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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1957, p. 17

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-O& 9AAfTA2LZAI, iizçWL&VTL; 6TA 12A1hV4TE Education Talks Given At Nestieton Institute A fine gathering of Nestîcton1 WOnP's Institute members andI 170CA&' met for their Christ- 'rnt meeting at the home of Mrýs. J. Hoyer with Mrs. M. Emerson as co-hostess. Presi- dent Mrs. Davison extended a hearty weîcome to everyone. Thirteen Nestleton ladies at- ten the instructive Short Co ~,<Blackstock. Prizes to ~Yde7 and 8 are ta be Presented at their concert and Mrs. H. Vine donated ber $5.00 for convention expenses ta the Sick Children's Hospital. Mrs. W.Campbeîî made an appeal !or warm sheets, shirts, pillow cases or white material requir- ed by ladies in Port Perry for Inaking cancer dressings, the samne ta be brought to the next meeting. The Doîl Fair ta be held in aid of Communitv Hos- Pital, Port Perry,, was al'so an- tiounced. Roll Cal was answered by 4'A radio or televisian program 1 enjoy" and each member brought a stamped Christmas card and suggested the namne of a local or distant friend who Would appreciate being re- Holy Name Society Plans1 Xmas Party The regular monthly meeting of the Holy Name Society was held on Monday evening in the Union Hall, King St. The President, Norman Hannan, pre- sided. Reports were given by Mike Heenan, the secretary, and Wilfred MeLean, the treasurer. Plans were completed for the, Christmas party to be held oný Sunday afternuon, Dec. 15, at 1:30 o'clock in the Union Hall. The following were named rnembers of the Christmas party committee: Roy Secord, chair- man: Wilfred McLean and Mart- in Malloy.. Father Malane announced he had arranged ta purchase a pow- er-driven duplicating machine according ta the authorizatian given at the last meeting of the Holy Name Society. Members who volunteered for the trans- portation committee were as follows: Paul Laprade, Don vThompson, Roy Secord, Neil Maguire and Frank Woolner. membered at the holiday sea- son. Mrs. Cecil Wilson convener of Citizenship and Education bad arranged an interesting program. Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm led in spirited carol sing- ing and the motto: "The smal- lest good deed is better than the grandest intention," pre- parcd by Mrs. E. Sues was read by Mrs. H. Samelîs. The following short papers were given: "The History of Education," Mrs. W. Steel, "Canada Leads in Adult Edu- cation," Mrs. L. Malcolm; "De- mocracy," Mrs. G. Thompson; "Citizenship," Mrs. H. Vine; "Present Day Education" in wbich Mrs. Wilson paid tribute ta aur own Dr. Bowles whose answers ta current questions appeared in last week's issue of the Canadian Statesman. The Christmas touch was ad- ded by a splendid thought verse from "Sharing with oth- ers in the Christmas spirit" by Mrs. Eli Mairs. Mrs. Hayer had provided holiday decora- tians and Mrs. M. Nesbitt sent home-made candy. Mrs. Sues convener of the day's graup was unable ta ne present but had made all ar- rangements and her group served the usual dainty lunch in the pleasant social hour. Mrs. L. ML"colm tendered the vote of thanks. Ladies ad- journed ta meet second Wed- ncsday in January at the home of Mrs. Grant Thompson. SOLINA As people gathered for Sun- day School on Sunday after- naon, Christmas music was be- ing played by the pianist, Pat Davis. In the worship service which followed everyone jain- ed in the singing of the carols. The missionary program, pre- pared by Mrs. Ernest Hocka- day includcd a Christmas story given bh'y Pearl Leach, a vocal duet sung hy Evelyn Hockaday and Dianne Tînk and a poem read by Gail Baker. The Sun- day scbool roorn was nicely de- corated for the Christmas sea- son with the Nativity scene as the worsbip centre attracting special attention. Rev. Reed preached an inter- esting sermon on the life of Charles Wesley who wrote over WITH IONLY Collision and Comprehensive Jt AUTO INSURANCE YO -ýllfind that you are an "uninsured niotorist" when you apply for your 1958 license plates - and yqu will have to pay an extra $5. To be "insured" ust,.hbve aut.e liability insurance. SFor helpful îiformation about auto liability insurance, please call HOWARD FOLEY King St. W., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3277 Co-operators JAMES BARNES Newcastle Association M Ut For Personoli anking . .. IDEAL for Savings and Chequing- deposits will be supplied by the Bank. The service is available withoiiî charge. 6,000 hymns. This year ila 250th anniversary of hi, brt -thus many congregations hve planned special hymn servicesi to mark the event. A story stressing the importance of making right decisions was presented by Pat Davis. The choir contributed the selection "Just For Today". Next Sunday, December 15, there will be a combined ser- vice at 2.30 o'clock i the Sun- day school room. Rev. Amy Sehauffler, B.A., who is home on furlough from a mission field in Angola, Mfrica, will give an illustrated talk of her Iwork there. Plan to attend this special service. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Mrs. Addie Tink, visited at Mr. and Mrs. 1. Harrell's, Oshawa. Mrs. Addie Tink visited Miss Lulu Reynolds, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lunn, Karen and Teddy, Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Several couples fromn here attended the Milk Producer's banquet at Harmony and the Holstein Association banqiuet at Orono, last week. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- ville, was a Saturday visitor at Bruce Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor visited Miss Lillian Hoar, Bow- manville. The Women's Institute wiIi meet Tnursday afternoon (to- day) for the Chirstmas meet- ing. Members are asked to bring a gift for someone in the Coun- ty Home, Cobourg. Magazines will be accepted. Frank Westlake, Jr., is a pa- tient in Memorial Hospital. We trust he may soon returni home, much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mun- day and children, Maple Grove, visited at Lloyd Broome's. Mrs. E. Spires vîsited her sister, Mrs. Ethel Sutton, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and family visited Mrs. W. J. Spires at Millbrook. Mrs. Rae Pascoe, Beverley and, Brian, visited on Sunday afternoon at Glen Glaspels, Taunton. Mr. S. Gibson, Didsbury, Alta,. Mr. Bruce Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanna and Rose- lien, Hampton, visited Mr. and MYrs. Bruce Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Freitag and sons, Miss -Jean Cryderman, George and Fred Bittner, Osh- awa, were Sunday visitors at Mr. E. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice and children, were Saturday tea guests at Ross Cryderman's. Sgt. A. R. and Mrs. Baker; Bobby, Michael, Gordon and Kathy of Whitehorse, Yukon, visited at J. and Tom Baker's, and other friends here. Roscoe bas been transferred ta the east and is waiting for word as to where he will be posted. Mrs. J. Baker spent several days with her sister, Mrs. H. Waters in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slack and Karen, Ebenezer, visited at Mr. I. Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson and sons were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ella Taylor and San- dra in Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. John Broome and family, Tyrone, visited at Lloyd Broome's. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry at- tended the 5th wedding anni- versary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright at Ennis- killen. From friends at Solina hearty congratulations are of- fered -on- this happy occasion. Miss Viola Gilfillan is spcnd- ing severai weeks visiting ber niece, Miss V. Gilfillan, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Sandra and Gail, Lakefieid; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parish, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey and Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, Marga and Trevor, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mrs. Thornton Wilson return- ed home last week from visiting in Simcae. Keat-Hamm beld their annual family get-together last week in the Odd Fellows' Hall. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. M. Adams an the birth of their fourth daughter. The annual Christmas Bazaar of the Heather Social Club wvas beld Saturday atternoon in the Orono Odd Fellows Hall and was a wanderful success in the variaus boaths and tea room. The committee and members were very pleased ta welcome so many friends in view of the inclement weather. The win- ners of the draw were: Heather KENDAL Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster were Allen Irwin, Part Coiborne, Miss Janet Irwin and Wes Thomp- son of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughies and Gloria, Port Hope, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Thampsan. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zealand and sans were dinner guests Sunday evening with Mrs. Mary Luxon. Allen Foster, Roy Sleep and Burns Hoy. spent Monday in tlhe Delhi and neighbouring points. Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer and family visited Sunday in Oshawa, with ber brother, Cy Elsey and Mrs. Elscy. M.and Mrýs. Win. Mercer adMrs. Luxpu w%Àere ini Ux- bridge Mondayl visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant. Bob Vannatto visited Sunday with Bill Jack;son's. Miss Carrol Grant, Leskard, spent the weekend with Miss Kathleen Geacui. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carscadden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Geach. Ms arscadden was gaing ta Toronto ta spena the week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stev- ens. A pre-Christmas . gathering was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- die Couroux when a turkey dinner and all the trimmings were enjayed by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer. Roy Mercer, Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roachi and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coatham and family. The evening was spent playing cards. The tobacco situation bas worried the growers cansider- ably. Saturday the average price was finally set at 49c. a pound. Just when they can get it sold is the next question as I iany have a load waiting ta go. The W.A. was held in the Sunday School room Wednes- day evening. Mrs. Jim Tam- blyn, Orono, was guest speak- er and was much enjoyed. The Christmas carols sung by the three little girls were very pleasing as was the instrumen- tal by Judy Foster. Rev. Whyte conducted the. election of off i- cers when those in last year were again returned ta office. A number of articles were handed in ta go ta the Fred Victor Mission. WESLEY VILLE On Friday cvening the choir under the leadership of Mr. F. Theysmeyer and Mrs. Reeve, organist, presented a concert in the church ta a delighted aud- ience. In the planning stage for a long time and continually beld up by sickness, it had been post- paned until this time of year when the student members af the choir were too busy ta be at practice but the other mcm- bers gave a treat for ahl music loyers. Conducted and. an- nounced by Mr. Theysmeyer the wbolc programme was performn- cd smoothly and in a happy mood. The first six numbers were cburch music inÉluding Ave Maria sung by Mrs. Theys- meyer and "Ave Verum" sung in Latin by the whole chair. During intermission coffee and doughnuts were served and everyone enjoyed gaod conver- sation. The second part was composed of popular music in- cludlng a quartette, Messrs. F. Theysmeyer, J. Groenveldt, A. Clarke and M. Cummings. Don- na Oughtred and Marie Austin played piano duets during the1 programme, and others takingi part were: Angela Skibinski,i Mesdames A. Clarke, P. Snell, K. Dinner, A. Austin and Pat Arnold. Proceeds are for the choir gown fund. Sunday morning was White Gift Service and the boys and girls brought their gaily wrap- ped parcels ta lay by the stable scene. Paul Austin and Glen Clarke brought two little cedar trees during the week and they werc decorated by Berniece Best and Muriel Augtin. A dl in a bed af straw symbolized the manger and the gifts placed there will be takeri tn Hillerest Lodge by Mrs. Carroll NichaIs this conuùng week. Bannie Aust-, in read the apening words af the special service. Pat Arnold the Scripture and Carol Thorn- dyke a poem. Offering was tak- en by Paul Austin and Glen Clarke. There were 56 present. Several neighbours called at Mrs. W. E. Nichols home in Part Hope last Wednesday ta offer congratulations and best wishes on the occasion ci ber 8th birthdlay. Hughes, lamp; Miss Lorrain Murray, Leskard, set of doilies;I Mrs. Arthur Clougb, Christmasi cake. Congratulations ta Anne Gil- bank and Grant Yeo, W.C.T.U. Silver Medal Contest winners. The C.G.I.T. beld tbeir annual vesper service last Sunday ev- ening in Orono United Church. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Morton bave rented the Reid residence,I next ta the bank, for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred visitcd Mr. and Mrs. R. A. AlI- dred, Lakeshore. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barrabal have moved into the former R. Glanville bouse on Mill Street. Mrs. Madison Hall, Mrs. J. E. Richards, Mrs. Robt. Rutherford, Mrs. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. J. Forrester were guests at the trousseau tea for Miss Joyce Martin, Bowmanvilie, an Satur- day afternoan. Mr. and Mrs. D. Paterson and son, Downsview, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough, an Sunday. NE WTON VILLE Miss Bertha Thompson is spending a few days with To- ronto friends. Donnie Maulson spent the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Len Craig bave moved ta Bewdley. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Barton, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gilmour and son Michael, Toronto, with Mrs. George Ovens for the w eeke n d Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and daughter, Karen, Scarbor- ough, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Wadc on Sunday. Congratulations ta Miss Joan Walkey who receivcd ber in- termediate certificate at the Port Hope Highi Sehioal Com- mencement on Nov. 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kimbal and Mrs. Gilmer-Smith have returned ta the village for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moore of Brantford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane. The manthly meeting of the Newtonville W.M.S. was beld Tuesday, Dec. 4th in the home of Mrs. Arnold Wade. The bale ta the Fred Victor Mission will be delivered through the kind- ness of Mr. and Mrs. Millison. Cards will be sent ta shut-ins. Annual gift envelopes were brought in. The remaining church calendars were left in charge of Mrs. J. T. Pearce. After the business period Mrs. Cecil Robinson bad charge of the study period. Election of officers was beld ai3d Rev. R. C. White, the pastor, installed the following officers: President, This ls only a small sampling of aur many sure-to-please gifts! Mrs. Cecil Burley; lst Vice, Mrs. Sidney Lancaster; 2nd Vice, Mrs. R. C. White; Secre-1 tary, Mrs. Arnold Wade; Trea- surer, Mrs. George Mcçuilough; Baby Band Secretary, Mrs. Mil- ton Kimball assisted by Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs. Ray- mond Bruce; Christian Steward- ship Secretary, Mrs. Cecil Rob- inson; Community Friendship and Press Secretary, Mrs. G. W. Jones: Christian Citizenship and Missionarv Montbly, Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Mrs. Roy Best; Pianist, Mrs. Frank Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey spent Saturday evening wlth Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormis- ton, Bowmanville. On Friday about 50 school children from the Newtonville and Port Granby schools, along with their teachers, Mrs. Milli- ken and Mr. Wallbridge, tra- velled by chartered bus to To- ronto, where they visited the museum, the Parliament Build- ings and the Happy Gang. Congratulations to Mr. Bill Lane and Miss Fern McCracken who were married on Satur- day, Dec. 7th in the Port Hope United Church with Rev. B.K Kronk, officiating. On Monday evening their many well-wish- ers gathered at the Newton- ville Community Hall and pre- sented tbem with a purse of money. Mr. Philip Gilmer read the address. Farrow's orchestra provided the music for the dancing. Tuesday at noon the young couple lef t for Halifax where they will reside. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. D. Fontain and Neil, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. A. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Shackleton and Mrs. M. Blackburn, Salem, were Saturday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Biack- burn's. Mrs. Fairblane, Kitchener, was a recent visitor at Mr. J. Walker's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander- son and Billie, Part Hope, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowling, Blackstock, were Suriday even- ing, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin and Judith, Bowmanville, visit- ed Mrs. Wm. Trewin, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family visited Mrs. Muriel Brownlee and called on Miss Emma Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry and Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead, Toronto, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Rankine, Mar- got, and Mr. Allan Moffat, at- tended the recital given by Olive Rankine, at Scarboro Col- legiate, Saturday evening, and were guests at the reception gîven in ber honour. Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Tommy, Debbie and Mary, spent the weekend with Mr. Potts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Potts, Colling- Wood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Joncs and family were Sunday visitors at Mr. M. Bryant's, Hampton. Mr. Ronald Rahm visited Mr. I'iece set for 8 in drawer chegt $39.à5 and Mrs. Robt. Trotter, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mr. Ronald Ashton wvere dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp's, Enniskillen, Sunday. Mr. J. Walker visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker and boys, Bowmanville, on Monday. Little Kenny Walker returned home with his grandfather for a visît. Mr. and Mrs. Chivcrs and children were supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bertrim's, Sat- urday. Mrs. W. Thompson returned home on Monday, having visited her son, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson and family, Carleton Place. Sorry ta hear Lynne Read is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Hope she will soon be feeling better and able ta be home again. The Haydon School bas start- ,ed a Mission Band, with Mrs. Lloyd Ashton as leader. Presi- dent-Jean Piggott; Vice-Pres.- John Bertrim; Se'y-Treas.- Patsy Ellis;; Pianist-Rena Gra- ham; Asistant-Doreen Trewin;, Press Reporter-Carol Black- burn. The First Mission Band meet- ing was he]d Friday afternoon. Dec. 6th. It was opened with the hymn, "God Secs a Little Sparrow Fali" which was fol- lowed by the Secretary's report, after which the collection was taken up. The Mission Band aim was repeated whîch was followed by the watchword and the purpase. The Roll was caîl- ed. Miss Little read a stary about Japanese bouses. The meeting closed with the hymn "Away in a Manger". The Service on Sunday will be a combined service of Sun- day Schoo] and Church at 3 p.m. " The White Gift Service". We Spaciaus Jewel box of fine35 leather 39 kQpe to have a good attendance. December Christmas W. A. meeting will be held in the church an Thursday (to-day) at 2.30. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodhams and Marie, Toronto, Mrs. Fred Couch. Ivlrs. N. Samis and Mr. Les Allin, Newcastle, were Sundav visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and familv visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Averv, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes had tea with Mrs. Marie Gart. siare, Newcastle, Sunday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Wilkins and family, Oshawa, spent Suni- day after noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Mr. Chas. Alldred attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. M. Verstraaton, at Lockport, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred were Sundayv visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKnight, Oshawa. Mr. W. Adams and Mr. Arthur Bedwin attended the Guernsey Breeder's Banquet at Black- stock, Tuesday. The Lakeshore Ladies K. S. and C. Club met at the home of Mrs. Robin Aildcred. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Airs. F. Adsett, Belle- ville, and Mrs. Alf Brown, Bow- manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Good' Orono, spent Sundavy with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. BILLFOLDS $3.95 Engraving done free of charge on our merchandise HOOPER'S 28 King St. W. Bowmanville JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP Phone MA 3-5747 In surance Louis Laskaris takes over again Due to unforseen circumstances. we have severed our reiationship with our brother-in-iaw, Mr. Dino Bisto- larides, who has joined partnership with Mr. L. Laskaris at Olympia Restaurant. We regret losing contact with our many friends who made us welcome when we arrived here from Greece. We sincerely thank each and everyone of you who helped us to make our restaurant a success. George and Louis, with brother Ken, wiIl be at the Bo-Peep Restaurant, at the Shopping Centre ln Oshawa where John may join up later, and we hope we may sce many of you there. Our home is here and we hope that circumstances do not cause us to leave here. We like it very much. However, if in time we do leave, we wiil remember always our many good neighbours and friends. Very deepiy - we say Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to our good friends and customers. Louie, Geo. and John Kiriakopoulos. Dlamond Ring $100.00 quaiity 17-Jewel watches $49 for men and ladies. u ANNOUNCING a new -aondtecl service nowbeing insta lied at "MYBSANEN' . . for personal or business banking! TIhis new B of MN service, now being installed at many B of M branches across the country, is especially designed to facilitate the deposit of cheques or cash - any trne of the day or night! For Business Banking .a IDEAL for n' erchants and other account customners wbo need only late-hour businessmen who need drop their deposits îhrough the Icuter only place their receipts in- a special aloi in the depository unit outside the locking wallet provided by te Bank building. A special cet relope to hold and drop it through the door ini the face of the depository unit. The cost is negligible ... less than five cents a day. Find out how this 7-days-a.wcek, 24-hou rs.a-day deposilory service can be or pto you...any member of our staff will be glad to gîve you fou particulars. B3ANK 0F MONTREAIL e4«4d4 4 7era va" Bowmanvillc Brancb: JAMES BELL, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN E VERY WALK 0F LI FE $INCE 1817 IMKUMDAV nrr 1.9fu infimr PAGE BrVENTM TM CANADUN STATESMAN, BOIVILANVffý= ONTARIO

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