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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1957, p. 18

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TUE CAMADIM< STATESMAKq. EowMAMÀvL. ONTAE!O THURSDAY. DEC. l2th, 1951 - Ah E II~ 'w Births Articles for Sale- Articles for Sale Help Wanted RUNDLE-Bob and Carol hap- CHRISTMAS trees at 1l Prince DOMINION piano, cheap. Clar'kei PORK quarters, order from Gea. puly announce the arrivai of tbei.r Street. 50-2 3902. 50-1~ Smith, MA 3-5005. 50-1 daugbter, Marilyn Hazel, on Saturday, November 3th, in CAR trailer in gaod condition. PIANO, Williams upright. Phone PIANO player, non-professional, London, England. 50-1w Apply C. Alldread, 55 Liberty MA 3-3845. 50-1w ta play Friday and Saturday North. 50-i* nights every ather week. For GLOXINIA bulbs now in stock. iqiformation phone MA 3-2578. Deaths SET of Wear-Ever Aluminum, Stwrt's Seeds, 33 Division St. 0l $90, neyer used. Phone MArket 50-tf 5- McMURTRY-Prower (Jud) Mc- TWO salesiadies (evenings and Murtmy, anly son of the late 3-2030. 50-1 KITCHEN or dinette buffet, Saturdays) ta display Fine Arts Mr. and Mrs. Blake McMurtry ofFR HL kiedtrysSpc reasonable. Phone MA 3-3959. lof Canada china, crystal, stain- Bawmanvilie, died suddenly in iaî quantity discounts. Phone -041 lss and sterling. No canvass- Chicago an Sunday, Dec. 8h MA 3-5616. 48-3 STOVE, electric, four-humner, ing, car necessary. Phone Osha- 1957, in bis 53md ycar. Burial - Beach, good condition.. New- wa collect, RA 3-9734. 50-1 in Chicago. Mm. McMumtry was f a nnbw fMrWi1In, rn.,,-SELECT your Christmas Tree castle 2156. 50-'~1* E1LTSt Bawmanvillc. 50-11 PHILP-At Newcastle, Ontario, on Saturday, Dec. 7th, 1957,1 Jas. E. W. Philp in his 93rd year. husband of Hattie Adele Reid Waite. Mr. Philp rested at the Morris Funer-ql Chapel, Bow- rnanville. Service was lheld in N,,'wcastle United Church on Tuesday, December lth at 2 o'r'lock. Interment St. Peter's Cemetery, Cobourg. Funeral under Masonic auspices. 50-il In Memoriam1 BICKELL-In loving memory of my dear mother Irene Bickell1 who passed away on Dec. 15,1 1954. Upright and just in ail her ways Loyal and true through al ber days, Silently suffered, patiently bore, God took her home to suffer il 0mar«c. -Ever remembered by her loy- Ing son Ken. 50-1* Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes W ish to thank their relatives and friends also the Canadian Legion for making their 45th wedding anniversary a mem- orable and happy occasion.5-i 1 would like ta thank my relatives, friends and neighbouùrs for cards, flowers and kindness-, es shown ta me during my stay at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Ville. A special thanks ta Dr. McKay, Dr. Sylvester, nurses and staff who made me so com- fortable. Mrs. Dorothy Hancock. 50-1il To the Electors of Manvers Township: I wish to hereby convey ta you my sincere thanks and ap- preciation for the confidence you have placed in me by elect- ing me again ta serve you as Reeve for 1958. .To one and ail, I wish you a vemy Merry Christmas and a H{appy and Prosperous New Eari Argue. 50-1 Iwish ta thank Dr. Ferguson, Dàr. McKay and Dr. Austin, my apecial nurses and ail nurses on thbe staff of Memarial Hospital, Ross Knowlton, James Ander- son, Dave Kilgannon, Gene Clark, Ed. Barry, Roy Barry, Calvin Sinclair and Luke Seger *~ho ýdonated biood. My rela- tives, friends and neighbours wllo sent me flowers, cards, vis- itedl me during my stay in the hospital. Mrs. Dorothy Aluin. 50-1 * Coming Events Duck Shoot Saturday after- naon, Dec. l4th. Joe Redmond,1 R.R. 1, Nestleton. 50-15 Hockey Mothers" -Draw, Ken- wood hianket. Draw ta be made Dec. 14 at Memoriai Arena. Tickets 25c, 5 for $.00. 50-1l Dance and Turkcy Draw,1 Tyrone Hall, Sat. night, Dec. 14.1 Music - Halmoyd's Orchestra. Admission: aduits 5Oc, children 25c. 50-l* at the Vigar Oul Station, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. 49-31 TWO saddles, military, $40, and Western, $ 150.00. Phone New- castle 3206. 50-1* 400 BALES claver hay, first cutting, very good. Phone Osha- wa RA 8-8060. 50-1* COCKTAIL length evening gown, orchid shade, size 14.1 Phone MA 3-5260. 50-i HARDWOOD factory cuttings, large truck load, $10 delivered.1 Dial Oshawa RA 5-1526. 49-41 LARGE crib, 30 by 54 with 4- position springs, airfoamn mat- tress. Phone MA 3-2076. 50-1* CHRISTMAS trees - AIl sizes and prices. Apply Ivan Mount- joy. Phone Blackstock 87 r 4. 50-1* BRAND new televisions at the price of used televisions. Fuliy guaranteed. Phone MA 3-3883. 50-i fSAVE on lumber. direct from miii ta you. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- 1ware, 36 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. 46-tf liARD and soft water delivered.; Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf CHRISTMAS Trees - Spruce and Scotch Pine. George Mut- ton, 22 Albert St., Phone MA 3-5981. 49-2 OPNE girl's 3-piece velvet skat- ing costume, purpie, size 10, ex- cellent condition. Phone M A 3-2042. 50-111 HEAVY duty electrice stove, good condition. Sacrifice price. Richard. House, Bradshaw St., Bowmanville. 5- CHRISTMAS trees, Spruce and Scotch Pine. Ken Gimhlett, 123 Ontario St. or Phone MA 3-5835. or 3-3849. 50-.3*1 FOR Christmas give your homei the best - Aisco aiuminum doors' or windows. Phone Lamne Allun MA 3-3871. 50-1"' LARGE size combination sand- wich grill and waffie iran; hoc- key skates, size 5, like new. MA 3-3974. 50-il' RED drcss, size 9, Misses! blue formai and yeliow formai, bothi size 9; aIl in good condition.1 Phone MA 3-5683. 50-1*' ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf1 DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor volisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowingz metbod, with rock wool. Workmanship muarantced. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf1 CHRISTMAS TREES - Nursery gTown Scotch Pine and1 gnruce. New Year's Eve Dance ini go-od sect;ionat Bud Virtue's Tyrone Community Hall Dec- ITexaco Station, King St. E., ember 31, 9 p.m. Hoiroyd's Or-1 Bowmanviiie. 49-3 chestra. Admission $2.00 per couple, single gent $1.50, single THERE is no finer present for lady $1.00. Favars. Dress op- Christmas than a spoken letter tional. 5()-3 for your relatives overseas. For ail your ecordings phone T. Woodview Community Centre, Arends, MA 3-3058. 49-2 -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twcnty dollars: five games- j HEARING aid service, testingi tbirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and service and complete stock aI Iwo jackpots at $250. Door batteries and cords at Hiegoin prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m.. Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Rcd Barnu, Oshawa. 46-tfj Bowunanville. Telephone MA Regular ,vee'kly bingo held3-48 0f Thursdays except thîrd week in ADDING machines, typewriters, the m-onth xvhich %vill be hcldi cash r e g i s t e r s. calculators, on Tuesdays. ini the Union Hall,. cheque wmitcrs, fiiing cabinets, 20 regular games and twa $951 office furniture. New and used.~ jackpot games. No game under 1 Repairs toalal makes. Frank $3.00. Admission 50c. 44-tfi Office Equipmcnt, 177 Church COMETO TE jSt., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. ROTARY ANNS' SALE4-t Stocking ,Stuffings, Novelties, VfTk ! TD tV Cakes and Pies. YOIUNG U .LVL.LEJLL These and more ta delight the CHOICE MEATY BIRDS eyes. DRESSED AND DELIVERED FRIDAY the l3th fram 3 to 5 HL FN E at the NEW LIBRARY j H L FN E a real Beehive. 50-1 'MAPLE GROVE MA 3-5058 LIMITED NUMBER 0F Booklng orders for Christmas New Year's Eve Dance Tickets FOR SALE Spoasored by Solina Hall Contact MRS. RALPH DAVIS MA 3-2413 MISS PEARL LEACIR MA 3-2235 ,Lost BLACK and tan hound in vicin- ity of Pontypool. Biackstock 78 r 23. 50-2 GREY and white 'itten. part Pi fLrzýJ drn'apet. PhoneI ESSO 47-tf FUEL. OIL STOVE OIL Automatie Metered 24-Hour Dellvery Service A. H. STURROCK AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER 'one MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. BOWMANVILLE CIDER for Christmas, 75e gai. delivered. W. T. Cox, Phone MA 3-2927. 50-1 * REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, 8 cu. ft., practically new. New- castle 2156. 50-i" AUTOMATIC Thermostat and1 Contrai for coal furnace. Phone1 ,MA 3-3283. 50:1*1 EXPERIENCED single man for dairy farm. Apply in persan ta M. L. Morgan, Taunton. 50-1 C.C.M. TRICYCLE, suitable for child 3 ta 5 years, good condi- tion, $8. Phone MA 3-2215. CANNELL coal sold in hags. Stephen's Fuels, C.N.R. Yards, Bowmanville, Phone MA 3-5410. 50-3 NINE-piece dining-room suite, oak, ini splendid condition. Also two inside doors. Phone MA 3-5683. 50-l* ELECTRIC trains, wili seli separately, many accessories; good condition. Phone Oronoj 34 r 4. 50-1*i QUAKER space heater with. 200 gallon tank and stove pipes. Excellent condition. Three yen- etian blinds 33". Phone MA 3-5902. 50-1 DUO-THERM space heater (5.0001 hb.u.t.) and pipes. Used washîng machine. completely overhauled. Bothwell's Welding Shop, MAI 3-2458. 50-i USED auto parts, motors, trans., rear-ends, radiators, front-ends, radios, wheel discs and acces- sories. Cowanville Auto Wreck- ers. Clarke 3902. 50-1* AFRICAN violets, ta clear, 50c. AIl varieties of prize-winning house plants: rose hegonias, palms, ferns, etc. Buy now for Christmas. Mrs. Abrams, 1501 King St. East. 50-1î TURKEYS FRESH KILLED Broad Breasted Bronze Dressed and Delivered Lymer's TURKEY FARM Maple Grove Phone MA 3-5049 MAGAZINE racks, bed lamps,i dresser, table and tri-light lamps, Aborite step-up and cof- fee tables. Pictures, floor mats, rugs, children's rockers. Hast- [ess, Cogswcll and Recliner chairs. 3-piece chcsterfield $139. Two trade-in single heds, wal- nut. Complete with spings and mattresses. One reconditioned wasber, one rcconditioned re- frigerator. Terms, two years ta pay. Murphy Ca., King St. W., Bowmanville. MA 3-371. 50-1* TURKEYS 'Young, freshly killed turkeys for Christmas and New Year Cleaned and delivere From 12 to 30 lbs. I~~~Aà ------ -- ------ qanuQes wehav au1ow ReL u~oiv t an cr wi 1 rs. JFlorence Ferguson receiv- I Toronto is the fastest-grow. MA3-2936 HAMPTON mre.M Flatt, Bcthany R.R. Ra Estate Broker ed body hruises and Mrs. Gail ing city in the world, Vancou- 1. Phone collect ta Bethan lIPhone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. hen bouse, garage, 2 silos; 7 1 Zwier a broken nose. Driver of. ver is the next, for it has gmowrtn (lji' Mile East of New 48-4 7 r13. 28-tmTwo bloks nhoteofitraffcesiena the car they were passengers in enormously in the past decade. 48hool 7__r_13.______________blocks jnewc o aste sina repair. Price and termis armang-I was Gerbarda Hoogkamp, New- Situated at the bases of higli Necsl -ied. castle. The car was completely mounitains, its environs bave FRTQAIYRepairs 5 roomed (3 years ol)ick demolished. ipedi eiiceaon Leask Real Estate yeneer bungalow with garage, Claude L. Paterson, R.R. 3, the bay The setting is specta- CHRlISTMYAS RADIO and television repairs.i centre of Bowmanville. lias Bowmanville, driver of the cular, and ail that Vancouver CTfT<TI nPrompt service. Pick up and 5 room new brick bungalow ail fumnace, hardwood and tule truck, escaped uninjured. Dam- needs ta match Edinbur! delivery. Lamne Domeen. 85 King in new section, 3 bedrooms, 4- floors, 4-piece bath, modemn age ta the truck was estimated is a castle on anc of the TREESLi.. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2t picce bath, fimeplace, ail furnace. kitchen, electric water beater. at $900. The vehicles coiiided at "~sadbodPicsSrt Recreation room partially fin- laundmy tubs, storms andi the north end af the bride. The studded with historie mon- FOR SALE 24-HOUR expert repair Tele- ished.. This is a beautiful home screcns. Price $ 12,000 with easy truck then went out of contrai uments; But Vancouver is not vision Service, ta ail makes. AIL and first time offemed for sale. terms. bouncing off the bridge hitting musing on the past, its face is parts and work guaranteed. 4-moom bungalow, ail fumnace, 6 roomed, new, brick veneerathr auowic hdbenune saadadecstd psTelevision Service Ca., MAmket insulated. Low taxes, $8,000.00. bungalow an Third Street withflaoi th e Hau o ogkh amp ca r, m d sarefxd ondtheyfutur. "H0" B A 3-3883. 50-tf 7-room bouse, brick, 4 bced- full basement, 3 hedrooms,1 police ad Phn M -16- rooms, new gas fumnace, naturai built-in cuphoards, electric wat- 1 __________ Phoe A -336REPAIRS ta ail miakes of refrig- fireplace. Centrally located on cm heater, tule floors. ail fumnace or crators, ~domestic and cain-a deep lot. $5,000.00 cash, bal- 4-piece bath, etc. Price $1j 5 1,500dinSttsm or ~ mca rs, ilking coolers. Hig- 1aneo easy terms. with terms armanged. ZION >TeCndnSatma > HARRY VANDERBELT gon Electrie Limited. 42 King St., We have bungalows, lots,I 6 oomcd, new, brick veneer L S I ED y Phone M 3-5026E. Phone MA 3-5438. 254t1ibouses too numerous ta men- bungalow on Simpson Ave- with M.adMs.RyTo sm.* A V TSNG : Auctîon Sales 1 List with Leask tile floors, modemn kitchen, tScarborough, visited at Russell in uIbsmnbrwo n JadMs onDvradPtr RATES 65 Ontario St. Bowznanville electric water beater, 4-piccef Stainton's. T R E SImportant Dispersai of a "Mas- MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 bath, ail furance, aluminum Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sams"n, > ATICLE FOR SALE ter Breeder" Holstein Herd on 50-1 storms and screens. Price $11,500 Toronto, visited at Russell Perk- *?*. -VSTO ELOR AE * ______________________ :FOR lENT -HL ATD* RE1.ILE Monday, December l6th, com- with termis. inf CARS FOR SALE MILK-FED mencing at 1 p.m. Complete T 5 roomed, new, bungalow, , Mms. Russell Stainton visited LOST . FOUND - ETC. .. DispersaI of 46 Headi. Fully Peter n.owai east Newcastle with 3-piece hruc..n anMr n CE'lh Rat. . 4 forciord * AcrcitdFeerll Lsed RALESAT BOKR bath, ail fumnace, ful hasementhmueadant, wlth a ï.lru oSc~ ACfhodVaccinedr y LseR GENAL NSU RANCE t te floars. electmic water heater, Mrs. J. W. Balson, Hampton. <.must bc poid by date of insertio' Owned by th Estate ofF. C. ~ Kig St. IL. owmanvlllepictume window, storms and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and * lCaê~a djinl2e4 Owe yteEtt fF -9 ig.t EJ wavil -- wilIb. odded. 4 hon M ~ Eigh Fnch Otara.Selin TeeponeMA3-568 screens. Asking $9,500 with familY, Burketon, visited at >a charge ai 25e wîil be mode foi 4 at the Kemptville Agricultural Box 817$250dw.WsCmrnsIdietdotisfie.* HAMPTON School, Kemptville, Ontario. In 5 roomed, white claphoard Little Miss Laurie Stainton. * NOTICES . COMING EVENTS E 50-3 the K. A. S. Pavilion an the Salesnian - J. A. Barton home in Bowmanville with fuli spent the weekend with hem AND CARDS 0F TRANES Campus. Hays Farms Limited, MA 3-3098 1hasement, 3 bedrooms, bard- cousin, Stephen Poloz, Oshawa. 4ca ,Word with a minimum ci Sale Managers, Oakville, Box Nea ring completion: Bea utiful jwaad and tule floors, 4-piece IMm. and Mrs. Clifford Swal- Il 11.0 for 25 words or less. Livetock for ale 470, Ontario. 4- 3-bedraom b r ick bungalow, bath, ail fumnace, kitchen with ï.oMal rae ms rd ' Ill AGE NCA' -Large living-room, dining-raom, buiit-in cuphoards, electric wat- As~hton, Toronto, wcre supper $ 1.00 ver inertion ,modemn kitchen, 4-picce bath, erht p . ic 9,0 vthgesa RsllPri o_ý n LIVE roosters. Phone M -Arket N r-n Home ig. p cm vdd asmnt A eem. rt $0 uth . N EMR S-m 3-2171 501 - i $1.00____________ ashaludvis bseen0Antema ja lPikinono f E o vr s o e x cep tio na i buy at only Besides ahove mentioned we 4 lS1ealn o es LAYIG SO.~THHave Rcs Hom. Ne - I$12500.00 %vith $3,500.00 down. have approx. 200 more proper- M.ansMs Jm Sta into n " .50 LAYNG ls, six monhsj case, Ont. Phone 2426. Ac- r $50000 down will move yau tics ta choose fmom. Da vy visited at DouglasISnch4' isply a miimu f oneail.0 4 aid. Phone MA 3-5311 . 50-1 commadation for bcd orup right into a 3-room home* with Contact ner's, Oshawa. .. Idh ith a miinsrimu fons th & BOAR, Landrace Yorkshire, 112 J patients at reasonable rates.4- 2-piece bath. Heavy wirîng. Master Kirk Fisher, Oshawa,lîrts years aId. Phone Clarke 31 r 03.I ewer andi water. Balance like John F. De Wilh visited bis grandparents, Mr'. ;1 AI) Ciossitied Ad. mi .t t 30-1 ~ Xy .j ent Reator---i '~---' isurnceant Mr. P..1.Rabrts .Ç this office not finter thon 4 and rs.P. . Roert. 4 12 o'ctack noon. Wed nesday. DEAD ear rod!oo fron f eltran enri nurne Mm. andi Mrs. Allan Fisher 4Sand cash, stomps or money ordoiet aotr tnwn*s nost beautiful homes Newcastle Phone 3341 visited at Harvey Webster's, Ci h and cave money. Pesn lIDE Dand crippled famm stock, for sale. Located on a lot over- Salesmen: Little Britain on Sunday. C aPii out for hady reterence - ro a - picked up promptly. Phone MA laoking town and lake, 2-car f1 ~Mm. and Mrs. Keith Stainton OFFICE HOR HYGENIC supplies - (Rubher 3-2679. Margwili Fui' Farm. garage. For more detaîls and Donald Mourttjoy omavlend Clarke weme Sunday guestsiZ MrdytruhFla goods) mailed postpaid in plainI Tvrone. 26-tf appointmcnt please caîl office.MA3-350at Mrs. Clarke Moore's, Osha- 4 8:30 arn. ta 5 P.m T sealed envelape with vice list This is suitable for two families Mrs. Jean Woolner, Hampton wa.. Saturday Six samples 25c, 24 samples Piano Tuning and is equipped therefore. frsDnilBeM(nan Terihs3-2sigaeo7D3 Mre 330 S1.00. Mail Order Dcpt. T-28, IWc equire homes and fam ailBem - atn h ihs lsig reo-Da Akt330 No.-ube C. Bx 1 Hm-IARTHUR Collison. Telephone for waiting clients. Try us fo Phone Welcome 238 Ad Service ilton. Ont. 1-52 MArket 3-3900. 35-tf service. 50-1 6 0-1 Baker Mr IV~IftII.t £. ,hop iîstructor me-' quircd for Ontario Training Scbooi for Boys, Bawmanvillc. Must have Teaching Experience. Ontario Civil Service Benefits apply. Contact Superintendent by phone, Market 3-3301, or by MAN wanted. Continue Raw- ieigh service to consumers in Dram Ca. and Bowmanviile. Get into a profitable business of ,your own. No previaus exper- ience or capital investment necd- ed. For information write Raw- leigh's Dept. J-140-916, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. 50-1 ATTRACTIVE way to make maney! Always your own boss. Seli Canada's largest and finest line including cosmetics, bouse- hold necessities, farm specialties, etc. There is a customer in every home. Our successfui salesmen earn mare than $75.00 a week. Free catalogue and de- tails an request. M. A. Clark.' Dept 107, 1600 Delorimnier, Sta- tion C, Montreal. 50-1 For Rent NEW 5-room bungalow. Phone MA 3-5602. 50-i HEATED 4-room apartment on Church Street. Private bath, private entrance. Stove and re- frigerator supplied. Phone MA 3-5919. 50-i FURNISHED or unfurnishied apartnfent, heated, four-piece bath. Huyck's Hairdressing, 67 King St. W. 49-2* THREE rooms and bath, modemn heated apartment!, adults only. Jan. 1. $65. Dial MA 3-3810 or Oshawa RA 3-3972, 48-tf STORE on King St., newly cle- corated, equipped with shelves. Availahie January lst. Write P.O. Box 1114, Bowmanville. IN NEWCASTLE - storey and a haif bouse, heated, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and livingroom,1 modern, $65. Phone MA 3-5589. 50-i1 THREE-roomn downstair apart- ment wîth iaundry raom, 2-piece bath and hot water tank, 78 King St. W., Bowmanville. Ap- ply 410 Athol St. E., Oshawa or phone Oshawa RA 3-3559. 50-1 STONE bungalow, 5 roams, an Manvers Road, 2 miles north of Bowmanville, 6 acres. Very suitahle for retired couple. Jan. lst. O. J. Henderson, 69 Hill- crest Dr., Toronto 10, LE 5-4358. 49-2 Wanted to Buy GOOD used hand well pump. Newcastle 2156. 50-1* TELEVISION, used, any con- dition. Will pay cash, Phone MA 3-3580, aftemnoons or even- ings. 50-1* HIGHEST prices paid for live pouîtry. goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa. collect. 48-tf ALL kinds af live poultry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or smalî Cars f or Sal, 1949 MERO. coach. Ciar' SHORT-HAIRED Terrier, maie puppy, two months. Free to a good home. 'Phone MA 3-3097. 50-1 DACHSHUND puppies, t wo maies and one female. Grand Christmas presents. Phone MA 3-3430. 50-1 I GERMAN Shepherd puppies, seven weeks, top breeding. Sire, champion German import. Tele- phone MArket 3-3744. 50-1* BEAGLES, 15"1 maie, 13" fe- maie, field trial and hunting stock, price $35 each. E. R. Knowlton, Enniskillen. Phone MA 3-2754.N tie 50-1 The office of Dr. L. S. Mikios, Newcastle, will be open on Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. dur- ing the winter months instead of 11 ta i. 50-1 Notice ta rahhit hunters. $ 1.00 will be paid for each rahbit. Please ha, careful when hunting1 on nurseryr property. Brookda1 Kingsway Nurseries. 49-tf Work Wanted PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing: free estimates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. CARPENTER work wantcd - kitchens and general repairs. E. Vierbout, Dial 2486 Newcastle. 50-4* NEW plastering and repairs. Stucco and cement plastening. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf CONCRETE and mason work, neW or repair.' Chimneys, foundations, floors, walks, etc. L. Turner. Telephone MArket IWOULD you like ta have your office, store or waiting room cleaned. Write Advertiser 757, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 50-1* Plasfering Repairs- QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORR R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf L. Schapelhouman CERTIFIED Public Accouniani .Accounhing and Bookkeeping Income Tax AND COMPLETE Financial'Reports 686 Osier Street OshawaÉ Phone RA 5-9953 1 Real Estate for Sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised qw -~.. le Real Estate for Sale rke 3902. NEW 5-room bungalow, ideai 50-1* location, extras too numerous to mention. For further informa- Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER 112-acre dlay loam farm, bank barn, steel roof, 40x60; 8-room white frame home; 40 acres fali ploughed. A farm noted for its productivity. Priced at $9,000 cash or terms, or owner will consider your equity in a home as down payment. Lakeshore farm, 90 acres, car- ries 80 head of stock. Railroad thro' property. Ail modemn con- veniences. An excellent specu-i lation. Potential nursing home, 15 rooms, central hot water heating, oil fired; 3 bathrooms, excellent location. ]Priced to seli! $5,500 full price. $1,00 down, 7-roomed Burketon home. Im- maculate. Older type bungalow on Church St. Inspect and make offer! Two new summer cottages,! well buiît, heavy wired. To bel removed. Any reasanable of- fer. Money arrangcd, 52 King MA 50-1 ta boan. Mortgages hought and sold. St. W., Bowmanville 3-2453 0F 3-2762 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER Gencral farm, 100 acres, 6 room insul brick bouse, 2 barns, implement shed, garage, two creeks, close ta schooi and pave- ment. Price only $10,000.00. Easy ternms. General farm, 200 acres, 7. room brick bouse, barn 55x65, hydro, .good well. A bargain ai $7,000-00. Easy termis. 25 acres, 5 room, insulhnick bouse, barn 30x72, garage, 2 acres rasphemnies, small. archard, Ideai location on highway be- twecn Bawmanvilie - Oshawa. Price $13,500.00. Terms. 6 roam bungalow in good area on sewer and watcm. Price $9,500.00. Dawn, $2,000.00. 5 roam bungalow in Bowman- ville, bath, town water. Price only $4,500.00. Easy termis. 3 bedi'oom home in Orono, fumnace, well, cîstern. Asking price $3,500.00. Down, $1.000,00. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Caîl MA 3-3644 5- De With Real Estate 200 acre farm with 75 acres workable clay-loam. land, 110 acres in waad, stream, 50' x 301 bank barn, implement shed, lien bouse, garage; 8 raamed solid brick bouse with hardwood floors, heavy duty wired. Price $11,000 with terms arranged. 90 acre farm on lake shore between Oshawa and Bawman- ville, 87 acres workahle. 10 acres in raspherries, 60' x 40' bank barn, implement shed, lien houses, 5 raomed cottage; 7 roamed frame bouse in excellent repair with furnace, beavy duty wimed. Price and tcrmns arrang- ed. Dairy farm, 370 acres, 4 acres workable, 30 acres wýod, stream, 2½/ acres orchard withi 2sets af buildings, 2 bouses,I etc. Located an lake shore, east1 'Tewtonville. Asking p ri c e $37,000 with termis arrangcd. f 100 acre farm. with 50 acres workable, 50 acres in waod, tream, 54' x 32' bank barrn, im- plement shed, lien bouse, pig pens; 7 raomed frame home with funace, beavy duty wiring, partly bardwood floors. Price 7,000 witb ternms.j Dairy farm, located nearf Oshawa with 95 acres workable I i I t ci c di à Fr, " or Il P a' fi I i q I ~1 I Lam MUA ma &W-1 à 1 RAI à = ff -Real Estate for Sale' McQayaii&îd vestwa rd Mc aLTadORS d By Lewis Milligai' REALORS"What, do they know ô! £ng± Members Oshawa and District ]and, wh;o only England know?"9 RealEstate Board v rote Rudyard Kipling. And 200-acre farm, goad bouse1 Whatdo they know of Canadta, with ail conveniences, largeI wha only Eastern Canada painted barn, silo, two streams, Iknow? Having just returned Bowmanvilie amea, $22,000 wîth from a trip ta the West Coast- reasonable down payment. my third in tbîrty years-I stili We have a good selection of contend that you are nat a farms, homes, businesses, acre- Iwbole Canadian unless you ages, etc. have crossed the Prairies, WALTER FRANK jtbreade d your way through thie 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Rackies and gazed on the Paci- Bowmanville fic Ocean from the Uplands ar 50-1 Victoria. Geologically, climatically and H. C. PEDWELL socially, Canada is three differ. end regions, and it sbould be the R eal Estaie Broker airn of every Candianta see 110 acres, close ta 35 Highway, wamd in the C.P.R. train througIh good frame bouse, large ban k the Precambrian buIs of North- barn, nearly ail workabie land. cm Ontario and emerging fromn $ 16,000 measanable terms. the wild bush and lakclands into the open Prairies is in it- hristas Bself a surprising experience af Chrismas argains 1 transformation. The flat land- New 5-roomn ranch style bouse, scape. with its large farnrs, Iwili be finishcd and i'eady ta. whceled around the speeding move in for Christmas. This train like a moving panorama 'bouse has many extras and wili illuminated by the level rays fhave ta be scen ta be appreciat- af tbe setting sun, wbich smote ed. One mile nomth and west the farmbouse windows ta gold, of Newcastle. $6,500 with $500 casting long sbadows from th1e down. Monthly paymnents on barns and silos. It was Holland balance, on an immense scale. The only 8 roomn solid brick bouse in items missing ta complete the Newcastle, 3-piece bath, ail Dutchi picture were the dikes heated, hamdwood floars and and windmills. buiit in cupboards. $10,000 with: Travelling for endless miles $500 down. 'over the vast plain of Saskat- New 5-room bhouse on No. 2 chewan (on the retumn C.N.R. Highway, 3-piece bath, furnace line), I was suddenly awaken- oak and tule flooring, $6,500 witlý cd from a daze ta find myseif $50down. lin the midst of the busy little $500modemn city of Saskatoon. I feit ACT QUICKLY as thaugh I bad alighted froin if you want one of these houses an Ara bian Nights' magie-car- before Christmas. pet into an oasis. But Saskat- 6chewan is no desert: it is a Phone Newcastle 3856 land af golden grain, agd the 50-l'e anly compiaint I heard was that fthe farmers had too mucly of it in storage anti couid no: transmute it into golden cash. ýTrucks Collide theossnthebd-leo Crigthe b ti o ertao ýT'o Tyrone j western city of Medicine Hat' The scene an the widc end oï the platform was a iively and Men Injured jcolorful one, with Red Indians in full feather and cawbays and Twa trucks callided at the cowgirls on borseback in thé intersection af Manvers Road rear. We werc entertained with~ and the Fifth Line Tuesday an ad tîme barn dance ta the afternoon with two men hein g droning strains af an accordion, sent ta the hospital with seriaus accampanied by the staccato injury. voice of an aid cowboy c&.Uyg- The driver af a pick-up truck,' Off ta the dancers. At tb eWbse John Thornbeck, Tyrone, suf- of the bncIe interlude thffvet- fered hruised knees and sbould- eran cowpuncher addmessd a crs whiie a passenger, MartinI few words of grecting ta the Maxwell, also of Tyrone, receiv- passengers, assuring them aIofa cd a hroken lcg, fractured armn warmn welcome at any time by and abrasions to the head and the people of Medicine 1tLt. face, j '"e'rT - plain- The second truck is owned b j folk," be said. *-We'reVWeste1u Bennett Construction Company, The transition from Sasii'à and was driven by Emnie Bu-f chewan into Alberta is ýiiated jold, 800 Brock Street, Whitby.,by a gradual heaving of thé The driver was not injurcd. Iplains into rolling country, ris5' E'otunately the Bennett trucklIing inta the foothilis and the was not carrying gravel at the jRocky Mountains beyond!. Cal- ime. i gary is famous for its annual The injured were taken ta 'wild west rodeo, but it was all M'emorial Hoespital, Bowman- over hy the time I got theme, ville by Narthcutt & Smith and the city was anything but Ambulance service. Const. Bob wiid in appearance. Idcally sit- 3iddy aI the Bowmanville Dc-iuated in a wide valley, it us achment of the O.P.P. investi- skirted on the West by a long gated. highland, below wbich runs the broad Bow River, whose fast- flawing and ice-cold waters kII came down from the glaciers af the distant Rockies. Calgary i~~~~c srie so far Irom bcing wiid, its citi- r V\ornen Hurt zens are said ta be tems peaccul and law-abiding peo- pie in Canada. A young man In Colisionfrom Toronto told me there was Twa Newcastle wamen re- they had only had anc obbcry eived minar injuries when the last year. "What, no murders, ,ar in wbich they wcre riding and such?" I said. "Then what ollided with a truck at the do the newspapcis use for 'eamn af Baley Bridge, Satur- front-page headlincs?" 1 1 !C. Borek Turkev Ranch 1

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