniage in terof oNlr. and Mns. John Wil- the Salvation Army Citadel cni lanLeigitton o London, to Mr. Saîurday Oct. 12, of Hannab I Ralpli Egerton Barrett, son of Sophia. Albin and Arthur Ja- Mrs. Barrett and the late Rex'. cob Farrow. i Charles W'esley Barnett o!f h rd sth agtro Brightton, Ontario. The cere- TMn.bandeMis tieliason Abin inotiv was performed in St.Mran s.WlimoAbn Paul's Cathedral by the Vrny and the groom is the son of iRev. R. Charles Brown, Dear, i nlMs Hre arw loiHurona il of R. R. 1, Newtonville. e Huom wl knn nCaptain Norman Çoles officiat- The roo is ellknnw ined. Bownianville being nrcountant at he ankof Montreal hene Mrs. Ross Hallowell playedi for several years. the wedding music and- accorn- Givenin mrriae byher anied the soloist Miss Heatheri father, flite bride wore a'floor- Hoebwbo sang "Bless This, length gown of lotus-white silk Hue and "Because". ftile. the p-rince.-,- bodice fcsh- The bride's brother, Mn.i ioncd wîtb a low V neckline off- Charles Aibin, gave ber in set bv a bertita coliar ovorlaid manniage. She ,vore a floon i vith lace motifs flecked %vith length gown o! nylon tulle opalescent sequins. The multi- aven bridaI satin. The fitted patielled skîrt xvas sbowered bodice o! lace oven satin fea- with similar motifs and endedi tured a square neekline and the i in a full sweep, and a match- waislline was accented by' twol ing crown edged with seed rows o! lace. The long sleevec pearls held ben illusion x'eil. were of lace. The full skimt She carrîed a cascade bouquet ended in a short train. A crown of mauve orcbids and chrysan- o! peanîs and sequins beld her themums. jfingentip veil o! tulle illusion H-er sisten. Mns. L. W. Holmes, and she carried a cascade of attended ber as matron of hon- red roses and white pinochicu or', vearing a wvaitts-lenigth murs trock ut royal blue satin, the Mns. Charles Albin .v'as nma- 1 paiieled pi.incess skirt flaningl tron of bonour and Miss Don-i toito bouffant folds, the waist- I een Albin and Mrs. Albert AI- line inarked bv a folded sashl bin were bridesmnaids. AIl worei u-li;ch leil in streamers to thej identicallv stYled waltz length back, hernlîne. She wxore ai dresses o! royal blue crvstal- n wa,,:hii-îg reather bandeau in ielle fashioned with low neck- bei' hait' and carried an ah. j lines and cap sleeves, and full whbite bouquet cenîred with gored skirts with a bow at thne g a rcnias. back. Matching mittens and The groom's brotien, Mn. Gon- semi-hats completed their cos - don Barr'ett o! Toronto, xvas the turnes. The. matron o! honour he~inan. anid the uishe's .vere carried a cascade of vellov., M.C. O. lHurlv o! Windsor, and 'mums and pink ca-nations and Nl ýc ardinier of Toronto. *hP hrîdesmaîdsz' îlox crs wvere Vrllo\wîrnz 1 motor trip the ve'llox and white 'munis. coupe wluL ve i.n Toron to. _ Mr-. Brenton Farrow waa beàt The Orono News Telephone 127 man and ushers were Mr. Al- bert Aibin and Mr. Christo- pher Aibin, brothers of the bride.1 A reception was held in the! Legion 14all, the bride's moth- I er weaming a dusty rose crepe 1 dress with navy accessories. The groom's mother was in mid-blue with beige accessomies. 1Each wore a corsage of white ' mums. 1For their wedding trip to Buffalo. N.Y., the bride donned a gold sheath dress with brown accessories and corsage of bro-1 nze 'mrns. Mr. and Mrs. Far- row will reside at R.R. 1, New-1 tonville.1 jSympathy is extended to Mns. Talber t Findlay and family. Thornhill, on the passing o! her husband. Several relatives and fî'ien ds visited the funeral home on Sunday* and attended the funeral.on Monday. Cobntuaton to Mr. M. DuyNov.2, a surprise birtbday partv xvas given him, when Mn. and Mrs. M. Polin- ski, Mr. and Mrs. E. Oleski, Osh;awa, werc present. Mn. and Mrs. Peter Dubyk and lamily, Oshawa, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Du- by k. Mrs. Fr'ank Werry etunned home a fIer spending over a week with her sisten, Mrs. C. P. May, Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Doug- las, and Cecile, xisited ivIr. and Mrs. G. Willis, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy and family, Mrs. Edith Mur- iphy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaac -Murphy, Toronto, on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. H. Philp and Miss Jean Philp, visited Mn. and Mrs. G. Philp, Morganstqn. Mn. and Mns. John Beckett, Scugog Island; Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and children, Enniskillcn, were Sunday vis- itors o! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread. Mrs. F. G. Andrews, Tononto; Mrs. C. F. Awde, Mn. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Onono, were Mondav visitons o! Mn. and Mrs. F. Wenry. Mn. and Mrs. John Broome and childncn visited bis father. Mn. Dav'id Broome. xvho is a 'patient iin Hamilton Genenal Hospital after being hit by a car. Mn. and Mrs. G.' Beckett, Oshawa, and Mn. Oliver Hold- stock, who is in the Navy at Dartmouth,. NS., visited Mn. O. Beckett and Miss Anvilla Beck- ett. Mn. and Mns. L. Phare visit- ed Mrs. B. Kilpatrick and George, o! Pont Penny. Interested NEW Senso -Therm turner GREATEST ADVANCE SINCE AUTOMATIC OVENS! Only McClary has ft ... the new Senso-Therm Burner that gives you automatic heat contrai on your Reg. Sutton. Mms. D. N. Myles returned home Sunday aften three weeks' illness at the home of ber son, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Myles, Whitby. Mrs. Lloyd Ewing, Toronto, spent the weekend with her mother. Mns. C. S. McLaren. Mr. anc1ý Mrs. Tom Lewis spent the weekend with her sister. Mr. and Mm.. Ralph Thompson, Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. Don- ald Staples. having one of his art exhibits chosen for the traà- velling Art Show at the ex- hibit held in Bowmanville. Mns. Ethel Payvne, Port Hope, visîted Mr. and Mms. Cecil Jones on Wednesday and at- tended the funenal of Mms. Chas. Bebee. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller at- tended the turkey supper Fmi- day at Pontypool United .WlIDEMAN'S Ladies' Wear 48 King St. E. Bowmanville NOVEMBER Dress Clearance In TM CANADIM STATESMAN. nvgmAinTn ',-, Regular to $29.95. e' TO CLEARI $1095 $1295 $1495 Natural Gas?7 Enjoy Care Free Cooki with these McClary Natural -*Gas Stove Features range top - where 80% ni your cooklng Is donet By signalling a hidden thermostate, McClary Senso- Therm brings your utensil to the desired heat, then automatically keeps it at that temperature - even if you add cold water! Fats won't smoke. Foods woh't scorch. Yes, every utensil becomnes automatic, thanks ta this exclusive McClary miracle! McClary Miracle Oven . NEVER A FLAT CA KE OR BURNT COOJKIE! Acclaimed Canada's most efficient oven by leading test kitchens. Yes, top to bottorn, back to front - you get balanced heat in every corner of this McClary Miracle Oven.- And look at the size of it .' . a 20" Broadway Oven in Styline and Superline models, a 25" Double-Roaster Oven in the Space-saver ]ine. Cleaning is easier-than- ever too, because the entire oven can be stripped bare in only 12 seconds. EXCLUSIVE! TRERMO-MATIC - -COOKING TIMER '-. Wold's easiest-to-use auto- niatic timer! No complicated fussing to get the exact cook- ing timne you want. Automat- ically turns oven on for caoking period then turns it of! whAn nieal i. done. Inrludes Minute Timer, accurate to the second fao- priods of one minute to an hour. CENTRE-SIMMER EURNERS Actually two bunners in one! The centre section supplies a low. keep-wanm flamne . .. the outen ring îights when you tun up the gas, for a fulîl, intense heat. Full control froin iiniest flame to full heat: MICRO-LITE PILOTS Now a pilot light for each burnený McClary Micro-Lite ignites the humer instantly... and these four tiny flames actually use lemi fuel than the old-fashioned single pilot light! Also Automatie Oven Itnition at the tunn o! your dial, with 1001, safet.y shut-off. onîy McCLARY protects you with this complete 3myear guarantee! Whatever McClary Range you choose-whatever dealer you buy it from - General Steel Wares LimiLe proteets you with a full three-year written guarantee against defects in warkmanshîp and materials. T warranty civers the complete range - s'es, even the special-formula porcelain enamel produced by GS W in its own plants! And remember, McClary is the only range manufacturer that gives you this assurance extra proof of quality. SEE THESE STOVES ON DISPLAY AT A.E. 55 King St. W. COLE, Phono MA 3m3348 New 195 8 Rogers Majestic Te levis ion Picture Compensation contro! NIhFIdelity INound Ail oliannel TYIIand VHF reception Model .7730 Superbly crafted cabinet wjith deep lustrous wood finish Big 21-lnch wide angle aluniinizecl picture tub4 See- this and many other models from $259 AT Mason &--Dale' Hardware Limited MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King Si. E. Mrs. Perc. Lunn left Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. H. R. Phillips, Lubbock, Texas. Mrs. Frank Ardron and son Allan. Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hancock, Helen and Peggy, visited Sat- urday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Farrow, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. '1 TYRONE ý MgHTEnt -- - ý TRURSDA. NOV. tt. Ion Congratulations ta Mr. and, Mrs. Chas. Huttori the former Jo Anne Cornish on the. birth of their son. Nov. 24th at Merq. orial Hqtqptal, _Bowmanville. Mrs. Laura Cooper spent Tuesday with Mns. George Morton.~ Mr .and Mrs. Glenn iWiggmna and family, Don MilîS: . and Mrs. Alan Strike and Wamily Bowmanville. visited M.andi Mrs. M. H. Staples. Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey and Wayne. Tyrone, ipent Sun. day with Mr. and Mms., Chas. Wood. Mrs. McHolm vs.Mu Wmn Uglow, Newton Mr. and Mrs. Hunte*pi Perry, Mr. and Mmi Glenn Tennent, -Blackstock. visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn. Mr. Stanley Staples. Bidloss, .Alberta. visited his cousin, Min$ Bertha Cain.*"% Congratulations to Mr., and Mrs. H. Edward Milîson on the birth of their daughter, Ca. therine Leigh on Saturday, November 23rd. at Oshawj& General Hospital-a uister for Ellen Elizabeth. Mrs. E. H. Samuel and in.-, fant daughter arrived home 0115 Tuesday from new Mount si. - - 1 qb-D

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