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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1957, p. 10

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PAGE- AtTAm AW* AqAW .A VT.1. WP Tl rUSDY EC Oh,15 Iewacad1e9 St. George'Ps W.A. HoId Election of 0f ficers Newcastle: The December de- votional and business meeting of the Mfternoon Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary o! St. George's Church was held De- cember lth at the home o!f Mrs. W. H. Gibson, with the opening prayers taken by the President, Miss McIntosh, and the Scripture Lesson read by Mrs. P. F. LeGresley. Treasurer read her report which showed receipts of $118- .45 and she was instructed to pay the balance due on the pledges to make Up the total for the year of $120 to be sent to the Dioscesan Treasurer for Missionary Purposes. A grant of $25 was made to Miss Has- elîs Western Van Fund andi $35 to St. George's Chiurch. The report on the Church Calen- dars showed that more than eighty had been sold in the Parish. The draw on the Christ- ,mas Cake, made and donated by Mrs. Ernest Alldread, was won by Mrs. L. Bond of Co- bourg. 1 Following the business ses- sion Ibere ensued a period of Mission Study, based on thîs year's Study Book on Japan, on the topic of "The Cross and the Chrysanthemum". Delicious lea was served by the hostess, Mrs. Gibson. Officers elected for 1958 are: President, Miss B. McIntosh: ist Vice, Mrs. D. Dewdney; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Harold Gibson; Sec'y, Mrs. John Ferguson; Treas., Miss C. Butler; Dorcas Sec'y,ý Mrs. John Garrod; Assistant, Miss Thorne; Literature Sec'y, Miss B. McIntosb; E.C.D. Treas., Mrs. W. H. Gibson; Junior, Leader, Mrs. Dewdney; Lîtt e Helpers' Sec'y-Treas., Mrs. Tom Wallace; Living Message Sec'y Mrs..J. Garrod and Convenor of Kitchen Commiittee, Mrs. Cecil Finley. Wriends of Mrs. G. H. Hodg son will be sorry to learn that she is a patient in the Ontario Hospital at Gravenhurst. .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Christie, Toronto, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Storks and family. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew were Mr. and Mrs. H. C. AgneW, Havelock; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew and Sirs. H. Hunter, Pe- terborough, and Mrs. Jack El- lenton, Georgetown. The Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher entertained the minis- ters of the Eastern section of the Oshawa Presbytery and ther wives on Thursday even- Ing last at their Christmas meeting. The group enjoyed a carol sing, and contests and the Rev. R. C. White of New- tonville spoke on the life and work of the church in Bermu- dia, and the Rev. Mr. Long of Orono spoke on the sehool and Church systems in the Province Warm Ai C. G. COULD Heating aSpecially EAVESTROUGHING Free Estima te Phone Newcastle 4331 of Quebec. Lunch was iserved by Mesdames White, Long andi Fisher. His many friends will be pleased 10 hear Ibat Mr. AUl. Adair bas successfully comel through major surgery in To- ronto General Hospital and is progressing favourably. Santa Visits Friendshi p CIub's Meeting Newcastle: The annual Chris- tmas meeting of the Friendship Club was held at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Rickard on Wednesday evening, December 111h, with thirty-eight members and orie visitor in attendance. Following the singing of the carol, "It Came Upon the Mid- night Clear", Mrs. Betty Brown led in prayer and regular busi- ness was conducted. There was considerable discussion of sug- gestions brought in by the exe- cutive on what use should be made of the finances accumu- lated by the club. The mem- bers decided to serve refresh- ments 10 the Newcastle andi Orono choirs on Sunday even- ing following the special carol service. Mrs. Margaret Rudman's group was in charge of the re- mainder of the meeting which, ineluded the singing of a numn- ber of Christmas Carols, a reading entitled "The First Christmas Roses" by Mrs. Eve- lyn Northrop, and a reading by Mrs. Jean Holmes. Following the meeting, jolly old Santa Claus arrived- andi distributed gifts to each of the girls. Delicious refreshments of sandwiches, Christmas cake and coffee was served and a so- cial period enjoyed by ail. Mrs. Pauline Storks expressed the! appreciation of the members to Mrs. Rickard for opening ber home for the meeting and 10 the group in charge o! the meeting for the very nice even- ing arranged. enjoyed by the members. Officers elected for 1958 are: Past President, Mrs. G. Wal- lon; President, Mrs. C. Allun; Vice President, Mrs. G. Rick- ard; Recording Secrelary, Mrs. I. Colwill; Assistan,t Mrs .J. Porter; Correseponding Sec'y, Mrs. VA Holmes; Treas., Mrs. R. Dickinson, Pianist, Mrs.. C.1 Cowan; Assistant, Mrs. G. Rick- ard.1 Flower Commnittee - Mes- damnes A. Glenney, C. Cowan, P. Brown and W. Farrow; Kil- chen Committee-Mesdames C. Cowan, P Tamblyn, and C. Sel- by; Parsonage Committee - Mesdames H. Jose, G. Wallon, R. Dickinson, H. Toms, W. Far- row andi C. Allin;. Christian Stewardship Convenor- Mrs. M. C. Fisher; Christian Citizen- ship Convenor-Mrs. J. Brown and Christian Education Con- venor-Mrs. J. H. Jose. OBITUARY Newcastle cornmunity was saddened on Saturday, Decem- ber 7th, 10 learn o! the dealh o! ils eldest citizen, Mr. James E. W. Philp in bis 93rd year following a lingering illness. Mr. Philp was born at New- tonville, Ontario, on June 18, 1865, the son o! the late James Philp andi Annie Currie, andi James E, W. Phllp following in the footsteps of hisi father entered the service o! tbe Grand Trunk Railway early in if e, succeeding bis father as Station Master o! thé Grand Trunk and Canadian National Railway wbere he served the community for forty years be- fore bis reirement in 1925. Mr. Philp was an active mem- ber o! the Masonic Locige, being a member of the Palestine Chapter, Royal Arch Masons o! Bowmanville and the Dur- ham Lodge No. 66, A.F. & A.1 M., Newcastle, o! wbich he served as treasurer for 36 years. In 1956 Mr. Pliilp was presented with a !ifty year ser- vice medal by bis lodge in re- cognition o! his fi!ty year mem- bership in the Masonic Order. The deceased was an, active member o! the Newcastle Pres- bylerian Church serving as treasurer, eider and Sunday School Superinlendent. At lime o! Church Union be became a member o! the Newcastle Un- ited Cburch, where he served as an eider andi clerk o! the session andi as treasurer o! the Missionary and Maintenance Fund. A faithful church goer, Mr. Philp continued te attend service whenever possible as long as bis health permilted. He was a greal lover o! flow- ers and was always greatly in- terested in any worthwhile cause and always active in community life in géneral. Mr. Philp is survived by bis wife, the former HattieAdele Reid Waile. A Masonlc Memorial Service was conducted aI tbe Morrisi Funeral Chapel on December 91h and the funeral service was conducled by bis'minister, Rev. M. C. Fisher, in the Newcastle United Cburch on December 10, wilh interment in the fam- ily plot in St. Peler's cemetery in Cobourg. The palîbearers, ail members, o! the session o! the churcb, were Messrs. W. F. Rickard, J.1 H. Jose, H. S. Britten, Clarence Aflin, Gordon Martin andi Chas. Cowan. At January 1, 1957, Canada's steel furnaces had a rated ù!-' got capacity of 5,504,000 net tons per anniini, an increase of 51.6 per cent over live years talier. Mrs. C. AIlin President United Church W.A. DIAI. 33Z6- ElCI G w. Newcastle: December meet- ing of the Woman's Association of the Newcastle United Church was held Thursday afternoon in the Sunday School room with a good attendance. jDevotional service was open- ed with Seripture reading by LMrs. G. Rickard and Mrs. H. Jose spoke on the theme "The Birth of Christ" followed by prayer led by Mrs. Herbert Toms. The service continued with special readings intersper- sed with a candie lighting cere- mony and concluded with a hymn. In the absence o! the presi- dent, Mrs. G. Walton, the busi- ness meeting was conducted by Mrs. C. Allin with reports giv- en by the various committees. The members decided 10 pur- chase new hymn books and a committee was formed 10 look into this project. Fruit and vegetables were donated for the Fred Victor Mission and ar- rangements were made for their delivery. The speaker, Mrs. Brady, was introduced by Mrs. M. C. Fisher who spoke on the great need of the world, "Not Bombs But Beatitudes", according to the expressed words of Christ. This address was both inter- esting and inspiring and was very much appreciated by all present. The meeting closed with tea being served and a social time WANTED Dead, Old and Crlppled FARM STOCK Ptcked Up Free o Charge 24 Hour Service Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough, RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterborough ont. - t - _ _ He' CASE 91 King St. W. r' .u.~. 1' -BROWN; DEALER Phone MA 3-5497j Win ners Announced Odd Fellows' Draw Winners of turkeys won at* Orono Odd Fellows' Dance and Draw held Saturday, Dec. 14: Andrea K. Hadley, 2 Regal Rd., Toronto; Mr. G. BroWn, Newcas- le; Myrtle Fowler, 34 George St., Bowmanville; Bessie Shack- leton, R. R. Bowmanville; Eu- gene Martin, R. R. 1, Kendal; Gordon Atkins, Orono;, W. B. Hoar, Orono; F. C. Graham, Kirby; Ross Broom, 21 Hockin Ave., Toronto; Linda Allen, Orono; Beulah Hallowell, 1854 Gerrard St. E., Toronto; Mrs. Bert Smith, R. R. 1, Oshawa; Keilh Scott, Chapleau; D. Mc- Laughlin, 160 Cadillac St., Osh- awa; Douglas Hatherley, New- tonville; Janet Campbell, R. R. 1, Oshawa; Fred Lycett, Orono; Jack -,, Dunham Holel, Cobourg; Colin Richardison, Pontypool; G. I. Boothby, 141 Lee Ave., Toronto, Alex Dan- lels, 117 Euclid, Whitby; Mrs. Geo. Dunlop, Orono; Sam W. Webb, 175 King St., Peterbor- ough; Mrs. Helen Rudeli, Bow- manville, and Oral Chapman, Orono. ELIZABETH VILLE Tuesday evening play prac- tice was held at Mr. and Mrs. Bannister's, Campbellcroft. The next to be held at the church basement at Elizabethville. The school children wvent to Campbellcroft and had a musi- cal concert composed of songs, duets, solos, etc., and iput on by all the schools of the North Hope area. Miss Philips, our musical director, did an ex- cellent job of training the chil- dren. Thursday evening the 4-H Club met at Mrs. H. Thickson's. Mrs. Groomne of Port Hope, gave the girls a lesson in First Aid and artificial respiration. Next meeting at Mrs. McAllis- ter's, Dec. 23. Friday evening some of the young people attended the dance and pot luck supper at Camp- bellcroft Hall put on by the Junior Farmers. Saturday evening the school children had their annua] "A Turkey slowly roasted and basted Io a'-rlch. wonderf ci qolden brown. A turkey no plump. so tender, so savoury that "imaginations" are already' atarting on second heIpings. There will b. "seconds" too. The. firat slght of a DOMINION TURICEY la truly ~f a wonderful moment -... but the firat taste is even botter. Many. many people bave already made sure they'11 have a DOMINION TURKEY this Christmas by' orderlng early. If you baven't... please don't delay any longer. Get one nowl ý3weet, Tender Kernels Green Giant Brand - Fancy- Grade A 10 to 16 lbs. rade A1 b.adu Pre-Dressed uTurkeys lb. 4C a e Le8 .a n kd - Sh nk Of Cookresed lHamces lb. d69C More~~ 7 Me t fo ou oe y h l r H u~u - -- ..- - - C H R I S T M S C A N D Se te ie arey o pa N uts in Sheli California - Budded DIAMGND WALNUTS Lb. 59C Beaver - Fancy MIXED NUTS Lb. 45C Beaver - Fancy ]BRAZILS Lb. 45C Beaver - Fancy FILDEITS 1-1. 39c Little Diane Beatty is iii again. We hope she soon re- covers. Mr. and Mrs. Eariwood 'Whiite and daughter, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. White. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.Il White and Mary Alice were a Mr. and Mrs. E. White's too. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili and famlly were in Oshawa Saturday visiting. Her sister, Mrs. E. Elliott, went to the hos- pitliSaturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock vis- ited at Mr. and Mrs. Basil Bell, Campbellcroft. to celebrate with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell their, 50th wedding anniversary o114., Saturday. 14-oz. tin SPECIA. Niblets Corn 2Ifor 3.5c Add variety to your table Rose Brand - Sweet 16-oz. jar Mixed Pickles Delicieus Dessert Dole Fancy 20-oz. tin Fruit Cocktail Protects Flavour - Wraps Leftovers Pure Aluminum Foil - 12-inch 25 ft. roll Reynolds Wrap Makes an ideal gift Popular brands - Carton of 200 SPECIAL 31 ci SPECIAL 29C SPECIAL 29C Howe's - Fancy lb. celle bag Satin Hard Mix 3,5c Cigarettes 2*99J HRowe's - Crystallized lb. cello bag Freshly Ground lb, pkg. Creaffn&GumBells 3.5c Richmello Coffee- 83c Howe's - Crystallized 12-cý French Creams Allan's - Christmas Candy C anes oz. cello bag Pkg. of 6 2.9c Regency - Assorted ID. box Chocolates 75c Moir's - Town Talk 2½-lb. box Chocolates 1.59 Moir's Town Talk 21/2-1b. box Family Assortment 1.49 Ail merchandise* sold at your Dominion Store is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. Values effuctive at Bowmanville until 6 p.m. Dec. 21, 1957 DOMINION STORES LIMITED »OMINION (4 24-oz.. loaf 17c Shlrriff FRUIT PUDDING 111,12-M .tin 39c McCormick's Dessert Shoribread 34 Bis. Celle Plcg. 29c Serve Ice Creamn over the Holiday Richmelio ICE CREAN y-, %~-gallon Bulk Pack 89C Ocean Spray Whoie or Jelied ' Crauberry Sauà,"' IS-oz. lin 25c Makes Delicieus Mincemeat Pie - Maple Leaf NINCENEAT 15-os, tin 28-os. tic 25c 47c Social and Personal Phoas 3621 when 04> Mont, :- ibrings in ....... . ...s YEAR END SALE ' on NEW and USED farm equipment- Sav bi nifte by~oodtg ahead and buylng youf needs Savebigmone bY'OD"* r noW' ' wetnust clear Our f or winter and a"l ret iYanret st or 195s business. That's wyrwe re inahi!ig prices and boosting trade-in TeWh a reCe soinuh 1Ucant afford to bang onteo ld mnachines. Buy or trade . A nr-estor fyn charge befofe next w~orking season. arsifd..You ca ts ovef four cf op Yeaf f d sf spread ater akeneduble savifgs by deal- Beat hgher 1958 priCeS -naed ingflow !.r COM lq U D SEE THRE ;W CASE SPREADER ® 33 Richmello - White '3 Sliced Bread --««i HORSEY BRAND - FLORIDA SWEETENED CITRUS JUICES Orainge 2o-oz. tin 2 for 2.9c Juice 48-ez.tin 31c Blended .20-ex. tin 2 for 2.9c Juice 48-oz. tin 31c Grapefruit l20o.tnfor27c Juice 48-oz.tin 2.9c FCalifornia Seedless Navels FSunkist Mied138' doz. 4 5c Size 88's FOranges xraLre doz. 6 FMake your Sauce - Jelly early! Cape Cod No. 1 Ocean Spray- 1-lb. bag CRANDERRIES .--29c Zipper Skinned - Easy te peel - Florida No. 1 T ANGCERI 1N ES sizel176,s D 45c California Sweet Crisp - Red EMPEROR GRAPES 2 lbs. 3,m 5c- Christmas tree and concert when the school was full. Mrs. Gardiner and Miss Philips had prepared an excellent prograil of dialogues, songs, etc. Santa distributed gifla and candy at- the close of the concert. On Thursday afternoon the W.A. elected their officers. The meeting w'as held at Mrs. H. Thickson's home. After open- ing exercises the meeting was turned over to Mrs. H. White, Missionary convenor, who told a Christmas story of a Christ- mas Pageant. Rev. Bryson con- ducted the election of these of- ficers: 'President, Mrs. K. Trew: lst Vice, Mrs. V. Peacock; Mis- sionary Convenor, Mrs. F. Wheeler; Sec'y-Treas., Mrs. H. Thickson: To Visit Sick, Mrs. S. McMillan, Mrs. H. Sheppard, Mrs. C. Beatty, Mrs. H. Mul- drew, Mrs. R. White-, Quarter- ly board representatives, Mrs. Trew and Mrs. Thickson; Par- sonage Representatives, Mrs. C. Beatty and Mrs. H. Quantrill; Auditors, Mrs. V. Peacock and Mrs. H. White; Pianist, Mrs. C. Mercer. Lunch was served. Next meeting at Mrs. Russel White's home with lunch by Mrs. C. Mercer and Mrs. F. Wheeler. Miss Donna Mercer. Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. Joe Gordon is convales- cing at his son's home, Mr. Walter Gordon. TEMRSDAY. DEC. Igth. 1957 opwr iNAiràrtr,&w iRôWMANVffIY- ONTAPM lm A ellir PFMM 45c

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