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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1957, p. 18

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T" CVAMADIAN2 S'IA'TMAN. BWWMANVTLU! ON'TARIO mr~ - SDAYT, DEC._8M-95 PAGE BIGE Births - Articles for Sale BRUCE-Stan and Joan Bruce 55 TONS dry field corn, $23 ton. (nee Burdett) are happy ta, an-j Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 48-2* vounce the arrivai of their son ai Memorial Hospital, Bowman- 'RANGETTE in perfect candi- vil1p. on Monday, Decemiber 2,1Ition. Phone MA 3-3320. 49-1 9517.49-1* 1 DRY wood, one foot in length, T'UNDI-E- Dr. F. W. (Bill) and $10 a load. Phone MA 3-2849. .nyce (nec Robinson) announce 48-2 li n arrivai of their son, Charles J n.on Friday, November 29, BABY carniage, Lloyd Travel 9,5î, at Terrace Bay H:sia.Crib style, white. Phone MA 49spital3-2830. 49-1* 1 7IT' Crman and Bertha TELEVISION, 17", just recon-i ver ea ace~are proud ta 'ditioned, reasonable. Phone MA! ,,rîî,c" hr ;arrival of their 3-2521. 49-1l r i1'ýhter, V,;i]crie Annette, on' Lo 'hr 0 h at Memorial1 FRESHLY kilied turkeys. Spec- Jinýpîi.! Bnwnianville. 49-1 jial quantity discounts. Phone, - --- -MA 3-5616. 48-31 Engagements SELECT your Christmas Tree -- - - - at the Vigor Oil Station, R.R. 5,1I \Ir-.anri M~ Leonard Glenn Bowmanville. 49-31 V * jiFn;i(of 1'R. '. Lakefield, an- nn'e 19e-ecgtgementof their MODERN white enamel wood. f ::ýî Ruth Margaret range, can be converted ta coal 1, 'Jr.I Wiliam Ciern Rahm, son or ail. MA 3-5123. 49-1* v, M. i nd 1\Ir. ,Walter Rahm,! .9*: rmne. Thre jmamiage wiil take, GOOD used Lionel train. Extra r, ini S. fidan's Anglican lequipment, $60. Phone MA 3 ;irch. Ynning's Paint, Ont., 5533 between à - 9 p.m. 49l* I '< eher2Is, a 4 .m.49-if CHILD'S typewriter and eiectric projectar, cart and baby cr Deaths bed., Phone MA 3-3848. 49-1 - - HARDWOOD factory cuttings,j UAfiýSCADDEN, Phoebe A.- large truck load, $10 delivered.1 At hcr home iii Kendal on Fni-lDial Oshawa RA 5-1526. 49-4, rir Noveinber 29, 1957, Phoebe1 fý. Vin laN, widow of the late- SAVE on lumber. direct from 'V inn;'s T. Carscadden, i n berlmiii ta you. Phillhps Lumberi 11)lh\ rai'. Rcstcd at Northcutt!C a., Kinniaunt. Ontaa.- Poe eiil Fii(r Home, 53 riv-17 r Il. 131f oi Si., Poxvmanvilleý, where KEYS cut automatically, while a('v ie ws hcld on Sunday,i1 lleJ"rnhcer ist, at 2:30 p.m. In- lyo waît, at Masan & Dale Hard- tci*rnicnt Orona Cemetery. 1 ware, 36 King St. E.. Bowman- 49-1i ville. 46-tf COWIE, Vida - At Toronto j Western Hospital on Saturday,] November 3th, 1957, Vida Wide- rian, beloved wife of Dr. R. G. Cowie. Rested at Northcutt &1 Smith Funeral Home, 53 Div- ision St., Bowmanville, wheme1 t service was held on Tuesday, December 3rd, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 49-1' COWLING, Betty M.-At Mem- oial Hospital, Bowmanville, on J 'hursday, November 28, 1957, Betty M. Cowling, beloved wife o! Percy R. Cawling and dear rnother o! Beverly and Barry. 1Rested at Northcutt .& Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., where service was beld on Sat- urday, Novemnber 3th, at 2 p.m. Intermerit Hampton Cemetery. 49-1 FINDLAY, Talbert - At bis jhome, Thornbill, Friday, Nov- ember 22, 1957, Talbert Find- « lay, beloved husband of Gladys Virtue, in bis 69th year, dear father o! Mrs. Gardon Walker clae;abroteroHerrt ii- dalla);and TaîboferbroWil- ton, and Mrs. L. Rainey. Rested * at Wright and Taylor's Funeçal Eome, Richmond Hill. Service on Monday at 3:30. Interment Thornbill Cemetery. 49-1 BANCOCK -- At bis residence, Courtice, on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, 1957, Horace James Hancock,' aged 81 years, beloved busband of Eva Courtice and dean fatheni o! Frances (Mrs. Harold Muin) Courtice; James A., Elmvae -A q..r ahrnthor nf irrnnk HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf CHRISTMAS Trees - Spruce and Scotch Pine. George Mut- ton, 22 Albert St., Phone MA 3-5981.49-2 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electrical appliances,! large and small. Lander Hard-ý ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf1 FIGURE skates and tap shoes, bath size 3, also man's grey flan- nel smoking jacket, size 38, neyer warn. Phone MA 3-5275. 48-if DO your own floors-Ren sander or a floor polisher f: Lander Hardware, 7 King St Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5 INSULATION, blowing met] with rock wool. Workmaný guaranteed. F r ee estimý Harry L. Wade. Phone Cl. 2420.2 SLIGHTLY marked silverv chests, $4 and $6. Hoop Jewellery & Gift Shop, 28 F St. W., Bowmanville. Pi MA 3-5747. CHRISTMAS TREES - Nur grown Scotch Pine and Spr good selection at Bud Vint Texaco Station, King St. Bowmanville. THERE is no finer present Christmas than a spoken 1< for your relatives overseas. ail yaur recordings phone Arends, MA 3-3058. Hancock, Winnipeg. Resting at HEARINO aid service, tes the. Morris Funeral Chapel, service and complete stocli Powmanvilie. Service in the batteries and cords at Hiý chapel on Tbursday at 2:30 p.m. I Electrie Limîted, 38 King St Intrerment Bowmanville Cerne- Bowmanville. Telephone tcry. 49-1 3-5438. il 1 W - At Oshawa on Tues- SAVE $ 10.00 for Christmas c yDec. 3rd, 1957, Nancy Wai- Automatîc pop-up toasters, 14 cîge Shaw, R.N., (Newcastle)1 price $24.95, while tbey hasti jr hemc 92nd yeam, daughtem o! $14.95. Use aur lay-away a'(,ai Royal Shaw and Mary now at Lander Hardwanî' 1JilaWaibidge. Resting at King St. E., Bowmanviiie. 1 o- 1orris Funemal Chapel,IADDING machines, typewri 1Tmnmanvile. Service in the cash me g iste ns, calcula --p]on Friday at 2:30 p.m.Icheque writers, filing cabii JtrnfBond Head Cemctemy, 1 office funiture. New and i >1 . îe.49-1il Repairs toalal makes. Fi jOffice Equipmcnt, 177 Chi Notie to Credtors St., Bowmanville. MA 3-ý CHRISTMAS trees for V,. "IJE FS'I'.\TrE OF' LAURA i Scotch pine, assorted sizes, a' [,,r) AD\O RTH, late O! 4,000. Sacrifice sale at 5Oc -Ç i OinJf PRowmanville, in: for choice quaiity. Al i r-cetîni>v (ifD l)rham. Widow, shaped and priced beiow mai c (I, e v -iio d i cd at Bowmnan- iCame early for best selec o!1 n~ or about the 29th day Leroy Hamilton, gmowem, Or ~ i mbr,1955, Intestate.j 1 n 16. - oTrî te AtR.SO. 190'GLADIOLUS Bubs -the et iiJ ~.'.~stock of name varieties I."C ~ilothers having gladiolus bulbs from the gai ";în ih;7bove estate of the late E. A. Summers i"n 1 e'od paticuiars ta be soId in lots of 100 at 'iil pr: licr îeof to the pr10wiete at ri1 i Icd (-,ri o r "Ill, -pc 100swhie they last otifJ' fileb-r 957 uary lst, 1958. Please get .o!order in ealy. Mms. E. A. S -- eJ t v l ledî-nibife av- mPrs, 33 Centre St., Bowr i - i';~ni fJî lîo'laiîs that ile 11i eu lt- r -t-cived.I .\i-W t Vowr-nanville, On-' i v:i î6h cday o!fNven- YOUNG TURKEM C. Maso. CHOICE MEATY BIRD Iýo Knit St. West, DRESSED AND DELIVEE ýz:i!o o heAmnsrtr PHIL FINNEY 47-3: MAPLE GROVE MA 3- _____ -Boeklng orders for Christi L ost now. rE\;J iog_. \'Iiif'.' Crooked ~îce l nai o -Kî '-I î"fESSO 49-1 * BLACK pup part beagle and FUEL OJL sotaniel, mcd coliar with fiee tollar. aiiswers ta Beanie. Phone MA 3-5205. 49-1 S O E I POST hale spoon, 10-12 ft. Automnatic Mtered length, betwcen Bowmanville~ P'Iid th Concession an Scugog i 24-Heur Dclivery Servic ]2d . Rcwamd. Higgan Eiectmic. I-,~'runvîlo 4-i A. H. STURRO( Foud __ I AND SONS ONE steen found on aur pro- IMPERIAL ESSO DEAL] pcty, Lats 23 and 24, Concession, 3,in h the Township o! Clarke. Phone IMA.3-5316 Sturrocý Appiy Gamnet Rickard, MA 3-1I BOWMAN VILLE "813, Bowmanv4.Âs. 0-1 Articles for Sale KNITTING machine, 50 Jack- man Rd., MA 3-5579. 49-1* COOK stave, Findlay Oval, good condition. Phone 5-r-16 Orono. 49-1j 400 BALES of Timothy hay. G. Kayacs, Phone Orono 12r1., 49-11 TWO pair figure skates, sizes 2 and 4, $4.00 each. Phone MA! 3-3643. 491*' BOY'S navy trench coat, zip- pered lining, size 12 - 14. Phone MA 3-3234. 49-1 * FRESH killed turkeys, order now for Christmas. Allan Mack- lin, MA 3-2202. 48-21I SNOW tires 670xl5, Goodyear! Suburbans, excellent condition,' $12 each. Phone MA 3-5713. is 49-1 LADIES' white figure skates, new condition, size 9, narrow. Phone MA 3-3200 after 5. 9l FOR Christmas give your home the best - Aisco aluminum doors and windows. Phone Lame Allun MA 3-3871. 49-1 AFRICAN violets, ta clear, 50c. Ail varieties of prize-winning house plants: rose begonias, palms, ferns, etc. Buy now for Christmas. Mrs. Abrams, 150 King St. East. 49-1 INTRODUCTORY Offer-Sealey 1 Mattresses, smooth top, extra firm, regular $69 for $49, lower than Toronto prices. Two-piece chesterfields Si119. Three-piece bedroom suite $89. Pictures, lamps, rugs, smokers, magazine racks, etc. Catalogue prices. Two years ta pay. Murphy Co., King St. W. 49-1* TURKEYS FRESH KILLED Broad Breasted Bronze Dressed and Delivered Lymer's TURKEY FARM Maple Grave Phone MA 3-5049 49-3 BARGAINS! For Christmas Cars for Sale Auction Sales USED Trucks - 1956 Interna- I have been favoured with tional S-160 3-ton; 1956 Inter- instruction fromý the executors i national S-180 4-ton; 1952 G-MCi!o! the estate of the late Isabellal dump; 1940 International panel, Olan ta seil by public auctionS motor job, good tires, $150 at at ber late residence in the vil-c Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King Ilage of Bethany, Saturday, Dec. St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 7, 1957, at 1 o'clock, household 3-5689. 49-1 fumniture. Terms cash. Real IEstate on terms. R. J. Payne,f USED Car Specials - 1956! Pontypool, Auctioneer. 48-2 Meteor Niagara 4-door withr radio, 2-tone paint, only 15,000 Important Dispersai of a "Mas-v miles, in 'excellent condition 1 ter Breeder" Holstein Herd on 1 $1825; 1954 Fard 2-doar, new 1Manday, December l6th, com-V tires, new paint job $1295; 1950 1 mencing at 1 p.m. Complete Fard 2-door with overdrive Dispersal of 46 Head. Fully $475; 1950 Pontiac 4-doar, new1 Accredited, Federally Listed, tires, repainted $560; 1949 Pan-! Calfhood Vaccînated for years. tiac 4-door Big '6" with custom Owned by the Estate of F. C' radia, new battery, gaod tires, Eligh, Finch, Ontario. Selling oniy$15191Dde4do at the Kemptville Agricultunal with radio $110, at Cowan School, Kemptville, Ontario. In( Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., the K. A. S. Pavillon an thee Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. Campus. Hays Farms Limited,E 49-1 Sale Managers, Oakville, Box 1 -470, Ontario. 49-21r REAL BARG INS Auction Sale of furniture onj in Saturday, November 3th, at j NEW 1957 I Pethick's Auction Shed, Enn- h skillen. 200 gallon ail tank, 45E Plm. th gallon ail barrel, electric wash-1 and ing machine, studio couch and, I jchair, 3 sewing machines, 3'y Used Cars beds, five-piece bedroon suite,it dinette suit, like new; kitchen . New 1957 Plymouth Savoy chairs, extension table, 2 rock-i 2-door, 6 cyiinder ing chairs, kitchen cabinet, 1957 Plymouth Demonstrator quantity dishes, 2 Findlay Oval Savoy, 4-door, V-8 with cook stoves, Quaker ail burner Power Flite with fan, folding cot. These are 1956 Studebaker, V-9, only a few of the articles for 2-door Commander ithat piece of furniture that you 1956 Dodge Regent, 4-door, want! Corne ta Pethick's Auc-11 6 cyiinder. A real good car i tion Shed this weekend. Terms in showroom condition 1 cash. Sale at 1:30. Clifford 195 Pymut, -dor Pethick, Auctioneer. 48-11 6 cylinder An auction sale of Household1 1951 Plymouth, 4-door 'Fumniture and Real Estate, the1 Original black, extra good, property o! the late Isabella one owner Olan, will be held in Bethany 1951 Dodge,. 4-door on Saturday, December 7th, at New 2-tone paint 1î o'clock. Terms Cash. 1950 DeSoto, 4-door, 6 cylinder j Real Estate - There will bel; offered for sale (subi ect toa USED TRUCK reserve bld) a 10-room framel 1954 Fargo, %~-ton Pick-up bouse and lot, with a good roof, USED TRACTORS bathroom and furnace, ahl in Allis Chalmers Model "dB" excellent shape. This is an ex- New tires, overhauled, cellent praperty, well situated good shape and buyer can have almost im-« Case "S" 3-plough Tracter mediate possession.* jTcrms - 10% of punchase Palmerprice day of sale, 40% at end P amerof sale. Balance 50% can be M otr Slesaranged when sale complcted. Moto Sals R.J. Payne, Auctioneer. Plymouth - Chrysier Cars 49-1 Fargo Trucks 'Allis Chalmers Farmn Equipment 1 The. undersigned auctioneer Cards of Thanks I wish to take this opportun- ity to thank the Ratepayers of Cartwright Township for their suppott at the poils on Monday. Compliments -of the Season. Carl McLaughlin. 49-1* 1 wish to sincerely thank ail those who voted for me in the recent municipal election and ta wish ail a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. My best wishes go to the 1958 Council. Wesley E. Fice. 49-1 To the Citizens of Bowmanville: Who supported and elected me as member of the Municipal Council, I wish ta say that, ta express my appreciation, I Vil endeavaur ta do my very best and work in a congenial man- ner with my associates. Ivan M. Hobbs. 49-1 My sincere thanks are extend- ed ta the electors of Bowman- ville wha, through their sup- port at the polis in the recent municipal election, returned me ta Council. My best wishes ta ail citizens for a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy and Prosper- aus Centennial Year of 1958. O. J. "Jim" Presson. 49-1 1 wish ta sincerly thank ail] who turned out ta the polis and voted for me Monday. I wiil endeavour ta live up ta the confidence the electorate have placed in me during my term as councîllor. My best wishes ta one and ail for a happy Fes- tive Season. Lloyd Preston. 49-1 To the Citizens of Bowmanville: I wish ta thank sincerely ail those citizens of the Town af Bowmanviile who supported me at the Polis on Monday. Durîng the coming year I will endea- vour ta live up ta the confidence you have placed in me. Best Wishes of the Season. Keith Lathangue. 49-1 To the Eiectors o! the Town o! Bowmanville: I wauld like ta thank ail the people o! Bowmanville who voted for me at the Polis on Real Estate f or Sale FOR sale or exchange for four or five-room bungalow, seven- roomed solid brick bouse, heavy wiring, oak floors, cupboards. Write Advertiser 753, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bawmanville. . 49-1 J. Van Nesi Real Estate 118 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3230 Wben buying or selling, give us a caîl with confidence. 49-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signai Newcastle 5-ti N.H.A. RESALE- 2-bedraom brick bungalow, 7 years old, modemn kitchen, 3-piece tiled bathroom,, oak and ti' ,i floors, electric hot water .ank, -'ull high basement, hot air with ail heat- ing, large lot £i*x 120 ft. with garage, excellent location in Bowmanville. Full price $9,500. Cail L. S. Snelgrove Ca. Ltd., 43 Park Rd. S., ýOshawa. Phone RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761. 49-1 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE-BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - 3. A. Barton MA 3-3098 New ranch style 3-bedroom bungalow nearing completion. Large living room, dining room and modern kitchen. Divided basement: Gas funnace. House measures 46'x24' wbich makes ail the rooms extra large. Ask- ing only $12,500 with good terms. $4,500 for this 3-noam small home, 2-piece bath. Heavy wiring. Sewer and water. Will seli with $500.00 down. See it and make offer. Duplex for sale in a good residential district. In very good state of nepair. Will seli separate if desired. For price and terms contact office. 49-1 * S and pN SRIEÀ 11EL A00 MLYd rOm cae n ndIok rond 20 Kn St. E., omaviewill sel by public auction the Monday. Although this will be' 189 Scugog St. BovMianville frm ,M n at loohoneoMAd 3-5487 household effeets o! Percylmy first year on Bowmanville's D îh Ra saeCali MA 3-36 57.a491Bers, 6 Liberty St. N., Bow-1 town council I will make eveny'41 3-tf manviile, on Satunday. Dcc. 7: effort ta warrant your support. 116-acre farm, near highway tho, M LA Y'S SH PPE Wor W nte ie, new; studio couch; oak din- Christmas and a Happy New workable, 5 acres wood, large Chrls ,an in ship 71 King St. E. _______________ping noom suite, buffet and six Year. strcam, remainder pasture, 150'x REAL ESTATE BROKER ýates. 49-1 GIRL would like bousework. chairs; giass cuphoard; two A. H. Sturrock. 36' bank barn, silo, impl. shed, 5-raam, brick bungalow, aider ,ake Phone MA 3-2928. 49-1 beds, anc mattmcss; dresser and 49-1 lien bouse; 16-roomed brick type, new ail fumnace. One 394! UR EY wash stand; two smaii tables; bouse with fumnace, 4-piece bath, short block from main street. ware YoungS REFINISHING furniture and two stands; Oak aval table; kit- To the Electors running bot and cold water, Homes in thi.,loya;tioar - pe's Yug freshly kiiied turkeys Roxatone spnaying. Caîl George chen chairs; curtain stretchens; of Bawmanviile: steel stanchions and water bowls Price and terms ýaý ~iin forChritma andNew earVandemeent, MA 3-3075. 4 7 Olds car, in good condition; I take this apportunity ta in the barn. Asking pnice $21,000 Lo!Araebteneh ~~49- Ceedadeivrdlange quantity o! dishes; pots express my sincere thanks for with easy ternis. awa and Bowmanville in 'r1o 49-1 From 12an te30lbs PUBIG, hatng avs and pans; fruit jars: towcls; your suDport an eiecting me as 48-acre farm, north Pont and 15-acre parcejs. Well drain- 49-1Fro 12tot1rougBING; f e etiat eHavey- large quantity o! bcdding; table Reeve for 1958. I accept the Penny, 46 acres plowable, pond, ed, excellently situated. Must seryhng free . T' DtJMAte3-2240eyiamp; sewing machine; arm office in ail humility, realizing large gravel pit, 50'x30' bank be scen ta be appreciated. The uce, C'. Doreç. i.uriuy nanch Prt1 . yon.12jt1 rocking chair; GE vacuum the obligations and responsibi- barn, impl. shed, lien bouse; price is exceptionally reasonable. bue's . MA ~~9O~~ ~ A1WPTflM I cleanen; floor polisher; tri-light ities that go with it. I would 6moe rm oshayCî n E., MieEsIf e col HIGH Scboal boy, 16, wisbes fooiapaniu loest;ik ta aytbteaRev wired. Asking pnice $12,000. 100-acre farm at a pnice that 49-3 (' MeEatoNe Scol baby sitting, also wonk on Sat- easy chair; anm chair; cabinet Little for the fine manner in Ternis. is appealing. Good buildings, -j48-4 umday. Phone MA 3-3050 even- radio; flowem bcd fencing. Note: which he accepted defeat. Let 98-acre farm with 70 acres good clay loam, in village. Oniy bfor ings. 49-1 There is a large quantity o! lus not forget the many boums okbe 60xO ba ar $90.Ow r wilcndr IJtr ecemJJer Clearance i dishes, and ail in good condition, 1o! service given by him ta Bow- with steel stanchions, waten your equityr in your home as a Fan NEW piastering and repairs. No Reserve. Mn. Byers is giv- manville. May we ahl womk ta- baws ml hd e osdw amýt eT. Stucco and cement plastering. ing up bousckeeping. Youn, gethen ta make this Centennial wsip.hebn oudonayet 49-2; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 % DISCOUNT 'A.C od.PoeCak p1ec tti aewi be ya anroe garage; 9-roomcd brick bouse $1,000 down - full price $3,000. I on better range 23 r 04. 14-tf apprcciated. Sale at 1:30. Ternis Wilfrid Canruthers. wth 3-piece bath, furnace, run- 5 nooms, heavy wired, new tiled sting- Cash. Clifford Petbickc, auc- 49-1* jning bot and cold water, bard- wcil. In village on pavement. k o! D R E S S E S CLEAN up and take away, tioneer. 49- _____________ _i wood floors. Price $12,500 with $40 montbiy on balance. ýgon now in stock, whcther it be backyard, garage ________________l $2,000 down. 52 King St. W., Bowmanvllle tE., or basement. Phone MAnket j1 UTF or flefl 200-acre farm, near Cavan, MA 3-Z453 or 3-276Z MA Christmas items greatly reduced 3-2849. 48-2 ..e.lp VaflLed .witb 75 acres workable, 110 acres 49-1_____________ 20-tf TWO bedrooms. 112 Ontario wood, stream, ali'nost new 50'x - Special . . . YOUNG woman wishes bouse- ELDERLY lady or couple with St., Bowmanville. 49-4* 30' bank barn, impi. shed, ben Notices - HOUSEDRESSES ___ 99c: work six days a week in Bow- one child to came for invalid FU-omdaatet hn osgrg;8roe rc list. manville. Phone Osbawa RA man for free furnished home in FOUR-roimedxapartnent. Phone bouseAgarage; 8-noACed bric CE.8102 91 vlae PoeCaueSih Pont Hope TU 5-4554. 49l oe.necletmpi ihCAG FNM C,15 plny iladu y's i _______1__-____0___49- Ennsillae ne lueSih hardwood floors and heavy duty TAKE NOTICE that the appi' pla 7t _______ad____________________ 49-1SIX-roomed brick bouse i ie. Pie 1,00 ihcto fRbr a iby ' 71 King St. E. I r eadr. Chi work, MNate -Ae ouds- Ooo.CalOrn 1269. 491* ternis armanged. change bis name ta Robert Sam 49-1 .49-1 fonw osorrepair. Cbimeyc.s AN fdWnted - re yk? ouds'mn. aa35-acre farm close ta higbway Diamnond and the application of ________________fonainfors akecrstsidwtsyu dkoi ORONO - For Rent, 5-room No. 2 witb 20 acres workable, Edith Mac Bibiyy to change ber tr, FIRST QUALITY L. Turner. Telephone MArket you iike a business o! your own? dulex, bath. Phone 1332 Orono. 2 barns with unning water, lien name to Edith Mae Diamond tors, 3-3231. 41-tf If so, write Rawlergh's Dept. dup ospgpn; -omdsoewl e aeo ensa h ýnets, U T T ~ L-140-GG, 4005 Richelieu, Mont-491bospgpn;9modstewilemaen dedyte .iscd. CHRISTMAS'L.l.J YOUNG man wisbes part-time ra, Qe 91FRIHD o bouse with running watem, heavy 8tb day o! January A.D. 1958, ran wonk, eQening9-andSaturdaysor unfurnish~ed duty wired, built-in cuphoards. at 10:30 o'clock in the forenaon rchT orCnta orkewing nStrdasn EIBEprant ae ag apartment, heated, four-pîcce Asking pnice $ 12,600. Terms. before His Honour Judge Miller 3986 I rit Adertier 54,c/aCan o! ffie ad bokkeping duties ing Hyks aideig,6 6-roomed, new, brick veneer 1lin Chambers at the Court House, 44-tf FOR SALE adian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, in local manufacturing firm, St.W.l92* bunaw on SimponAe. with Cobourg, Oaa ti 2 Bowmanvilie. 49-1 state experlence and saiary ex- THREE raoms and bath, modemrunbsmn, 3bdom, AE tObw hs2t sale,,-pcd. WieAvrie 75,eae aptmn;autony hardwood and tile floors, mod- day o! November A.D. 1957. bout B. D14,f c~~~~~~~~~/ The Canadian Statesman, Jan. 1. $65. Dial MA 3-3810 or c ice ihrnigbtGERADKLY ½Sm $150 "Ha p's" B A. Plastering Repairs P.c Bx10 omnii. saaR -92 8t and coid watem, buiht-in cup- coe St. S., Oshawa, Ontamie, welli 4..Bx10,9-1vle. Ohw A3-92 8t boards, 4-picce bath, ail furnace, Solicitor for the applicants. iket. i Phone MA 3-3136 QUICK SERVICE 9l STOREY and a bai! bouse, ail aluminum storms and screens. 47-3 tion.1 STUCCO AND NEW WORK NEED EXTRA MONEY? conveniences, located in Bow- Pricç $11,500 with ternis an- rono, or ,-' $50 weekly possible. We need manviiie, cbiidren welcome. ranged. ITmuth cannot be stereotyped; 47'-3 HARRY VANDERBELT R. L. .LArJ. women ta sew neady-cut baby Phone Newcastle 2115. 49-h 6-roomcd, new, brick veneer it unfoideth foevc.-Mary Bit ______________________a bungalow on Third Street, with ker Eddy. ofiePoe A352 9 KngSt E M -f30 men or women ta addmess en- STORE on King St., newiy de- full basement, 3 bedmooms, 1 velopes and prepare letters for corated, equippcd with sheives. buiit-in cupboards, clcctr. watcr Ï iden mailing. Simple, easy, profit-1 Available Januany hst. Write heaten, tile fioors, ail furnace. ; hTnda ttsa a3.0 aiC rsm sV anted ta Buy able bomcwonk. For informa-!P.O. Box 1114, Bowmanvilie. 4-piece b4tb, etc. Price $11,500.: LA SIIE -30 peilCrita tion send a stamped, addressedI 49-tf' with ternis arranged. C A SFE This SeiTURNIP pulper. Phone MA 3- Ienvelope ta: Sheppard Agencies,' !bnalw5snamon ao wih runingwtr o ile, Y ADV RTIIN Jan-uOfer 2298. 49-1 693X Cordova St., Winnipeg 9,1 STONE b 2nmlo es5 omth o! galwwihrunngwtrtilt 4,RTSN your1 a Nd P Man. 46-4* Manvers Road, Vciesn ryo heavy duty wiring in Bowman- RA E ORGAN wanted_____________phone IBowmanville, ce.Vr A E Su- AII-Channel UHF Converter Necsh116Chet 91MAEmr oc hn6ars ville. Good size lot. Asking le__ mfan- Newcastl_ 2106_________9-1_____more______thJ you; suitable for netîned coup le. Jan. $4,500 with easy termis. lm- 49-2 adAra thougbt possible. Seli ta vour lst. O. J. Henderson, 69 Hill-" psssin ARTICLES FOR SALE 4 Regular S45.00 - On Sale PUREBRED Holstein beifer cal- finsadohri rtcc cctD. oot 0 E545.mediate posesin.LIVESTOCX FOR SALE ves, six months or under. Phone fiedan tesinapoet cs D.Trno10LE548 5-roomed, 3 years aid, brick le FOR RENT HELP WANTEV $3995MA 3-2234. 49-1* tcitrur uaatdnc-42 veneer bungalow, centre of CARS FOR SL _______$39.95_________essities iLOST FOUND ETC.para 'SHIHSTpncs aî orhietians, finscuig tilareas-!DOWNSTAIRS heated 3-roomned Bowmanvilie, with new garage, p. wîtha mnum EC. ~ED Completely Installed put1.gos eterfahrsortmcnt o! gi!t boxes, cosmetîcs. apartment with kitchenette and fi asmn, i umae 4 ah R.te inimum 60t; * Fre Etimtesgivn o VH tics. cra Irn. ags meaîsSelling expenience unnece--stiry.bath, buiit-in cupboards, hot piecebtmdm kthnwt .Munit be paid by dote of insertion Free stimtes ivenon VF ; icks.sera iro. vasi inglsbuiit-in cuphoards, hamdwood Ifchozged. an odditioaoi25C Aera ld eos and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Big commission and the çchance 'and cold w'ater. beavy j wîîadî eflos ludr usilbe aded Oshawa collect. 48-t~~~~~~~~~~~~~f establisbing a business o!cntaly located. Rent tefoosiudytb, :Acrqa 2ewibemeti 'saa olc.4-feiectric watcm heater, storms 4.alrpisdrce at fofilo, 5058'Tplevision Service Calîs - $2.50: your own. Write for freac ci- Available immediately. Phone '..d Nicplisi iandscapibisedu Lmas ALL kinds of live pouitry want- tails and catalo,,'ie ta: DM. T.i 3-57.4-t nricens2,0. i y dAnNICARb.0F TNG£ENT - Cail - cd. Top Toronto prices . aid at Gardner. Dcpt. 106. 1600 Delor- !-___________ ncAi,0 wt aydw,,* NC 'OFMIN VN1 I ayrnent iand ternis. t Iz ih i<nup 47-tf vour door for large or smail imier, Station C, MUontreai. Pets f rS l 6-roomed frame home ln 4 $1.00 for 25 words a1 MvapleGoqatte I . We have__________9_1-Bowmanvilie with attached gar- y TF £ market. . Flatt. Bethany R.R. BABY budgies, ahl colours. gOorf-ae 3pcebah ENGAr-E~ coliectfurnce,3Phe ath . 8 R IAGES DEA* Nv and Aeriai Service' 1. Phone cle ta Bcthanv 1-1 airs drfrCrsms t hn unn htadcl ae 10 e neto MA73-2312. 2ep MA 3-5549. 49-1 kitchen runboards. Price $7 ,500 y EOIM 49-1 RADIO and television repaîns. - with $1,500 down. î. $100 plus foc a lins toi -t ____________________ i Mortgaaes Prompt service. Pick up and I Personal Pesides above mcntioncd wo. 5________________kDprox.__200__morevemv h r'e e,* Dplay Ciassified at Sl.t-0 Pet » ________________________Lamne Doreen. 85 i iapmx 20mr rpr nch wth a minimum a1oian ch * aodsismaiiedooostpaid inAdlintContactnserateosu h sig Nursing Home MoIae Fns jE. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf HYGENIC supplies - (Rubberti3acho'fo.:,Adtuiineinstth S REPAIRS toalal makes of efri. sealed envelope with orice iist. T 14. ,.AlCarfe ui i SOUTH Haven Rest Home, New- AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY trtr.dmstc ad C 1Sxsmls25. apesF eAs4 castie Ont.Phone2426.Ac- . mercia: miîing colers Hig~$1.00. Mail Order Deot. T-28. Realtor and General Insurance' e eocno. comodtin fr cdorup n hre rsienia prpetis.gon Eiectric Limited. 42 K '~S t. Nov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91. a.N~csl hn 1,. and save maney. patients at reasonabie rates. $1,000, $2,000 and $3.000 Phone MA3533 5t lt~Otî.2. i lp*î u o od eeec ____________________H.NMILTON 1 OFFICE HOUPS 49 W\anted ta Rent Notices .I -9M * -30 rn. 10 S uqhFrdm E s-DUTCH family, 2 children, wish Notice ta rabbit hunters.SI00 Mr%. Jean Worlner. Hamipton 4:4 20,ýmSaIo12rday DEAD and crippled farmstock, Piano Tuing ~~~f ta ct -ooapnmcnL ' wllbe paidfor J cahrabbit. -217 k St , Ibutn il MArket 3-3303 4 . à a icked up aranptfly. Phone MA 1 - - ouse in Boxvmanviln arci im- Picase bc carclul %vhcen hnig Danicl Bochinî - Canton '. tai Clossitîed Ad Service 4 .-69 Mril Fu Fam AR URCollison. Telephone mcdiatciy. Phone MA 3-2314. on nursery popcrty. Brookdaic Phone Wclcoe 23:18 Tý- T3moe. 26-tl MArket 3-3900. 35-Ui 49-1v Kingsway Nurseries. 19-ti 91.44~44408,,,,'4ê bd Sti on an 69qi iprq col jec thE a s on eri fer wb -I tbf lati In 37. As sny amr bro' bill, wist Assi Stal ni latx had, Wise "for 1ut visa tect~ citinI egedI. lesu be es ficati ports court or Cc comn immuRTUNIT Real Estate fo'r Sale McQuay and Kid REALTOIRS . Members Oshawa and Real Estate Board 5-room frame house overlook. ing Lake Ontario at Bowman. ville, fuliy winterized, hard. wood floors, built-în cupboards, fireplace, electric stove inciud. ed at $5,000 with $1,200 down. 200-acre farmn, goodý house with ail conveniences, large painted barri, silo, two strearns, Bowmanville areal% $22,000 with reasonable down payment. We have a good selection of farms, homes, businesses, acre- ages, etc. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3988 Bowmanville 49-1 Leask Real Estale 4-roomn bungalow, new ail furnace, 2 bedroams, landscap- ed, deep lot. Suitable for retired couple. $8,000. 6-roam 11', starey bouse, 3 bedrooms, insulated, extra build- ing lot. Low taxes. Easy terms. $7,500. 7-roam house on extra large corner lot, new ail furace, in- sulated, 2 bathroomns. Garage. $1(),500. Terms. *We have a good selection af bouses from $20,000 ta $6,500. Came in and see aur listings. List with Leask M. E. LEASK, BROKER e65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 49-1 Pet er Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER General farm, 100 acres; 6. room insul-brick bouse, 2 barns, nice stream. Price . $9,000.00 Easy terms. 50 acres with neyer failîng creek. Priced ta seli. Only $500 ta pay down. 25 acres, 5-room insul-brick bouse, barn 30x72, garage, small orchard, 2 acres raspberries. Hîghway praperty between Osh- awa - Bowmanville. Price $13,500. Terms. 10 acres, 2 storey brick bouse, bath, barn 30x60, good location. Price $11,000. Terms. 2 acres, .8-roamn frame bouse, bath, ail furnace, barn 20x3O. Ideal location for small nursery. Priced ta seli. Easy terms. TFURSI it a i'

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