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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1957, p. 7

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TRUSDA, NV. Sth 197 - TEECANDIA ~TTI~A?~ ~noeJ A6 d% J6 Vurg TARI & Phone M Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lynch Were guests of her mother Mrs. Gertrude Gurm over the week- end. F/O William Murdoch, Winni- was in Bowmanville last kezid for a short visit with family, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mur- l etoôh, Martin Road. Mr. W. H. Brown has been a Case convention in Phoenix, Arizona. He left Toron- to on Sunday on a 'plane chart- ered by the Case Company, and expects to return to-day. Ray Dudley will be heard over CBC radio on Monday evening, P)ec. 2 when he will be guest artist with the CBC Symphony Orchestra. He will also play iný recital at Eaton Auditorium, Toronto, on the afternoon of Dec. 5. Seats are available for this concert. Winners of the Lions Club hockey draw held at their meet- ing Monday evening were Paul Chant and Glen Prout for Sat- urday, Nov. 30; Tom Harness and Bruce McDonald for Wednes- day, Dec. 4, and Laurepce God- dard and L. B. Walker for Sat- urday,. Dec-. 7. His rmanv friend, xvIIibe sorry to learn that Mr. Oliv-er Roberts is a patient in Sunnybrook 'Hos- pital, Toronto. He would be very happy to hear frorn friends IS ICH an) Advent Sunday 8 and 11-. HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il - CHURCH SCHOOL Social the 'gloriouùs-libertýy of'tuhp children of God,"' and be free! This is your divine right.-Ma- ry Baker Eddy. 7- EVENSONG fTrinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Missionary and Maintenance Sunday SERVICES AT il A.M. AND 7 P.M. Guest Speaker: REV. AMY SCHAUFFLERBA. of Angola, Africa Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. lu lI d FOUR FLOORS 0F Gif t Furniture FOR Ail the Family Colorful Chrome Dinelle Set Gleamint chrome set, Ideal for kitchen or iuette! Extension table top là heat and 4"l proof; chairs are upholstered la ' plastie. USE OUR ,CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN F. F. Morris Co. 37 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5489 B.wmnanville $67-50 neiighuirig communities as well as Courtice availed them- selves of the opportunity to corne and Christmas shop. .The sale of goods was off ic- ially opened after a few inter- esting and complimentary re-j marks were made by Mrs. E. D. Cornish, President of the Mr..ornishawmentinedte Wr.. o shaw esbynedtey fact that the idea of a bazaar had corne to us from the Far Stainton, pastor of the church, called the gathering to order by announcing a bymn to be sung and a short prayer was offered. The ladies of the Association were ver-y busy, eacb in ber place behind a table o! goods for sale. The bazaam was a huge suc- cess and many ladies wbo weme eager in the preparations weme thrilled at the results. Tyrone LO.BA. to Instail Officers in December Tyrone Unity 1244 L.O.B.A. Bradley-, Chaplain-Sis. Marg- held their November meeting i aret Milson; Guardian -Bro. Nov. 2th with 21 officers pre- Leslie Brooks; Director of Cere- sent and other members. Birth- monies -Sis. Ethel Johnston; day greetings were sung to Sis. Ist Lecturer-Sis. Helene Wal- A. Phillips, Gwen Murphy and lis, 2nd Lecturer-Sis. Kath- G. Smith. Several committees leen Davey; Pianist-Sis. Gwen reported. and proceeds were Murphy; Inner Guard - Sis. good from Penny Sale and Jacobine Vaneyk; Outer Guard three dances. Donations were -Sis. Doris Holroyd. 2nd Com. ordered sent to Contingent -Sis. Ethel Gibbs; 3rd Com.- Fund and True Blue Home at Sis. Pauline Alldread: 4th Com. Richmond Hill. Plans were -Sis. Pat Gibson: 5th Com.-I made to have our turkey sup- Sis. Laverne Taylor; Auditors per catered to by the Evening -Sis. Ray Scott, Bro. Lionel group of the Tyrone W.A. on Byam and Bro. John Wilson; Thursday night, Dec. 12th, at Sick and Visiting Com.-Sîs. 6 p.m. Gertrude Brooks and Sis. Edith Bro. Leslie Brooks acted as Murphy, Sis. Elva Beckett and Presiding Officer for the elec- Sis. Ann Phillips. tion of officers assisted by Sis- It was decided to invite and ters Delaney, Johnston and have our Right Worshipful McKnight and Brothers Byam Provincial Grand Mistress of and Wilson. W.M.-Sis. Reta Ontario East, Sis. Cora John- McRoberts, D.M. - Sis. Ethel son, to be our guest at our Goble; J.D.M.- Sis. Bernice turkey supper and install the Partner; R.S.- Sis. Grace newly elected officers on Dec. Smith, F.S.--Sis. Gertrude De- 12th. Lodge closed li usual laney; Treasurer - Sis. Ruth manner. Rotary Speaker (Continued from vage one) founders Mm. Gully said, "the jbeamded pbotographs o! the giant corporation founders wbich ap- pear i the annual reports argue more for the tbeory o! evolution than all the wmtings o! Darwin." Business - Marriage Advice jAs sage advice to the business- man Mm. Gully stated, "lI bus- in ess as in mamiage it is always wise to concede evemything ex- cept wbat's essential .. which is quite a trick." And in bis best metaphomical ilanguage Mr. Cully stated, "theme seems to be no limit to the di- lation o! the coporate spirit andE the floweing o! corpomate t ecstasy." The guest speaker was intro-1 duced by Art Ribey and thanked1 by Walter DeGeer.D 1 Before returning to TorontoD Mm. Guliy visited the cemetemy j where be placed flowers on the family plot in memory o! bis parents, Mm. and Mrs. Alfredc Guily.h jCelebrating a birthday at the.n meeting was Charles Carter. 1 Attendance Pinsa Ten-year perfect attendance -ý Ipin was presented to Morley b IVanstone and a two-year pin to Bill Steven. 1 The hockey draw was won by George Hackîng. the theme on "Endurance". Mrs. Fred Youngman read the minutes and roll caîl, Mrs. N. Porter gave a reading. Mrs. E. Cavano gave a very interesting talk on pictures shown recently in Betb- any entitled 'On This Rock"', taken at Knob Lake, sbowing the building o! the new Unitpd Church and life in general in tUt mining town. It was o! par'-j ticular interest to Mrs. Cavano, as ber daughter Joyce, a reg- istered nurse, married a geolo- gist and tbey are living at Knob Lake and were both seen in the I pictures. A dainty lunch was served by the bostess. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bradley and family, Mrs. W. Bradley and Ross attended a bouse wamming in the new home o! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGill, Barrie, Sat- urday nigbt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngman entertained a few friends Sat- urday nigbt with a progressive euchre party. Those winning bigh scores were: Mr. and Mms. Richard Worm, Campbellcroft. Mrs. Ailan Ough, Port Hope and1 Mms. John Worm, Cavan, stayedi over for the weekend. The W.A. o! Trinity Chumch "The Mamsb", held a vemy suc- cessful card party in the cburcb hall on Monday nigbt. The win- ners o! bigb scores were Mr. and! Mms. Albert Olan; consolation awards, Mrs. Hubbamd and Bert MVorton. Mrs. C. Porter won the i basket o! groceries. EN.NISKILLEN I v isitorsExplorerseinPlanrYI Ken Mamkle, George Charlton, 1EpoesPa ule Party Reg Club; Hay ofPuhd OsCawabei-The AuturnExploate inind Clb Had Re Gen al ! heCapall-TheExplornExpohaeonfinisbe ville, Doug Rhynden, Halifax, are now into thelr Christmas and Doug Heyland, Bowman- one. The first Expedition was ville.held in the cbumch basement on vill. _________________ Monday the 25tb and plans weme made and committees formed Q N'for their Christmnas pamty to be MANVERS STATION' el in December. A letter had1 benreceived from Germany 1 Mr. and Mms. Nelson Wilder, tbanking the group for the lovely! Peterborough, were Sundav1 parcel o! wool, needies, etc.,, guests o! Mr. and Mms. Jas.1 that they bad sent in the Spring Boggs. to a sick chiidren's bospital in Mr. Alian Johnston, Sarnia, Hamburg. spent the weekend with Mr. and Tbe bighiigbt of the Expe- Mrs. Alfred Johnston. dition was a visit fmom Mms. Mr. Duncan Galbraith is t-(:- Jones wbo kept the group in an ing tmeatments on bis hand and uproar o! laughter. For beri arm in Sunnybrook Hospital, benefit the Nicholson Cabin put Toronto. on a special prograrn. On dis- Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Stephen- play were littie life-like figures' son visited friends in Alton on o! the Nativity Scene, wbich they Sunday. hope to sell at the Parsonage. TheNovmbr meongTbusfayt mer, Judy Sheard,.wA w afiernoon at the borne o! the corned into the gmoup. President. Mrs. E. Cavano. Mms. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- H Thompson read the scripture, lev. Mrs. 'Vanda Walker, Bow-. and Mrs. E. Cavano introduced maanville. were Saturday even- iDET FAST RELIEF wihI GIN PILLS New kof ex Witn Wondersoft* covering NOW IN THIS SOFI GREY PACKAGE 1 2's 45c RfmoloMeMU SWe Deliver .a GIFTS For Ber . .a Manicure Sets - 1.98, 2.98 Hair Brushes _-___59c up Compacts 1.50 up Guerlain Shalimar Perfume ----- 3.00 - 6.00 Gemey Perfume -__ 2.00 Cologne ___2.00 DeVilbiss Atomizer 1.00 up Musical Boxes - 3.95 Up For Him. . . Billolds-_____ 9e up Hair Brushes --__ 98e Up Shaving Brushes -. 1.00 Up Gillette Blue Biades- 50 blades .- 2.50 100 blades-__ 5.00 Gillette Razor Kits 1.29 Up Shulton Old Spice Alter Shave Lotion ----- -- 1.35, 2.00 Shavng Mug- ---- 12 For Baby.. Brush and Combh Set 98c up Johnson's Baby Sets 1.50, 2.50, 3.75 Hankscraft Bottie Warmer ~ 3.45 With Vaporizer Cap 4.25 Baby Hot Plate - 1.98 Diaper Bag - -____ 1.89 For Smokers ... Ronson Llghter - 3.75 Up: Dr. Plumb Pipe - 3.50: Medico Standard Filter Pipe - 1.95 'Others - 1.00, 2.95 up Zippo Stormllghter - 3.95 Case and Llghter - 1.98 PRESCRIPTIONS Christmas Cards Box of 50 Colourful Cards and Envelopes 98e Cheerlly Yours, 21 ln box 79e Slm and Tait, Box of 21 -_____ 1.00 Others------------ 39e te 1.98 I.D.A. Easi-Gloss FLOOR WAX 1-1b. fin regular 59c 45c -2 F-r 89c I.DA. MINERAL OIL 16-oz. 40-oz. Reg. 55e Reg. 1.10 43c 87c I.D.A.'HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES l00's Reg. 1.15 89C 250's Reg. Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 FoulFair Huge Success £kersonal Nets W.A. Over $1000 siA 3-3303 aA large crowd attended the designed and must have taken ___________________ anua lal Fair of Trinity W. many hours of work to make. jA. on Friday afternoon, Nov. Needless to say, they odi i or receive a visit. It isn't the 22. A great many had gathered large numbers. same without you around town prior to the opening hour of On the stage» downstairs was and at the C.P.R. station, Oliver. two o'clock, when ail the booths a realistic replica of Santa's Best wishes to you for a speedy were stocked and members of Workshop with figures o! elves recovery. the W.A. ready to serve pa- at work on toys to fill Santa's L The Home and School Associa- trons. sack. Decorated Christmas trees ttion executive met at the home The opening ceremonies were and a snowy landscape show- o! Mrs. L. MeFeeters on Wed-1 conductedi in the upstair rooms ing through a simulated win- nesday evening. Final plans where Mrs. W. C. Ives, Presi- dow made this a delightful spot were made for Fathers Night to dent o! the W.A.. expressed a for the youngsters. The fish be held in Central School on warm welcome to all, follow- pond filled with exciting par- Wednesday, Dec. 4. Representa- ing which Rev. T. A. Morgan cels was located here. tives o! the local service clubs declared the bazaar officially Afternoon tea was so popu- will attend to outline what their open. lar that those in charge were club does for the youth of Bow- The Fair, which realized up- literally eaten out of bouse manville. wrso 100wscnee and home and bad to buy up Rev Hema Mos, irt mn-bv Mrs. R., Ames, Mrs. jý xtra supplies to serve the ister o! the Christian ReformedI Brough, Mrs. N. Osborne and meany patronshetiatbed at Church in Bowmanville,. has IMrs. K. Sumers!ord. Al the e nely 40a. Thelvtblueta been appointed to the mission booths offered an abundance off ered sithandlohe bouque fieldaVennd Penticton, I attractive merchandise, with tin' lne ywîecnls B.C. He and Mrs. Moes will hand-made items, and alI did The smfall ea tbl he had ner'- leave shortly from Peterborough i a brisk business. Cuddly toys, iou smc e tbiees fahine o where Mr. Moes bas been pastor ýfire logs for Christmas, books, aosn tr-icsfsindo o! the Christian Reformed home baking and home made apleuncniean. tn Church for five years. It was candy, children's clotbing. um in 1949 that be came to Bow- aprons, dolîs, plants, preserves Pouring tea during the after- manville from the United States adjwleywr oeo h noon were Mrs. T. A. Morgan, to organize a Christian Reform- items which found eager buy- MrA W .*vs rs lr ed Church here. Befome îeaving ers upstaims. Alin and Mrs. Laurence God- for B.C., Mr. and Mrs. Moes wiîî dard'. visit their family in Michigan. Christmas Decorations The convenors, their asistants ville who tedd r. RBway u- sArisiteredwith beauifulheapd na n w ayfltbthedba- Ailemog thoedf r, oR an u- sAirChitmas both bdown- anelpd ial w contithedbor ley's concert in Peterborough on, hand-made Christmas decora- zaar was a most wortbwhile Monday evening were his moth- tions for the table or elsewhere event and weme very pleased er, Mrs. C. H. Dudley, bis botb: in the bouse at the festive sea- to have such a very large er Noci o! Gananoque; Miss' son. These were very cleverly crowd. June Wood, Mrs. C. A. Wight. Mrs. Stuart R. James, Mrs. C. H. Mason, Mrs. Irwin Bragg, Mrs. C ourtice Bazoar Opened1 Donald Wlliams, Mrs. Byron Vanstone, Miss Margaret Mc- BI Gregor, Miss Marjomie Couch, ByPresbytery W.A Head Miss Betty Flaxman, Dr. Doris 1 Tremeer, Mrs. Roy Lunney, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Stan Payne. Mr. and The ladies o! the Woman's East. Mms. Neil Porter of Omono were Association have been busy Mrs. Cecil Simmons, Presi- also present. prepaming for the Annual Ba- dent of the W.A., extended ai zaar which was held Thursday welcome to aIl and introduced 1 evening last. Many ladies from Mrs. Cornish. Rev. Hrl Citizens of the world. arceDt *,. -. - Hrl PERTS OXIHDECA TOOESTI4 PASHTE 500's Reg. 1.89 3.491 HOT WATER BOTTLE Reg.___14 BABY'S OWN Special! 1%,' oz. Shampoo and 2 cakes Soap 64e __ 9 Value __ DeeTee A.S.A. TABLETS 100's 19C 300's LUSTRE CREME Lotion Shampoo 1.25 Bize 99C Palmolive RAPID SHAVE BOMB 98e Bize 79c, FIGHT WINTER COLDS with WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound It's Ton ic lime. Winters coughi nd colds are jusl around he corner. HeIp your family to belfer health this winter, build up thoir resislance te colds... give them Wampole Extraci regulorly. . . atort odayl 15 OUNCES - $1.50 34 OUNCES - $2.75 ECONOMY SIZE 5 SAVES YOU -6. 'I iMP Ilxrat 'DY A SPECIALTY Drugs 1~ \. ,~' ing guests with Mr. and Mrs Ross Page and Mr. L.- Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Tom De Mill! and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don. ald Lee and family, Osbaw-a Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson, David and Brian, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewiri and William, Haydon, werE with Mr. and Mrs. Walter IFerguson. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Brown, Mrs. M. Ailin, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. J. Collis, Maple Grove, Mrs. F. Moore, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- beater. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright and children, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresise and girls, Oshawa; Miss May Wright, Tyrone, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormis- ton, Courtice; Dr. and Mrs. G. Miekie and Angus, Toronto. were with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and family were Sunday visit- ors at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allread's, Tyrone. Messrs Milton Stainton and Russell Ormiston attended Mr. Everett Brown's sale at Orono. Mrs. M. Stainton and Mrs. R. Ormiston visited for the after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, Master Aiphie Bender, Oshawa, were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke. Miss Birde Knudsen spent Sunday with Miss Phyllis How- ells. Misses Reva McGill and Ruth Lamnb were Sundav vis- itors with Miss Gloria Wright. The Junior football teani were entertained to a turkev dinner at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo by their coaches. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Perigoe, Port Perry, were Saturday ev- ening tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry. Mr. Allan Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and boys attended a birthday party for Mrs. E. C. Ashton at Mr. and Mrs. Ira Trave]l's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and family were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. William Calls', Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope and family, Mr. C. Mills, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. W. Grif- ST. je CHUE (Anglic SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Alex. McGregor, The Statesman SoId At Following Stores Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright. Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Gen. Store. Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Siernon. Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, H ampton Tru]l's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Srnoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handv Store Jury & Loveli Dilling's General Store 106 Duke St. The Statesman Office fin, Heather and Dale were Mrs. E. 'J'yers. Toronto, last K. ISundav evening guests at Mm. week. and Mrs. L. Stainton's. Mr.' Service Club Meeting Milîs remained for a visit with Service Club met at Mrs. A. bir Mr. and Mrs. Stainton. Leadbeater's Nov. 20 with sev- for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash. en members and one visitor cliu ton and boys were Saturday present. It was moved and gra evening guests o! Mr. and Mîrs. seconded that we convass only hoi S. Kemsey, Hampton. for *'The March o! Dimes*' this Trz Mr. Tom DeMill and family, year. As] Miss Irene Ferguson, Mr. Ken Names were exchanged for thiý Herrington, Oshawa, with Mr. gifts for our Christmas partv mu an r.Carl Ferguson. to be beld at Mrs. Ralph yoi an Clmrs. aptn w Lamb's Dec. 13 when husbands lom Ro Cemn, amtnWihare invited. Tbmee shut-ins Asi Edgar Wright and family. from our community will again gifi Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson receive Christmas parcels. Tic- att( visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fer- ket money was received by brc guson, Bowmanville.j Mrs. R. Lamb. Lunch was Mr: Mrs. Joe Switzer. Gates served by Mrs. E. MeNai-, Mrs. We Milîs, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick and Miss Nancy Wood. Mr. and Mrs Petbi ck accompanied M rs. Switzer to caîl on Arthur Red W IN TER SI Whîttakem and Mrs. P. F. Brad- for ley, Bowmanville. Mrs. C. R. Walton, Miss Eileen Wbitesides, Kingston; 1 setthe weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mms. COMPLETE ALIGI H. Stevens. Mr.E. M. Slemon visited WHEEL BAL McGill and hostess. ('elebrates 75th Birthday M1rs. E. C. Ashton's î5th thday was a geniline reasori ýa party so her farnily ini- uding her children and îndchldren gathered at the me of Mr. and Mrs. I. G. ravell, Oshawa, one o! Mi s. shton's daughters to celebrate s occasion. A program of îsic was enjoyed with the )ung fry as performers. Fol- wing a delicious dinner Mrs. shton was presented with ts and cards. Other guests tending were Mrs. AshtoVs ~teMr. Allen Stainton, rs. Irwin Bragg, Mr, David eidon and Mr. I. Traveil, Sr. PECIALSI SIMONIZE AND PROTECT YOUR CAR OnIy $1 0.00 JNDERCOAT AND STEAM CLEAN Special $28.00 ANY MAKE 0F CAR Robson Motors Limited BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE STORES ------ - ----- -- TRMtSDAT. NOV. 28th, 1957 THE CANADUN STATESMAN. ROWMANvn-T-r M"A'Pte% -l 1 )RUVING (MENT AND MANCINC Store 3-5-7921 Phone MA

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