Little Red \uool House Carres on Tradition «M-bt fui of the jnadian lnterest in Their Education <~The apathy and indifference so many are confused and un- of Canadian parents, eager inI easy about educational stand- the pursuit of soft living, may ards. "Many of them know, be the principal reason why somethîng is wrong but they more than half Canada's teen- don't know what it is." agers over 14 do not attend Mr. Swinton said that thel school, K. R. Swinton, confer. conference will endeavor to give ence chairman of the Canadian Canadians a basis for compari- Conference on Education, said son by means of a panel of in- recently in Toronto. ternational authorities, who will The Canadian Conference on outline what is expected in the Education wil bring 700 per- f ield of education in other coun- sons together in Ottawa in mid- tries. Me said that arrangements February in the largest and for thé/ composition of the pan- inost representatîve education- el were not yet completed and ai meeting ever held in Cana- he could not, therefore, give da. It is being sponsored by 19 names of the participants. niational organizations having a Education in western Europe combined membership of rou- requires langer hours and more ghly two million persons. homework from students, and "The Canadian family," Mr. is backed by government schol- Swinton saîd, "'is in great dan- arships for bright children. Mr. ger of turning out a generation Swinton said. Me thought there whose most intellectual pur- was a tendency in North Amer- suits consists of watching TV ica to get "sidetracked by friils." serials and reading the comic No parent, he concluded, can paper s." afford to sit back and let others "Despite the Russian achieve- decide on issues so important mnents," he asked, "do most to the future of their children. parents reaily care about the A dilemma of modern educa- quality of education their chil- tion is that fundamental atti-' dren are receiving? Do they tudes within the home cannot know what they want in edu- be overcome overnight. He cation? Or do they want any- urged parents to make their thing?" vicws known. "What cisc except parental indifference- can account for the fact that an estimated 60B T A Y percent of our young people E H N between the ages of 15 and 19 are not attending school of any Sunday service in the United *kind?" Church was held in the after- Mr. Swinton cited the short- noon in order that the mcm- age of properly qualified teach_ bers of the Sunday School *ers, estimated as high as 9,000 might participate in the White and poor salaries. "If the pub- Gift service. Their gifts of mon- lic really wanted good teach- ey will go to further mission- ers in every classroom, they aryv work among lcss fortunatel would make sure they got them people. and held onto thcm," he sug- Rev. R. R. Bonsteel had gested. charge of the service, telling Me said his comments did not the story fromn the several Gs apply to al parents, and he pels of the birth of the Chrit called it a "halthy sign" that child who came to bring Peace and Joy ta the womia. "1957 kW' h nier Bartlett pears iii V57-2 1..,ee! has been the year of the fist Sputniks and they have filled us with misgivings. But Christ-I jans must remember that the Star of Bethlehem is the sym- bol of Light in the world; Lîght which damkness cannot put out. And from that we take hcamt, and take our faith." Mm. Bon- steel also asked that each home remember Christmas as Jesus' bithday, a Holy day, not just a holiday and that each family take some time on Christmas Day for a worship service. A quartette, Mr. Mammy Pres- ton, Mrs. Mervyn_, Porteous, Mms. R. R. Bonsteci and Mm. Charles Preston sang "Holy Night" and Ralph Preston play- cd several euphonium selections of Christmas carols. There will also be a special service next Sunday evening in charge of Mr. William Fritz and the Bethany Community Band will assist with the mu- sic. There were -nany happy family gatherings in the village for Christmas Day and the e- mainder of the holiday week, which included: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Finley, Toronto, Brigadier Randal Speller and Mrs. Speller of Fenelon Falls with Dm. and Mrs. Stewart Speiler. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mor- row, Peterborough; Mr. and Mms. Manson Cathcart and Paul Cathcart, Springvilc; Mr. and Mms. Harry Sutton, Bowman- ville, with Mrs. Mazel Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Cccil McGiil, M. and Mms. J. Ahren and Sandra Ahrcn of Toronto; Mm. and Mms. G. E. Stapies and Terrence Staples, Lakefield; Miss Evelyn McKinnon, Mon- treal, Que.; M. .and Mms. Wil- liam Bailcy, Ingersol; ail with Mr. and Mms. James McKînnon, Miss Joan Bristow, Oshawa, Miss Phyllis Bristow, Peterbor- ough, with Mr. and Mms. Mil- liard Bistow. Miss Gwen Gray, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray. Mr. and Mms. Douglas Bruce, Ottawa; Mm. and Mms. A. Fuller and family of Toronto, wîth Mm, Free!. ,tACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phono MA 3MO9N V ig o r9 GA StandardGA (,,CIOIne1 OCineludLag t Vigor Super A GAL High Test I43)1lOC incuding Ux Complet. Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE CIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDATS and Mrs. Leonard Driver. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Manley and Garry Manley, Bewdley@ with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Pomn- eroy. Mr . ad Ms.ruceT vnock #2nd, loge HAYDON (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm, Mr. and Mms. Alfred Garmard wcre guests at the Rahm-Wilson wedding on Sat- urday at Young's Point. We weicorne Mm. and Mms. Alfred Garrard to our commun- ity having moved to theim farm which Alfred bought fmom Mr. Norman Avery. Congratulations to Mr. and Mms. Clem Rahm <(Nec Ruth Wilson) on their mamiage. Miss Joan Little is spending the Christmas hoiidays at hem home at Coibomne. Miss Rena Graham Is with hem aunt, Mr. and Mmm, M. Smiiey at Mount Hope. Mr. Ray Ashton, Toronto, at bis home for Christmas holi- days. Christmas concert put on by the public school pupils was held in the chumch on Thurs- day night wîth a large attend- ance. Opening number "0 Can- 1 ada". Addmess of Welcome by the chairman, Mm. C. Avery, follqwed by a fine pmogamn of choruses, recitations, piano duét, monologues, etc. JoUly Santa arived and distributed gifts and bags of candy ta the childmen. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and Blle, visited Mr. and Mms. Russell Anderson, Port Hope. Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Slemon and Mr. Milton Slemon, weme Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mms. Fred Toms, Enniskil- len. We welcome Mm. and Mrs. Glen Rahm. ta aur village, hav- ing moved into Mr. Roy Gra- ham's apartment. Church service on Sunday afternoon was well attended. Mrs. A. Read pesided at the organ, Miss Ina Bemyl Rcad at the piano, played several carols and Miss M. Rankine as soloist added much ta the service. Rev. F. Jackson gave a fine message. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. C. Garmard's were, Mr. Robert Gay, Toronto, Miss E. Reid, Shioh, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gamard. Mr. and Mms. E. Horn, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold.Ash- ton, Mr. A. Stainton, Enniskil- len, Mm. and Mms. E. A. Wem- ry, Enniskilen, visited Mms. Wm. Tremin and Mr. and Mrs. W. Loveridgc. Mms. Edna McLaughlin, Blackstock. with Mr. and Mms.ý Ross Ashton. Barbara Jean Ashton, dau-ý ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross' Ashton, was chistcned at the church service at Enniskillený on Sunday evening. Good talk is like good scenemyl -_contiIIuous, yet constantly varyitig, and( full of the chamin of novelty and surpise.-Ran- dolph S. Bourne. Ci 'ri-le ont ario l.Iosp)ta3- SerVi'Ces CIo t l i ns~~ ua 0fça -ï .th-it ts baS).c (standard vard) 1.osPl 3.f cý"Mpce Jai Ury i.,L59 1 iT?10 R sTs 1-10W, kI-- t-I FFECT BLIXJinCOnSario3BSCWCýI ' -. uiJl 3DeCember sent h B3-X3l Cros i Oc Cr w3-- .t prOvide jtS presetb.siancate p OtheC e rt ar CrOslwi-tte avilbi5ppiementarY oea8 5Simuta neaaÎal tX-aat al personsll be e'xeCOe lan emi. and ot1uers) wb . l i~ nr.èd i l mnty (standa.rlrd ) 'OpI3-rae o to obtai'. Blue cross covr~ o 11pee priva'te bospl potetiocare. ar 'ri3 MMI the Birth of Jesus and the Neals, Heather Sisson, Mar- 'visit of the Three Wisemen. The guerite Beer and Linda Russell. Manger scene was most effec- Ail the pupils jolned in sing- tive. ing "Long, Long Ago", "A Ca- Primary pupils Barbara An- roi for Christmas" and "The giers, Ernest Beer and Linda Fimst Christmas". Russell sang three choruses "Let's Have a Quiet Christ- "Mr. Nobody", "Santa Land" mas"~ was a second dialogue and "Lullaby". and things didn't turn out so There werc recitations by quietly. Muriel Neals, Leonard Marguerite Beer, Wendy Pres- Bradimore, Marguerite Beer, ton, Donald Armstrong and Linda Russell, Ernest Beer, Ernest Beer. Barbara Angiers were the pu- In the -play "Christmas Er- pils taking part. rands" the young actors were Mr. Robert Sisson was the Donald Armstrong, Dianne Por- piano accompanist for the mus- ter, Muriel Neals and Heather ical numbers. Mms. Jack Arm- Sisson. strong was chairman for the Peter Beer sang a solo and pmogramn and she expressed piano inistrumentals were given thanks to the pupils and their by Marguerite Beer, Muriel teacher for their very fine cf- Neals and Heather Sisson. Leon- forts. ard -Bradimore contributcd a In spite of the mud, Santa solo with his own guitar ac- Claus was able to make his ap- companiment. The senior pupils peamance and had no difficulty sang several choruses "Silver in finding the littie red school- Beils, "Winter Wonderland" house on 7A Hlghway, for he and "White Christmas". has made, appearances there "A Very Strange School" was annually f or almost one hun- a dialogue given by Muriel dred years. I ~ COSS ilpo, te o 1anadwr ,,ecace betweeflieçOtU th-e dli ferel ney~ospItal care- lol d i alue C o tbosd enroîîed in 5 veSr .U7ote cad e Pr teo are Blu Crs l'", eniroS5ou £ ei-r if YoU are a u cOSan CbSrosbt eÙ, .c detail-5ot n o'» ejO in I l -le e rugh le ae r.tet~ persons 0id nB3rm Goe'bI dsros0thrfîr po a~~'3i be inforn e tro"l. ixeW f pc ad.vertis bOWme cn ris *ts. f il I I I. I p I p j Appoi ntments High School Bd. H. S. Winfield has betn ap. pointed to the Durham Coun. ty District High School Boar~d by town council Monday. Mr. Winfield, who is managing di. rector of Mathews Conveyer. Port Hope, will serve until the end of 1958. He replaces Burger, who resigned b of pressure of A ess. e G. Norman St' Port Hop~ was appointed three-ye term on the hig$ïschool boanp! Mr. Strong was chairman in 1955 when the new high school in Port Hope was opened. Qnljn income of $10,000 a yeara married Canadian witli no dependents paid $360 in1. corne tax in 1917, $655 in 1939. $1,560 in 1956. and 'iamily, Miss Agnes Wad-I Betbany: In many districts concert. deil, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Mcl.1 The Little Red Schoolhouse is Galloway's School, three McGee and Debra McGee, Rag- fast disappeaming, replaced by miles west of Bethany is typi- lan, with Mr. and Mms. Georgel more pretentious buildings. cal of- the above comments. At Waddell. j Yet, scattered through the ru- one time* there weme over '70 Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Mr. rai sections we still have some pupils on the roll, now reduc- and Mrs. Norman Wilson and tof the original schools bufit by ed to ten. Their teacher is Miss fam-ily of Yelverton with Mr.1 early settlers to accommodate Eleanor Rowan of Bethany and and Mra. Carl Smith. the large families of the area. she is to be highly commendcd 1 The population has dwindled, on her efforts to provide a Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Neals but the school remains and a Christmas concert in the school and family of Toronto, with hi5 graduate from Teachers' Col- room on Friday night. As will parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence lege is confronted wlth a real be seen from the following pro- Neals. problem in "making do" with gram, the pupîls had to do Mr. and Mrs. Finnie, Peter- the facilities available. Radio double, and sometimes triple borough, with Mr. and Mrs. and television are stiff compe- duty; yet their pierformance Joseph Rajski. tition, but theme is invariably was flawless. The little school- Mi and Mms. Harold Phillips, the conscicntious teacher, sens- house was .packed to the doors Peterborough, with -~Mr. and ing the desire of parents and for this event and evcryone en- Mrs. William Phillips. children alike; wliling to add to joyed the varlety program. Mr. and Mrs. John Challice, hem many duties of teaching Gloria Russell gave the op- Julie Challice, Millbrook; Mr. cîght grades in one room and ening recitation of "Welcome". and Mrs. Thomas Badiuk o continue with the old famillar AUl the pupils took part inia Pontypool with Mr. and Mrs. custom of a school Christmas pageant, telling the story of- chenko, Toronto, with Mm. and ....."............. . . Mrs. Orboe Wright* Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fallis, ,.. . .. . Mr. Gordon Fallis, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Glamence John- ston and Zetta Johnston,............ . . . . . Springville, with Mrs. Elmer Rowan. Mr. and Mms. Ernest Lane k ~ are with relatives at Kenora for two wecks. ....... SMr. and Mrs. Walter Neals ......... and their guest, Mrs. Lauma Spiers of Toronto, spent Christ- mas Day with their daughter and son-in-law, Mm. and Mrs. Donald Cathcart at Sping- ville. Mm. and Mrs. Mansel Wright motored to Tara to spend Christmas with Mrs. Wrght's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mc- Clellandf U Mr. and Mms. Walter Row- land are with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mms. ,Ber Fremanat Burlington for hrismasweek. Mm. Thomas Currie went toi hhome at Gananoque forIM Wednsdayand Thursday. Mrs Richsard Fallis, Miss Lauma Fallis and Fred Fallis joined the family gathering at ý: the home of Mr. and Mms. Mugh McDonald, Cavan, for Christ- j mas day. Friends will be pleased to know that Mms. Clama Arim- strong, who has been a patient - in Civic Hospital, Peterborough, ........<....~. < 1for sevemal weeks, was able toi retumn to hem home on Sunday. Miss Lily Thompson is in Pe- <*. terbomough with Mr. and Mms. Walter Thompson for Christmas ...... ........... Mis many fiends here were .. . deeply shocked to hear of the ......1 sudndcath of Mm. Alfred ~*~. (Ted.) St. John at Uxbrldge on .. ~, Fiday. Mm. St. John had. live..d.. ... in Bethany and was the C.N.R k station agent before movinË ta Uxbridge n Mr. Howard Rowan, Scarbor- . ... ........ ough, is homne for two weeks' ... holidays wlth his parents, Mmr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan »... Betffany Community Band ..,,~ added to the Christmas festivi- . .... .. . ... tics with a street concert Sun- À ~,' day afternoon. Up and down . , most of the village streets, e~:Z stopping in front of the homes . . of sick and shut-ins, they bought cheer with theim Chris- . Y ~.. tmas carois. k -Ae