i a-' ~ j ~ J-'. i v I SPORT NOTES * By Doug Glynn - Since Saturdays Shriners' Al-Star East-West football game there have been suggestions that the event be dropped because of the sinall crowds - lateness of the event _ usually rnisrable weather conditions confronting the teams - etc. However we agree with the proprietors of other corners such as this, when they say that the gaine won't be dropped and should not be dropped. We agree crowds have been poor - weath- er conditions unfavourable and a host of other obstacles still clog the event's overail success. Healthy Youngster But, the Shriners' game is only three years oîd and we don't know of another three-year-old that is doing as good a job at such an early an age. The success of the gaine is not wbo wins, but how much is raised to aid the Shriners in their excellent programmný- to aid crippled kiddies. To date its success bas not measured 100 per cent. How- ever, if it neyer does, we still feel the gaine is doing a great job for the handicapped kiddies who must sit on the sidelines and Swatch. We couldn't think of any finer way for athletes to lend their support to this cause than by giving their turne to play ini thi sp ctale. Few Fans Support Game Only 3,800 brave souls piled into the stnds to watch the gaine, while at home thousands saw it on their TV screens. The sinali crowd was the only disapponting factor involv- eci. Because of the wcather many persons wouldn't attend and hIle gate receipts suffered accordingly. For those fans who enjoyed the gaine and would like to feel they had hclped some crippled child off his or her crutches onto the playing field we suggest dropping your loose change in an envelope and mailing it ta Shriners', Hospital, Pirýe Street, Montreal. * * * *j Dean West Recuperating Popular forward for Bowmanville-Orono Combines, Dean Î West bas returned froin hospital following bis knee operation. Dean will be out of action for six weeks while he gets the leg back in shape. Happy to report the operation was a complete success. Fans migbt remind hlm that he basn't been forgotten - Just drop him a get well card or note c/o Orono P.O. Combines bave crammed another exhibition into their already tight January schedule. They will be hosts to Hamilton Cubs of the Junior "A" loop come Tuesday, January 14, it was reported this week. They are also stocking up for their Rochester trip on the t 22nd. Coach Ticker Crombie says he plans to use Frank "Sonny"t Hooper, veteran Don Gilhooly and Ev Edwards in the gaine. s Rooper and Gilhooly were at Monday night's practice. L( -E. Cox Rolis High Single Tcam Standing Team W L Pins Pts. Echer 31 8 36342 73 Spicer 24 15 35268 57 Brock - 18 21 32973 42 Bond . 18 21 376)40 Bromeil 16 23 32791 38 Mutton 10 29 30529 23 Averages Ga. Pins Ave. Local Goodyearites Down New Toronto NIJ Goalie Ken the rubber into t ;econd period of Looking dismayec * * * ** backcgroundl at thE AROUND THE TOWN ....... Goodyear Mercantile manville won 8-3. hockey begins its regular schedule again this Sunday. Hose playj Office and Fan Beits meet Mats in the twin bill, in the reua schduedgaesfor the lSth . ... Bowmanville Badminton Club Pont uacs Is holding a New Year's dance at the hall and tickets are already1 on sale. They may be obtained from Mrs. Fred Cole. . .. Lions ITrou nce Club will bold their next regular bingo at the Centre on Monday, January 6. Remember bingo fans there is a $100 jackpot await- ing some lucky person.. There is a minor hockey coaches meet-' îng at the Lions Centre tonight. The Al-Star teains will be chosen and rules and other topîcs open for discussion . Essie "e Cox had the high single in the Mixed Bowling League Friday J nigbt. It was 276. Morley Etcher, whose team is still leading9 with 73 points, bowled the high triple of 779.... Ted "Pappy ' t] ,Bagnell's teain won the first schedule playoffs in the Men's Major League. They had an outstanding average of 234 per man for b~ 30 gaines. Nice bowling fellows. Al Osborne stili tops the list with bis average of 271 . . . . Bernice Budai again proved herself to be a top bowler as she rolled both the high single (259) and ing Junior C. hockey high triple (704) In the Ladies' Major loop this past week. . . Memorial Arena Wed Bowmanville Revolver Club have opened their membership for i latiaweek. ng a brief period and anyone interested in joining the shooters is the midway mark of1 invited to attend one of their Wednesday night shoots.... period and tied thes Robson Pontiacs are holding their car draw on December 28, and ail before the per:( If you haven't as yet got your ticket - better hurry. They gained a three * * * *in the opening minul ALONG THE LAKESHORE....... Keith Montgomery, ex-playing coach of the Lakefield Lumbermen bas left the roost of Bclleville's Sr. A'ers, for reasons unknown. Expect be might try and re-enter the Lakeshore loop along with bis old side kicks on the Port Hope Club. But we don't sec how he can swing it since he bas played more than the three gaines allowed with a Senior team . .. . Skiing enthusiasts will bave an opportunity toE get on the hilîs shortly. Oshawa Ski Club expects to get rolling( witb tbe first good snowfahl and hope it comes before Christmnas.5 A new lift to accommodate beginners bas been added to thef club's new features this season. Also they have new trails - aE new clubhouse - and instruction for beginners at no cost. Theirt club is located one mile east of Kirby off Higbway 115 on thes '7th Line . The division of fisb aVr1 wild life, Department of0 Lands and Forests are planning a nhw bunters' training schoolt for the younger sportsmen of the district. They are seekîng the1 co-operation of local hunting and fishing clubs in training tbe lacis in firearins handling and familiarizing them with fishing and gaine haws. Conservation Officer Ken Tolmie passed this noteE along and more information wihl be fortbcoming shortly ....E Cobourg Rockets bave strengthened their' staff with three new rnembers. They are defenceman Bob Thompson, who travelcd' the ice hanes arounci here witb Oshawa Truckmen. The otherc t-w\o. forwards Lloydi Boyer and Johnny Woods, wére stars witht EX!ýdridge Intermediates hast season. *uMMuuuuuuoeMuuuuuuMuu.uumuuuMumuMuuMuuMuuoeuuuuu. The biggest, smartest selection ever, in gay styles to thrill everyone on your Christmas list! Corne in and sce thern ail today! Choose frorn a large selection of - PACKARDS - SHEEPSKIN LINED ~Ladies" --*$1.95 Io $5.98 - Men's ---*- 2.79 Io 7.95 Children's . . . . 1.95 Io 2.95 Iloyd Ellis Shoes e49 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5941 Flaxman is in no position to stop this one as Rave "Gusty"; West tips :e corner off the netmindler's skate for an insurance goal during the the Goodyear Ail-Star hockey game Sunday at Memorial Arena. d about the whole affair are two New Toronto defencemen. In the e boËrds is wingmate Don Childs who fed Raye the pass. Bow- -Photo by Bowmanville Studio in Comeback Unionville 13-7 Robson Ponti a c s s p o tt e d Unionville Jets a five goal lead, then enth- ugiastically back to win 13 -7, in a thrill- ýy match at ýdnesday of to life at the second score at 6- laod ended. goal edge utes of the .LlnaAIi tnzaas tIey c,.inueu to overwhelm their guests. Sub-Goalie Stars Sub-goalie "Long" John Fow- 1er proved ta, be the star of the gaine. He turned in a flawless performance after being called in to relieve regular net-mind- er Vince Vanstone hate in the opening period. Even the fans showed their admiration of bis fine job with a rousing cheer at the game's end. Vanstone was forced toi retire ta the dressing room when a shoulder in.jury became unhear- able. He may be out of action for a two week period, until the aus ofthe sore shoulder bas been determined. Gain Early Edge Doug Wood gave Jets an early two goal lead as they op- ened the scoring by grabbing a defhected shot and sliding it in the corner. Just 20 seconds later, he came in after the face- off and sang the rubber be- tween the pads of Vanstone. Ted Fairey tallicd Pontiacs' lone goal at 8.18 when he grab- bed the puck at centre ice after Bob Keenan had cleared it froin Bowmanville's end. He and Paul McCullough teamed up to beat the lone Jet defence- man. Goals by Don Haynes and Bob Atkinson gave Jets a 4-1 lead before the buzzer sound- ed. John Darbyson planteci one between Fowler's legs to start the scoring in the second per- iod. Bob Atkinson came back for bis second of the gaine less than three minutes later when he poked a loose puck into the corner of the cage. Rally Ties Score Ted Fairey counted bis sec- ond of the night as hie sparked the Pontiacs' rally' at 10.11. Exactly one minute later, Mort Richards connected with a bard slap shot from 20 feet out. Barry Cowling found the range with a sizzling shot fired froin the faceoff circle at 13.27. Mort Richards teamed witb Bob Fairey on a passing play that clicked to give hum bis se- cond of the gaine. Lorne Payne tallied the equalizer with less than two minutes remainîng. His rolling shot from behinci the nets circled goalie Jin Lotts and landed in the corner. Surge Into Lead Payne put Bowmanville ahead 7-6 at 1.13 of the final pcriod when he took a pass from Barry Cowling at the sideboards. Paul Wakeley scorcd the insurance goal just 17 seconds later. Bob Fairey picked up Richards' re- bound for bis first of the night. Stan Thorington lit the light for the Jets' final goal at 9.42,' when he flipped the puck in the corner following a faccoff. Lorne Payne came around from behind the net and found a hole to register bis bat trick. George Lawrence put a loose puck in the cmpty cage while Lotts was out of bis spot try- ing to get the puck. Ted Fairey tippeci a pass froin Les Steven- son into the corner at 17.29 for his thrid goal of the gaine. Paul- Wakeley ended the scoring with only four seconds remaining in the game. Bo wman ville Wins Against New Toronto ýIn Alil-Star Game MI Raye West aid Don Cbihds Sfshared a four goal effort as they paced Bowmanville toaa decisive 8-3 win aver New To- rnto in a Goodyear Ail-Star hockey gaine at Memorial Arena SS unday afternoon. di It was the first gaine of a home-anci-home series between the twa plants. Bowmanviile jvisits New Toronto on Sunday, January i9, ta complete the 1 iset. Not As Strong S Althougli New Toronto seem- A ed ta lack saine of the strength Ashowvn in pre%,iaus vears, they Sfought hard ta earn their three A~ goals. They struck back dihi- 1% gently in the second period ta tie the score before Bowman- ville wcnt into the lead they were neyer again ta relinquish. jBowmanville grabbed an 'gearly two goal lead on first per- A i taM'ies bv Clint Ferguson Aýanmi le:rrv NIasie-s. New To-1 Ironto hustlcd back in the early minutes of the second stanza ta tic the score. Ken Gordaneer counted their first marker and just 48 seconds later Harry AGriffith scored the equalizer. Ensure Win Bill Lv-e starteci Bawman- I vlle coingli again w,%ithi a goal Iat 4.25. Don Chilcis struck again at 10 minutes even to count what proved to be the winning goal. Raye West click- ed for the insurance markcr before the buzzer sounded Raye West counted bis se- cond goal of the gaine at 8.53 of the final period after pick- ing up a loase puck at the face- off circle. Harry Griffith endi- ed New Toronto's scaring five minutes later when be flipped a loase puck in froin in front of the nets. Don Childs and Mort Rich- ards scored goals less than a minute apart ta ensure the wîn for Bowmanville as they endeci the scoring. Curt Vanstone. subbing for brother Vince, did a splendid job in the nets for the local lads. Summary New Toronto - Goal: Flax- man; defence, Gillain, Alwell, Driver, Lagerquist; forwards, James, Gordaneer, Bailey, Le Gree, Griffith, Barnes, Webster. Bowmanville - Goal: Curt Vanstone; defence. Cale, T. Masters, Cowling, Girardi: for- wards, Cowlc, D. Masters, R. West. Lyle. Childs, Richards, Hamilton. Ferguson, Crossey. First Perioci - 1. Bowmatn- ville. Ferguson (Childs, Rich- ards> 2.37:; 2. Bowinanx'ille T. Masters (R. West) 14.45. Second: Period-3. New Toronto. Gor-i H. Brock ___ 39 8038 208 J. Bond 39 7952 204 M. Etcher . 39 7816 20M 0. Etcher ------39 '743 19() J. Richards 3.9 7710 198 H. Bromeli 39 7.5 55 198 A. Hickling 30 5680 189 B. Mitehell 36 6664 185 L. Eldridge ----. 36 6580 183 G. String-er 33 5835 17 7 D. Revnolds 30 6872 17 J. Cox .--- 36 62(,7 175 C. Mutton :;9 6 77 7 174 R. Mutton 3ý9 6398 164 E. Cox 39 6376 164 E. Bromeil 33 532î Il igh Sinple, E. Cox, ý2 IIigli Triple, M. Etcher, ' Ig li<i Average, E. Brock, 2w. g'- ... ... 1 iN 4m i daneer (Griffith) 1.05; 4. New Toronto, Griffith (unassisted) 1.53; 5 Bowmanville, Lyhe (R. West) 4.25; 6. Bowmanville, Childs (Fergusan, Cowling) 10.00; 7. Bowmanville. R. West (Hamilton, Childs) 13.10. Third Period - 8. Bowmanville, R. West (Unassisteci) 8.53; 9. New Toronto, Griffith (Gordaneer) 13.21; 10. Bowmanvllle, Chilcis (Richards) 13.47; Il. Bowman- ville, Richards (unassisteci) 14.31. Brooklin Leads J unior League Bowmanville's Robson Pon- tiacs' 13-7 win over Unionville here Wednesday of last week boosted them into a second place tie with Alliston in the O.H.A. Junior C Hockey divi- sion. Unbeaten to date and hold- ing down first place in the league is Brooklin. Following- are the league standings and leading scorelu supplied by George Haskett, official stand- ings recorder, Newrmarket. Junior C Hockey League Standings and Leading Scorers: Suburban Super Seven Junior C League (ail gaines played including December 4) W L T Pts Brooklin _-___4 f0 o8 Alliston -- - ___2 0 1 à Bowmanville - 2 3 1 5 Aurora ------- 2 1 0 4 Newmarket ___ 2 2 0 4 Unionville 2 4 0 4 Whitby --------------- 1 5 0 2 Seoring Race G A Pts M. Tessier, Nkt---- ---6 7 13 ~ S. Thorington, Union 8 3 il B. Million, Nkt---- 5 5 10 J. Darbyson, Union à- 5 10 L. Gayman, Union- 2 7 9 V. Ferguson, Brkln 5 4 9 J. Germond, Brkln- 3 5 3 J. Cain, Nkt ------------4 4 81 D. Moon, Ailist ------- 5 1 6 B. Maissoneuve. Nkt. 3 3 6 D. Campbell, Nkt. 3 3 6 B. Fairey, Bow. 2 4 6 P. Wakely, Bow. 2 4 6 Scoring summaries for theg following games have not been added to these standings, as they have flot been received by the league scorer as yet. Saturday, Nov. 30 - Whitby at Brooklin. Monday, Dec. 2-Aurora at Whitby. Tuesday. Dec. 3-Brooklin at Unionville. Wednesday, Dec. 4-Union- ville at Bowmanville. V West LinE Top Scorers For Combines 1 Combines West hîne stilLutp 1 the scoring sheet as of Sunday, December 8, with onl.v anc point' separating thein. Raye West bas taken over possession of the top spot, while bis wing- mate Chuck and centre Junior West follaw in that order. GP G A Pts. Raye West 9 14 10 24~ Chuck Armstrong 7 6 17 23 Junior West * 8 5 17 22 Art Rennick ---10 9 7 16 Syd Arnold - 7 8 6 14 Kcith West---- 7 6 8 14 Gerry Robinson 10 7 7 14 Although men are accused of flot knowing their awn weak- ness, yet perhaps a few knov their awn strength. It is in man as in souls, where sometimes- their is a vein of gold wvhich the owner knows flot of. - Jnoathan Swift, . - - MEZ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA&NV[LýLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. DEC. 12th, 1957 rO 't FOANITREADS - --------------------------------- PAGE TWEL