"~.r~:T.7RsDAT, DEC. Sth, 1951 ?~ CANAflT&W MAW~VAO' ~r~~JA~WVV IM~ A ~ - ' -- V ~. ~ ~ZLLIL.P FAU!~ I I Ckumssimfied Ccards of Thanks 'Wand Mrs. Bruce Cotter fitothank friends and re- latives for their cards, gifts and Calla received on the occasion ,,Of their fiftieth wedding auni- Versary. 49-1* Wvish most sincerely to thank e ne concerned for the ,l sown to me in every Inositl.ing my recent stay Margery R. Knigbt. 49-1* Iwould like te express my sincere thanks to my friends; also staff and nurses and Dr. eeH. B. Rundle for the many >kndnesses shown me during my satay at Memorial Hospital. Kenneth F. Flint. 49-1 I sincere appreciation 1 wish to, thank ail who se kindly ex- pressed their sympathy in thought, word and deed linrny Irecent bereavement. Arthur S. Baker. 49-1* We wish te thank our friends of Salem cemmunity for the presentation and gitts ef the i lovely chair, smoking stand and vase. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shackleten. 49-1 We would like te extend our sincere tbanks and deepest ap- preciation for the messages et sympatby and beautiful floral offerings received from rela- * tives, neiglibours and frieuds during our recent bereavement. The Fallis Family. 49,1* Mr. and Mrs. I. Carscadden .wish te tbank the many friends, relatives and neighbours for znany acts et kindness, gitts of flowers, fruit and treats given to our dear mother and grand- znother during ber long illness and passîng; aise Rev. White, Kendal United Church, Mes- dames Jones, Elliott and Berry, ]Dr. McKenzie, Northcutt and Smith. Bowmauville. I. Carscadden and Family. 49-1*' CARD 0F THANKS 1 would like to take this op- portunlty to congratulate: 'Mr. Jack Swain - - lst prize geth Page - - - 2nd prize wlnners ln 4-H Class at the ROYAL - also Xr. Clare Vernon - -- 2nd prize wlnner at the ROYAL, and thank them for glving me the opportunity of cleaning their oats. Wisy the rest of my exhlbtoýC oetter Iuck next year. E. R. Swain, Burketon. 49-1* Notices 'v music Murdoch L. Beafon IL.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. ]RAS A FEW VACANCIES FOR KEEN STUDENTS. Write Advertiser 755, e/o fThe Canadien Statesman t F.O. Box 190, Bowmanville or Phone Osawa RA 8-1255 (Teaching in Bowmanville) Coming Events- Dance in Kendal Community Hall Saturday, Dec. 7th. Music by Henry Koss and his Home- steaders. 49-1* Dance to be held by L.O.B.A. Dec. 7th in Tyrone Hall. Ladiesi 50c, Gents 75c. Music by Hol- royd's Orchestra. 49-1* Reserve Dec. lpth and i 4th for Winter Concert of Bowman- ville Choral Society. Guest art- ist Frederick Geoghegan, organ- ist. 48-2 Plan to attend the Poinsettia Tea and Bazaar of St. John's Guild on Friday, Dec. 6th, fromi 2 - 5 p.m. at the St. John's Parish Hall. 49-1 Ballet dancing classes to be held at Enniskillen Hall, Satur-1 day, beginning in the New Year. For further information cal Mrs. Chivers, MA 3-5111. 47-6 Woodviewr Community Centrel -Monster Bingo. Twenty gamesi .-twenty dollars; five games-1 thirty dollars: $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m.. Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Regular weekly bingo heldi Thursdays except third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under' $3.00. Admission 50c. 44-tf LIITED NUMBER 0F New Year's Eve Dance Tickets FOR SA8LE Sponsored by Solina Hall Contact. MIRS. RALPII DAVIS MA 3-2413 or MISS PEARL LEACH MA 3-2235 4- Christmas andj New Year's Make Your reservations early Dinners may be served at any time stated. SUNDAY DINNERS Served beginning Dec. 8th by creservation only. This enables us to serve food at Its best wlthout any added cost to our customers. " The Acres" Happy Valley Phone MA 3-2561 49-1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F LYDIA i MAUDE CORY, late et the Town et Bowmanville, in thbc County et Durham, Widow, De- ceased, who died at tbc Town et Bowmanville, on or about tbe 30th day et August, 1957. The Trustee Act, R.S.O., 1950,1I Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Crediters and others having dlaims againsb tbc above Estate are required te send particulars and full proof thereof te the undersigned on or before the 23rd day et December, 1957 atter which date the assets oi the Estate will be distribufed, baving regard te the Will and the dlaims that bave then beeni received. DATED at Bowmanville, On- tarie, the l4th day et Nevember, 1957. Lawrence C. Masen, 30 King Street West, Bewmanville, Ont., Solicitor for thc Executors.1 to members of commissions, committees and te Board of Control. But if. et a Board et Control meeting, a member of a visit¶ng deputation speaks, be is net protected. As te the Metro Licensing Commission, Solicitor C. Frank Moore bas expressed the opinion that in certain circumstances its members may be eligible for qualified privilege. "but that would have to be decided by the courts." It would be difficult to dlaim such privilege, he ex- plained, if statements were made outside ot a commission meet- ing. and in any case privilege is lest if a statement is made with malice.-Toronto Telegram. Te1ils IFcurmews (Continued from page one) that an Ed Summers' Memot ial Fund bad been feunde under the joint spensorshipc the Durham County .Junio Farmers Organization and th Federation. A nunute's silence was the observed by the group i Imemory et the late E. A. Sun Jmers, Durham County Agi cultural representative. Presentations Made Don Staples, Oreno. expres sed thc grouip's thanks te th Orono O.NO. fer the deliieîo turlzey dinner served. A slat et new officers fer the Feder ation was presented by Russel Earle, chairmnan et the non ination cemînittee. Two new v'ice-president were nomiuated and appoint cd. They were Tom McCanus Cavan, and Harvey Malcolm Yelverton. Otlier neminees ac cepted were Clarence Allin Past President: Bruce Taylor presideut; Beverley Gray, vict president. Head Table Guests Head table guests. were irý treduced by inceiuig presi dent, Bruce Taylor, ceuni. member et the Ontario Feder. atien et Agriculture. Theý were Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P. et Pert Hope; Bey Gray, vice. president et the Federatier and Mrs. Gray; Beb Jardine. secrctary -man agar et the On. tarie Creamr Preducers, and Mrs. Jardine, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Allun, New- castle; Richard Bewles, vice- president and bis wife, Mns Jessie Bewles, secretary, Nes- tîcton; Mrs. Bruce Tayloi; Jack Amnett, field man, and Mrs. Amnott, Orone; Louis Davis, first vice-president ef the Ontario Federation of Ag riculture. wbo ivas the guest speaker, and Mrs. Davis of Owen Sound. Other Visitors Out et county guests attend- ing9 the meeting iucluded Ray Hergett, field man for the Ontario Federation cf Agricul- bure, and Mrs. Hergott, Toron- to; John Pbiltips et the Editer- iai staff of the Rural. Co-oper- ator, Toronto; Russell Bradley Of the Federation's Co-opera- tors' Insurance Assai., Toronto; Clifford Johinson, first vice- preident of the Peterborough Zounty Federation, and Mrs. JehusnS etOfSpringviile, Dick Stewart, zone representative of the Eastern Wheat Farmers, Peterboreughi. Additienal eut ef county guests were NIvr. Huchison, president of Victoria Ceunty Federatien and hais wife; Hugli1 David-son, zone geverner te the O.F.A., and Mrs. Davidson, )akwood; Mr. Winters, secre- tary et the Victoria Federa-1 ion and bis wife, Lindsay-[ Messrs. Russell Rodd and Gordon Rynard, presidents et Ie Ontario County Federatien an Mrs. Rodd. Enjoy Dance et ýor r'- us- ite r- its is, -n, )r, ce 1 n, ci ;t 1 -At Kinsmen Club lues.1 Two inspiring messages on, abo)ut the United States. We Kinsmanship were heard by should be more proud of our members of the Bowmnville countrv and sbouild Jet others Kinsmen Club at their regular know that. we are," fie assert- .meeting held at Venture Inn, cd. Tuesday evening. Canada Wealthy CSountry 1 jPast District Governor,' Harry Mr. MeILean discussed the in- M eabrought tbem a. mes- dsracnniriladmn Mcge on,"Kmin nCanada,"1 Mr.dsracmeriladmn McLean is past president of the eral wvealth of Canada. Kin is Toronto Kinsmen Club and don- at work in every Province and or f te MLea Atendnceis quickly spreading to new Trophy won by the local club comunities like Elliott Lake,1 îast year. lhe pointed out. Before conclucling hie stresscd Deputy District Governor the importance of miembers Is Speaker serving in office for their club. The other speaker for the Aspire in the work of your own occasion was Deputy District club's offices. lie urged. Persons JGovernor, Jiin Bird. He coin-digatrm nayofcel mended the club on iheir fine their club end their tcrmn with Iwork in the community and theirj a considerable amiount of ad- excellent attendance record. ditional kncîwledgc, lie said. "It is the members' job te \ Mr. MeLean wvas thanked by bring along a high calibre type Km Ray Lathiangue. -who pre- of candidate for office in dis- sented the speakeri with a gift trict and national." he said. He on behaif nof the club. urged the members te serve in Oshiawa M1erabers Are Guests these offices and to ascertain Other gucsts at the meetingi that the men seeking electiontincludcd: Tom Russell, George were good candidates. IRusseli. Pcbe Simipson and Roy President Jake Brow~n thank- 'Wotter of the Oshawa CIlub and cd Mr. Bird for bis message and John Goldie, past president of presented the speaker with a the Toronto Club. gift. Kim Ken Hockini then in-, Congratulations %vere tender- troduced Mr. McLean who spoke ed to Kin Keith Lathangue on on Kim in Canada, bis being. retUrned to miunicipal j Kin Only Cahsadian Service Club office. Gord Wilcox read the1 Ki is the only coast te registiars report and sccretarv coast al Canadian service club Don Stutt read the minutes of ini Canada," he said, "and xve the executive meeting. are going along band in baud First Vice-President Charles \vith Canada's growth. 1 Cattran announced the next 'Canada is a wonderful anci meeting wvould be the Christmas presperous country, vet \xVc meeting and would be held at neyer talk about Canada in, the Badminton Hall. Kmýi Slip the wa.v which Americans taih Roxve gave the critic's report. Papers Have Deadlines For a Specif ic Purpose 49-1I 47.3 fThe audience were delight- ed by a maie quartet from Oshawa which epened the en- tertainment portion oetheb "Qualfied Privlege meeting. Red Taylor, Bow- ation of the group for bis fine ln Municipal B~odies Performance. !Everyone enjoyed the even- By W. E. Elliott iior press is admitbed) et a board lic fd ua ud Floy ed Wi Wbat immunity or protbecetien,,o local authority censtibutcdi the meeting. Music was sup- If any, does a memiber et a civie under a public act, or ef auy Pidb uhadFodWl bod enoy n rgar testae- ommtte etsnc boies1 seni and Stewart Heoey. Ralph bodyenjy inregrd o stte-coimitte o suh boies n-Mai 0olm xvas caller for the ments wbieh in other circum- cluded are any municipal coun-î stances would be actionable as cil scheol board, board et educa square dance numbers. slandereus? The qtiestiQn is net tien, department et health, localg one for which there is a short board et bealth." and easy auswer, but there is The Municipal World, St. T e B bl authority for the statemeut that Themas, whicb answers a great; h i l "qualificd privîlege" operates te variety et queries, bias had noee- preteet members et municipalirecentlv on this matter et priv- councils and commissiens, suli- ilege.. The Assistant Editer, A. T da that if malice eau be shown by questiens bave been raiscd, ut What's in the name, Mýatit-s. a speaker lie is open te an actien lias been regarding semething Maniy readers never heard uf on the part of the persen consid-f said oubside the civie chamber the namne. Manus is both an is- ering bimselt aggrieved.« De- and there bias been legal action. land and a language. fense et sucbi an action, evenl l'lie Canadian Encyclepedia It is oeeoe the larger islands When successful, is costlv. Digest indicates that whereas et the Admiralty Group, lyiiig It is well kuoxvn that members m nembers ef municipal bodies nerth of New Guinea. T lic tbt Parliameut and bbc Legis-1 enjey qualified privilege they Manus New Testament tranisia- laturcs enioy absolute privilege.! would do weil te tread warily tien Ivas aluîost eemplcted a. In Ontario bbe Legislative As- jaround lîbel laws. bthe utbreak et tbc seýcond sembly Act provides lu SectionI Statemeuts made liv a member World War. Two copies of th-,t 37 as fellows: "A mnember cf bbthe ofceuncil lu bis Public capacity JN ew, Testament rnaluscript Assembly shail net lie hable te at a meeting et ceucil or a cern- 1 were ready for stîbmission tei any civil action or prosecutieunj mittee thereof arc prima fadie 1the Bible Soriety. Thien lu 1940. arrest, impriseumient or damages. privileged," bbe Digest sbates. the iand was occupied by the bY reason ef any miater or tbing But sucli prîvilege dees net cx-, Japarie<e. Thce chief translater, breught by him by petition. by tend te words spoken or written the Rev. R. Goehel and s ix bill, resolution, motien or othler- 1iniaiicieisl.y or whicb, upon a! memnbers eof the staff ,vere ki3il- wise, or said by bim belere the reasonable construction, impute cd. The nuunuscripts lay hidden ,Assembly or a commibtee there- the commission ef a crim~e. ji in tbc roof et a native but. of.Y ..'Qualîfied privilege' entities' ln 1944 tbc Amiericaus bomb-f The editer ef The Canadian a council member te speak on a e d Manus Island, and the but I Statesman, Bowvmanville, cein- matter of public interest rele- 1 nd malluscripts were eiestrov- s nîentîng on the Lamport case,' vaut te bbc issuy under disetîs-, cd. Fortunately, howvever, itr points eut that bbc remarks cern- sien, Ib is still rivileged even was discovercd that a tlird plained et. if nmade in Legis- if lie says soinebbing untrue fcepy liad been sent te Gernany r lature or Parliament would have provided he honestly believes hie before thc war. and lb is this É had i$unity. "Ib mighb be, spoke bbe truth. But if lie manuscript xvhicb, after revi- ji wise" editoriai continued. sarýs sometbing lie knoivs t e lsien, uew formis bbeliasis et the le "for j' province or federal untrue. fie is open te a libel 1 Manus New Testam ent. authorities te consider bbc ad-1 action.' ugsedraigsfrteIl visability et extcndiug thîi r-Hr s anSuggl e sted i tection as soori as possible to Hr Sa xml;wek : ra- lesans 5:or;n b gnunicipal officiais." If Citv Council is debating! 'Monday -Ephesians 6:1-24 Isý The Canadiari Press. thoughi whethcr te buùy ceai trom Joues, Tuesday-Genesis 31-"' I r citlng ~o statutorv autboribv. 'or Smith, a member eould sav Wýednesday-Genesis 3î:23-361il stat% , 'ts style book for bbheJlhe didn't want te buy from Thursday-Genesis 41:1-24 TP us sae memibers: Snmith beeause hie was known ast Friday-Genesis 4:3-3 il dir ,4 reports are privil-leue who chcated. If Smith ho- j Saturday-Geuesis 41:1 20 Ih eged, that is. net actionable un- Hxeves hie eau prove that the 1 - i leus malice in publication eau mnember made tbc statementV be established. With this quali- witb malice. hie eau sue. A Word is net a crystal. tran- ic fication, fair and accurate re- But if. duriug the discussion. s parent and unchan ged, it i3 1Ioe ports are privileged et: (1) the member cempared S ibbj the skiu ef a living thoughit and C( courts, (2) proceedings lu Senate .vith Brown, tbc grocer, and iays vary greatîx' in celeur c, «r Commons. an ' Lezisiature or said Brown cheated. then Browvn and content according totecsi commlttee et such bedies. (3) would bave an open-and-shub 1 circumstances and bbc tiniein gc ublic meetingls (4) ains' neût- case. 1f which i t is uscd. -(lie:l1 pg(excevt where nether public "Qualified privilege" axterids Wendell Hoilmes, Jr. t '~.1 Canadian transportation's recent marriage of rail and highway finds the Canadian Pacifie Railwvay operating solid piggyback trains iii both directions between Montreal and Teronto, carrving the trailers of a nu mnber cf xvell known trucking firms to and from their destinations in Canada's two lre:tcibles. Fast overnight service permits pick-up cf trailers aftLer close of business evcry evening and guarantees their delivery in the other citv befoî.e tP-)e Siart of next day's business. Popularity cf the service is attested bv this x'icur of a Can;,ctipn Pacifie 'ý)iggybacker" at Christie Lake, Ontario. Specially-designed roller-b oarin g, flatcars carry the trailers. Piggy- back trains are diesel-hauled. .-Canadian Pacifie Phioto Scholarship Bruce Fortnum, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaren, Newcastle, recently won 'a cash scholarship donated by radio station CJCA Edmonton. Bruce is a student in the Radio and Television Arts course at Byerson Institute, Toronto, where last year he obtained first class honours in five subjects and second class honours in two others. rwo Inspiring Speakers (Dundalk lieraid) first part eftheb paper lias al- We are requestiug public (.0- ready been produLed. operation in scekiug te reguIât~, Wý n tipose certain res- a mere even. flow cf newvs ro- ticioc d adopt mor~e rigid ports. As lb is neow, we are al- j dcadlices cf !lice scbedule is te most -buricd witb cepy" ;Il cbeacihered to -,id 'the paper Tuesdays and Weduesdays. 01, i n icu-. It meacîs that Mucb of this couid have licen lbbc *rc' \7 bîrds" wcll geqtlthe prepired and sent te us several niost ,ccatcr ervice aldý dlays earlier. Likewise, much of thaý ticlôtc bM Iirds" ,viiillie dis- it ceuld have been, branstorrn- I P P,_ic-ý(- ( id ,,t t:s. XVe icate t,, vdi nt() type dnring bbe iattcri have c .L)av -no' " toa!, mdiv,,- part et the previons week or,!dLual seùi:g a scirv1ee, but thce tirst day oethbbc carrent wlccrc ur ,0bl Iconte ac- weekz, betere "press day pres-j dreds et Othei(s 1 jeoi)ailzed, sure" bas enveleped us. that sL e 0o11.va nýxvec- xe cari _Mauy et car readers wili give. If \e- o n 10t get te bbc realize severai pages et bbc pa- station on time aind bbce train is per are readied as early as Mon- fgene, bicere's cothing mach ilyeu iav. Quite trequentîy, "tfiller" e au do about il: the train basj items whic are ot of Iol1tO e gt the Pîas:cngers xvhe wcre tvens bc are luenthcf loal fon tim e" te ticeir destination. lcali items appropriate te ticeSe ditions LppP' ,,te The Statesmian. individual pages. The regretta- sOe le e gvern ;oursclves ac- 1le part et it is, we are rare'ýv cordircglv înd ieusVeUr c- iort of news items for bbe finaiýl f eCation b 'v scno, ýiiinenr,', run, and in many instances. items as zoon as pessible after items which conld have bee:î bheyý happen. prepareci and piaced ;ci cîlr cands much carlier nlucst IL' ceid over for ar.other %vî'ek. If tnese items. sncb as reports of Teih r \'ornen's Institute mleetings, bhurcli erganizations, weddincgSj Dbituaries, etc.. had licoumc- 1Attend ,eiv-ed a few heurs carier, thev 2ouid bave been mun in *, ie <Corîtiiued trom page ue) ;pace which bas already been At noon ail beachers gather- ziven over te renie othër iitnemcd tb*,1l ýToci) Tuachex s f !L<ser icîtercst. fHuwever, Collie.g c or icîcj(ijeon. île aà hat'â impossible new. as the table u.csiddciM.M Slute, president of the West Durham Teachers' Institute; JMr. H. Blanchard and Mr. R. Johnston, principals of Toron- to '£eachers' College; Mr. W. E. Eade and Mr. Hanrner, in- spectors of schools ln East York; Mr. T. R. McEwen, the inspecter o f Durham No. 11 Mr. L. Duncan, Physical Edu- cation Master at the Clee Mrs. E. Argue, president-lc ùf W. Durham Teachers' Insti-1 tute; Miss M. Couch. sec-treas.j of W. Durhiam Teachers' Inst.j A short business meeting xvas held during the afternoon when a slate of officers iorl the coxning year was presented ýby Mrs. J. Venning, as follows: :Pres., Mrs. E. Argue, Beth- any; Vice-Pres.. Mr. Grant Campbell, Nestleton; Sec.- Treas. Miss Myrtie Hall, Bow-ý manville; Directors, Mr.. E. Colwell, Bowmanville, MW . Heaslip, Nestieton; Mr. Wr.O. cett, Solina; Mrs. Lenore Hoar, Courtice. Mr. R. Johniston, principal of Division A of the Toronto Teachers' College, delivered a short address, commenting on the changes that have takeri place in education in the past 20 years. He was thanked by Mr. M. J. Hobbs, Enniskillen. The session also included a tour of the College building zind grounds, conducted by re- cent graduates of the college now teaching in this inspecter- ate. This is a new building and architects, Page and Shaw, wvon a prize for its design. The concluding event of a dernonstration ef physical ed- ucatien by Mr. L, Duncan. He used a group ef 16 teachers for fils class who demonstra- ted activities, exercises and games and dances that could be used in graded or ungraded classroon-s. Many Couples Enjoy Lions Ladlies Dance More than 125 persons en- .toved a deligbtful eveniug ef dancing at bhe Liens Ladies' Dance held at tbe Liens Cen- tre, Saturday evening. The hall was attractively de- corated with Christmas decor- atiens. Dance music was sup- plied by the Ted Tayler Or- chestra, Ajax. A delicieus lun- cheon was served by Mrs. By- ron Vanstene and fier commit- tee. Spot dance prize winners were Mrs. Wilfrid Carrttthers, Mrs. Jack Breugh and Mrs. Robt. Kent. Mrs. Kent aise won bhe prîze for having tbh e o- ding anniversary clesest te, the date et the dance. ITo clear our floors for 1958 shiprnents, we are sishing prices of CeverYLIing we have on hand - . . new and used ... Case and Jother makes. Buy no%,, trade Inow. No interesr or carrying Icharge before-next work season. Up 1o four crop years for pay.: meab. 'f ;To.give you Stijl better deals,' we are boosting allowances ont trade-ins, too. Beat next >ear's higher prices - make double savings. Corne in righr away and see the sPectacular values we are showing. plurry-th., bigin -on'# las# long! LOCAL DEA~LER W. H. BROWN King St. WV. MA Bowînanville 3-5497 f iay L. J. Hxarris Tbrougb chinks in the Iron Curtain fias come enough re- liable evidence te convince the West's top Soviet experts that the convulsions shaking the palace of modern Russia 's em- pire do net result primarily from pelitical controversies or ambitions for individual pow- er. With the army's help Nikita Kbrushchev moved te the top of the beap maînly because et the utter failure of Cemmunism's planned economy, a tailure that bas made the area frei West Germany te the Pacific Ocean into the world's biggest peor- house. Socialism bas been in oper- 'ation in Russia for 40 ,years, time enough te test that sys- tem's theoretîcal values. For party leaders and their faveur- ites there have been rewards. But for the average Russian worker the buyîng pewer et bis earnings is lewer than inl pre-revolution days. For hlm-, bread is the only food net in short supply, clothing is shod- dyv and expensive, housing is eue room per family. In the dozen years since the end et 1 World WVar Txvo al et the non- l Communist countries haivei achieved new bighs lu ecenomie pregress and living standards That Russia*s plauned econemy bas net equalled the achieve- ments ot capitalism's freedernj et enterprise is knewn both in- side and outside of Russia des- Pite the tight grip on com- munications held by the K.renî- lin. Christmas Shopping?I Your Car A New Ti r h l~. LADY BUXTON Frenc plain or set with rhincstones latest shades. BILLFOLDS in fine' 'our initiais or name in 22kt g LEACOCK Linen Tai and TEA TOWELS in smart unusuai patterns. Paint hy Number Sets CRAYON BY NUMI A new set with Laurentian col ai $1.00 These are esnecially for chil refis available. "Noel" Cups and Saucers The New "JOTTO"i Now gaining dailv in popt ,h Purses -in ail the leatherj old leaf FREE ilecloths colours and - $1.50 up BER lIoured penci]s Idren wit}i - - $1.98 Game Many Other Attractive Articles for Christnias Surprises. SP'ODE - ROYAL DOULTON - ROYAL ALBERT Dl'%ESDEN CRYSTAL, Coutts and Rust Craft CHRISTMAS CARDS are stili the bcst for ail occasions. SHOP IN BOWIMANVILLE . . . . and save time, money and( gas. The World's Biggest Poorhouse LIMITED 1 Fender Repairs and Touch-up Painf ing - Reasonable Prices - FRANK'S GARAGE 72 Scugog St. Phone MA 3-3231 It is Khrusbchev's gamble fthat hie can transformi Soviet industry by decentralizing the vast bureaucracy that bas dli- rected everytbing from Mos- cow, and that he can end the country's near-famine by de- veloping unoccupied Siberian farmlands. He found sufficient backers of bis programn to dis- Pose of tbose other directors At the corporation wbo had plan- ned to dispose of bîm. The misery and peverty in- duced by state secialism are shared by ah etf Russia's satel- lites. Once exporters of food, Hungary, Poland, Rumania and Yugoslavia fail to produce enough for their own needs. Mea b, sugar and fats are stiUl rationed in. East Germany, which formerly supplied food for the whole of Germany. In- dustry everywbere is plagued by mis-management, stupid planning and a declining pro- ductivity of workers. There is ene iaslc reason why Russia's socialismn is impoverish- ed hier own people and dragged down te the same level the pop- ulations of the countries she bas colonizcd by force of arni.s or duplicity. It is the loss or bbce freedom of the individual te emplov bis talents as lie may wisli and to profit fully there- by. Experience shows that suc- cess is due less te ability than to zeal. The winner is be who gives hiniself te bis work, body 4 TM CANAlffffl ETATEMUS. ROWMANNMTr- MmyAnTri M à oqm 9 Give