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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1958, p. 1

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n tan. W "Durham County's Great Family Journal" iUME 104 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1958 10e PER COPY NME Maple Grove Sftore 4th Cub Pack 1958 Jerusal-em Lodge Officers Installed Fourth Annual Part y Gives Donation Af tact 380KidiesTo New Library' Attra ts 3 0 Kidies Christmas meeting of 4th Cub It ws a i gevenn fr th hi antcs.Pack was held at Memorial itwsabgeeig frtehsaic.Park Club house on Wednesday, yvoungsters around Maple Grove Alice and Gordon Beech, pro- Dec. 14 in charge of Tali Pine on Dec. 12. For the fourth year, ppietors of the store, started the Jim McDonald. the Red & White Store, Beech's idea four* years ago. "The-. com- Thfomipengwsol ~pe Grove Supermarket, in- munity had grown sTmu h e owed wih npeion andol !~4children of the community there were more children than oe wih Isctn ad *~/sit their Toyland and re- the church h4ll could ld"Gan owafe wih e Ssomething from Santa. Mrs. Beech explains. "There games were played and carols Trhree hundred and eighty child- was no Christmas concert for sung around the Campfire. ren flocked to the store. this reason, and we thought we Instead of exchanging gifts, Santa Claus gave each child would like to, do something for the boys took Up a collection for candy canes and balloons and the kiddîes." a donation to the New Library. there was a small gift for each Every year, long before Christ- Each boy received a gift from rnother as well. A clown kept mas, children start asking when The Pack. This part of the ev- the youngsters entertained with the big night is going to be. "i nn losed with Mouse Howl. makes a real jam in the store, Lunch of hot chocolate and but the children enjoy it andi doughnuts was served by Mrs. Iwe're happy to do it for them,"l C. Devitt and Mrs. Frank 0s- Thugs Leave Mrs. Beech says. mond. ( Tools and Fiee ParB e k nt tion. for the new iryt ai rakIt Mr.*Bruno Miller on behaif of Retail Store foeCrsms Thieves letter ol e Rural Home fromtheBrewr'sRetal Soretheir faces covered, forced their frl om da thBew r's n Retai e wron mn ahwt Party E n oyed earl Monay ornig aterway into, the home of Orville an unsuccessful attempt ta rob K. Osborne late Saturday even- 7 the safe. ing, in what police lelieve was By Scout r o ~' It was the third robbery at- a robbery attempt. tempt at the brewery since the store opened one year ago. It was a harrowmng.experi- The lst Scout Troop with its N~ ~ one of them have been suc- ence for Mrs. Osborne, who Leader Mr. M. McCoy, enjoyed The newly installed and invested officers of Jerusalem Lodge Teeple, S.W.; Bro. H. D. Sutton, Tyle.Scnro let org:Br cessful. sadte ee~ was home alone at the time. On aný evening of fine Christmas A.F. & A.M., No. 31, G.R.C. Bowmanville, are shown here at the annutl H. Graham, S.D.; Bro. R. E. HendryJD;Br.TCGtheIÀ i Police'si hywrun discovering the presence of the spiiît on Dec. 19. Festival of St. John, Dec. 27. They are, left to right, front row: W. Bro. Bro. C. E. Allun, D. of C.; Bro. A. B.LbSS;1DW Wie aware of what had frightened two men Mrs. Osborne fled to Gifts were exchanged and A. G. Scott, Chap. Bro. W. A. L. Ayre, J.W. W. Bro. R. L. Evans, I.P.M.; Absent when photo taken, V. W. BroP.RCo1 s the thieves away. An electrîc a neighbour's home. games were played which were W r.A .MfatWM RW r.JSEmro e';Bo .~~htsb e safe when. Con~ en Hartley auto sho.rtly afterward. Nothing gave two beautiful violin selec- discove-red the rI '>in at 2.49 was taken from Mrs. Osborne's tions accampanied on the ac- r a.m Other tc ~ere also home, whîch. is located on the cordion by Mr. McCoy. Mr. *flfllHopia round at the p. es by the Second Concession, one-haif McCoy aiso played a few re- a atoA r y Div Jus l ' atn il Pohee are hole.ato h B sTann wueed slng . b fo e w ucwas SA m y Di er Weekly Rep ortA n u lS .J £,,,ànvetiatng hecrme.Scoo. wresug bfoe unc ws ver 50 Cheer Baskets For the week of Dec. 23 -29 The Scout Mothers prepared "Although the Christmas the hampers of food, wîth toys Admissions------.----.--- 1 Gi ed S eaker o H oid a very ioveiy lunch for the boys. work kept us extreniely busy, madio clothing necess îry. Birth-7 maie, 2 female A E v r We regret that owlng te the everything went according ta On Christmas Eve, drivers vol- Discharges-------------- 50 IJp..p4 HihSchool exams. some of the plan," stated Captain Cales of untarily gave of their tîme ta Major Operatians3 A i ospel N ght ut itadelboys were unable to attend. The Salvation Army, when ask- deliver the Christmnas_ baskets Minor Operatians----- 17 Special thanks go to the ed about Christmas cheer. to, the homes. Captaîn Cales re- Emergency Treatments 11-- i The 1958 afficers of Jers, mLbJ l Much interest has been arous- commissioned as an officer in and very kind hep. gation assisted in packing up (Continued on page seven) and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. G.R.C., Bowmanville, wein-C o r i ~ ed by the annauncement that 1933. tlea henulc: Major Leslie Pindred, one of The Major has had a wide ex- of the Festival of St. Johi a- Rtrn atrWr The Salvatian Army's mast perience in Salvation &rmy quet, held at the Masoic al .Eas a rsn gifted speakers la te be at the service, having served as a Friday evening.hiPatMse'Jei Bowmanvilie Corps f ext week- pioneer ini a goid rush area i.n Installation ceremanie eeBo . .Au.Te the far north; as a social case conducted by War. Br.ChsPatMtetenp - . worer in Men's Hostels and a L. Warren. He was assitdb ldewthhspc Children's Home; as an admin- the Past Masters of theLde. bnthcuomsr istrative officer on Territorial Bro. A. E. Maffatt was ~el a one n14 Headquarters; and for the iarg- ed as Worshipful Mase ! Adlcastr est part of his career as a field Jcrusalem Lodge. Other ofcr evdb h il officer. For six years he cam- installed for 1958 included . ons hrh a manded the wideiy-knawn Bro. W.' Teeple; J.W., BroW.Aa.Wr.BoA '~ Temple Corps in Toronto, caon- L. Ayre; S.D., Bro. R. H.Ga-1otne n~ ducting a religiaus weekly am; J.D., Bro. R. E.Hndy broadcast af national influence. I.G., Bro. T. C. Gatcheil; ra. This was foilowed by a further AU WROUWL M TIO N V. Wor. Bro. P. R. Cwig A six years ini Tarante as a Dlvi- Secretary, R. Wor. Bro ..vvn er sional Secretary for Youth iLifEmmerson; S.S., Bro.A. . work. In more recent years the ~1 ~ ~ Ij~ 4 Major has served as Secretary r s e tn h b e v n e o ta The Salvation Army's Coun- ~InII rt ob ev ce . A ou cil o! War (Board of Evange- tulas S o îism) and the Candidates'__U Secretary, responsibie for theW__- MW\A hc K n n'Doad il recruiting of young men an W in U V I Lne wn h wamen for training as Salva- C E NHome Decoral tian Army officers._____________________________________________K sth Throughout his career the Ros ULLU on Major has been an able exposi- Ella's Gif t Shop hasbe hscnes ---î- tor o! the Bible, teaching regu- judged as having the bstdcth Bo mni1-. iariy at Bible camps, conferen- '.y~~- .~. ~ * ~. j ' orated store front this Crs-Cmec n Major Leslie Pindred ces and institutes throughout WJ HL1sE A.ti O..ur Mvost Gracious iQueen, Victoria, by and witn thae advice and mas ta win the Presdn' he er g Canada and the United States. ' Trophy in the annual Cime neeti oe crto end. Major Pindred wiîî con- He is one of the "Theme Sal- consent ofteLgsaieC ucla dAsm l fC nd ,ddga t of Commerce store decrto Chims.Hms crae duct a special gospel meeting vationists" in The Army's new Ycontest. tebsso rite eisii next Saturday night at the Ci- telecast series "The Livingto g - .hirsebw aar wsofCitasoiialt an X tadel on Division Street, and Word" and a writer of reputa- LU te MLJuficipaJity of Bowman ville the 0ttu f aTown asfrom the donated for annual comein îgniy cn Sunday, he wiil be.joineci tion. 1-at Christmas time byEler Tejgngcm ite wa by his wife and their four Mrs. Pindred was barri rr'To- First Day of January ini the 'rear of Our Lord 1858; and Banting, past president o h eddb .G n daughters. ranto and graduated in 1933 £Chamber. It is hoped ta h osse !Ms e>g ie Barni ini Inverness, Scatland, from the Tarante Training Col- W HE REAS, t.. God'si' ' ' efrs ' - trophy will encourage tedc r.Gog a rdeMs of Salvation Army parents, Ma- lege and served as an officer ~ ULfLl~ L~'.~0Sgrace and the nonourable ef ort o citizens past and orating of store fronts in ep oaPîdn el lt n jor Leslie Pindred emigrated in the field until her marriage ' ing with the festive seasa. Sa cutr to Canada in 1926, and gradu- in 1942. She has leen active 'present, our Town has "'rown" and 'prospered; This is the second ye3 te Bsdste rn1aadt~ ated from High School in this i women's work and is an hon- r '~trophy has been awardewihugs:lofon tehoer country. He entered The Salva- orary life member o! the W.C. last year's winner being Hgo otyo omnainad tion Army's Training College, T.U. The Pindreds have four Electric Ltd. No merchntmyacrigy av hnoaie in Tarante, i 1932, and was daughters. wnteaadvi.pif ff struggled. A nuiibera A close of the meeting manvîUehiiign bucflanai-0 1 o-rp unr rei ioamm attending , had benthe meinbers were served a de- GO SAVEr C~I THE~ QUE ed ao~s leuion he wa-brolteOdFllwcn h who ~ n nter- licious turkey dinner by the P. StorL/JY Il ..ULNed asaor ino theloal .&Bwani eole lb ,trn tend tafdiscussion Imembers of Group 1 of Trin- a P.a Stor o te yecars lt HeÇi okyfa ndacn Pop.Mis. B13LUwas intro- ity United Church W.A. Panya t the locald w ooyea titn uprero oa

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