t -~ -w- r Articles for Sale Mrs. R. Stacey, Newtonviiie, GLOXINIA bulbs now ln stock. BEAGLE ho wishes ta announce the engage- Stcwart's Seeds, 33 Division St. aid, - female, ment a! hem youngest daughter 50-tf Bowmanvilc Winnifred I., ta Mr. Michael south of 401 Kube, son o! Mr. and Mrs. D. LARGE Passap knitting ma- on left car "S Kube, Maple Grave. The mar: chine, as new, $125. Omono Penny. Pho riage will take place quietly on 14 r 9. 51-2* 5-4377. Rcwi Jan. 25th, 1958. 52-1* DRY corn, ground and deliver- Be D ats d, $38 per ton. Keith Davey, e _________________ Tyrone. MA 3-5169. 51-4 Mm. ah d IV GAUT3, Lawrence James-At MIXED hay and second cutting ens o! Enni Salem on Saturday, December o! claver. Phone Oshawa RA home ta th 2ist, 1957, Lawrence James 3-9902. S. R. Perkins. 52.2* friends at tl Gaud, in bis 76th year. Rested evening o! D a'ý. Northcutt & Smith Funera , HARDWOOD factary cuttings, p.m., on the 1{cme, 53 Division St., Bowman- large truck ioad, $10 dclivcred. Golden Wedd vilile. Service was held on Tues- Dial Oshawa RA 5-1526. 49-4 dLy, December 24th at 2 p.m. ICANNELL coal sold in bags. r n Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tr n tery. 52-1 ýStephen's Fuels, C.N.R. Yards, Stainton will ______Bowmanvillc, Phone MA 3-5410. ceive their f LUXTON-At Memoriai Hos-1 50-3 casion o! the.: niîtal, Bowmanville, on Friday, SAVE on lumber, direct fmom Aniversary,, j.> cember 2th, 1957, Cathy mil ta you. Phillips Lumber fross2- n Marie Luxton, aged four yearsC.,KnRutoOtai.shn Lee's, beloved daughter o! Mm. and 17 r 11. l3tfOsa. Mrs. Harold Luxton, 78 Hunt St. Service was held at the Morris KEYS cut automatically, while \VantE Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville, you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard-. on Sunday, December 22nd at ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ONE used pur 2 o'clock. Interment Bowrnan- ville. 46-t! dition. Phorý ville Cemetery. 52-i HARD and so!t watem deiivered. castie 2354. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. IHS pr In Memoriamu Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA pouitry, goosý ________________-3-5805. 48-t! ticks, scmapi ADAMS-In ioving memory o! and raw furs, Gary Adams who passed away CHRISTMAS trees, Spruce and Oshawa, colle( Dec. 27, 1956. Scotch Pine. Ken Gimbiett, 123 What we would give if wc could Ontario St. or Phone MA 3-5835 AIL kinds a! say, or 3-3849. 50.3*icd. Top Tomc Heiio Gary in the samne old ELCRCLRpar-rmtVoum door fo: way IA episPrmtquantities. M Tohayou oc n e service ta electrical appliances, market. M. F Toyour smiîe large and smail. Lander Hard- ý Phone col Tosit with you and chat ware. Phone MA 3-.5774. 43tf 7r 13. awhile. DO youm awn floors-Rent a -Sad]y missed by Karen and sandem or a floor poiisher fram \Vork G-11 Downey. 52-1 Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. IWOMAN woul ADAMS-In mcmory of a dear 3-tf Phone MA 3-5 brother, Gary Adams, who pass-1 ed away Dec. 27, 1956. INSULATION. blowing method,! WOULD you God took him home, it was Bis with rock wooi. Workmanship office, store wiîl, guaranteed. F r c c estimates. cleaned. Phor But in our hearts wc love hlm Harry- L. Wade. Phone Clarke stili; 2420. 39-tf PLUMBING, His memory is as dear to-day HEARING aid service, testing troughing: fret As in the hour he passed Wc away. service and compiete stock o! Partner. Tyror Weoften sit and think o! him batteries and cords at Higgon When we are ail alone, Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E.,1CRETP Formemry s he nlyfrindBowmanville. Telephone MA APNE That grief can cail its own. 3-3. - Vîicehut ag -Remembered by brothers and POULTRY equipmcnt: range VehuDa ________ 2.1 shelters, feed toughs, commun- NEW plasteri ADAM-Inlovng cmoy ot7lnests, watem founts, remov- Stucca and c ADAS-I loingmemry f ale ropping pits. Nowak's A. C. Woods. Gary Adams who passed away Chicken Famm. Phone MArket 23 r 04. Dec. 27, 1956. 3-2720. 21 Ble bade no anc his last farcwell, .521 CONCRETEa H-e said goodbye to none, POULTRY house, two-storey new or mt T[he heaveniy gates were opencd, frame, twcnty by sixty-foum. foundations,f A loving vaice said, came. Excellent material. Sub-division L. Turner. T 1 o!ten sit and think o! you., necessitates move. Reasonable. 3-3231. The things you used ta say; Vlctor 5-4687, 317 Lakeýhore 1 woderwhyyou had ta die Road West, Oakville. 52.1* Without a chance ta sayPas rl goodbye. ADDING machines, typewriters, lser. Though out of sight, yau'me cash recgi s t ers, calcuiators; QUICE ever. cheque writems, filing cabinets, Stll msse, sililavd, tiUoffice furnitume. New and used. SUC Y .mine, Repairs toalah iakes. Frank R ou-wiii live with me in Office Equipment, 177 Church R.L memoryStowavle MA338.6KigS.E Until the end of time. StBwavil.M -96t 9KîgS.E ý-Fond1y remembered and sadiy4-t miissed, Mom, Dad and twins. Help ___ 51*YOUNG0 TURKEYS WNE:M IRRADBURN-In loving mcm- ÇF'ICE MEATY BIRDS among consur ory o! a dear husband and fath- C.adBw or, J. Wesley Badburn, who 3htESSED AND DELIVERED Ca an d B onec rased away January 1, 1954. Tl T~M' manufacturer. he wold changes yeam ta ye PI~L FI 'NEY hustler considi And friends from. day ta day, MAPLE GROVE MA 3-5058 leigh's Dept. ]But neyer ivili the'anc I lovcd 22 Ibs. and up or Halves Richelieu, Mori From memory pass away. 5- .,Lovingiy remembercd by wi!e 5- end family. 52-1* T R E STw si M~UTTON-In loving memory o!fTU KEYLTow shî our son. Young, frcshly kllled turkeys B He was a fiower toa great for for Christmas and New Year earth, Cendaddlvrd Ra ' Sent here but for a wvhiie; Clae addliee R a u God marked hîm when He gave From 12 to 30 Ibs. Applications wi And aok imwth asie An ohim ith asil C. £iorek. Turkey Ranch thc Clcrk for -Remembered by Mumi and Working Road Dad. 52-1* MA 3-2936 HAMPTON untîl 12o (1/ Mile East o! New School> Coming Events 52-1 SATURDAY, J, Annual meeting o! S.S. No. 21 ine ulfc wili be held December 26th at T UR KE Y 5 cnequlii 8 p.m. in the sehool. 52-1 FRS-KxLE . .M Lions Club Bingo, MondayML-E Box 51, Jan. 6th, 1958. Jackpot $100.0 0, ML-E 10 numbers. 20 games at $1.0 Two special games. Admission M S H.C U T $1.00. 52-1 S H. OU T A TEXAS 0' MAi WANTS MAN' 9:30 o. Musi by rUEL UIJ.Lok Johnny Shearem's Orchestra. ok Bats, horns, lunch. Admission qry'(T $3.00 per couple. 51.2* STJ.VE OUJLa Inconi Regular weekly binga held Automatie MtcrcdAD Thursdays except third week ADC in the month which will be 24-Hour Dellvery Servlca- - lheld on Tuesdays in the Union nacl Hall. 20 regular games and A. H. STURROCK Fnni two $25 jackpot games. N game under $3.00. Admission W 686 OsIE b0c. 52-t! ANDi SONS Piano Tuning IMPERIALESSO DEALER Oshi ARTHUR Collisoa,. Telephane BOWMANVILLE Ph one R 45-tf, Engagements LIC JED wlsh to extend Best Wishes to .4c a word with a minimum of T is for Tweedsmuir, the Vil-, ail for a SRN o 5wr.o e., lage Histories we write,COg A ýccoufan1 MERRYCHRITMAS .. BBTHB ENGAGEMENTM U is for the Universe aur In-. CM AL anda $1.0MA er is-DetSstitutes lhelp ta unite. HAPPYAND POSPERUS tV i for Vast, how far-rcaching fing and EW YEAR IN11<MEMORIAMS uIntuesa, 52-1 $* 1.00 plus 10c a lino for vers.e ouwntiuesae Wis for Work and the Weifare cepDg LMsp la asîfied at $1.50 par o! childmen bath near and eeng To aIl our friends and eustomers . é i with ai minimum of onei. fr .Additiunal nertions at the. nom* . fr ____~ Le Tax A very Merry rates. X is for Xmas and the extras of HR uTRCOSk fhisaaliA nVery Merry ev * cheer we send ta shutins WARE tI ADkIf.UAI4. I)PEEJWCasfidAsmutb aMost every year; BETET Christmas and a : 12 o'cock noon, Wednesday. Y li for our Youth and the I Reports Happy ~and Prseoss ~.~ ave money. e years flitting by,I. J Reort Hapy ad Posprou e. lipthi utfor handy reference. e, Z hs for Zeal and the Zest ta do e StetIM. OFFICE HOUES a ur best, we'11 try. New Year.' ~Monday thzough Fridcr OA aw Nw8-301 a.m. ta 5 p.m. There now I've used an the J. VnNesi 8:30 am.to12Noon ~M Epuipment Co. Il~~~~ EMYEJ Ake -30 poem is finished, Institute IA -953 118 King East Bowmaanvý.le fo lssfe A *vie e. Bertha RenShaw Hyatt, 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-569 à2_1 __ __-1____-__A__ __ ____M___A_ __ __ __ ____>__ __ Mdce~t 3ZQ~- - ~ 44 M--.- ... mýdý mm ÀW lqw 1 1 Lost For Rent ~w ound, eight months FOUR-roomed fiat, Bowman- .dô.ard W iurlu. Investigate Saturday, between ville Beach. Phone MA 3-2875. no h and Newcastle 52 t!Hf ia m k usn e.FsieSao~ Stark". Answers to FOUR-roomediheted apart ýone Oshawa RA ment and bath in Orono. Pos- The regu4ar monthly nieet- an associate member of the vard. 52-1 session Jan. 1. Phone Orono ing of the bàýrd of directors of medical staff be approved. This 12016. 51-2* the Memoriai ,Vospital was held was passed unanimously. Dr. y t kn -eptions REromadbahmde on Wednesday' ývening. The Gardner is a graduate of Edin- heated apartment; aduits onîy. chairman, Harry V Cryder- burgh University. He served ~1s.H ar Sev IJa. .$65. Dial MA 3-3810 or an peîdd bers present five years in the Royal Navy o r f m l iski1lenF~will be at Oshawa RA 3-3972. 48-tf were: Mrs. J. W. B den, Mrs.q as a medical officer during the heir relatives and L. W. Dippeli, Mrs. Bruce Mut- war. He has practiced general berhm onteN tcston; Ivan Hobbs, Dr. IC. D. Hub- surgery for ten years. Since out to dinner heir2th h omeonth:N30e bard, Gienholme Hugh s, Harry coming to Canada Dr. Gardner eca28thof t 9:30 Rev f cw-?titokspecial schoîarship train- ~caîo o tei 1~ Norman Bousley, will not Reeve Sidney Little, Bor&an- ing at the Hospital for Sick 51-2* ereoniefo an dbt ville, Dr. G. Edwin Mant~ Children, Toronto, in pediatric i Mr. rtur T y e in my name without James Stutt, and Ray N J.«ii- ýurgery. Mrs Arhu T.mYwritten permission, from ing, secretary-treasurer. * tan1ey Wilkins, the hospitalan .1 be happy to re- this date. 52-3* A cheque for $350 was receiv- a inistrator, reported that hie friends on the oc- Notice to Rabbit Hunters. ed from the Village of New- aettýtnded the Hospital Service jrGode ~ $1.00 for each rbbit shot on castie. Bils for November Cornission's Accounting In- N E ' E4RS D R January 1, N1sey95prt8nh Bs amounting to $5,078.28 present- stituýe in Barrie during the d pmatteLine, 401 Highway and at King ed by Ivan Hobbs, chairman o!f first lweek i December. He APPETIZER SOUP Cloverlea, R.R. 2, Sre. Pes e crfl finance, were approved. Mr. told the board of some of the IWutCcti ra fTmt 51-2* Strookd laieKns byre res. Hobbs pointcd out that the fi- accouniting and budgeting intri- YutCcti ra fTmt 51-tf nance committce has held 20 cacies With which the hospitai I FISH DESSERT .e oB ymeetings during the year, and will be faced when the Gov-I Breaded Cohoe Salmon Steamed Engiah e toB yThe Annuai Meeting o! the that considerable business has cnment Inr5urance Plan cornes Steak with Egg Sauce PIum Pudding mp jack, good con- Memorial Hospital Board will been accomplished. into force on January lst, 1959.1 with Wlne Sauce ne N. Selby, New- be held in the Council Chambers Reeve Sidney Little, chair- There were 155 admissionsJ CHOICE 0F MEAT flot Mince Pie 52-1 Wednesday evcning the l5th man of the property committee, to the hospitai -in November, vm Roast Young Turkcy withHoead xce pidfo lveJanuary at the hour of 8:00, to gave a report. As a resuit of 32 births, 1324 patient days, the Cranbcrry Sauce hHomemad ae rics pid or ivehear relorts and elect six mem- complaints the smokc nuisance average number o! patients per CrsmsCk e feathers, feather bers to the Board. to people living in the vicinity day was 38.6. Roast Domestlc Goose iron, rags, metals R. J. Dilling, Sec'y-Treas. of the h os p i t a was dis- It was decided to send a with Celery DressingIrs- ofe-M Phone RA 3-2043 52-3 cussed, and ways o! eliminat- Christmas card signcd by the .b ýc.4-fing it are to be investigated. members of the board, to Mr. Pae Vin a appl ing t prpl Elive poultry want- AUTOMOBIILE DRIVERS Dr. Hubbard moved that the and Mrs. Joe O'Neill, Who are PnapeRn 2 0 e lt -onto prîces paid a To comply with new Govern- application o! Dr. Carstairs now living in the United States. or large or smaîî ment regulations it wiil be Clouston Gardner, 136 Simcoe Mr. O'Neill is a member )f the Wishing One and Ail a WTe have our own necessary, when buying your St. North, Oshawa, to become board.1 Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1958 license plates, to surrender er Chifa llect to Bethany a certificate showing that youan a 28-tf have Public Liability and Prop- and a.u.~4e - erty Damage o! at îeast $10/20/1Local B id re Gu st Wanted 5,000. Otherwise you wili be A Happy New Year _____________penaiized an additional $5.00 fort id like housework. your plates. We are mailing to A t C hristm as P rtie 5384. 52-1f ail our policyholders this cer- ar. e liet-aeyu tifrance Casnue y yor ~IBin erosof Bowman- County, and Miss Chris Daw-C OR ON A T ION or waiting room until required. along with those o! Oshawa and blind. R S A R N ne MA 3-5384. HAMILTON'S district at a most enjoyable so-. Tables were beauilyde 52-1 INSURANCE SERVICE cial evening in Christ Memor- corated with Chitmafuire- Orono - Phone 1 r 16JilChrh Oshawa, on Thurs- made by the Cshawstasioeces cct _ý heating, caves- .52-1 day evening, Dec. 19. Atteha al eeMyR ~ - ý estimates. Harvey iAtteniding for the turkcy din- A. J. Na ay le nd Mrs ayor'. ne.t MA,-220. ner and programn following Mrs. A. J. Parkhill of the Osh- t* 12!were Mrs. M. Joncs, Mrs. M. awa Advisory Board, Mr. Ru- work wanted- Fry, Mrs. E. Collacott, Miss A. pert Lambert acting for Mr.- generai repairs. E. ORORTON Bragg, Mrs. Stanleûy Norrish King, sight conservation officer - il 2486 Newcastle. o! Bowmanville; Mrs. Gatcheli, o! the Oshawa Lions, and o:her 50-4* Burketon; Mr. Roly Cousins, Lions officers. Caesarea. Mrs. Aura Trewin, ing and repairs. Mrs. D. W. Armnisted of Bow- Aterna dmeliiurinner thb! cement piastering. manville and Miss F. Werry o!f ahrn nmeigaou' 150, s.Poe lreHoliday Hampton acted as guides, and met in the recreation roerm o! 14tf r~ oletin providing transportation wr the church where carol siigîng u4t ariJage Clarnce ocki and rphand a program were enjoyed. and mason work, MClre o Bowmand l Lon Mrs. M. Fry and Mrs. E. Col- Uo ena epair. Chimneys, There wilI be no garbage col- Club. lacott wcre among those whv .> *to01ou dns\' floors, waiks, etc. lection on Christmias Day and Also present wcre J. Caruk, won lucky draws. Santa dîstri- and wi.bing yrou 41-tf Boxing Day Peterborough, Field Secretary buted gifts. Bowrnanville blind _________________ for this area, W. Sîmmons, persons had carlier received a * muc h ppin.aal À Field Secretary for Ontarlo cheque fromn the Wcst Durhamn ChPfm sGabg Advisory Committee, and rmW IE R S ngRepairs wl cpce po Boxvmanvilie Lions a basket of SERVCE ONDA AN TUEDAY Cards of ThankS fruit. Fromi the tree~ at the' SERICEMONAY ND UESAYOshawa party each ,2howman- h >D NEW WORK DeI2 nd2 e would hike to thank my ville blind pdrson' received a D N O Dec.23 ad 24 reltive, frend, neghborsbox ofwchocolates, the gi!t o!,v TAT Bo xîg ± aylGrbage Nand blood Bowmanville Lions Club. - ndonors for cards, fruit, flowers, On Dec. 12 Mrs. M. Jones, MA 35030Boxig Da Garage candy and kindness shown ta Mrs. M. Fry, Mrs. E. Coilacott, 6-i wili be picked up on me during my Gtay in Oshawa Mrs. Gatcheil and Mr. Roi. WanedFRIDAY AND SATURDAY General Hosital Coutapnstonierryguides Missa F. WanedMr. ecl'taleon Wrrdd MIGOR rmistea. Lui De.2 n 852-1*t. ended a party along with V GR O L C, L D ýnr stein DuramOthe garbage ndl e i28dup. Members o! the Oshawa Hu-, PREMIUM QTJALITY mersin urhm Oter arbge ill c pcke upmoresque Club held at the Osh- manville. Perm- on regular days Repairs awa Recreation Centre. The tinwith lag programn inciuded accordion Oned. Wriaw- e w e IGa1~ RADIO and television repairs. numbers by Gary Hayton, age e Only re~~ableN rompt service. Pick up and 10, and severai selections by T N E C L 2 O a L-140-131, 4005 wilI be picked up on delivery. LameDorenO85Kin te Dlc2onscbrbesh itel u..52-1e oen85Kn th uctns breso a Thursday Jane.2n E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf quartet. Santa Claus distribut- ThurdayJan.2ndcd gifts and the Oshawa Lion- 52124-HOUR expert repair Tele- ettes served a lovely lunch. 52-1Clrk vision Service, toalal makes. Alil per pn ofr Clarke d. UE I17ga TIONS FOR Real Estate for Sale TartsiaindSeview o ., guaret THE INSTITUTE ALPHABET - E .,> L*fga RKING RA SAEFRSL 3-3883. 50-t! A is for the Association of -~ EA ESAT FO SLE REPAIRS toalal makes a! refmig- Country Women o! Worid FOR DELIVERY perinfendent Properties SoId, Rented erators, domestie and com- Fame, Managed and Appraised mercial; milking coolers.. Hig. B3 is for the Branches o! our In- p 7iii be recelved by gon Electmic Limited, 38 King St. stitutes at hamne:-.on 7the position of L. M. Allison E. Phone MýA 3-5438. 25-ti C js for Convention, and thel oe Oshawv a RA 5 -1109 1 Superintendent, Real Estate Broker Conference in May, _______________________________ o'clock noo Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. ~ îne sfrteDsrc nui o Two blocks noth o! traffic signal a tdDifothDsrctAnloi FANUARY 4, 1958 Newcastle 5-tf which we like tu gae; state age, exper- DEAD and crippled farm stock, E for the Essay we are some- ationS and salary Piwrc Rakn picked Up promptly. Phone MA times asked ta do, ýected.CharlesRankine 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm. F is for Federated, ihe F.W.I.C.1F R E E ected.REAL ESTATE BROKER T on.2-ti and F.W.I.O.; [LLSON, Clerk, GLAD TIDINGSI G is for the Gardens our girls 51-2 O To i u rcd n utmr Personal grow with success, 51-2 to all ur friends ad eustomersH h for Hunter, Miss Adelaide, T AT 0 R C L1N 1C