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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1957, p. 5

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TNCUMAT. NOV. 28th, 1957 TM CANAD"IAKSTATESMN. EWAmE eT PAt~U mu Report on Year Darlinglon Counc1 Return to Office Ui Mi members of the 1957? Darllngton Township Councili Wwee returncd by acclamation i!oUrimna weil attended nom- meeting at Hamnpton ."03Y Nichols will start bis eightb ycar as reeve of Darling- ton. MIr. Nichols also scrvcd the township as deputy-reeve for two years and couniilor for four ygans. Only othen nomination for reeve was Garnet Rickard but lie declined and accepted the office of deputy-reeve. This will be Mr. Rickard's fifth term as deputy-reeve. He bad been a councillor for four years. The three councillors, Ailan. Thompson, Earl Truil, and Fred Smith' are ail back for a second 't The total construction costs for the past year came to $81,601.- 92 wbile maintenance costs amounted ta $40,106.46. The gravel for aîl the bard- topping came from the lake as did the chips the reeve pointed out. "I strongly recommend ta the incoming Council tbat the noads tbey construct be given a treat- ment of asphaît and chips be- fore the gravel blows away or is tbrown inta the ditcb. The township can put down 10-15 miles per year without raising your miii rate." "You wiil save money in the long run for it is almost impas- sible ta kecp Up gravel roads with the traff le we bave ta- day." year. Thanks John Foote Same Road Rate ]Reeve Nichois spoke bigbly In bis address ta the ratepay- of the assistance given ta the ers Reeve Nichais pointed out township's road pragram by that tbe township kept the 1957 John Foote M.P.P. Deputy- road rate ta 12 milis which was Reeve Rickard also compliment- the same as the 1956 rate. ed Mr. Foote for his interest in Approximately 3 miles of Darlington. cold mix have been laid the "The Enfield Raad is one reeve reported. An additional raad lhat should be asphalted 12 miles have been prirnLd next year and I hape your Aith asphait and chips and four Counicil is in favour of it. This miles have a double coat of as- road is in perfect shape for a phait chips. bard top and it would be a About 73,134 yards of grave! crime ta let it go away." and 15,000 yards of fui were The new township hall Reeve used on the township roads. Nichols announced will be of- HOLIDAYS ARE ON THE WAY. 0 g Look your very best this holiday season ini freshly dry-cleaned clothes that have been given our gentie, expert care! Gar- \.rents flot only look better, they last longer, ouse6r scientific methods neyer put a strain on fine fabrics. Caîl today. Phone MA 3-5520 for Free Pick-up and Delivery Bowman ville Cleaners &Dyers Ltd. 84 King st. W. 1...' Co __ 4<4 It's more fun to know that the eolors wIlI GO!ý Now hoe decorating is the exciting fun youve always' wanied if to e .- . . now yeu con droam up afly color scheme and find Colerizer points te, match. Choose from 1,322 decorafor colors in aIl finishes for interior and ex. terior use. Buy any con sie from V2 pint te a gallon ..*and pay ne more thon for ordinary peints which are 80 imited in color. Best cf al, theres ne waiting fer any of these colors . .. buy them right over the counter .nd gefthtei semne colon ageain eny time vou went th.m.' Ifs as simple as thei 1Paint Colors To Go With Anything' 0114 r-ýIMl ý1-1- - Ir,1ýlMi Lander Hardware ship where over 56,000 trees have been planted during the past three years. Darhington m a l bas another fine forestry lot III ~~'q ~ a~ south of Hampton. "It bas the M embersbest stand of Scotch Pine in the area" A *brief question period foi- n>o,, jose d lowed the reports. BETHANY ficially opened some time in the near future. It will flot be ne- Master Donald Speller cele- cessary to seil debentures to brated bis f ifth birthday on caver the cost of the new hall. Monday and his parents, Dr. Population Inerease Stewart SpelIer and Mrs. Spel- Tbetowshi poulaionhe er entertained with a party The ownhip opuatio hefor bim. His playmates wbo at- pointed out bas increased over tended the birthday dinner were 400 during the year while the Phyllis Youngman. Rickey Bon- assessment has jumped one- steel, Beth Bonsteel, Joanne quarter of a million dollars. Edmunds, Murry Edmunds, *'The township is getting to be Mary Ann Martichenko, Sharon big business," the reeve com- Johnston, Terry Johnston, Ric- mented. ky Wentworth and bis sisters Deputy-Reeve Garnet. Rick- and brothers. Catharine, Lyn- ard felt that the township wa da and David Speller. A bappy R time was spent with games and Reeve contests and the children wr specialiy thrilled With Mrs. Speller recording the event with their movie camera. Mrs. Vin- cent Jackson assisted in enter- taining the small guests. Equalized Assessment intro- duced two years ago in Man- vers township is stili meeting with disfavor by many of the taxpayers wbo feel their pro- perty is assessed too highly. A Court of Revision held last week for four days beard over 30 appeals. Decisions have not yet been completed as the mem- bers of the Court are out view- ing the properties involved. Mrs. Walter Neals accompan- ald Cathcart of Springvilie, was in Toronto for several days last week. Many from the village att- ended the funeral service held for the late Dalton Brown, from Roy Nichols the Mackey Funeral Chapel in ILindsay on Saturday. not in a good financial posi- Mr. Howard Rowan, Scarbor- tion. "We are flot gaining as- ough, was home for the week- sessment fast enough to keep end with bis parents, Mr. and up with the expenditures," lie Mrs. Clarence Rowan. explained. Dariington is having Miss Jean Lachynski, Peter extensive residential growth Legros, Miss Helen Lemaine but very littie industrial or 1 and Michael Legros of Toronto, commercial growth. were Sunday' guests with Mr. Better Raads and Mrs. Roýs Carr. Mr. Rickard also feit that1 The Ladies' Good Luck Lodge Darlington should build better beld a social evening in the Or- roads and replace some of its ange Hall on Friday. Progres- present road machinery. Sînce sive euchre was enjoyed with very little equipment was pur- prizes for high score going to Mrs. Mansel Fih'ney and Clarke eput - R eve Pomeroy, consolation awards Deputy Reeve to Mrs. Lloyd Clark and Emory SSmith. Lunch was served. The % ~ ladies plan a similar event for '~5Dec. 7. The Season of Gush corne, the kindest of the Te candidates go smiling roundwithsuchprofuse The spirnts or cvicseats, the g.t howudbe Or f111 some other office bigh, confront you everywbere. Eahwears a gracious, genial smile ail day fromn door ta SAnd such Intense good will to men, you neyer knew be- fore. IFine gentlemen dressed in Sun- day best bave thrown away their caste, And shake the borny hands of toil with unexampled zest. And though they didn't seem to care for you a week ago, Tbey ask about yaur family Garnet Blekard now with interest ahl aglow. Rath the millennium corne at cbased in 1957 the township last, that everything's sa was able to spend $120,000 on gay? the roads. Does Christmas work this won- As more than 50 percent of drous change . . . or NOM- tbe township taxes go towards INATION DAY? education Mr. Rickard thought Anyway, there is a great deal that Zhe township should re-I of handshaking gaing on in ceive more financial assistance Manvers township following from the province. 1 the Nomination Day held at The United Counties the de- Bethany on Friday. The present puty-reeve continued, spent Reeve, Earl Argue,.R.R.2 Pon- $33,000 on the road leading iflto typool; deputy-reeve Lewis Mc- Enfield. Hlowever the road fronr dGlu. Bethany; Councillors Hen- Hampton to Taunton is also in y M Jakernan, Bethany; Har- definite need of repair as is the eyMioR..1aetie road frorn Bowrnanville to Scu- 1 and Robert Brown, R. R. 1 Pan- gag 1. typool were ail re-nominated. The township's five million 1 Othe omnton er o lors reported on the council ac- tivities they handled. Planning Board Court. Ailan Thompson ex- piained the workings of the Darlington Planning Board and the Regional Planning Board. "The main purpose of a plan- ning board is ta draw up a corn- prehensive plan for the future needs of the carnrunity," he said. Future roads, schoois, parks, industrial and residen- tial areas must be taken into consideration. Finances Coun. Earl Truli, as a mcm- ber of the finance cammittee, complimented the ' previaus council for their skillcd hand- ling of the township budget. 'They made aur job much easier," he added. Forestry Lots Coun. Fred Smith toid of the township's forestry lot in the north east corner of the tawn- FAST RELIEF FOR COM MON SORE bMA 3-5774 What's in -the Future For Tom orrow's Car 'Outlined to Kinsmen "The car of the future, even hydrogen atoms into a bellum more so than the car of today, atom, wil bave suffieiently will become more and more been developed 241 ycars from the result of wefl organized now. scientific and tcchnological re- "The closer we came to that search." day, 241 years from naw, the Ian MeNabb, 'supervisor of more seriaus our attention ta- public relations for General wards that inexhaustible source Motors of Canada made the of power must became. A 15- statement in an addrcss at the inch model of a car opcrated Bowmanvillc Kinsmen Club. by sunlight was displayed in' He was spcaking at their re- Chicago in 1955. gular meeting bcld at Venture Solar Radiation Inn Tucsday cvcning. "Bell Telephone laboratories "'Researcb and industry have have developed a battcry that become an intimate team. Be- turns solar radiation into elc- fore, the produets industry tricity. Another solar battery mtade wcre flot very complica- was developed by the Wright ted. Little ingenuity was need- Air Devcloprnent centre at cd to make a plougb or a wa- Dayton, Ohio. It is in effeet a gon. On the other hand, re- thin slab of cadmium sulfite 4 seareh bad imagination and inches by il inches. Wbcn ex- patience, but its discoveries posed to the sun it can produlc wcre not intended to be prac- enough electric current ta ligbt tical. lamps and operate clectrie ap- "Our engincer today is a pliances in an average home dreamer and thc unlimited re- for 24 hours. sources of large corporations "Who knows, somebody might give bim every opportunity ta even now be building a cam- foliow bis ideas ta their reali- dium sulfite roof for aur car zation," be said. of tomorraw". Mr. McNabb More and Better Things gave a demonstration of how a "A large graup. of aur engin- lgtrycudpouecr eers are working directly on rent in photo electric celîsand prablems of the future. In in turn would operate a small Geneal otos, te eginerselectrie motor. hae ncra Moaf the lrengmears "The solving of the prablem bave ac af hesla rgst and of the transformation of solar tions of autamotive research energy, for widcspread use in behind them, or better,' leading industry and clsewberc, could them ta make mare and better well be anc of the most im- tbings for more people." portant scientifie achievements Mr. McNabb discussed the in the bistory of the warld." ncw technical centre operatedj Materials of Longer Life by Gnerl Mtor atWaren, Mr. MeNabb discussed new bichganeral otoers toWarr enmaterials being used ini the Mhnia. the rool ta help .manufacture of body trim and "'Here aur test drivers caver uhltr.Nwadbte daily in the ncigbbourhood of braking systems are being 50,000 miles on 25 miles of spe cansidered, altbough the pres- ciaily constructed raads, from cnt power brake system is cer- the smoothest, super-bighway, tainly adequate. It can be op- to the roughest cobblestone." Solve Problemns It is bere that thc engineer finds the answer ta such ques- tinsas hw as wLoytge away from a stop light, bow e t U much gas will it use, bow stecp a ilîl will it climb, be pointed out. He discussed automobile en- gines and the gradual changes which have occurred in them. "While aur engine of taday may ta mast look like a perfect ex- pression of cngineerinA, ingen-M I ! uity, there are several impor- tant trends, some of wbicb may indicate that we may bave many surprises stili coming. fllgher Ratio " "Our engineers won't rest ~. until thcy have increased the. " ratio from the present 9.2 ta 1, Up ta 12 ta 1. This would im- prove fuel economy by at ieast 30 percent and would save aàl........... the drivers on the North Am.- enican continent close ta three billion dollars," be pointcd out. Lighter engines, with the substitution of aluininum wbere........ cast iran or steel arc uscd is anather of their trends, be in- formed thcm. "Recent advan- ces in gasaline fuels promise ta bring us a stcp nearer to aur desired ratio of 12 ta 1 com-...... . pression ratio." ~*~* Gaz Turbine Englues General Mators is currcntly expenimenting witb a gaz tur- bine engine in a hcavy duty tandem axle truck. "Many of the problcms faccd with this'r',. . type of engine have been over- Yu came," be said, "and it is only a .. question of time and the gain- mnilk! ing of sufficient experience before this type can be univer- , ed pl saliy applied." He aiso told of a free piston -.. youà type engine wbicb is currently being tested by General Mo- rich tors. "It is mechanically sim- pler than anytbing we bave Enjoy lots ne had up to now and it almost makes me revise my predic- F .l go, tc tions for the gas 'turbine", he of nilk saici. PJR oce eer da! oo UNDECISION caused this fatal accident LOCATION: Rural Intersectlon# fn. Orillia fMIS 4:15 p.m.i ROAD SURFACE s Gravel. Dry RISULTs One kiIIed. One sllghtly injured The car on the right approached the Intersection and elewed C te wait until the other car had paased. But, uuddenly, the di mmid and began te accelerate. *.. ne deubt tbinldng ah. had intersection. The other driver braked imznedlateîy, but coulî Hi. car slammed Into the other broadide. The lnmdi hospital. Indecision ban been the cause cf many ucious anc Remember this every time yeu drive. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 09 TRANSPORT erated by a man with only one toe. he pointed out. A new syntbetic, polyureth- ane, bas , been developcd and patented. It is basically ciffer- ent to ail our rubber substan- ces, but it appears it will re- e place all of our present rubbcr o i 2 a far longer life period than any material bcing uscd at ...... One day as a result of this _ we may be able ta reach in our glove compartmcnt and pull out Uic materials ta man- ufacture a tire rigbt at the scene, be said. Body styles and inaterials are changing fre -___ quently, but there is no defin- ite trend in body styles. Ncw types of metals Uiat ' would reduce the weigbt of a car and thus provide better ac- celeration are also being test- cd, be pointcd out. A new bat- tcry bas been patented wberc tbe ceIl plates outiast present types four ta five times as long. But, the cost is four to five times the present anc. Elactrical systems that same- day soon may drive your auto sp.fely through the higbways are also another tbought af t h it a things in the future, he said Ir a C rii a Mr. McNabb was introduced- by bis boybood friend Kin Jack Lander. Kin Jack gave a brief resume of the speaker's bis- tory. Kin Ken Nicks tbanked D Mr. McNabb and presented appreciatian from the club.e li s One birthday was celebrated at the meeting, that of Murray Larmer. John Living was pre- sented with a gif t for bis new baby, by Roy McMullen. Since Off ers the it was the occasion of lst Vice President's Night, Dr. Charles Cattran cbaired the meeting. Ken Morris, sccrctary-mana- Grea test ger of the Centennial Commit- tee was a special guest. He spoke ta the members an the forthcoming occasion and urg- e e t o cd them to assist werever See to possible in making the event a success. He was thanked by OF Ken Nicks, who presented him witb a gift from the club. Giïfts in their history with every Purchase' a beautiful rig and old, everyone loves G F CIt tastes so good, serv- lain or flavored . .. gives a real lift. And milk is BO~X in th food values you 1to keep fit and on the oo! Serve it with meals, F REE!, Lsnacks. . use it for Gifîs NOW clown, apparcntly river changed ber D 1 Ume tocross the uresifl S re driver died in dfatal accidents. Ladies" Wear- BD WNAN VILLE Y King St. E. tc 1 1 PAGI Ply -Sk-

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