4BT47JtSAY. DEC. ath, 1057 R AA!I TTSA.D'MNTL.O?~ AI EEE Cunningham Reeve, School Bd. Unchanged Rickard Heads Poil Wb. and Mrs. Loi-ne Todd cf Shiloh and Mi... George Smith WejmS-uflday guests with Mr a .Lanson Millson. ' bdMrs. Harold Hoar adfamily of Scarborough were Sunday guests with Mrs. E. C. }Ioar and Miss Cooper. Mr.. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew of Peterborough visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew on Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mitch- ell and Mr-. Jack Howley of Newmarket were Sunday vis- itors with J.and Mrs. Cari Gould and family. Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Dar- ling sPent the weekend visiting Local Dept. Entertains Fir éman Ifs Association Newcastle: Coundcil chamber of the Community Hall was comfortably filled with fire- men representing departments throughout Durham and Nor- thumnberland on Thursday ev- ening last for the regular meeting of the Counties Fire- man 's Association, with Presi- C. G. GOULD Warm Air Heating a Specialfy EAVESTROUGHTNG Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 4331 a p q,4 A SOLAR HEAT dent Chief Len Holdaway of Bewdley presiding. He an- nounced that, due to the date of the next meeting ralling the day after Christmas, the exec- utive had decided ta with- draw the Decem-oer meeting, and that the next meeting would be 'held in the Part Hope Fire Hall on Thursday, January 23rd, at 8 p.m. -Reeve J. H. Jose and Coun- cillai-s Fred Couch and Rass Dickinson spoke briefly, wel- coming the members of the Association ta Newcastle anc expressing their pleasure at being invited ta sit in on the meeting and see the way ir whiclt the departments are working together for the good of the counties. Reeve Jose wished the association every success in their work, express- ing the hope they would nol be called upon too often for their services. The president called upor the nembers for suggestions for ways of stimulating inter. est i the Association and after considerable discussion. a suggestion by Chief Mercer of Orono that a social evening be held by the Association in which the ladies could partie. ipate, wvas passed as a motion with Chief Mercer delegated ta form a committee ta make plans for such an event and report at the January meeting. A motion was passed instruct- ing the secretary, Albert Nay- loi. of Newcastle, ta mail invoices ta the clerk of each municipality eariy in January ta caver the membership fees for the Mutual Aid Plan. Speaker for the meeting was Mi.. Cliff Campbell of the Fire Marshall's Department Ladies Ma ke Recreation J Newcastle: In response to the recent request for sugges- tions ta improve their service ta the commuxiity, made b.y, the -ecreation Association, a delegation of mothers was present at the November meeting of the Assn. with three constructive suggestions which were discussed and considered by the members, with action taken on two of the suggestions and the third left over until next year. After some discussion of a request for assistance frorn the Association for the danc- ing classes being conducted in the Comrnunity Hall, the members decided no action should be taken titis year, but the Asn. wvauld consider org- anizing the classes next year if the mothers would assist. In response to the ladies' who spoke on 'Hydraulies' ex- plaining best methods for getting the best flow of water to a fire with the least possible deiay. Mr.. Campbell also con- ducted a discussion pei.iod during which he answered many of the questions raised by members with regard to difficulties their departments had encountered in past fires. Chief Frank Miller of New- castle spoke brîefly, welcom- ing the Association to Newcas- tle, expressing his pleasure at the good. attendance, and announcing that this would bej his last meeting as he was leaving the Newcastle Depart-' ment at the end of the year. Foliowing the meeting, the firemen and their guests ad- journed to the dining-i.oom o! the Queen's Hotel whei.e a de- served and a social get-togetherI was enjoyed ta end an inter-1 esting and profitable evening. 1 with relatives in Buffalo NY Mrs. Chas. Wood and Mr. Rù. E. Logan of Orono visited with the former'. daughter, Mrs. George Crowtheron Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hecken- dorn and daughtei. Marilyn of Burford were Sunday visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Gor.doni Agnew and Mrs. Briscoe. Mr.. and Mrs. J. Lawrence of Newmarket visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gould and fam- ily on Monday. Mr.. and Mrs. Lynn Dudley and family and Miss Rosemary Dudley of Toronto were week- end visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. GeorgeWalton. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week cf Nov. 25 - Dec. 1: Admissions ...------------- -- - -50!i Births, 2 maie, 5 female 8 ý Discharges ----------------- - - 41 Major operations ------7 Minai. operations ---- --22.' Ernergency treatments-----51 Visiiting hours 2.30 -4.30 p.m.i and 7.00 ta 8.30 p.m. Mothers of Hockey Kids Plan Draw ATTIC AND CELLAR Newcastle Community Hall SATURDAY, DEC. 7 Commencing 1:00_ p.m. Turn over your surplus articles bI he Lions Cluib and lhey will turn lhem inb cash for Communif y Welfare work. ANY ARTICLE ACCEPTED Cos~ any' of the following Committee prior to Deuber 6th to have your articles picked up: Lions John Rickard, Phil Willianms, P. F. Hare, C. R. Knox, Jim Porter, Charlie Gilkes, Arthur Mc- Laren, Ken Stephenson. Refreshments Served by Lionebies Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Miller spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mi.s. Wm. McCabb's, Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hender- son, Mr.. Peter Henderson and Mi.. W. Gai-net Noble, TorontO, spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Victor S. Robinson. Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Page, En- niskillen, visited Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Walkei. Mi.. J. Arnott and Mi.. Chas. Knox attended the Beekeepers' Convention at King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last week. Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Linton and Carol, Toronto, visited Mr.. and Mi.s. G. M. Linton. Mrs. Donald McLaren, Ken- ora, Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Ew- ing, Toronto. visited Mrs. C. S. McLaren. Mr.. and Mrs. Art White spent the weekend with Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Harding, Morrisburg. Mr.. and Mrs. Albert Arnold and family, Toronto, spent Sun- day with M.'and Mrs. Robt Hancock and family. Mr.. and Mrs. J. Bail, London. mpent the weekend with het parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Neil Por- ter. Mr.. and Mrs. E. J. Hender- son and daughter, Leigh, Osh- awa, visited Mr, and Mrs. Or- ville Chatterton and Carol. Miss Mildred Holdaway. Pe- terborough, visited her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Hancock. Miss Marion Rickaby, Toron- to, and Miss Aud.rey Billings, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mi-. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Miss Viola Noden, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber mother, Mrs. J. 1. Noden. Mi.. Arthur Clough, Belle- ville, visited Mr.. and Mrs. A. Clough. Mrs. A. Archer, Lindsay, and Mrs. J. E. Richards were guests at the King Edward Hotel, To- ronto last week. Mi.. Stanley Stapies, Bind- I loss. Alberta, Mr. Stanford St a- pies. Toronto, . cre supper guests of their couSn:. Mrs. M. Stiervin and fani]y. Mr. and Mrs. Eliner Harris Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Har- ness. 1\r. and Mrs. Neil Porter at- tecded Ray Dudlev's concert in Peterborough last wvcek. Mr. M'm. Davey had a nasty fail in bis home, requiring sev- e:.al stitches in bis head. Mrdho'i onGcrr v return- edhoe last week froni Sun- m, brook Hospital, Toron'to. Ea-ly this wcek Mr.. Leroy Hainilton attended the funeral of his sister. Mrs. Wm. (Ida) Irwvin. n-t Stratford, Ont. Turn OId Furniture in 10 C'a Sh vif h S TA TES A N CLASSIFIEDS Phone MNA 3-à333 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS THIS HOME REPAIR BUSINESS Neivcastle: With approximate- votes o-rer the incumbent Reeve ly 68.2 per cent of the eligible J. . Jose. voters of the village exercising John Rickard seeking a se- their franchise on Monday J. cond two year term as Public ~ ~ 4School Trustee headed the poli with 271 votes with the other two members seeking i-edec- tion, 1. J. McCullough and D. G.Wato following in that or- 5de.Reginald LeGresley, a for- mer member of the Board fail- ed to be elected in his first at- tempt in ten years. There was no election for cncillors or hydro commis- sioner these offices having been Ifîilled by acclamation with * , .Murray Paterson being the only U e ebr fcucl i The clear cold weather fail- ed to have much effect on the vote with slightly less than the S70 per cent vote recorded in 1955 when the weather was ntnearlv so goorl. 1mnw The Village Voted For Reeve East West Ward Ward Total Cunninghamn -_ 95 123 218 Jase ---- --- ---- 91 85 176 For School Board Rickard ------- 120 151 271 McCullough 117 123 240 Walton ----- 113 119 232 D. J. Cunningham LeGresley ----- 87 90 177 There were 580 names on the Cunningham was returned as voterýs list and there were six Reeve of the village of New- rejected ballots cast in the castle with a majority of 421Ielection. FOR MOM . . build more storage space sKITCHEN CABINETS *LINEN CLOSETS *BOOK CASES 0 REMODEL THE LAUNDRY BOOM 0 FOR DAD . . . builci a e NEW GARAGE 0 NEW DEN 0 TOOL AND HOBBY ROOM *STORAGE SPACE FOR LAWN AND GARDEN TOOLS e FOR SIS -, a*.you can e ENLARGE HER PRESENT ROOM *BUILD MORE CLOSET SPACE FOR HER *REMODEL OR BUILD PRESENT TOY AND PLAY ROOM e FOR SON-" 0 0.-try *ENLARGING HIS PRESENT BOOM *GIVE HIMA PLAY BOOM OF HIS OWN NOTHING DOWN.e UP TO 3 YRS. TO PAY OSHAWA WOOD PRODUICTS LIMITED Tard, Main Office and Showroomi Courtice PHONE MA 3-2130 lJowntovn Office and Shtîwrooni 84 Sirncoe St. S., (siw 'OSHAWA DOWNTOWN OFFICE 15, OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.MN. Us A Famiy Affair WHAÂT BETTER CHRISTMASGIFTS -~THAN THESE SUGGESTIONS ---- ---- ------ C.G.I.T. Group Eîects Officers Newcastle: The first regular1 meeting of Newcastle C .G.I.T.I Group under the direction of the new leader, Miss M. -Aiken, wvas held in the United Church Sunda- School Hall on Tues- day evening, Nov. 25. Meeting opencd with the singing of the C.G.I.T. Hymn, followed hy the Purpose and the Lord's Prayer, repeated in unison. The election of officers of the group for the comîng year 1 resulted 'as follows: President, Linda Roberts; Vice President, Nancy Stephenson; S ecretaryj Sharon Hancock; Press Sec., Rosemary Noden; Treasurer, Susan Gray and Social Com- mittee, Nancy Stephenson, Donna Ferguson and Ann Whitney. Mrs. M. C. Fisher announced, some of the activities plannedi for the group lncluding aj "Candle Liiht Service". The graup then enjoyed a period of handicraft with Miss Ruth Hancock as instructress aund thie meeting was broughtoa close with the singing oft Taps. TO THE ELECTORS VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE 1 wish to express my appreciation ta the electors for the support extended to me in Monday's election. Seasons Greetings To Al D. J. Cunningham j A meeting of Hockey Moth- ers was held in the Lions! tCentre on Tuesday, Nov. 26. 1 r President Mrs. E. Rundle; welcomed mothers and exc- «' plained the puipase of aur i sAssociation ta new members. Members were told they might, Ibe called on ta assist in the little N.H.L. tournament in the spring. A draw of a Kenwaod bian- ket ta raise money is in charge of Mrs. T. Bagneil. Plans for this draw were completed. The date of the draw sched- uled for Dec. 21 . bas been changed ta Dec. 14. Tickets now out are requested turne-d in by Dec. 7. Mrs. Bagneil reported ma- terial, ribbon and brai dpur- chased ta make up aur booster badges. It was decided ta leave the making of these. badges until a later time when they will be put on sale. Ncxt meeting ta be Jan. 7th. 1958, at Lions Centre. SSuggestions' &ssociation request for the organizing of a Home Nursing Class under the guidance of St. John's Ambu-; lance, the secretary was in- structed ta make inquiries ta, find whether such a project would corne under the juris- diction of the Association and whether a grant would be forthcoming fromn the Depart-s ment of Education for this type of instruction, and report ta a future meeting. The third request by the delegation was for the forma- tion of classes ta tcach figure skating ta the boys and girls at the local arena. A committee composed of Messrs Loi-ne Johnson and Gordon Gray was appointed to make necessary arrangements and obtain ahl possible information on this project and report their find- ings at the next meeting of the Assn. In addition, the secre- tai-y, Mr.. Sam Brereton wasi delegated ta contact Messrs. l Wallace Couch and Chai-les1 Gray to find whether they would be interested in instruc- ting figure skating classes and what the charge would be for their services. If satisfactory arrangements can be made, the niembers ai-e agi-ceable ta organizing these classes for' the caming skating seasan. In ieporting the results cf, the recent registration conduc- ted for Minai. Hockey League Players, Gai-don Gray report- cd that 38 boys had registered ta Dlay mînor hockey this season. A motion was passed authorîzing the use of the 50c registrat ion fees as payment fa rthe Little N.H.L. Insurancei Plan with the association mak- ing up any balance necessary for this insurance. A motion was passed auth-, orizing the Chairman, Douglas Walton, ta make arrangements ta have a suitable box con- structed for the storage of the Association's hockey equip- ment at the arena. Provide easy, economical, protective warnith for your family with B-A Solar Heat. Cail us now and take care of ail your heating needs the modern way. G. w. GRAHAM Phone 3221 Newcastle DISTRIBUTOR 0F B-A SOLAR H EAT AND B.A hi STOVE OIL for Newcastle and District Prompt, Modern Deliveries Yéur Consideration Much Appreciated j f t Social and Personal 1 l t r THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOIMUMV=X. ONTAitie PAGE SEVENTEEN JU