'!2UUIDAT. DEC. lIth. 1,01 ________ 'T!oe CANADIAN SAESMAN. EOWMA1qVffLE~ ONTAR!O ~ " PAGE iqi~'yg B. ofM.. WililInstail- New Depos, 1P& dial-typ. "around-the- -pe l 1 dpositoXy unit will »OOU b. lnstalled at the local Banik ai Montreal office, James Sei. Manager af the branch, aMmne~ed this weak. unit, whieh as designed - convenience af custorrn- wish to maka personal sus deposits at any dlJring¶ the day or night, Jà Rt 0 te Bof Maplarýto branche# from coast ta coast With the new system. COpeation 01 the depasitory Ji simpDle for bath bisinessinen an~d curtent or savings account Customers. Merchants or othar late-hour buuInesamen ara SuPpliad with a wallet equlpped with lock and key, itot whlch ail cash ne- CeiPtu are placed. The wallet la thon Inserted in a specially- deslgned chute which leads ta a ufekeeping unit tasida the itory Unit bank. B of M officiais can re- 1move it in the morning and 1hold the wallet for the custoni- er ta make the deposit in the usual way, or, if requested ta do so, they can open the wal- ]et and make the deposit ta the relative account. 1 The second chute in the duai- type depoLitary is for use by current and savings account customers who may obtain spe- cial envelopes froni the bank for deposits to be made at any- tirne, day or night. The deposit slip, is made out in duplicate. Land bath copies are placed in the envelope together with cash and cheques for deposit. The envelope is then inserted in the siot-like opening of the deposi- tory. Each deposit is carefully checked and entered in the re- lative account the following day, and the duplicate copy of the slip is mailed ta the cus- tomer as a ireceipt. Junior Farmers Guests Lions Club Meeting Tribut e to E. Summers "The best way in which ,ve can bonour the memory of the late E. A. "Ed" Summers is ta carry on the good work he has always done," Rev. R. W. Young, Chaplin of Ontario Agricutural College, Guelph, çaldat a Lions dinner Monday riight. Mr. Young was guest speaker on the occasion of the Lions Club's annual rural night. A night previously given over to Mr. Summers anti his junior farmers. The entire meetinga took the form of a tribute tu the memory of the popula: Durharn County agricultural representative. Commends Lions Club Your club is doing a magni- ficent job in this community, Padre Young told the Lions, and you have been a wonder- ful sor uce of encouragement ta Ed and bis boys and girls. 'Ed said it wasn't him, but the good friends and material with wiceh he bad ta work thât mnade his job a success," 1ev. Young sald. It has become traditional ta tee Ed and bis teamns take the top awards at the numeroue shows. I want ta congratulate 3'ou young people on this, ha said to many junior farmers in the audience. "Don't let Ed down e added, "give your new ag~ural representative al ;rftsupport." Mr. Young -4hen directed his address at the junior farmers. 1 arn speaking tu you on be- ha q a f Ed,. be said. r u '~3dk' abasbail game. youcan 't steal first base, * ou 0et earn it," Mr. Young said. "You must begin at the start and begin ight. Be care- ful which rut you choose, be- causa you will be in it a long tinie. "Be adventurous. don't be afraid of life. You young pao- ple are heginning your lufe in an atomic aga. A time whcn we are toing things that saem- et impossible ta your grand- parents. Neyer in historyý have the oppa'rtunitias for youth beeft sa grant. You are tha pioneers ai a naw age full* ai atvantune and opportunity," ha sait. Dinty Word "Thara will be more agricul- tural opportunities for you, Howavar the future will not be easy. Il wîll ha hart and diffi- cuit, but gloriaus. Se ton't be afraid. "Older folks are scaret and neet security, but security for young people is a tirty word," ha assarted. '"Ion't let anyone rab you of your ativenture. AI father who guarantees his son's future is doing that boy con- siderable harm," ha sait. Secret of Failure "I can't tell you the secret ai succass, but I can tell yau the secret o! failure. If you came against something you don't like and skip aven il, or site- step your problrns. Then that is failure because tha way of least resistance is the way of failure. 'Enthusiasm is the secret af success," ha sait. "Make every- thing you do an exemple o! your best effort. You have got ta love yaur work. If you ton't like farming, then get out ai it. Mako Contribution "Hofiour the memory af Et Summanu by making a contri- butlon ta this world", he urget tham. It is not what you gat out of life, but wbat you put int it that counts, ha conclud- et. Bey. Young was introducat by bis oIt friand Lion Elmner Banting. Lion Ernie Bradley thanket the speaker for bis in- spiring massage, and presented him with a «Mi én behali of .* * .* the club.. .I 1 nKuniil EHU fAlpar Gnuu Rural Night CormItte Chair- man introduced the head tsble guesta. Tbey were Durbara County's new agrliultural re-4 presentative Oliver Dalrymple,1 Earle Brown. assistant whof served here during the aura- mer and. Glen Larmer, presi-. dent ai the Junior farmens. Mr. Brown lntroduced the junior farmers who wene pres- ent as guests af the Lions. He gave a brie! rasume of their work in 4-H and junior fariner' groupa and judging teains. Thay tacluded, Geraît Brown, Newcastle; Harod Moffat, Or-, ana; Garad Asselstine, isurke-1 ton; Ken Bragg, Bowmnanville; Edward Kowal, Bowmanville; Bill Tamblyn, Orono; David Riekard, N1ewcastle, HelenI Knox, iampton; Glen Wilson, I Burketon; M aria Kent, New- castle; Canal Yeo. Orono; James Coombes, Bowmanvilla; Ron Brooks, Bowmanvilla, Bey Gray, Port Hope; Glenn Lar- mer, Nestleton. Ectends Thanks Glen Larmar expressed thanks ta the Lions for holding this annual night. Other guests at the meeting wene Harvey Brooks, Walter Reynolds and Harold Gill. Lion Ralph Melntyre vas pr.- sentet with a git for bis new son. The presantation was made by Len Lucas. Presitent Fred Cale and Lion Rance Dilling calabrated their birthdays at the meeting. President Fred Cale extended congratulations ta Lions Wilfrid Carruthers and Jack Brough on their being re-, electedtotacouncil. Olive Rankine Gives Recital In. Scarborough Miss Olive Rankine whose beautiful soprano voice is weil knawn ta Toronto audiences was heard in a mosl successfui recilal o! operatic selections in Scarborough on Sat.urtay, Dec. 7. The auditorium of the R. H. King Collagiate was fillet ai- moslta capacity for the avent arrangat by the Canadian Con. cart Association. Miss Rankine, a daugbter ai Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Rankinea-o! Bovman- villa and Haydon, has beaui praised for lier concert work inj Toronto and othar centres. She1 was warmly raceivat in lier1 appearancas in Bowmanvile1 on saveral occasions. Miss Rankine is stutying with Madame Gina Cigna, a foarmer star ai tha Mtropolitan Opera Company, end bas bean engag- et for recilals in Montreal and sevaral other cilles in the New Year. Miss Rankina's program on Salurday evening inclutet numbers by Schubert, Bandai, Bachilel, Fourtrain and Debus- sy. The Pacia La Motte Placida from Il Trovatore by Verdi was greetat with tumultous ap- plause. Miss Rankina raceived six curtain cails following ber renditian o! Ibis salection. In private lufe Miss Rankine is the wife o! Dr. William Cor- rigan af Toronto, and they have two chiltren. WELLBONE .WAT-JA UEI.!WE OLJOI4TA' TWINK 0F TENW TIE TISOSE SLEECES REAOI-ME.DOA(N TOGETER. AND? ME 100K UTAi I ÀASTRAIGIIT-JACKE T BRMG&T IN TUE OUTA i T! SIG OWN? POOR 01.0 ED...AND lNE USED TO BE SUC14 A*SEN- r-. SIBLE GUY! Government Officiais1 Outline Various Duties1 Adjusting Comm ittee iThe newly format Bowman- villa Committee of Adjustment Imat with raprasentativas af thal Departmant o! Planning and Devalopment, Cornmunity Plan- ning Branch, Toronto, in the iTown Hall an Wadnastay of last weak. Tha Committea of Adi ust- 'ment is basically an administrat- ive body which through ils actions assists in administrating the Zaning By-Law. Il shouit n fot ha confused with the Plan- ning Board which il serves as an atvisory body. It is set up ta provida some reliai froni the strict applica- tions of tha Zoning By-Law. The two Departmental repra- sentativas, Messrs. N. Keefer and M. Macklin, gava the coni- nittee mambars a goot brie! on tha powars ai the Committea as set out in the Planning Act o! 1955. Various examples of con- Presentation Long Soult f Long Sault: The reguiar meet- ing of our Home and Scooal club wai hait -Fitay night with a goot attentance, along with a nu. ber of Tyrona friends as iguests. President Gordon Baker apenat the meet- ing and Miss Graca Smith act- et as secretary ta the absanse of the secretary and assistant. We than anjoyat the follow- ing program: Piano solos by -Miss Linda Potts, Miss Ina Beryl Rend. Haydon; Gwan Glaspaîl, Lynn Stainlan and Esther Ann Rosevear, Tyrone; piano duel, Misses Jean Baker and Margaret Thaisburger; raading, Mrs. Ethel Gable; solo, Mr. James Coombes, Salemu; and Mr. John Vaneyk. Rev.. Jackson antartainat everyone with bis, "magic". At the conclusion of the meet ing Mr. Baker callet on 11ev. Jackson who asket Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Osborne <ne forming ,ant non-coniorming uses were given. Mr. Keefar remarket savaral times that a lhorough knowiatge af the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law is a requisite for the committea. The committea, he went on ta axplain, can only grant a variance when the in- intant and purpose is maintain- et. In this way the end rasult will still be within the intent and purpose o! the 0f ficial Plan. Il was .also pointet out that only an intividual property should be consideret by the committae. Groups o! proper- ties ara a matter for an amant- ment ta the zoning by-law. Messrs. Keafar and Macklin Ihen explainat in consîterabla datail the proper proceture for an appeal ta the Committee of Adi ustmant. Each application for an appeal must be ac- companiat by $25. is Made at 4. & S. Club Rae Johnston) ta comae ta the iront. Mrs. Gable pinnat n lovely yellow corsage on Rae and membars of ber former Sunday School class prasantat tbam with an alectrie tea kattla, utility table, stap tabla and cup and saucer. Raa and Raymond thanket avaryone for the beau- tiful gifts. Mr. S. E. White then asked Rev. and Mrs. Jackson ta came ta the front. Mrs. Jean Young-, mani pinnat a lovely corsage on the bride of nina years and Mrs. Audrey Rosavear present- et the happy couple with a lovely cake mata and tecorat- et by Mrs. E. White for the occasion o! their ninth wetting anniversary. A bounteous lunch was sarvat toalai nt the com- mittee in charge wishes ta thank everyone for their belp. January convenors are the Gib- sons, Goblas and Milison faun- ilias. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Hayes Given Anniversary Party On Saturday, Dec. 7, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes, 82 Elgin street, celebrated the 45th aiun- 1 iversary of their wedding. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Hayes xvas Miss Mary Jane Dawson. Sha was born at Norton-Stock- ton-on-Tees, Durham, England, and came ta Canada as a child. Mir. Hayes came ta Bowmani- ville from Donega, l reland. They were married on Dec. 1 7, 1912, in St. John's Anglican fCburch, Bwavle They received many lovely gifts. I]owers and cards'on their wedding anniversary. They aiso received t1eleg-rarns of goud wishes f rom friends in tilfer- erit parts af Canada. One wire came frorn as far west as Van- couver. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mlrs. Hayes ware tendered a surprise party and reception at ilie Lemion Hall, Queeni stret The delightfully arranged par-I Napanee an Play Crowd i Bowmanvile - Orono Com- bines fell victims ta the inavit- able Tuesday night as Napane Intermetiates etged them 8-6, ta abruptly end the Lakeshore Leagua laadar's sizzling 10- gaina winning spi*e. A crowd af more than 200 w.olched as Napanee unieashed their might against Combines in the exhibition game. For the firat Urne this yaar the roar of the fans' "Go - Go - Go" chant achoed thnough Mamorial Arana as Combines fought an uphili st.ruggle ta tie the score for a brief 27 seconds in the final taa. Off Nlght? It mnust ha» been an off night for B.O.C.'s because flot even their top lina had their sights adjusted pnoperly. They I rissed scoring opportunities, Uime and LUme again and werei ty was veinhnro er 45hanniversary by thair threa sons, Robart ant Russell, both ai Bowmanville, Jack, Oshawa, and their friands and neigh- bours. During the evaning Jim Firth, on behaif of thair friands, prasanted Mr. ant Mrs. Hayes with a purse of rnonay with thair best wishes. Dancing was enjoyedtot the Imusic of an orchestra compas- et o f the following friands o! the honourat couple: Mrs. Jim Firth, piano; Art Collis, AI Fla- tcher and Wally McKnight, violins, and Mr. and Mrs. Lea- n.ard Sumimerscales, steel pýii- tars. More than a hundrad peo- pie ware present. Mr. andi Mrs. Hayes eut the beautifully te- coratedt haret weting cake. ýýAT. Dw. 12th, lour the corner rolled behint goalie1 Ross Hawa and over tha ina. Tom MeAlister put Napanea aheat 3-0 when ha skated arount from bahind the cagel and plantad the rubber in an open corner at 13.52. Strengthen Lead Griffita got tham rolling again in the second as ha roared in on a breakaway and blasted one into the top ai the nets from the faceoff circle. Garry Rob-~ inson brought B.O.C.'s out aif thair scorelass slump. Ha grab- bed the puck after the faceofi and whippad in flipping the puck ovar top af the outstret- chat goalie. Pat Giln-our widaned the gap again when ha stola the puck from Combines in front o! their own net and planted il batween Hawe's pads. Fred "Buck" Cow]e sparked a Com- bines' rally in the final min- utes. Ha managet a break- away at centra and bypassedi two dafencemen ta, score. Sjarks Combine Scoring Robinson lit thie lamp for them again at 18:09 when ha wvent the langth af tha ica for bis second goal. Keith West clicea for another lass than a minuta later. His shot from the siteboards deflacted i off Parrish's skate. Douglas firat anothar early goal for Napanee as the final stanza got unterway. Ha taok a goal mouth pass from Jack McKeowan and firet aI point blank range. TIe, Score Momontarily Keith West took a passala centra ice from Don Mercar and wvant in alone ta bring Combines within ana goal of the visitors for a second time,l at the mitway mark. Bill Cherry talliet the equalizer as ha grabbed a rabount and ilip- pet il aver Parrish at 14:10. Bright Lights Add Festive Touch to Town; Bowmanville's business sec- tion is taking on an attractive seasonal glow evary evening~ tue ta the colaurful lights and Christmas trees along the main streets. Strings of lights have already bean placet on King Street at the corners of Silver, Temp- erance and Division. Inat-1 tition lights will ba plaeed at George and Scugog Streets [whera they intersect King Street. In addition colounful stars ara plannet for the light standards. To add to the colour, mar- chants are decorating their win- dows with Christrnas scenes andf displays. As a spacial treat ta the child- ren andtot aliow mothans some free tima the Bowmanville merchants in co-operation with the Royal Theatre ara giving special free shows morning and afternoon of Dacembar 23 and 24. Brownie Pack Enjoys Supper Uutolton uebst were Mvr. The 2nd Brownia Pack an- ant Mrs. William Gillespie, joyat a dalightfuîîy arrangatj Toronto, andt Mers. George Wal- supper party given by the kins, Toronto. Brownie Mothers' Group com- mittea at the Lions Community ~I ..0 Centre on Monday evaning. d ComiInes decorated in a uei tm. Th,, ,erc,,tred with Christ- mas greanery intenspersed with miniature Santa Claus, nw haigdifficulty around thea atdedtot the festive appear-j net. Something that they have- ance of the room. n't bean sean doing previously The Brown Owl, Mrs. .S Ibis year. 1 Bennett and the Tawny Owis,' However they have ana con- MUrs. Ken Nicks and Mrs. George, solation. Messrs. Samanski, Ar- Sparrow ware presant. Mrs. nuit ant Dean West were ab- Victoria Frank, the camp at- sent from their front lina visor andiNliss Myrtle Hall troops. Maybe lhey woult have wera special guests. mate the differance by sup- Following the supper Christ- i plying the neadet strangth. mas Carais wera sung by the 1 But Napanea were also rnissiflg 35 Brownies. Thay wane accom- 1 Ibrea af Ihaîr staffers, amnong paniat on the piano by Miss' Ibain star defanceman Bob Lan- Myrîle Hanl. Thare was an ex- dry, change af i gus for the chiltren Past Early Lead and aach Brownie alsa necaiv- Pat Gilmour startet Napaneaet a notebook and pencil from on the rond ta victory aven be- the leaders. Each leader receiv- fora the crowt hat settlad in et a prasent ai a beautiful cup their sents. Ha tippat a pass and saucer from the Brownlo froin the faceoif circla mia I he Mothers' Group Commiltee. right corner aflar Frank Gril- The 2nd Brownie Pack will: lin passad il ta h* Il pack a Chnistmas box for a Captailn Les folou zia counted needv- familv as their Christ- their aiccond as his shat £rom mas project tis year. . i oronto .ri1içs During the two weeks be spent mn Canada, Ray Dudley played a racital in Peterborough, wvas guest artist with the CBC Symphony Orchestra under thej direction of Boyt Neel, in Toronto, and was heard in a re- cital at Eaton Auditorium, Toronto, last Thursday aftar- noon. On his CBC radia appearance on Dec. 2, Ray was heard in the Concèrto No. 1 in D Minor by Brahms for piano and orchestra. His execution of this colourful work was brilliant in technique and exhilarating in moot. The prograni was broadcast from the auditorium of the Confataration Life building in Toronto. Ray's prograni on Thurstay included sevaral of the num- bers which ha gave at Peter- borough. Hugh Thomson, critic of the Toronto Daily Star fait that bis richest interpratation was the beautiful finale ta Schu- mann'q Fan tasia in C Major. Ha also praisad bis playing af the live Rachmnaninoff praludas. Ray also playet what Thomison terms a formidable work, Rav- al's Gaspard of the Night. "It places the heaviast technical and intarpratativa damants on the performer. Mr. Dudley mat these with a tazzling tisplay," Mr. Thomson commented. On Frîday night Ray lait ta return ta the University of Indiana at Bloomington. where h e is on the staff of the School Iof Music. Drings ouft thé fult picture quality yourM àet was built I. ÀIiv- on AL CHANNEL$ 2U. ]» Us«e octronic "Trovetif* Wave" principle bto SRa- * Qte 'gho.tsf' iMterf<oe. and 'no. ýp Brings ln 'dîfficuk te chaI¶neIs beyond thiine of ordinory antemos. Thé. CHANNEL M3T-.W wHI Iast Y.lo ng.' thco oeinuy anteofu TOWNE TV BILL LEASK SPHONE MA 3-5522 BOWMANVILLE. Gifts by.. REVLON JURY & LOVELL 'MA 3-5778 Bowmansl JcJt{7 presents Victor NEW KIND 0F TV FOR 1958 Lowest-priced RCA Victor 21" console, the Wayne strîkes a perfect balance af fine styling, performance and value. Choice of Walnut, Mahogany or Llmed Oak finishes. Dimensions: Height 3 "-Width 23;',8" - Depth 17-à". $299-95 UIIF Optional " IUE rtSE FAMOUS MODELS AT MYLES Raidio and TV Service 3 Silver St. Bow.manville Phone MA 3-3482 .1 j' à Make your home uparkie before the Holiday guests arrive. Send your clothes - drape. - slipcovers and blankets to us now for a thorough cleaning. Cali today. ý,hoâo MA 3-5520 for ]Fr.. Prompt Pickap and Deivory Bowman ville Cleaners and' Dyers Ltd. 84 King Street West Bq RRLPH TEE!Auxiliary Ol TNEN-T DYBETOWAED 1lElecte d.at El fl SURE IS £AN REALIZES CourtUe: Christmas meeting WWIs IMPRaM owc> NTr ais of Ebenezer EvehnngAuxiliary was held at the home af Miss TWIS? OVER TUAT SEBEST IL A1nMn Hait with Mrs. H. Sweet- SLEEPiNG 90QM OUR man a.nd Mrs. H. Nichais as- sisting. 'Miss Holt openad the YOU lIAI ON CLOTHERS ROGT meeting with a paam. Mrs. YESTER~Y! jJack Pearce favouret with a Yi ERE 114 piano solo "Star af the East." A oedley of Christmnas carols BOWMAVILL followed with Mrs. Pearca at the piano. The devotianal "The Christ- 4. nmas Story" was very capably taken by Mrs. Alax Muir fol- lowed by a vocal duet by Jo - Ann and Muriel Owens ac- companied by Mns. F. Owens. "A Long Ago Christmas," a, - humorous story was reat Wr Mrs. L. Courtice. Mrs. C. Elliott gave a reading. Thea meeting closet after which a delightf ul lunch was served and a social Urne enjoyad. The executive for 1958 are I ~ a s follows: President, Mrs. Alex q. ~ Muir; Vice-President, Miss Ann Ray Dudley Praised by àD Y iNINC s rvlce CLEANINC ervice ,' TM CMAVIAIÇ STATESU«. BOWICAIM=19. ONTARM POflANUM'L Ifficers Aie benezer Hait; Recording and Preas Seti, Mrs. W. Brown; Correspondlg Sec.. Mrs. C. Ellio*.t; Treas., Mrs. H. Sweetrnan; Literatiuro Sec., Mrs. E. Gearing; Comi- muriity Friendship, Mns. J. Pearce; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. H. Gay; Citizenship Sec. Mrs. C. Elliott; Supply Se«, Miss Jean Gay. YOU PAII FOI!l 1