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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1957, p. 1

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tan hteimnrn "Durham County's Great Family Journal" VOLUME 103 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TliURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1957 10e PER COPY UBR4 ,tu; Congratulations to Principal Dippeil Local1 Showr The art Nvork ville mwoman, TM ston. wiIl be see coast in Canad large posters wei Johnston last rr bution to W.A. the UJnited Chu. in its enlargec *Christian Educal Evory provinc a set of three, tý signs depictinga Christian EducE IWhere there arE W. A. confe-ernc teries will rcceil Mrs. Johnston job of painting 3 request of Mrs. ý is President o. Quinte Conferen a member of Councîl Executi, completion she surprised by a for her Nvork frc ion Council.- Mrs Johtoston Fedért a %RmNER Voice the Bowmanville High School Officiai Opening on Thursdav evening, Dr. C. F. Cannon, ef t, Chief Director of Education, Province of Ontario, offers con- gratulations to Principal L. W. Dippell, right, while School Inspector Dr. W. S. 'Turner, centre, looks on. The gymnasium wvas packed for the occasion and citizens generally were most impressed' with the improved facilities available for students in the new addition. Visitors Huge Crowd Shows Inferest By Packîng Hîgh School Gym A,1 Addition Openîng Thurs. "Your presence here to-night up a stool and start milking by*- shows your interest in this hand, or do we salesmen sit school and also in secondary down to write our letters in education," H. Bruce Tink, longhand? You know the an- JAýChpirman of the Durham County swer." aitesHp ,&V*rc àEqh oa ord saidFaitesHl .WMImiing the large crowd Mayor Osborne felt that the ending the officiai opening of facilitiesan potiieof additions to Bowmanville feî*ed byanpr opritun ditisf }Iigh School. to the academie curriculum The program took place in the assist students to find their rxew gymnasium on Thursday proper place in the job ,vorldI. evening. Nov. 28. whon members "Do not get the impression of the Board, Principal L. W. that I arn suggesting unlimited Dippel] and Dr. C. F. Cannon, spcnciiag, for 1 do not mean Chief Director of Education for that," the Mayor asscrted. "If r Ontario, and other distinguishcd hettor lighting will help a child,c visitors, were prescrit. Dr. Can- or a machine shoro will help a non's address appears elsewherc (Continuedi on nac!e seven) è in this issue. t_________________ Mr. Tink refcrred to problems encountered in the construction, I.1 which have now beon remcdied Christmas satisfactorily. He gave creditt to former members wvho uereG on the Board duriag the pcriod E iin of construction, and said that E iin all are now proudf of the com- Ti ervtChs- pleed oden aditons Bo- mas and Nev Year's falling manville is the lar2ost of the on a iVednesday, it creates 0 four schools in the district, a jrohlcm of when to pub- 9 Born Then Christcned iish the -weekly edition of c Greetings \\cre brought hvý The ('anadian Statesman. e Mayor Nelson E. Osborne who 'ïo offset this difficuity ve i opened his remarks in humour- have decided to issue the nus vein by saSlagý that it paper on Tuesday, Decem- ti seemed a little odd ta bc hold- ber 24th and 3lst.E ing an officiai opening whcn In order ta acconipiish l the addition had been in use for tlxis it wili be neeessary to t over a year. "But then 1 mc- advance the deadiine for f membercd that a baby is bora, ail ncws and Advertis- r and sornetirne latcr it is chri:;- ingý to Mo nd a y Povi i ened, so there is no reasoa h preceding each issue.lie i the same thing should not ai)- ask for the co-operation of f ply to a building. According- to, correspondents and adver- d items I have reac inl the pres;s. 1 tîsèrs in meeting this ob- this baby lias had a touch of 1 jeclive. colic, but it is a bcalthy lJookaig The Statesman Annual child now. and Nve honc, it xvii] Christmas Greeting issue live a very usclul lif ,' Hisl vill be on the streets Tues- F Worsbip said.î day. Derenmber 'i4th. Alil With referoace ta maoccra de- advertisers wishing adver- velopments lan htîi1dina,, nd! tisements in this paper are equipment. the MaYo sd V asked to make arrange- are apt f0 cr 'y that we dida't ments as soon as possible. have these fringe bcncfits \%,lie Our Christnias grecting ails we %vecnt to sc'hool, h are are available. so for the F thev necessarv no'? Hov\xr., hrJ phnu,. coe in an Town Hall Improvemnents Are Progr-essing The new flooring, erection of rtew doors at the Town Hall is progressing favourably Coun. Dave Higgon pointed ouf la bis public praperty report fa Coun- cil Tucsday. Some landscaping bas been done around the town hall and bhis will bo more evident la the spring be continued. Bulbs bave beeî plantcd and ho recoin- iucnded thaf more considera- tion be givea fa beautification of the town's grounds next year. Pigeons bave beca a nuisance n the tawer o! the Town Hall over the yeams and Coun. Hig- gan rcported that ho bas me- coivcd an offer ta trap the pig- eons. This offer will be further invesfigated. Couin. Higgon weat on fa sax' bhat ho nmet with George Van Bridger, manager of the Pub- le Utilities, ta discuss the cx- ension of mercury-typc ligh't fixtumes. A survey wili he made at the first of the cani- ing xecar fa asceî'taiîî wiire holse lights will bc mast uise- lul. It is belicved thaf the liv- d-o rate xvîll be cheaper next cear he added. Police Assn. NilI Present *unds to Scouts Girl's Art Work i Coasý-to-Coast r fa Bowman- 'about ber talent in' this lino, tirs. Bert John- but a number of people are ac- en framn coast ta quainted with the quality of Lda. Thity-nine hem work. She bas neyer taken re done by Mrs. any art lessons, exccpt tho;se ionth for distri- received in egular school class- Confemences of es, but enjoys drawing and urch of Canada ainting as a hobby. The post- ýd pogrami of ers weme developed from a min- tion. iature set done by Mrs. Foster ice will receive Hilliard, wife of the United lhe different de- Church minister at Downsview. a branch of tbe Mrs. Jobaston did not first draw ,ation prograin. the designs on the poster, but -e no provincial painted tbemn frce band. es, the Pesby- From tbe postcrs whicb Mrs. ive sets. àohnston bas. made, it is p~os- iundertook thesil mle n aybco 9 posters at tihe piedble smaer orsae co-h W. C. Ives, wbo Piedbythers for se anada. ýf tic Bay of esyrisaosCnd. nce W. A. andi An interesfing, item an Mrs. the Dominion iohnston and ber poster worke ve. On theit %or the W.A. appeared in the was pîeasantîv Toronto Globe and Mail on cash payment Saturday. .o the Damia- Mrs. Jobnston is the daugb- ter of Mr'. Richard Clark and is vcrxr modest the late Mrs. Clar'k, King St. at ion Is ToId ms Need Single For Resuits "In these days of collective baraining, only the indiffer- ence of farmers can defeat ,,our farm marketing legisiation. 1 Louis Davis, Ist vice-presi- dent of the Ontario Federation of -Agriculture told some 250 farmers, their wives and guests at the annual meeting of the Durham Countv Federation of Agriculture held in Blackstoçk Saturday evening. Co-operation Aniong Farmers In urging farmers ta work together Mr. Davis emphasized the importance of cooperation among them. The Government hias clearly indicated there must be one overall f arm voice, he said. -Therefore the Federation has adopted an open door pol- icy to allowv way for 100 per- cent cooperation f rom the Council Briefs Mayor Nelson Osborne wvill officially declare Dember 26 as Boxing Day for the Town of Bowrnanville . . . turkeys will be given toalal town employees at Christmas time as has been the customn in past years . . . honorariumn of the two Bow. manville Public Utilities com- missioners, M. J. Elliott and Ross Strike, was raised to $200 annually and is retroactive to January 1. 1957 .. . by-law wa.s passed officially naming Ber- nard R. Kitney Chief of Po- lice . . . request from the John Howard Society of Ontario for a grant was referred to the 1958 Council . . . request from Messrs. Leddy and Burgess to turn the C.P.R. overhead cross- ing at Chapel Street into a public crossing was refused.»* according to town solicitors, the bridge is a private crossing and council shouldn't become invol ved. Farmer's Union", lie concluded. Bob Jardine. secretary-managcr of the Ontario, Crcarn Produ- cers introduced the speakcr. Richard Bowles thanked Mr. D'Avis. Honour Late E. A. Summers President of the Durhamn County Federation of Agricul- tupi ., Clarence Allun, opencd the meeting with a welcoine address. Mr. Allun announced (Continued on page nineteen) Sending Cards Make a List For Centennial Are You writing Christ- mas cards these days? HaS it struck you that the former Bowmanvillites on Your mailing list are jusi the names the Centen- niai Coimmlftee wants, se, invitations may be mailed tp them for the 1958 cele- bMtLdons ln Bi3wman*vlleë? This sugaestion has been made to us, and we Pass it on to you as, an excellent idea. As you go over your Christmas card list. jot down the names and ad- dresses of former Bowman- ville residents, then send Your list ln to Kenneth Morris, General Manager of the Centennial. P. O. Box 1240, Bowmanville. or drop ln wlth your list te Mr. Morris' office in the Town Hall. Vour assistance in this way will greatly aid the Commnittee in reaching as many former citizens as Possible and thus help make the Centennlal celebrations a big Success. West Durham Teachers Visit Toronto Schools Over 100 teachers from pub-1 lic ichools in West Durham .iourneyed fo Toronto by car on Frida,,, Nov. ZZI, lor the annual convention oi Mteir Institute. The full day of activitics. which started shortly alter ninie o'clock, proved one of the most interesting and profitable in the inistitute's history. During tne morning, the large group as- semb]cd at the R. H. McGregor school on Coxivell Avenue where thev were assigzned f0 xarious schools in the East Yïork area t0 visit classrooms in action. Some observecI ýn the rcgu- lar grades of eiementary atid junior high schools: others vent to special classes of art, music. EarI Argue Again Reeve Manvers Twp. Manver's- Township elections Monday produced no changes for the 1958 Council with Reeve Earl Argue and Dcputy Reeve Lewis McGill both being suc- cessful in their re-clection bld. The three councillors, Roh- ert Brown, Henry .Takeman, and Harvey Malcolm ail return- ed to office for another year by acclamation. Hobbs Heads Council PoIl Sm ail Percentage of Voters Cast Ballots Here Monda y Carruthers Becomes Reeve Polling Sub-Division 1 W est ----- 2 West "A" 2 West "B" 1 North 2 North 3 North 1 South ---- 2South "A" Total ____959 New Reeve Brough Fice 93 57 112 75 93 65 123 88 106 59 122 87 134 131 77 77 99 53 Wilfrid Carruthcrs Brou gh Says No Foundlation For Rumours Rumours of favoritism in tbc awamding of contracts at muni- cipal level bave been apparent -&round,, -town Count. Jack Brougb told Council Tuesday. However, there is no trufh to the rnatter, ho addcd. A special issue scems to bave been made o! the sidewalk con- tract lot last July. Confract prices were not annunced at the time, ho said, but these prices werc as follows: Angor Brothers--sidcwalk at 40 cents per square foot and curbing at $1.75 per foot; Murdoch & Welsh-sidewalk af 50 cents per square foot and curbing at $3 per foot. The Anger Brothers' tender was accepDted since it was a far better price than the other ten- der Coun. Brougb explained. Coun. Keith Lathangue aiso wished to publicly alînounce that tlhe drainage pipe î'ecently laid along St. George St. is flic begiiing ôf drainagze for a faim part of Bowi-anville. Mariy toIt at the time that work had not zone far enough on St. Georg-e, ho said. Boy Scout Paper Drive ýThis Friday Bowmanviile Boy Scouts are holding a town-wide paper drive tomorrow (Fri- day) evening starting at 6 p. m. Anyone having old pa- pers and magazines to dis- card are requested to tic these into bundies and place the bundies on the boule- vard in front of the house. The Scouts have been very successful in the past Goheen 35 24 24 4 16 312 51 '2 Hobbs 97 103 82 127 142 loi 159 124 692 299 1042 WARD No. 1 West - No. 2 West "A" No. 2 West "B" No. 1 North No. 2 North No. 3 North No. 1 South ---- No. 2 South "A" No. 2 South "B"- Lati 1( langue Preston 92 77 115 81 105 73 119 120 118 91 134 113 149 138 83 60 97 89 012 842 Carruthers LUth. 94 31 98 56 --110 35 --138 36 118 48 125 40 152 69 82 64 - 73 44 Total 990 Deputy-Reeve 'Ailfrid Car- ruthers unseated Reeve Sidncy Little by a decisive mnargcin in the two-way contest for the office of Reeve in the Bowman- ville Municipal Elections Mon- day. Mr. Carruthers polled 990 while Mr. Little received 423 votes. Newcomet Ivan Hobbs head- ed the poils in bis first bid for a councillor Post with a total vote of 1012. Following bim were 1957 councillors Keithi La- thangue, 1012, Jack Brough, 959, Lloyd Preston, 842, and (-Jim Presson, 828. Another first vear man to council will bc Albert Sturrock who took the sixth anci final seat with 793 votes. Wes. Fice who wvas secking re-electior f inished in seventh Position with 692 and Garnet Goheen in bis initial bid for office polled 299. The successful candidates for Study Biliboard By-law For Controling Signs A proposed by-law to control sign would be designed by Rud- and regulate crection of bu]l- dy Company Ltd. for the town's board signs in Bowmanville approval and would be per- will be studied by Town Coun- manently painted. cil. The hv-lw astunér oor Osborne and Deputy-Reeve Da- vid Higgon, who both received acclamations. will make up the 1958 Centennial Council. Favour Two-Year Term Bowmanville ratepayers were definitely in favour of a two- year Council termn as 864 voted *"yes" andi 428 voted "no". The two-year term will flot go into effect until 1959. The turnout at the poils was disappointing withj only 1413 of the 3700 eligible voters ca-ct- ing ballots. This represented 38 Percent of the electorate. A large group of citizens ga- thered in the Town Hall Mon- day evenine as the returns started to file in and it was shortly after 8 p.m. when the final resuits were known. Al polling sub-divisions showed consistent returns for the var- ious candidates and as a result there were na last minute up- Presson 80 88 77 117 94 123 130 .47 72 828 Sturrock 78 91 95 107 93 110 95 48 76 793 Two-Year Terrn Ves Ne s8 31' 98 36 94 35 100 58 108 51 100 48 123 77 73 61 80 31 At the December couticil ses- sion, Tuesday, a representative of the E. L. Ruddy Sign Comp- any Limited pointed out, "There is nothing in your by-laws to protect Bowmanville from being indiscriminately plastered with sign boards." His company, he continued, is interested in maintaining the goodwill of the niunicipalities where E. L. Ruddy signs have been erected. For this reason, bis company bas drafted a by- law to protect both the munici- cipality and the sign company. The only mention of bill- boards in the present by-laws is in the Zoning By-law which prohibits any sign larger than four square feet in residential or commercial zones. Howevcr, larger signs may be erectcd in Iight industry zones. At the moment E. L. Ruddy have eight poster boards in Bowmanville and are interested in Pxpanding. Two of these signls will be offcrcd froc of charge ta advertise Bowmanvillo or some local charity, the repre- sentative stated. He particularly mentioned the possibility of a siga at the 401- Libo,ýrty Stroet interchange ta publicize Bowmanvillo. This Tuesda y. he questioned, "Do farmotrs ýpull paeyu odrnwSeveral BOY Scout Associa- 1Uv un cnrîsaa ReeAru eevd 4i) wn ierpae rvs 5,ý y 5 --- --- --- --- --sho wo k. f w vsit1 R vots nd isippo en Jask ue hieiy to he upp rttio s i ths aea wilibnefihcassoom in he cG'cg r P vne poled 330 Th De ut-0a. T-heraion of he 0 . Pa e t G z ~fnancally next wveek as the School where those with exceP- Rasv contest was even closer townsfolk. Such support C r ic z eC Par nts G az in A we ut eslt f adane hld ecntl' Ycia trinig.wbile Fenton Fallis finished be greatly appreciated. bv lhe Ontario-Dur-ham-Nortli. _________npge__________th352 IIe S hoo F atu esurnberlaad Police Assn., Secre- Cntnudo pgenneee) it 32 The large crox'd of pareis'rir ie of the students xwas Foulds of the Ontario Proviin Prarnce De+iri,, ee e PrkngvierShae trn and interested t ti/ens atten- ouig Ialor guests. Ia thé cial Police told The S'atesman out to be ~ ai i moeî makic turc ing 1te officiai apeang c f t'il( > gz om ad îoiningvork tlîis \veck of the organization's 197, Council poutiofaoa mhey mang peru- netv bigh sohool buildiings ("Il 1 as gaîng on at the machines plan to assist the Scouts. Fo r a utnrul Serv ice gt he or 'hclvistlcdt T hursday eveni ng. tank fu i. a nd articles xvhich have beenp r c a i n f t e1 c ur g t e m m e s t as v i e t h e e b advantage of ihie invitation ex-, made \ere on displav. There Cs oain ilb ae Si .i mcotro pakig. hiscrticsr tended f0 taur- the pr'enlisS. .w\as ïalso a displav of art work tî? of the dis- îong,-"Oublpp'servcetiondof hP cuaraephreest omvle OiI VIIcIws vocd at Tuesdyeebe bath new and aid. ii ithe art room. bt rctiBoy Scout Association- at' reresCueil" Council CartrtintgTTuesdpay even-g This part of thc e\vennii %\-a s A number of aId grads xvan- the December dianer meceting rtrn ev inyLt a onis oni" m a- atrgtTxnbp cc-îg inýhenaueo n 0C1(erdaOtth l at ftc f h oie s nt i 'S!.tie was expressed by members uthers said. tions were closclv contested Couin. Dave Higgon broughi i th natrk e iif ane'ap bd re at thecher adparto ' r f te PolA. la Hoe. onof Town Council Tuesday even- Mayor Nelson Osborne pass- Monclav as Deputy-Reeve John> Council' attention to the fact w i vitMwrkheiigso ivbuldigrecilngtDehes ad a.rcnc ate.oor Hoe.oni'pei ofth î'ors ad tu inidîi'i f hedareencntbv ond',evrin, cc.9t. office d n bs erona apreiaio Gaenrctmnd a ofieofththtaarkberofpakin tck int adf teahe rs an hnd sta attcid itF h aS. \rnhe atosC.alinvtatons bav alead e are certainly going to of Reeve Little's contribution :384 votes. Hc cdgcd out George ets bave been issucd ta motor- densradte achr nd anî' o ttpeeeri whrcie vas. onT e c- beenvintta tshe cut ro miss Reeve Sid". Count Jack!ta municipal affairs as w\cll as jBlack \vho rcccived 375 votes. ists at times wbea there ma, tios.Thewedwrkig ho :ucî~-îan fic0-ic to have anc af their officiais Brough stated. 'He bias beeiî the tbanks tendered by the The three 1937 coulicillors be oaiy one or two cars on tht tis h ar wrav of u p-tdi cfrs end ofcfeead ttn tîsdnnr.wat could be termed a faitb- other members. wreail unsuccessful ini the;r block. "Me ers" contended withlit arav f u-to-at, Rol-csiiietit,; f cffe anlui emplovee of the town. Wc Reeve Little tbankd thie bld for î'c-election. Thc thr-e -are onîx' a nmeans of raising miachines nianned bv scx"'ral cookies er serx'ed ia the cafc- The fu,îds so kindlY doaated hope that hie leaves witb a members for their kind tbougbts - ticce-s.-ul candidates ia.c Carl1 monoy and do not control park- a u s , a tr ctd a o d d e a a eria . x h ebre th e ta b le s x 'e ' w e 'e ri i s d b x th e P o lic e d a n c e fe e lin g o f g o o d w vill a n d th a t a n d s ta te d th a t li e w o u ld rn i. :s M L a g h i N , 4 '14 , B rt G ib so n , 1 in g a s th e v ve re i te d e d . T h i s o ~ iion- de orat d w th v ases of flow - and ma x' be used for an.,, Pur- lieh as lots of good years a ead Coun il. - Howvevr I1 vish v i. 403, and M erril:1 Va ca rp, 38-1. i is n c reason wh x' I objecte d ~~H^mieo onrnc. rooin,. rs for the impor'tant occasion. Pose c>nsidered wartbwhile bx' of him." Mayor Osborne, and vaur rouai- Fallov.-ing thle xvînners Were and stili object ta meters." ei qîpdwt 10Ms ag 'et MMaboni and the Scout Associations. Con~- iDeput-Reeve Wilf Carru- cil the bcst of good luck ia tace Fred Trexvîn. 12 1. Osmond iCun. Higgon feit that cour- electrical appliances.r. Bernice Carter ,verc iný stable Foulds believed this isr Ibers. reeve-elect for 19-38, sta- o n er."Wright., adAtu 11:,eytikt hud egvnt kitchen cupboards, couater ari-a, barge af the cafeter'ia and the firqt time the Police hav~e ted that this ri-cationship with tppAsatio Was lso e- lan. 295 hl AP-ecatin wa alo ex lad, -95,ailow motoîist an extra 10-1, sink etc.. baking o! pies ancd wcre assistcd bv students. made Scout donatioSs from e- Reeve Little lias been at the1 pressed for the service given Bruce Ashton ivas acclaim- minutes when parking space is cookies was going on. A break- The wvhoie school building ceipts of their dances. ltounvcry best.. by etiring Councillor Wesiex' cd as Reeve at flhc recent Nom- readîlv available. fast table and dinner table werc xvas at its brigbt and shiairpe other commendable comuat -1" didn't make the decision Fice. "It bas been a pleasure !nation Meeting as were the Cotin. Jack Brough agreed se ndsmeo tegil wm bs.thanks ta the efforts cf iork bas been part of the As- 1ta rua for reeve too lightly but working wilh b%-ou and I1 is three school baa-d members. with Coun. Higgon and adided seated at the former, Ia the caretakers Edw'a-'d Blake,. Eý. sociation's prograni for sartie! 1 feit j, should v'acate the office you the best o! success.*' Cour. Mrs. J1. A. McArthur. Wallace that to \vas nat sa concernet living-roomn portion of the large Holdstock and Stanley Jones. Lime.. - i o deputy-reeve in order to en- Fice told his fellow councidmen. Marlow and Harold Kyte. with the main street as be was fown solicitors for study. Turn in AUl Draw Tickets Before Dec. 10 To dotera-ino exactly howi many ticeets have nof beet sold ia the Robson Ponttacs Junior hockey draw. sponsar Bll Steven askîs afl tlose W7ho have tickets to returu thein fa hlm. not later than December lOth. Citizens will recaîl that this is a draw ta raise money faf the club with the big prize be- ing a 1958 Pontiac. The $5.001 tickets nat only give buyers an opportîînity ta win this beau- tiful car, tbey also include one season ticket to the junior hockey games here. The draw will be made just as son as ail tickets have bec n sold, so please get those tick- ets off the shelves and ciflier sell theni or return thcm bI Robson Motors before ne.,t king Meters if Coun cil resy Tickets %vitb sidestreets which are sel- dom used on some days of the week. Reeve Sidney Little support- cd the idea of more courtesy tickets. Tbis be thought xx ould build up better goodwill wîtb out-of-town shoppers and tour- ists. Coun. Jim Pressan stated that it is difficult ta judge border line cases. Tickets bave been given to nîotorists for being a few minutes overtime, be said, but it is also truc tbat manvy bave not reccived tickets oin such occasions since no off ice.r was patrolling af the tume. "Meters," Coun. Presson pointed out, "are not a perfect solution but tbey are a great improvement when viewed as a wbole." Mayor Nelson Osborne com- mented that he bas found mer- chants to be quite pleased with the meters and the citizens geil- erally support the meters. p 'I 4/ Mayor We.Icomes k 72 11 1 p 1 .423 864 428 zbt 1 m^Mjoll mef 1

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