PAM am Chamber of Commerce Asked Government To Meet Rising Economy Ottawa-The Canadian Chami- ber af Commerce on Manday in a major policy statement on trade askcd the federai govern- ment ta make a camplete ne- view ai the Customs Taiff Act and the Customs Act "in onden ta have thus legisiatian meet the demand ai Canada's dyna- mnic ecanomy". Prime Minister Diefenbaker und the Cabinet were hold by a Canadian Chamber delegation headed by President Raîpli Py- bus, Vancauver, that certain segments ai the Canadian econ- cmy are seriously affected by campetition irom foreign sour- ces. Some ai these pnoblems could be alleviated, it was sta- ted, by exercising contnoi aven the tariff classifications ai im- parts,. by stnengthening the ne- gulatians ta prevent imports at dump pnices, and by inves- ROYAL ii ÀND SAT. tigating promptly importa sus- pected ai evading dumping duty. These steps could be tuk- en without deviating frain the pninciples ai GATT or other existing agreements. The Cham- ber, ih was paînted out, contin- ued ta subscribe ta those prin- ciples af conduch expressed ln GATT that are requisite ta ex- panding trade on a multilater- ai basis thnoughout the worid. Policles Strcased Othen palicies shnessed by the Cliamben delegation liad ta do with employer-employee rela- tions. taxation and governmenh expenditune, Canada's relations wihh the United States and the I United Kingdam. All told ave 4,0 poiicy decianations and r-l solutions werc laid befone the government by the Canadian Cliamben delegation as repres-1 BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5589 - NOV. 29 - 30 Ma!inee Sa!. 2 pa. Cavaiary at 7 p.m. "Comin 'Round The Mou ntain" wlth ABBOTT and COSTELLO Last complete 8:20 MON. - WFTD. B EC. 2 j3 iiurenceoe lMr TECIIRICOLORO Presented by WARNER IROS. Screen PIaF by TerncCC atigifn froducid andd Orected by Laurene Olivier *-Executive Producer Milton N..Crttae A Film by MARILYN MONROE Pipdwçtions, Ia. oa L.O.P. L.~7 Also "Hiigh Tide at Noon"i Cavalry at 7 pi. A Rank Organisation pre- sentation filmed in Nova Scoia wlth ail the Sait and tang of the se&! Adult Entertalnment BETTA ST. JOHN MICHAEL CRAIG Last complete 8:20 Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror Sels New Shadea in 3- 5 and 7 Pleces 4695 . 6.95 10 .95 E ,oo- 11.95 - 19.95 Yardley Gifis for Ladies Bath Saits 1.65 Lavendomeai 1.50, 2.25, 3.75 Lavender Perfume 1.25, 1.75, 2.50 Lavenesque Perfume - 2.00, 3.50 Latuis Cologne 1.85, 3.00 Bath Powder 2.00 Yardley Gifts for Men Shuve Bowla _---_ 1.50) Pre-Shaving Lotion_ 1.25 Atter Shave Lotion-- 1.25, 2.00 Shavlng Bomb 1.2,5 Shaving Sets 1.95, 2.25. 3.35, 4.75 Men's Old Spice Christmas Shave Bowl -___ 1.50 Staf ionery AfterShave1.00, 1.25,#1.50Y 2.00 Lotion -____ 1.35, 2.00 Correspondence Talcum _______ 1.25 Carda 50c, 750 Bubble Bath Crynftals 1.25 OId Spice Boxed Soap - 59e to 1.50 Sets 1.35, 2.00, 2.60, 3.85 Stick COIOgnO -1.25, 1.85 Chrisimas Cards 13oxed 79c 98OC *10 1.50 COWLING'S PHONEC MA 3-5693 DRUG STORE WVE FIT TRUSSES enting the majority views of aven 750 Boards of Trade and Chambers af Commerce wlth an underlymng membership o! same 125,000 businessmen acrass Canada. On employer-employee rela- tions the Chamber said in part: "The Chamber supports the principle of collective bangain- ing between Uic representatives of emplayers and employees, Labour unions and other em- ployeci' organizations have responsîbilities ta thé public, ta employers and ta their awn members, just as management has responsibilities ta the pub- lic, ta its employeca and ta sharehoiders. The Chamber be- lieves that bath parties should be equally responsible under the law". Conulder Older Worker New policies on automation and employment af the older worker also were brought ta the attention af the govern- ment. Failure ta harness auto- matian's advantages ta improve productivity, the Chamber sald, would prove fatal ta the comn- petitive position af many Can- adian industries, with carres- ponding damage ta "aur hapes af an impnoving standard af Iliving". By introducing automa- tion gradually, there would be oppartunities for any reciuired retraining or redeployment ai the work force. As for empioy- ment ai the aIder worker, the govennment was told that the Canadian Chamben would urge Canadian employens ta recog- nîze the skill and exaerience ai aider workers and give con- sideration ta the suitable cm- ployment af this gnoup ta the fullest extent practicable. Dea]ing with taxation and government spending, the Chamben warned that the cun- rent level af gavernment ex- penditures requines bath pen- sonai and corponate incarne tax rates that are toa high for a deveioping country. The gov- ernment also was asked ta ar- range at the earliest possible moment a conference ai feder- ai, provincial and municipal ne- presentatives for the purpose ai seeking "a more just and practicabie distribution of the tax revenue and responsibilitv among these three leveis of governmen t." Mutual Understanding On Canada's relations wvitb the United States and the Un- ited XIingdom, the Chamber cneasing mutuai understand- ing. Among other things, there wvas specific reference ta the desinability af doing evcrything possible ta attnact a langer val- umne ai United Kingdom in- vestment in this country. Ottaer Suggestions The Chambèr's subission alsa asked among other things that the government:- 1. Extend the facilities af the Industrial Development Bank ta embrace the tourist Industry and thus pramote "an ardeniy expansion ai the tourist indus- try throughout Canada". 2. AUlow no relaxation in Canada's defènce effort until definite and concrete resuits hiave beeen achieved in easing international tensions. 3. Make an immediate tha- rough study af air and water pollution and take apprapriate. action as this question has be- come a problem ai "great con- cern ta many aneas". 4. Extend ta 8 p.m. the hours of polling in federai elections. Provide for the gneatiy extend- ed use ai advance poils in fed- eral elections. Miss Rowan Represents 4-H for Bethany Bethany: Miss Eleanor Row. an ai Betliany repnesented Dur. Ihamn County's 4-H Clubs attend. ing the National 4-H Club week held in Taronto and Ot- t awa last week. This yean Miss Rowan, a meber ai the Betliany Glad. I-CanerClub received lier Provincial honons fan complet. ing 12 units ai study in 4-H work whicli is organized by the Extension Brandi ai the On. tario Depatmont ai Agricul- hure. The Betliany club is sponsored by the local Wom-. en's Instituhe. The 4-H emblem is a four leai claver with the le tten H in ecd leaf. Tic four' leaves stand for good luck and achievement. The 4-H's stand for H{ead. Heart, Hand and Health and signifies the train- ing and development tiât the membens undergo. There were 135 Young people from ail Can- ada's ten Provinces taking part On Satunday, Nov. 16, thev journeyed ho Toronto and were welcorned as a group ta the Province ai Ontarioaut the Pan- huament Buildings by the Min- ister ai Agriculture, the Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, following whicli there was a canduched tour ai the Buildings and a visit ta the. Ontario Museum. During the week tliey p&ticlpated in a well planned pro g rarniai events, peAkers, discussion groupa, lunscheons and banquets, trips ho othen places af interest inciuding the Royal Winter Pain. A trip ta Niagara Fallsanad a visit ta the Generai Motots Plant ah Oshawa were two ai the higliliglita af the week. On Thursday tliey went ta Ottawa and enjayed a conducted tour af the Capital city. Miss Rowan, a graduate af IPeter boroughi Teaclier's Col- Ilege is this yean teaching lien first henm ah Galioway's achool, West ai Betliany. Mns. Orboe Wright was the supply teacher Iduring hon absence. Canadian Red Cross acivities 1 wene canied an in 1,207 Bran- ches througliout Canada in 1956. A Canadian Red Cross re- presentative and a planeload 'if Red Cros. relief supplies ar- rxved ini Au5tria within a weex., ai the iUuazia jîurbaace& . TMCANADIAN STATESMAN». .ROIVIA»Vfl..LE. ONTAIXO Hall Needs Equipment Socials Will 'Continue burketon: The social evenmng held at the home af Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone on Nov. 21, was greatiy enjoyed by about 23 people. The high and low eu- chre prizes were won by Mns. Burt Dean and' Mrs. Howard Abbott for the ladies and Mn. Edgar Struht and Mr. Alden Hubbard for the men. Winn'ers at other garnes were Mrs. E. M. Adams and Floyd Argue. A sumptuous lunch was senved by Mns. Leslie Argue, Mns. Burt Dean, Mns. H. Larmer, Alden Hubbard and Mn .Bone. Mns. Burt Dean kindiy In- vited aIl present ta enjoy an- othen pleasant evening at her home an Dec. il. As is weli known by n.ow the praceeds fnom these social ga- thenings anc being used ta swell the church hall building fund. A question haanisen re- garding the need for funther building funds, since the build- ing seemlngly la iinislied and available for use. But what is nat apparent to everyone is the fact that the kitchen is flot equipped with any necessities except dishes, and there is stiil a lot ho be donc on the In- tenion before it wil be com- plete. It is the aim af ail those In- terested in seeing the building completed and well equipped ta wonk tagethen toward that goal. Therefore unhil that goal is reached there will be con- tinued efforts from vaniaus groups and associations ta ac- Police Trustees Agree Tro Grant Gas Franchise The Orono Police Trustees ing that they do not construct met on Nov. 18 to conclude their street name signs was filed and business for the year. the secretary wvas instructed to In cnnecionwithgraningwrite other firms ta obtain prices In cnnecionwithgraningfor signs to namne the streets of franchise to Consumers' Gas the village. Permission wvas Company ta allow the transmis- à sion of gas in the Village of ganted J. C. Gamey to run a Orono, the secretary was ini- water pipe across the village structed to have the draft by- property, wcst af the Pire Hall. law for this purpose studied by Mr. S. B. Rutherford inform- Mr. R. R. Waddell. There was ed the meeting that ail the ditch- no objection to having gas pump- es and culverts had been dlean- ed into the village other than a ed out and rccommendcd that a review of the by-law giving the further check be made of these franchise ta the Gas Company. within a week or twa. The Police Trustees expect ta R. C. Forrester repor-ted on have their report ready for the the po lighting of the north next regular meeting af the end of the village especially on Township of Clarke. entering the village and at the A building permit was granted north end of the street ta the K. Adams for a garage provid- cemetery. He also stated that a ing that ahl present structures sign should be erected at bath were torn down and that a prap- the south and north ends of the er garage is erected with work village. This matter is ta be ta commence in August 1958. given consideration by the Police A letter from Dennisteel stat- Trustees and they are ,ta visit1 the area in question. y The chairman reported ta Business Directory a request had been made for a -crossover by Mr. M. Marris ati y his home ta the sidewvalk on the A c cou nianc ~ east sideof the road. This along -with the lighting problem is tai WM. J. H. COGGINS be considered. Chartered Accountant In the accounts that were paid Second Floor Mr. H. M. Mercer questioned New Library Building the amaOunt ai $1,389.00 for road Cor. King and Temperance Sts. work during the year. This Phone MArket 3-3612 amaunt is one-third af the.cost - aiL surfacing, oiling, sanding, MONTEITE *- MONTEIT13 patching and labour on the RIEBL & CO. roadi. Mr. Mercer pointed out Chartered Accountants that the cost af the surf acing t35 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa and oiling should certainly be RA 5-3527 paid by the Police Trustees but Partners: - felt that the township should J. W. Montelth, M.P., F.C.A. maîntain the streets after they A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. are canstructed. The Police G. W. Riehi, C.A. Trustees approved an amaunt (Licensed Trustee) af $1,307.00 instead ai the G. E. Trethewey. C.A. $1,389.00. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. An amount of $465.00 was authourized as payment ta the YALE, FRIEDLANDER, Orono Firemen as payment for HUNTER & CO. attending fines and practicesi Accountants and Audttors throughout the year.-Times. 64 King RA 31421 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Fiediander, PE. Comm., C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h ir op rac ti c G. EDWIN MANN. DC, Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointinent D enifal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jublce Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvile Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Satunday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. -. Bowmanville Office Houri: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wcdnesday' Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmnanville Office Houri: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Clased Saturday and Sunday Telephane:, Office MA 3-5459 L eg a STRIflE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitorp Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvflle Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barnister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W - Bowmnnvllle P hones: Office MA 3-58R8 Residence MA 3-5553 8U8S APHA L. 11ODGINS Barrister. Solicitor Notary Public Temnperance St. - Bowmanvilie E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, USE., B.A., LLD. Box 9. Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation bv appointment only. M or iga g-es LEROT RAMILTON -ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Martgzage funds Rtesidences - Farina Business Properties -Optometry-- Optometriut 141 King St. E. Bawmanvlhlel Office Hours: 87 appolntmneng, Telephone MArket 3-3252 Mfondav ta Saturdav 9 a.m. ta 5 P.m. M'ednesdays: P .t.o12 BURKETON Mrs. Ira Argue Ia spencting a few days in Leaside visiting hen daughten. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Don Archibald on the bintli ai a daugliter ini Memon- il Hospital, Bowmanville. MnI. Edith Ramsey and chiidren, Darlene and Billie and Mns. Ron Scott (nee Joyce Irons) were in Toronto for a few days hast week visiting re- latives. Mns. Thos. Hodge attended the Royal Winten Pair last week. Mn. and Mns. George Wallen (nec Doris Banc) Mankham, are the praud parents ai a baby daughter, Nancy Anne, Nancy: Anne 13 the granddaugliter ai Mr. and Mns. R. Bone. Mr. and Mns. Sidneyý Irons. Marie and Sonny, spent theý weekend in Toronto visiting their son Raîpli. Mns. Esthier Carnachan and Mrs. Peter Gatcheli spent Sat- urday in Peterboroughi. In giving the account oi the bazaar and dedication service for the new churcli hall hast week, mention ai the git af hen piano for use in the hall, by Mns. John Carter, in mcm- ony af iehonhusband, son Roy, and daughten Ethel, was oint- ted. Humble apologies are due Mrs. Carter fan this omission. Mns. J. Carter and Mns. R. Banc attended the W.A. meet- ing ai St. .Johin's Anglican Chuncli. Blackstock, Nov. 21. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey spent Sunday in Toronto visit- ing relatives. Plowers placed on the com- munion table on Sunday by Mrs. Davey were in memony ai her husband, Mn. Raymond Davey who passed away lait week. Mn. and Mra. George Allison wene inOshawuaon Sahurday vislting Mn. and Mns. Frank Allison. Mn. and Mns. Clîfford Knapp, Lotus, were Sunday visitons ai Mrn. and Mns. Stan McCullough. The Jolly Warkens met at the home ai Mns. George Alli- son on Wednesday evenlng, Nov. 20. Nexh Sunday, Dec. 1, Family Christian Service will be ob- senved ah Il a'clock. It is lioped bhat evenv child and the par- ents will be present ah this ser- vice. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Dean and Tommny, spent Sunday in Kir- by visiting Mr. and Mns. Archie Lunn. Don'h forget ha attend the Circuit Bazaan held ah Ennis- killen, Dec. 5. Mr. Gerald Ward ai the R.C.A.F. ut present statianed at Camp Bondon, visited witli Mrn. and Mns. Wm. Pedensen n Sunday.I Mn. Frank Dorland held a i ery succesiful sale on Satun- ay desPIte the weather. Mr. and Mns. Orville Greer and girls, Oshawa, wiere Sun- 1ay» visitors ofaihs mother, Mrs, W'. Brvan. M/r. and Mr!!. Doug Lane and .rhan. have been staving with iahivu in whitby for the paît MeLaren'à Plain & Garlie WHOLE DILLS Salade TEA BAGS l-andy Dîsposabe GARBAGE BACS A&P Ciloice Quality Reg. Pri WAX BEANS Jane Parker CHERRY PIE Outstanàing Value!1 - A&F Instant Coffe Th. A&P Magazine Decem WOMAN'S DAY BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST FOWL io.ê tO (ok Prio.s Effective Until B aturday, IDvember 3th, 1957. Reg. 27.-BSAVE 2o R..16ozjet 2 5 c Fe.$.09-SAVE 10o pg of 999C Reg. pkg 29eý-SAVE 9c 2 pkgso 249c ce 2 tins 37c-SAVE 7o 320oaz tins 49c Reg. 55.-BSAVE 6o *ach 49c B-ox ar .$1.06 2à-oz jar 41 c iber Issue Now On Sale «aCh 1Oc BLADE BONE REMOVED LEAN, MEATY BRISKET borlng cuts Grade A, 4 Ia 5-lb average few' days, while their Infant son Raymond, who was severe- ly burned with hot cofie. was receiving treatment in Oshawa General Hospital. Glad ta re- part the baby has recovered suffîciently ta allow him ta ne- turn home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Camnmac visited relatives in Whitby reccntly. Mr. and Mns. Stan Steven- son, Toronto, were Sundayý visitons ai Mn. and Mrs. Eric Simpson. Mn. and Mns. Jack Smith, Mn. and Mns. Orvus Smith vis- ited iniends in Cobourg an Sun- day. Mn. and Mns. Dave Gatcheli. Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mns. Wm. Stephenson on Sun- day. Best wishes fan speedy recov- eny ta Mn. Allyn Hoskin, who underwent surgery in Oshawa Genenal Haspital recently. Miss Ona Marchand, Toron- to, was a weekend guest ai hen brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Marchand. A warm welcome is extend- ed ta Mr. and Mns. Wand who have maved onto the farm for- meriy owned by <lie Demilles. Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin lias closed lien. home hene and ha2 gone ta Blackstock whene she wiil shane the home ai Mrs. Fred Baiiey for the winten months. Evangelistic Mission to hear Peterborough, on Saturday. Ort Dr. Kirconeil at Grace United Sunday, accompanied by Aur.t Chur.h. Peterborough, repres- Ella Patterson they motored to entirag aur local church board. Acton to visit with Mrs. John The Rowan familles -Ar- Kingsbury. thurs. Mrs. Mable and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson at- Annie, attended the funeral of tended the funeral of Fe'rn's the late Mrs. Josh Grandy at cousin at Thornhill on Montda, CLAIM NO. 40135. "Just a brief note to thank you for the speW. with which the above dlaim was handled. "It marked the first time in 15 years driving that I have been involvcd in any type of accident and was, therefore, my first experience with an insurance company. Must say I was very favourably impressed with the courtesy and dispatch shown by your f irm." (Signed: J. N., Ont.) For details see your CIA representative: OBITUARY DALTON CECIL BROWN Dalton Cecil Brown, R. R. 2 Betliany, died suddenly at his home Lot 18, Concession il ai Manvers township an Wednes- day, Nov. 20, at the age aî 68. Born on the same farm, lie was a son ai the late Thomas K. Brown and the former Ma- ry Williamson. He spent his lufe as a farmer in the township where lie was widely known and nespected. He wvas a mcmn- ber ai Fleetwood United Church and served as a trustee ai the Fleetwood school. Surviving are liii wifc, the former Mae McGill; eight sons, Norman, Mennili and Nelson, aIl ah home: Douglas and Elwyn serving witli the Canadian Ar- mny in Germany; Clarence af IR. R. 1 Janetvilie; Edwand ai Toronto and Ciaytan ai R. R. 2 Bethany; a brother, Gannet Brown of Peterbonaughi; a sis- ter, Mrs. Harold Stinsan (Haz- el) ai R. R. 2, Janetviiie. The funenai service was held on Sahurday fnom the Mackey Funeral Home in Lindsay, with the Rev. R. R. Bonsteel ai Bethany aiiiciating. Bunial was in St. Mary's Cemeteny, Lii- fond. YÈLVERTON On Saturday loyalties were divided between the two pres- entations-that af Mn. and Mns. Jack Whitriall (nee Ruth Hlck- son) at Janetville C.O.F. Hall and that of Mn. and Mn., Ross Kerr of Bethany in the Town- ship Hall. On Thursday evening élec- tion ai officers was held at Badminton Club. New presi- dent, John Wright: vice-presi- dent, Morley Wright, On Tuesday Messrg. Ted Spenceley, Norman Wilson and Harvey Malcolm attended the HOWARD FOLEY King St. W., Bowmanville Co-operators Insurance Right Here In BOWMANVILLE.0le. That's right . .. now is your opportunity to investigate the long and short term career oppor- tunities offered by today's RCAF. For complote information on what the RCAF can offer you visit the RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR TOWN HALL BOWMANVILLE ý Friday 29 November Il -a.m. - 6 p.m. JAMES BARNES Association Fresh Fruits Vegetuhies COME Californie Fancy Eanper, Selected Table Stoeg SEE, GRAPES COME 2m"29cSAVE 2~29at A&P Fuak & WagadoI s UNIVERSAL STANDARD ENCYCLOPEDIA VOL.. NO. 12 ON SALE THIS WEEK FOR.. orIy 99 c, With Any Purcose Ba&ok Copie$ Avallablu PFor ne Volume Ne, 1 Avallable Per'au SUPER RIENT QUiALITY MEATrS PRIME RIB ROASI Extra Short ut lb49C l4 ii45c (Y rmmsDAY, Nov. 2uh, 193t