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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1957, p. 5

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£RTmSDAY, DEC. l2th. 1957 THE CAKADIAY STATESMAK, EOwMMrVnlz. ONTARIO PAGE JIVE ~1~~ Seed Growers' List For Potatoes Ready i henames and addresses o! ý-k0rntario potato growers whose croPs have met the official standards for Foundation and Certified seed in 1957 may be obtained from offices o! Agri- Cultural Representatives, from ,F ield Crops Branch, To- on !rom seed potato in- eC ntwtos in Guelph, Barrie, Ot- tawa, London and Winnipeg, Manitoba. The list includes a large -ilumben o! gnowens located in the LaFontaine Seed Potato Restricted Area in North Sim- coe County. While the princi- Pal vanieties available in quan- tity are Sebago, Katahdin, Kes- icChippewa, Irish Cobblen and Green Mountain, there are limited supplies o! Warba, Ken- nebec, Canus, Rural Russet, Netted Gem, Canso and the new scab-resistent Huron var- lety licensed and grown com- .nercially for the !irst time lu 1957. Many seed growers are pre- Pared to grade, package and tag thein stock at this time o! yean and from the purchasen's stand- point, this is an excellent tfine to arrange for seed supplies when quality is good and pnices Inoderate. Certif ied seed is satisfactory for commercial production. If the crop is intended for seed, however, Foundation grade mnust be used in order to qual- ify for field inspection which M'ay be had, without charge, by mnaking application to the De- Partment o! Agriculture by'June 15 of each year. In order to assîst potato rw ers throughout the province, the Ontario Dept. of Agricul- ture wil pay fifty per cent of the freight costs on carload lot rate for seed potatoes from any area north of North Bay to any grower or group of growers re- quiring such seed at any point in Ontario. BURKETON Miss Elsie Coulter who bas been«Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey, returned home to Leaside on Friday. Mrs. Leslie Argue and Mrs. Jack Smith were in Peterbor- ough on Thursday of last week. Mr. Everett Strutt (Doc) spent a day in Pontypool re- cently. Mr. Fred Carnochan and Jimmie, Port Perry, were Sun- day visitors of Mrs. Esther Car- nochan and family. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams on Sun- I day were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carter and children, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams and children. Bowmanville. Mrs. Will Walmsley and Mr. Oliver Hubbard, Oshaqva,* were Sunday guests of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hubbard. Parents' night was held in the church hall on Tuesday evening of last week. Quite a number from Burke- ton attended the circuit bazaar at* Enniskilen on Dec. 4. The Jolly Workers' Club met at the home of Mrs. Anthony Smith on Dec. 4. Mn. and Mrs. Orvile Greer, Don't Buy a Hearing Aid mnil you send for this HEARING AID EVALUATOR No gadget or gimmick cau ever take the place of thorough audio. met.ric hearing tests, but an ingenious new suide rule calculator developed bY the. Maico laboratories is proving vey heiptul to the bard of hearing as a mean of maling a rough appraisal of the type and degree of their mi. pairment. Characteristics of the various types and degrees of lois are listed on one ide of the lilde ruie, suggested courses «.,action on the other. A simple movement of the side matches up the. suggested action with the. user's hear. ing condition. Qukck and cmsy o use, thus new calculator is somcthing every bard of bearing person should have For a limited tinie only, the. in- Senious new lide rule is being of. féred free of charge to hard of hear- ing persons. Fil out coupon and mail 140 us in au envelopo. 'a bis offer 18 Iirited 80 act nowl Oshawa, spent Sunday writh his mother, Mrs. Walter Bryan. Mrs. Cyrus Ashton has been spending a few days in Bow- manvile at the home of her daughter, who is ill. Best wish- es for her daughter's necovery. The Jolly Workers' Club held a demonstration in the Church Hall on Monday even- ing. Dec. 2. The proceeds were in aid o! the Building Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and Carol, attended the chris- tening of their granddaughter, Cathy, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott, lu St. Paul's Church, Bowmanvilie, on Sunday., Mrs. B. Hubband was in Bow- manville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan McCui- lough and children spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kftapp, Lotus. Sunday visitons at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone were Mn. Cecil Bone and Donnie, Wecford, and Mn. Doug. Boue and Monty Jones, Toronto. The Church service was flot well attended on Sunday, but the inspiring address by Rev, Mr. Green was greatly enjoy- ed by those who wene fortun- ate enough ta be present. Mn. Lawrence Lunn, Toronto, was a weekend guest of Mn. and Mrs. Lesile Taylor. Mr. and Mns. Henni Van der Meulin and family, recent ar- rivais from Holland, are mav- ing to an apartment in Oshawa. Since their arnival in Canada, they have been shaning the home o! his sisten, Mrs. J. Ho- gervorst. Mr. Van der Meulin was fortunate in securing a position with General Motors. YELVERTON Belated congratulations ta neighbour Bert Gibson on be- ing second top man in Cant- wnight's Municipal election, running as Coundillor. First trip too! Family Club On Fniday evening Yelver- ton Family Club held its last monthly meeting for 1957 in Church Hall. Business consist- ed o! voting $20 -to M. & M., ($15 o! which was collected from monthly collections); Re- port o! Nominating Committee with 1958 executive: President, Ralph Malcolm; Vice-Pres., Ar- thur Rowan; Sectary, Mns. John Wright; Treasuner, Murray Malcolm. The Ralph Malcolms conven- ed the Devotional. Ruth gave a challenging address and ques- tioned if our churches as a whole were fui! illing their Christian obligation toalal man- kind. She stressed the need a! a "getting back to Christ kind o! Christianity" and stated that country chunches possessed a priceless asset - independence. Murray and Joyce Malcolmn provided recreation and wereI G uest Artist at Concert Fredenick Ceohegan, well known concert organist who has delighted Bowmanville audiences in previous appearances here will be guest artist at the Winter Concert of Bowmanville Choral Society, being held in the Town Hall on Friday and Saturday nights this week, Dec. 13 and 14. Mr. Geohegan who came to Canada from England in 1953 is organist and choirmaster at St. Paul's Avenue Road United Church, Toronto. He is also head of the organ department at Heintzman & Company Ltd., Toronto. The Choral Society has prepared an interesting program featuring carols and Christmas music. Seats are flot reserved. -Photo by York Studio, Toronto hasts for the lunch that follow- ed. The Malcolms (Murray, Joyce and girls) leave for a tnip ta Flonida on Monday on a well-earned vacation. Sunday service was taken exclusively by the Explorer's Club this week. Around 60 were present to hear the youngsters do the honours lu IPhiIips T i $399.95 .UODEL P-3732-21' Telex ision. Styline De-Luxe low boy. Beautiful walnut, mahogany or blonde veneers. 82 channel cascode VHF/UHF reception optional. Picture Crisper control. Focalite tuning eye. High fidelity sound with three front-mounted Super M speakers. Illuminated channel selector. Wide-angle short-neck picture tube, 21 tube chassîs, 2 semi-con- $ 3 8 9 *95 MWODEL P-3735--2l" Tele- ~,vision. Styline Super con- '~~sole. Custom-crafted cab- Ir iet lu blonde, mahogany or S walnut finishes. 82 channel S cascade VHF/UHF necep- I- tien optional. Wide-angle, M; pIot-neck picture tube. b "lgh!fidelity sound with two *»per M speakers. $329.95 -MODEL P-3733-21" Television. Styline De-Luxe con- sole. Hand-rubbed walnut, mahogany or blonde veneers. 82 channel VHF/UHF reception optional. Picture Crisper control. High fidelity sound with three ISuper M speakers. Focalite *tuning eye. Wide-angle, short-neck picture tube. 21 tube chassis, 2 semi-con- ductors, full power transformer. 9 %m - 1u leiàrb drJel an. a aa t 001 gala n ON DISPLAY AT HIGGON 38 King St. E. Bowmanv ELECTRIC ille Phone MA 3-5438 Lu. ~ ~jD hi i. .a i. a, .~- .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~UVI~t~R~ft L~UU~EU r.. Sj.a aine a~a. n~a~ - - - .. >. an enviable fashion - their leaders and their club are to be commended for thein active participation in such affairs. Saturday evening guests o! the Art Rowans were the Bill Werrys and boys o! Kedron. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm motored to Toronto on Sunday. OBITUARY hMS. THOS. J. CARSCADDEN Phoebe A. Finlay, widow of the late Thomas John Carscad- den, passed away at her home in Kendal on Nov. 29. Mrs. Car- scadden was in her 85th year. After her marriage she lived at Manvens, later moving to Clarke. 0f Irlsh descent, she' was the daughten of John Finlay and Sarah Phoebe Webber. Mrs. Canscadden was a member o! Kendal United Church and leaves many friends to mourn her passing. She was pnedeceased by one sisten, Amy (Mrs. Charles Car- son), Kendal, and brothers Amn- brose of Fort William and Wes- ley o! Peterborough. Funeral service was held at the Northcutt and Smith Fun- eral Home, Bowmanville, on Sunday, Dec. 1 with burial in Orono Cemetery. Palîbearens were Charles Gay, A. Thomp- son, Roy Berry, Warren Carson, Lloyd Glass and Ernest Patter- son. Mrs. Carscadden is survived by one son, John A. Carscadden, on the home farm, and three grandchildren, Bruce, Jean and Edward. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pres- cott vîsited at Mr. Wilbert Smith's, Oshawa. Mr. Len Bradley, Enniskil- len, visited at Mr. Milton Sam- 's). Miss Evelyn Cunningham. Brantford; Dr. C. H. D. Clarke' Stephen and Mary, Miss M. A. Clarke, Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis were at Mr. Cecil Slemon's, Hamp- ton, last week. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Oshawa, visited at the Taylor home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton and Ian, Oshawa, had tea with the G. Bowman's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor, AI- ian and Donald, visited at the Johnson, Smith and Radbourne homes, Toronto. Miss tlartman and Miss Lee are preparing the school child- ren for their Christmas con- cert on the 16th. Christian Family Week camne to a conclusion Satunday night with a gathering in the school. The Sunday service saw a church nearly filled and a fair sized choir who sang a number. The Saturday evening gather- ing was small but those who attended enjoyed the discus- sions directed by Mr. Green and felt it was an evening well spent. The ladies served lunch. Forty-nine years ago the En- field correspondent wondered why "we couldn't have an oid- fashioned singing school this winter". We are finally getting down to it. We decided a month ago to hold such an evening twice a rnonth in our school duringthe winter months. GI. E North Nesileton The Sunday School is hold- ing its Christmas concert for the children Friday evening, Dec. 20. Make up your mind to attend and enjoy the Christmas spirit with the children. Every- body welcome. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Wheei- er, Hastings, were Saturday suppen guests with Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Johns. Mn. and Mns. Wilford Jack- son called on thein brother-in- law, Mn. Henry Sheffield mn Oshawa Hospital on Sunday. We bope Henry la soon much improved. Mr. Kenneth Semeils called on his son Melville, in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday. We trust Melville will soon be much improved. Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- Lake. PHILIPS Nova Sonic High F SEE AND HEAR THESE MODEL P-471-Late nut, mahogany or blc or silver mink). Ai powerful amplifier, 3 network. son and Irene were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson. Don Mills, on Thursday even- ing. Mr. and Mns. John Nesbitt were visitons in Petenborough on Tuesday. Rev. P. Romenil gave, a won- derful sermon.on the Bible and how to read it. The Bible is not just a bodk, It is a libnary. Len Joblin was suppen guest o! Mn. and Mrs. M. Emenson on Sunday. Miss Anna Sameils, of Rob- son Motors, Bowmanville, spent a short time on Sunday witlh her parents, Mn. and Mrs. KC. Samelîs. Our sympathy is extended tG Mn. and Mns. Charles Fallis in the passing o! his sister, Mrs. Kincade. Also to the family o! Mr. Jack Richardson of Viewî IILIPS Idelif yi ;169,o95 est chairside high fidelity In wal- tonde veneers. (P-466 in charcoal .utomatic record player-changer, 3matched speakers with crossover Fideli wal- ýonde ound but- nger, ýuper MODEL P-265-Hlgh f. ity radio-phonograph in, riut, mahogany or blc veneens. Bi-ampli sc system, automatic push- ton record playen-char Il tube AC chassis, 3 Si M high Z speakers. MAICO HEARING SERVICE BCS-7-12-57 850 Yonge St., Toronto - WAInut 4-2317 Gentlemen: Please send me my Hearing Aid Calculator. Name __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City __ ___ ___ __ 1"' I * .cs PHILIPS SETS $399-95 1 % 1 0 ,op M'OSA ýffljWLA ýwàý.A if ý f y w -'f- 4 y w ý fl Ir !,fý 4'F w !ZAT W, !z-4TWý J&41"jdthà PAGE prv 3 MMDAT. Dicc. 12th, los? TEE CANADIAlq STATESMM. BOWIL&NV=. ONTAPIO --ral vý«fýw 0, %,Vfv vurfap or

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