"Durham Counly's Creat Family Journal" VOLUME 103 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1957 10o PER COPYNMBR4 ,!fill Residents lnvited To Officiai Opening o Enlarged High School Anothen chapten in the bis- was erected and the aid tom tory off Bowmanviihe High disappeared. Scbool begins tonigbt witb the In Januamy, 1951, B.H.S.1 official opening cenemonies for came part off Durham Distr the new additions cofstructed High Schooi Area. Increas over the past thmee years. attendance and the introdi Residerîts off Bowmanville tion off vaniaus kinds of slh and district are invited ta at- work and home econom tend when they will bave an made additional space necý oppartunity ta tour the îchool, sary in 1954. A caffeteria %% and lunch wili be served in included. In 1955 it was fou. the caffeteria. A short prognam that this space would bei will be beld first in the new sufficient within three yea gymnasiumn when Dr. C. F. and an addition ta the additii Cannon, Chief Director off was authorized ta providef Education for Ontario, and expected increase in pupils. othens will speak. second storey was added The bistory off a high scbool give this extra accommodatii on this site on Queen Street and it was estimated th begins with the erectian of $10.000 wvouid be saved1 the building with the tawer ti daing the work at that time. 189, o whch anygraduates Total amaunt ta be paid have fond memories. Its erec- shae is $458.886.9BrandfsixdH tion was made necessary foi- cent off$t5is8figurend2six032 lowing the fine which destray-ceto hsfgr,$753' ed the aId Union Scbool in wilh be paid ta the architei 187, stutedwhee entalJohn B. Parkin Associat( Public Scbool naw stands. Bwavlesprina r cnt is set at 24% aver: It is înteresting ta note that yeams, but this may be chan, a numben off taxpayers appas- ed in 1958 as the percental ed the building off a sersarate portions for each participatir high sebool at that time, but as municipaîity were set in 19 the law no longer alaowed the for a period off five years. Wh united public and high schools each municipality shouhd p. in ane building, and classes was amived at by a Board were being carried on in the Arbitration made up off t] mneantime under poor candi- assessors and the Counties' a tions . in churches and o ther sessar. auditoriums, a new building Municipalities in the Duý was a necessity. bam District .High School Art This building cantinued ta are the townships off Darhinj serve bigh school students ton. Hope, Clarke, part off C, until 1929 wben an addition at van; Newcastle, Millbro the front cantaining a gym- Bowmanviîle and Port Rapý inasium, assembly hall, commer- Present rate for Darlington icial, science and class rooms 16 per cent. Ray Dudley Delighfs Peterboro A udience Ray Dudley delighted an au- The enthusiastic audienc dience off around 600 ini Peter- brought Ray back for thre borough on Monday night. The encores. These were delightfu' concert was the annuai event Scarlatti Sonata, the Thir, iîo,ý"ed by the University Etude by Chopin and Waltz il ja ,'; lub off Peterborough E. Minor by Chopin. an4~Aýè held in the auditorium The large audience left thi of-MPerborough Collegiate and auditorium richly satisffied af Vocatianai School. A number ter a wonderful evening ai mu frorn Bowmanville were pres- sic by a young artist who haý ýnt. been justly acclaimed in Can. 1-.. ~layed a varied program j ada, the United States, Grea, à his powel off Britain and Europe. an ability in inter- Before returning to the Un. 5 ton Fh mi or a iversity off Indiana where he i. Schumeann's Fantasia. Op. 17 in teaching in addition ta his con. threç movements. The Peter- cert work, Ray will be guesi boroÙgh Examiner said off it, artist with the CBC SymphonN "Perhaps his finest moment Orchestra on Monday evening was the climax off the second Dec. 2, on radio station CBL inoverrnent which cails for con- He will alsa ive a recital ir trol QI 'a huge volume off tone, Eaton Auditorium on Thursdas and 1cr the greatest energy afternoon, Dec. 5 under the off éxecution." auspices off the Toronto Wom- The Examiner feit the more en's Music Club. Seats are Ioetic passages were nlot quite available. as successfful, but praised Ray Prier ta his concert in Peter- as a pianist off individuality and borough, he was interviewed great expressive power. Peter- on the Peterborough TV sta- borough is following his career tion. with the greatest interest and At the close off the concert, goodwill. the University Women's Club The audience enjoyed the had arranged a reception at the : musing Paper Doîl, Rag Doil Y.W.C.A. Many had the oppar- nd Punch from the Villa-La- tunity here off meeting Ray bas' st;ite, and were thrilled by and chatting ýwith him infor. ]Ray's own composition, A Cor- mally. Deliciaus reffreshments onation March. were served and the tea table His performance off Ondine presented a charming picture by Ravel. and particuiarly Fun- with a centrepiece off carna- erailles by Liszt brought pro- tions and silver candelabra. Ionged applause. The latter Club members presided at the showed bis capacity for power- tea services. fuI interpretation, and the su- Ray's itinerary within the perb work off the left hand. next few. manths includes con- Four preludes by Rachmar- certs in Pennsylvania, North inof were smooth and flow- Carolina. some off the eastern ing. and the ]ast, No. 13 in states. and an abpearance with D-flat Major was a brilliant cli- the Winnipeg Symphony Or- max ta the scheduled program. chestra in the spring. "Dear Stockholder" Topic 0f Harold GulIy at Rotary Harold Gully once more en- tbralled the Bowmanviihe Rotary Club witb bis picturesque terni inology and bis exceptional tai- ent for wit. Returning ta Bowmanville Friday, Nov. 22.- for bis annual visit, Mr. Gully entitied bis ad- diress ta the Rotarlans, "Dear Stockbolder". In it lie satirized the annuai reports and meeting.s off lange industniai corporations. Mn. Gully, a native off Bow- mnanville, bas made an excep- tionally outstanding nanie for himnselff bath in Rotary off xvich he has been a member for 35 years and Past President off the Toronto Club, and in the bus- iness worid wbere he bas been a director off public relations for Silverwoods Dairies until bis ne- tiremnent. Annual reports lie taid the Ra- tarians first tock on an air off impetafce in the early 1940's 1 . a contest was established I\e best prepared annual e- ports. Book-End Award The winner he, explained' would receive a book-end. How- a - , hummusypainted out, ,-end is useless andi the rnut naturalhy make s u r r e e ffo rt to w in a Ainual reports he placed in three classificatons. Finst there la the ammli annual reports offI churehes, lodges and clubs. Secondly camnes the Zn'ediumn size reporte cf medium size indus- tries. At the top are the king gpa. arinual reports 01 giant cor- Mrm* Gully went on ta describe the annual meetings off sucb giant corporations. Clairman's Duties "A chîairman's job at a meet- ing off stockholders." he poînted out. "is ta convev, absolutely nothing as pIeasantly as possible and ta cal aon the president ta Harold Guliy iîmpart the good news and thel generai manager the bad net,'" "Some directars," he added "are like naugbts in aritbmetie ...tbey mark a place but have no value off themselve."* Taking a poke at corporation (Cantinued On Page seven> f Mon. Dec. 2nd IReadina andi Diçicusi -n jlnes ooBe Done - - - -- - - -- ----I --------~ -- -- - --------'-- - I Features of New Class Those who did flot take the opportunity last Tbursday night ta register for the new read- ing and discussion gmoup inau- gurated by Mr. E. J. Morley missed a iiterary treat. On display was a fascinat- ing selection off books and per- iodicals which Mm. Morley had amranged. Tbey ranged f rom a mare earhy edition off Webster's Dictionary, thmough the Arts, Science, Poetry, Biogmapby, History and Travel ta current fiction. A questionnaire was distribu- ted ta same 15 persans who signiffied their intemest and the responses will serve as a guide for the forthcoming course. The questionnaire asked for an in- dication off panticular reading interests, favourite wniters and recent books enjoved, as weil as suggestions for a proposed program. It is flot Mr. Morley*s inten- tion ta follow academic lines, flan will theme be assignments requiring one ta nead a book a week or prepare lengthy ne- views or criticisms. The chief pumpose off the class is ta stim- ulate and increase reading. ta heip members ta fform an analy- sis and join in discussion not only off books but authors. The prograrn might also be extend- ed ta correlate reading and curent events. The nigbht for meeting. and the place, bas nat been dci in- itely decided, but will be an- naunced very shorthy. The fee for the series in $3.50. Furthcr information may be obtained b.y caling the class secretary, Mrs. W. L. Paterson at MA 3- 5684. Notice off the next meet- ing wiii be sent out by mail ar phone. Don't miss this opportunity -register now. Manday, December 2, will be Election Day for mast off Dur- ham County and the foilowing ver citizens are either candidates in the various municipaiities or be- have been elected by acclama- xlet tion. lued Town cf Bowmanvlhe hop Acclamation for Mayor, Dep- nic uty-Reeve, Public School Board es- and Publie Utilitieg Commission- was er. and M9ayor-Nelson E. Osborne. in Reeve-(i ta be elected> Wii- ars, ffrîd Carruthers, Sidney Little. Jon Deputy-Reeve-W. David Hig- for gon., A Council-(6 ta be elected)- toJohn Brough. Wesley Fice, Gar- on net Goheen, Ivan Hobbs, Keith hat Lathangue, O. J. Presson, Lloyd byPreston, Albert Sturrock. Public Schaol Board-Clarke 'ta Wilson, Arthur Hooper, William [o- James. S- Cartwright Township .22, Acclamation for Reeve and et, Schooi Board. tes. Reeve-Bruce Ashton. es- Deputy-Reeve (1 ta be elected) 20 -Jack Green, George Black.ý ng- Council (3 ta be eiected)- ge Bert Gibson, Arthum Hyiand, ing Carl McLaughlin, Fred Trewîn. 52 Merrill Van Camp, Osmond hat Wright. )av Scbool Board-Mrs. J. A. Mc- off Arthur, Wallace Marlow, Har- th aid Kyte. as- Clarke Township Acclamation for Reeve, Dep- ur- uty-Reeve and Council. ra Reeve-James T. Brown. 1- Deputy-Reeve-H. E. Walkey. a,- Council-J. H. Lowery, Rus- k, selI Savery, Ernest Dent. pe. Area School Trustees (3 ta be is elected)-W. R. Allun, Reginaid Eliiott, Russell Osborne, Maurice -Pedweil. Harry Wade. Darlington Township Acclamation for Reeve, Dep- uty-Reeve, Council and School Board. Reeve-Roy W. Nichols. Deputy-Reeve--Garnet Rlck-i ard. ce Council-Fred Smith, Alian STbompson, Earl TrulI. te Sehool Board-Robert Cook, a.Kenneth Werry, Sidney Worden. rd Hope TownshipI in Acclamation for Reeve, Dep- e uty-Reeve, Council and Sehool L.. Board. U. Reeve-Victor Wilson., as Deputy-Reeve--George Stapie- *t Council-J. David Ford., Fred Bamsey, Mac Waiker. - Scbool Baard-Mrs. Thomas t] is Andrews, J. S. Lancaster, Daug' t] -las Whitney. 0 t Manvers Township si iT Acclamation for Counicil only. 4 9. Reeve (i ta be eiected)-Eanl rn L.Argue, John Payne. [n Deputy-Reeve (1 ta be elect- e i.' ed)-Lewis McGili, Fenton Fal- d le lis. . t 1- Council-Robt. Brown, Henry li 'e Jakeman, Harvey Malcolm. t Village off Newcastle p Acclamation for Council and n Hydro Commissioner. Reeve (1 ta be elected)-Sid- rz ney J. Cunningham, J. H. Jase. ir t, Councl-Fred Couch, Frank Mt bHoar, Murray Paterson, Bren- Sé eton Rickard. pi - School Board (3 ta be eiected) di y-John Riekard, I. j. McCul- bi lougb, Douglas Walton, Reginaid *LeGresley. F e Hydro Commissioner - Stan- er eiey Graham. s Village or Orono W Police Trustees (ahi bv ac h ciamation)-R. C. Forrester, H. f M. Mercer, S. B. Rutherford. off M B. 1Start Work b in -O n Building 'Ch New Bank t Work started this week on construction off the new Bowmanville Branch of The Toronto - Dominion Bank. Workmen have been busy erecting toolsheds the first part off this week and it is believed demoltion work wviIl start immediately on the double houses tn the off south off the new Post Office Sc ichool Board Members teceive Acclamations The three retiring members Bowmanville Figid Locker rthe Bowýmanville Public tem niant is locateci. The hool Board, Clarke Wilsoil, seats. at that time were in tiers rt Hooper and Bill James three rows high, around three ere ail returned by acclama- sides with the teacher's desk on at, the Municipal Nommna- at, the south end and floor on meeting Friday. space in the centre. A\n interesting early historv "In 1856 the old Union School the public schools in Bow- wns established on the site of ,nville and what is expected the present Central School. It Sthe near future was given combined two public schoals iBill James, chairman of the tlien in existence and a high hool board. or gramrmar school which was Concerning educational costs, in if,; infancy, having run spas- rJames pointed out that an mrodicalli since 1851," Mr. rrage off $169.37 annually was James stated. ýnt to educate a child in Bo W The Union Sehool was an anville, compared with $189.- enlargemnent off the then Town in Whitby, $203 in Uxbridge, Hall. a wing being built an 76.70 in Port Hope and $235.-! either sîde off the central par- in Ajax. tion. The town jail was under- At the moment there is on I neath. ývacant school room a nd This sehool burned down at room along vith the aud îSptme 1,187adin18 ium at Ontario Street School Spebr1,18 n n18 Il be uised next year. the Central and South Ward Bv 195 1, at least seven more, public schools wvere erected and Dm wl b, ededIoha-ls the high school on Queen ms whl b need ta an-Street. The combined cost off the expected schooi POPU- 1 the two public school. includ- an. Mr. James stated. At theie upmn a )ment it is difficult to sa ' R.gDequipme n was 23.095. ire a new school should be R.DDadsnxsprni it because growth is fairly Pal at. this time and John Lyle ual n al setios ofthewas chairman off the board. ai n. aiscin f h There was a one room publie school where Bill Mutton's ga- First Sehool rage is now from about 1880 ,ta rhe f irst sehool in Bowman- 1890. However, upon comple- le is said to have been a log lion off the brick South Ward uwture wvhere the Recgistr- school, this frame building was ice now stands. This was then used fo'- relîiius meet- owedi by a frame building ine.r and called familiarly, "The cedar blocks where the Tabernaclp." Election Day In Durham Two Con test.' Reeveship Eight Try for Coun cil Elections, December 2 Twa candidates wiil be run- councillor seats is also in the ning for the office off Reeve in making as John Brough, Wesley the Bowmanville Municipal Elec- Fice, Keith Lathangue, Lloyd tions, Monday, December 2, and Preston and 0. J. "Jim" Pres- eight other citizens wihl contest son are all running for re-elec- the six councilior pasts. tion. In a-1dition, Gamnet Go- At a poorly attended nommna- heen. Ivan Hobbs and Albert tion meeting, Frîday evening, Sturrock will bid for a council- Mayor Nelson E. Osborn',% was lor post. returned as Mayor off Bowman- Mayor Osborne will start bis ville by acclamation for bis tenth year in municipal council fourth termi. Retiring Council- affairs, having served as mayor lor David Higgon was acclaim- for the past three years and six ed as Deputy-Reeve. years as councilior. A full me- Contest For Reeve port off bis address ta the rate- However, Reeve Sidney Little payers appears elsewhere in this and Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Car- issue. ruthers are bath seeking the Reeve Sid Little, a veteran off position off Reeve for the com- many years on town council and ing year. a former mayor off Bowmanville, Eigh Runin ForCoueil will be opposed by Deputy-Reeve AElghrtedRunng for the ix WiIff Carruthers wbo bas served A siried ontst or he ixas deputy-reeve for four years and councillor for four years. c L Efficient Fire Brigade Police Seek As chairman off theliecm mittee for 1957 Reeve Little re- ported on the activities off the rv~o D iversexpained is composed off 18 FieBigde. iThe bo rigade In Bo ' Death Upta November 21, the Brigade f cl answered 52 calîs. ... BtWmanvilIe Fîre Depart- Provincial Police 'are seiéekinýi~ he drivers off two cars which <b0 1ptinued on page seventeen) hey believe struck a 2ii.-year- Id boy that fel] ffrom the back ;at off bis parents' auto onta 'me westbound lane off Highway El gin Bromeli 01, west off the Caurtîce sîde- .ad. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. John Vince Mikolic was kili. N ewv President d.when lie unlocked the rear oor off his fathem's car and r imbied out onto the higbway. Kod & Gun Cljub ïis father Roko Mikolic rushed ;e boy to Oshawa General Hos- Elgin Bromeli was elected ital, but the child was pro- 'president off the Goodyear Rod ounced dead on arrival. and Gun Club at their annual Wben Mr. Mikolic stopped and banquet meeting held in the -n back ta find the boy, be was' Elmh'urst Hotel, Newcastle, nformed the child was about Satumday evening. f0 eet abead off bis car, police Other officers eiected were aid. The child's body had ap- Lance Plain, vice-president; rently been carried that George Young. secetary-treas- stance by one car alfter it, bad urer. Some 90 members attend- )en run over by another. ed the banquet wbich was high- Aiso in the car at the time off lighted by presentations and he accident was the boy's moth- entemtainment in the form ofJ ýand an aider brother and mavies. ster. The doors in the rear Elgin Bromeil was award- bhere the chiidren were sitting ed a p ize for catcbing th e larg- id been ,checked minutes be- est fiïh on the ciub's annual ore the mishap. fishing trip this year. Nelson Police have praised the driver Couvier won a prize for the fa car that was following the seven and one-baîf pound, 2912 likoiic auto for stopping. Eric inch Rainbow trout he caught. astin, 660A St. Clarens Ave., Three enjoyablc films about oronto, was a short distance shooting were seen by the ehind the cars that stmuck the group. One off them entitheci oy. He told police that a late "The Sergeant Sees It Throîîgh" odel car had passed aven the showed the activities off a boy's ild. gun club organized by the Sas- It is beiieved the drivers katoon Police Department. The ught by police are unaware others showed points in skeet ey struck the child. shooting and shootingz for fun. Other debates between teams from other counties wil a.lso T be be]d. Jnter-County meetings v il finals being held at the annutal Off nieeting' off the .lunion Farmers foîl in Guelph in Marci.ci Mayor Cais for Planning As He Reviews Acfîvities Bowmanville's Centennial Mayor Kinettes Hear Suggestions on Decorati ng Many interesting tips on In. tenior decorating were given b.ý Mm. Howard Vice off Oshawa tc members off the Kinette Ciucý followîng their regular dinner meeting in the Balmoral Rote] on Nov. 20. Mn. Vice, a brother off Post- master George Vice, is the pro- prietar off a ffabric and drapemy shop in Oshawa, and bas been connected with this line off work since 1938. The speaker show- ed samples off fabrics and gave suggestions on how ta ca-ondin- aecalcium Èchemnes, toge ther witb manyv other interesting ideas on decorating. He was introduced by Dom- othy Deweli and thanked by Helen Dunn. At a business meeting pre- sided over by Mrs. Eleanar Lam- iner, plans were made ta seIl tickets on a daîl wbich will be on display in the window off John Stutt's sboe store. Minutes were rcad by Lillian Hooper, vice-president, in the absence off Helen Brown, the sccretary. Treasurer Dorothy Dewc'll gave a financial report. Several members were ab- sent owîng ta iliness. Palmer Motors Hias New Look For Centennial This week, ane off the largcst properties on 'the main Buivmanviile tho- roughfare receivcd an un- usual and riost effectie face-lifting. The, entire front off Palmer Motor Sales %vhose merchandise Includes Cities Service Pro- ducts as well as Plymouth and (3hrysler cars and Far- go trucks-and Allis-Chal- mers Farm ecjuipment, took on a new and attractive look. The nId front was strap- p)ed wlth lumber and spe- ciaiiy pr e pa r ed metal blocks, painted green and whtwere secured and fitted ta the building. Fun- timer improvements includ- lng additional flood light- ing are planned ta prepare ,yet another town property for centennial yean. Partners Tom and Hap Palmer are ta he cangratu- lated on this tremendous change which has done sn much ta heautify their building. Undoubtedly, their 1958 Piymouths and Clîrys- lers wiii look even more appealing in their new sur- roundings. ackpot at ions Bingo qJow $100 The jackpot at the Lionz ingo bas risen ta 3100 and ne numbers wiii be calle.i is Monday evening wben the i aons hold their fourth bingo Ithe fall season at the Lions entre. In addition ta the huge jack- ot there are 20 games with i sh pnizes and special games, v-ou re a bingo pla\-er this iv be vour opportîînitv bo get 1 )me r'eadv cash for Cbristmas Imission is onlv $1. The bingo 5 egins sharply at 8 p.ni. 1 L ni th Li off cf PC Ca if 50 Ae B. and P. Club Celebrates Its Seventh Birthdaày by 57.8 percent. We are ffaced with the alternatives off per- imitting aur town ta grow hap. 1hazardiy and accepting the Lin. pleasant and even disastrous consequences, or of seizing the initiative and attempting to direct aur growth alang bar- mnoniaus and economie lines. Any thinking citizen wilI favour planned and orderl3r growth and in this respect we are fortunate that a splendid start has been made. As Mayor I sit on several Boards and can assure you that eachi one is working hard and sincerelv for the betterment off aur town. OnIy the Beginning Imust empliasize. howevcr, that wve have merely made a good start and that much re- mains ta be done. We must Plan for and build new scbools, new roads, new sewers, newv water mains, a filtration plant. and expanded sewage and dis- posai plant. Mvany detailed studies are already underwav. (Continued on page seventeen) Arnica Club Takes Charge of Trinity Service Members off the Amica Club conducted the evening service at Triity United Church Sun- day with Ted Colwell giving the scripture lesson and Ehea- nom Leightoii and Alvin Sta- cey conducting the service. "I amn the way, the truth and the ile" was the themne off the inspiring sermon delivered by Mr. Colwell. A' quartette- com- prised off Ann Holdstock, Ei- leen Spicer, Dennis Hughes and Ken Kelly sang "Oh Master Let 'Me Walk With Thec". Affter the service some 40 m-embems off the congregation along with Rev. T. A. Morgani joined the Amica Club group, at their fireside. Films were shown *and a deliciaus snack \vas prepared for themn by the A birthday cake iced ini yel- low and green and beariiig seven green candies, was a featume at the Bowmanville Business and Praffessionai Wo- mnen's Club meeting on Nov. 21 when 41 mem bers P.nd guests were present. The club was or- ganized seven, ),ears ago and bas taken a leading part in the town's affairs since that time. Held at the Balmoral Hotel, the dinner tables presented an attractive picture with yellow chrysanthemums and green candlcs carryîng out the club colours. Mrs. Herb Woolley, wife of the proprietor off the Balmoral Hotel, made and iced the lovely birthday cake for the occasion. Birtbday cards were used as place cards, alici at each place was a favaur off guest size Beauty Counselor soap wrapped in yellow and green. Mrs. Doris Robinson Trew, the Charter President was un- able ta be present but sent greetings. A number off Char- ter members attended. They included: Helen Cryderman, Isobelle Davis, Frances Heari, Marion Jeffery, Mary Jeweih, Ruth Lee, Violet McFcetems, Mcl MçNulty, Margaret Pur- don, Anna Watson. Mrs. Marjory Pewtress of Cobourg, Regional Adviser for this district, sent ber best wisbes and regrets on being unable ta be present. Former Members Fresent Among former members pre- sent were Mrs. Edna Large, Mrs. Moily Badger Mairs, Mrs. Darothy Staples and Miss El- eanor Hutchinson. At the head1 table were Past Presidents Isa- belle Davis, Violet MRcters and Frances Heari. The present holder off the office, Miss Vel- ma Gay, presided. Guests included Mrs. W. H.. Densem off the Ontario Traiii- ing Schooi for Boys teaching staff,. Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mr:;. A. T. Laird and Miss Vivian Sad- 1er. Miss Sadher sang two love- ly solos during the evening, "Bless This House" and "He's Got the Wboie World in His Hands". Off great iflterest toalal waa the reading -off the club's bis- tory by Florent~e Tomiinson 111 the absence ai Erminie Davie, club historian, due to illne,ýs. The excellent resume of eventi and accomplisbments d u ring the seven years since it w-,3 chamtered, was compiled b; Frances Hearl. Highlights off this accounit will appear separ- ately. .After the dielicious dinner. a sing-song was cnjo.ved led b.v Madlvn Wilcox with Hjleîi Nelles at the piano. Mrs. J. J. Brown was winner af the iuck," number on a place card, andà Rhoda Gardon receivcd a prizi! for baving a birthday closest to the date off the meeting. Mrs. W. H. Denscmn on be- haif off the guests expressed appreciation for the opportun- ity ta be present on this im- portant night in the historv off the Business and Profession3l Women's Club. The Club voted ta donate $100 ta the Public Librýarv Fund, and a chieque for this amounit bai been sent ta tie Rotarv Club who are maisîng manev for Ibis project. Sch ool Board Vacancies On Darlington Area Bd. Filled by Acclamation The three vacancies on the ber off vears. Hoxvever. tF-e Darlu-îgton Area School Board school population încreased ardr were aIl filled by acclamation classes are once more becbg at the township nomination conducted in the nId school. meeting held in Hampton Fni- For better results Mr. Muir day. felt thpt the school board woulri Siîdney Worden. and Kenneth have to work dIoser with tile Werrv wl return ta the board planning board. for znother two year term M.J lbss(,rtytc.a; alongwithnewcoer Rbertrer off the board. pointed oiýt Cook. Retiring chairman Har- 11a h col noîethî old Muir was also nominated l.jumpe by 100 childrcntaîîd but dropped from the running. now stding a10 60 pupi:s.an In his report ta the ratepav- nwsadn t16 uiS ers, Mr. Muir ffelt that it woul. d The board employs 31 teacher. only be a matter off time before The main expenditures, Mr. a new school would be requir- Hobbs stated, are teachers' sal- ed. "I don't know how long it aries which must be kept high can be delayed." if good teaching standards are In Hampton a modern three ta be maiiitaihed. roorn ho was erected a fexv The school tax is kept toaa ca3ago he said and this minimum since school boards. schopi, the hoard believed, are discouraged irom carryîng would be sufficient for à num- a surplu& :1 1 1 1 Mayor Nelson E. Osborne cailed for a master plan ta en- sure orderly gmowtb off the town. off Bowmanviile at the annual municipal nomination meeting Friday. Following is his report off council's activities during the past year and what the future hohds for the town. "As this Vyear off 1957 dnaws ta a close, it bas special sig- nifficance, for it not onhy marks the end off another year, but it marks the end off the first century off the municipality off Bowmanville as an incorporat- ed town. Early in the vear the former post office building was pur- chased and this will be paid for in five annual installments. The Rotary Club is raising the money, doing much off the work, and ca-operating with the Library Board in renavat- ing the ground floor ta give the town a larger and more suitable librany. Municipal Office Space It was the original intention ta ment the entire second floor for offices, but as the tawn continues ta grow and mare services are needed and more records must. be kept, anc large office bas been turned aver to the tawn fareman and wilh also be used by the consulting engi neer. The town badly nceds a storm sewcr systemr and, as a start, a consulting engineer bas been bired on a part time basis and bis first job will be ta prepare plans so that a stant can be made. Parking meters wbîch have been an item off discussion were instalhed and from the comments I hea'-, it would seem that tbey are an asset ta the tawn. Town Growth This year aur population bas increased hy some 300 ta 690ff and the assessment wvent up a- bout $300.000 ta just aven $7,- 000,000. This does flot include the addition ta the Goodyear Plant that is uncler can3truc- -tion at tbe present time. ,This gnowth is typicai off the past ten yeans during whicb q 9