-TERSDAYT, flC. th._195? Blackstock and Zion Couples Club Meet With Solina Three "M" îolina.: lerner3 of Zion an~d tlackstock Gud.sClubq 'v'?ri giests of thé- Scr.a Three> M'3 grriup on Frcday wr, hp'xr.e th-e guest ipma<e-r wa M r. Atec Grirdon. h .sr1.SC ;p- a.nr ar. eat,-p~r at "he (Or.' taro <-nnfor ; Deaf at n ierh . mq nee'«,-ý trÀd fneac,;.rr,,r' 42 p;piîlsvhi trerrrm ail-rt of the~ rn..e .e'a:< l.p reading were crf.Yy". P-airted. T r gl-h t he ar' pneroe pre-;ai.strog': zi.rced .n -'-e Dat: ci. ahides shor,ý. j -M: a-i,; In add:ýt.ont re tgm r.kr an;d -;a'w;r.gare '.g. 'u1:h aw-ei. edr :aisc -e alsoa'rrdc 's.a re- c.r;tf usin;r5r'c<'."P- Brad*é', of m .-t [:4 avJXd~ \J~C ive Look ai These Fealure: ... Laundroguide tells you exactly how long, ard ait what temperature each fabric should be dried. Dry Dia! lets ,-ou damp-dry for immediate ironir.-; or completely fluff-dry for immediate folding. Heat Sclector Dial offers choice of 3 heats - "Reg-ular,'ý "Low" and "No Heat." Sheif-like door helps '(>t lrad and unload without doing heavy lifting. Direc't. Flow Dr'vincg saves you more time and mone.': than otheî' drvers because it blows warm. fiitered air directly into tumbling clothes. from $199-00 h to Westinghouse REFRIGERATORS . WASHERS ELECTRIC RANGES nt Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE NL% 3i 774 tr. - 'F r. '. - a wa, I e ~ rl ci- une - -cim iascor-" roc A a -prrra". 1 ; m . C - c. î.c Danric-e t " . . '1' - By' Verma For-inanrd CharL,'ý Tritm -;cut- ccrz .1 '70 71' s rs - .et- rnar.' arcan.'i Usm'r.r ga"" -c--- anda'r'c,"r-"' -" t..- ire-t nc prrarc - . - laserr. Dar-. 1:'.r: rnaC r- S anýe -7,ý mahd ne (l i .; M ýýrc-J n'r- 7 -r .S.-- in R-1 7.n :n-. -:B par Ovt rn e3Urs : C - n r- a 'r the a r ur. ± .t(.t . 3 T j' dance an tes se:aci te M-' t'c m n<;fo "th n r chrac. t-touM'='. . Cees T'L-'.c2r: '., ." ( lui/n il,, ifrmrirrba!PIONEER Repalning .verything froni fences to farTn building.9, clear' inc new acreage, ctting 'winter firewood . - . these art juit a few of the tinie-saving, i:noney-making ways farmen, acroqs the eoun.*ry are uaing light-weight, easy-tco-.ýer"îcs Plioneer chain aaws. Let us show you how a Pionieer ia-4 dan heIp y@m ta mort profitable farmingt SOLD BV' S.S. Morton & Son O)ntario !;pp the ' ( ompt<' Range of Pioneer Sat% Prpd a% Inu a%...~t9 Alds CIuLPraiect iAt Eiikle Crr Cns; r 's q ' SOLINA - -'t- ;- Sa>,-.r- -tne -- t- an *'pm a ' aa p:. ý SaL a a~tt.t n 2m cmr- fa"- M c arbr '-' 'T-. -a mons.Sclac y rue 0. l ""t comp C'C~t - - ..c'ttmi r -ne ab- -. r;e grad- .mn a:'e:.".ancl -ci . M -neM ie: c ad We: a: ".3ci*;- Cc. .1- . pu .101 '01 an. - r. CCI 7.u -m t les!e 't --t, 'r- Mr a.dM. orePeI;z T" 1-17 Ch aDd a ancra: tze" 'l . and naa. rn-.e a:: cr: a 'r;ung isoil T A "a - -lr:-:7 ý'e'r Graduating Class Given Pins by Courtice H. & S. t.n -- .a"ner -. were e-c ý. d aferwa:.a-a uc-~. r men. M..arTrx C. tA . a 37 t pr-3 7* r' r -- a.... ýc Cuc;io 'tonda7:nl.COT 5Iehyoie WNT2 Dornhnior-eukE Àt Hlorsey Brand Florida Sweetened Orange Juice Blended iitrus 2-o.Tin 4V-oz. Tin 2-o.Tin - ,y--:Juice Grapefrit -t "2ra BISCUIT FE.XTU ;a - - rParty Treat - Chocolate Miniature t c rDainty Mallows 3 . - r. ,r: .erve ChiIIed' Serve (ften' .-Xýlmer Fanc'- 21-oz. Tir 'r~'~*Tomato Juice 3 McTender and Sive' 117 Cu1verhouse - Choice 21)-oz.Tir Golden Corn 3 --- Mr For Cooking or Frying: C -n - vl c' 't-i t. Lawrence De1iclou-, serv d on toa.ta't -7ALnt SalI's mw ith Pectin 2- '~D' ~~"Strawberry Jam r, u 'n;ýan- E,- " t r- 5- î:"'r- z Prc t t Zipper - i ýÎr ed -Eà,s; to Peel- Lar t B , r>ida No.1 Or'an,et "r' ir.~ Tangerines Thin Skinned and Fuit of Juice S Florida 'No. 1 Marsh Seedie's .1< rapefruit le lu :. ndMr-. (L- sG.cil ýropie.;d eta burinrdr 'Part,;' c imP7.ofrs cnnDo adr. t'. - t"..db-' ,- .::.r '. j.r i Pl.,t.G e r lu sat- t'3 t r m.I-.i, an,. t.. ke ~~~' r. - 0 ar T ed' Florida No. 1 Lon'g Green Slicers -2Cs Cucumbers 3 for 25C Fl orida Fresh Gvreen Pastcal- ie4' Celery Stalks 2Zfor 25c Ontario No. 1 Washed -'-lb. poly bag Marsh - Carrots 29C FiriGle eo% Ripe Bananas 2ZIbs. 33c AXIl mcrch1apnCflse sold at your Dominion Store ks unconditionaily guarantecd to give 100% satisfaction. Valties effective at your Dominion Store, Bovmanv lte, until 6i pi.Sra. December 7th. 19517. DO.MINION STORES LIMI1TEÎ) Finesi Quality - Nuls in Sheli J uices Beaver - Fancv Mxtr 2 for29c Mixed Nuls 31 ~Beaver - Fanc'v 23 c Brazils 2for 29C Beav~er - ac 31c Filberfs 2 for 27c 29C CHRISTMA. Lb. Cel o Bag 45<--À-& Lb. Cell o Bag 39c S CANDY See the wide variety on disptay s PECI I 2 9cSatin Hard Mix 35c Hove 's Cr3 stallized Lb. Celto Bag SPCIL Creams&GumBells35c n for43C Howe .s - Crvstalihzed 12-oz. SP EC LXL French Creams for49 Candy Canes t-t'F CITî Regencv - Assor'ted 33C Chocolates S-PECIAL Mir'- Town Tatk 4tz a Pk33c Pg. of 69 Lb.Bo 75c 212 Lb. Box 1-SQ 4 5C Mrs - Town Tak 2 t- Lb. Box ~ FamilvAssortment 1.49 Chuck fuit of fruit and nuts Richmello Fruit Cake L-b. Piece 2-Lb. Piece 3-Lb. Piece 4-Lb. Piece 5 9c 1.15 1.75 2.2 5 Rit.hmello Deltuxe n.-Lb. Ring Fruit Cake Richmiello Delicious Fruit Pudding Ocean Spray Whole or Jctlied 13-01 Cranberry Sauce Min cemeat 2.99 5%c L25c 'f i>c eDOMINION Tyrone L.O.B.A. Deg ree Tearm On Two Visitsý M ire Suze Itt's doz. 33c ize 96*s 3)for 49c gowmanvlif ý r"I m bL 1 - W.A. Off icers At EnniskiIIe i- Ernikilen:The NnIve q a ,tt .:onie N fr s.E.Tr ,e,,ot-onai on 'Endurance" by .d.H. Mis .vth the Bible .eacair.z, oein g taken 'oy Mrs. AY.a t-rry Neret meeting in yo .' ed .n thie vt'ng of Dec. ('Ith t-ornoîred xith ..,S. Pr;taram waugiin. l G cor.:fnrr: piano usYna a on thePresbytery,; 3vriClr;.stimas table centre pece -.v t : p which ail .ooked 30 Pice. Ojr oekhalf of the congregatxfl Rev. R. 3 'Orcen troressed h.i ',ct:e the WU.A. after wh.ch ne zo c caare nf the elector o)f c';fLcer3 as foilows: President -Mýrs. G. Yen-, tat Vce-Pres.- M.H. MG~ 2nd VIce-Pres. -Mr. . er:S rta- R. S'rar, "Tr.aaurr-rMvrs. _ML J. Hoo:Aics. Tr;eas.-M'vrs. P. Pr:aa-Ma.L. Larr.) Nir. R V.tc: Fio.vr Comr. -M . Z. ,Zam b: Parsonage Con-: -Mn..1.S'eron. Mrs. 0. C '.ron. Mr3. H. lMcGill; 'Vis- - ~ --"- -Mr. T. Slem-011, ..T.r:Auctnr3 for 135,1i -M.A. Wr=7. XM. F. Torms. 0 COUPLIICE