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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1957, p. 10

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- --. . .- - 4. PAGE TEX- ________________________________________ ___________________ £1 J £LLI' , JJ.'.. Valedictory A ddress At Cartwright School Given by Doug Davison Valedletory Addresa BY Dout. Davison Cartwright High School I feel that a very great hon- our has been bestowed upan me 4IiL, evening-that of giv- ing the valedictory address at this commencement program. A vaiedictory address lu actu- ally a formai way of saying farewell to those difficuit but wandenfui days at hlgh school and it lu with vivid and diverse memories that I look back upon ]MY days in Cartwright High School. The period beginning wîth our first day in Grade fine un-1 tii- we completed Grade thin- teen will always domînate QW memories. Although we of thi! class had the opportunity o attending Grade eight ln th( high school building we weri stili bewildered in the confu. sion of aur first day of higi school. Instead of having on( teacher, we were confrontec by four teachers who present. ed us with a wider variety ai subjects. I arn sure that we car well recail our first encounter-ý with those seemingly impos. sible subjects such as Latin Chemistry and Algebra. Hovi- ever we persevered and al. though graduation appeared te be an unattainable goal we SATURDAY EXCURSIONSI EVERY SATURDAY TO AND INCLUDING DECEMBER 14 Good going and returning samne Saturdoy only. EXCURSION PARE FROMs Belleville *. .. .. ..$4.70 Cobourg . ..- .a 2.90 Port Hope -.. .. ....2.65 Bowmanville ..... 1.90 Oshawa. .**... 1.45 Whitby . .. .. ....1.25 Corresponding fores fromn intermnediate points FULL lNWORMATION FROM AGENTS CANADIAN PACIM1 CANADIAN NATIONAL NOTICE Uncertainty ni weather and road con- 'ditions nt this season of the year places a maximum burden upon our delivery system. In order to avoid congestion at our Store. and disappointment in ourt delivery service, we respectfully requestV your co-operation. You can help us to r maintain our services by purchasing or l ordering your requirements early! If( i- DREWERS' WAREHOUSING C~OMPANY LIMJTED Operating g i BREWERS' RETAIL STORES PRESENTLY IN TRAINING AS CERTIFIEI NUE L.ft to rigbt, France. Begg, Port Hope; Reta Kennedy, Millbrook; Pat Kelly, Lindsay; Sharon Green&Ied, Peterborouigh; who will graduate soon fmo t te Cetiftd Nurang Amiutante' Centre at Toronto. They wMllroemve a eutificate £rom the Ontario DePertment of Health and wiil be regiatered m Certifted N-rsan Amistant. Timin the only auxiliary auru5ng eourwe offiially rscognized by hoqtah and hoatl t atheiem Ontari MEt OU W fr»a fflSh i - ate $t à=wY SiM. &Roqufommt.--Agi. 17 to m 46, GRM&i VIIEdtiam. Trin... receive $W0 -MÉL a" ORWM kWffnB Satàu ONTARIO DEPABTMENT OF HeALYN . 1, 4- . --ll -- lwjmâ 0 à6 ild £SSaM realize just how foolish this ie idea was for the five years f C p C T high school passed quickly due aci y C ta the many interests and ac- tivities of high school lufe. C m As a result of these orctivx- C H S ties a feeling of friendship ancj coaperation was created whicn hA manifested itseif in a loyal D C 11 act play held the whole school tu e . Lr in anticipation for many weeks. BWakstock: A capacity crowd Participation in these plays was present at the Communitv Es provided us with valuable Hall, Blackstock, Friday even- )f training and experience. Also 1i ng, November 22, for the Cart- [e field day competition, schoo] wright High Sehool annual -dances, picnics and expedition Commencement Exercises. t- ta the Royal Ontario Museum After introductory remarks h and to the presentation af by Dr. J. McArthur, the Chair. ýShakespearean plays were val- man of the board, the prograrn duable not only in giving us a was handed over to Mr. G. > broader education but in pro- Paisley, the principal, who dmoting aur social life. Espe- acted as chairman for the re- n cially noticeable during the mainder of the evening. Mr. -past two years has been the Paisley expressed a hearty ;- increase in participation in ex- welcome to ail those present itra curricular activities with and reviewed briefly the school other schools. Our visits to activities during the fail term. *Orono ta- play basketball, ta The president af the Stu- i Bowmanville ta play rugby and dents' Council, Jerry Bowers, eto Port Perry ta play base- was introduced, who in turn bail all helpoad ta promnote, introduced the other members teamwork and a feeling of ocf the Council - Secretary- self-confidence. It is especiallY i1Treasurer, Joyce Hooey; Social encouragîng ta learn that this, Convenor - Ardis McArthur; activity has expanded ta in- Editors-Lloyd Wilson, Winni- clude a track meet with Orono fred Schwartz and Lawrence and Millbrook after which was ButtU Grade 9 representative held a very successful dance ait Gerald Brown; Grade 10-Alan Blackstock. This school spirit Asseistine; Grades Il and 12- developed by competition and Gloria Sadler. cooperation will be valuable ta us in aur future endeavours. The Cartwright High School Board includes:-Dr. J. McAi- It is ta the high school board thur, Chairman; Dalton Dorreli, that ive are grateful for receiv- Vice-Chairman; Harold Swain, ing a high school education at David Wilson, Ivan Mountjov. Blackstock and particularly tO Mrs. Elaine Romeril, Secre- the teachers who hv their guid- tary-Treasurer. ance and supervision xvhich ait ch ecig tf s-r limes çeerned too stringent have ThG. P n Saff .,Pincipal; hrou.ght uis la this turning point G.Pily .APicpl in aur careers. The words Miss J. McArthur, B.A.; Mrs. "thank you" hardlv seem am- G. Wolfe, Mr. Richard Bowles, pie ivhen we realize how this B. A.: Mr. Anthony Sgra, B .Sc.;r group of odru persans M. Neil Bailey.N shared aur mistakes and con- Presentation of Awards 9 stantly encouraged us when we Next on the pragram. was the9 \vere readv la take the path of presentation of certificates, di- r least resistance. We realize now plamnas, field day awards and 13 just how valuable this encour- prof iciency prizes.y agement reallv was when we Thi rsettona ntre d survey the rising standards in diTe pCetiates boy Mtr R.9 this constantly changing worl Carnpell ta Lcarr yAshroRPa-ti and when we perceive liow ldwlaibl oLryAhoP-t pur' own standards od have lt ricia cieVries, John Feddema,L been comnpared Ia Ihe standards Barry Fisher, Sylvia Kozub, 'V for which w-e were striving. Ruth P roas ser. Winnifred r To aur parents also ive oiVe Schv.artz. Jack Swaî'n, Glen i aur thanks for their instructive Wilson, Lloyd Wilson. l uphringing. By their efforts The presentation of Second- e they formed the foundation ai-y School Graduation Diplo- V upon which we are able ta im-. mas by Canon Chaperlin to 0 prove aurselves. Il is ta be Catherine Bailey, Jerry Bow-e hoped that we can show aur ers, Joyce Hooey, Josie Hooyer, appreciation bv developing aur !1D arrell Watson. di talents in the best way thiat we The Prrsciiftion ai Second- V know haw in order that we ary Schaol Hanour Graduation' F may become worthwhile citi- jDiplomas by Mr. P. Romeril ta N zens of whomn they may be Bert flowers, Doug Davison; 1V. justly proud. Mildred Colley. c( It is important pow that weI The Presentation of athletic la look ta the futuré and realize trophies ta the Field day cham- the part that we are going ta pions by Miss McArthur and take. It is only necessary ta Mr. Bowles ta:--Senior Girls- tl, pick up any newspaper or per- Ruth Prasser; Intermediate Ir iodical ta discover that Canada Girls-Nicole Forest; Junior itl is a grawing country. It is es- Girîs-Jopie Diuvesteyn. Sen- Pi pecially evident in aur north- ior Boys-Jerry Bowers; Inter- ir lands where development is mediate Bays-Gerald Brown; M' progressing at a rapid Pace. This Junior Boys-Ardis McArthur. g. develapmnent 15 pragressing1 Junior Boys' Championship si hand irq hand wîth the more ai the Tri-Schoai Meet held at a stringent requirements for spe- Orono-Ardis McArthur. l cialized personnel, which cre- The presentation of rugby stI ates a large demnand for men "tabs"' ta the members of the e:, of ail professions especially for C.HS. rgby team by the Ne scientists and engineers and team capta, i, Jerry Bower. ti trained leaders. Although we The presentation ai Profici- te are primarily concernied with ency prizes included: aur professions we are faced TeWlaeMalwpie with the task ai being good Th Walc rowpze citizens. This is necessary ta presented by Mrs. Romeril- niý hîelp make the world ai to-mor- Grade 410. lst prize-John Fed- R( rowa ettr lac i whchtodema; 2nd prize-Jack Swain. so live. It is my sincere hope th at Grade 12, ist prize-Catherine M the students of Catrih Watson 2nd prize - Darreli ha 'igh School will accept his orWasnth her respansibility and thus The Henry Thompson mem- In form an important part in aur anial prize spansored by the Pi( futur socety.Nestieton Women's Institute BC ~utre ocity.for the highest standing in fit. Grade li-Aileen Van Camp. !i [ Present ation by Mrs. R. Davi- in ison. 17.ry KIDNf A IDS The O.N.O. prize for the se: highest standing in Grade 9 if>, ~o orRs.presented by Mrs. H. cag-S Rob y ur Re t, 0 lin: lst pnize-'Margaret Hoaey; Lai Many people noyer soem Io get a 1oo 2nd prize-Alan Asseistine. l night'a ~ ~ 9oo ret hy ts-lm The Bla9kstock Women's In- on 'ne'-when it may be their kidneYa. stitute prizes for the highest ati Heaktly kidneys fltor poisons and excosa standing in Home Economics pul ads from th& blood. If th.. f.A .A and Shop Work, Grades 9 and roi .1 maties and Science, Grade 12. ta Darnell Watson, presented by Mr. Sgro. The Principal's prizes for the highest standing in Latin and French, Grades Il and 12. pre- sentd byMr.Paisey.Grade 11-Alee Va Cap-,Grade Theschol ibrrywas pre- sened ithfou boksby the Wm. Va Campfamily and with one book by Mrs. J. Scott Valedictorian Doug. Davison '\, The valdctory address was COUP N TO AY! presented Doug with the Mac- lean Hunter Publishing com- rs cmr4 pwu d Mpany gift subscription award. OI NALaI FIWmTim I Gymnastie Display FOIN.One af the highiights ai the entertainment part of the pro- gram was the display of tumnb- I ling exercises and pyramids _______ I put on by the girls of Grades I 9 and 10 under the direction (J i M~s J . McArthur. This is ____________ I he first time Ihat the girls ~ have had coahing in gymnas- tacs and they and Misa McAr- qrowd A t rnencemen f fin A wards thur are to be commended for their fine performance. The Blue Jeans Girl A one act play entitled The Blue Jeans Girl provided the audience with many laughs. The cast was as iollows: Nan- cy Kent-a high school girl played by Ann Redmond; Elaine Kent - a college girl piayed by Elinor Shemilt; Mns. Kent-their mother played bv Margaret Hooey; Jane Eliot- a high school girl played b-, Glenda Wilson, Jim Wentworth -a high school boy played by Bill Bruee; Mr. Livingston-a Hollywood talent scout played by Lawrence Bull. The program was intersper- sed with a variety of sangs bv Nicole Forest, Clifford Dayes and Lloyd Wilson who proved their additional talents by pro- viding, their own musical ac- companiment. BLACKSTOCK W. A. ai the United Church met in the Sunday Schaol room Tuesday aiternoon with 219 ladies present, vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Ross Duff presiding. Mvrs. Percy Van Camp read the Scripture and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy gave a devotional paper. Rail caîl was answcred with "a Christmas thought". Several "thank you" notes were read also several donations to- wvard the W.A work were gratefully received. Treasurer gave a fine report showing fi- nxances in good shape. This being the last mcetin!ý aifIhe year, considerable business xvas lealt with. Mrs. Cecil Gibson, group leader then presided for the pragnam-a readin.-, 'Chris- mas Jsn't What lt [J.;ed lu b"_,% by Mirs. Fred Cowliii,,; Mis. Vilbî 1r Archer gave a' report of the recent W.A. convention in Oshawa and dispta\ ed soine iteralure; carol singing clos- ed the meeting. Mrs. Merrill Van Camp presentedi the repart if naminating cammittee %vitlî 'ificers for 1958: President, Mrs, Roy McLaughlin; vice--presi- dent, ]\ns. Rroes DuIT: mr:a- Nirs. W Archer: th ca - r Ir- Russell Mountjový; GoodCh r vfrs. Harold Martyn; pianist, MIrs. Neil Werry; parsonage committee, Mesdames R. Tay- n, Ross Duif and M. Graham. Wednesday aflernoo'n a good- ý- number ai ladies from Nes- 1etan and Blackstock Women's Istitutes met in the Commun- ty hall. Mrs. Lamne Thompson resided for the meeting and Itroduced the guest speaker, qiss Clipsham aif Toronto, who rave a lecture and led a discus- don on "Whene Food Makes iDiffenence". A delicious unch was served by the Black- ;ock ladies. Mrs. D. Davidsai- icpressed the thanks ai the estieton ladies for the invita- ion ta join in the pleasant ai- ernoon's gathering. A shower was held in the ammunity Hall Thursday .ght in honor ai Mr. and Mrs tobt. Brinkman, (Mary Wil- nm). Dalton Donrell was chair- an and aiten a fine prognam id been given, he expnessed he good wîshes ai the com- iunity and presented the cou- le with a table-full ai gifts. oth groom and bride madle tting replies and exlended an ivitation toalal ta visit them their new home in Port Per- *. A bounteous lunch was ýrved aiter which ail so car- ïg enjoyed dancing with Miss Lîriey Harris, Messrs. Roy Me- .ughlin and Chas. Smith sup- Iing the music. Ail the public school teachers tended the West Durham ible school convention in To- >to Fniday. In the forenoan iy visited diffement class- 'key dinner ta about 230 guests of the Durham County Federation of Agriculture. Miss Donna McLaughlin spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Edith Mur- phy, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin, Donna and Dennis, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy,'Ty- rone Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrow. Hilton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp and Miss Doreen, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt Sunday on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Con- gratulations Mr. and Mrs. Proutt. Mr. and Mrs Russell Spinks, Oshawa, visited his sisters, Mrs. Ed Darcy and Mrs. Ira ArgueI Sunday. Miss Joan Venning spent the wveekýcnd with relatives in To-1 rot. and Mrs. Wes Pearce I and Mvr. and Mrs. John Ralim attended the Pearce-Buxcey wedding in Prince Albert church Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Beaverton, visited Mr. and Mrs. WilberY Archer Thursday Miss Eva Parr is visiting ber cousin in Detroit. Mrs. Richard Stinson, Bowv- mnanville, visited MVýr. and Mrs. Frank Stinsan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gib Marlow at- tended the Ice-Capades Friday night and the Motorama Satur- day in Toronto. The Couples Club went to Solina Friday night and were royaliy' entertained by their 3 -M's. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Dawson brought ber mother, Mrs. Fred l3ailey home from Windsor Sun- day. M-s. Dawson is remaining a coui_Žle of days. Mr Dawson commenced work as Collector of Cuîstomns in Oshawa last week and they will move as soon as they can procure a home. Mrs. Fred Daves, Lorraine and Jim, spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono. ELIZABETH VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beat- ty attended the funeral of the late Alfred Fulford last week Mr. nd rs.Vernon Peacock attended tIfe funeral of the late Mrs. T. Carscadden, Orono, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantnili and famiiy with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Quantrili, Oshawa, Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Jones, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGahey, Fraserville, with Mr. and Mrs. R. White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Failis and famn- ily, Millbrook, with ber parents Mr., and Mrs. Wilbert Beatty Sunday. Sunday Schaol was heid on Sunday manning. The regular churcli service at 7.30 had ta be called off as Rev. Bryson slid Institute, Toronto, were also off the road at Canton on the home. VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS? Go CNR -the sure, th&comfortable way. Nomauter where you're going, whether you're travelling solo or with you.r family--you can make your plans now! Snow-filled skies or icy roads wiIl make no diffrence-you'll get where you want to go, and you'l enjoy every relaxing minute of your trip. Insure your holiday fun plans-by making your CNR resenvation now! Check too, the money-saving features of our Family Fane Plan. Ask about CNR Gift Certificates, ideal for holiday giving! For tickets and information contact your local Every year, more and more people who are going visiting over the Christnau Season go osa a 3 s It'A a man's regponsibi1it- tca make bure that hi8 wiffe and childr-cn wiII continus to have the things they need. . .even if he doesn't live, or if he becomes Stotally disablcd. SAdequate life insurance, f properly anranged, can bring the pricelesguar. antce of security to your family-and ta you. Todoy is a good doy lo fm1k lo a London LiFe rep,.jentativ. London Li-fe Inhsurance Company Head Office: I.oulido:,, uda s. way to the services, and was unabie 10 be here. On Friday evening most of the Young folk attended the. Commencement exercise. at Port Hope. Those receiv g9la. termediale certificates fom this area were Joan 1.4nk and Ruth Mercer; specia1 c< u,- mercial, Donna Mercer, Selon. dary school graduation dipla. mas-Allen Mercer, secondary' sehool honour graduation dip.. loma-Beryl Thickson who won a Dominion Provincial Bursary valued at $500, also an lt1kin- son Bursary vaiued at ID-MO. Miss Dorothy Muidrew lk' ho shield fa rGrade 9F. C96ritlu- lations are extended bt e» successful girls and boys. Miss Beryl Thickson who la attending Victoria College, To- ronto, was home for the week. end. Miss Donna Mercer and AI. len Mercer, attending Ryerson TORON TO on the insurance N-ý,e.provided ?" --n. TEZ CANADUN STATUSIUR. BÔWUANV=. ONTARIO MM"WRTNAIV IVýi" m4u I&M a. le"

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