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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1957, p. 6

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~. -.= = PAGE Mx For Ladies... Lavender Perfume ----1.25-1.75-2.50 Lotus Perfume 3.50-7.00 Lotus Cologne 1.85-3.00 Lavender Stick Perfumes 1.85 Lotus Stick Cologne-- 1.85 Bath Saits ------ -----1.65 Dusting Powder -- 2.00-2.50 Boxed Soap .--- --1.5o-3.25 Gift Sets - Ail Dîfferent 1.50 - 2.00 - 2.75 - 3.00 - 4.50 4.95 - 5.50 Desert Flower Stick Cologne____ 1.25 Tollet Water _____2.00 Duatlng Powder ___ .00 Bath Crystals- 2.00 Sipray Cologne 3.00 Gift Boxed Parfume - 2.00 Hand and Body Lotion 1.25 GIt Sets -- 3.50-4.00-4.50 PHONE VA 3-5898 For Men .. . Shave Bombs ___ 1.25 Invisible Talc. 1.25 Shaving Bowls.-------- 1.50 After Shave Lotion 1.25-2.00 Pre-Lectnie Shave Lotion-------- - 1.25 Weekend Wallet Set ---- 1.95 Shave Bomb and After Shave Lotion Set -- ------ 2.85 Shave Cream and After Shave Lotion Set -.----- 2.25 Talc, Shave Lotion and Shave Bowl Set -------4.75 Friendships Garden Stick Cologne ____ 1.25 Bubble Bath____ 1.25 Bath Salts -- -____ 1.65 Spray Cologne ___ 3.00 Dusting Powder- - 1.75 Gift Sets ~ 2.75-3.50 WB FIT TRUSSES TK~ CANAmA2< STATESMA~i. IOWMMqVTL!z. ONTA~O TYRONE The North Darlington Teach- er' Group held its third meet- ing Nov. 19 at Bradley's School. Mr. T. R. McEwen, inspector, attended. Grade 8 standard were discussed briefly,ý the'y are to be set up during the New Year. Mrs. A. Ashton served a delrcious lunch. The next meet- ROUYA THURSDAYUISATIJ Malines Satu JOEL McCI à N% ARBARA H plscon "Up finth starring funny man Last complete NEXT MON. and TU Aduit Ente also World News b~ Feature at 7:20 and 9:50 - L q Ladies' BE Brush, Comb an in New Designs 4.98 - 6.95 - 10.95 - il ing is to be held at Haydon or Jan. 14. The fourth meeting of Ty- rone 4-H Club. "The TyronE Safety First Club". Mrs. Lamp- man wvho is the 4-H Club Home Economist, wvas present. Mrs N. Wroodley dictated notes on Fly". Mrs. A. Youngman help ed the girls check their food chart and took up safety rules, Home assignments were giver BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5581 IRDAY - DEC. 5 -7 ardav 2 p.rn. nedy hit e World" NORMAN WISDOM show at 8:20 JES.-DEC. 9- 10 CLARK GABLE YVONNE DECARWO nrtainmnent y J. Arthur Rank ýast complete show at 9:30 nê aXiOLk4! eautiful d Mirror Sets and Colours 1.95 - 17.95 - 19.95 n!out. Mrs. Lampman gave con- menits. Lunch was served by -Joan Davey and Cecile Park. le Christinas meeting of the -iMission Band met Sundayj morning with leaders Misses -.Ruth Fascoe and Lauraine Coolz n in charge. Christmas treats 1 3ewere given out. Helen Allia, Bowmanville, Id visited with Lauraine Cook. S. Miss Phyllis Maynard, Mr. and MIrs. Eric Stainton and *jJean, B owmanville, Miss Ver- Ina McRoberts, Oshawa, Mr. and Mr. os McRoberts and Jean, Mrs. J. Cowling and Murray,j Bowmaaville, Uiie r. and Mrs. L. Smith. Mn. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyki- and children atteaded a fami]y ' ~ gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk in honour of Mr. Vaneyk's birth-.5 1day. ,Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Taylor, t owmanville, were tea guests of Mrs. Rl. Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hath- erlv and daughters, Alderwood, ,visited Mrs. Annie Hatherly. tSympathy îs extended to Mn. Percy Cowling and family, Bowmenvil]e, on the passing of Mrs. Cowliag. jMr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, *Hampton, visited Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Clavp and also caîl- Dr. Norman G. Allun cd on Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner. jMr. H. Skinner suffered a Americàn College of Surgeons; fractu-ed knge, when hie at- Fcl]ow Royal College of Sur- tencdflc Rva Wnte Fir geons (Canada). Licentiate, Mrs. Normian Woodlev at. Royal Coflge of Phyqjciam,' tended the 4-H Club leaders* (London); Member, RoyalCol' trip to the royal Winter Fair leofSren <Egd.1 f and luncheon. Dr. Allia practIsed as a spc- Mr. and Mrs. John Coombes cialîst in Edmonton for 35 years and sons, Campbcllford, were prior to his retirement ta Bow- supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. manville ten ycars ago. Rowland Coombes. He was born la Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess ville, a son of the late Samuel and Lori, Bethany, Mrs. Don, Alu1n and Jane Elford, and re- Real and Louis and Mrs. Ross ceived his education at Trinitv jReal, Greenbank, visited Mvr. Medical College, Toronto. Foi- and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. lowinrr his graduation, he spent Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubykc and s i ears in post graduate eye. Diane attended the Dus-AI- ear, nose and throat work in brccht wedding in Oshawa on the hospitals of London, Eng- Saturday last. land. Mrs. Annie Hathenly return- He was a memnber of the cd to hier home afler spending Canadian Medical Society, the some timne in Oshawa.i Canadian Club, was Medical Club 49 held a quilting bc R Pefcrce from 1933 to 1940 of at the home of Mrs. Florence' the Commercial Life Assurance, !Scott this week. Co. Ltd., and a director of that iMr. and Mrs. David Park, company from 1934 to 1957. Tom, Ken and Glennis, Bow-1 Dr. Allun was an active mem- manville, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.' ber of the United Church of; B.Vam, were dinner guests of Cana~da, of the Metropolitani Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park, JrICliurch in Edmonton, and latet Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hall,' S. Trinity United Church in Bow- lem, Mn. and Mrs. Keith Rob. manville where he became 1 inson, Bowmanville, Russell Clerk of Session. He was keen- Hall and Miss Jeanine Cai- ly interestcd in curling and en- cron, Zion, with Mr. and ivi±. joyed mnusic, He owned and su- IH. Hall. pervised a 320 acre farm riorth Rey. and Mrs. Fred Jackson of Edmonton for many years. and John, visited her parents, Dr. Allin in 1913 marnicd Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Banting, Lilian Fawcett of England. Fol- Alliston.~ lowing her death he later niar- Mr. and Mrs. N. Woodley ried Elsie Thompson, who sur- visited Mr. and Mrs, £-,oxTne1 vives him. He also leaves two McCoy, Brookîja. daughtens, Elsie (Mrs. Oscar Mr. aind Mns. W. F. Park v-is Jamieson) Peterborough, Vena itdM.and Mrs. Arnold Geis- (Mrs. Craig Langille) Ankara, berger, Zion. Turkey; sons Dr. George Allin,j ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- F.R.C.S., London, England: lin, Donna and Denise, Nesetle- Glenn and Norman at home. A ton, Mrs. Edith Murphy, wene son Robent was killed la the supper guests of Mn. and Mns. 5econd Wonld War whlle serv- W. Muphy. ng with the RCAF in North Mr. and MfS. Ewart Bragg Afnica. and baby, Bowmaaville, were Hfe is also sunvived by two IMonday visitons of Mn. and brothens, Wesley R. Aillan and Mrs. W. F. Park. S. Charles Allun of Bowman- Mrs. Roy Graham and fam- ville, a nd seven grandchildren-. ily, Haydon, visited her par- Allia, Robent and Ross Jamie- ents, Mr. and Mns. W. Rahm. son of Peterborough; Noei, Da- Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, Oshawa, vid and Christophen Allia of jMiss Florence Werry, Hamp: London. England, and Liada ton. xvene tea guests of Mrs. S. Langille of Ankara, Tunkey. T. Hoar. Rev. T. A. Morgan of Trinitv United Church conducted thie fune rai service on Tuesda, O BITUARY Nov. 26, at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Division Street. Interment was la Bow- f MRS. ARTHUR BAKER manlleCg meeautfu] j Mr. Athu Bakr ded ud-floral tnihutes was one fnom denly at bier residence, 98 Wel-jthe di rectors and officers of lington Street, Bowmaaville,. the Commercial Life Assurance Monday, Nov. 25th, when she Co. Ltd. of Toronto. j suffcred a heart attack. Mrs. Palîbearers were a son-ia- Baker had been afflictcd with law Oscar Jamieson, and ne- cardiac asthma for some time. phcw Clare Allia, Samuel AI- Mrs. Baker was the former phews Clae Allia, John Mont- Greta May Wickett, a daughter gomny and John E. Allia of of he ateMr. and Mrs. John Toronto'. Wickett Bwanie. M. Among those attending the came to Canada from funenal from out of towa wcre England and marnied Miss Ca- Dr. Eardley S. Allia. Edmon- therine Cowling of Hampton. tonAf. Ms e*e Tcsn Mrs. akertaught for 30 Vancouver, BC.; Mns. Dan De- years in Central Public School, Lury and her daughter, Mrs, Bowmnanville, where she was a Hugh Pemhentoa, Mn. and Mrs. 'Most efficient and esteemned John Montgomery, Mn. John A!- member of the staff. She is lin, Mr. A. F. M. Pronk, Mn. E. rememnbered with affection and B. H. Shaven, al of Toronto; respect by many former pupils.M .Duls dotn Shewasanactve orer jAlta.; Mns. Joe Allia, Miss the W M.S. and other organiza- Winnie Allia, Blackwater; Mr.' tions 0f her chunch, Trinity Un- and Mrs. John Allia, Sunder- ited, and a mnember of the Cen- land: Mr. and Mrs. Murray adian Bcd Cross Society, the Gordon. Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Womnen's Canadien Club ai-d William Wilson, Port Penny; the Women's Hospital Auxil-. adMs ar asa îary.Uxbridge, Mrs. May Henry, During Wonld War I she was 1saa corner. We are also pleased OBITUAlix that this is a different type and gives much more light than the Dr. Norman George Allin, ones previously installed. manville, died suddenly on Sat- Wednesday from Aylward Lit- urday, Nov. 23rd. He waa in tle's et Markham. We are pleas- his 79th year, and 17,ad been in ed Mrs. Little lntends staying failing health for six monihs. home this season. Dr. Allun was for inany years1 Wm. Robinson visited Mr. a prominent eye, ear, nose and and Mrs. Milt Robinson recent- throat specialist in Edmonton_, w Alta. He was a Fellow of the f Mn. C. Thompson and Ar- ~ thur were dinner guests Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Blake Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. IMadison Hall were also recent guests. IMrs Go rdo«n"Langsta'ff *(ne Dianne Irwin) who were mar- ried at Castleton Saturday, Nov, 30. The reception and dance was held iti the Balmoral Ho- tel in Cobourg. After. their ne- turn from their hoaeymoon they will reside in Kendal. Mrs. Luxon, Mrs. E.. Cour- oux, Mrs. G. Me-cer, Mr. and À mong those from out of M iss Betty Findlay was with town who attended the funerel Mn. and Mrs. John A. Canscad-, were Mn. and Mrs. William dcnanad attended the funenal Rolfe, London, Ont.; Mrs. Jack of her aunt. Hoskin and farnily, Toronto; Gordon Martinell and Keaay MViss Gwen Hoskin, Toronto, of Roseneàth and Mr. and Mn s.' and a number fnom Hampton' A. Colan, Hamilton, visited Mrs.~ Enniskillen, Brooklin aad Osh- Hattie Martineli during the, îwa. weekend. The lights fnom Bill Tura a- sky's gas-pumps weere greatly Music lu the fourth great missed when he moved ta bis' nateriel want of oun nature- new location. Foilks were pleas- irst food, then raimnent, then ed this week when the hydro boîlter, thon music.-Bovse. __ linally installed a light on that Mrs. Wm. Mercer and Roy Mer- cer spent Thursday in Peter-, borough. ner Sunday with Mn. and Mrs Garland Cathcart. Mrs. Alva Swarbrick had din- Bowmanvllle High Schooli Commencement Exercises were held Friday evering, Nov. 29. We congratulate Carolyn Fos- ter, Kathleen Jackson and Mar- Ilyn Quantrill on receiviag their secondary school graduationi diplomas. Peter Reynolds is to be congratulated on recelving the prof lciency pnize for Grade XI, on being one of the win- ners Ia the debating competi- tion, and on receiviag the Boy's Intermediate chanipionship at the Tni-school Tnack and Field meet. The election for school area trustees was held Morrl-_ý,. We wish ta congaratulate Reg El- liott on again representiag us on the board. More interest is needed in ail public affairs ar.d schools in particular. XMAS crs in 1958 by the Case Co. Farm Land Is IrnigalLct lluch -an s rrig ted for tuce,. cotton, sorghuman, cabba4e. oranges and grapetruit. The f i-( Irrigated for and date tree's were very i with the growvth branchîri et oen ~ ~ et the tpike a Psnlenprpfe P h oe n rops grow n rows along the s eets Maple Grove: On Sunday, Nov.1 temperature at night is 'abù .3 24, at 10:30 a.m. W. H. Brown, degrees and riscs to 95 deg>-Z in the cornpany of othier Case. In the daytirnc. dealers, left Malton Airpont and' Phoenix is as flat as t'table flew to Phoenix, Arizona, ar- iknd is surrounideci by moun- riving at 7:10 p.m., two hours tains, w1th a population. -of overdue. All attended the ban- 175,000. quet that night given by the The 'plane left Fhoe nix -n Case Co. Wcdiiesc,«iy-night at 12: d The Case dealers enjoyed arrived ; t Maltgn çon many banquets, trips and con- a t 8:10 a-i.. vention sessions. "Mýick" 131rown * 4d e e'y;ne This has been going- on for 1 agreed that it had beeen a t i five weeks, approxirnately 500 of a life tim.e. dealers per week and will con- _- tinue for four weeks. This hasi been the largest civilian air- Any man more right.than hi% lift ever known in industry. nelghbours constitutes - ' ma- New machines were inspected, jonity of one already.-Htýnry which will be avaîlable to farm- David Thoreau. GIET-S fron 'SPECIAL! Christmas Gif t Wrap 10 SINGLE FOLD GIFT CARDS 6 SHEETS ASSORTED GIFT WRAPPING PAPER 15" x20" 8 SHEETS ASSORTED GIFT WRAPPING PAPER 19" x26" 4 SHEETS ASSORTED GIFT WRAPPING PAPER 20"x 30" 10 ENCLOSURE CARDS - 1 -100" ROLL CELLULOSE TAPE 2 - 8 foot HANKS 0F RIBBON 10K Gold MAN'S RING with diamond and Initial, black onyx top $17.95 up Large Assortment ot RONSON and ELGIN American Llghters for men and ladies From $4.95 30 Jewel AUTOMATIC Rutina Swiss Watches waterproof, anti-magnetie, luminous hands unbreakable malnspring $49.50 Non-automatie with 21 Jewels $35.00 wlth strap Large Assortment of BILLFOLDS made by TIlley, England From $3.50 K EY C A-SE S From $1.00 17 Jwel Corneli LADIES' WATCH. Gold filled case, with -unbreakable mainsprint SPECIAL $19.95 4 41 Pieces Regular $1.50 89c 17 Jewel Corneli MAN'$ SWISS WATCH Unbreakable imainsprlng and . çrymt 1, sttnei Àc SPECIAL $Ij9 r 400 DAY CLOCKS"- Parker Jottera --$2.93 Large Assortment f rom Parker '121" $5.95 complet@ Parker '151" - $18.50 up which to ohoose From $175 Look Ibis' List Over YOU MIGHT SEE JUST THE ARTICLE YOU WANT Cuckoo Clocks Barometers Men's Filied C . . . . $14.95 up - - *$6.95 up >ses - - -$5.95 up Drop in and look around Ladies' Musical Powder Boxes - Yu aenune lredo - - * $4.9up Pearis --$27.50, obligation to buy Hundreds of smart gjfts from which to choose SPECIAL Engllsh CUPS and SAUCERS Royal Vals China soc ,EWEL CASES $2.50 Io $11-95 MUSICAL JEWEL CASES $9.75 BULOVA' ELECTRIC RAZORS $34.75 Other Makes in Stock $CRICK -REMINGTON See our Special $1.00 Costume Jewelîery Dispîayi Large Assortm ont .of NECKLACE and EARRI SETS Bracelets and Identification Bracelets - Brooches $1.00 U 43 RING ST. W. Je weller!y BD WNAN VILLE PHONE MA 3.5463. Yar/le y it for Christmas Shulton OId Spice Gif t Sets for Men $1.35 - $2.10 - $2.60 - $2.85 - $4.10 COWLING'S DRUG STORE ----- -------------------------- TM CIANAMM BTATESMM. nowIL4Nvr=. ONTAM TRI M, les? 2

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