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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1957, p. 20

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***----- - .-. ~ r.~ -. -~.-.- * -..- -.~rae.frb4e.-.n~w.&.. - -- AE~*W WA1AW. ~AWA~~?R Am .- AW ~ f~ JjCJ'~~* £a~5~ £U (k ecrea tio n (k eviews By Douglas Rigg Stamp Club bines and Lindsay. The Decqmber meeting will be The next meeting of the directed toward the Junior col- Hockey Mothers' Auxiliary will lectors and would-be-collectors be held on Tuesday, January 7th ti the comxnunity, for the first at the Lions Community Centre portion of the evening at least. at 2:00 p.m. Senior members will be on hand Minor Hockey ta speak briefly, and answer AUl coaches and managers of questions, on collecting and ar- the Recreation Departmcnt's ranging stamps. There will be MnrHce em r eid on display several albums ofeMiaot hceyhotemaeercind-t their collections, ta serve as edaotthckymeigt 'viua deontraia. T ad t b held to-night at the Lions the attractions there will be aComntCerea7:0pm T;,hle Auction, at which a num- Bantam Hockey ber o! qtamp lots - packets, sets, In the first Bantam game of etc., will be an display for sale the morning the Tigers handed ta the highest bidder. In order the Lions their first deteat of that the yaung people may be the season by a 3-2 score. James home at a reasonably early hour, Rickard (Terry Black), Jim Col- the meeting will be open ta the lacott (Vern Rowe) and Terry public and members at 7:00 p.m. Black (Vern Rowe) were the --anc hour earlier than usual- goal scorers for the Tigers. Don and should be over before 9 Bagnell (Ricky Peterson) and o'clock. In this connectian. it David Werry (Allan Woodlock) would be vcry much apprcciated scored for the Lions. Jim Scott if the juniors were accompanied of the Tigers collected the. only by anc - or bath - of their par- penalty of the game for tripping. ents. The day and date - Wed- In the second Bantam game nesday, December I8th; the the Pirates defaulted the game place - the Green Room, Lions ta the Braves 1-0. In an exhi- Community Centre. 1 bition game played between the Hockey Mothers Auxillary two teamns the Piratc'_- defeated AI] persans holding tickets for the Braves 3-2. the Hockey Mothers' Auxiliary In the third and tir.,! '3antam lucky draw are reminded ta turn game of the morning th.i Cubs in their ticket stubs now. The and Huskies played ta a 3-3 tie. draw will be held on December Rager Meadows (2) and Wendell l4th rather than December 2lst Fisher accounted for the Cubs as advertised. The draw will goals. Gord Rundie, Wendell take place at the Bawmanville Fishier and Roger Meadaws each Memorial Arena during the in- pîcked up an assist on the Cubs termediate hockey game between goals. Doug. James (Larry Pip- the Bowmanville-Orono Com- er), Philip Bowles (David Gib- WINTER' SPECIALS for WINTER DRI VING. iP COMMLEEMOMGENT Afl, Vf WHBEELDALANCING SIMONIZE AND" PROTECT. YOUR CAR Ony_$10,00 UNDERCOAT AND STEAM CLEAN Special $18.00 ,ANY MAKE 0F CAR .. Robson Mo tors Limited BVICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TIRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 Il 7:45am- Leafs vs. B. Hawks (Clean Ice) 8:40 ar.- Canadians vo. Bruins Bantam Leagu. 9:20 arn.- Braves vs. Huskies (Clean Ice) 10:20 a.m.- Tigers vs. Pirates 11:05 a.m.- Lions vs. Cubs Atom League 11:45 a.m.-Barans vs. Rami Midget League 3:00 p.m.-Comets vs. Dodgers 3:50 p.m.-Raiders vs. Orphans Atom League, Mon., Dec. 16 4:30 p.m.-Hornets vs. Bears 5:10 p.m.-Indians vs. Bisons Choral Society The nembers of the Recrea-, MY WIFE'S A WISE sho pper! AM fWlAT WONDIRFUL F0005 SHI GETS FO R MOt4EY AT A&P SLPer Rîght Quulfty Meouts d* KIRK ROASTS LEAN, SI'ANIO.I SHOU-LDER BUTT SPAGHETTI DOMEST1C GHERKINS ÀSM KR Y SPECIAL1 Je»~ Par*ft t. R..r... 4S.SVE 6M RAISIN PIE 43cý LEAN, MIATY Ming (In Tomato Sauce) Reg. Prmce 2 tins Me. SAVE 2o Shortening Reg. Prie. 3U. SAVE 2. SAVE 2o lb 35C lb45c 215-oz gns 31C 14 bpkg 31C ?&OZWo 3 3c pri.e« ew W0Sudg D.ubs14hluM. son> and John Dykafra (MontY Emn¶erson and Paul McIntYre) were the goal scorers for the Huskies. Garry Ormiston of the Huskies picked up the only penalty of the game for tripping. Pee Wee Hockey In the first Pee Wee game of the morning the Leafs defeated the Canadians 2-0 ta move into a ethree-way tie for second spot ini 1the league standing. Rod Taylor iand Doug Lane accounted for the Leats goals. In the second Pee Wee game the Wings defeated the Bruins 2-1 to move into sale possession of first place. Jim Coyle and Ralph Cale were the goal scorers for the Red Wings. Rae Pickell scored the lane Bruin goal early in the first period. Ralph Cale (holding) and Jim Coyle (hook- ing) bath of the Red Wings, col- lected the only penalties of the game. In the third and final Pee Wee game of the morning the Black. Hawks defeated the Rangers 3-1. Wayne Devitt (2) and David Kerr accounted for the Hawks' goals. Don Rickard and David Kerr each collected an assist on the Hawks' goals. Albert Gaad- win scored the lone Ranger goal in the fîrst period. James Finn (2) and Scott RudeIl of the Rang- ers collected the only penalties of the game. Atom League In the Atom game played last Saturday marning the Barons defeated the Bisons 3-1. Larry Perris (Bill Depew), George Moore (Bill Depew) and Bill Depew scored for the Barons. Dennis Secord (Don McMurter) scored the lone Bisons' goal. In the first Atom game played Monday afternoon the Bears and Indians played ta a 2-2 tie. The tde game moved the Bears into second place, one point ahead ofJ the Indians. Walter Rickard and Terry Walton accounted for the Bears' goals. George Bail and Bill Crombie (Don Murphy, Bradley Lucas) were the Indian goal-getters. No penalties were issued in the game. In the second Atom game of the afternoon the Hornets chalk- ed up their fourth straight win by defeating the Rams 4-2.11~ Ricky Gay (2), Garfield Webb: and Stephen Burns scored for] the Hornets. Jim Brown and John Hughes (Wayne Burgess) accounted for the Rams' goals.ý Ricky Gay of the Hornets col- Iected the only penalty of the, game for hoaking. Games scheduled for this con,- ing Saturday, Decemnber l4th' are as follaws: Pee Wee Lestue 7:00 ar.- Rangers vs. R. Wings Wins Freezer 1ecently, this yaung lady, Miss Laurel Mackie, wan a beautiful 15 eu. ft. freezer in a draw at the Ontario Farmers' Union Con ference in Guelph. Miss Mackie is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mackie of Nestieton. She is a Grade 8 student at Blackstock Public School. tian Departrnent's Choral Society are hard at work preparing for their Annual Christmas Concert to be held Friday and Saturday nights, December 13th and l4th in the Town Hall. The guest artist for this con- cert will be arganist, Mr. Fred- erick Geahegan af Toronto. Tickets are available fram any member of the Choral Society or may be purchased at the door on the nights of the concert. BROWN'S IJMr. and Mrs. Earl Booth, IOshawa; Miss Jean Perrin and IMr. W. Morley spent Sunday Iwith Mr. and Mrs. Wellington jFarrow. Miss Donna Mcllroy spent the weekend with Miss Sylvi Laaja and went ta Toronto with themn on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartwick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lun- Idy, Tor-onto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Sinclair, also with IMr. and Mrs. Cursan. Several tram the neighbour- hoad attended the trousseau tea given on Saturday by Mrs. Gardon Martin, Bowmanville, for ber daughter Joyce whoscl torthcaming marriage 13 on Dec. 2lst. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. Reta Bettles, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown's. Mrs. Betties remained with ber sister for a few days. Mr. Archie Brown has been doing welding on a special job for the Dept. of Highwavs on the 401 the past two weeks. OBITUARY MRS. R. G, COWIE O After an ilness of manv months. Wilhelmina Vida Cow- le passed ta rest on November 3th at Toronto Western Hos- pital. Mrs .Cowie was a daughter of Mrs. Albert Wideman and the late Mr. Widemnan and was born at Markham. In the 19 years since Dr. and Mrs. Cowie came ta, Bowmanville they made mnany triends and Mrs. Cowie will be greatly missed. She was an active worker in the Wamen's Hospital Auxiliary and the Women's Association o! Trinity United Church, and was a member of the Women's Canadian Club. Mrs. Cowie is surviv.-d bv her husband who had been veterinarian with the Hlealth of Animals Branch of the Fed- eral Department of Agriculture for 35 vears at thp time of his :eiliremcnt last Januarv; ber mother, M.r&. Albert Widemau of Markham, two brothers Russell Wideman of Markhamn and Norman Wideman, Bur- ilington; and one sister Florence (Mrs. M. Rotertshaw), Toron- ta. Rev. T. A. Morgan canduct- e d the funeral service held at the Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home an Tuesday, Dec. 2. Many beautiful tlowers spoke eloquently of the love and af- fection felt for Mrs. Cowie. Friends and relatives attended tram Toronto, Markham, Bea- vertan, Sunderland and Bur- lington as weIl as Bowmanville and district. Palîbearers were Messrs G. A. Campbel. D. R. Morrison, William Quick, Reginaîçi Cramp, 'Lloyd Ayre, E. W. Crawford. Interment was in Bowmanville jCemetery. COIJRTICE The officers of West Cour- tice Hdme and School Assoc- iation were installedi at West Courtice school by Mrs. Shar- ples of the Home and School Council of Oshawa. Mrs. AI- lin of Oshawa was a gueat as wal Mrs. Lloyd Courtice. The folrowing officers were instaîl- ed: President Mrs. V. Cutting; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. G. Esta- brooks, Mrs. E. Dunham; Sec., Mrs. W. Neil; Treas., Mrs. D. Thompson; Executive members, Mrs. E. Rodesky, Mrs. L. Brad- ley, Mrs. K. Greentree, Mrs. P. Shulga, Mr. J. King. C.G.I.T. met at the church on Wednesday evening with Miss Janet Barber in charge and Miss Caroline Chumbley, the secretary writing the min- utes. The praject for the ev- ening was "Making a sponge rubber corsage." Items of busi- ness decided were attendance at meetings, church, Sunday Schaol, otfering and prompt- ness. Next meeting will be Christ- mas gitt wrapping and a party for the girls at Mrs. S. Pen- found's on Friday evening. The Road ta Sharing with the On- tario Girls Work Board was given out with ten stops for a dime each. Several couples enjoyed the Country Couples Christmas meeting at Maple Groye on Thursday evernng when several tramn Courtice assisted Mrs. Earl Gatchell and Mrs. Sim Penfound as they presented the Christmas story by carol and narration. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mr. Horace Hancock who passed away at, his home last week. In hus quiet way, Mr. Hancock had made a hast of triends who have kind and pleasant mem- Mr. and Mrs. Don Cowle, Dale and Bobby moved inta their new home on Saturday last. Their many friends wish them well and are glad they live in thîs c6mmunity. Best wishes for a sveedy re- covery ta Mrs. Garnet Lintoil who is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Sunday was a busy day In the church 't Courtice. At Il o'clock 170 gathered for Sunday School where an- nouncements were made about White Gift Service for next Sunday and also night of the Sunday School Christmas party for Dec. 20. Sunday afternoon, a hast 0f people cahled here, I M In there and a&U over the com- - xnunity ini an Every Family Visitation: At nigzht a large congregation turned out to church to hear the Ju.nior choirwtaimeet newcomers and to be inspired by the splendid sermon preached by Rev. Har- old Stainton. Many people feit challenged te greater work in There's .nly ou* raeaue, ity. And so the visitation cou. tinues all this week until nez. Sunday evening. Ladies are asked to reei ber the Christmas party of the Woman's Association next Mms. day night at the church. There will be an exchange of glfts. Mr. Frank Hancoc west has been reneeing1 . Colour texture und carefres living - - - they're tili yours wh.n you decorats with Wallpaper., A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 85 King Street West Phone MA 3-5431 Natural Gas1.j1 fove Features range top - where 80% of your cookfng Is dorie! By signalling a hidden thermostate, McClary Sensa- Therm bnings your utensil ta the desired heat, then automatically keeps it at that temperature - even if you add cold water! Fats won't smoke. Foods wan't sconch. Yes, every utensil becomes automatic, thanks to this exclusive McClary miracle! McClary Mircle Oven SNEVER A FLAT CAKE OR BURNT COOKIE! Acclaimed Canada's Most efficient oven by leading test kitchens. Yes, top ta bottom, back ta front - yau get balanced heat in every corner of this McClary Miracle Oven. And look at the size of it . .. a 20" Broadway Oven ini Styline and Superline models, a 25" Double-Roaster Oven in the Space-saver ]ine. Cleaning is easier-than- even too, because the entire aven can be stripped banc in only 12 seconds. EXCLUSIVE! THERMO-MATTO *COOKING TIMES World's easiest-to-use auto- matic timer! No complicated fussing ta get the exact cook- ing timne you want. Automnat- ically turns aven on for caoking period then turns it off when rnial is done. Includes Minute Timer, accurate ta the second for penlods o! ane minute ta an hour. CENTRE-SIMMER BURNERS Actually two burners in one! The centre section supplies a low, kcep-warm flame . . . the outer ring lights when you turn up the gas, for a full, intense heat. Full contrai tram tiniest flame ta full heat! .MICRO-LIT PM.OTS Now a pilot light for each burner! McClary Micro-Lite ignites the burner instantly .. . and these four tiny flames actually use less fuel than the old-fashioned single pilot light! Also Automatie Oven lIgnition nt the turn of your dial, with 100% safety shut-af. only McCLARY protects you with this complete 3-year guarantee!. Whatever McClany Range you choose-whateven dealen vou buy it fnom - General Steel Wares Limited..~ protects you with a full three-yean written guarantee against defects in workmanship and matenials. T4' warranty cavers the compiete range - yes, even the special-formula porcelain enarnel produced hy GSW- in its own plants! And nememben, McCla . y is the only range manufacturer that gives you this assurance . extra proof of quality. SEE THESE STOVES ON DISPLAY AT A:.E. q 55 King Ste W. ý- l COL-E Phono MA 3a3348 I nterested Enjoy Care Free Cookîanj wit'h these McClary Natural Gas si NEW Senso-Therm Burner GREATEST ADVANCE SINCE AUTOMATIC OVENS! Only McClary has It . . . the new Senso-Therm Bunner that gives you automatic heat control on your PRODUCE SPECIAL1 Floride No. 1 Grade,, Crisp, Pascal, Celery Stalks Lr.@ 84» 2f«19c mumama Operation "MiIk Bottie"' In its efforts ta accumulate an extensive mnailing Efst of former Bowmanville citizens and out-of-town friends, the Bawmanville Centennial Committee has adopted a plan that produced excellent resuits for the Owen Sound Centennial of the past summer. With the complete and enthusiastie co-operation of Bowmanville's three dainies - Glen Rae, Crystal and Maple Grove - each Bowmanville home bas received a printed form an which to list the names and addresses of out-of-town relatives and friends who might be interested in attending "Old Home Week" and other events an the Centennial calendar. All the hauseholder is asked ta do is ta complete the f orm and put it out in an empty milk bottle. It will be picked up by the mi]kman who wvill see that it is delivered ta Centennial Headquarters. The addressing of Christmas cardg is noxv in full swing, Sa it will take only a few minutes ta jot down the names and addresses which the Centennial Publicity Com- mittee needs. Accordingly, each householder is urged ta co-operate and ensure the success of Operation " Bottle". The Committee alsa wishes ta publicly thank the proprietors of the three dainies for their public-spirited assistance. 1 95 King Street West Phone MA 3-5431 IM VANA2MW VfAIERMM. WWILU"FM= 9MA2» -, qwtymmAw- mipfe- 19M iuw-. 1

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