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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1957, p. 11

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rBtTSDAY. DEC. l9th, le THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLLP. ONTARIO PAGE ELEVf The Orono News 4Telephone 127- -. J Prof. F. A. Knox or Queens 1 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chat- fiversity, Kingston, and Mrs. terton and Carol, Miss Jili nox, visited with Mr. and Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack n. M. J. Tamblyn on the Chapman and Kenny, visited eekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broome and Mns. I. J. Noden is visiting sons, Toronto, on Sunday who ?r daughter, Miss Viola No- entertained 28 members of the ?n, Toronto, this week. P. Chapman famiiy at their Mr. Wm. Davey and Mr. Ma- annual dinner. son Hall attended the fun- The home of Mr. and Mrs. al of Mr. Elmar Little in To- Ivison Tamblyn was the scene #nto on Friday. of a ver-y happy gathening on Mr. Richard Morton, Toron- Saturday evening when they . visîted his parents, Mr. and entertained about 50 of their rs. A. E. Morton. cousin&, many flot having seen Mr. and Mrs. Harold *Hancock 1 each other in years. Guests id family, Belleville, Mr. and; from a distance were Prof. and rs. Glen Hancock and family, Mrs. F. A. Knox, Kingston; Mr. arkworth: Miss Miidred Ho1d- and Mrs. LeRoy Brown, Lind- vay, Peterborough, visited say; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet r. and Mrs. Egerton Hancock.1 Towns, Peterborough; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Alex' Watson Mrs. Frank Tamblyn, Hamil- ent Friday in Toronto. ton; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wer- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton, ry and Miss Myrtie Tamblyn ent Sunday evening with Mr. 1 ail of Toronto. and Mr .and Mrs. rt McKay, Starkville. Russell Van Horne. Whitby.A BE "INSURED" . a . when you apply for your 1958 license plates - make sure you have auto liability insurance. With only Collision and Comprehensive, you will have to pay $5 into the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. For helpful. information about auto liability insurance, please cal HOWARD FOLEY King St. W., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3277 JAMES BARNES Newcastle 'Co-peraorsInsurance AssociationI people Compete <In the oil business bld you know there are more than 10,000 people engaged ln the search for il in Canada? We know It. j~j~because w. run into plenty of them ebtine we try to lease promising cil lands. DId yon know there are lundreds or skilled chemists and engineers Lu Canada's 42 refineries? We know il, because our owni technical people have to, work hard to stay ahead of the others In producing better prodiicts at lower coul. Did you know Canada's oil companies' employ thousands of salesmen to market their produots? W. know it, because every day ou.r own sales people are competing with salesmen from other companies. Canada's hundreds of cil companles wage vigorous competition. The resuit lu increased efftciency, and Sbenofits bt te consnumer. OMPBRgà%L OIL LINUTED(j well organized gaine was taken delicious lunch was served.M r &rs I and at a very late hour tare- M r ~ i wells of their hast and hostess and each other were spoken, Ensiln nDcme 1 ail agreeing they had spent a 190, iskblet.On Lue Vn est11 most delightful evening. an907,Nora uedg aa n rig t Mr. nd rs.Jas.Mowttmarried et Solina. and to cele- Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. brate their Golden Wedding An- E. J. Hamm on Sunday. !niversary, the famiiy held a Mr. Warner Aylesworth'dinner in their honour at En- Martin, husband of Doris Mar-tniskillen Church on Saturday, tin. Willowdale, son of Mr. and December 7th. Mrs. S 0. Martin. Orano, died Guests on this happy occasion suddeniy at the Branson Hos-j included children and grand- pitli Willowdale, on Tuesday. children, brothers and sisters, December luth, 1957. Funeralicousins who had attended the was on Tbursday. Interment wedding and Rev. and Mrs. R. Westminster Memorial Park B. Green. Cemetery. The W.A. of the Church senv- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hay, lq i ed a delicions tnrkey dinner and lington, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lu- the tables were prettily decorat- gan visited on Sundav with the ed by the C.G.I.T.. of wvhich four iatter*s nephews widow, Mrs. ganddaughters are members. Ross Eliiott and three children, There was an informai at. formerly of Nova Scotia, who mosphere throughout, and the recentiy moved to live with ber presentations and an impromptu parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wil- programme of musical numbers. liams, Milton, Ont. Mr. George Armstrong, Tim- g mins, visited bis mother, Mrs. - John E. Armstrong, for several R b k h days tbis week. Mr. Alf Astridge visited bis sister, Mrs. W. H. Campin. Ol-En o r o awa, en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tester and Orono: On December 4th, Gary, Wiilowdale, visited Mr. Lodge No. 436, I.O.O.F. and and Mrs:' Robt. Hancock on Heather Rebekah, Lodge No. Sunday. 334 of Orono, acted as hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Ab West, Mrs. members fromn several other Ed. Dean were dinner guests iodges, as well as non-fratemnal Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Keitb friends on the occasion of the West.1 1 visit of Brother J. G. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. D. McGee and Grand Master of the Grand familY, Toronto, visited Mr. and Lodge of Ontario, I.O.O.F. Mrs. G. L. McGee. Mr. Chambers deiigbted bis Mr. Elmar (AI) Little, bus- audience wîth a timely, spirit- band of Mar-y Esma Hooper,! ed address, nsing as a theme formerly of Orono, passed away the word 'Challenge'. Dec. 1iitb at Toronto Western1 Dr. J. H. McKinney, P.G.M., of Hospital. Funeral was on Fmi- 'Brooklin. gave a resume of the day. Interment Park Lawn latest activities of the Odd Fei- Cemetery, Toronto. .'laws' Home at Barrie, bow the Mr. and Mrs. Art Bradley new building and equipment and Patty, Whitby, Mr. and, was pmogessing and when the Mrs. Robt. Homner, Oshawa, inmates could reasonably, ex- visited Mr. andi Mms. Roy Bar-pectom e noad n.y Mba. and fmil. Jc tpe their new comifotable quar- Mr. nd rs.JackStaletn Iters. Three fifty-year, and one and son Billy, Mm. and Mrs. sixty-year Veterans were ac- Chas. Stapieton and sons Wal- corded a special welcome. ter and Douglas, Mm. Everett Seralolatsscnni Stapleton and son Howard, Mr. eralolatiscnr- and Mrs. Jerry Dost, Mms. Ne- buted much to the evening's ta Patterson. Mm. and Mrs.1 enjoyment with splendidi vocal Dean West and daughter Tere- and instrumental selections. sa, were dinner guests ai Mrs. Three films were shown. John Morris Saturday evening. One was a Dept. of Lands and Mnr. John Tamblyn, Mm. and Forests film dealing with care- Mrs. Jim Tamblyn and family, lessness in handiing tire in the Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn~ forest and showing the hard, and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. w. dangerous, expensive work in- Bowman and family, Enfieid; volved in subduing a forest tire, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tamnb- besides the terrible loss of wild lyn and faily, Hamnilton; Mn. lite and valuable timber. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn held Another film was one made their family Christmas dinner by Mrs. Wmn. Armstrong of Or- at "The Acres" on Sunday. ono and showed many scenes For new or renewal subscrip- fmom aur local Faim. The audi- tions ta, The Statesman, phone ence got a great "bang" necog- 127 Orono. nizing many well known local people. BROWN'S Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cunsan, Jr., an the binth of their deughter an Monday, Dec. 16. Misses Wyllene - and Wendy and Master Bradley Wilson ac- compenied their uncle, Mm. Ray Brown, la Toronto an Sunday and atlended the Club Christ- mas Party. The children repart a wonderful lime. ThA& regular monthly meet- ing ai Brown's Home and School Club was held on Tuesday, Dec. 10 et the school. After a short business period, the con- venor, Mrs. R. Simpson, con- ducted a game ai euchre, the wlnners being Mr. and Mrs. H. Sinclair. The law scores were held by Mrs. W. Cail and Mn. J. Cumeon. A delightful evenlng was held at the home ot Mrs. W. Bennett on Thunsday evening, Dec. 12 ln the form of a Christ- mas Party for the members ai the Buey Bees. Atter a short business perîod, the hostee conducted severel contestý eand games, the winners being Mrs. Domotby Pickering, Mme. Alma Farrow and Mrs. Hilda Simp-1 son. A deliciaus lunch was served and each memben ex- changed email gifle. PONTYPOOL A double presentatian took place aI the Orange Hall an Fniday evening. Il wes the tireti lime that il was tried and it ' proved a real succese. Mn. and' Mme. Keith Gilbanks and Mr. and Mmc. Thomas Badluk were the guesîs af hanour. Mmc. Clif- fard Falles reaci very bumor- ous addresses and the two cou- pies were presented with pur- ses ai maney. Bath grooms me- spanded briefly. Good music wae supplied by Mme. Lily Rich- ardson and Mm. Ken Neal with Lloyd Brown as M. C. Mr. Ray Strong was irîjureci in the bush witb severe injmv. ta bis foot. Il was thought at tiret ha wouid lace two baes but reports indicate they cen be saveà. Mr. and Mmc. Ernest Cavano and Mm. E. Timioîl are leaving Wednesday for Fiorida andi Jameica. Mm. Timol bas friends in Jemaica and made e trip their lasI yeam. This is an an- nuel trip for Emnie and IVrs. Cavano. Tbev purcbasad a pro- pert.v at Intercession City, Flar- ida lest yeam. Pleasant holiday ta ail! Due ta ilI heaitb Mr. Deibert Bowins bas taken leave ai ab- sence tram Dept. ai Highwavs I for a couple of months. His4 manv friends wish him a speedy recovemy. Mr. and Mme. R. J. Payne were among the gueste present when bis sister, Mme. Lawrence Goddard, Bowmanviile, enter- tained the immediale famiiv ta a dinner and social evening an Fidav evening. Practically ail trees ta the U.S.A. have lait this district with numerous Ontario buvers now having difticnlty ta ac- quire many trees with size or quaiity. A good demand fan quaiity Imees was evident al season. Santa vill ha a bnsv manribtis week with Chrîslmsa tree con- carte practicaiiy everv nigbt.j Taonre and aU I extend Sea- &on' aGree linge. The other film was also Mrs. Armstrong's, and was a colon record of a winter holiday in Flonida. Besides enjoying the beautiful scenery the audience had the fun of watching cars. apparently, going on the wrong side of the street, and they also had to read the signs from right to left, because the op- erator of the projector mack- !ne, inadvertently, ran the filmi Club 50 Sends Clothing for Victor Mission Long Sault: Club 50 ladies held their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Ethel Goble with 16 members present. Pres- ident Mrs. Greta McLaggan op- ened the meeting and conduct- ed the business. Several bills were paid and It was decided to leave the quiît until after the New Year. One hundred and twenty pounds of used clothing have been shipped to the Fred Vic- tom Mission. Scripture was tak- en by Mrs. E. Murphy and Mrs. 1McLaggan with Mrs. Harold Murphy very capably taking the Devotional. Mrs. Bessie Vaneyk offered hem home for the January meeting ta be held Jan. 14 with Mrs. Bessie Van- eyk and Mrs. Jacobine Vaneyk as program convenors. Mrs. Hazel Partner, conven- or for program. was chairlady and the program included readings by Mrs. Ruby John- son and Mrs. Bessie Vaneyk and carol singing by ail. Wool was given ont to any interested in knitting. A del'- clous lunch was servýed with a special treat of Christmas cakc. Gifts were exchanged and al social time was had bv ail. N. E. Wright An niversa ry readings and speeches included pnactically every one at the gatherlng tram the oldest ta the yaungest, and many pleasant memaries were recalled when same of the aider ones began ta eminisce. During the dihner Mr. Greenl read a wire of congratulations from Mm. and Mme. (Norma) L. J. Bradford and Bruce, Tucson, Arizona, who were unabie ta attend, and Mr. R. Arthum Wright praposed a toast ta the bride and groom af 50 yeers aga. Thase present wba attended the wedding were: Miss Annie Wriglit, Mm. R. Arthur Wright, Miss Eff a Wright (who played the wedding music), Mrs. L. M. Keith (Marion Van Nest), Miss Irene Bray (the_»liit), Mm. S. Edgar Wemry arr Mms. N. S. B. James. Oddfel lows Social Night backwarýds. To spare hlm em- f barrassment, we won't mentiona bis name, but if yau are inter-E ested in further details, ask the chap wbo uns the White Rase Service Station at the south end of Orono. The Rebekahs' share towards raunding out a splendid socialb avening was, providing and l senving a tasty lunch. t These same Rebekabs, an De-V cember 7tb, held a vemy suc- i cessful bazaar in the .O . O.F.a Hall, where a pemson could buye aimost anytbing tram a pin to an anchor at a reasonable price including the traditional cup af lea, sandwiches and petit fours. This annuel avent is always weli patmonized, because peopler know tbey will eceive goocih value for their maney and be-s cause it is weil known Ihat, all profits go into some worthy cause, mostly local. COURTICEt Many visitons and members altended the Christmas party and December meeting oi Courtice Woman's Associationa on Monday night at the church.c Santa Claus-the buey populan gent of the season-appeared et the opportune lime la distri-s bute gifle bo one and ail, andt la exchenge some rather tniend-0 ly greetings for e ladies' meet-c ing.r The combined meeting withE Christmas trilis and a Christ-e mes tmee made a calourful set-c ting ton a very appropriate Christmas message which wes conducted by Mme. Harmy Hem- mon with Mre. Paul Antil read- ing the Scriptume passage and+ Mms. Russell De Coe, pianiet for' the heamty singing Qi camne fa- I vaumite Christmas carals. r The secmetary, Mme. Horacec Vetzel, read the minutes and( the rail caîl was answered by3 the number of visite each oner had made, which amounted ta many since several of aur mem-t bers have been active in ther «"Evemy House Visitation". The president, Mme. Simmons, celled attention ta, the Sunday School program an Friday night, also the speciel church service on Sunday night wilh bath chaire ini attendence. A meeting ai the 1957 Exe- cutive je called tom Januany 3md at the home ai the president la fill in the reporte. Sevemal la- dies volunteemed ta, help pre- pare the Christmas treat an Friday eflernoon tor the Sun- day School Christmes program an Friday night. Christmas gifle were braught fan Christ- mas cheer also names af shut- ins are ta, be given la Mrs. E. Wamburton. The United Church calendars are available, apply la Mme. C. Pentound. One ai the chief items af business was spending the money which the ladies worked ail year ta earn and spent in a tew minutes. Mission packets for Explor- ers, C.G.I.T. and Woman's As- sociation; Woman's Missionary Society; Missionary and Main- tenance-, Bumsary Fund; Victor Home for Girls; Building Fund; Sunday Scbool treat and. bas- kets for chut-mns weme ail in- cludeci in the allotment, with the Steward's Fundci cming up in tha New Year. Donations ai $200 ta the Parsonage Board and aver $100 ta the Board ai Stewards bave been paid et an earliem date. The siate oi ottîcers brougbt MARD 'S 43' KING ST, W. in by the norninating commit- tee are as follows: President, Mrs. Cecil Simmons; Vice-p me-1 sidents, Mrs. Eddie Warburton t and Mrs. Don Thompson; Se- cmetany, Mrs. Robert Cooke; Assistant Sec'y, Mrs. Alec Hay; Carres. Sec'y, Mns. Horace Vet- zal: Treas., Mns. Clarence Pen- found; Pianist, Mme. Russell De Coe. Christmas neadings were giv- en by Mrs. Horace Vetzai, Mrs. Jim Tooiey, and Mrs. Cecil Simmons, wbo wes dressed in ancient costume tor the occa-, sion. Christmas carals, a Christ- mas lunch with a special San ta Clans cake really put the> Christmas spirit in everyone present. The members who were absent missed a good time and we missed yau. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clarke, Pickering, were Saturday even- ing dinner guests af Mr. and Mms. Lamne Pentound. Sorry ta hean Mrs. Percy Daiby is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Get weli soon, Lorraine. We wvere pieased ta bave Mm. Arthur Stainton in the congre- galion on Sunday nigbt ta hear1 his cousin, Rev. Harold Stain- ton. Came again. Mr. and Mme. Clamence Pen- found spent Satumday evening at the home af Mm. and Mrs. Bob Evans, Bowmanvilie. Miss Jani Penfound spent Tnesday with ber grandparents, Mm. and Mrs. Carman Foster, Whitby. The Turkey Shoot spansored by the Darlington Fire Brigade, lest Satumday was successfui, that is, the objective in cash was realized. A few public spir- ited men are patiently working away to get this Pire Brigade estabiished, not for themselves alone, but for the community in whîch they live. They meet monthly and wonid be giad ta have anyone attend. On Sunday, et Courtice Un- ited Sunday Schooi, the chiid- men pmesented White Gifts ta help make Christmas better for someone. Miss Shirley Anlil mead the Scripture passage and Superintendent Bd. Warburton told a story. The ettendance is stili good-179. We are enjoy- ing singing Christmas Camais Ibis month-teme is room. for a tew mare. The lime is 11:00 o'clç)ck. Sunday evenlng at church service, aur mînister preached an inspiring sermon and wel- camed same visitars ta the con- gregation. The choir under the direction of Mm. Fmank Walter sang "O Corne Emmanuel". The Urne of church service is 7,00 o'clock. Many members af the church were out calling on new people in the community on Sunday aflernoon as well as the past week, and have enjay- ed lelling people about aur church-that Sunday School is at 11:00 o'clock and there is a place for evenyane tram. thmee years up; about the Woman's Association, and all the activi- lies in the chumch. Our miànis- ter eepeciaily welcomes chiid- ren ta the church service. At the tiret regular meeting ai the newly organized West Courtice Home and School As- sociation, Mm. Edward Young- man was guest speaker. Hie tapie was turning aur liabili- ties int assets. Mr. Young- man, a conservatianist for Dur-- WITH GIFT APPEAL IADVERTISEDIN1 i~D ges B-D-EE Other Sfyles from $13.95 Io $25.9i John Stutt SHOES 15 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 353 --.44 - MARR'S poet DIJLOVA 23 N4o otiier watch wlth se manY foatures. 23 jew. els, seIý-wlndIn# certi. fled waterproof., un. breaklbIe maInspring, d soigo Id sumerls, shock resistant, anti. magnetis. $5950 JAEwELLER BOWMANVI LLE PH. MA 3m3443 SHOES OPEN EVERY EVENINC UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK Drop in and look over our large selection of' Gifts for every taste gel ham Caunty, was* well qualit ied to give us a great many ideas of the liabilities af our own country, wbich were bath in- teresting and informative. Miss Madeline Toaley gave a comical reading called "~My Fi- nancial Career" by Stephen Leacock. The president, Mrs. V. Cut- ting presided for the business session, stating hem pleasure at the large attendance, 43 of wbom are charter members. She made tbe announcement about the Home Cooklng Sale which was last Friday Mrs. Greentree was convenor for the sale. The names of Mrs. William Epworth, chairman af social committee and Mrs. John Gib- son, press reporter, have been added to the Executive whicb appeared in iast week's paper. Yonr correspondent for.Cour- tice would like ta wish ail the readers of The Statesman, staff and press reporters of organiza- tions in this community, A Very Merry Christmas and say Tbank You so much for your splendid co-operation. Also mnany peo- pie bave contributed ta the good reading by giving me personals-thank you aiso. and A Merry Christmas. ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ili»»M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IF 957 LONG SÀULT Mm. and Mrs. H. Duvall and family. Mm. and Mme. Geraid Duvall and tamiiy, Orono, were Sunday guests af Mn. and Mrs. Orme Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, Omona, were Sal- urday evening guests af the Miliers. Mr. and Mme. Win. Babich and famiiy, Oshawa, with Mrs. Sophie Kayacs an Sunday. Mm. and Mns. Gardon Baker and Miss Grace Smith were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman. Sorry ta repart et lime of writing Mn. Gabriel Kovacs is in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, under observation foilow- ing car accident Saturday Mm. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Sunday supper guests ai Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Penwarden. Mm. and Mrs. Morley Keilet, Janetville, weme Sunday supper guests ai Mm. and Mrs, Banl Penwarden. Mm. and Mms. H. Murphy, Bowmanviile; Mrs. E. Murphy, Tyrone. were Sunday visitors ai Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. John Wight and family, Janelvilie, and Mr. and Mms. Parkinson and Debby, Col3oumg, weme Snnday visitars of M ir. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. 1

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