~UUUDAT. DEC. Uth, 1057 T~E CAKADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO PARE SEVEI~ cSIoclaI & §ersonaI Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. L. B. Nichols spent last Decorations and a lovely Week with i. and Mrs. Doug- selection of gifts in the stores las Nichols, Kingston. remind us that Çhristmas is .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh and only three weekg- away. The lansilY, Mr. and Mis. D. R. Al-. coloured lights an King Street dread visited Mr. and Mrs. H. are lending a festive appear- Strong, Salem. ance suitable to the season. or t Mothers' Auxiliary wil Weedvstrswt r n rW teil. regujar meeting on eknvitoswhMrad ~U?5day, December 12th, 8 p.in Mrs. Maurice Conway were àt the Lions Centre. their daughters, Ingrid of St. Michael's School of Nursing, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Miss Trornto, and Pat of Ottawa Civic Mary Jewell, Mrs. Mebourne Hospital; also from Ottawa wasi Wight and Mrs. W. L . Paterson Mis. Conway's sister, Mrs. ]Doris afttinded the Ice Capades Show Hall. Ini Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Wednesday of last week. In Clarke Township elections Mr. and Mrs. Walter De- held Monday ail the incumbent Geer represented Bowman- Public School Area Board mem- 'ille Rotary Club at the 45th bers were returned to office for anniversary celebration of the another term. The members Toronto Rotary Club at the elected to the board include: 'Royal York last Friday. Reginald Eliott, Russell Osborne1 Mr. and Mis. Bill Lake and and Harry Wade. son Peter were Sunday dinner For the record, we would gussof Mr. and Mrs. Ai!. lilce ta make a correction in Brown, Bowmanville. Other the story which appeared last callers'included Mr. and , Mrs. week with regard to the open- 13ob Benson of Agincourt. ing of the new high school Spending the weekend with buildings. It was stated that their parents, Mr. and Mrs. the old Union Sehool on Wel- Wiffrid Carruthers, were Mr. lington Street burned down in and Mrs. Keith Smith, Gait, 1877. This wvas an error, and and Robert Carruthers of should have been 1887, as ap- the Kemptville Agricultural peared elsewhere where men- School. tion was made of this event. ,Legion Planning Float ,For Centennial Parade Bowmanville Legion will en- ter a float and the Legion Pipe Band will marçh in the opening day ceremonies of Old Home 'Week on June 28, 1958, it was decided at the Legion's regular meeting Thursday evening at the Le gion Hall. Membership Chairman Frank Junior Farmers Hear TaIk on .Fire Prevention At the Durhamn County Jun- -. or Farmers' regular meeting, Mr. Clifford Campbell, o! the Pire Marshall's office in Lind- say. showed us how wrong it was to feel a lire couldn4 hap- pen- - t your place. .The meeti ng was held on I'iday, November 29th in Or- ono Town Hall. During the ýbusiness part, it was announe- ed thst the public speaking con- test À'/ be held in Campbell- croe l ec. 13th. The evening wifl begin with a pot luck sup-' ver followed by the contest and* a dance. The debating team reported that they were * însuccess!ul in their competi- tion against Peterborough .CounLy. The affirmative teain, â6BelMclolm and Margaret b~seven points l"1fethe negative team, Han- eeli irraham and Gerald Brown los 'by two points. Ideas for a rnemoril in memony o! aur late agricuitural representative -were expressed. These suggest-1 iona will be brought before the1 -comniittee in charge. Mr. Campbell showed several filmns &bout lires and fire pre- vention. One outlined how "an every farmn inspection" pays *idivdends. This is being carried ýeut in the United States. An- other film showed saine simple precautions that if flot follow- ed may ha very costly. Thev etressed that a "No Smoking"c aign means exactiy that! Afterc the films Mr. Campbell replied1 to the many questions which the Juniors wanted answered. .Gerald Brown said in thank-1 ÈIg Mr. Campbell that the meet-E Ing was well worth while If asc a result of it just one lire at a home is prevented.s STU JOHN'S CHIRCH (Anglican) Second Sunday il Advent HOLY COMMUNION 10 &Bd il &.m. - CHURCH SCROOL MORNING PRAYER EVENING FRAYER Burns, who has excelled in hi post this year, presented fou new members for initiatior They were: Jack Milberg, Stiri ing Swerdfiger, Eric Johnsoi and Edward Norman. Presiden Jin Firth, 2nd Vice-Presiden Ab Mavin and Sgt-at-Arms Jac] Knight conducted the initiatioi ceremony. Comrade Gea. W. Graham wa congratulated on his being ap pointed member of Public Re lation Executive of Provincia Command of the Canadiai Legion. Mr. Grahamn is Publii Relations Officer for Branch 178 Bowmanvîlle, and recently w& also appolnted Public Re1ationi Officer for District "F". President Jin said the brancl was proud ta now have thre( members ho'lding District Corn mand, appaintinents. The othei two are Bill Bates, Districi Sports Officer and Ross Mc. Knîght, District Organizatior and Deveiopment officer. It was reported that Firsi Vice-President Ed. Rundle had attended the opening of the new' wing of Bowmanville Higli School. At the event he pre- sented a flag ta the school on behalf of Branch 178. Second Vice-President Ab, Mavin announced that eight tickets had been purchased for a home game of the Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team. They wiil be given ta members o! the Legion sponsored Cub Pack on a menit basis. Plans forn the New Year's Eve dance being held at the Legion Hall were discussed. It was reparted that two members were patients in Sunnybrook Hos- pital, Toronto. They are Oliver Roberts and Ted Bird. Next meeting ai the Legian will, be Nomination meeting. OBITUARY JOHN bMIKOLIC Funenal service for John Mik- olic who was killed in an acci- dent on Sunday, Nov. 24, was held at the Northcutt aiid Smith Funeral Home. Division St. on Wednesday morning, Rev. F. K. Malane o! St. Jas- eph's Roman Catholie Chunch off iciating. John, aged 2 '2 years, was the son o! Mr. and Mrs. Roko Mik- olic, Kingston Rd. East, Bow- rnanville. He feUl out o! his par- ents' car on Sunday when he managed ta open anc o! the rean doors. Falling ta the road- way in the west bound lane af Highway 401, he was stnuck by two cars who wene appanently unawane o! anything wnong. The child was dead on arrivai at Oshawa General Hospital. Many floral tributes at the, little boy's funenal expnesscdj the sympathy o! the commun- ity. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemetcry. DIA 3-33U3 jq h Trinity United Church , Mmnister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11:fl A.M.- "Walchmen of The Lord" A Service of Chri"s iCarols OCrgadst-Mr. Arthur Colison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Is r n. rt rit s is *1 I ndustrial Arts One of High School's Added Features One of the new, modern developments in the local high sehool1 saws, lathes, band saws, drill press and shaper in use each day by students includes emphasis on wood and metal working, classified under industrial of this most useful course. Pete Belsey is the chap in the white shirt, arts. This photo portrays some of the fine equipment which includes who is lining up two pieces of wood for a projeet. Legion Ladies Donate to Local Branch L At a meeting o! Branch 178, LLegion Ladies' Aux. i Legion Hall on Dec. 2, one member, Marion Farina, was initîated. President Ann Piper presid- ed for business and minutes o! the last executive meeting were read by Sec. A. Bate. Coin. F. Knight offered ta be table con- venor for the coming year and Coms. G. Carter and H. Wallis are in charge of canteen. Coins. R. Hayes, Overy, Kil- gannon, Dilhing, Mason and Vesna are the committee in charge o! the cloak room.. It was decided ta, send % par- cei ta members' husbands who are Mi. Donations of $300 for the Men's Branch, and $100 for the children's Christmas party were voted ta be sent ta Branch 178 Canadian Legion, also a donation ta the Boy Scouts. The Christmnas party will be on Dec. 16 at 6.30 p.m. when there will be a pot-luck supper followed by exchange o! gifts and entertainment. At the close of the meeting, lunch was served by Coins. V. Fletcher and M. Perris. ope 'n School (Continued frorn page one) boy, find his place, let us have it, but do flot buy a Cadîllac motor if a Ford will do as well." He added, "Like my fellow shouldpay its way." The Area Board is looking for a site for arlother high schaol, made necessary by increased school population. "I know we would welcome a further expan- sion o! secondary school facili- ties in Bowmanville, however I doubt if we institute a cain- pinta obtain it." Mayor Os- borne expressed faitla in the Board ta select the mast suit- able location with regard ta all aspects that must be consider- ed. Tribute Paid The. Mayor paid tribute ta Board members for carrying through the building now com- pleted and regretted the absence of L. A. Parker thraugh illness. He also paid tribute ta L. W. Dippeil, principal o! the school for the past 28 yeans. "His suc- cess is carried in the records o! this school and in the hearts o! the many graduates who are taking their part in the advance- ment o! aur young country as ane o! the great nations o! the *world," Mayor Osborne said. The ceremony o! the present- ation o! the key followed, with Mr. Carl Smith o! the con- tractons' firm o! Bnadfond-Ho- shal, Port Hope, passing the key ta Edmund Parkin representing the architecis, John B. Pankin Associates o! Toronto. Mr. Pan- kmn presented the key to, A. A. H. Stnike o! the Building Coin- mittee, wvjio in turn made the presentation ta Mn. Dippell. Gives Hlstory "We have been waiting for this day not only since con- struction was started three years ago," Mr. Dippell said, "but long before that when we nealized that increased accom- modation was needed." Briefly, he sketched the his- tory ai the school on this site. The original building was erect- ed in 1890, designed by the anciteet A. A. Post o! Whitby and contractons were J. Jewehl and R. Worth. M. M. Fenwick was principal. Three o! the four classrooms in that building are still here, Mr. Dippell said. Comparing costs, Mr. Dippeil noted that a by-law asked the town ratepayers' permission ta spend $8,500 on a high school. This was not the total cost, saine money being available fain the division a! assets when thse Un- ion School was dissolved. The addition in» 1929 included tive classrooms, science nooms an assembly and gymnasium. and was built by the Herod Construction Ca. ai Mimico, the architect being G. Roper Gouin- lock, Toronto. The cost was $100,000 which is stili being paid for on a 30 year debentune. This served well until re- cently. The additions begun in 1954 and 1955 include two home economiua xooms. agriculturali laboratory and small green- basement. $43,356.56. This adds up ta a the District Board and particu- house, two shop rooms for in- The amaunt to be paid ta the total of $529,746.70 payable in larly ta the Building Committee dustrial arts, music roomi. art contractors is $458,886.92; arch- the form of a 20 year debenture, for carrying through the projeet room and eight regular class- itect's fees $27,503.22 (six per Bowmanville's portion being set ta successful completion. He rooms. A cafeteria w-as also cent o! amount to the contrac- at present at 24%. also complimented the staff for made out of part of the old tors); equipment and furnishings Mr. Dippeil paid tribute to the manner in which they car- ?fcat bob/'s milk ta just the right temperature. Element is replace- able......... $3.4S Above Wormer plus Vopor'izer cap - $4.25 Your Local l.D.A Drug Stc We Deliver ore Ph. MA 3-579£ P ilRl ---7 ried on under the difficulties caused by construction during school hours. and the students for their co-operation. "I hope you will ail take the opportun- ity to go through and see your school," the principal said in conclusion. Gifts Presented ad Profcssional Womcn's Club, the presentation made by Presi- dent Velma Gay; chair by the Lions Club, President Fred Cole making the presentation; Rotary Club, a chair, Forbes Heyiand making the prcsentation; a large and beautiful Union Jack fromn the Canadian Legon, Branch 178, Vice-President Ed. Rundle presenting the gift. Irvine Brown, President of ttie Kinsmen Club, made the presentation of a fine picture of Her Majesty Quccn Elizabeth wvhich is hung in tlie auditorIunm on the first floor. Normani Hannan on behaif of the Holy Name Society of St. Joseph's. Roman Catholie Church, pre- sented a spcakcr's lectern. Dedication Dedication of the building *was made by Rev. A. G. Scott, Chairman of the Boxvmanville Ministerial Association. The Glee Club of about 40 voices situated in the balcony of the gnaim sang "Bless This 1juY folio-wing the dedi- cation, Lnd e:scxvhcre on the prograrn, 'Qaudinmus Igitur," a mediaeval college song in' Latin, and an arrangement of "Alou2ctte' in French. Rosemary Morrili vas at the piano. During the evening a telegram o! greeting and congratulation was read from James Lovekin, president of the Durham Club in Toronto. L. A. Hooton, Warden of the United Counties, sent his re- grets on being unable to attend. dressy decorat ive designs. Dispenser 25c -B PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Scotch Brand ALEX MCGREGOR, DRUGS GIFhWAPTAESo TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. O"ARID PAGE SEVEN f