m. Xn.4 IoBuS E AAI1 TTSAI OMLÇ1L.OIAI A~To years young. i Br Bart Ton went ixîto Memor- ja ospital, Bowmanvilie, onHi B Orono News Thursday to, have the pin reIl Orono News moved from his leg which- was placed there foilowing a motor, acident. Telephone 127 Ms. Clinton Brown who was' in Memorial Hospital, Bowman-1 ville. with an attack of pneu- 11oliday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Barra- monia, returned home on Sun- an. d Mrs. John H. Leslie bail and family, Courtice, with day. gdËiïn,- Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barrabali. Sympathy cf the communityir Mr.Wm. Riddell, Miss Ann Best, Teacher's is extended to Mr. Ttuman Mad Mrs. Basil E College, Peterborough, with HendersoMr.on the passing of" d failY, with Mr. an 'S. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best. fathr, r. The Henersoin ofe ~ng, Coe Hill. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. and Mors. Tefwrsith ~church on Sunday were piaced , M and Mrs. Marvin Lurin Mrs. Russell Van Horne, Whit- there by the Henderson family. nG~f, with relatives in Or- by, Mrs. E. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Ftîîlowing a lengthy iilness,I la. Carlos Tamblyn andi familyý, Mrs. Leland Payne passed away MWr. andi Mrs. Hubert Cobble- with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. at Memorial Hospital, Bowman ck and family, Leamington, Miller, Larry and Wayne in ville, on Saturday. A private! rand Mrs. Lomne Thompso;rf their new home, service was helci at the homne dJean, Blackstock, bi4rrs. Mrs. Neil Smith with Mr. and on Monday. We extend aur sin- )Ward Walsh with Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Mac Smith. Willowdale. jcerest sympathy ta Mr. Payne Mbledick. Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Riddell and family. NIT. andi Mrs. Harold Benson visited Dr. and Mrs. John H. igrandson, Craig .;Jinds ILeslie and Susan, Peterbor- [th' their daughter, Mr. and augh. H Y O r5.~#'a. MoreToroto. Congratulations ta Mr. and n Mrs G.Ro~rTornt, wtbMrs. Lawrence Harris, on the Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson r. and Mrs. J. C. Gamey. birth of their son at Memorial and family, Carleton Place, with Mrs. Viola Smith with Mr. Hospital, Bowmanvhle, on Mrs. W. Thompson. h d M4rs. Chas. Mutton, Bow- Christmas Day. See photo in Mr. Donald Thompson and Mvrs. D.Nl ye a M.L this issue. cbildren, Mr. Earl Thompson! TY Myles with ber daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bnivson, Miss iand Larry, Bowmanville; Mr. r. and Mrs. James Johnson: Bertha Cain, Mrs. M. Sherwin IRoy Thompson, Leskard; Mr. terborough. and Laurence, were dinner Iandi Mrs. Roland Thompson and Mrs. Wm. Uglow, Newton- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack family, Hampton, at Mrs. W. le, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bryson, Bowmanville. IThompson's. nes. Congratulations to Mrs. Chas. Mrs. W. Tbompson with Mr.' ['Ms. Chas. Awdc with her Awde who wiIl celebrate ber and Mrs. Earl Thampsan, Bow- 1, Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Awde. 9lst birtbdatf on Jan. 3rd. manville. ....... ranto. Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen ,Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grabam andi Wvrs. Lena Beal Smith witb andi Olav, Niagara Falls, were boys, Bowmanville, with Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Hz r brother in Toronto. guests o! Mr. and Mms. o. W. and Mrs. Leslie Graham. 12:20 a.m., pose for their picl Xvr. andi Mrs. D. G. Hooper Rolph. Mn. and Mrs. Doiù MackenzieHri venthoOooo th Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodg- Mr. Wayne Hooey, 'Western Betb, Susan, Mary andi Douglas, arslv nrho rn 1. Bowmanville. University, London, with M. Toronto, at Mrs. A. McNeil's. 15, Ronnie, 12, Douglas, 9, an !ýfrs. Walter Crowther, Mrs. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey. Beth and Susan remaineci with baby born at Memorial Hosp: àCrawtber and sons, Char- Mrs. John Bigelow who was thein gandmother.I Jamie, Newcastle, with a patient in Port Hope Hospital Hmr.on ai Mrs G. Ad c- i kln Ooo ~~dMrs. Chas. Wood. spent Christmas with bier son, Haptn callec on. amA c'JmTm nd ron . Jc m.and Mrs. Gardon Winter Mr. andi Mns. Pbilip Bigelow,:.Neil. jWt r n r.Jc d faily wih Mr an Mr. Pot Hpe., 1Mr. and Mrs. Grant Malle Holmes were Mr. and Mrs. Rayt cido fam nit Mr. and Mrst. PotHoe and family, Oshawa, at Mr. Iad Goo a nd Susan, Orono; Missc 'rdn eaan Saror Jt. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Masscy, jIsobel Clemence, Gaît, and Mrs.1 ~'r.ani rs CrlTennant Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. eveMrs.ArieMNIsatry W. Clem ence. Newcastle.i th Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Coop- Victor Robinson and Mr. and eeîg Londn. rs. . G Hooer.Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Martin IWith Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake% London. Mrs. D. G. Hooper. ~Wellsville, N.Y., with bis mother Iwr n niiis i rw VIn. and Mrs. Carman Cor- Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wood an ssenwmseWrari and and ac, omAnile; r. ýh andi Chervi, with Mr. and wenc dinner guests Fmiday 'ofM and itr Mrs. J. Pat an ant PoJad, Ornoil; Miss 'S. Willis Jones, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pbilp, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Martin Bevenly Barton, Oshawa, and %r. and Mms. F. Jose, New- Mrs. Davidi Pbasey andi Wayne, and Mrs. Wm. Martin at Mrs. Mr. Jack Skelding, Prince Al- ;tle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bry- Tymone. Gog egsns saa et i and daughters, Miss Be r- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hall and Mr. and Mers.s F shema H ep- Ms Dree oel n e L Cain, Mrs. M. Sherwin and daughter, Toronto, wer guss rjn r.FemnHp isDreePwl n e wrene wth r. nd rs.o! rs.JoeHal. ee gest I um, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. pupils o! the Lakeshore School rnle C haKry Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrassll.i Richard McNeil's. very ably presented a most en- ~inls I.Wi n, M rJ.J.Mr CradDavnd, MRosteau n j Mr. John Graham, Bowman- joyable Christmas Concert, Dec. 14r. I Witer Mr. J J.Cor an DaidRocestrN.Y., re- ville, called on Mrs. Cmossman I18 at the school. b, Mr. and Mms. Chas. Hut- turned home Sunday after vis- and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mc-I i and Michael, with Mr. and îting ber sister, Mn. and Mms. Neil.I ,o. Fred Lycett. W. B. Hoar, also Mrs. E. Rainey i Ana Thompson, Bowmarîville Wr. and Mrs. Garnet Gamsby, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey. with ber grandmother, Mrs. W. SOLINAt àl and Judy, Kingston, MrÉ. Mms. Ed Dean with Mr. and Tbompsan. McGowan, Toronto, with Mrs. Ken Dean, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin The three school concerts SRobt. Allun. Mrs. L.Halfyard, Miss Audrey and Billie at Mr. and Mrs. j. presenteci by Baker'à, Bradley's and Mrs. Neil Porter Halfyamd, Barrie,- Mr. Orme potts'. and Solina Schools were well th ber mother. Mrs. W. J. Miler, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A famiîy gathering was held atendcd last week. Enjoyable iver and Mr. James Oliver, Miller. at Mm. and Mrs. C. Garrard's, entertainment was provided by bcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and Christmas Day. the pupils in their recitatians, Urn. and Mrs. Russell Gim- Dale retumned ta Windsor aften Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm choruses andi plays. tt andi Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. visiting bis parents, Mm. and andi family at Mr. and Mrs. The Intermediate girls with Di. Bamnaball, Judy and Da- Mrs. Chas. Taylor. Walter Rahm's, Tyrone, andi at thein teacher, Mms. Wes. Ycl- 1, Maple Grave, Mn. and Mr. Neil Barrabaîl, son of Mr. Mr. and Mms. Wm. Dawson's, lowlees led in the worsýhip s. Eldon Esscny and family, and Mns. Roy Bamraball, bas Onono. service which opened Sunday n andi Lynn Bamrabail, Cour .i mcd the Air Force and ieft Mm. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and School on Sunday afternoon. D, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ba Saturday for St. John, Que. family heid a Christmas panty Following several camols, softly all, Bnian and Karen, Bo Mrs. Cecil Powers with hem Saturday night. Guests weme sung by the group, prayer was nville, Mms. J. A. Saunders son, Mr. and Mms. ROY Pow- Mr. and Mms. Roy McLaughlin, offered by each member. An i Mn. and Mrs. Sid Barra- ers, Toronto. Dawn, Dennis, Mr. and Mms. intemesting article o! "Christmas 1L and family, Orono, with Mr. Newton Cobbiedick witb Harold McLaughlin, Bobbie, in the Arctic" was nead by Mns and Mns. Luther Barrabaîl. bis son, Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Linda, Mrs. Edna McLaughiin, Yellowlees. The girls' double éIr. andi Mrs. Roy C. Formes- Cobbledick. Blackstock; Mr. and Mms. Ted trio, Pat and Helen Knox, Anne ,Elaine and Nancy, Mr. and Mr. andi Mrs. Ab West were ,McLaughlin, Patsy, Jim, John, Werry, Pat Davis, Helen Par- 's,uniorYet y tvn n dinner guests Sunday af Mr. Bunketon; Mr. andi Mrs. Haroldi rinder and Gail Baker sang ýestd-\Mrs. Dand and Mrs. Ronnie West. Wright and Joyce, Oshawa. "Sleep, Holy Babe". Addition- WV%_1Teresa, Mm. and-Mrs. Mm. andi Mns. Milton Morris Christmas dinner guestswith ai pmogram included recitationsi ith West, Mn. and Mrs. Raye andi Ross, with Mn. and Mms. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Graham were by Kathy Vice, Karen Yellow-1 ýst, Dariene and Raye Jr., Hesper Dean. Mn. and Mns. Leslie Graham. lees, Peggy Milîson, Hembiel 1.ad Mms. Ronnie West and To the Edîton, Staff and Mm. and Mms. Wilbur Black. Tink, Larry Broome and Dianne san, with Mr. andi Mms. Ab Readers, may 1958 bming healtb, burn and family, Mrs. K. Cowl- Tink. ýst. happiness and prosperity ta you ing with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lovely poinsettias and Christ- Jfr. and Mrs. flanc Fqund andi youms. Shackleton, Salem. mas 'mums, lending their colon 1 Mary, with Mn. arici Mns. Mn. and Mms. Alfredi Garnard andi beauty, and the nativityj n. Found, London. withber parents, Mr. and Mrs. scene at the church altar, bled- Boxing Day Visitors Lamne Griffin, Blackstock. e ofor n ae servic e osi n Zev. and Mrs. Basil E. Long NE T N IL Mn. and Mns. Arthur Tmewinfothsevcofwripn family with Mr. and Mrs. - .and Billie witb Mr. and Mrs. Christmas Sunday. Pneceding, 1Junkin, Fenelon Falls. Holiday Visitors Jim Martyn, Bowmanville. the service Mrs. E. Cryderman Itn. and Mrs. Ray Bryson Master Douglas Wade, New- Visitons with Mms. Wm. Tmew- tat the piano andi Gladys Yel- ~i Daughtens, Peterbomough, castle, with Mr. and Mms. Hai'- In andi Mn. and Mrs. Walter 'lowlees at the argani playeci "A and Mms. Jack Bryson and ry Wade. Lo ve ri d ge were: Mn. Fred Christmas Fantasy". They also .îghters, Bowmanville, with Miss Dmury, Toronto, wîth Castle, Miss Grace Tmewin, accornpanied the canais sung soý .and Mrs. E. Bryson, Kirby. Mr. andi Mrs. Ernest Eley. Mr. and Mms. David Morrow, heartily in the service. As the 4ran Mns. Neil Hm, Mr. and Mms. Wilbent Han- Toronto. Othen visitons at their choir, camposeci of members o! rancrSXrs., Burns and farn- cock, Peterborough, with Mr. home weme Mn. Allan St1tnIh .... ad Epoe rPetenborbugb, Mr. and Mms. Tuppen Johnston and bis sister, Enniskillen; Mn. Wallace Staîn- roup!i entercd the chunch sing- ýiald Hamm and family, witb Miss Olive Johnstan. ton, Toronto; Rev. Harold Stain- iîng the processional hymn "0 anclMrs E. . HMi.ss Mi.nnie Randail andi Mr. ton, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Corne AIl Ye Faithful", the con- San, Ms. . J Ham. Bill Andrews with ber brother, Edgar Horn, Oshawa; Mn. andt gregation rose ta jain themn in Mr. Elmen Randail, Oshawa. Mms. Jim Martyn and family, og Two selections wemc con- WA T D e. n Ms R . hte1r.aciMs Cl -oc Trew n,:tiutc y ebrso h ith hirauteM.adBwavl anMatrVn-CGITGou:PtKoH- o an daug ih Miss Yv nn neryj --- Chistm as Ve i t- Mn.r_ onmaueay a t n of a the Ornanci Mrs. Margiç~et Shaw Mn. andi Mns. Alec Martin haci Sauina Safety Sallues was helci e, * Shaw,' Picton, with Mn. andiac m.Gàg Stapleton, home of h edr r.B n Ms. Willis Jones. AdmNewtonville. !Mr. andi Mrs. gooey. There were nine mem Donal and Mms. Jas. AdmGardon Mar i nDnsBw bers anci two visitons pnesent.I with~~ bumnsan andis sufoato. nc wihMn. and Mms. Andrew with Mr. and, Mms. Alec M Notes aend takncaton. f irs cad Reichrath andi Canal. With Mn. nd Mr$. C. Leask, Reg. N., then showed the Mm. andi Mrs. Cecil Bumley werejr Mn.an~ Mrs Ehm propen procedune of applying and Mn. anci Mrs. Don Vinkle ring an is Blanc bandages which the girls laten %ith Mr. and Mms. Earle Mc- Oshawa. patsd uc a evdb ~ePeterborough. M.ad S an r.RyCcrnand famil, andiR LE *.*. aonto, and Mm. andi Mrs. Gea. Chas. A110 8,id a th FAST » ed AST RLIEFFOR Hienderson andi £ecil with Mn. Mm. and .Les Aîide 'o and MWs Arnold Wade. Omono. aniMs. eith teenson To- Mr. r ,an s.B an s Be ice, Mms. ei a. ky ve s. it Tr. 1 M . .By answt mntaM. MmthSepesn J. wo- e. Tlga an --i Mrs Ceil alleyT. i Mn. andi Mms. C. Bedwin o everyone, everywhere, Peance, Miss I-nez Symons and weré Mr. andi Mms. Keitb Mitcb-W re wlsh the best cf every- Mn. Ed. Symons, Morrish, Mn. ell andi family, Lotus; Misses dgfor 1958. andi Mms. Harvey Osborne, AI- 'Ann andi Lois Gilbank, Ponty- lin anci Marion, Welcome, and 1pool; Mr. anci Mms. Art Bedwin FE Mr. and Mms. Walter Wbittaken, andi family anci Mn. Harold E E Canol, Lynn anci Kenneth, To- Wright andi famîly. ames rnto, witb Mr. and Mns. Eani Witb Mn. andi Mrs. W. Adams gfùar IR.J Wakey.weme Mr. and Mns. Bob Ruther- INSURANCE Mns. Bill Reid andi daughtcr, fond, Onono. REA ESATEMiss Elva Reidi, left on Thuns- With Mr. andi Mms. W. Hcfhnes R LESAEday by train ta visit ber broth- were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak KN O.M St. E. Bowmanvil * en in Florida. andi Gary, Toranto. Mr. andi e Residen Mns. Cecil Walkey accompan- jMns. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs . 3-61 MA359 ied Mrs. Frank Anderson andi Shupak and Gary visiteci Christ-'L son Neil ta Cadillac, Micb., andi mas aftennoon witb Mm. anci Mrs. Maxe vWsting ber aunt who is 93 H. Rowland andi Mr. and Mr&, rthday Christmas -Day p farris and her baby boy born on Christmas Day at cture at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. on a f arm and have f ive other children, Joyce, 16, Evelyn, nid Linda 8. The Harris baby was the only Christmas pital. -Photo by Rehder Mrs. Hooey. The C.G.I.T. graup was en- tentaineci at a Christmas panty on Monday afternaon, at the home of the leader, Mns. Ralph Davis. Games anci a social tie were enjoyed as wer2 the ne- freshments served by Mrs. Dav- is andi Pat. Happy New Year!!! ELIZABETH VILLE (Intendeci fan last week) Choir pnactice was helci on Monday evening. Tuesday evening play pratice was beld in Elizabetbville basement. Af- terward the girls put up a Christmas tnee andi deconations for the monthly meeting o! aur Young People's Union which was beld on Wcdnesday even- ing. Lunch was serveci by the Elizabethville goup. The Gar- den Hill group prepared the devotianal part and the ecrea- tion wvas prepared by Canton. Christmnas gifts were exchang- ed. Miss Beryl Thic'son and Mr. Alan Mercer, Toronto, are home, for the holidays. Mr. Ray Trew and the twins, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Fallis and Mrs. Fallis. Mill- brook, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore, Toronto, at her parents' home, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson. Mr. James Robinson spent the last week in Peterborough hospital where he was treatedi 1 for an injury to his face Whicil Ioccurred when a bar slipped and struck hirn bclow the eye. Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew' Mrs. L. Muldrew and Marilyn. Oshawa, visited in the village Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew and family were with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Walters for a Christnmas dinner Saturday evening. Miss Sue Dekoker, Crookeci Creek, with Miss Beryl Thick- son. Congratulations toa li the stu- dents who passeci their exams, especiaily ta Misses Dorothy Muldnew andi Darlene Thick- son wbo obtained aven 80 per cent, also Miss Ruth Mercer who headeci ber form. Mm. andi Mms. H. Quantrili ançi famlly attendeci the fun- emal of little Katby M. Luxton, grand-daugbter o! Mn. andi Mns. H. Mercen, Orono, on Sunday. On Frîday evenîng the com- munity gathered at the home of Mm. andi Mrs. H. Tbickson ta present Mm. and Mrs. Sam Moore, wbo wene marmieci ne- cently, with gifts. Rev. Brysan acteci as chairman. Canais were sung and Misses Anlene andi Grace Gardon sang duets. The address was neaci by Mrs. Ken Trew. Lunch was served foî- lowed with dancing. They were presenteci with a radia and large mimnor. MAPLE GROVE Mn. and Mns. Fred Ferguson visited with Mns. A. Beech. Mrs. A. Beech attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary o! ber aunt and uncle, Mn. andi Mns. Howard Stephens, Enniskillen. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Allison andi family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Putnam, To- onta. Mn. Milton Carmen is spending New Yean-s with bis mother. Mrs. Grant Bennett. Mn. Ken Brooks bas left for Flint, Micb., after being home for eight weeks. Mn. and Mns. Les Collacutt, Mrs. Ted Hoar andi girls with Mrs. N. Mutton anci Mns. I. Wanden, Oshawa, and visiteci with Mr. anci Mns. Bob John- son, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Stap- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'Waldroff anci family, Trenton, \vcre Sunday guests xith Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhuke. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and family with Mn. and Mrs. Leon- ard Staintan, Enniskillen, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Shunk andi famuly, Mns. Roy Goode, Port Perry, Mns. H. Milîs, Bruce anci Chester, witb Mn. andi Mrs. Cccii Milîs, Saturday. Mn. anci Mms. Ivan Rocigers andi family wcre Saturday evening supper guests o! Mn. andi Mrs. W. H. Brown. Mn. andi Mns. W. H. Brown andi family, with Mm. and Mrs. Jack Brown, Bowmanville, on S un iay. The community extends sym- pathy ta Mrs. Stephen Jeffery on the death of her father on Christmas Day. Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Webb and family, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Putman and Douglas. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh AUlison. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and family, Miss Joan McKnight, Bowmanville; Mrs. Harvey Har- ris and Bill, Enniskillen, with Mrs. A. Beech. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson and family, Courtice; Mr. Don Hanna, Bowmanville, and Mr. Wm. Westlake, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacutt. Mrs. F, Brinning, Mr. and Mrs. John Brinning, Scott and Jane,'- Oshawa; Mrs. Wm. Brinnîng, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dalby, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Kelly De Gray, Oshawva: Mrs. De Gray and Stella, Cornwall, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie. Mr. and Mrs. Myles Stoughton, Oshawva, xith Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kubuke. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey, Puslinch; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Day, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. T. Arnold and David, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold and Noreen with Mr. and Mrs. D. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDon- aid and family visited at St. Catharines for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lavendcr, Madoc. at Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, Miss Arlene Cox, Shaw's; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Souch, Lenore and Judy, Mr. Bill Cox, Oshawa, with Morley Burgess, Mr., and Mrs. H. Cryderman and family with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, Eileen and Mary, Willowdale; Mr. Donald Wilhelm, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. T. McGuirk. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley ançI family, Hampton, with Mr. an-d Mrs. Howard Bradley Christmas evening. Mr. andi Mrs. Ceciu Milis and familv with Mrs. H. Milîs, En- niskillen. Oshawa Wood Products Give Your Family A RECREATIOI Everyone will Enjoy the Extra Livil CEILINGS WALL COVERINGS *Celetex acous in àfull range o new *Anew Ne selection of plain and pre-finishe plywood panelling. " Plain or wood'grained verti-board. * Knotty pine gyproc panclling. * Homasote underlay for a FLOOR warmn, dry floor. COIVERINGS * A full range cf linoleum, -~ vinyl, vinyl asbestes, as- phaît and rubber tiles. That wasted space in your basement can be inexpensively and easily converted into a cosy recreation room, bedroom, den, playroorn or profitable basement apartment. With the IBC Payment Plan you can have that recreation room now and pay later on convenient monthly instaîlments. DO-IT-YOURSELF . .. Oshawa Wood Produets home counsellors wiIl give you planning help, estimates and money-saving building ideas .. Phone or visit Oshawa Wood Products today and start enjoying your recreation rooni. For the inexperienced Do-Il-Yourselfer, gel the complele facis.. enroli now for aur Second Free Instruction Course on Recreation Room Building commencing early in January. Management and Staf fWish Our Customers The Very Best in The New Year Free Estimates ont Ail Your Building and Remodellit; Needs! OSHAWA Tard, Main Office and Showroom Courtice PHONE MA 3-2130 WOOD PRODUCTS Downtowii Office and Showroom 84 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa PHONE RA 5-4443 ROOM Lace for a Houselime! 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