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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1957, p. 11

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-- 1.~ - - .....-.--oe ~, ~-~t-~ - ...~ - -. . - -~.... -. -. 9MUEIMAT, DEC. 5th, 1957 TEE CAXADIAN BTATESRLA2I, EOWMANVflLE. ONTARIO *Afl 1!T.WU Present Prizes at B.H.S. Commencement 1957 04~ ) 1957 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES DO WMÂN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL Friday, November 29, 1957 Durham County District High School Board Mr. H. E. Tnk, Chairman Mr. C, E. Alun, Mr. 1. C. AllUn, Mr. Y. C. Burger, Mr. G. L. Brackenhury. Mr. Irwln CoIwjll. Mr Frank Devereaux, Mr. I. R. Fallis, Mr. 1. F. Heylond, Mr. D. A. McGregar, Mr. C. 1. Nichais, Mr. L. A. Parker, Dr. R. F. Richardson, Mr. Alan Strike. Mr. G. N. Strouiq, Mr. Carlos Tamblyn, Mr. B. R. Waddell, Dr. W. 1. wright. Mr. W. 3. fReynalds, Secretary-Treusurer Teaching Staff Mr. L. W. Dippeti, B.A. --- -- Principal and Toucher ai Science Un. M. S. Arnott, E.Sc., HoX.c-- Toucher aif14cm. Econamicsanad Lo-'rer School Enlish Mr. B. B. Bull, B.A......Toucher af La-rer Srho'-'IMfira'hîci English and Physicai Education Mise M. G. Bennett, B.A., B.P.H.E.. Teacher ai Physical and Hec"lth Educatian and Lawer Schaol Mathematics Mrs. P. C. Bennett ____- Teucher ai Cammercial Sublects Miss E. . Eoyd. .A. -___.- ......... ý -Teocher oai Engish Mr. D. B. Bradey, B.A. ________-Teacher ai Enlish and Lawer Schoal Science Mr. B. E. Cornish, B.A - ------- Toucher af Cammercial Sublects Mr. G. R. Elliait, B.A., .Paed. ----.-.- Teacher ai Hstory and Voatianal Guidance Moss A. Garuimane B.A.- - ----- -- Teaicher af Lawer Schoai English, French and Physicul Educutian Ur. A. T. Hiqqins. B.A. .- Toucher ai Lawer Schaal Engliah and Hisiary Mrs. M. A. Ieflery, B.A. .. Toucher ai Enqlish and Hislary Mr. M. . E. Johnsan, E.Sc. ai Ed. - Toucher ai Physical and Health Educatian Mr .G. Jealistan _______ _Toucher oai ndustrial Arts un& Laver Schaci Mthernafice Miss E. M. Leycaek, B.A. -____ Toucher ai French and Gormau Mr. A. P T. LéGreel.y, E.SA. - Toucher ci Laver Schacl Science and Geography Mis. A. V. Lvis, B.A. - -___ Toucher ai Science and Guidance Mr. L. Lucas,.B.A. -......-- - . -----.-Toucher ai Mthemuatica Mis E. M. McKuqgue. B.A. -___- Touicher oi French and Histary Un. H. E. MeManter, MMA. -______ Toucher oi Art and Enqllsh Mr. 1. T. Malloch . _______ Toucher oi Industrial Arts Mr. V. M. Mathewscn, .A. Toucher ai Mthemuatics Mr. D. C. Pters. L.T.C.M. _____~.~. Toucher ci Music Ur. A. W. Sheridan, B.A. -______ Toucher of Latin and Greek Ur. W. M. Stoeey, B.A. - -____ Toucher oi Agriculture and Science Ur.. LG. Wtherspacn. B.A. -____Toucher ai GeaqraphyPhysies and Aitbmetic bMrs. N. IL Wolfe Toucher ofiHmre Ecanamice BANK 0FP MINTREAL CUP iFor speed p d accuracy in Typing Winner *- Barbara Graham * THE WANK 0F COMMERCE PRIZE iïîudnt obtaining the highest standing iii Bookkeeping. $10,00 in cash. Winner - Shirley Lemon COMMERCIAL DIPLOMAS Grace Blackburn, Joan Buttery, Roy Carden, Arnold Dowsor Barbara Graham, Shirley Leman, Catharine Witvoet. COMMERCIAL CERTIFICATE Ralph Davey UPmERwooD SPEED AND ACCURACY CERTIFICATE For typewriting speed and accuracy at a net rate of 50 wards per minute. Grace Blackburn, Gloria Brent, Roy Corden, Marilyn Flîntofl Shirley Lemon, Marlene McDonald, Catharine Witvoet. UNDERWOOD PROFICIENCY CERTIFICATE For typewriting speed and accuracy at the net rate of 60 wards per minute. Barbara Graham, Jacqueline Hall ATHLETIC PRIZES Beys' Senior Championship Charles Triri Boys' Senior Runner-up ------____ Richard Strikwerda Boys' Intermediate Championship - Gary Mceulloug: Boys' Intermediate Runner-up -- Robert Archer ]Boys' Junior Championshîp --- - Joseph Bothwell Boys' Junior Runner-up -.-- _,. - Alex Wiseman Girls' Senior Championship - - Barbara Bathgate Girls' Senior Runner-up _.------ Beverley Smith Girls' Intermediate Championship -- - Vîrgînia Brown Girls' Intermediate Runner-up -------------------Christine Smith Girls' Junior Champîonship __ Beverley McRobbie, Donna Bragg (Tied) TRI-SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD MEET (Bowmanville - Cobourg - Port Hope) The Tri-Schaol Meet Trophy was won by Bowmanville High School a..o Girls', Intermediate Boys' and Junior Boys' Trc,,pies were won by Bowmanville High School Boys' Junior Championship------------- Alex Wiseman Boys' Intermediate Champîonship Peter Reynolds Girls' Senior Chanapionshîp ----_ Barbara Bathgate Pose Bowl Mile ---- ----- -- Graham Pickering Beys' Intermediate Runner-up R Tobert Archer Girls' Senior Runner-up ------------------ Beveriv Smith DAVIS CLP Donated byý E. Dav-is, in memory of the etce Mr. J1anmes WV, Davis, to the student who has contributed moat Jo Rug,ý'. Winner - Paul McC:îllough TUE BAGNELL AWý%ARD Donated by Mrs. M. L. Bagnell, te the student who has contributed most to Basketball and has been a member of a team for three years. Winner - Hartley Lewis BRUCE COLWELL TROPHY Donated by Bruce Colwell ta the student who won the 4 Annual Two-niile Cross-Country Race Winner - William Allison LOWER ECHOOL AGRICULTURE PRIZE Awa.rded te the student- obtaining the hi ghest standing in Grade IX and Grade X Agriculture. $5.00 in cash. Donar - Mr. W. M. Stacey Wlnner - Jonhn Alib- "NAM COUNTY DISTRICT HIGU SCROOL BOARD PRIZES -iAwarded te students abtaining the highest standing in #tdes IX X, XI. XII and Commercial. $25.001 in cash. Grade lx Verne'Chant Grade XII - Hartley Lewiç Grade X - Howard Rundle Jr. Comm. - Gloria Brent Grade XI - Peter Reynolds Sr. Comm, - Joan Buttery j MRENI CANADIAN CLUB HISTORY PRIZE Awarded te the students in Grade X, obtaining the highest standing in Canadien Hîstory. $500 each in books. Vinners. Gili - Barbara Vermeulen Boys - Hloward Rwadle CATROLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Awarded to the student obtaining the highest standing in Grade X Latin. $10.00 in cash. Donor: The Ladies' League of St. Joseph's Church. Winner - Howard Rundie THE GILFILLAN PDIZE nhe Gilfillan Prize, in memory of the late Principal James Gilfillan, for Public Speaking in Grades IX and X. $ 15.00 in bookr. Winners: lst, Linda Brooking; 2nd, Mary Laskaris; 3rd, Larry Thompson THE TAMBLYN PRIZE The Tamblyn Prize for Public Speaking in Grades XI, XII, XIII and Commercial. $15.00 in books. Donor: The late W. W. Tamblyn, Esq., M.A. Winners: 1sf, Robert Brown; 2nd, Garry Humphtey; 3rd, Frederick Goddard fil bf ta ýh T] rAN m r >1. CANADIAN LEGION PRIZES The Canadian Legion Prizes are awarded to thé neatest appearing boy and girl cadet,- on parade Pt Cadet Inspection. Donar: The local Brancli ot the Canadian Legion. %I0.00 ini cash. Winners: Girls, Eleanor Pickard: BsEric Barr CADET TROPHY Awarded to the -,Iuccnt who ha- rontnîbutecl most ta the Cadet Corps. Winner - John Dîppeil lTRATIRCO.NA TRUST BEST SHOT AWARD Awarded ta the be-st shot in th%. Bowmnanvîile Cadet Corps. Winner - John Mason THE BONNYCASTLE FRIZE To the student who has -ýJ1own n"seat promise in Dra-natîcs, 'z5.OO in book.. Donor- Mrs. Maitland Gould, daughter of the lete Dr. G. C. Bonnx-caztle. Winner - Darla-Marie Palmer. j DRAMA AWARD Awarded by the Literary Society Winner - Roger Cook UPPER SCHOOL CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS PRIZE For the highest standing in Upper Sehool Chemnistry and Physics. $10.00 in cash Donor: Mr. L. W. Dippell WVýiniler - Douglas Cattran THE DEVITT AND FERGUSON PRIZE Awarded ta the boy and girl, elected by fr-lloxi, students, 1rh o showed diligence in studies and other school activitics, cheerful submission te authority, self-respect and independence of charaeter, readiness to forgive offence, desire ta conciliate differences of others and moral courage and unflinching truthfulness. $10.00 in books Donors: The late Dr. J. C. Devitt and the late Mr. E. S. Ferguson Winners: Girls, Patricia Conway; Boys, Fred Carter Dano DEBATING COMPETITION Junior Division, Grades IX and X, of Inter-form Debating Competition. $10.00 in cash. Donor: The Student Council of Bowmanville High Schoc Winners - Dan Cattran and Howard Rundie of 10D Senior Division, Grades XI, XII, XIII, of Inter-form Debating Competition. $10.00 in cash. Donor'- The Graduating Class of 1955-56 Winners - Peter Reynolds and Donald Welsh of 1i3 THE SQUAIR PRIZE- Awarded te the best student in Upper School French. $5.00 in books. Dr. The late John Squair, Esq., M.A., Professer cf French, University of Toronto. Winner - Douglas Gamsby TUE JOLLIFPFE PRIZE The Jolliffe Prize, in memory o! the late Lieutenant Reginald Jolliffe, awarded ta, the best student in Upper School History. $10.00 in books. Winner - Robert Brown ROTARY CLUB PRIZE ro the student with highest standing in Upper School subjeets, mho in addition, has won the school crest and honours in at least ve sujajects. $25.00 in cash. In the event of the crest not having een won by the student with highest standing, $15.00 is awarded o the student and the remaining $10.00 ta the Athletic Societies. Winner - Douglas Gamsby THE HOSKIN PRIZE The Hoskin Prize for the highest standing In the Upper Seheol Examinations. $5.00 in books. Donor: The late John Hoskin, Esq., L.L.D. Winner - Douglas Gamsby THE LIONS CLUB PRIZE For the hIghest standing in the Upper School Mathematies. $10.010 in cash. '0onor: The Lions Club, Bowmanville. Winner - James Ferguson 'E GOODYEAR TIRE & RURBER COMPANY SCUOLARSUIF ,warded ta pupils o! Gracde XIII, standing first and second ,spectively in generai proficiency in the following subjects: îglish, three Mathematies, a Foreign Language, and two Sciences. First prize, $75.00; second prize, $25.00. Donor: The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Canada. Winners: lst, Douglas Gamsby; 2nd, James Ferguson ME HAROLD F. LONGWORTH MEMORIAL SCROLARSUIF ,arded, ta pupils of Grade XIII for general proficiency. andidates must write on at least eight papers, French and erman being a requisite. If, in any year, no student qualifies in Gernian, Latin may be substituted for that year. First, $75.00; second, $25.00. onors: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Longworth, in memery o! their son, Hlarold F. Longworth, who served as Modemns Teacher and Rugby Coach in Bowmanville High School. Winners: Ist, Arthur Jammer; 2nd, Tom Park GRADE VIII FEUZES warded te the pupils obtaining highest standing in Grade Vlll Metiernatics and Eîsgli5h. Donors: The Businsess ansd Professional Wlnmen's Club and tise Lions Club of Bownaîsvîlle. A7înners: Mathemnatics Pihe, Dîxip Guil, Betty Luxton English Prize, DonîýJd Brown, Marie Trimble D URHAM- NORTH 1 MBERLA ND P140WING MATCH HIGH SCHOOL CLASS Awarded by. Toî-oto-Domnnon Bank. Mîllbrook Sranch, to he,<ltctam for 1957. Winnens: Carias Cryderman and David Cryderman £ONDARY SCHOOL HONOUR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS anne Austin, Robert Brown, Douglas Cattran, Beverly Cowling, Sma Dale, James Fergusbn, Velda Fisher, Douglas Gamsby, iyne Hooey, William Hooper, Garry Humphreys, Arthur mmer, Christina Lamb, Douglas Lycett, George Marlowe, Eleanor Osborne, Thomas Park, Jacqueline Rosevear, Harvey Webber. SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS in Allin, Barbara Bathgate, Evelyn Brown, Marion Buttery, ail Cale, Joan Cann, Patricia Conway, Joan Cook, John )peil, Elizabeth Foran, Carolyn Foster, Frederick Gôddard, -garet Goheen, Paul 1-erhert. Brian Jackson. Kathleen ýson. Norman Janes. Dav-id Kellett. Ross Kossatz, Edward wal, Ruth Lamb, Hartley Lew\is. David iMcCullough, M.-rleît Donald, Carbi Maguire. John Mason, Karen Mutton, Alice lejans, Darla-Marie Palmer, Mary Pluistèr, MVarilyn Quanr.txl, ri Boss, Canille Smîîh. Suzanne Thompson, Frederir.k stone. Albert Werry, Bev-erley Wilson, Gloria 'wpignt. A SEC Dia] Nor Waj Janr Joai Car( Dipl Mar Jaci OM Jerr Van STUDEST COUN'CIL Teacher Adviser, Mr. E. G. Witherspoon; President, Jerri Ross-, Vice-President, Verna Foran: Secretary, Canol Hughes; Treasurer, Peter Balsas'; Publie Relations, Robert Archer. Councillors: Robert Aflin, Beverley MWraight, Charlie Trirn. Forrn Repre- sent.stives- 9A, Charles Crowther; 9B. Dixie Guil,9C. William JUebei D. Audrey Smal., 9E, Mernidy Muttzi; 917. MUg Smale; 9G, Arthur Hester: 10A, Margaret Vanstone; 10B, John Perry; 10C, Barbara Hughes; 10D, William McKnight; l1A, Jim Mitchell; 11B, Robert Hannah; 11C, Beverly Smith; 11D, Linda Mutton; 12A, Charles Trim; 12B, William Hooper; 12C, Suzanne Thompson; 13, Barbara Bathgate. GIRLS' ATRLETIC SOCIETY Teacher Adviser, Miss. M. G. Bennett-, President, Beverley Wralght; Secretary-Treasurer, Joan Smith. Sport Managers: Basketball, Myrtle Brown; Volleyball, Gwen Stark; Awards:, Peggie Simpson, Margaret Harvey. Form Representatives: 9A, Helen Panas; 9B, Sharon Hancock: 9C, Sandra Chaskevich; 9D, Audrey Smale; 9E, Charlotte Austin: 9F, Jean Thoiî21nýon: 9G. Diane Haliman; 10A, Christine Smith; 10B, Joan w0rnsiston; 10e, Virginia Brown; 10D, Audrey Spîccr; t lA, Joan Davcyeý; 11B, Heather Maughan; 11C. Lana Purd '\; ]ID. Beverley Mcrflobbie2: 12A, Patricia Pingle: 12B, Joanne Mackie; 12C, Cainiille Smith; 13. Merion Butters'. BOYS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY Teacher Adviscr, NI. J. E. Johnson; Presidcint. Charles Trim;. Secretary, Dan Cattran: Treasurer., Bry-an Hughes. Sport Managers: Basketbali, Bryan Trimble; Voleybali, Peter Belsey; Soccer, Jim Hasiuk; Soitball, Robert Allun; Touch Football, David Reynolds; Awards, Peter Reynolds. Form Representatives: 9A, John Twist; 9B, Kenneth Coverly; 9C, William Crossey; 9D, Robert Osborne; 9E, Robert Nemis; 9F, Bryan Martyn; 9G, Arthur Hester; 10A, Bryan Hughes; lOB, Joe Bothwell; IOC, George Kennett; 10D, Alex Wiseman, l1A, Donald McGregor; 11B, Gary McCullough; 11C, Clarence Mutton; 11lD, Dan Cattran; 12A, Charlie Trim; 12B, Peter Reynolds; 12C, William Cole; 13, Ken Williamson. night at the Lions Centre. Rev. again. Susanne Eyden, too, has T. A. Morgan will conduct the returned from the Sick Child. Friday night programme at Trin-resHspt. ity United Church. e'Hoptl A tenative budget presented Yoting people trying to ar- by the programme comnajttee range for a crokinole party have received approval. A discussion had to give it up for the time concerning what type of souv- being because of pressure of enier should be used was def- schooi work and shortage of erred until December, when a Friday evenings. Commence. report will be given by a spe- ment, choir concert, and Christ- cial cômmittee appointed toaet- mas concerts coming up. accu- tend the metter. py pah of the tinie until Christ. It %vas reported thlat Cenltcliln mîuz. Scloi clildrçnCI arce extra il envelopes bcaring Ili, decu- hs skn pfrweso orative seal x- ud be aex îb1jijr d sruptc d l a s s ta the public. These miay be ob- C 1 a r e ii r e Nicholis. iained frorn Ken Morris e1 t the *as~ Phillip anti Tim. motor- Chamber of Commerce. Bannrcis j (10 tVjestî-neath last weekendr for the forthcoming Little N.H. iwîvth sister Ruîth Anderson of L. Ontario Hocke.\ Tournarnent 'loroiito. wi]l bu ready by Januarv. Dom, ?ds E. Barîoucclough and Rigg reported. Those prescu iii Bt ob)Hlil of Port Hope attencied the meeting inciuded: Kc1nnet1h Ill fui(ra of their uncle. Morris, secrctary -nmanagct c01(jeorze i' fier, in Winchester theChamber of Commerce; Doug last 'iuesdaN*. Rigg, Centennial Committee sec- Sunday school was in chargMe retary; Ivan Hobbs, Reeve Sid- of Supt. Murray Payne with al ney Little, David Morrison, Rev. teacîsers present but attendance A. C. Herbert, George Hacking, is not back ta normal yet. Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and Glen Fry, H. Austin read the morning Chairman Bernard R. Kitney Seipture, and plans were made presided. for white gift service the sec. SCREECH UWL EXECUTIVE Teacher Adviser, Mr. G. R. Elliott; Editor-in-Chief, Robert Allun; WESLEY VILLE Assistant Editors, Berta Higgon, Ross Turner; Business Manager, Peter Reynolds; Publicity and Sales, Bryan Trimble; Advertising Manager, Howard Rundle; Advertising Assistant, Sandra Candler; (Intended for last week) Committee Conveners: Illustrations, G.arth Taylor; P mooua i ness huhich has plgeth ll Ray Twist; Grade News, Berta Higiton, Ross Turner; Humuns hc ha plge th-7 Donna Ake,' -: Centenniai. John Aluin: Crads- andJ Alumnni. Hartley' con:rnluniitv for thr past thre Lre\is; Ou-lt' Sports. Sheila Gogcrt 'Bov: 'Sports. Charlie Trios: mnontls lias aacthtre %,,'.e Clubs and Social,, NMer,ýýMif 'li.1*Foir Repreccntativc-,.: 9A, One fresh rc of 1mîîrnns thî- Robert Blackburn; 9B, Lindla Ro)crt7: OC. Patsy Fishier; 9D, pat \%vee!ý and sexerl aire Pearl Pascor: 9E. Joe Schaafsma; 9F, Barbara Phillips: G.ion the waiting lisi. sînce cx- Colleen Larkin: 10lA, Brian Ormîston: 10B, Larry Thomipson: OUI .Mr,;. Bi-UCe [)'nn]Cr wVie 10C., Janettc Philips: 10D, Vern(N Chant; 1 lA. Barbara Brown; has been in Port Hlope h o'p i- 11lB. Roy Chant, i1, Brenda Okê; i ID. Hrlen Knox; 12A,1j tai for the lest we eti-e Patricia Pingle; 12B. Gary Cox; 12C, Jacqueline Hall:,homne et the end of th(- weet, 113, Betty Foran. atri we hopr xilii soon be uxe1l PresidientC, Verna LITERARY SOCIETY .Fora o: Vicp-President, Gregory Many Excellent Speakers S-lated far Prayer Week Coiborne Band and Majorettes committee outlined the plans for will give performances on two the Week of Prayer, being held days during Old Home Week, it January 6 to 10. Canon Frank was reported at the Bowman- of Holy Trinity Church, Toronto ville Centennial Co m mittee will be the guest speaker on meeting held in the town hall Monday, January 6. Canon Frank recently. wiii give an address on Mun- Invitations have also been sent icipal Government at the town to Bowmanvîlle Legion Pipe hall auditorium. Bowmanville Band and the band from the Choral Society wifl provide the, Ontario Training School for music for the occasion. Boy.- in addifi on senveral otlher On Tuesday. Dr. Ketchurm. excellent bands xiii participate, of Po rt Hope xiii be the spèaker in the opening day cerenioi. j He will give his address aï Thsý -nnmmittre were alto in- the High School and a miisical formed they -will have the tise programime xii be arra4nged by of the Lions Centre during O id Mr. D. C. Peter.s . A socakcr frons Home Week. A discussion was Oshawa will give an address on held to consider the idea of plac- Management - Labour relations ing benches along King St. on Wednesday evening. S ervice! which visitors may sit and talk clubs will be the topic of an ad- with their friends. dress by Brigadier Morgan Flan- A report by Rev. A. C. Her- nagan, district commander of bert, chairman of the religious the Salvation Army, Thursday Cooper: ! ana Sunaay in ijecember. Mr. Harding's sermon on the great text "God so loved the world". and the choir's anthem made a fine service of worship in spite of the lack of inspiration of à large conrecation. AXir, Rait <w Straîshlp TO ElERYWNHERE 1-E y I& Lov E.L L 15i King S~t. WV. MA 3-5779 BOWMAANVI LLE BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE Stariing ai 6 p.m. on Co Frl*day, Dc6t Uifizeîîs are requeâted tri have tlieif aid ýapers and magazines ied in huitdies and placed n the boulevards in front of their homes. Your o-operation is appreciated.1 1 mdmý Gluethe job to Jimmie'and me i "Jimmie" is a tr-uck. Not just arxy truck, mind yeu. e«jîmmie" is the friendly nick-name truck men gix'e La a GMC. And, as so rnany Canadiein truckers know, "Jimmie" is the perfect partner for bigger payloads and even bigger profits. This year there's an even greater line of GMC Extra-Value Money-Makers with new special features f-o save you both tinte anid mnoney. For '58 GMC offers you brand-ncw Forward Contrai Utility Panels, th,ý sensational new Workmaster "'3 48" V8 Engine. an improved Poweru-naLic transmission, full ;.ir Brake option on ail Heavy Duty niodels, and GVW's ranging up ta 36,000 lb.. But get ail the news from your GMC dealer. There isn't a job smre "Jimmie" and you can't do better and faster. a A OhIAA&MOtOIS VALU§ World's greatestmue choice of trucks S Robson Motors Limited Po ntiac - Bulck - Vauxhail Cars '166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA -332MC& -3322k( MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 71 V- - -, tý, -, - . > Tm CANADL« BTATEUL42t. gowmANVULa OUTAMO PACM =Vm m - GMC Trucks

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