» Dr. Vivian Reports NATO Not OnIy Foi But Scîentific Exch (Br Dr. R. P. Vivian M.P.) In mny letter ta you of Nov- ember l7th, written from Lon- don, England, I wrote about same ai the highlights ai the NATO Conference of Members 3 reasons homeowners go for our new <-policy packagê. Now you can buy camplete insurance protection for your home . . . ail in one policy . . . with ane pre. rnium. You can save as much as 20% ... . or have more protection than yau get framn three separate ,jolicies. Call us for details. STUAIRT IR. JAMES INSURANCE Office MA 3-5681 KÎnt Street E. REAL ESTATE Residence MA 3-3493 Bowmanville ai Parliament from the fifteen member countries. At that time I mentioned that I would senci an a more detailed accaunt of this Conference andi its mean- ing. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization came into being by a Treaty, signed in April 1949, between tweive count- ries- Belgiumn, Canada, Den- mark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxemborg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United Sta- tes ai America. The initial, but not the only purpose ai its formation was ta pi-avide a defensive militai-y alliance against aggression from any other other country or cauntries, natably Soviet Russ- ia. Safeguard Freedom The preamble ta the Treaty contained the following: "'To safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples founded on the princi- pie af democracy, individual liberty and rule af iaw". The initial emphasis was cer- tainiy placed on military de- fence as the countries who sig- ned the Treaty considered that an armed attack against one or more of them would be tak- en as an attack against al of them. A military organizatiani was set up wlth a Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe, located in Paris, with the then General Eisen- hower as the first Supreme Commander. The mnilitary or- ganizations are drawn fram ail the member countries, and are undèr the direct command of the Supreme NATO Comm- ander presently, General Nor- stad, of the U.S. Army who is respansibie ta the Cauncil of NATO. The council is composed of the Heads of Government af the variaus cauntries or their representatives. The need or frequent on-the-spot consulta- tions led ta the setting up af the variaus countries by the -- - ~ .- - I groomîng, -fa/mfly style The whole family gets a 1brighter outlook when we clean their clothes. Everything £romn Junior's play togs to Dad's suits ta Mom's dainty dresses is returned with that fresh "like new" look! Phone MA 3-5520 for Free Pick-up and Delivery Bowmanville Cleaners &Dyers Ltd. 84 King st. W. TEM CMAIDIAN STATEStAN. IBOVnANV!LLE?, ONTA1RYO improving co-operation in non- military fields, and to the de-I velopment of greater unity within the Atlantic cornmunity. In May of 1956 the North At- r M iIitary latee on e paCmi, ltCouncil e t su anommit T part upon this miatter. They re- tary- co-operatian vas as, great ange Too as ever, but that security at presenht was far mare than a' iappolntment of ambasadors ta military matter, and that the NATO. Our Canadian repre- civil and miitary aspects of se- isentative is Mr. Dana Wilgress, curity could flot be considered 1with headquarters in Paris. inl water-tîght campartments. They also stressed the need forI Four Commands further political and economie! The defence organization Is co-operation, and that there not anly for Continental Eut- sources within NATO shoul ope. It is divided into four ma- be used for the peaceful settle- jor commands, firstly the Eur- ment of any inter-member dis-~ opean command covering the putes which could flot be set- land area from the North Cape tled directIy between the par- ta North Africa, and from the ties concerned.t Atlantic ta the eastern border In addition, the Cammittee of Turkey, but excludes the recognized the importance af United Kingdom, Portugal and parliamentary support for Algeria, the defence ai which NATO, and recormcended that, is a national responsibiity se- representatives of the member cond]y the Atlantic Ocean com- governments should attend a mand which extends from the Conference af Parliamentarians North Pale ta the Trapci Of from member cauntries. Cancer, and irom the coasta] ersnsCnd waters of North America ta ersnsCnd those of Europe and Africa, in- R was in this latter connec- cluding Portugal except for the!J tion that 1 had the horiaur af Channel and the British Isles; beîng a member af the Cana-, thirdly the Channel command dian delegation ta the meeting, which covers the English Ch,,- in Paris from November Ilth nnel and the southern North ta l6th. My special task in this Sea; fourthly the Canada-Un- cannection ivas ta represent ited States regional planning, Canada on a Special Commit- group which covers the North tee established last year. under America area, develops and re- the Chairmanship ai Senator commends plans for the defenceHer Jako aiteJ.A, ai the Canada-United States re- on problems respecting Scien- gian. This planning groîp, tific and Technical Personnel meets alternately in Ottawa! The recent launching ai sa- and Washington. tellites inta outer space by Sa- Groupl viet Russia bas alarmed the Military Gop free world and sharply demon- Other military agencies, in- I strated the tremendous advan- cluding the NATÈO Defence Col-1 ces in scientific attainment in lege in Paris for the training Russia in recent years. They of officers who xil bc needed have not only quantity, but alsoI ta serve in key capacities in quality in their Scientific and NATO arganizatians: the miii- Technical Personnel. tai-y agency for Standardiza- Short of Sclentlsts tion, %vhose task is ta promul-tI a enkanfrsm gate standardizatian agi-ements Tt hat prn oesfor advae with regard ta defence equip- tmenthaitpreni edal nowe ment; the Communications A- wsmeing mate i noRussa. givey in Paris and Lpndon w as also md n usi.i which has ta do with signal hsas been known aur own Imatters, and the radia trans- manpower in the scientific field mission of information by var- was in short supply. The wark lous frequencies between theofti Special Committee, countries cancerned in tîhcir therefore, had ta do with a defence activities, and an Ad- I study af the way by which OUiI visai-y Group on aeronautical existing scientific manpawer i research and deveiopment who- cauid best be used, and the se bjetiv istobrig tgetermeans by which additional per- leading aeronautical experts sonltrh b bainedan with a view ta recommending 1tand effective ways af utilizing their Present Report to NATO respective research and devel- The Comrnittee Report was opment personnel and facili- adopted unanimously in Paris ties for the common benefit of for submission ta the Council the NATO comrnunity. Meeting, which takes place on I wish ta stress, therefore, December l6th with Heads aif that NATO is nat purely a the governments of the variaus31 European arganization but thatl countries, at which aur own Canada and the United States Prime Minister, Mr. Dieienba- are vitally cancerned with their ker, will be present, and ai so, own defenice plans as members we hople, the President ai the ai the NATO cornmunity. United States, Mr. Eisenhower Thrce More Join Tt should also be noted tha it is nat a necessity for a coun try ta possess territory border ing on the North Americai continent ta become a membe ai the North Atlantic Treat, Organization. Any Europeai nation max' be invited ta joi providing that such nation coub play raie in furthering ti principles ai the North Atlan tic Treaty, and contributing t( the security ai the North At lantic area. This has meant tha Greece and Turkey were invit ed ta jain the original twelvx nations, and did s0 in 1952, an( that subsequently, aiter ratifi cation by ail the member cour tries, the Federal Republic o jGermany acceded ta the Treatý in 1955. NATO is flot a part ai the United Nations Organization As mentioned above, it ww formned in the fear af aggres. sion from ather cauntries whc were also members ai the Un. ited Nations, but the action tal< en for the militai-y defence cl Same of these nations, and the fact that no direct aggression bas occurred, leads one ta hope that sucli will not occur; that problems between nations may be peaceiuily saived ta aur mu- tual benefit and, there fore, op- portunity may accur for further development ai international goodwiil through the United Nations. In the mneantime, how- ever. aur guard cannat be re- laxeci. Develop Greater Unity In addition ta militai-y de- fence, the Treaty has an equal- ly important objective-the de- velopment aif econamie, social and cultural ca-operation be- tween the member countries. As the urgency for the provi- sion ai militai-y defence has graduaiiy, become less througli accompiishment, the attention ai NATO bas been directed to WHETHER YOU'D RATHER HAVE A B3IRD U HAND . or two in the bush, you'll find Sterling Trusts Guaranteed Trust Certificates are a wise investment. They pay you 5%7 interest per annum, payable haif g ýearlY . . . they're unconditionally b guaranteed as to principal and interest ... they're authorized investment for trust funds .. . and they're for a short terrn-1 to 5 years. Thot means $300.00 accumulai.. fa $640.04 ln 5 y.ars. Ask us about them. THE STERLING TRUSTS C 0 R P 0 R A T 1 0 N Head Office: 372 Bay St..; Toronto Branch Office: 1-3 Dunlop S., barrit iat r- un )er Ity in Id t- £t- it- fi. of ty lel The rjxcommuendaauons of tmis Committee caver the immedi- ate present, and providc' for ai iong-term programme in this particular field. In this connec-J tion, it should be pointed outI that whiie emphasis is being placeci upon aur present short- ages in scientific and technical personnel, andi the need for a greater exchange af informa- tion betweeen member coun- tries. the programme for pro- curement in training additianal personnel is not considered ta be exclusive ta other needs in the training ai personnel in the humanitarian field. The outeome af the NATO Cauncil's deliberations on these recommendations wiil be await- eci with considerable înteî est. TYRONE ý On Sunday morning 0' aduits and children attended' O- the Sunday School White gift ofened the meeting andi led in R A.iU M.Ag e prayer. Tom Hoar gave aj~ HAUTIE McDANIEL - JAMES BA$KET1 Christmas reading and Anne LAA~ItBOBBY DICL )eSkinner a Christmas recitation- *t Lynne Stainton reaci the Scrip- . *, ~ ~ .. the classes then marched in -single file ta the gift basket i andi placed their giits on the a, wav ta their class room. -C or<'x jd Fiowers were placed in the Diusney Coou artoon j- church in lovely memary ai -Mrs. Leslie Thompson and Mrs. Oliver Beckett by their fm- -i lt" hita lies. Rev. F. Jackson delivered a most inspîring message on -the White Gift while the chair assisteci in singing a carol with Grace Smith as organist. Mi-. and Mrs. Gardon His, . .1annori, visited Mr-. and Mrs. kFI s Mi-. and Mri. A. Smith. Col-AFU L T H li mbus, visited Mrs. Florence nScott. o Mrs. T. Findlay, Thornhill, e' -spent the weekend with I'vrs. 0ii i. and Ms. He Santa Claus wii be Mi-. and Mrs. G. AUId'ead A family gathering wvas he]d r s n u a h s o at- the home ai Mi-. O. Beckett1 and Ai-villa, an Sunday. N ih t e s fo t e Mr. Harvey Partner spent w ih tr a s foh a day at Beatty Bros., at Fer- gus. iiichildren Mrs. Mary Findlay. Mi-. and Mrs. Dean Findlay and Curtis, Unionville, Mr-. and Mrs. BruceI FnlyadSherry, Markham, h p in B wr a vle Mr-. and Mi-s. A. Richards, spent Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. C. Bigeloxv andi Mrs. A. h p i o m n il Hawkey. Mr-. and Mrs. William Sel-§ leî-s and family. Bowmanville,I or Mr. and Mrs. . P tnQ ran d Enjoy Newcastle, were Sundax' cont-C RSMA MUI Don't forget the schooi ncon- cert on Thursday evening, al,o ) GAY ESIVE LIIlfHTING 1 the Young People's Carol i-ar- vice Sunday night at 7.30 mF E U IIA A KN O techurch. g n IE U IIA A KN O jMr. and Mrs. W. Rahin and L _____ Clem, Miss Ruth Wilson t tended a birthday Party and! § 46th weddîng annivei-sary cele- bration af bis sister. Mrs. S. J.I§ Ti s po ord b y u fenl Pediar and Mr. Pedlar, on Sat- urdav evcning at the home of their daughter. Mr. an-d Mrs O WAV I L Tonm Berriy, Brampton.BOM NLL Saskatchewan bas 96,000 1 square miles ai occupied lai-m M ERKCH AN T land, more than Alberta a4d Manitoba combincd. and 1hrc-ý "mes tac Oulana total. PACI "m - THURSDAY, DEC. ltb, loft-