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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1957, p. 13

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T!!11~SDAY, DEC. l2th, 1957 1~ CANADtAN STATESMAN. HO WMA.N VILLE. ONTARIO PAGE THIRTE, Miller's Taxi edged Front St. 7ý, to mo've into a one point l. .d in their see-saw battie for _1.!session of first place in 0rvlown League hockey action at 7Memnoriai Arena Thursday of last week. In the second gaine of the double-header Murdoch and VJelsh's Blockbusters toppled C urtice 10-4, to move within point of seçond place. It Courtice's sixth. straight NOIIEY AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister !md S 'lctor f6e Sinicos St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 loas and leaves them in the league cellar. Front St. came back twice to tie the score in the second per- iod before the Taximen ensur- ed the win with three third period goals. Don Childs and Larry Chant paced Mller'.c with two goals apiece. Irv Brooks, Bob Guthrie and Ar- chie Crossey contributý-d their others. Chuck Kilpatrick paced the losers with a pair. Clint Fergu- son, Bill Lyle and Ron Burgess scored their others. Blockbusters gained an early 4-1 lead then Courtice bounced back to briefly tie the score at the midway mark of the second stanza. Howard Quinney led Blockbusters with three goals and Ted Fairey and Shearer counted a pair each. Tom Gould, Phil Gimer and Bun Welsh added singles for the winners. Blake with two and singles by Archie Courtice and Jim Richards coutnted for Courtice's goals. t elle Mr - 7h-- ~fIZ il You «nl have a newer, fuller, outdoor life with a real future . .. in the Canadian Arany. If you want a steady job ... a career with a future. and can meet the highi standards set by the Canadian Army, there às a worbd of opportunities open to you. liere is a challenging career . .anc with a purpose... good companions . .. opportunities for advancemerit and adventure. .. good pay. The years when you are young are THE GREA TEST VEARS 0F YO(JR LIFE 'Make the most of them as a proud member of the Canadian Army. CET THE FACTS FOR YOURSELF TOD4Y Phone, or uend this coupon to- SARMY RECRUITING STATION f THE ARMOURY, 220 Murray St., Peterborough, Ont. Telephone RI 2-7147 Pie... .aul m, svfthout obligation, ùde ailn earoer eppor. annil. a in 8"Canadien Army. i o m Noue.Ag......L... Boss man,.ille Brane.h: Oshawva Branch: Down Cobourg 7-2 Combines Win lOth Straighf Game in Lakeshore Group Bowmanvile - Orono Com- 1 Rave West clicked for B.O. bines boosted their unbeaten 1 C's again in the opening min- record te 10 gaines by defeatig utes of the middle period. He Cobourg Rockets 7-2, in Lake- grabbed a goalmouth pass miss- shore Intermediate "A" hockey ed by Armstrong and blAted it action at Memnorial Arena Sat- into the right corne'-. Syd Ar- urday evening. nold scored the winning goal It certainlv wasn't the I ack for Combines at 5.48 after tak - of scoring opportunities that! ing a pass in front from Bil. caused Cobourg to lose the' Cherry to find the range. Raye fray. Their marksmen gave West ensured the win with his goalie Ross Hawe his most second goal of the night. He strenuous workout of the year. flicked the puck between Somi- However most of their shots mervi]be's legs after a pass f rom were turned aside by the alert brother Junior. Hawe, while a few pinged off Wests Ilit Jackpot the goal post missing the net The West ine's passing plays by inches. clicked for them twvice more in Cobourg Clicks the final period. Chuck Arm- Both of the Rockets' goals. strong tipped a pass fromn Jun- came in the second frame after1 ior West into the corner at the B.O.C's had gained a 3-0 lead 1 41« second mark. Fred "Bucký"1 on goals by Armstrong, Rayie Cowb 'e whirled in on right wini, West and Arnold. Scotty Dowle in time to get a pass fromn tallied their first. He roared in1 Arnold and scored his first goal on left wing te taiçe a pass of the year at the 18.57 mark. from Boyer beside the cage and Raye West completed his hat fired a sizzling shot from the tiOck effo-t with just 13 seconds faceoff tircle. remaining when Junior's shot Munro counted their second deflected intû the corner off in almost the samne manner. He Raye's stick. It abso gave Jun- sped in picking up a loose puck ior a total of four assists for in front and fired from the cir- the night. For ' their fine scor- cle to catch an open corner. ing pbays they will each re- Armstrong Starf.s B.O.C.'s ceive one of the gifts offered by Chiuck Armstrong got things local merchants. rolling for B.O.C.'s at 3.03 0! Raye wilb get a new hat from 1 the first stanza. He took a pass Bruce Minn's Clothing and from the back of the c&ge and Juniôr a $10 certificate from flipped it in the corner. Broth- Chartran's Men's Wear. ers Raye and Junior West re- Cobourg-Goal: Sommerville; ceived assist credits on the defence, McKeen, Thompson; goal. forwards, Bover, Woods, Dowle; Ted Bagnell's Team Wins Firsi Schedule Major Lge. Playoffs The playoffs of the fixst' schedule are over and Ted "Pappy" Bagnell's team walk- ed away with the champion- ship. The first nîght out Bag- neIl bowled 3501 and the final night came through with 3524i for a grand total of 7025 pins or an a4vragé of 234 per man for 30 gaines. The championship team Is made Up of Captain Ted Bag- neli, Dr. Keith Siemon, Hap Palmer, Pat Yeo, Bob Martyn, News.60,. IW-down for a SUSY SANTA CLAUSI Where fher&s a B OFM there's a way! ý LAt &U À6P>Wpu".hob If you are a busy Santa Claus with a long bust te take care of, be sure to in- clude a visit to "«MV BANK" on your shopping tour. Here you wibl flnd a num- ber of gift-ideas that are guaranteed te~ give special cheer te everyone on your "what-do-they-need?" ist. lktt oiUege"- Youngsters rank high on anvone's list and there's an extra, special gift thats-. hnund te make a hit - a Sai,ie 'iA ccouint, complete ,with passbook designed te appeal to the mrail fry. And wait 'til you sec the gay 'ubetide passbook cover just riglit for the occasion. 4ý IRWÀN-there's an easy way of beating that ast-minute rush for Christmas presents-and it Icads straight to the B of 34 brandi in pur neighiborhood. For the hard-to-choose-for, festive y- decorated cheques '. that corne in Christmassy . en' clopes and folders pro- ,.ide a short-cut to votur shopping probleis. For oui of.îoiwniers, who like to ,,IV for themsel% es pracuical B of M rnonev oiders encbosed in hohlv- deckcd encbopes can save ýou needleu worry and guesswerk. And if -vou are an emp!aver. vou can give vour staff bonus, a vuletide lift by using spccial B of NI Christmas chequres. "MY HAN B' fAMIES BF! . M%,ana£!er FRA'N'K BFI>FORD, \lan.i.'.r WORKING WITH CAN AD IANS IN E VERV W At KOF LI FE SI NCE 181 7 Russ Lane and Ray Fry. Ail members of the tearn are t>, be- congratulated on a splendid ef- fort. Dave McKnlght won high single for the week with 338. AI Osborne 326 and Dr. Char- lie Austin 305. AI Osborne won high triple with gaines of 224, 326, 277 forI 827. Pat Yeo was second wt 299, 268, 253 for 820, Phil Cn cilla 767, George Stephens and Bert Engley 749, Bruce Milne 731, Frank Samis 729, Ted Bag- neil 725, Dave McKnight 722, Elton Brock 713, Jack Gay 710, Ruas Lane 709, Reg Hearle 708 and Rusa Oke 702. Alley Chatter Bagnell's team had the high single game of the playoffa, 1292, while Bill Bates' team had low single 890 and low tri- ple 2894. .Ted Miller was the champ for both low events having a single game of 95 and triple of 425. AI Osborne had high aver- age 271'for 6 games with Jim Levett runner up with 264. The turkey roll is in full swing at the Alleys and Frank Lewins was the first to ..bowl. Don't forget febbows the sec- ond schedube starts on Wed- nesday, January Bth, 1958. The executive of the Men's Major League would like to take this opportunity of wish- ing ahl the bowlers in tow nand. the readers of this coiumn a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Yea-. Final Standing Firat Sehedule Pbayoffs Teain Pins i Bagneil- 02 Osborne ____ 6830 1Y Brock ____-6 8u0. R. Oke 6801 Dale ..~__6699 Tighe - -6608 Rundle 608 B. Oke 65.,)4;'X O'Rourke ____6460 Lander ~6 4 3) Williams ___ 6109 Bates ~5926! Averaces Name Games Ave. ~ AI Osborne 6 271 Jim Levett. 6 264 - Pat Yeo .------ -- 6 2.3314 Elton Brock 6 25- Russ Lane 6__2_9 Bruce Milne 6 24;1 y Reg. Hearle- 6 1143 k Ted Bagnell > Phdl Cancilla 6 239 Russ Oke ---- 6 231 Mlurray Larmer -__ 6 22 iW Ross WVright ___6 9225 Jack Gay 6 M25! F'rank Samnis __ 6 223 F'rank Lewins - -- -- 6 22'.) Ab. Piper _ ----- 6 222-' Dr. K. Sbemons 6 221 Bert Engley - 6 20 Gieorge Stephens 6 21-11j M'el Dale - 6 219W G.eorge Piper 6 2]8U Paul Chant .*___6 2138,V Russ Hailman 6 215 " Frank Willianms 6 LIh15) Ed Leslie 6 .2h L Ross McKnight 6 24 Hank Janzen 6 2 V Ka.rl Biokell___ 6 211> Frank Hooper 6 211 M.'urray Tighe . 6 2'P. Pete Dohbins .--6 ~ \1'a't De Ger '3 2 ;1 S i 'rr .-%%-n . . - ---------- i )oug la. l 'or D)n E;- r' Dav~e Mc1Knight 6 i, alternates, Turland, Alexander, Fisher, Parnell, Medhurst, Campbell, Munro,' Cane. B.O.C.'s - Goal Hawe; de-: fence, Walker, DeGray; for- wards, Samanski, Arnold, Cherry; alternater, J. West, R. West, Armstrong, K. Wvest Ren-j nick, Copeland, Mercer, Cowle, Robinson. Su mmar y First Period-î. B.O.C.'s Armn- strong (J. West, R. West) 3.03; Second Period - 2. B.O.C's Raye West (J. West) 1.47; 3. B.O.C.'s Arnold (Cherry, Sam- anski) 5.48; 4. Cobourg Dowle (Bayer, Woods) 14.19; 5. B.O. C. 's Raye West (J. West, Arm- strong) 14.36; 6. Cobourg Mun- ro (unassisted) 16.419. Third Period-7.B.O.C.'s Arm- strong (J. West) 0.41; 8. B.O.C.'s Cowle (Arnold) 18.57; 9. B.0, Cà' Raye West (J. West) 19,47., Millers Take Over Lead1 In Town League Hockeyl ,il 1" 3udai Top Scorer for Ladies Major Bowieîrz Really in there bowling this. Peggv HaY nes - 39 l<P4 week w-as Brenice Budai with Ili dooper -.----- 3 hiah s&n-'e of '159 and h>gh tri- Normia (.av -- 39 190 pie of -,,)4. hghc averagc oý 2_9. Joyce Major 33 189 Teams Standing Larraine Niart -- -39 î3 'r.Pn t.Oilie Patfieàc ----- 39 187 -ae in i.jJune Baker 39 1." 7 Budai --- -_ 36146 31 Ev Sweetman 36 1,5 Bates-______ 34024 23 Loba Wright 36 183' Patfield 35117 20o Jovre Tennent -..--- 39 161 ______Mutton . 346"3. 3 Vi* Coole 3:3 181 Beauprie 33017 1 qINMcl McNubtv 3o 181 Brook -3-38L13 1 Shiriey Biekeli 36 1 C ( Ethr337 69 18; Mvra Cooper ~ 36 13 0 Close Gamne Crombie - -------32836 VvC\a --- Coole___ 32780 17Eniia Bromeli 9 1 Courtice-------------- 3314 6 16 Eleanor Larnier 36. 1 I. I n Port nlope B3. Budai 259,229.216; K. Beau-! Kay Beauprie 30 l prie 251; J. Baker 242; E. Broiui- Dot Crombie 39 173 The league leadirrg Bowmn l 4,27 .Pilp 237, Donna Preston 36 1*-2 2mn 409; L. Wright 236; P. H-aynes Helen Cordon - 36 1 -1 ville-Orono Combines posted a, 234, 202; H. Brook 233; J. Eng- Auidrev Biekeli _--_-_-- 9 1V( narrow 5-3 victory over On-! iey 231; L. Martyn 231; E. Lacr- Hclen. Gilhonbv .. 3----- tarios in Port Hope Fridayî mer 229, 213: V. Miller 229, Jý1 Lucible Moffatt - ;----1:13 L Major 226, 206; J. Tennent 22.); Mary Harrison 1 0 J. evening to register their nint" 1 E. Etche r 218, 206; D. Mutton £7ad*e l-Llclkieli--- 39 1î* ý.l straight win of the season. 217; 0. Patfiebd 216; O. Etcher Betty Wos;ake ---- 30 1 t.,) First period goals bv Art I215; S. Bissonatte 211; D. Ed- AlYce lbod;.. ni -----21; 11;3t Rennick, Gerr.... Robinson and mondson 210; S. Brock 2-l) 9; M. Lou 1Lvle - ---3---- 1 ý V Raye West gave the Corn- McNuiit.N2 08; H. Park '20 7 S. 'bel Vîns1.on - ----- 3 P1 bines a 3-2 lead. Art Qua'- Davis 206: E. Malowe 206; T1. Eiren liobro'.'d -1;,9 3 termain and Weiss were the Luxton 205; E. Kerr 203; V. Ruthî Barcla ----- 3:3 163 Ontario goalgetters of the per- Coole 202; L. Bates 202; M. Ern Stringer ----- - :.,) ; iod. Slaght 202: H. Simnick 2001. Jean Luxton --------:19 b>. Saaîi aethog igh Single. Bernice Budai Wibmia Bates -------- 3 1ý) Wally Smnk aetrul 259. Essie Cox 19 ( with the winning goal for B.O. C'saftr ascoelss ecod pr- High Triple, Bernice Budai, Ella Des Jardines --- 32 10'i) i. Ed Rowe talbied the final 704. Port Hope goal minutes later. Iligh #Average, Bernice Budai, In an unsuccessful effort to tie 229. Air, Rail or Steaniship the score Ontarios pulled Red Averagel T 1 C K E T S Wasson from the nets with a Names Games Ave. TO EVERYWHERE minute remaining. However Bernice Budal 39 229. Consult their move proved unwise when Hilda Brock 39 205 J1U RY & L O VEL L Mickey Walker flipped the puck Lydia Bates____ 34 203 15 King St. W. IMA 3-5778 from Combines' end into the Onie Etcher - 39 200 Bowmanville empty 'cage.1 Ena Etcher ____ 39 199' _________________ BANK 0F MONTRLEAL &4td44 ataga 1 YMMSDAT, DEC. 12th, 1957 TWE CAI;ADL4ff STATESMAN. BOWTdA.NVTLLLr. ONTARIO

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