,y.. Widemtan's Ladies' Wear Fowl Driaw was made. Th;e win- ners were: Ist, a turkey, - H. Kelly, 22 Liberty Street, Bow- manville; 2nd, turkey, Mrs. Mary Quigg, Newcastle; 3rd, goose, George Elliott, 51 King Street, Bowmanville; 4th, goose, Cal Tilbrook, Orono; Sth, chick- en, Aime Dupuis, 9%/ King Street, Bowmanville. Sixth, chicken, Mrs. K. Bic- kie, Bowmanville; 7th, chicken, Mrs. D. Mountjoy, 58 Simpson Avenue, Bowmanville; 8th, chicken, Mary Quigg, Newcas- ale, 9th, chicken,. Mrs. B. Wol- nik, R. R. 6, Bowmanville; 101h, chicken, Bob Turnbull, 102 Rit- son Road, Oshawa. The chairman of the ticket committee was Norman Han- nan. Members o! the cornmittee were Frank Woolner, Martin Malloy, Paul Laprade, Bert Payne, George Chard, John Schoonderbeek and Glen Hughes. THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWM4ANVMTE ONTARIO 'VZMMATDMC. 2th, 1957 Green, Bob Durham. et hany Pupis andhe~ senior pupils demonstra- Beth ny P pilsandted several square dances. Pup- li fthe Junior room Rhythm Band gave three selections. Ta- Teac ers rese tedking part in the final play "An *%Christmas Concert ughout the program there were recitations given by Nancy Mor- »et&any: An excellent Christ- Carolyn Srnith, Captain of the ton, Phyllis Youngman, Joanne -2»à concert was given by the Guard; Bob Edmunds, the sher- Edmunds, Russel Armstrong. ýÊupi1s of Bethany School in the if f of Nottingham; Howard Babr Green, Faye McGill and Tw Hall on Wednesday night Morton as Robin Hood; Jack aGen hrssb h Liti oh; arii Junior room pupils were "Up Nom Sihgiîg h uraOn The Housetop", "Little Bell", ~3 grecitation of "Welcome" Davidson, Millar Much; Ronald .M n yTdyBa"wt which the entire school Jackson, Will Scarlet;; Eleanor solo Art by NancyBMor tThe Aw n the Manger", Porteous, Clyn 0'The Clough; FsoloCprt NncyNMorton,"The Sklnt igh".jory Armstrong and Patsy Green die Green taking the solo. Sen- Taking part in the play "King as The Sentinels. The costumes ior room pupils sang "May God Èichard Cornes to Sherwood" were realistic and this portray- Bless You", "The Belîs", "'Hark ,%ere Arthur Moore as King Ri- ai of English History was very Now Oh Shepherds", Willy chard; Allan Bristow, The Page; well done. Claus", "The Twelve Days of -------Norma Smith, Nancy Morton, Christmas", "Here Cornes Santa Phyllis Youngrnan, Diana Green, Claus" and "Rudolph The Red Joanne Edmunds, Kenneth Por- Nosed Reindeer". Mrs. Francis teous, Ricky Wentworth, Glen WiWlamson, music supervisor, Ç reettngIS Wright, Eddie Green, Douglas was the piano accompanist for U ,reet*Neals ail took part in the dance aIl the song and dance nurn- Ic"Bobby Shafto" as the remain- bers. Larry Lamb, one of the Iextedm der of the junior pupils sang senior pupils was chairman, an- 3St he d alog e "AM ean Trick" Hector M orton expressed thanks ~ neeiythe dlogue "A oun th chnme. rse Sinceresf was a series of Mother Goose tote pupils and teachers, Mrs. rhymes with the children in Margaret Snýowden, Mrs. Lor- stoy-bok ostmes LitleBoaine Smith and Mrs. Francis B et Wshe a tor-bokcotums. itteB- Williamson for their fine pro- Besf WishesMeGii; s es Muffett, Kahlen grm.Santa Claus arrived in to nean aiMfr Pll y isMFlines, aolnthe to distribute the gifts from tooean l fra Morton; ol ln:s ao h Christmas tree, which con- 9 rsrn;Lti o le rArGsteng;ig ttlac Baoy Jle, ytained a gift for every child. VeryWigh; ackanerryRo Very erryScott and Barbara Ann Green. SPupfils taking part in a second Christmas and play " Bringing Up Junior" were nes f JaneFalisDianne Smith, Car- W n e s o Happy and olyn Smith, Mervyn Smelt, Ron- ald Jackson, Ross Jordon, Linda H Davidson, Dorothy Armnstrong, H l a me ProperusPatsy Green. An Acrostic speil- ly Prospertms"ousgve b New YerWa ne ACrmstronwgIvnby m-Society Dravi New ear.strong, Laverne Armstrong, Ri- L. . KOOONcky Wentworth, Kenneth Por- There was a large attendance L. A. OOTONteous, Bobby Smelt, Brian at the regular weekly Bingo Green. A dance number "Little held in the Union Hall, King Dur amNrtherla Girl"sroB abar n G een,rol S eorge Chad, ewcaste Wur amNrdheln Girl" ,BaKa a n cGilCrSree t, GonesadayNewcanile, Faye MeGili, Kathaleen Morton, won a $25 jackpot. St. Joseph's ---- -, Roy Scott, Bobby Smeit, Brian Holy Name Society Christmas 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright of Enniskiiien are pictured as they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with their farnily on 1 enjoyed a" a turkey Enniskilien Church. last week's issue. Married in Dec. 7. A happy informîai time was dinner and social evening held in Report of celebration appeared in St. John's Church Cî4,nistmas Çreeti'ngs7 Whetber we look forward to them with joy or despair, birthdays always seern to arrive, and with the one hundredth anniversary of the Town of Bowmanviile drawing so close, we citizens are very conscious of birtbdays. However, before our Centennial officially arrives, we wil eelebrate the most important birthday the world bas ever known. Almost two thousand years ago we were given a way of life, and whiie we -have wavered and f altered and changed in many ways, stili His teachiiigs and examples have remained firmn and strong through- out the centuries for our guidance and inspiration. Bowmanviilites will celebrate the Christmas season in many different ways. There will be family gatherings, large and small, there will be visiting among friends and social gatherings of clubs and dinners for empioyees. There xiii be exchanging of gifts and the sending of Christmas cards. It is a happy time of year. The chiidren can hardly contain their bubbling energy as they try so bard to be good while waiting in wide-eyed expectation for the visît from Santa Claus. For aduits too it is a happy time. Mother bums her way through the cooking of tasty tidbits for ber children wbo are coming borne for Christmas, and for Dad, who peeks in the window before smuggling gaiiy decorated packages into the closet. It is a time of thankfulness as we realize how fortunate we are to live in a country so f uli of opportunities, where the Four Freedoms can be enjoyed without fear. True, there are momentary setbacks but we know that the future of Canada is assured and we xiii be a part of il. Yes, Christmas is a wonderfui time of year. It is with true warmth and sincerity that my wife and I wish for one and ail a very Merrv Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Nelson E. Osborne, Mayor. .As th j,< the<c IRadio ie happy music he seasoft Ifls air, we hope it' riïng you znucfa nony and cheer. Nyles & Television HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue Yfa cqueline Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa W. widh Yen. wItb mis utile rnuM igay-ana earefl!'e caristmuaatlmes ROBSON MOTORs LIMITED - - ~ FORAN'S SUPERTEST Bowmanville, Ont. Ed. Foran, Prop. Dial MA 3-5679 A brîght Christmas to our many friendslI Virtue's Garage Archie and Milton Vîrtue Phone MA 3-2882 1*~ Christmat 1957 To Our Friends : "t ,~' Upon the thresbold of the New Year we pause to look back to ail that was good in the past with grateful remembrance, to look forward to the future with faith and confidence. . .. As is our custom and our pleasure, w-e again extend our best wishes. May everything you hoped for be yours in the year that lies abead. Sincerely, AUDREY RICHARDS JIM MARR Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Aitken Piper were married in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, on SaturdaY, Nov. 30. The bride is the former Katrina Hawryienko, daughter of Mr. Fred Haxvrylenko and the late Mrs. Mary Hawrylenko of Spirit River, Alberta. The groom is the son of MVr. and Mrs. Albert N. Piper of Bowmanville. -Photo by Alex Adams, Napanee Hampton W.!. HoId ChristmasJ Hampton Women's Institute held their December meeting with the president in the chair. Roll cali vas a money donation to buv treats for Counties Home înmates at Cobourg for Christ- mias. $12.00 collection. Thank you cards were read. Over $200 wvas made at the bazaar, i not $100as x'sformerxy print- ed. A ýhiprnent of used and nevv çIothing was sent tW Toronto Mveeting for the Save the Children Fund and we received a thank you letter. Centre group leader Mrs. tCaverlev presided for the pro- grain. A lovel.v lighted and de- corated Christmas tree decor- ated the piatform, arnd several candles on the table whieh nmade us think Christrnas was commne soon. Several Carols wetre suiiz led b.v Mrs. Ca%-er-e.v an dMrs. Mouaioy at the piano, our re- From: EIen's ?flens W'Çear -Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks Boyd Wooiiey Bob Marjerrison gular pianist Miss Norah Horn ~g~g America. But it is on Africa beig i MmoralHospital, IThn Bible that our eyes etwhson Bowmanville, 'undergoing su r-e anxiety. Great changes are takz- gery. We hope for improvement r ing place in the vast land which soon. Tioa used to be called "The Dr Motto: "It is not the gift thatf Continent". Many problemns o! counts, but the spirit in which. the future social order are anis- it is given", a good paper on ît Neanly ail the Bible Socie- ing and must be solved. UpOn was given by Mrs. G. Adcock ' ties- report increasing circula- manv of them the Bible can' il- Mrs. Theron Mountjoy gave a tion figures, and Most of such lumine the mind and streng- wonderful paper on "The Ori- increases are indicative of an then the heart. gin and History of the Christ- imrve itrU.rtea wl The British and Foreign Bi- mas Tree" and then more ca-j as a -rowing interest in Chris- ble Society gives thanks for the rois. Miss F. Werry read the tianity. completioh of seven new Afri- customs of holding Christmasi In Bolivia, for example, can editions this past year, butý in other lands, she had Labra- where the population is only prays that the wvay may ba dor, Mrs. Shackleton, England;i about 312 million and the liter- open for wider distribution. The Mrs. P. Dewell, Denmark; Mris.i ates on ly 30 percent - there cry which is heard most fromn J. Macnab, Switzerland; miss *were 173,344 copies of the Holy Afnîca these days is "When Reynolds, Norway; Mrs. E. Seriptures distributed last year. Iwill there be more supplies of JWilbur, Sweden; Mrs. .t-eea, In Peru 110,000 copies are giv.- complete Bibles arriving?" it China, where she was a mis. en out each year, and there is is the growth of the work that sionarv o er n aeu greater responsihility be ing prompts the cries. A tnibe lxv- first hand information. assumed by Church members îmg on the shores o! Lake Tchad Our guest musicians from for sp re ading the Word of God. had only 40 people reading the IBowmanville, arrived and Mrs. Similar encouraging reports Scriptures ten years ago. Todavy IAlbert Cole and Mrs. Holwell corne trom other parts of South there are 5000 readers. played two rousing duets on the piano. Mrs. Lloyd Avre follow- ~ -mk ed with two vocal solos, "In - fant Holy" and "O Little Town of Bethlehem" so nicely accom- panied by Mrs. Cole. The Na- tional Anthem was sung. The0 centre group served sandwich- es, relishes, Christmas cake andi tea under the direction of Mrs. '~\~ E. Wilbur. We especially want to thank our Bowmanviile ladies for coming back with their music. Over 40 were in attendance. Since the meeting Mrs. Mac-2 nab and Mrs. P. Dewell hav e had hampers packed and sent & to Cobourg with vanious treats . If you divorced capital fron labour, capital is hoardeýd and labour starves. - Daniel Web-~ %A day's work is a day'sýwork, neither more nor less, and the man who does it needs a day' sustenance, a night's repose, and painter or ploughman. - Geoa Bernard Shaw. irAuzi 'à-xllrii - - - - - - - - - - - - bblimb - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- PAMM Tinm Ik